


4.1.4 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION CIVIL WORKS (80) General (80) Location of the Works (80) Type of Works (80) Switchgear Building (80) Sequence of Construction (80) Drawings (81) Use of Site (81) Plan of Operations and Temporary Works (81) Contractor's Office and Accommodation, etc. (81) Dealing with Water (81) Liaison with Police and Other Officials (81) Explosives and Blasting (82) Works Executed by theProject Manager orby Other Contractors (82) Water Supplies for the Works (82) Employer's Approval of Finished Works (83) Preservation of Trees (83) Survey Beacons (83) Basic Survey and Setting Out (83) EARTHWORKS (83) Bush Clearing (83) Access and Internal Roads (84) Removal of Top Soil (87) Classification of Materials (87) Order of Work (87) Fill Material (88) Spoil Material (89) Expansive Material (89) Surplus Material (89) Side Drains (89) Excavation in "Rock" (89) Setting Out and Preparation for Earthworks (90) Construction of Earthworks to Formation (90) Unsuitable Material Information (90) Spreading and Compaction of Embankment and Fills (90) Drainage of Works (90) Sub-grade Layer (91) Tolerances (91) Protection of Embankment Slopes (91) Grassing of Slopes (91) Borrow Pits (91) Soil Sterilisation (92) Earth Electrode (92) Platform Areas (92) MATERIALS FOR THE WORKS (92) General (92) Standards (92) Filter Backfill for Sub-soil Drains (93) Stone for Pitching (93) Stone for Platform Surfacing (93) DRAINAGE AND STORM WATER (93) Drainage (93) FENCING (94) Fencing (94) Dimensions (94) Materials (95) Installation (95) CONCRETE AND BUILDING WORKS (96) Earthworks (96) CONCRETE, FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT (97) BUILDER'S WORK (101) PLASTER AND FLOOR COVERINGS (106) GLAZING AND PAINTING (107) SUBSTATION BUILDING SIZES. (109) IRONMONGERY AND METALWORK (109) ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION (110)

4.1.4 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION CIVIL WORKS 土建 General 总则 Location of the Works 位置

The locations of the sites are as described under the relevant clauses in scope of works in Volume 2. 位置见Volume 2中的相关条款 Type of Works 工作类型

The works to be constructed under this Contract include the following:


Work for access road 入口公路的工程

- Earthworks for sub-station platform 变电站平台地基工作

- Subsoil drains and storm water drains地基排水渠及雨水渠

- 100 mm thick layer of stone to platform surface 100毫米厚到平台表面的一层石头

- Fencing 围栏

- Concrete bases and Stub columns 混凝土地基和短柱

- Cable Trenches电缆沟

- Switchgear Building Transformer foundations开关基建变压器基础

- Any other works necessary for full completeness其他完成工程所需的工作 Switchgear Building 开关基建

The switchgear building shall contain the following rooms: 包含以下工作

●Switchgear room to accommodate the entire switchgear panels plus a space that would accommodate 6

more feeder panels in the future.


●Battery room (to accommodate both protection and communication batteries)


●Battery Charger, AC/DC Room.


●Control and Protection Panel room to accommodate the necessary Protection and control panels and

space for future expansion.


●Communication equipment room (5mX4m)


●Office room (4mX4m). Office furniture (cabinets, chairs and office table)


●Kitchen 厨房

●Toilet facility 厕所设备

In addition a guardhouse with toilet facilities located at the main gate shall be constructed. The guardhouse area shall be clearly demarcated from the restricted area.


All the rooms shall be pressurised to avoid dust.

所有的房间应避免灰尘。 Sequence of Construction 建造顺序

The Contractor must complete all the civil works in time to provide a clean and complete site for the

mechanical and electrical erection.


The Contractor shall be responsible for timely delivery of materials to site and for compliance with the specified or agreed construction programme.

承包方应负责材料及时送到现场,并要符合指定或同意的施工方案。 Drawings 图纸

The Drawings issued with these documents are for tendering purposes only. Drawings for this project shall be made by the Contractor or his civil consultant, and be to the approval of the Project Manager.

这些文件发出的图纸是仅用于招标的目的。这个项目的图纸由承包人或他的土建顾问制作,由项目经理批准。 Use of Site 现场使用

The Contractor will restrict his activities to within the Sites. Access for others to work on the site concurrently with this Contract shall be maintained as far as possible. Where it is necessary for persons on foot or in vehicles, including other Contractors, to cross the site whilst work is in progress, the Contractor shall provide warning signs on either side of the Work and flagmen if necessary to guide such persons safely across the Site. The cost of maintaining access for others and assisting the passage of others across the Site shall be deemed to be covered by and included in the rates entered by the Contractor in the Price Schedules.

承包商会在现场范围内限制他的活动。与本合同相关的同时在现场工作的其他人,应尽可能保持一致。如果有人要步行或开车,包括其他承包商,要通过正在施工的现场,承包者应在工作现场任一侧提供警告标志,以引导这类人安全通过现场。给其他人用的维护通道以及协助他人通过现场的通道,这笔费用应包含在承包商填的价格表中。 Plan of Operations and Temporary Works 操作计划和临时工作

The Contractor shall, in accordance with Conditions of Contract and before commencing work on Site, submit to the Project Manager a fully detailed programme showing the order of procedure and method by which he proposes to carry out the construction and completion of the Civil Engineering works, and particulars of the organisation and staff proposed to direct and administer the performance of the Works.


The information to be supplied to the Project Manager shall include Drawings showing the general arrangements of his temporary offices, camps, storage sheds, buildings and access roads, and details of Constructional Plant and Temporary Works proposed.

给项目经理的信息应包括图纸,图纸上要显示他临时办公室、营地,存储棚,建筑物和道路,以及建筑设备和临时工程的细节。 Contractor's Office and Accommodation, etc. 承包方的办公室和居住的地方等

The Contractor shall be responsible for his offices, accommodation, storage and workshops. The Contractor may fence this area for his own security for the duration of the Contract but any such fence erected together with all buildings, plant and materials shall be removed, all holes filled in and the site left in a tidy and level condition upon completion of the Contract.

承包者应负责他自己的办公室,住宿地,仓库和车间。承包商可能在合同的期限内出于自己安全的考虑给这些区域装上围栏,但这些围栏以及所有建筑物,厂房和材料应在合同完工时拆除,所有的孔要填补,给现场留下一个整洁和水平的环境。 Dealing with Water 水的处理

The Contractor shall keep the whole of the Works free from water and he will be deemed to have included in his rates in the Price Schedules for all pumping, shoring, temporary drains, sumps and other measures and provisions necessary for such purposes and for clearing away and making good to the satisfaction of the Project Manager damage caused thereby.


The Contractor shall keep all existing drainage channels clear and shall not obstruct the passage of water to or away from any such drainage channels.

承包者应保持所有现有的排水通道清洁,并不得堵塞水通过这些排水渠道。 Liaison with Police and Other Officials警察和其他官员的联络

Contractor shall cooperate closely with the Police and other officials of the area concerned regarding their requirements in the control of workmen, movement of traffic, or other matter.

承包者应与该地区的警察以及其他官员密切合作,关注他们对工人的控制,交通,或其他事项的要求。 Explosives and Blasting 爆炸和爆破

The Contractor shall use explosives for blasting in connection with the work only at such times and places and in such a manner as the Project Manager may approve, but such approval shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for injury, loss, inconvenience and annoyance to persons, the Work and adjoining structures, roads, places and things and injury or damage to animals and property consequent on the use of such explosives. The Contractor shall be entirely liable for any accident that shall occur and shall save the Project Manager harmless and indemnified from all claims arising from such use of explosives.


The Contractor shall keep in his office at the Site copies of Laws applying to the transport, storage and use of explosives and shall also submit to the Project Manager a copy of any instructions or notices which the Contractor may issue to his staff or workmen or post about the site in compliance with such Laws.


The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager details of the explosives, which he proposes to use, and of his proposals for the transport and storage of explosives.

承包商应提交项目经理一份炸药的详细说明,说明上写明用途、运输以及储存的方式。 Works Executed by the Project Manager or by Other Contractors


The Project Manager reserves the right to execute on the site, works not included under this Contract and to employ for this purpose either his own employees or other contractors.


The Contractor shall ensure that neither his own operations nor trespass by his own employees shall interfere with the operations of the Project Manager or his Contractors employed on such works and the same obligations shall be imposed on the Project Manager or his contractors in respect of work being executed under the Contract.


The Contractor shall provide unhindered access to all parts of the site to the Project Manager, authorised representatives of the Project Manager and of public bodies and corporations, and to contractors employed by the Project Manager, and he shall make available to such authorised persons the use of all temporary access tracks in or about the site.


Where works are being carried out concurrently in one area careful co-ordination of operations will be required so that interference can be minimised. The Project Manager shall have the power to regulate and rearrange the order

of execution of the Works under this Contract to achieve the best co-ordination practicable. The Contractor's programme shall take into consideration all information on co-ordination available at the time of its preparation and it shall be flexible enough to allow for subsequent changes that may become necessary. The rates tendered for the Works shall include the costs of complying with the requirements of this Clause.

在同一个地方同时进行的工作和工程操作应尽可能协调好,以便最大限度减少冲突的产生。项目经理有权对该合同项下的工作顺序进行调整,以达到最大限度的协调。承包方的项目进度表上应考虑所有准备工作的时间,协调的时间,并且应足够灵活,允许必要的顺序调整。投标时该项工作的费用应包含进成本里面。 Water Supplies for the Works 水源供应

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the supply of potable water for his staff on site and water for the Works.


The Contractor must make all arrangements including the supply of pumps and motors, labour and the like to abstract water and must pay royalty to the owners. These costs shall be included in his prices.

If the Contractor fails to obtain permission to utilise existing water sources, he may have to drill boreholes near the sites at suitable locations.


The Contractor shall obtain the Employer's or the Project Manager's prior approval before utilising any water source for the Works.

在使用水源前,承包方应向电力局或项目经理获得许可权。 Employer's Approval of Finished Works 电力局对最终工作的许可

The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Project Manager for each section and each stage of construction. Approval of any section of any stage will not be given, and the Contractor shall not proceed with any subsequent stage, until all tests required by the Project Manager have been carried out, and the results have shown that the section complies with the Specification. Any works rejected by the Project Manager as not complying with the Specification shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.

承包者应获得项目经理对的每个部分和每个阶段建设的批准。只有项目经理要求的所有测试都做了,并且结果表明提供的部分符合规范的要求,才能批准任何阶段的任何部分,承包方才能进行任何后续阶段。被项目经理拒绝的任何不符合规范的工程,应由承包商自费更换。 Preservation of Trees 树木的保留

No tree shall be removed without prior permission of the Project Manager who will limit the removal of trees to the minimum necessary to accommodate the permanent Works.

在得到项目经理批准前,不允许砍伐任何树木,项目经理会将由于永久性工程的需要砍伐的树木的数量降至最低。 Survey Beacons 测量标志

During the progress of the Works, the Contractor shall not remove, damage, alter or destroy in any way any permanent beacons or survey beacons. Should the Contractor consider that any survey beacon will be interfered with by the Works, he will notify the Project Manager, who, if he considers necessary, will make arrangements for the removal and replacement of the beacon.


If the Contractor removes or disturbs a beacon without the prior permission of the Project Manager he shall be liable for the full cost of its replacement together with the full cost of re-establishing the data relevant to it.

如果承包方没有得到项目经理允许就移除或干扰标志,那么,他就有责任支付更换标志以及重建相关数据的费用。 Basic Survey and Setting Out 基本调查和

The Contractor will survey the sites in detail, and the exact locations shall be agreed with the Project Manager.

The details of beacons and benchmarks shall be provided in the site survey drawings.


The Works are located on the drawings and the Contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified Surveyor to set out the Works from the beacons and shall plot cross sections at 20 m intervals and submit to the Project Manager for approval.


No separate payment will be made for any work in connection with the setting out of the Works, nor any other Works required by the Contractor to ensure the accurate location and construction of the Works.

布置工作有关的以及承包方要求的确保工程准确位置和建造的工作,不应单独制定费用。 EARTHWORKS 地面工作 Bush Clearing 灌木清理

The areas of the platform and borrow pit shall be cleared of all trees, vegetation and roots. These shall be neatly stockpiled within 3 km of the site at locations agreed with the Project Manager and shall remain the property of the land owner.

平台和借坑的位置应清除所有的树木,植被和根。经项目经理同意,这些都要整齐的堆放在现场3公里范围内,并且还是土地所有者的财产。 Access and Internal Roads 入口和内部的路

Where necessary access roads to the substation sites shall be constructed. Internal substation road and walk paths shall be compacted to 100% MDD after grading shall have a well done paving block finish that can withstand load weight of not less than 80mm , 49N/mm2. The road shall also be lined with kerbline and channels and shall be constructed to a fall that will allow proper drainage of the road. The road shall have adequate drainage provided.

如有必要,应该造一条通向电站现场的路。电站内部的路和小道应压实至100% MDD,表面铺好砖,能承受不少于80mm , 49N/mm2的负荷。这条路还应内衬kerbline和渠道,并应建造一个下坡,允许适当的排水。道路应具有足够的排水能力。

A-Gravel Access and Internal Roads (Gravel Wearing Course – GWC)


A.1 General

All new access and internal roads will be gravel standard and their alignments will be designed to accommodate construction and future maintenance traffic.


Any damage occasioned by whatsoever cause during construction shall be repaired by spot gravelling, reshaping and re-compaction at the end of contract such that the road to be handed over will be defects free.


A.2 Materials Requirements 材料要求

Gravel standard roads comprise of a single layer of selected granular material placed directly on the sub grade to serve as a pavement and as surface-wearing course.

The gravel for the single layer should be of adequate quality to guarantee the following:


a) General

In general gravel wearing course materials should comply with the following:

They should have sufficient cohesion to bind the particles together and prevent the surface from raveling and becoming corrugated in the dry season.

The amount of fines and plasticity should be limited so as to avoid the occurrence of dusty and slippery conditions in dry during the dry and wet weather respectively.




b) Grading Requirements:

Grading curve of the gravel should be within the class 1 envelope (initial daily number of commercial vehicles less than 150) to guarantee good stability. The grading to consider is that obtained after processing and compaction.


c) Plasticity Requirements 塑性材料要求

Plasticity index of the gravel should not exceed 15 and shall not be less than 5 in wet areas (annual rainfall greater than 500 mm per year). In dry areas (annual rainfall less than 500 mm per year) maximum plasticity index shall be 30 but subject to a minimum of 10.


d) Bearing Strength Requirements 强度要求

A minimum CBR (after 4 days soak) of 20% at 95% MDD and OMC (Modified AASTO T180) is required

在95% MDD 和OMC时,最小20%CBR(四天浸泡)。

e) Construction Procedures 建造程序

Gravel materials are excessively coarse in their ―as dug‖ state. Appropriate processing is therefore necessary to bring them to the required gradation. This is normally done on the road by using grid, cleat or sheep‘s foot rollers.

Oversized particles which cannot be broken down to the required size shall be removed.

The minimum thickness of a compacted layer shall not be less than 125 mm.


A.3 Pavement. 铺路

The single gravel layer should consist of a minimum thickness necessary to avoid excessive compressive strain in the sub grade and to compensate for the expected gravel loss under traffic during the period between re-gravelling.

Where the top 300 mm layer of the formation level embankment or natural ground sub grade has a CBR greater than 5%, the following thicknesses shall be provided:


●Roads within the Switch Yard not subjected to heavy commercial vehicles– The minimum compacted

thickness of 125mm.


●Access roads outside the Switch Yard and roads within the Switch Yard likely to be subjected to heavy

commercial vehicles during construction and during periodic maintenance. – Provide a 250 mm thick

compacted layer.


In addition to the above, where the in situ sub grade or the embankment material has CBR strength of less

than 5% then:


●Top 300 mm layer of the fill / embankment shall be made with selected imported material

with CBR (after 4 days soak) of between 7 and 13%.


●Where in situ sub grade an improved sub grade 300 mm thick of imported materials with

CBR (4 days Soak) of between 7 and 13% shall be laid.


The above thickness shall extend to cover the shoulders. A cross fall of 4% shall be provided.

Compaction will be in layers not thicker than 200 mm and will achieve compacted densities of 95% MDD (Modified AASHTO T180) at compaction moisture contents of between 80% and 105% OMC.


压实层厚度不大于200mm,密度95%MDD(调整的AASHTO T180),水分含量在80%到105%OMC之间。

a) Existing Bitumen Standard Access and Internal Roads

All shall be reinstated to their original standard of materials and construction.



b) Quality Control 质量控制

Tests shall be performed by the contractor on soils and gravels undergoing compaction under the supervision of and at frequencies determined by the Project Manager and shall include:


Determination of the Atterberg Limits in accordance with BS 1377.

按照BS 1377对Atterberg限值的测定

Determination of particle size distribution in accordance with BS 1377.

按照BS 1377对颗粒尺寸分布的测定

Determination of dry density / moisture content relationship in accordance with BS standard compaction and

modified AASHTO T180 as appropriate.

按照BS标准,压实和修改的AASHTO T180,对干密度/水分含量关系的测定。

California Bearing ratio (CBR) in accordance with AASHTO T193.


Field dry density as set out in BS 1377.

BS 1377中规定的现场干密度。 Removal of Top Soil 顶层土壤的移除

The top soil within the areas of platform and shall be stripped to an approximate depth of 200 mm and stockpiled at locations agreed with the Project Manager for later use on embankment slopes.


Overburden in the borrow pit shall also be stripped to a depth specified by the Project Manager and stockpiled for later use in rehabilitation.

借的坑的过多的土也要剥除至项目经理规定的深度,并堆放,便于日后复原用。 Classification of Materials 材料分级

Materials excavated and either placed in the Works for the formation of the platform or carted to spoil will be paid for in the following three classes of material:


"Rock" "Rock" shall include all material which requires blasting for its removal or cannot be extracted by ripping with a single tine heavy duty ripper of at least 5 tonne mass towed by a crawler tractor in good condition with a net available flywheel power rating of not less than one hundred and thirty-five kW engine power and with a minimum bare tractor mass of 15 tonne. The use of explosives by the Contractor to excavate does not in itself imply that a material is Rock in terms of this Contract. Individual boulders greater than 0.2 m3 in volume shall be included in this class when their nature and size are such that they cannot be removed without recourse to blasting.

“岩石”:5吨以上用挖掘机的,挖掘机主机功率>135KW, 最小裸露拖拉机重达15吨。单个石头体积大于0.2m3的不爆破不能移动的也算在这个等级。

"Hard Material" "Hard Material" or "Decomposed Rock" shall include all material such as consolidated gravels, decomposed or stratified rock, stones or boulders less than 0.2 m3 in volume which cannot be classified as "Rock" but which in the opinion of the Project Manager requires additional processing, such as ripping or breaking down by compressor tools before normal loading processes may be employed. For the purpose of this clause normal loading processes will include the use of graders or dozers to stockpile material.

硬材料:体积小于0.2 m3的,不能归入岩石的,但也需要另外处理的砂石等。"Common""Common Material" shall be all material not defined as Rock or Hard Rock.

All materials shall be classified as "Common" unless otherwise certified by the Project Manager. Should the Contractor during excavation encounter any material which in his opinion should be classified as rock or hard material, then he shall request the Project Manager to so certify the material before excavation of that material commences.

普通材料:既不算岩石,也不算硬材料的材料。 Order of Work 工作次序

The construction of cuttings, side drains and embankments shall proceed in a methodical and orderly manner. It shall be solely the Contractor's responsibility to arrange his methods and programme of work so as to ensure that the earthworks are carried out by the most efficient and economical method possible with the type of plant employed on the Works.

All trimming of cuttings, and embankments, drains and shoulders to the specified slopes and shapes, shall be carried out concurrently with the earthworks that are being carried out at that particular site and level. Fill Material 材料填充

"Fill-material" shall mean material deposited in accordance with these specifications from any of the classes specified in order to build up an earthworks construction to formation level as shown on the Drawings or as ordered


口译服务合同 合同号: TR-HT-SC-090720A01 签署日期: 2010 年月日 签署地点:市 合同方: 甲方: 地址: : 传真: : 联系人: 乙方:传神联合()信息技术 地址:市区东三环中路39号建外 SOHO18号楼 1701室 :1 传真:1 电子: https://www.360docs.net/doc/774023444.html, kkhoressohu. 指定项目联系人: 辉 甲乙双方经协商一致,就乙方向甲方提供口译翻译服务的有关事宜,达成协议如下: 第一条口译服务容: 1口译服务容:乙方委派译员名,作为甲方()翻译,为其提供的翻译服务。 2 口译服务地点: 3 口译服务人员需求:名语译员;译员素质要求:经过现场口译实践,可以适应本次会议的要求。 4 预计服务时间为:从 2010 年月日上午点至年月日点;实际服务时间与预计服务时间不一致的,以实际服务时间为准;译员到达指定服务地点时间为年月日时项目开始前。 5.译员正常服务时间为6小时/天。(从规定译员到达指定的地点开始计算,到译员离开指定地点为止),超出的时间按照加班计算。 6.本次乙方向甲方提供的译员服务项目的时间为小时工作日.总费用元 RMB 第二条双方权利及责任: 甲方权利: 1 在规定的服务时间,按照本合同约定合理地使用乙方提供的口译人员。 2 根据具体工作情况,要求乙方增补译员,但必须提前3(叁)个工作日以书面形式通知乙方需要增补译员的人数和理由。 3 如乙方提供的译员在服务过程中出现不能胜任工作、严重违反甲方规章制度或向外籍人员收取小费的情况,甲方有权立即停止译员服务并及时书面通知乙方更换译员, 因上述原因更换译员而产生的交通费用由乙方承担,更换译员最长缺勤期限为半天。 甲方责任: 1 在服务期间向乙方口译人员提供必需的工作和生活条件,包括但不限于:交通、通讯、住宿(最低标准为0元人民币/人/天)、餐饮(最低标准为50元人民币/人/


经典中文的英译 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years. 二人同心,其利断金。 If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。 It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 A bosom friend afar brings distance near.

合抱之木,生于毫末,九层之台,起于累土;千里之行始于足下。 A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows f rom a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand li journey starts with the first step. 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。 Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies. 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 On seeing a man of virtue, try to become his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have the same defects. 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄尽折腰。 This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men.


电脑系统常用英文指令翻译成中文 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>help 有关某个命令的详细信息,请键入HELP 命令名 ASSOC 显示或修改文件扩展名关联。 AT 计划在计算机上运行的命令和程序。 ATTRIB 显示或更改文件属性。 BREAK 设置或清除扩展式CTRL+C 检查。 CACLS 显示或修改文件的访问控制列表(ACLs)。CALL 从另一个批处理程序调用这一个。 CD 显示当前目录的名称或将其更改。 CHCP 显示或设置活动代码页数。 CHDIR 显示当前目录的名称或将其更改。 CHKDSK 检查磁盘并显示状态报告。 CHKNTFS 显示或修改启动时间磁盘检查。 CLS 清除屏幕。 CMD 打开另一个Windows 命令解释程序窗口。COLOR 设置默认控制台前景和背景颜色。 COMP 比较两个或两套文件的内容。 COMPACT 显示或更改NTFS 分区上文件的压缩。CONVERT 将FAT 卷转换成NTFS。您不能转换 当前驱动器。 COPY 将至少一个文件复制到另一个位置。 DA TE 显示或设置日期。 DEL 删除至少一个文件。 DIR 显示一个目录中的文件和子目录。DISKCOMP 比较两个软盘的内容。 DISKCOPY 将一个软盘的内容复制到另一个软盘。DOSKEY 编辑命令行、调用Windows 命令并创建宏。ECHO 显示消息,或将命令回显打开或关上。ENDLOCAL 结束批文件中环境更改的本地化。 ERASE 删除至少一个文件。 EXIT 退出CMD.EXE 程序(命令解释程序)。 FC 比较两个或两套文件,并显示 不同处。 FIND 在文件中搜索文字字符串。 FINDSTR 在文件中搜索字符串。 FOR 为一套文件中的每个文件运行一个指定的命令。FORMAT 格式化磁盘,以便跟Windows 使用。FTYPE 显示或修改用于文件扩展名关联的文件类型。GOTO 将Windows 命令解释程序指向批处理程序中某个标明的行。 GRAFTABL 启用Windows 来以图像模式显示 扩展字符集。 HELP 提供Windows 命令的帮助信息。 IF 执行批处理程序中的条件性处理。 LABEL 创建、更改或删除磁盘的卷标。 MD 创建目录。 MKDIR 创建目录。 MODE 配置系统设备。 MORE 一次显示一个结果屏幕。 MOVE 将文件从一个目录移到另一个目录。 PATH 显示或设置可执行文件的搜索路径。


历年上海英语翻译中级口译汉译英真题及答案 原文: 越来越多受英文教育的海外华人父母,已经认识到孩子在掌握不可或缺的英文的同时,也通晓中文的重要性。中国的崛起,让他们充分认识到孩子掌握双语的好处——既能增加他们的就业机会,也能让他们接触和熟悉东西方两种不同的文化。 这些人对中文的态度几乎没有完全改变。曾几何时,他们还非常骄傲地宣称自己只懂英文。现在,他们已开始积极支持孩子学习中文和中国文化,而且还不时走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风光,认识丰富的文化遗产。 译文: An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese. China’s rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West. They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only. Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China, where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage. 解析: 本段是一篇文化类介绍文章。总体难度一般,以句号结束的句子即可作为一


凉菜 夫妻肺片(Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce) 川北凉粉( Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce)、 棒棒鸡(Bon Bon Chicken) 麻辣小龙虾(Hot and Spicy Crayfish)、 扒猪脸(Snout) 桂花糯米藕(Steamed Lotus Root Stuffed with Sweet Sticky Rice) 醉蟹(Liquor-Soaked Crabs) 酒水 红星二锅头(Red Star Erguotou) 衡水老白干(Hengshui Laobaigan)、 青岛啤酒(Tsing Tao Beer) 长城干红(Great Wall Red Wine)、 绍兴女儿红(Nu'er Hong)、 茶 碧螺春(Biluochun Tea)、 大红袍(Dahongpao Tea) 陈年普洱(Aged Pu'er Tea)、 祁门红茶(Keemun Black Tea) 茉莉花茶(Jasmine Tea) 汤 西红柿蛋花汤(Tomato and Egg Soup)、 紫菜蛋花汤(Seaweed and Egg Soup) 鱼头豆腐汤(Fish Head and Tofu Soup)、 老鸭汤(Duck Soup) 酸菜粉丝汤(Pickled Cabbage and Vermicelli Soup) 萝卜丝鲫鱼汤(Crucian Carp Soup with Shredded Turnips) 黄豆排骨汤(Pork Ribs and Soy Bean Soup) 木瓜花生炖鸡脚(Chicken Paw Soup with Papaya and Peanut) 主菜 川菜:麻婆豆腐(MaPo Tofu)、 回锅肉(Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili)、 干烧鱼翅(Dry-Braised Shark’s Fin)、 豆花肉蟹(Sautéed Hardshell Crab with Tofu Pudding)、 坛子鸡(Chicken in Pot)、 樟茶鸭(Smoked Duck, Sichuan Style)、 魔芋鸭(Braised Duck with Shredded Konjak) 粤菜:佛跳墙(Fotiaoqiang)、 叉烧(BBQ Pork)、 烧鹅(Roast Goose)、 白斩鸡(Chopped Boiled Chicken)、 脆皮乳猪(Crispy BBQ Suckling Pig)、 脆皮乳鸽(Crispy Pigeon) 鲁菜:葱烧海参(Braised Sea Cucumbers with Spring Onions)、


Maya 2009 中英文对照 File 文件 New Scene 建立新场景 Enable default scene 使用默认的场景 Default scene 默认场景 Default Working Units 默认的工作单位 Linear 长度单位 millimeter 毫米 centimeter 厘米 meter 米 inch 英寸 foot 英尺 yard 光年 Angular 角度单位 degrees 角度 radians 弧度 Time 时间 Default Timeline Settings 默认的时间线设置 Playback start/end 回放起始结束帧 Animation start/end 动画起始结束帧 Open Scene 打开场景 File type 文件类型 Execute script nodes 执行脚本节点 Load Settings 调用设置 Load default references 调用默认参照 Load all references 调用所以参照 Load top-level top-level only 仅调顶级参照 Load no references 不调用参照 Selective preload 选择性调用 Save Scene 保存场景 Incremental save 递增保存 Limit incremental save 限制保存次数 Number of incremental 递增次数 Save Scene As 另存场景 Default file extensions 默认文件扩展名 Copy texture maps 纹理 Always 总是 Unless referenced 除非参照 Disk Cache Options 磁盘缓冲 File Type Specific Options 文件类型细节 Use full names for attributes on nodes 在节点上使用属性全名Save Preferences 保存参数 Optimize Scene Size 优化场景尺寸


产品介绍 1.我们的电热水壶是最新的快速煮沸开水及饮料的家用电器产品,适用于家庭及办公室。 Our electric kettle is the most up-to-date household appliance to boil water and make hot drinks fast at home or in the office. 2.该产品具有热效率高、耗电量少、性能可靠等优点,是您的最佳选择。 The product is your best choice with its high thermal efficiency, low power consumption, as well as reliable performance. 3.这跑车很酷,因此深受年轻人的喜爱,而且比其他式样的要轻便很多。 The sports car is so cool that it is popular with young people, and it is much lighter/convenient than other styles. Meet with a great favor in young people, Enjoy wide/great popularity among Is appreciated by young users 4.脱胎漆器无论是形状、样式、颜色、光泽,都那么高雅大方,此外,还轻便耐久。 Bodiles s lacquerwork is elegant in its 5.这很容易操作。你要做的就是轻轻按下这个按钮。看,开动了。 It is easy handling. / to handle. What you need to do is push/press the bottom lightly. Look, it gets started./ it is starting. 6.我们的绣花衬衫质量上乘,款式新颖,在欧洲和美国都很受欢迎,相信在你们国家也会有市场 的。 Our embroidered shirts are fine/superior in quality, fashionable in design, and have met with grater favor in European countries and America. I’m sure they will also enjoy a wide popularity in your country. (Warmly welcomed by) 定货-询价-报价-还价 7.由于订单太多,我们最多只能供应100台。我建议你把订单的数量削减一半,怎么样? As we are heavily committed, we can only supply 100 set at most. May I suggest that you cut the quantity of your order by half? As we have too many orders on hand, 100 set is the best we can offer you. I’d sugget that you reduce your order by half, what do you think? 8.我们能按不同市场的流行款式或客户来样,制作不同款式的箱包。 We can produce suitcase modeled after the fashions of different markets or according to buyers' samples. We can produce different styles of suitcase according to the fashions of the markets or the customers’samples. 9.我们的“虎”牌商标已经被大多数海外顾客所接受,并且在世界市场站稳了脚跟。 Our “Tiger” Trade Mark is well received by most of the overseas customers and has been well established in the world market. 10.坦白地说吧,已经有其他的客户已更高的价格向我们的订货呢。如果不是考虑到我们长期的业 务关系,我们也不会以这个价钱向你方报实盘。 To be frank with you, other clients have ordered at a higher price. We would not be willing to make you a firm offer at that price if it were not for the longstanding relations between us. 11.作为我们的老客户,您应该很清楚我们产品的质量上乘,而且,我们的报价是与世界市场的现 行价格相一致的 You is our old client, so you know very well that know fully well that our product is of superior quality, and Our quotation always comes in line with the world market/Our price is in line with the


第四部分翻译 Part Ⅰ英译汉 练习: Unit 1 1.年轻时,他对学业漫不经心,加之他一直不愿考虑运动员以外的职业,到这时候,这一切终于给他带来了不幸。 2.护士们对不得不日复一日地参与欺骗病人的做法也许深恶痛绝,但要抵制却感到无能为力。 3.我不会在初版的《失乐园》上乱写乱画,就像我不会把一幅伦勃朗的原作连同一套蜡笔交给我的婴儿任意涂抹一样。 4.只有假设地球表面呈曲线状,这一现象才能得到解释。 5.鹿减少生存所需的能耗以增加越冬生存的机会,从生物学的角度看是合情合理的。 6.不论好坏,不论是何结果,美国人不仅会一概接受,还要去铲除那些反对者,尽管对于成千上万的人来说,这决定与自己的意愿背道而驰。 7.你可曾为了接电话在洗澡时从浴室冲出来,或是嚼着饭从饭桌旁站起来,或是昏昏沉沉的从床上爬起来,而结果却是有人打错了。 8.实际上,大把花钱的满足感大于商品本身带给他们的乐趣。 9.但是蓝色也可以表示伤感(我很伤感),白色常代表纯洁,尽管在中国,人们在婚礼上穿白的,在葬礼上穿黑的。 10. 晚上十点到十二点,美国处在权力真空状态——除了纽约广播公司总部和两家大的新闻机构之外,全国范围内就再没有别的信息中心。 Unit 2 1) 1800年英国与法国之间将爆发一场持续15后的大战。 2) 我相信,到1816年,英国将在滑铁卢村附近赢得一场伟大战役的胜利。 3) 然而,到1870年,对于英国来说,德国将成为一个比法国更具危险性的国家。 4) 在20世纪初,俄国、美国和日本将成为大国,而英国将不再是世界上最强大的国家了。 5) 反过来,农民的业绩大小取决于农业的组织形式,经济环境,市场结构这些与之息息相关的因素。 6) 他被接回来时,不停地跟人讲,一些可怕的怪物瞪着眼睛盯着他,把他带到了一个宇宙飞船上。 7) 烫伤大多数发生在老人和孩子身上,往往是由于浴室里水温太高而造成的。 8) 尽量多地了解可能发生的事情,这样你可以提前做好准备。 9) 市场的变化迫使很多网站关闭,而其它网站也仅是勉强维持。 10)因为在农民生产率低下的国家,需要劳动人口中大多数人种粮食,因此就没有多少人从事投资货物的生产或进行经济增长所必须的其它活动。 Unit 3 1. 在牛顿之前,亚里士多德已经发现物体的自然状态是静止的,除非有力作用于物体。所以运动着的物体会停下来。 2.人们在家中或是类似家的地方感觉最为亲密——和一个或几个亲近的人呆在一起——也就是在私人交谈的时候。 3.当一个人长时间在干道或高速公路上驾车行驶,就会存在两个问题:一是如何保持稳定的车速;二是如何确保他不撞上前面的车。 4.这个系统尤其适用于汽车拥挤的情况,因为电脑不仅能够控制车速,与前面车子的距离,还能够控制方向。

SQL命令大全 中文翻译

SQL命令大全--中文翻译 2009-05-2413:25:39浏览次数:0 - SQL语句功能 --数据操作 SELECT--从数据库表中检索数据行和列INSERT--向数据库表添加新数据行 DELETE--从数据库表中删除数据行 UPDATE--更新数据库表中的数据 --数据定义 CREATE TABLE--创建一个数据库表 DROP TABLE--从数据库中删除表 ALTER TABLE--修改数据库表结构 CREATE VIEW--创建一个视图 DROP VIEW--从数据库中删除视图 CREATE INDEX--为数据库表创建一个索引DROP INDEX--从数据库中删除索引 CREATE PROCEDURE--创建一个存储过程DROP PROCEDURE--从数据库中删除存储过程CREATE TRIGGER--创建一个触发器 DROP TRIGGER--从数据库中删除触发器CREATE SCHEMA--向数据库添加一个新模式DROP SCHEMA--从数据库中删除一个模式CREATE DOMAIN--创建一个数据值域 ALTER DOMAIN--改变域定义 DROP DOMAIN--从数据库中删除一个域 --数据控制 GRANT--授予用户访问权限 DENY--拒绝用户访问 REVOKE--解除用户访问权限 --事务控制 COMMIT--结束当前事务 ROLLBACK--中止当前事务 SET TRANSACTION--定义当前事务数据访问特征--程序化SQL DECLARE--为查询设定游标 EXPLAN--为查询描述数据访问计划 OPEN--检索查询结果打开一个游标 FETCH--检索一行查询结果


口译中翻译复杂中文句子的方法 我曾写过一个帖子,介绍如何将一个复杂的英文句子翻译成中文。昨天我收到网友“CQ美眉”的邮件,她请我再写一个帖子,介绍如何将一个复杂的中文句子翻译成英文,也就是再写一个相反的帖子。这位网友还特意给我提供了一个例句,请看下面: 每一个人,作为社会的一个成员,有权享受其人格和尊严的自由发展所必需的社会、经济、文化权利,这些权利是通过国家努力和国际合作来实现的,并且与所在国家的组织、资源、现状相一致。 对于这种比较复杂的中文句子,在正式翻译成英文句子之前,应当按照它的含义,将它划分成不同的部分,以便我们确定英文句子的结构。我首先将这个中文句子划分成6个部分,请特别注意,第4部分嵌套在第3部分中间。 ①每一个人,②作为社会的一个成员,③有权享受 [④其人格和尊严的自由发展所必需的] 社会、经济、文化权利,⑤这些权利是通过国家努力和国际合作来实现的,⑥并且与所在国家的组织、资源、现状相一致。 这样划分之后,我初步决定,将第4、5、6部分翻译成三个定语从句,用来修饰第3部分的最后一个单词rights,请看: ①Everyone ②as a member of society ③is entitled to the social, economic and cultural rights ④which are necessary to the unrestrained development of his/her personality and dignity ⑤which are realized through national effort and international cooperation ⑥which are concordant with the organization, resources and situation of each country. 不过,在英语中,通常是一个定语从句修饰一个名词,很少有三个定语从句修饰一个名词,因此我临时决定,将第4部分改写成一个短语,将第5、6部分合并成一个定语句子,请看:


经典广告词中英文翻译2.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3.The new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4.We lead.Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5.Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 6.Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7.The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)8.Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)9.Come to where the flavor is.Marlboro Country. 光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟) 10.To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒) 11. Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 12. Ask for more.渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 13. The taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 14. Feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星电子) 15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) 16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 17. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工) 18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子) 19. Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子) 20. No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司) 1 Good to the last drop 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽麦式咖啡Maxwell 2 Time is what you make of it 天长地久斯沃奇手表Swatch 3Make yourself heard 理解就是沟通爱立信Ericsson 4Start ahead 成功之路从头开始飘柔rejoice 5Diamond lasts forever 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传第比尔斯De Bieeres 6Things go better with Coca-cola 饮可口可乐万事如意 7Connecting people Nokia 科技以人为本诺基亚Nokia 9A Kodak moment 就在柯达一刻柯达Kodak 10Mosquito Bye Bye Bye,蚊子杀杀杀雷达牌驱蚊虫剂RADAR


中文姓氏英文翻译 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha 常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too

段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu 东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F: 范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei 管/关--Kuan/Kwan 郭/国--Kwok/Kuo 公孙--Kung-sun 公羊--Kung-yang 公冶--Kung-yeh 谷梁--Ku-liang H: 海--Hay 韩--Hon/Han 杭--Hang 郝--Hoa/Howe 何/贺--Ho 桓--Won 侯--Hou 洪--Hung 胡/扈--Hu/Hoo 花/华--Hua 宦--Huan 黄--Wong/Hwang


商务英语口译中的数字翻译 21世纪的中国在政治、经济、文化、贸易等方面的对外交往更加频繁,口译作为国际政治、经济及文化交流的桥梁和纽带作用愈显重要。随着中国市场经济发展的不断成熟,国际技术贸易和项目拓展愈来愈需要更多的国际商务英语人才及商务英语口译人才。加之目前国内在培养口译人才时常常把语言培养和技能培养分而治之,商务英语口译人员在工作时会面临更大的挑战。其中,数字翻译亦是一项难题。从事商业或者相关工作,在询盘、报盘、订单、支付、谈判、仲裁等商务活动过程中,必然会用到很多数字。如果译员译错,甚至是不准确,都会为客户带来重大经济损失。 一、明确汉英数字表达体系差异 由于中西方文化的差异,思维方式的差异形成了数字表达的差异,这使译者在口译中感到束手无策。而衡量翻译的两条基本标准就是:“准确、流利”(梅德明,2006)。口译更要重视“准确与流利的有机统一”(陈苏东,2006)。在商务活动中,数字翻译一定要做到准确。所以,数字翻译是口译教学的重点,也是难点。汉英数字互译时涉及数字单位的换算问题,译员的反应和换算速度会决定翻译的准确性和流利度。 英文数字是三位数为一个单位,而中文是四位数为一个单位。 Tr:trillion; M:million; Th:thousand; H:hundred 中文四位一进和英文三位一进的差异决定了数字翻译不仅仅是语言翻译问题,还有单位换算问题。因此,在时间紧迫的环境下,口译员要准确无误地翻译出大数字就需要熟练掌握汉英表达体系,快速换算出目的语表达体系。 例如: (1)six hundred eighty-five million,nine hundred fifty-five thousand,one hundred and twenty-nine tons 六亿八千五百九十五万伍仟一百二十九吨 首先在听英语时,按照英语三位数字体系记录下阿拉伯数字:685,955,129,从右往左分别是“千”、“百万”、“亿”。在用中文表达时,译员需要把该数据重新划分:6,8595,5129,从右往左分别是“万”、“亿”。 (2)十三亿八千六百二十四万五百七十二人 one billion,three hundred and eighty-six million,two hundred and twenty-four thousand,five hundred and seventy two people 要把这个长长的数字翻译成英语,处理起来时比较复杂的。首先,译员要按照汉语四位数字体系记录下阿拉伯数字:13,8624,0572。在译成英文时,用斜杠或其他符号重新用三位数字体系划分1/386/240/572。这样,数字中的“0”还不会被忽略。 除此之外,译员在学习或练习过程中还要注意英美两国的数字表达体系也有差异。美国英语中数字的基本单位是:十、百(hundred)、千(thousand)、百万(million)、十亿(billion)、万亿(trillion);英国英语中数字的基本单位原则是:十、百(hundred)、千(thousand)、百万(million)、万亿(billion)。 在英国英语数字表达体系中是没有“十亿”单位的,所以,译员在工作中要十分警惕这种现象。


MAX命令翻译(初学者的速查手册) FILE(文件) EDIT(编辑) Rest(重置) Undo(撤消) Save Selected(保存所选择的对象) Redo(恢复) XRef Objects(外部参考物体) Clone(复制) XRef Scenes(外部参考场景) Delete(删除) Merge(合并) Select All(对象选择) Replace(替换) Select None(取消对象) Import(输入) Select Invert(对象反转) Export(输出) Hold(保存) Archive(压缩存盘) Fetch(取出) View File(观看文件) Select BY(根据..选择) Select By Color(根据颜色..选择) Select By Name(根据名字..选择) Region(区域) Edit Named Selections(编辑已命名被选物) Properties(属性) TOOLS(工具菜单) GROUP(分组菜单) Mirror(镜像) Group(分组) Array(阵列) Open(打开) Align(对齐) Close(关闭) Place Highlight(放置高亮区) Ungroup(解除群组) Align Camera(对齐摄像机) Explode(分解) Scaping Tool(间距修改工具) Detach(分离) Transform Type-In(输入变换坐标) Attach(合并) Display Floater(显示浮动物体) Hide(隐藏) Freeze(冻结) Selection Floater(选择浮动物体) Snapshot(快照复制) Normal Align(法向对齐) Material Editor(材质编辑器) Material/Map Browser(材质/贴图浏览器) VIEWS(视图菜单) Undo(撤消) Redo(重复) Save Active View(保存当前激活的视图状态) Restore Active View(还原当前激活的视图状态) Grids(栅格) Show Home Grid显示主栅格) Activate Home Grid(激活主栅格)


中文名字翻译成英文 一般就是把中文名字用拼音方式写出即可,注意大小写规定和前后顺序要求。 例如:张三 Zhang San 或者 San Zhang 根据英文习惯,名在前,姓在后,所以第二种更符合外国人习惯,但是第一种现在也很常见,也算对。 张三四 Zhang Sansi 或者 Sansi Zhang 如果遇到三个字的,第三个字的拼音不用大写,但是要和第二个字的拼音连着写不能有空格。 此外,如果有必要,您能够自己起个有意义的或者发音相似的外国名字来用,一般像香港人都会有两个名字,一个中文名,一个外文名。 中文翻译英文其它实用方法 首先不要翻译姓,不要翻译姓,不要翻译姓!把姓放在名字的最后面用拼音写就好了。 按照音译的方式来取名字的话也能够不过有两个问题需要注意一下,第一很多人都会有一样的名字(因为英文里Y等字母开头的名字很有限)第二有些音英语几乎没有所以选出的名字会也许会有点古怪/ 非主流。 我举个例子吧: 黄晓明如果音译的话= 晓明 +Huang/ Wong = Seamus, Shane, Sean, Shayne, Sheldon, Sherman,(sigmund, simon) 这些名字当中 Seamus 是苏格兰名比较粗,Sheldon,Sherman, Sigmund 比较过时。所以要

么 Simon Huang, Sean Huang, Shane Huang.(或者Wong- 对于英国人来说粤语拼音更熟悉)按照名字的意义来翻译不错,不过有的名字不 好翻译,尤其是男人的名字,为什么?因为在英国像‘阳/晓/春/月/ 夏/天’等词更多是用在女孩子的名字,男人用得少。之外觉得我得提 醒大家千万不要直接翻译,千万不要直接翻译,千万不要直接翻译而 且千万不要自己乱起, Sun, Star, Red, Spring, King, Morning,Moon, Green 等词不能够做名字的,几乎所有名词/形容词不能够当 作名字的,需要查‘Name Dictionary' 才能找出名字来。比如晓明:与日出/日光相关,搜一下于相关的名字,名字的意思和来源即可。 中文翻译英文起名注意事项 问题1:所起英文名太常见 第一种问题是起的英文名太常见,如:Henry, Jane, John, Mary. 这就像外国人起名叫赵志伟、王小刚、陈*一样,给人牵强附会的感觉。虽然起名字并无一定之规,但给人的感觉很重要。 问题2:不懂文化差异而犯忌 此外,因为文化差异,有些名字引申义不雅,如:Cat, Kitty,在英 语俚语中,它们指的是女性的阴部。Cat 宜改为Cathy,Kitty 宜改为Kate。 问题3:改名又改姓 一般来说,非英语国家的人到了美国,都可能改名,但没有改姓的。 这关系到家族荣誉,将来还会关系到遗传基因。所以,无论自己的姓 多么难读,都要坚持。常见有人起英文名时连姓也改了,如司徒健Ken Stone,肖燕Yan Shaw。下列英文姓尚可接受,但也不用,如:Young 杨,Lee李。 问题4:英文名与姓谐音


翻译资格怎么练好口译翻译 翻译资格怎么练好口译翻译?如何提高口译能力?今天小编给大家带来了翻译资格技巧 和经验之怎样翻译复杂的中文句子,希望可以帮助到同学们。下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 翻译资格怎么练好口译翻译 口译翻译对英语基本功的要求比较高,当场听到马上能够组织语言翻译过来。要求必 须能听懂,不能有任何原则性的错误,否则就是失败。这也是口语翻译最基本的能力。很多人想要做口译翻译,可是如何入门,怎么才能练好口译翻译呢? 复述 一开始是从练习复述开始,选择一篇2分钟左右的听力材料,听完之后做复述,刚开 始可以选择记一些关键的信息。每个人程度不同,练着练着自己也会有感觉的,当一 篇文章80%-90%的内容都能复述出来,基本可以试着进行下一步了。 笔记 笔记的目的是辅助大脑记忆更多的信息,不是代替大脑进行工作,所以一个好的口译 员还是脑记为主,笔记为辅,一般是脑记70%,笔记30%。选择一些有用的口语翻译书籍,好好看看人家的笔记符号是如何运用的,积累一些常用的符号,分析文章的逻辑,以及文字语言是怎么转化成为符号语言的。然后,在不看范例的情况下,自己看 着原文,进行练习,之后对比文中的范例,补充自己的遗漏之处。 交传 积累了一些笔记符号之后就可以练习一些简单的交传了。也是选择一些好的材料进行 对照,把自己的译文录下来,翻完之后,听一下,这样你知道自己的问题在什么地方,为什么这个信息点没有听出来,是词不知道意思,还是句子逻辑错了。翻错的句子或 短语应该记下来,当中好的句式也应该记下来,这样日积月累你自然会有提高。 同传 如果你交传练习的比较扎实,同传这种类型的文章并不难。演讲者开始说话的2-3s之后,你也跟着说,说同一种语言。一开始选择可以选择比较简单的材料,时间也短点。你自己说过去之后再回头对照,抓细小的点,译文质量的精妙之处往往就在一些这种 细小的点上。 实战
