



Health Center

9:00—16:00 every day

12 Nanjing Street


Free physical examination for those over 70

Give you good tips on how to keep healthy!


8:30—10:30 every Sunday

200 yuan a month

16 Fu Xian Street


Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!


Jane hopes you can come to her party!

Time:twenty to six in the afternoon

Date:Saturday, July 12th


The more friends, the better.

51.Which number may you dial if you want to get more information about Health Center?





52.One can get free physical examination in Health Center if he or she is .





53.The Sunny English Club is open hours every Sunday.





54.You will pay yuan if you want to be a member of the Sunny English Club for half a year.





55.Jane’s birthday party starts at in the afternoon.





56.Whose birthday party will be held?






Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, "I'm going to fly to New York next week because I've got some work there." "Where are you going to stay there?" his wife asked. "I don't know yet." Dick answered. "Please send me your address from there in a telegram (电报)," his wife said. "All right," Dick answered.

He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.

In the evening he didn't have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine o'clock and said, "Now I'm going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner."

He found a taxi and the driver said, "Where do you want to go?" But Dick didn't remember the name and address of his hotel."Which hotel are my things in?" he said, "And what am I going to do tonight?" But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, "Please send me my address at this post office."

1. Dick flew to New York because ___.

A. he went there for a holiday

B. he had work there

C. he went there for sightseeing

D. his home was there

2. Why did his wife want a telegram from him?

A. Because she didn't know his address yet

B. Because she wanted to go to New York, too

C. Because she might send him another telegram

D. Because she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York

3. Where did Dick stay in New York?

A. In the center of the city.

B. In a hotel.

C. In a restaurant.

D. At his friend's house.

4. Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?

A. The manager of his hotel.

B. The police office.

C. The taxi driver.

D. His wife.

5. Which of the following is not true?

A. Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city.

B. Dick didn't work on the first night of his arrival.

C. Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.

D. Dick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi.

6. Where did Dick come from?

A. England.

B. New York.

C. America .

D. Unknown.

Key: 1-5 B A B D C A


American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children began to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.

High school students take only or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class. After class they do many interesting


After high school, many students go to college. They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to give a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get the money for their studies.

1.There are in a summer holiday in American?

A.three months

B.two months

C.one month

D.more than two months

2.Most American children begin to go to school when they are years old.





3.Many students go to college after they .

A.have a lot of money


C.finish high school

D.make money

4.Many American students work after school to .

A.get money for their studies

B.help the other people

C.meet more friends

D.see interesting things

5.High school students take subjects each term.

A.only one or two

B.four or five


D.only two



“Depend on yourself”is what nature says to every man. Parents can help you. Teachers can help you. Others still can help you. But above all, only you can help yourself.There have been many men

in history. But many of them were very poor in childhood, and no uncles, aunts or friends could help them. Schools were few and not very godd. They could not depend upon them for an education. They say how it was, and set to work with all their strength to know something. They worked on their own till they became well known. One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils,“I can’t make worthy men of you, but I can help make men of yourself.”Some young men don’t try their best to make themselves valuable to the human beings. They can never gain achievement unless they see their weak points and change their course. They are nothing now, and will be nothing as long as they live, unless they accept the advice of their parents and teachers , and depend on their own efforts.

1.Which of the following title fits this article best?

A.What Nature Says to Every Man

B.How To Be Famous

C.Men Must Help Each Other

D.Depend on Yourself

2.Many of the great men succeeded, because .

A.they wanted very much to become well-known

B.they made great efforts to learn and work

C.they had received a good education

D.they had rich parents

3.According to the famous teacher in England, a teacher can .

A.make his pupils worthy men

B.help his pupils find a way to be famous

C.help his pupils make themselves useful men

D.make his pupils men of strength and courage

4.If young people depend on their own efforts,.

A.they are sure to be very famous in the world

B.they can be successful in their lives

C.they can live without their families

D.they no longer need any help

5.From this article we can learn the writer .

A.sings high praise for parents and teachers

B.is a man of strong character

C.thinks highly of those who are struggling for success

D.feels it is the most important of all to accept the advice of others



It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it is easier to fall into bad habits than into good ones.

Bad habits do not come suddenly. They come little by little while people do not notice their danger. Schoolboys first pick up little

bad habits in schools and on the streets. When they cannot finish their lessons, they copy from their classmates. If they see bigger boys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke. When they get bigger, the habits become so strong that they can no longer get rid of them. From copying, they fall behind; then they learn to steal. Smoking is bad for their bodies. At last, they become worse and worse.

How necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the beginning!

1.According to the passage it is probable that .

A.it is difficult to fall into bad habits

B.it is not easy to fall into good habits

C.it is not easy to fall into bad habits

D.it is not difficult to fall into good habits

2.Whcih of these sentences is true?

A.Good habits come suddenly

B.B.Bad habits come suddenly

C.Bad habits come little by little

D.Good habits come more easily

3. is one of bad habits.

A.Copying from the classmates



D.All of the above

4.If you learn to smoke when you are young, after you grow up, you .

A.will have a good time

B.will learn to steal

C.will fall behind

D.can not get rid of them

5.The main idea of the passage would be .

A.that it is easier to fall into bad habits than into good habits

B.that it is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill

C.that bad habits do not come suddently

D.that it is necessary to get rid of the bad habits in the beginning



一窗山海的阅读理解题答案_阅读理解题及答案 ①人的生活目标,往往决定他对风景的看法。 ②然而人人看法有异。就如有朋友说,山海只是属于假期的,是一种遥远的风景。 ③还有些朋友,当看到某些挂历上的遥远之处,就会向往住在那里的人们,说他们幸福,能世世代代拥有好空气、天然的水、无污 的宽阔土地,还有真实又自然的食物。但假如那时真有一位能神给 予法力让他眨一下眼就梦境成真,我打赌他眼睫毛都不敢动一下。 并非风景遥远,而是,向往只不过是都市人一种用来松弛身心的精 神瑜珈,尤其在冷气房里,在场面撑得十分疲倦的会议之后,在周 末下着狂风暴雨的窗外,心里有点毫无着落的感觉涌来,那种都市 人常有的习惯性风景幻想,就会变成虚拟场面。 ④我想,对于风景我是绝对执著的。风景的虚实其实都在于那个人自己的感受。有些人不满15岁就向自己许下承诺,非要在众目睽 睽之下干出一番事业闪烁峥嵘不可。这么美好的理想也真叫人动容,只可惜35岁之后再去找回这些人.就知道周而复始的不过是黄粱影子。 ⑤也有人,或许很早就向往另端无边的宽阔,这有时也许会让我们看到一些早熟的诗人或灵气浪漫的画家。可惜预告片虽多,真正 上演的机会甚少;有也是快上快下,大浪冲几回,社会出入口处只有 整齐的队形。 ⑥现实就是如此。当人开始意识到自己该重新衡量环境的选择时,身边的种种现实,早已架构成层层阻碍。况且,人一出世就有许多 等着接收的附赠品,宗室籍贯、文化背景,以及许多不能脱身的责 任与承诺,通常都是在人还没有能力为自己编剧之前就纷纷而至的。戏演下来,就给自己无法离场的借口,除非大限突至。就算年轻人 向往翅膀,年幼少小也无可奈何,只得渐渐投入现实,不久也就同 而化之。什么当年看法,什么第三种角度,统统置于脑海底层,要


阅读短文,按要求作答。 (一) 滴水穿石 雨越下越大,本来我要到同学家去学习,这下只好拉倒了。我坐在门口,看着瓢泼大雨出神。爸爸喊我:“你看,雨水都溅在身上了。”我没理会,却好像发现了什么奇妙的东西:“爸爸,你看!屋檐下的石头,怎么隔着一段距离,就有一个小窝?”爸爸还没有回答,我就自己解释说:“爸爸,我知道了,那是让屋檐滴下的雨水打的。”“是吗?”爸爸故意惊奇地问:“雨水有那么大的尽儿,把石头打出窝窝来?”爸爸这一问,我也愣住了。 爸爸见我答不出,就走过来笑着说:“这叫‘水滴石穿’。咱们这房子已有几十年了,雨点的力量虽小,可是长年累月,它总滴到一个地方,渐渐地就打出小窝来了。”接着,爸爸又说,“无论干什么事情,只要有这种滴水穿石的精神,就一定会成功的。”‖ 听了爸爸的话,我心里想:“要永远记住‘滴水穿石’的启发。”‖ 1、用“‖”给文章分段。 2、给本文命一个合适的题目,写在文章前面的横线上。 3、“我”发现了什么美妙的东西?(用“”划出文中的句子回答。) 4、用“————”标出有关的句子,来说明这篇文章告诉我们的道理。 5、联系这篇文章回答: ⑴爸爸为什么要“故意”地发问? _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ⑵读了这篇文章后你得到什么启发? _____做任何事都要有恒心,只要长年累月地努力去做,就一定能成功。 (二) 家乡的小河(10分) 在我家院子的后面,流淌着一条清澈的小河。它是宁静的,宛如明镜一般,倒映着红色的花,绿色的树;她又是活泼可爱的,层层鳞浪随风而起,伴着跳跃的阳光在舞蹈,舞姿优美得就像天空的七彩绸。 小河的早晨是迷人的。绚丽的晨曦中,刚刚苏醒的小河揉了揉眼睛,好奇地张望她周围的新鲜东西。这时水绿得像玉,霞红得似胭脂,袅袅上升的雾气像洁白的羽纱,轻掩着小河姑娘那羞涩的脸蛋。 太阳爬上了树梢,把自己的身躯映在河水中,欣赏着火红的脸庞。一群白鹅开始了“曲项向天歌”“红掌拨轻波”的嬉戏。鱼儿凑趣地跳跃着,翻起了一个个跟头,顿时河面上鳞光闪闪。中午的小河真是活泼极了。 傍晚小河真可爱。夕阳西下,太阳把余晖洒在河面上,小河里这处红,那处绿。又一阵风来,倒映着的泥岸和成排的桑树、桃树,都乱成灰暗的一片,像醉汉,可一会儿又站定了。 小河的夜晚可静啦。喧闹了一天的小河带着倦意入睡了,她像凝固了一般,躺在那


中考语文阅读专题训练 (一)夜深了,花睡了 三毛 我爱一切的花朵。在任何一个千红万紫的花摊上,各色花朵的壮阔交杂,成了都市中最美的点缀。 其实我并不爱花圃,爱的是旷野上随着季节变化而生长的野花和那微风吹过大地时的感动。 生活在都市里的人,迫不得已在花市中捧些花回家。对于离开泥土的鲜花,我总有一种疼惜又抱歉的心理,可还是要买的。这种对花的抱歉和喜悦,总也不能过分去分析。 在所有的花朵中,如果要说“最爱”,我选择一切白色的花,尤其是长梗的百合。 许多年前,我尚在大西洋的小岛上过日子,那时,经济拮据,丈夫失业快一年了。我在家中种菜,屋子里插的是一人高的枯枝和芒草,那种东西,艺术品位高,并不差的。我不买花。 有一日,丈夫和我打开邮箱,又是一封求职被拒的回信。那一阵,其实并没有山穷水尽,粗茶淡饭的日子过得没有悲伤,可是一切维持生命之外的物质享受,已不敢奢求。那是一种恐惧,眼看存款一日日减少,心里怕得失去了安全感。这种情况只有经历过失业的人才能明白。 我们眼看求职再一次受挫,没有说什么,去了大菜场,买了些最便宜的冷冻排骨和矿泉水,就出来了。不知怎么一疏忽,丈夫不见了,我站在大街上等,心事重重的。一会儿,丈夫回来了,手里捧着一小束百合,兴冲冲地递给我,说:“百合上市了。” 那一瞬间,我突然失了理智,向丈夫大叫起来:“什么时候了?什么经济能力?你有没有分寸,还去买花?!”说着我把那束花“啪”一下丢到地上,转身就跑。在举步的那一刹间,其实我已经后悔了。我回头,看见丈夫呆了一两秒钟,然后弯下身,把那些撒在地上的花,慢慢拾了起来。 我向他奔过去,喊着:“荷西,对不起。”我扑上去抱他,他用手围着我的背,紧了一紧,我们对视,发觉丈夫的眼眶红了。


英语阅读理解专项习题及答案解析及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Every day I see advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses claiming that it is easy and quick to learn English. There is even a reference to William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage learners even more. When I see advertisements like this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. But many people must believe these ridiculous claims, or else the advertisements would not appear. Of course it is clear that students who go to England to learn English have a great advantage over others, but too many cannot afford to do so. Some go to the opposite extreme and think they can teach themselves at home with dictionaries. But it is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language, let alone produces good pronunciation and intonation. Most teaching is still based on behaviorist psychology. Behaviorists are fond of making students repeat phrases and making sentences. If we were parrots or chimpanzees, these methods might be successful. A large number of theorists seem to think it is a pity we aren't, because it would make it easier to use their methods. In my personal opinion, no one can ever learn to speak English or any other language unless he is interested in it. Human beings, unlike parrots and chimpanzees, do not like making noises unless they understand what the noises mean and can relate them to their own lives. It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication. What they listen to and read cannot be a formula. It must be real. There is another relevant point worth mentioning here. We need other people to talk to and listen to when we communicate. They can work with us and practice the unfamiliar forms with us in real situations, talking to each other about real life language. (1)Many people believe advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses probably because . A. they are encouraged by William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens B. they are eager to learn and then believe them C. the ways advertised can help them to save time and efforts D. the ways advertised prove effective and helpful (2)What may behaviorists argue towards English learning? A. Human beings make more interesting noises than parrots and chimpanzees. B. Human beings should relate their speech to their own lives. C. Language is a formula with lots of repetitions and practices. D. Language is a means of communication. (3)What opinion does the author hold? A. A quick method that suits all the students does exist. B. English can be mastered within a very short period of time. C. Each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language. D. No one can learn English well without being interested in it.


四年级阅读训练含答案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

告诉妈妈,我爱她 连续三个星期,约翰一直忙着拜访客户。母亲节快到了,过去他总要在这一天回到母亲身边,向她送上(衷心忠心)的祝福,但是今年他实在太累了。一天,他驱车路过一家花店时,心想:“给妈妈送上几枝玫瑰(guī gui)不就行了”他大步流星地走进那家小小的花店,只见一个小男孩问店主:“阿姨,6美元能买多少玫瑰”店主对他说:“玫瑰价格太高,不如买康乃馨。” □不□我就要玫瑰□他说□妈妈去年得了一场大病□我却没能在她床前尽孝□所以□我希望选个不同寻常的礼物□看来玫瑰最合适□因为那是她最喜欢的花□男孩态度坚决□ 店主抬眼瞧了一下约翰,继而无奈地摇摇头。可是,男孩的话打动了约翰心灵深处的某种东西。他看着店主,用口形默示他愿意替男孩付清玫瑰花的钱。这下店主放心了,她注视着男孩说:“得,你的6美元能买一打玫瑰。”男孩听罢高兴得差点跳起来。他接过玫瑰直奔(bèn bēn)店外,却不知道约翰为他垫付了35美元。看到男孩如愿以偿,约翰心里同样甜滋滋的。 约翰也在这家花店为妈妈订了鲜花,并再三嘱咐店主送花时务必附上一张纸条,告诉妈妈他是多么爱她。之后他乐呵呵地离开了花店。在距花店大约两个街区的地方,他遇到了红灯。这时,他看到男孩正沿着人行道向前疾走,最终跨过马路从两扇大门进了一座公园——不!突然,他意识到那不是公园,而是公墓。 约翰心血来潮□把车停在路边□开始步行顺着篱笆追赶男孩□他跟男孩只差30步□男孩在一座墓碑前停下□跪在地上□小心翼翼地把玫瑰花摆好□接着便抽泣不止□男孩边哭边说□妈妈呀□妈妈□,我真后悔□没告诉你我是怎样爱你□上帝啊□请你找到我妈妈□对她说我爱她□ 约翰转过身,泪水像涌泉一般流出眼眶。他返回汽车,快速赶回花店,告诉店主他将亲自把鲜花送给母亲。 1、划去括号中不恰当的字或音节。 2、在□中填上合适的标点符号。 2、联系上下文,解释下列词语的意思。 如愿以偿:

中考 语文散文阅读专题专题训练及答案

中考语文散文阅读专题专题训练及答案 一、中考语文散文阅读专题练习 1.阅读下面的文字,完成下列小题。 废园外 巴金 ①晚饭后出去散步,走着走着我又走到这里来了。 ②从墙的缺口望见园内的景物,还是一大片欣欣向荣的绿叶。在一个角落里,一簇深红色的花盛开,旁边是一座毁了的楼房的空架子。屋瓦全震落了,但是楼前一排绿栏杆还摇摇晃晃地悬在架子上。 ③我看看花,花开得正好,大的花瓣,长的绿叶。这些花原先一定是种在窗前的,我想,一个星期前,有人从精致的屋子里推开小窗眺望园景,赞美的眼光便会落在这一簇花上。也许还有人整天倚窗望着园中的花树,把年轻人的渴望从眼里倾注在红花绿叶上面。 ④但是现在窗没有了,楼房快要倾塌了。只有园子里还盖满绿色,花还在盛开。倘使花能够讲话,它们会告诉我,它们所看见的窗内的面颜,年轻的面颜,可是,如今永远消失了。花要告诉我的不止这个,它们一定要说出8月14曰的惨剧。精致的楼房就是在那天毁了的,不到一刻钟的工夫,一座花园便成了废墟了。 ⑤我望着园子,绿色使我的眼睛舒畅。废墟么?不,园子已经从敌人的炸弹下复活了。在那些带着旺盛生命的绿叶红花上,我看不出一点被人践踏的痕迹。但是耳边忽然响起一个女人的声音:“陈家三小姐,刚才挖出来。”我回头看,没有人。这句话就是在惨剧发生后的第二天听到的。 ⑥那天中午我也走过这个园子,不过不是在这里,是在另一面,就是在楼房的后边。在那个中了弹的防空洞旁边,在地上或者在土坡上,我记不起了,躺着三具尸首,是用草席盖着的。中间一张草席下面露出一只瘦小的腿,腿上全是泥土,随便一看,谁也不会想到这是人腿。人们还在那里挖掘。远远地在一个新堆成的土坡上,也是从炸塌了的围墙缺口看进去,七八个人带着悲戚的面容,对着那具尸体发愣。这些人一定是和死者相识的罢。那个中午妇人指着露腿的死尸说:“陈家三小姐,刚才挖出来。”以后从另一个人的口里我知道了这个防空洞的悲惨故事。 ⑦一只带泥的腿,一个少女的生命。我不认识这位小姐,我甚至没有见过她的面颜。但是望着一园花树,想到关闭在这个园子里的寂寞的青春,我觉得心里被什么东西搔着似的痛起来。连这个安静的地方,连这个渺小的生命,也不为那些太阳旗的空中武士所容。两三颗炸弹带走了年轻人的渴望。炸弹毁坏了一切,甚至这个寂寞的生存中的微弱的希望。这样地逃出囚笼,这个少女是永远见不到园外的广大世界了。 ⑧花随着风摇头,好像在叹息。它们看不见那个熟悉的窗前的面庞,一定感到寂寞而悲戚罢。 ⑨但是一座楼隔在它们和防空洞的中间,使它们看不见一个少女被窒息的惨剧,使它们看不见带泥的腿。这我却是看见了的。关于这我将怎样向人们诉说呢? ⑩夜色降下来,园子渐渐地隐没在黑暗里。我的眼前只有一片黑暗。但是花摇头的姿态还是看得见的。周围没有别的人,寂寞的感觉突然侵袭到我的身上来。为什么这样静?为什么不出现一个人来听我愤慨地讲述那个少女的故事?难道我是在梦里?


Passage 1 Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening. One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own. Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the countr y. If one likes garden, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of Nature. Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night. 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city. B. All the people who work in London prefer to live in the country. C. Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London. D. Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside. 2. With the same money needed for ________, one can buy a little house with a garden in the country. A. getting a small flat with a garden B. having a small flat with a garden C. renting a small flat without a garden D. buying a small flat without a garden 3. When the garden is in blossom, the one ________ has been rewarded. A. living in the country B. having spent time working in the garden. C. having a garden of his own. D. having been digging, planting and watering 4. People who think happiness lies in the city life would feel that ________ if they had to live outside London. A. their life was meaningless B. their life was invaluable C. they didn’t deserve a happy life D. they were not worthy of their happy life 5. The underlined phrase “get away from” in the 3rd paragraph refers to ________. A. deal with B. do away with C. escape from D. prevent from 很多在伦敦工作的人喜欢住在伦敦郊外,然后每天乘火车、汽车和公交车去上班或上学。这也就意味着他们不得不早出晚归。


四年级小学语文阅读题及答案 4、路上 清晨,妈妈把我从暖烘烘的被窝里拉起来:“小功,你姥姥病了,快叫你舅舅来!” 舅舅住在离我家3里多的小村里,为了赶时间,我顾不得穿戴整齐就出了门。出门没几步,就到了农贸市场。这里的商品丰富极了,有银光闪闪的带鱼、肥壮的公鸡和母鸡,还有鲜嫩的蔬菜。顾客很多,熙(xī)熙攘(ránɡ)攘。 我正赶着路,突然看见了一位老奶奶提着沉甸甸的菜篮子一步三颤地走着。我忙上前帮她提篮子,一步一步地扶着她回家。老奶奶感激地说:“谢谢你啰!”我说:“没关系。” 时间已经6点了,我赶紧奔跑起来。由于心急,我竟和一辆自行车相撞。骑自行车的哥哥没有责怪我,反而说:“小朋友,看样子你有什么急事。快上车吧,我送你去。” 1、本文写了“我”上路的原因、经过和结果。 原因: 经过: 结果: 2、照样子,写叠词。 如:暖烘烘()()()()() 3、写出表示“手”和“脚”的动作的词各五个。 表示“手”的动词如:扶 表示“脚”的动词如:跑 4、写出和“清晨”以及“赶紧”意思相近的词各四个。 “清晨”的近义词:()()()() “赶紧”的近义词:()()()() 5、本文写了“我”在路上和 这两件事,反映了人们之间的新风尚。 【参考答案】

1、原因:姥姥病了,妈妈要我去叫舅舅。经过:路上遇见一位老奶奶,帮她提篮并送她回家。后来因为心急,撞上了一辆自行车,骑车的哥哥非但没怪我,反送我上舅舅家。结果:我到了舅舅家。 5、拂晓、早晨、清早、黎明、早上……;赶快、赶忙、匆忙、连忙、急忙、马上、立刻…… 6、帮助老奶奶一个哥哥用自行车把“我”载到舅舅家互相关心 ----------------------------------------------------------- 5、山羊和狼 狼干了坏事,被狗咬伤,倒在地上,自己不能找吃的。它真想到前面的河里去喝水,可是,怎么也爬不动。 这时,从远处走来了一只山羊。狼有气无力地叫着:“山羊大哥,我渴极了!请您快给我到小河里弄点水来!” 山羊望了望狼,摇了摇头说:“我不能替你去拿水。” 狼(纲刚)想发火,忽然伤口一阵剧痛,便忍住了,“我受伤了,伤势很重,一点也不能动了!(难道难到)你一点不同情我吗?” 山羊还是摇了摇头。 狼简直要哭出来了,又苦苦地(请求哀求)到:“行行好吧!山羊大哥。只要你给我一点儿水,我就可以自己去找食物了,要不我会饿死、渴死的!” “要是我给你水喝,你能够站起来了,那么,你会(毫豪)不客气地把我当食物吃了!”山羊说完,头也不回就走了。 1、在括号里选留一个正确的字或词,把不正确的划去。 2、画线的句子是句。请把它改为陈述句。 3、文中加点词语“要是”,还可以用那些词来替换,请写出两个。(句子意思不变) (1)(2) 4、从文中找出下列词语的近义词。 剧痛()哀求()发火() 5、短文三次山羊头部动作的描写,表现了山羊 6、这则寓言说明坏人的凶恶本性是的,我们绝不能。


阅读短文及答案 (一)换一扇窗 一个美国的小男孩天生就有个大鼻子,因为这个大鼻子,他在学校几乎成了每个学生嘲笑的对象。他因此而闷闷不乐,不爱和同学打交道,不愿意参加集体活动,只是常常趴在教室的最后一扇窗户看风景。 他的老师玛利亚发现了小男孩的忧郁。一次课后,她走到小男孩身边问:“你在看什么呢?” “我看见一些人正在埋葬那条可爱的小狗。”小男孩悲伤不已。 “那我们到前面的一扇窗户边看看吧。”玛利亚牵着小男孩的手到另一扇窗户边,“孩子,你看到了什么?” 窗外是一片玫瑰花,开得芬芳而灿烂。小男孩的悲伤顿时一扫而光。 “孩子,你刚才开错了窗户了。”玛利亚抚摸着小男孩的头说。 “你知道吗?在老师的心目中,你的鼻子是最可爱的。”玛利亚说。 “大家都笑我啊。”小男孩深感委屈。 “那是因为你没有换一扇窗户。你应该把你鼻子最可爱的一面展示给大家看啊。” ☆恰好学校要排演一个小型话剧,其中一个角色很适合小男孩。在玛利亚的鼓励下,小男孩鼓起勇气参加并获得了成功。由于他的大鼻子,所以人人都记住了这个学校里的小明星。 后来,小男孩参加美国在线节目的演出,结果名声大振。再后来,他进入好莱坞,成了最受欢迎的明星之一。他叫斯格特,是20世纪美国最著名的滑稽明星之一。 是的,当你因某种缺陷而愁闷苦恼时,应该换一扇窗。这样,你会看到别样的风景。换一种思考和行动方式,开启的将是成功的大门。 1 用简洁的语言写出第10自然段(画☆的自然段)的主要内容。 2 把短文分成两部分,在每部分开头标上“Δ”。 3 根据短文填空。 ①当小男孩在一扇窗中看到人们正在埋葬一条可爱的小狗时, 他;当他换了一扇窗,看到一片芬芳灿烂的玫瑰花时,他的悲伤。 ②“换一扇窗”表面意思是换一个窗户看风景就可以看到不同的风景,深刻的含义是


天堂里的老师 他是我分管的病人当中比较坚强的一位。他不像有的癌症患者,以绝望、恐惧的态度对待疾病。他很平静,很配合治疗,而且相当用功,一直坚持自学大学课程。他叫阿明,19岁,某师范大学二年级学生,血癌。 由于多次化疗,这个19岁男孩的头发已全部掉光,脸色苍白如纸,只有一双大眼炯炯有神地闪着不屈的青春之光。入院时130斤的体重只剩下90多斤,同时,也打碎了他的教师梦。他写了这样的诗句: 鸟儿衔走所有快乐的音符 风儿吹走描绘明天的彩笔 只留下苍白的影子在风中悲泣 心中的太阳陨落在无歌的冬季 在阿明的隔壁病房,住着一个7岁的小男孩冬冬。不做治疗时,阿明常去给冬冬讲故事,辅导作业,有时还教几个外语单词。病房里的沉寂和生命走近终点时的压抑因为有了冬冬那清脆的笑声而变得活力四射。阿明成了冬冬的编外老师。 那天上午查房,阿明突然问我:“医生,我还能活多久?”我故作轻松地说:“起码要活100年,好好过你的瘾。”他却盯着我的眼睛:“我想知道实情。”我躲开他那探询的目光,说:“好好做治疗。”便匆匆逃出病房,心理却非常清楚,这两条鲜活的生命难熬过这个漫长的冬天。 第二天上午,推开病房的门,阿明正在教冬冬写毛笔字,一笔一画,一撇一捺,那么认真那么从容。阳光从窗外射进来,仿佛一道灿烂绝伦的光环笼罩他们。生命被抛至如此绝境,他们却用自己的方式顽强地抗拒着,不向命运低头。还有比这更令人心动的情景吗? 没过多久,冬冬死了,弥留时冬冬拉着阿明的手:“我要上学。” 一连几天,阿明没再走出病房,只是闷着看书。我担心冬冬的死会影响他的情绪,便劝他保重身体。他却一把抓住我的手:“医生,我知道我自己活不了多久了,本想等大学毕业后当一名教师,现在看来已经来不及了。病房晚上10点熄灯太早,您能不能再给我亮一个小时的灯?还剩最后一册我就学完了全部课程。” “不行,那样违反规定。再说,你学了,也没有用。”我有点残忍地拒绝着。 “不!”他用极神圣的语气告诉我,“学完了全部课程,即使到了天堂,我也要当一名教师,去教像冬冬那样不幸夭折的没有机会上学的孩子。”我被他深深地打动了,含着泪花破例答应了他的请求。 每晚到了10点,病房统一熄灯后,只有阿明的房间灯还亮着。那闪烁的灯光像一面旗帜在向人们昭示:生命也许很脆弱,生命又真的很顽强。 三个月后,阿明死了,死的很安详。我想:“他一定去了天堂,他会是天堂里最好的老师。”


四、五年级写人阅读练习 (满分100分) 一、《陈毅》 陈毅五岁半就在一家书塾读书。他学习成绩总是名列前茅,同学们都称他“小神童”。// 一天,毛老师来到陈毅家,看到他正在灶前一边烧火一边看书。因为他看书入了迷,火烧得太旺了,从锅里透出了糊味儿。妈妈刚从井边洗菜回来,发现米饭烧糊了,气得火冒三丈,抄起刷子,就往灶前冲去。“不要打孩子!”毛老师连忙劝阻,“饭烧糊了,可以将就吃,这孩子专心用功,我就喜欢。”说着,毛老师又亲切地对陈毅说:“以后做事,要多多留心!”陈毅点点头。毛老师从陈毅手里那过书一看,原来是一篇还未教的课文,他已经用笔在上面画了许多圈圈点点。毛老师惊奇地问:“这些符号是什么意思?” 陈毅回答说:“打圈圈的,是懂得的;打半圈圈的,不太明白,等老师讲明白了,再打圈圈;打墨点的是生字。原来陈毅每次听课前,总要把新的课文先预习一下,把生字和不懂的词勾画出来。听课时,格外留心,再抓住不懂的地方,便直接向老师提出问题。毛老师十分高兴地称赞道:“真是一个很好的学习方法。今天我总算发现了你学习成绩好的‘秘诀’。人们称赞你是‘小神童’,说你天资聪明,其实更重要的是你勤奋,你真正懂得了‘学问学问,多学多问’的道理!”// 1.短文已用“//”分为两段,写出每段的段意。(6分) 第一段: 第二段: 2.同学们都称赞陈毅为“小神童”的原因有两点:(4分) (1) (2) 3.“学问学问,多学多问”中的“学问”指,(2分)“多学多问”的好处是。(3分) 4.“秘诀”的意思是?用“”在文中划出具体描写陈毅学习成绩好的秘诀的语句。(4分) 5、加下划画的句子把妈妈生气时的动作写得惟妙惟肖,你能将妈妈高兴 ..时候的动作写出来吧!至少要有4个连续的动词哦!(6分) ㈡成全善良 李文勇 那是三月里的一天,我去医院看望一个生病的朋友。 因为是双休日,等公交车的人很多,在我旁边站着一个老人和他的女儿,听他们的对话,是陪老人去医院看病的,正好跟我同路。 那个女儿为了不让人群碰撞到父亲,一手在前面挡着人群,一手搀着父亲的胳膊上车。车上早就人满为患,这时一个姑娘站了起来,微笑着对那位老人说:“大爷,您来这里坐吧!”可那位老人却说:“谢谢了,姑娘,我站站没关系,你坐吧!”那女儿也说父亲身体硬朗着,站站就到了! 那个姑娘似乎没想到会这样,有些尴尬,再次说:“您坐吧,大爷!”那个女儿似乎还想说什么,只见老人拉了拉她的手,说:“好好,那就太谢谢你了!”说

阅读理解练习 附答案

一、阅读精讲 Recently a program called Apps for Apes was started by the New York-baxxxxsed nonprofit organization OrangutanOutreach. The program introduces Apple’s iPad to orangutans in zoos. How could orangutans react to seeing another orangutan using the iPad when they themselves are not using it? Mr. Zimmerman explains that the orangutans all want to use the tablet when they see it. This desire could come from wanting their caretaker’s same attention. Mr. Zimmerman told us what happens in a situation where the mother of a baby orangutan uses the iPad with an animal caretaker. When the baby orangutan sees the iPad he will jump over and want to play with them. In this case he advises having two iPads and caretakers to work with the mother and the baby. Another example comes from an animal sanctuary in Florida. “At the Center for Great Apes in Florida when we use an iPad with Mari a female orangutan Pongo a big male who lives with Mari gets jealous and wants the attention. So he comes running over and wants to use the iPad.” How do orangutans react to seeing visitors using iPads? Mr. Zimmerman says this behavior has not been reported. But he says orangutans are used to being taken pictures with other devices. So they don’t mind anything pointing at them such as a c amera or a phone. Mr. Zimmerman adds that the orangutans do recognize the iPad but to know what they are thinking is a bit more difficult. We are expecting mind readers to tell us what a great ape is thinking or someone has developed an app for that? 1、Words and phrases (1)react to 对……做出反应 He didn't react to the question. (2)want to do sth. 想要做某事 John want to go shopping with his mother.约翰想和妈妈去逛街。 (3)come from 来自于,相当于be from He comes/is from America.他来自于美国。 (4)jump over 跳过,越过 I'm gonna jump over it! 我要跳了! (5)be used to doing 习惯做某事 I'm used to running every morning. 我习惯了每天早晨跑步。 He has been used to doing homework after coming home.他已经习惯了回家后做作业。 (6)take pictures 照相,相当于take photos We took many photos in the park last Sunday.我们上周日在公园找了很多照片。 (7)mind doing sth. 介意做某事 Do you mind opening the door?你介意打开门吗? 2、Listening practice Recently a program called Apps for Apes was started by the New York-baxxxxsed nonprofit organization Orangutan Outreach. The program introduces Apple’s iPad to orangutans in zoos. How could orangutans react to seeing another orangutan using the iPad when they themselves are not using it? Mr. Zimmerman explains that the orangutans all want to use the tablet when they see it. This desire could come from wa nting their caretaker’s same attention. Mr. Zimmerman told us what happens in a situation where the mother of a baby orangutan uses the iPad with an animal caretaker. When the baby orangutan sees the iPad he will jump over and want to


中考语文小说阅读专题训练专项训练及答案 一、中考语文小说阅读专题训练 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 我为白菜狂的日子 莫言 12岁那年,一个临近春节的早晨,母亲叹息着,并不时把目光抬高,瞥一眼那三棵吊在墙上的白菜。最后,母亲的目光锁定在白菜上,端详着,终于下了决心似的,叫我去找个篓子来。 “娘”我悲伤地问,“您要把它们……” “今天是大集。”母亲沉重地说。 “可是,您答应过的,这是我们留着过年的……”话没说完,我的眼泪就涌了出来。“我们种了一百零四棵白菜,卖了一百零一棵,只剩下这三棵了……说好了留着过年包饺子的……”我哽咽着说。 母亲靠近我,掀起衣襟,擦去了我脸上的泪水。透过矇眬的泪眼,我看到母亲把那两棵较大的白菜从墙上摘下来。最后,那棵最小的、形状圆圆像个和尚头的也脱离了木橛子,挤进了篓子里。我熟悉这棵白菜。因为它生长在最靠近路边那行的拐角处,小时被牛踩了一脚,一直长得不旺。我和母亲格外关照它。尽管还是小,但卷得十分饱满,收获时母亲拍打着它,感慨地对我说:“你看看它,你看看它……”在那一瞬间,母亲脸上洋溢着欣喜的表情,仿佛拍打着一个历经磨难终于长大成人的孩子。 去集市的路上。寒风凛冽,有太阳,很弱,仿佛随时都要熄灭似的。我的手很快冻麻了,篓子跌在地上,篓底有几根蜡条跌断了,那棵最小的白菜从篓子里跳出来,滚到路边结着白冰的水沟里,根跌损了。母亲在我头上打了一巴掌,然后小心又匆忙地下到沟底将它抱上来放进篓子。我知道闯了大祸,哭着说:“我不是故意的,我真的不是故意的……”母亲的脸色缓和了,没再打骂我,只用一种温暖的腔调说:“不中用,把饭吃到哪里去了?”然后蹲下身,将背篓的木棍搭上肩头。 终于挨到了集上。母亲将篓子放在七姥爷的旁边,就让我去上学。我也想走,但看到一个老太太朝着我们的白菜走了过来。她用细而沙哑的嗓音问了白菜的价钱,摇摇头,看样子是嫌贵。但她没有走,而是蹲下,揭开那张破羊皮,翻动着我们的三棵白菜。她把那棵最小的白菜上那半截欲断未断的根拽了下来,然后又用枯柴一样的手指,逐棵地戳着我们的白菜。撇着嘴说我们的白菜卷得不紧。母亲用忧伤的声音说:“大婶子啊,这样的白菜您还嫌卷得不紧,那您就到市上,看看哪里还能找到卷得更紧的?” 我对这个老太太充满了厌恶感,你拽断了我们的白菜根也就罢了,可你不该昧着良心说我们的白菜卷得不紧。我忍不住冒出了一句话:“再紧就成了石头蛋子了!”老太太惊讶地看着我。母亲转回头批评我:“小小孩儿,说话没大没小的!” 老太太撕扯着那棵最小的白菜上那层已干枯的菜帮子。我十分恼火,便刺她:“别撕了,你撕了让我们怎么卖?!” “你这个小孩子,说话怎么就像吃了枪药一样呢?”老太太嘟哝着,但撕扯菜帮子的手却并不停止。 她终于还是将那层干菜帮子全部撕光,露出了鲜嫩、洁白的菜帮。这样的白菜包成饺
