
The film tells the story of a man named Maria nuns in the convent is too abnormal performance by some of the other nuns double evaluation. Finally, the Dean sent her to a man named Trapp Navy captain home as a family teacher. Actress Maria lively frank, out of the Abbey, bold pursuit of true love, to the innocence, love to take care of seven premature loss of mother's child.
Von Trapp is a kind and brave patriots, his wife died. Home there is no singing, no laughter. Colonel Maria came home, found the Colonel child management method is simple and crude. As long as the whistle blew, the children quickly from their room to run out, lined by sailors, as required to announce their names.
First, the children of Maria with the exclusion of emotions, always try to make fun of her, but Maria understood the children growing up in the doings, she guides them, care for them, help them, to win their trust, soon become their close friends, with whom they had established deep feelings.
冯?特拉普是个善良勇敢的爱国者,他的妻子早逝。家里没有歌声,也没有笑声。 玛利亚来到上校家中,发现上校管理孩子的方法简单而粗暴。只要他的哨声一响,孩子们就从各自房间里以最快的速度奔跑出来,排好队,按水兵操练的要求通报自己的姓名。
This movie really moved, is hidden behind the music that broad and deep love. Love, lover of love, the love to the motherland, the colonel who had been concentrated expression.
Colonel Trapp sang the song "Edelweiss", expressed his hope that the country safe and strong wish.
"The sound of music" this film is mainly about sister Maria because the character was sent to the home of Colonel von Trapp went home teacher.Then captain and fall in love and get married, but when they come back from their honeymoon when Austria was invaded by Germany, the Third Reich asked the colonel to the Third Reich service.The colonel to refuse to bring the family together to escape Austria night.But the Germans found, in the en

d they sisters help escape from Austria.This movie has a lot of characters are unforgettable.

I was most memorable von Colonel Trapp, his patriotism makes me unforgettable.When he sang "Bless my home land forever." expect to see the motherland a better hope is gone, can not help but choked couldn't sing, this let us see Colonel noble patriotic.The von Trapp family for their own dignity, at left all his property and status and risk their lives to escape from Austria. So I am very touched.

最令我难忘的是冯·特拉普上校上,他的爱国之情令我难忘。当他唱完”Bless my home land forever.”时看到期望祖国美好的希望破灭,不禁哽咽无法继续唱下去,这让我们看到了上校高尚的爱国情怀。冯·特拉普一家为了自己的尊严,不惜抛下自己所有的财产和地位以及冒着生命危险逃出奥地利的行动让我非常的感动。
From her singing we can see Maria's love, Maria's love of nature, love of life, longing for the love and the love for her illustrate this point.
Maria loving, happy and lively, have the courage to accept the challenge, and she is smart, generous, intelligent, versatile.She makes a originally lifeless family gradually emitting a lease of life and vigor, she let the children open their hearts return to nature
