扩展英语词汇Unit 11-3

扩展英语词汇Unit 11-3
扩展英语词汇Unit 11-3

Unit 11 Roots about “Breaking”, “Building” and “Standing”

Lecture 3

Roots about “Standing”

1. Warming-up 课程准备

Too many people are content to fly under the radar. That’s fine as long as we don’t expect to get anywhere. But if we want to be seen as influential, if we want people to notice if we miss work, we should not only learn our job, but excel at it. Doing so is how we succeed above and beyond what even we knew was possible.

So, in this lecture, we introduce roots about “standing”. It helps if we know from the very beginning of our career that to establish ourselves in any job, we need to stand out. There are several things we can do. Set aside a bit of time to determine steps we can take to help the whole team. Consider starting a project by developing ideas then get a team together to launch it. They will all contribute to your success.

2. Words to Watch 词汇锦囊

Root “sta” an d the words: establish, contrast, destination, constant.

Root “stitu” an d the words: institute, constitute, restitute, substitute, destitute.

Root “sist” an d the words: consist, desist, subsist, persistence.

1) establish


e.g. He decided to leave school and establish his own company.

2) contrast


e.g. The weather down here is a contrast to what we’re having back home.

3) destination


e.g. Coastal city Qingdao is a preferred destination of many tourists.

4) constant


e.g. He found it impossible to work with constant interruption.

5) institute


e.g. The Dean decided to institute a new course in American literature.

6) constitute


e.g. The total surroundings constitute the environment of one’s life.

7) restitute


e.g. The insurance company tries to restitute those losses.

8) substitute


e.g. Only art can substitute for nature.

9) destitute


e.g. They were destitute of necessaries of life.

11) consist


e.g. Her charm does not consist only in her beauty.

12) desist


e.g. The protesters need to desist from such foolish activities.

13) subsist


e.g. Squirrels subsist on nuts during the winter.

14) persistence


e.g. It was her persistence that helped her out of danger.

3. Cultural Interaction 文化采撷

Chinese modern universities and foreign language learning

Higher education in China is continuously growing, changing and developing. For the past 2500 years, the traditional Chinese education system is based on the teachings of Confucius. But ever since the late nineteenth century, outside influences have played a large role in China's educational development. In 1862, Chinese government established an interpreter training institution 京师同文馆. In 1898, 京师同文馆was merged into the newly established 京师大学堂 (the Supreme College of the Capital City), predecessor of the present Peking University.

4. Critical-Thinking Questions 思辨问题

Have Chinese universities caught up with their western counterparts? Or are they better than the latter now?


必修4单词拼写训练 unit 1 1. With her great efforts,she has a__________ everything she wanted to do. 2. Our school is trying its best to improve our studying and working c__________. 3. Her research shows the c__________ between human beings and chimps. 4. Have you taken part in either of my last two c_________?The officer asked the soldier. 5. If you want to help the poor,you can join the o_________,which usually has some such activities. 6. He is an agricultural s_________, who d_________ all his life to the research into agriculture. 7. The little boy’s bad b_________ at the party made his parents upset. 8. It is w__________ to spend the whole day in the forest,o_________ how the chimps live. 9. He is such a great man that all of us show our r__________ to him. 10. The couple living next door always a_________with each other about some family problems. 11. I_________by the teacher’s words, he is d__________ to study harder than before. 12. He has to work hard to earn more money, because he has a large family to s_________. 13. Last night when I got home,the clock was s_________ ten. 14. In our school,every teach is asked to write one or two a_________about teaching every year. 15. You’d better e_________ to the teacher the reason for your being late, otherwise, the teacher will be angry with you. 16. The teachers in our school will have a m__________ examination once every year. 17. Everything taken into c___________,he has done a good job this time. 18. The famous doctor has d__________ hundreds of babies during her life. 19. It is c__________ of you not to make any noise while the others are having a rest. Unit 2 1.In the old days,many children suffered from h__________ because of no food. 2. If you keep staying in the sun for a long time, you’ll get s__________. 3. Though he is young, he is s__________ to support a large family. 4. As is known to all,when heated,things will e____________. 5. He wants to c__________ his knowledge all over the world. 6. Each classroom in our school is e_________ with a computer,which is helpful to our study. 7. Every year, we will e_________ much oil from the other countries. 8. In my opinion, he is quite s__________ for this job. 8. You’d better finish your homework without r__________ to your notes. 9. The twins are so alike that I always c__________ them with each other. 10. The method of r__________ the teaching cost has been discussed at the meeting.

扩展英语词汇Unit 1-1

Unit 1 Roots About “Hearing”, “Seeing”“Saying” and “Doing” Lecture 1 Roots About “Hearing” and “Seeing” 1. W arming-up 课程准备 This unit begins with famous sayings of two great thinkers in China: Xunzi and Confucius. The two lectures in this unit will dwell on the roots respectively related to the meanings of hear, see,say/speak and do/act. Lecture 1 starts with a famous saying by Xunzi: Hearing is better than not hearing (荀子曰不闻不若闻之) and shows us the importance of being open-minded and getting ready to hear what others have to say. The first lecture focuses on the roots “audi/audit”which means “hear”and the root “vid/vis” which means “see”. 2. W ords to W atch 词汇锦囊 Root “audi/audit” and the words: audio, audience, audition, auditorium, audible


μúò?ì×ìa Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1.Dennison was known to pay his men handsomely, but in return he expected complete loyalty, total ______{s/1}, and absolute respect. [A]judgment [B]statement [C]commitment [D]assignment 2.During the interview I was the first to ask him______{s/1}questions that put the Bonn government in an awkward position. [A]. instructing [B]. intimidating [C]. rewarding [D]. embarrassing 3.I didn't realize the food problem was so______{s/1} in this city; with winter coming, many people would starve to death without more help. [A]. essential [B]. critical [C]. explicit [D]. effective 4.Some see themselves as the provider of ideas,______{s/1}others view their role as essentially managerial. [A]. when [B]. therefore [C]. while [D]. otherwise 5.[B]y the side of the new teaching hall ______{s/1}a library built in the 1930s. [A]. collects [B]. stands [C]. creates [D]. belongs 6.I'd like to take ______{s/1} of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts. [A]. profit [B]. benefit [C]. occasion [D]. advantage 7.We finally ______{s/1}an agreement after a lot of hard argument. [A]. reached [B]. did [C]. arrived [D]. drove 8.It is desirable that the airplane ______{s/1} as light as possible. [A]. is [B]. were [C]. be [D]. had been


Vol.10No.1 2013年1月 第10卷第1期 Journal of Hubei University of Economics(Humanities and Social Sciences) 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版) Jan.2013一、词汇教学的重要地位 词汇是语言的三大要素之一,是语言的建筑基石。正如英国语言学家威尔金丝所言:“没有语法,人们表达的事物寥寥无几,而没有词汇,则无法表达任何事物。”可见,词汇在语言中占有重要位置。对于语言学习者、使用者来说,词汇知识是他们语言能力的一部分,在一定程度上,学生词汇量的多少能反映其英语水平,并决定其听、说、读、写诸方面的能力。 现代大学英语教学是以培养交际能力为目的,掌握大量词汇是培养交际能力的先决条件,否则语言交际就不能顺利进行。另外,英语学习的侧重点也从测试语法点转化为分析语篇,这就要求学生接受大量的语言信息,而语言信息来源于词汇,因此,学生掌握大量词汇才可以有效地进行交际和阅读。可见,在英语教学中,词汇教学占有重要地位。 二、词汇教学存在的问题 在多年的精读教学中,笔者发现学生在掌握词汇方面是薄弱的,他们不能理解句子的意思往往不是因为不懂语法,而是不理解单词的意义。通过了解学生记忆单词和教师讲解单词的方法,笔者发现词汇的教与学存在着以下一些问题: (一)教师在教学中重视语法教学,忽视词汇教学。传统的语法翻译教学法在中学英语教学中占主导地位,在一定程度上也影响了大学英语教学。 (二)教师讲课过多地重视课文主要意思和结构,忽视了讲单词,许多教师认为学生在中学已经学会了语音,会读单词,不应该花费课堂时间讲词汇,而应该集中讲课文。事实上,学生们虽然认识到词汇的重要性,但努力记单词并没有取得良好效果,学生感到很困惑。 (三)教师用字典解释单词,然而学生可能不理解新单词在不同语境中的真正含义。大部分学生依赖于字典学习词汇,而不能适当地、确切地运用单词。一个单词有多种意义,学生们不能确定在某个句子中的单词的确切意义。 (四)许多教师用近义词讲新单词,然而不区分近义词的差异。 (五)学生还有一系列其他问题,一词多义是学生学习的障碍,词语搭配对学生来说是很复杂的事情,词汇的内涵意义也不容易掌握。 因此教师应重视词汇教学,用好的方法教学生,尤其是精读课上,教师应把词汇与课文内容联系起来讲,这样学单词就不枯燥无味,在其他课上也要有意识地讲解新词,同时复习旧词,有效地提高记忆效率。我们作为教师,过去没有充分重视词汇教学,认为只要教会学生读单词,理解基本意思,学生自己背,老师再听写,这样就完成了词汇教学。事实上,教师应该用有效的方法教词汇,扩大学生的词汇量,深化词汇知识的深度。语言学家Laufer 曾说过,扩展词汇不仅是一个量的问题,词汇知识可能在不同的学习阶段从表层发展至深层,扩展词汇也不仅是熟悉新单词,它还包括加深已学过单词的知识,词汇的深度和词汇量是同等重要的。 三、词汇教学的策略和方法 为了使学生有效地、科学地学习记忆词汇,笔者提出以下几种方法,帮助学生提高记忆效率。 (一)语音教学 语音与词汇有密切的关系,学好语音对词汇有很大帮助。教师在讲新词时,首先应从读音开始,让学生掌握一定的读音规则,把握好重音、弱读等规律,严格要求学生养成准确发音的习惯。然后是单词拼写,引导学生掌握字母以及字母组合的发音规律。在记忆过程中,要让学生掌握英语单词中读音和拼写之间的对应关系,使学生把音和形联系起来,看词能读,听音会写。如:有一个发音组合:元音+辅音+不发音的e ,在这个组合中,字母e 不发音,元音字母通常发本身音。如果学生了解了这个规则,那么看到take ,use ,bike 等这种组合的词就会准确地读出来,听到时也会准确地拼写了。总之,学生掌握了读音规则,单词读准了,拼写的准确率也会随之提高,记忆单词会变得相对轻松。 (二)构词教学 语言是随着人类社会的发展而产生并发展的,许多新词的产生遵循语法规则,有一定的规律,也就是我们所说的构词法。学习英语单词的构词法,有助于提高记忆效率。常见的构词法主要有派生法、合成法、转化法。 派生法即在词根上加前缀或后缀构成新词,了解前缀、词根、后缀的意思,就可以记住几个词,如:由character 联想到 characterize ,characteristic ,characterization 。 大学英语词汇教学浅析 胡凌海 (忻州师范学院专科部,山西忻州034000) 摘 要:词汇是语言的建筑基石,在语言中占有重要位置。学生掌握大量的词汇,阅读和交际才能有效地顺利地 进行。因此词汇教学成为大学英语教学中的一个非常重要的部分,本文分析了词汇教学存在的问题并提出了一些词汇教学的策略和方法。 关键词:大学英语;词汇教学;策略;方法


1. Young people always have more e_________ than the old. 2. Don’t give me meat any more. I am on a d_________. 3. If you are thirsty, I have some ________(矿) spring water for you. 4. This drink is a m_________ of three different sorts. 5. Doctor, I think I have got a headache. Can you _________(检查) me? 6. We must do what we can do to keep the ________(平衡) of nature. 7. Doctors advise us not to eat fruit which is not r_________. 8. The car doesn’t f_________well; I think you’d better have it repaired. 9. Porridge ________(消化) easily. 10. When I was home, mother had already prepared t________ food for me. Unit14 Word spelling Class_______Name_______ 1. The soldier is ________(敬礼) to every officer who goes into the room. 2. Is there a ________(代) gap between you and your parents? 3. What are the ________(原则) of the Spring Festival? 4. Oh, I never thought you would bring me so many birthday g________. Thanks! 5. Students should r________ their teachers and their parents. 6. Have you got an ________(请柬) to her wedding party? 7. He went to town with the p_______ of buying a new television. 8.They had a wonderful party to c________ Mother's silver wedding. 9.The cave was completely dark, so he l________ a candle and went inside. 10.Queen Mary could trace her________(祖先)back to about 900 years ago. Unit15 Word spelling Class_______Name_______ 1. We don’t understand the meaning of the sentences. So my teacher has e__________ them to us again and again. 2. ——Do you know the a________ of “Hamlet”? ——Yes, it’s written by Shakespeare. 3. Mother bought me a beautiful _________(钻石) n_________ as my birthday present. 4.——Who had taken the book? ——It was a m_________ 5. He drew the _________(轮廓) of a house on the paper. 6. M___________(蚊子) often bite people in the evening. 7.How can you consider that I can’t pay off the d______? I am quite able to pay back what I have borrowed from you. 8.When she r________ her mother's voice on the phone, she jumped with joy. 9.. ——Where are you going? ——Oh, there goes the bell. I am going to listen to the l_______ given by Dr. Li.

英语作文 扩大词汇量

ENLARGING ENGLISH VOCABULARY It is true that vocabulary is very important in English study. With a small vocabulary, we cannot understand well, neither can we express ourselves well. There are several ways to enlarge one's vocabulary. First, read as much as possible, the more you read, the larger vocabulary you will have; Second, recite modal essays, which can help you memorize the words simultaneously; Third, Listen. You can listen to the radio or watch English programs on TV, and they can not only help you keep new words in mind but also keep you in touch with the current news. In my opinion, the best way is to read more: no matter they are English newspapers, magazines, or the textbooks. Why not have a try? It really works!


语二重点词汇的复习 第一讲a-c, 第二讲d-h, 第三讲i-o, 第四讲p-s, 第五讲t-z 词汇复习第一讲a-c 1. 识记词汇 1. Some of the old traditions have been ____ as time goes by. [A] abandoned [B] abolished [C] absorbed [D] abused 2. You cant gain ____ to the library unless you are a member of the club. [A] acquaintance [B] acknowledgement [C] account [D] access 3. ____ by his best friend, he went to have his first job interview. [A] accumulated [B] accompanied [C] activated [D] adjusted 4. He is sure to win with ____ preparation. [A] abundant [B] accurate [C] absolute [D] adequate 5. It is ____ that the scientists have found new ways to cure the disease. [A] altered [B] admitted [C] alleged [D] allocated 6. The group leader is ____ todays tasks to everyone. [A] assessing [B] assuring [C] assigning [D] assembling 7. I really ____ your valuable advice. [A] appreciate [B] approach [C] appoint [D] approve 8. Usually new problems ____ when old ones are solved. [A] rise [B] arise [C] raise [D] arouse 9. He failed in his ____ to stop the accident from happening. [A] association [B] attribute [C] attempt [D] awareness 10. Id like to vote on ____ of my family. [A] benefit [B] behalf [C] boast [D] border 11. We shouldnt ____ him for all the mistakes. [A] accuse [B] blame [C] charge [D] scold 12. He is brave enough to ____ any authority. [A] celebrate [B] capture [C] challenge [D] claim 13. The research group ____ of five scientists. [A] consists [B] composes [C] comprises [D] constitutes 14. But for your ____, I could not have finished this long, hard journey. [A] campaign [B] capacity [C] concern [D] company 15. He was ____ to accept this unfair condition. [A] concealed [B] complained [C] compelled [D] coincided

大学英语词汇练习详解 Test 1

Test 1 1.With the _______of Mary,all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception 除了玛丽,所有的女孩都急切的想去参加舞会。 答案: B A exhibition 展览 B exception 例外with the exception of =except C except 除了...之外,(减去,不包括)介词 D reception 接待是receive的名词形式, 2.Although the traffic is not busy,he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A.spare B.fast C.moderate D.moral 虽然交通并不拥堵,但是他还是喜欢中速行驶。 答案: C A spare adj. 业余的,备用的,v 抽出(时间,精力),赦免 B fast adj 快速的, C moderate 稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;有节制的 D moral adj 道德的 3.All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded B.illustrated C.confined D.concerned 他到了65岁是时候,对所有的童年往事的记忆都慢慢的消退了。 答案:A A fade 褪色,消退 B illustrate 举例说明,图解 C confine 限制,禁闭分娩 E.g. He did not confine himself to the one language. 他没把自己局限于这一门语言。 D concern 关心,担心,涉及 4.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology.


大学英语词汇教学策略探究 关键词:词汇教学策略输入内化输出 摘要:本文作者根据认知心理学的相关理论探讨了如何在潜移默化中帮助学生更快、更好、更全面的掌握词汇。从词汇的输入、内化、输出三个环节入手制定出一套切实可行的词汇教学方案。 任何一种语言的学习都离不开字、词汇的学习与掌握,英语的学习亦是如此。英语词汇教学是英语教学的重要组成部分,词汇掌握得多少,直接影响学生外语能力的发展和运用。所以利用认知心理学的相关理论,科学地进行词汇教学,提高学生的单词记忆能力,防止遗忘,是英语教学中一项十分重要的任务。 根据认知心理学信息加工理论,词汇的学习可以分为输入,内化和输出三个环节。 (一)词汇输入

词汇的输入包括音、形、两方面。读音方面:教师应提供大量听音、模仿和实践的机会,帮助学生读准音。可使用以下方法:1、听录音跟读;2、老师示范领读;3、听课文注意语音语调。拼写方面:通过掌握单词的拼读规则和发音规则,增强学生对单词的记忆能力。在此环节,注重字母、字母组合在单词中的发音,并注重发音规律的渗透。有意识地培养学生见词就能拼读,听音就能拼写的能力。使学生们逐渐具有语言感知的能力。 (二)词汇内化 在英语词汇教学方面,众多专家一致认为词不离组,组不离句,句不离段。这充分体现了语境在记忆单词方面的作用。否则,记忆只能是浅层记忆不够深入。没有语境即使记忆了很多单词也不能够学以致用。因此,应该从以下两方面入手对所学词汇进行内化。 (1)在语境中记忆单词。词汇学习不是孤立的,从读音、拼写记忆词汇只能使学生通过读音记住、拼出单词,但单词的实际意义还得放入情境交流中,才能显示出生命力和交际功能。才能培养学生实际语言运用能力。许多语言学家的研究表明:第一语言学习者的词汇知识多数来自大量的阅读,可见,在语境中学


高考英语单词拼写精练50题 1、I can’t wait so you had better give me an (立刻)reply. 2、“Sorry, I must be off now,” he said and then left out(勿忙). 3、I could not get a satisfactory (解释). 4、Do come please. I will wait for you at the (入口处). 5、The notice reads: “Don’t come in without(允许). 6、I (劝告)him to accept our advice, and he did so. 7、The police asked him for imformation on the (事故). 8、The (政府)should do something to reduce the price of food. 9、Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great (成就). 10、“How often does he write to his parents?” “Oh,(经常).” 11、The box is full of glasses objects . Please put it down with (小心) 12、Oh, you have made a wrong (选择). You’d better think it over again. 13、We went to the Summer Palace last year. All of us were deeply touched by its (美丽). 14、The matter is not of much (重要)to us. 15、The underground carries a lot of (乘客). 16、Suez canal (分开)Asia from Africa. 17、The boys and girls will be ( 分开) into four groups to play the game. 18、This problem needs (解决)at once. 19、The policeman brought the little boy to (安全的地方). 20、(鼓励)by his teacher, Tom made up his mind to study well. 21、He looks old, yet (实际上)he is only twenty-five. 22、Thank you for your (邀请)which reached me just now. 23、Mike said he would be more (注意)in class from then on. 24、They have made great progress since the (开始)of this term. 25、The sleeves of the coat are too long for me, and so I want them to be (短). 26、Which of the following (陈述)is not mentioned in the reading material? 27、Without any (犹豫), she took up the red flag and rushed out. 28、His English is (吃惊)wonderful. 29、The students are busy making (准备)for the examination. 30、She was (感到震惊)to hear what had happened. 31、These new book on computer are favourably (受欢迎). 32、I’ll go there again, if(需要). 33、He is a famous teacher with forty years’(经验). 34、I (宣布)that Milliams had been elected. 35、The July 7th (事变)took place in 1937. 36、I want to go to the (医学)college. 37、The Chinese people are working hard to (使现代化)their country. 38、I wonder if this medicine is (有效)enough to get rid of his fever. 39、Thank you for giving me the valuable (信息). 40、Good (节目)on TV have good effects on children. 41、She keeps a (日记)in German. 42、I borrowed the (杂志)from the library. 43、This Minister is in charge of the foreign (事务)of that small country. 44、We have set up an (协会)for the blind. 45、I wish you a pleasant (旅途). 46、Go to see a doctor, you are (显然)ill. 47、They had fought against their enemy for eight years before they won the final (胜利). 48、As I came late, he looked at me kindly without (责备).


扩大英语词汇量的方法 扩大英语词汇量的方法 如何有效地记住英语单词,扩大自己的词汇量,是许多英语学习者都遇到的问题。似乎人人都想找到一条扩大英语词汇量的捷径。的确,学习英语单词、扩大词汇量是有方法的,但并无定法,一切要因人而异,因学习的内容而异。只要我们善于观察分析,总结英语词汇的构成规律,运用多种学习和记忆技巧,就能够找出适合自己的学习方法,迅速扩大自己的词汇量。扩大词汇量最常见的方法有构词法、联想法、循环法、游戏法,等等。掌握这些方法无疑对记忆英语单词可以起到事半功倍的效果。本文拟介绍其他一些行之有效的方法,供大家参考。 一.跨学科阅读法 根据我国的实际情况,英语词汇的主要输入源头是英语阅读。怎样利用好阅读有效地扩大词汇量,这是很值得研究的。平时,老师总是说要多读、泛读、读小说、读报纸。这些都没有错,但单词量的扩大并不明显。根据国外英语教育专家的研究,跨学科阅读法是扩大英语词汇量的有效途径。 所谓跨学科阅读法,就是有意识地选取不同学科、不同领域的英语读物作为英语学习的内容,对材料进行精读或泛读,通过阅读不同学科、不同领域的英语材料扩大自己的词汇量。这一学习方法是有语言学和心理学根据的。从语言学来看,任何一门学科都有自己的基本概念和描写对象,这些基本概念和对象构成了本学科或本领域的基本内容,反映在语言上就构成了本学科或本领域的基本词汇。它们在这个学科或领域的英语读物中是最基础的,复现率很高,是阅读该学科或领域的英语材料所必须优先掌握的,因而它们最容易被记住。再从心理学上看,当一个人开始接触一个新领域的语言材料时,他对这个领域的词汇一无所知,一切都是新鲜的,因而对这个领域的常用单词也是最敏感的,记忆特别容易。 具体的方法是:在特定时期内,集中阅读某一个领域的英语材料,把出现在这些材料中的基本词汇抄录下来加以强记,并在阅读中进一步使用、熟悉这些词汇。当掌握了这个


扩大英语词汇量 摘要:要学好英语,使用英语沟通与交流,词汇量是其中最基本的保证。如果没有足够的词汇量,在信息的接收和传递上会受到很大的限制,学生便无法使用英语进行正常的交际,学习的积极性也会降低。因此,在学习英语的过程中,词汇量的扩大显得尤为重要,是听、说、读、写的重要保证。本文主要提出扩大词汇量的两种常用重要有效的途径,即通过学习构词法和在阅读中习得词汇。词汇量的扩大,始终是为使用英语交流服务,从而提高学生学习英语的积极性。 关键词:英语词汇量;构词法;阅读 我的学生学英语短的有三年,长的有六、七年不等,而我接触英语已经将近二十年,还有更多的人一辈子在跟英语打交道。其实,不管学多久的英语,相信绝大部分的人都会觉得我们学英语用英语最大最凶猛的拦路虎就是我们的词汇量。 这一点在我教学过程中学生的身上尤为明显,词汇量影响着他们的听、说、读、写。我们学英语的目的就是为了达到交流的目的:和人交谈沟通,阅读报刊杂志,写下我们所想表达的等等。无论是一篇篇的文章,还是一句句的话,都是由一个个的单词构成的,要学生能够读懂,听懂,写得出来,能够表达,一定的词汇量是必需的。可往往现在大多数学生的词汇量都非常有限,这给他们的听、说、读、写设置了一个又一个的障碍,使他们对英语越学越没信心,越学越没兴趣。因此,我非常明确一点,要学生把英语学好,提高其兴趣是很好的方法,而最基本的则是努力扩大学生的词汇量。 我们在词汇这一块,有的是一成不变的一个一个单词的记忆,而也有许多人在学习英语的过程中,发明了许多不同的记忆词汇扩大词汇量的方法,然而,我认为最有效最基本的扩大词汇量的途径应是从构词法以及阅读这两方面入手。 学习英语构词法,一可以巩固和扩大词汇量,二还能帮助我们深入理解单词的含义和加强对于词汇的灵活运用。了解英语词汇的构成特点,迅速扩大自己的词汇量,建立强大的心理优势。英语的构词法基本分成三种:派生词构词法,合成词构词法,转化词构词法。而这三种中,以派生词构词法所构成的派生词的数


第三章词汇 全国统考的大学英语B对于词汇量的要求是考生应认知3 000个单词,并熟练掌握其中的1 800个单词及其基本的搭配。比如说一个单词able,它属于这1800个基本词汇里,就要求掌握好派生出来的able ,enable , unable ,disable, ability, disability, disabled, capable 等相关的词语,同时,也要掌握了它的一些固定搭配,比如,be able to do sth, be capable of doing sth, enable sb to do sth , have ability in doing sth,the disabled (残疾人)等等。 对于词汇的直接考测是通过第三部分的词汇和结构以及完型填空以及阅读理解的猜测词义。虽然所占分值并不高,但是由于词汇是基础,应该来说,对它的考察是每个题目都体现的。因此,掌握一定的词汇知识,扩大一定的词汇量,融会贯通的理解词汇含义是非常有必要的。 第一部分:扩大词汇有窍门 1.词根记忆法 充分利用单词的构词规律,通过掌握一组单词的共同词根或词缀,达到成串记忆单词的目的。比如知道词根“able,abil”的意思是“capable能”,就可以知道单词由able,enable,unable,ability,capable等都是和能力和才干有关系的;如果知道词根act=to do ,to drive 做,干,驱动,那么记忆单词act,action,actor,actress,active,activity,activate ,actual,exact,reactor,interact,transaction等就非常简单了。像sh 有快的含义, flash, crash, rush 等词都有词义在里面。 这种记忆方法的优点是,可以充分利用单词之间的形式和意义联系,对大量的词汇进行模糊记忆,这里的模糊是指,只要知道某个单词中包含有某个认识的词根或词缀,就可以大致知道该单词的大致意义或词性,从而大大提高阅读理解能力。相应地,在做词汇题或阅读理解中的上下文中词汇题时,也能根据词根、词缀做出正确的判断。 2.形义联想法 这种方法的做法是找出单词之间形状和意义的共同特点,利用他们的共同特点展开记忆。比如我们对ball,ballet,balloon,ballot,bullet等几个词就可以做这样的联想记忆,即他们都和球有着意义上的联系。balloon是体积较大的气球,ballot是用来投票的纸球,bullet是体积较小的金属球。再比如:brace(支柱,支架),bracket(托架,括号)brake(闸,刹车),branch(分叉,树枝)等几个词当中都包含了br,而它像张开两手向前作“抱”的姿势。这几个单词的汉语意思当中也都包含一个抱或托的形象。 巧用单词之间的共同成分,由熟悉的单词记忆新单词:如:由east我们可以扩展记忆beast (野兽),feast(盛宴),yeast(硝母);由obtain(获得),contain(包含),maintain (维持),sustain(支持),retain(保留)。 在考试中,像这种形近词也是考察的重点,常常要求辨析。 3. 意群记忆法 单个记忆单词既累又不能长时间地巩固,但是只要将单词按一定的意义联系组合起来记忆,效果会大大地提高。 比如:一个人骑车走在街上就可以联想到bicycle,truck,car,,hus,traffic(jam,light),rush hours,highway,freeway,zebra,lines,cement,sidewalk,underpass,overpass (过街天桥),road,passenger,shops,fence,fine (罚款)等词。 又如:我们到医院能想到hospital,doctor,nurse,ward,medicine,cure,treatment,injection,
