

On Little Load Fauntleroy

I. Introduction

The Little Load Fauntleroy was written by Burnet, a famous writer in America. She was born in England and spent his childhood in there, and moved to American with his family in sixteen. As a matter of fact, she lived a hard life for her father died when she was four years old and she lived poorly with his mother. She experienced a lot of things that others haven’t imagined, but all of this can’t change her enthusiasm about the literature. She began to release stories when she was in American, in this way she could make some money for the family’s daily life. The book is about an American boy’s story of becoming to an English earl. Because of this book, Burnet became one of the best and popular writers.

II. The Story

Cedric was born in America, and his grandfather, Earl of Dorincourt, was a very rich and important old nobleman, with a very bad temper and a very violent dislike to Americans. he had there sons, but it so happen that Nature had given to the younger son gifts which she had not bestowed upon his elder brothers. He had a beautiful face and a fine, strong, graceful figure; He had a bright smile and sweet voice; he was brave and generous, and had the kindest heart in the world, and seemed to have the power to make everyone love him. But it was not so as his older brothers; neither of them was handsome, or kind, or clever. There was on doubt that the young one was Cedric’s father. He loved an American girl after his father sent him off to travel in American, and he wrote to his father to tell him he would marry the girl. When the old Earl received the letter, he was furiously angry. He told his son might live as he pleased, and died where he pleased, that he should be cut off from his family forever. The younger son was very sad and he knew he need expect on kindness experience, but he had courage and plenty of determination. With his hardworking he had a small house in a quite street and his little boy was born there, and everything was so gay and cheerful, in a quite small way. In the first place, the boy was always well and never gave trouble. In the second place, he had so sweet temper as his father and always so charming that he was a pleasure to everyone. His greatest charm was the cheerful, fearless, quaint

little way of making friends with others. I think it arose from his having a very confiding nature, and a kind hearted that sympathized with everyone, and wished everyone as comfortable as he like to be. So when he knew his father would not came back and saw how sad his mother was, there gradually come into his kind little heart the thought he must do what he could do to make her happy.

To everyone’s surprise, Cedric’s uncle were both died, and he was to be an earl after his grandfather’s death-and for the present he was Lord Fauntleroy, and his grandfather had sent him to come to England. Before he left the American, he helped Dick, and a woman and Bridget to give them a better life with the money that his grandfather gave him. This made him happy and made the relationship with his lovely friends deeper. He was not so willing to leave the place that he lived, but he must face it. As a matter of fact, he didn’t knew that his grandfather hated his mother, and he didn’t knew the exactly reason why his mother can not live with him, but he listened to his mother to be a good boy. When the old Earl saw the boy, he was surprised and he was changed from then. The old Earl was lonely and bad tempered tyrant in people’s eyes, but when he found Cedric was not only smart, charming but also honest, virtuous, generous, they became friends. After getting along with each other for several months, Cedric changed his grandfather to be kind and cared about the people around him.

Once upon a time, the old Earl hated Cedric’s mother a lot. In his opinion, it was her, a American women, changed his younger son’s life. He totally believed that his son’s death had something with the woman. Even Cedric tried to persuade him, he did not listen. But when it came to whether Cedric was the legal heir to an English Earldom. The old man changed his tough attitude. In another way, we can say that he loved the grandson so much. When he saw her, he began to realize that she had so sweet a face and voice, and a pretty dignity when she spoke or moved. Very soon, by the quiet magic of these influence, he began to feel less gloomy and can’t help accepting and loving her. He also admitted that, it was because of her, Cedric had been taught to think kind thoughts always and to care for others. In the end, he let her to live with them in the castle. The castle became full of joys and harmonious, and the people around them all get excellent result. In a word, they all lived happily.

III. My View on the Book

I have to say that I learnt a lot from the book. First of all, the good qualities, such as be true, be kind, be beautiful are all important in our life. It not only determines people around us like us or not, but also determines whether we can grow to be real men. When we do a favor to others, we may solve a series of problems. The life is that we don’t known what will happen next, so helping others is helping ourselves. Moreover, we should believe that we can defeat the vicious things if we are justified. No matter what situation we are in, do not lose heart and things will turn good in the end. Believe ourselves and try to do the best, and the good results are waiting for us not far away. Last but not least, it’s never too old to be a kind man. No matter what we have experienced and what wrong things we have done, do not lose heart. When we change to be good, people will like us all the same. What we should do is that show the best aspect of us and let it last long. Life is a long journey that we will spend our energy to make it wonderful. Do what we can do and share what we have with people. I am sure that we will enjoy our lives.


飞鸟集读书心得体会600字 《飞鸟集》是印度诗人泰戈尔的代表作之一,也是世界上最杰出的诗集之一,它包括325首清丽的无标题小诗。下面是由带来的有关《飞鸟集》读书心得体会5篇,以方便大家借鉴学习。 《飞鸟集》读书心得体会1 看《飞鸟集》的第一感觉就是清新,既不是村上春树那阳光中带着忧伤彷徨的青春故事,也没有雨果那种悲痛的剧情,它仿佛是浩瀚宇宙中最最新鲜的空气,让我有一种想一口气吞并、吸收它们的感觉。 我原来跟随时尚,哼流行歌曲,买新颖文具,读科幻小说,看动漫电影,我认为它们充满趣味,但是,读了《飞鸟集》,我不这么想了,我认为文学和时尚是反义词,时尚在此岸,文学就在彼岸;时尚是波光,文学是河床;时尚哗哗地向前流,文学则静静地沉淀;时尚也许可以流传的很广,但文学可以流传的更久远;时尚也许可以在瞬间让你眼前一亮,文学却可以在你掩卷闭目后悠然心动! 我不知道泰戈尔如何把所见翻译成诗句,让那神奇的文字穿过阡陌红尘,穿越种族国别,安抚我这颗纷繁芜杂的心灵。但是,我知道,我要努力,我要按照《飞鸟集》中的格言警句去做,从现在作起,为中华之崛起而读书。 家园包括大家和小家,大到国家,小到私家。品味书香,和谐家园,顾名思意,就是读好书,才能光宗耀祖,出人头地;才能回报社会,报效祖国。我们的身上背负着建设国家的责任,只有认真读书,

从小立志,珍惜时间,抓紧奋斗,将来长大了才能为国家做奉献。 《飞鸟集》的诗句不仅能激励我上进,还能在我消极沮丧之时就像一曲美妙的乐曲深入人们的心灵一样用它清新的文字来让我的心静下来,想想花儿与果实的对话,想想鸟儿与白云的理论,再想想山峰与落日的结合,多么充满趣味,我那颗杂乱的新心自然也就平静下来,回头再想想刚才令我生气的事情,才会觉得十分可笑,不必为其绞劲。这时的《飞鸟集》还真是一位很好的心理医生呢! 《飞鸟集》是我百看不厌的好书,泰戈尔是我认为最善于观察、发现与思考的学者。在书的最末页,尼赫鲁说:“泰戈尔是印度最伟大的人道主义者。” 这就是泰戈尔,这就是《飞鸟集》,也许,对人类文明的历史上,《飞鸟集》只不过是沧海一粟而已;但是我觉得《飞鸟集》更别具一格,在如今嘈杂喧闹的大都市里,用它与众不同的文笔,为我们开创了另一个美丽的天堂。 《飞鸟集》读书心得体会2 “夏天的飞鸟,来到我的窗前,歌唱,又飞走了。秋天的黄叶,他们没有什么曲子可唱,一声叹息,飘落在地上。”小巧秀气的封面上掠过一群展翅高飞的雁儿。这就是泰戈尔的经典诗集。喜欢在某个明媚的午后,手捧这卷诗集,独自静静地坐在阳光下。手中的纸页被阳光照射后书香四溢,仿佛不用看,只需轻轻地嗅嗅,就能体味到其中淡雅的芳香。 我想那是拂过浩瀚碧海的一阵风,从某个遥远的盈满绿色的国家


苔丝英文读后感 苔丝英文读后感 Why was Tess&rsq uo;s girlish purity lost? Why did such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer in evitable rui n? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woma n? Why it is always the woma n who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Why the tragedy is happened more than one hundred years ago repeated in moder n times? Is everyth ing too late? Rece ntly l&rsqu o;ve read the British famous writer Thomas Hard y’s masterpiece-Tess of the D’urbervilles. It describes the misfortune of a poor peasa nt girl Tess. In this no vel, we can see Tess resist her unjust fate aga in and aga in, till to be ruin ed. With the developme nt of the plot we find that her tragedy is in evitable. We can not but feel the intense emoti ons of pity and fear. The cause of Tess’s tragedy has always been the con cer n of people, such a beautiful, n oble and pure woma n as Tess should suffer in evitable rui n. What leads to her tragic desti ny? Who killed her? I can&rsq uo;t do very well in an alysis the no vel. I don&rsq uo;t know clearly how the time she lived in affect her life. I


读《飞鸟集》有感1000 字读书心得 飞鸟集》则都是一些生活零碎的哲思。这些随意的、短小的 诗, 经由诗人智慧的表达,译者的精准翻译,使其充满了诗的隽逸和深刻的生活哲思。下面是橙子为大家整理收集的关于读《飞鸟集》有感 1000 字读书心得,欢迎大家阅读! 读《飞鸟集》有感1000 字读书心得 窗外的雨淅淅沥沥的下着,厌倦了各种文学作品华丽辞藻的我,企图在这阴雨缠绵的天气中寻得一丝久违的清新。拿出许久未读的 飞鸟集》,坐在飘窗上,耳闻窗外淅沥的雨声,目观书中淡雅的文字,我仿佛感受到一阵来自遥远天际徐徐吹来的清风,嗅到了来自丛林深处清幽的花香。 读着泰戈尔简单朴素的文字,我仿佛得到了一种脱胎换骨的释放,我仿佛要与自然融为一体,我,在这繁杂的喧闹中,获得了一份难得的清净。在泰戈尔的文字中,我能领悟到用爱与美交织出的自然,能触到清新亮丽的梦境。 我们在这尘世中生活着,忙碌着; 青春韶华在我们手中挥霍着,消逝着,总有一天,我们会因走到旅途的尽头而与世长辞,没有人 会记得你的存在,而你也无法带走你在这世间的所有。爱就是充实的生命,一如盛满了酒的酒杯” ,当你在即将走到生命的尽头时,你会发现,在这尘世的角落中隐藏着许许多多的爱与美,而在这时,你才会幡然醒悟,不管是富有还是贫穷,亦或是长相的丑陋或美丽,只要心中能保存着一颗爱心,灵魂中残留着微不可计的质朴之心,你便能感受到幸福其实一直萦绕在你左右。 在这尘世间,功名利禄已经成为了每个人成功的“标配” ,而质朴变成了贫穷的衍生品,有多少人能够经受得住钱财与权势的诱惑。 太阳披上朴素的光之衣,云朵却披上了绚丽的衣服“,放眼世间,有多少人能够像太阳一般朴素,却又有多少人如同云朵一般爱慕虚荣


《飞鸟集》读后感 《飞鸟集》读后感1 《飞鸟集》是我这个暑假最大的收获。不仅从头到尾细细读过一遍,更字字句句摘抄下来。伟大的泰戈尔,用他高尚的思想洞悉世间的一切,用他纯美的文字记录下每一个思想的光辉。人性的善恶,在他的笔下展现得淋漓尽致;对美好的讴歌,对丑恶的批驳,更是登封造极。虽比不上荷马诗歌的壮阔,但是《飞鸟集》这一部长诗,却更像一杯淡淡的清茶,初读时生涩难懂,但多读便将寓意看得分明了,正如茶的本性,使人唇齿留香。 美感和韵律是诗歌的灵魂,《飞鸟集》将人带入了一个美妙的天堂般的境界。这里有明媚的阳光,整齐的白桦林,仿佛一幅简单明了的彩绘画。这里有“泉水激石,泠泠作响”,也有“好鸟相鸣,嘤嘤成韵”,犹如一幅清雅脱俗的山水画。这里有黑夜笼罩下的狂风暴雨,也有沉沉暮霭下烛与灯的对话,好似一幅色彩浓重的油画。这里同样是奇妙的童话世界。看看不知深浅的萤火虫嘲笑着沉默的星星,瞧瞧马与草之间的精彩辩论,听听花朵与绿叶之间的低语,我领悟了深邃的哲理,同时又收获了可贵的天真。 泰戈尔的笔下,人性这个话题屡见不鲜。对人性的思考,在泰戈尔看来是永恒的。他用看似简单的语句揭示了许多深刻的道理。在可怖的夜幕中,我唤醒内心的理性,与泰戈尔一道,剖析着人性的弱点;在温暖的阳光下,我调动着感性

的情感,与泰戈尔一道,感受着世界的气息。我在泰戈尔的引导下,明白了美的含义,也领悟了情的真谛。拒绝冷漠,拒绝愚昧。泰戈尔用自己的情感感动了我。 《飞鸟集》的意义并不在于它的文字如何的优美,而在于它的内涵。它用唯美的方式演绎了晶莹剔透的篇章。我采撷着它闪耀的光芒,并从中获得了新生。 在它面前,我以前的文字都黯淡了下来,唯有它光彩夺目。在泰戈尔面前,我终于意识到我过去的灵魂是多么的卑微。 《飞鸟集》,好一部美的箴言。 《飞鸟集》读后感2 今天,我读了著名诗人泰戈尔的诗集《飞鸟集》。刚读,就喜欢上了这本书。 这本书由325篇短小精悍的小诗组成。这些形式自由、语言精湛、笔法清隽朴素的小诗中,似乎带着一点点童趣,细细品味,仿佛又蕴含着一点儿哲理……总之,一个字:美。 说它有童趣,是因为《飞鸟集》中的诗,写的都是生活中常见的“死物”,并赋予它们“生命力”和“说话的权力”。例如:他在第36篇中写道,“瀑布歌唱道:‘我得到自由时便有歌声了。’”这句话就是作者赋予了瀑布“唱歌的权力”;又如他在第86篇中写道:“‘你离我有多远呢,果实呀?’‘我藏在你心里呢,花呀。’”这是一则“花”与“果实”的对话,在对话中,作者赋予了它们“说话的权力“。


The Impression of Reading Tess of the d’Urbervilles In most works of Thomas Hardy’s ,he almost entirely concerns his native West Country—Wessex . For Hardy, nature was the primary fact in life. He felt that nature was good because it represented free life in its honest, basic form. Nature was also harsh and demanding, punishing those w ho did not live in tune with it. For most of his major character, life is a struggle to regain the simplicity and truth of natural living. Most of them are sensual women like “Tess” in Tess of the d’Urbervilles , they are the common villains in Hardy’s novels .The Wessex novels are similar in mant other ways. All of them rely heavily on sensational incidents and their plots are overloaded with exciting climaxes. Of all the Wessex novels, Tess of the d’Urbervilles is one of the most typical one. The other one is Jude the Obscure. Wessex raised a storm of controversy because of their “indecent” subject matter. Today, their subjects w ould be considered harmless, even dull, but the Victorians were outraged by his gloomy outlook and lack of sw eetness. The subtitle of the novel is “A Pure Maiden”. The novel portrays a pure maiden’s tragic experience. In Tess of the d’Urbervilles, a pure, just and industrious rural maiden Tess became degenerate under the press of society. She was filled with love and the trust in others. After being raped by Alec, she left Alec’s home, which embodies her pure heart and her yearning for well-being life. She didn’t want to live with a man she hated.


《名利场》读后感 “名利场,名利场,万事无非空虚一场。”看完这本书,我也不禁发出与作者相同的感慨,心情难以平静。 这本书的作者是英国作家萨克雷,书中的故事发生于英国十九世纪初,辛辣讽刺了当时英国所谓上流社会中人们的自私贪婪、尔虞我诈的丑恶嘴脸。故事围绕夏普和艾米丽亚两位女主角展开。两个女孩都美貌无比、能歌善舞。贫穷的女孩夏普用美貌和不择手段进入上流社会富有的女孩艾米丽亚心地善良为人厚道。夏普野心、心机重,所有的女孩在她面前都黯然失色,最后夏普沉迷于上流社会的社交活动,最终被丈夫抛弃,而艾米利亚却拥有一个美满的婚姻,无比幸福。 书中的故事很现实,虽然是在十九世纪写的,但是读来却没有时代的隔阂,就是在今天,谁又不是为名利二字所累呢?娱乐圈中、网络上各种炒作搏出位、官场上的贪污受贿,这样为了名利的事不绝于耳。名与利固然可求,但是这并不是生活的全部。倘若名利从日常的需求变成了病态的追求,那么为了名利,人就可能会铤而走险,就如近日广受关注的薄熙来案件。名利场是一个浮华的世界,裹着一层诱人的面纱,人一旦陷于其中,便会被蒙蔽了双眼,将真情与友爱遗忘到九霄云外。金钱、权利成了他们唯一的追求,就如书中的夏普小姐,夏泼为了达到进入上流社会的目的,她利用自己的友谊、爱情、婚姻,又不惜出卖朋友,出卖丈夫来为自己铺着通向那“高贵社会王国”的红地毯。然而最后她也得到了报应,她的最好的朋友艾米莉娅最后也远离她,丈夫也不理睬她,儿子不想见她,为一时的华丽与虚

伪,她付出了多么大的代价! 时间会淘出本质,所谓名利不过是刹那烟花,在生活中,还有很多美好的事物值得我们追求。在家庭之中享受温馨的爱、在朋友中享受相知之乐、在学习或工作中享受劳动、提升自我的满足、在大自然中享受宁静和造物主的恩赐。 我们正处于人生中价值观、世界观、人生观的树立时期,这本书让我更明确了正确的人生观,人要知足常乐,不要被名利束缚自己的人生。


关于《飞鸟集》读后感精选5篇 《飞鸟集》读后感 《飞鸟集》,它是著名诗人泰戈尔的杰作。就在今天我合上了它的最后一页,它一直让我回味无穷。 这部伟大的杰作由325首小诗组成,小诗虽然短小,确蕴藏着一丝童趣和深刻的道理。从不止哭泣的婴儿,到历经艰险的探险者;从没有经验的青年,到饱经风霜的老者;从平凡不过的小草,到美丽娇艳的小花;从展翅高飞的小鸟,到洁净无瑕的白云,无一不充满趣味。泰戈尔用了拟人的手法,让天下万物都活了起来,让它们有机会诉说自己的欢乐与痛苦。 “让生命绚丽如夏花,让死亡静美如秋味。”这是泰戈尔诗集中较为优美,甚至是绝美的语句。将自己对生的喜悦与对未来的期待表露无遗,这是泰戈尔的对生命人生的态度。他会用一切方法去充实自己有限的生命,去创造出无限精彩的风景,死对于泰戈尔而言,并非恐惧,而是一种淡然,一种释然。 “如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。”他告诉我星星的光辉再柔弱也是对坚强的一种奖章,不值得为已经失去的事物而再次失去。 他是一个诗人,诗人爱着世界。即使这个“世界”仍存在着阴暗、自私、欲望、背叛与肮脏。即使只有小小的飞鸟肯为他停留,歌唱着“我爱你,”却已经足够让他虔诚地瞻仰整个世界,深信不疑。一如

泰戈尔曾说的“我相信你的爱。 《飞鸟集》读后感 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我窗前歌唱,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。 因为一朵“金色花”,因为一句“我可不告诉你,妈妈”,徜徉于纯真想象中,我想我真的被吸引了。继而找来了泰戈尔的《飞鸟集》来读,它对于我来说,就是心中的青山绿水,是一树一树的花开,是雪化后那片鹅黄,使我深陷,使我陶醉。 我陶醉于这位印度诗人的炉火纯青,白昼与黑夜,溪流与汪洋,落叶与流萤,自由与背叛,无不化为泰戈尔笔下的小诗,像新鲜初放芽的绿般的小诗,一股如云烟的清新撩逗着我的心。我陶醉于泰戈尔像宇宙般无边而又神奇的想象与视角,“‘海水呀,你说的是什么?’‘是永恒的疑问。’‘天空呀,你回答的话是什么?’‘是永恒的沉默。’”我陶醉于泰戈尔的独特人生视角和感悟,“如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星。”我就在这陶醉中,带着一点欣欣然地读完了。 可我更陶醉于这本诗集给我的感觉,雨后春笋般清新;给我的意境,一种无与伦比的宁静;还有它给我宁静如秋穹的想象:我仿佛置身于一个黄,金黄的黄昏,天空还未被染红,太阳射下万丈金光,柔柔的金光。深绿色的贾克果树被镀上了一片金黄,远处的屋顶被镀上了金黄,那袅袅炊烟被镀上了金黄,黢黑的农民也被镀上了一层金黄,就连金色的麦浪也笼罩在一片金黄下,和着热气涌动。在那似乎也是


苔丝英文读后感 Updated by Jack on December 25,2020 at 10:00 am

《苔丝》英文读后感 She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man. She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess. She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays. Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why


名利场读后感3则 名利场读后感3则 范文一: 长篇小说《名利场》是萨克雷的成名作和代表作。它以辛辣讽刺的手法,真实描绘了1810~1820年摄政王时期英国上流社会没落贵族和资产阶级暴发户等各色人物的丑恶嘴脸和弱肉强食、尔虞我诈的人际关系。 这部小说篇幅宏大,场面壮观,情节复杂,心理刻画深入,其尖锐泼辣的讽刺风格更为精彩。《名利场》是萨克雷的成名作品,也是他生平著作里最经得起时间考验的杰作,在英国现实主义小说的发展史上开辟了新的天地。 不得不承认,这个故事很现实。名利场里的人看不清,名利场外的人同样看不清。所有的人都渴望金钱,地位。一旦你拥有了其中的一样,其他人都会对你另眼相看。 都宾用一生的爱等到了他心爱的人,他的青春,他的年华献给了那个名利场中的可怜人。艾米利亚的单纯和爱戴给她半生的苦痛。然而结局是好的。作者不忍心让好人受苦吧,善良的人得到了幸福,在名利场中出入。那些贪婪的,自私的,愚蠢的,骄傲的,不择手段的人得到了应有的报应。把结局看了几遍。有点高兴,有点伤心。 这不只只是一部小说,这是一个社会的缩影。不光那时的英国,就是今天。谁又不是为名利二字所累呢?其余的一切都是建立在这个基础上的。当物质生活问题没有解决时,又有谁去追求一种纯洁的莫须有的理想呢?所以,大学生学习的目的成了工作,工作的目的是有

一份可以让人另眼看待的生活。当然,这没有错,我们都是命运手中的一颗棋子。算计着自己的身价,算计着该怎么样去抬高自己的身价。无奈啊,人们只会去崇拜,谈论那些光鲜的人物,你不去做,会有人去做的。 萨克雷认为: 小说的艺术是表现本质,即尽可能强烈地表达真实的情感。他的这种理论主张在他的成名作《名利场》中得到了极好的体现。故事发生在19世纪初。在写出《名利场》以前的十余年对于萨克雷来说基本上是一个准备阶段,在这个期间萨克雷对社会上各式各样上等人的观察越来越深入细致,艺术手法也日益成熟。《名利场》便是在这个基础上完成的现实主义的杰作。《名利场》里创造了比较丰满的人物形象,描写了社会生活的广阔画面,并通过人物命运的交织而对生活作了总的评价。 《名利场》通过情节的安排企图说明一切都是浮名浮利,他揭开了资本主义社会五光十色的繁荣外表,让人们看到它的本质。萨克雷自己说过,他在《名利场》里要写一群极端愚蠢自私的人,不顾一切地为非作歹而又热烈追求浮名浮利,同时,他又说,书中所描写的全是死亡、争吵、金钱和病痛。《名利场》并没有严密的故事结构,故事的内容基本上是由两个女主人公利蓓加与爱米丽亚的生活道路串联起来的。爱米丽亚是一位资产阶级小姐,而利蓓加则是个一无所有、在资本主义社会里浑水摸鱼的女人,通过这两个主人公的命运,萨克雷描绘出了当时上流社会中形形色色的众生相。 范文二:


《飞鸟集》的读后感 《飞鸟集》的读后感提要:后来,我干脆大声朗读《飞鸟集》,把它的那种奇妙的美从内心彻底的释放出来。在读的过程中,我也从一些诗中体会到了某些哲理 物管学堂 《飞鸟集》的读后感 作者:赵琼莉 我喜欢《飞鸟集》,因为这里的每一首诗,每一句话,短小而精悍。甚至比《论语》还要简洁。而且每一句构思奇妙,意蕴耐人寻味,韵律优美流畅。都在揭示人生的真谛。 我对《飞鸟集》的认识,是循序渐进的.这本书,我读了很多遍。正所谓“温故而知新”,每读一遍,我都能从中体会到更深的含义。 开始,我是泛泛而读的,只感觉到了语言的微妙.每天读几行行,可以忘掉一切烦恼,但从中并没有体会到什么,只感觉有一种朦胧的月色美。 当我读第二遍时,速度放慢了些,细心地寻找文字的,美的源泉。原来,世上一切微小而不起眼的事物,泰戈尔能用异样的内在的沉刻的情绪,敏锐地审视社会现象,经过艺术概括、提炼、揭示事物的本质。并用音乐似的词句,写出来给我们看。泰戈尔真不愧是驰名世界文坛的印度大诗人啊! 后来,我干脆大声朗读《飞鸟集》,把它的那种奇妙的美从内心彻底的释放出来。在读的过程中,我也从一些诗中体会到了某些哲理,如“我不能选择那最好的。是那最好的选择我。”这告诉了我们不用在意结果,它是不能由自己选择的。只要努力,用心,好的结局一定会跟随你;“我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活”这告诉我们要有自信,相信自己.所谓“不动笔墨不读书”,后来我也养成了作笔记的习惯,从中所领悟到的哲理都记录了下来。 在欣赏《飞鸟集》的同时,我也在读泰戈尔他自己.他钟情于自然界的一山一水,一草一木,他能娴熟地状写幕云旭日、芳草碧树、繁星清泉。他对年轻一代表示了殷切的期望与真诚的关怀。总之,他的诗,可谓探索世界的总结。我喜欢他,就是因为他是不拒绝生命,而能说出生命之本身。 我对《飞鸟集》的感情,一向是“敬”而不“畏”.对《飞鸟集》的感觉,一直是和蔼而温暖的.现在,我的日记本上,时而也会出现像《飞鸟集》里面那样的小诗。如:诗人的每一个步伐,都在解释着诗的意义;每个女孩都想当明星,每个男孩都想当总统:诗人干吗要写诗呢?他本身就是诗了…… 《飞鸟集》里的语言,是世间最和谐,最美妙的音乐。它里的每一首诗,都是一件精美的艺术,都蕴涵着深刻的哲理。 物管学堂


Book Report of Tess of the D'Urbervilles About the author Thomas Hardy (1840---1928), is an English novelist who is famous for novels of character and Environment. When he was young, he derived a love of music from his father and a devotion to literature from his mother. He grew up in the Dorset shire, of which the environment there became the main backdrop of his writings. His writings often reflected the change after capitalism intruded the countries in England and the people?s hard life. The novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles was published in the year 1891, which was his most famous novel. The summary of the book It tells a story of a tragedy life of a pure girl .In the Victorian period, a rural clergyman in England tells D?Urbervilles, a simple farmer, that he was descended from the illustrious D…Urberville s family. The D?Urbervilles couple sent his daughter Tess to a family named D…Urberville s in order to improve their social status. Tess was asked to feed chickens there and Alec fell in love with Alec, who later raped her, so she left, pregnant. She went back home, gave birth to the baby, named Sorrow who died soon. Some time later, Tess began working as a milkmaid, and there she met her true love Angel Clare. They fell in love, but Angel does not learn of her previous relationship with Alec until their wedding night, and abandoned her. Deserted by her husband, Tess met Alec again, and poverty forced her to resume their relationship. Angel returned from travelling abroad, remorseful at his treatment of Tess, but found her with Alec. Tess murdered Alec in order to run away with Angel. They spent one night of happiness together, before she was arrested. My viewpoint towards this book After reading this book, what cause me to deeply think is that Tess?s tragedy is a result of lots of factors. First of all, Family background c aused Tess?s Tragedy Tess?s father was a poor countryside hawker, who is lazy and is addicted to drinking and Tess?s mother was a dairymaid, who was sloppy and simply-minded. They sent Tess there not only wanted Tess to have a better life, but as well hoped that they could get rid of their poverty and led a noble life. In order to showed off own so-called "aristocrat" status and satisfied mere vanity, Tess?s parents wanted to claim relative relationship or marriage to improve own status. Although Tess felt anticipated towards her parents? hypocr isy and looked down upon her noble origin, she still went there because she thought she was the family's oldest daughter who should take the family burden. She loved her little sisters and brothers so deeply that she cannot cruel enough to look they suffer hardships. Afterwards, in order to protect her family from forcing to leave the native place after her father died, Tess came back to Alec again with no choice, just for her family. The God gave Tess a woman of glory soul, which was called the daughter of nature, such as considerate, caring for her families, responsibility. However, she was ruined by her family background and the cruel reality. Secondly, Tess? personal characteristics were also the cause of her tragedy. Towards life, Tess is never surrendered. No matter life is difficult, she tried her best to


名利场读后感(共9篇) 高二年级读后感:读名利场后的心得 上流社会风雷动追名逐利几时休? ——英·萨克雷《名利场》读后感 我迫不及待地想要结束这个绵长厚实的故事,想要一窥尊贵的多宾少校的人生结局,看他是否在别处获得了应得的幸福;想要了解谎话连篇、机灵多变的丽贝卡是否恶有恶报,最终被印度文官约斯驱逐,归于流浪。至于那个天真可怜的阿米莉亚我并不关心她接下来过着什么样的生活,因为目前看来她的生活还挺不错,在小说里她已时来运转,重新过上贵族生活,金钱匮乏的时期于她一去不复返,无论何种处境在小说里关于她的戏份总是比较乏味,虽然作者在前面部分对他赞赏有加。 阅读《名利场》这部小说花了我两个多星期的时间,包括十几个夜晚和业余空闲时间。我是奔着这本吸引人的书名和萨克雷的名号而去的。我最早看的一部外国小说《简·爱》的作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特就曾直言尊崇萨克雷先生,此番我也借由此领略了他的小说之气度与风采。 且不谈小说关于十九世纪初英国上流社会事无巨细的描绘,对尊贵场面与名流宴饮的宏大叙事,也不谈小说描写的人物覆盖之广,上至欧洲各国皇室、达官贵人,中至发达商人及其亲属家眷,下至小摊小贩、佣人婢女的行为心理刻画,皆活灵活现、真实可触。作者光是对几位主要人物的塑造就能深入人心,造就世界小说人物画廊里的典型。几位主要人物形象皆立体丰满,血肉丰沛,故事绵长

完整,一波三折,趣味性与知识性并具。 军官多宾是作者塑造的正面人物形象之一,虽然作者并未故意划分,但事实就是如此。这位军官至始至终保持着诚实、勇敢、善良、虔诚的高尚品质,有过些许人生经历的人大概都知道一直保持诚实品质是罕有而不易的,可是我们这位尊贵的先生做到了,他虽然身为英国绅士,可是却值得冠以“东方君子”的美称,这是一位真正具有君子品格的男士,故事里几乎每个诚实而善良的人都热爱他。 多宾对天真善良的阿米莉亚一见钟情,他的钟情不只于相貌,更多的集中在对阿米莉亚善良品格和温柔性格的倾慕,两人还同为虔诚的基督教徒。多宾在彼此相识之后的十八年中以乔治·奥斯本(此时阿米莉亚为乔治的女友)最好朋友的身份为他俩提供尽可能多的帮助,这位可怜的人儿为心中那份羞涩的爱情做过很多疯狂的事情:在得知乔治变心、阿米莉亚父亲经商失败倾家荡产之后,竭尽全力说服乔治迎娶阿米莉亚,因为单纯的阿米莉亚只为乔治茶饭不思、神魂颠倒,多宾忍痛将心爱的人亲手送进别人的婚礼;在阿米莉亚家道中落乃至穷困潦倒后暗地里拿出大笔资金接济可怜的寡妇和她和乔治的孩子,为他们购买、寄送数不清的高贵礼物;他的朋友乔治·奥斯本在世时多宾没有动过一点歪念头,只是虔诚地希望他心爱的阿米莉亚物质充裕、心灵快乐。在乔治去世已久在十八年之后,在阿米莉亚一如既往地践踏他的好意和尊严的时候,他幡然醒悟:她对他从来只懂索取,而不考虑任何回报,十八年来一直如此残忍而自私。 可是我们的作者不知出于何种意图,在故事的结尾还是让这对善良的人儿走到了一起,多宾盼了十八年,终于遂愿取到了心爱的姑娘,虽然此时他已年届四十,她已为人母,儿子跨入大学殿堂。作者还安排阿米莉亚与多宾成婚,并有幸为他生了个女儿,从此他对女儿视若珍宝,宠爱至极。也许看到这样的结局我们读者应该感到欣慰,为多宾坎坷的命运而多一点庆幸,可是这样的安排似乎显得突兀而不够真实,终究我还是对阿米莉亚一直愚昧的虔诚与坚守表示不屑。她虽


《飞鸟集》读书笔记 唯美诗化的文字,犹如夜幕苍穹中的密布星罗,自悠久的历史长河中散发出璀璨迷人的耀目光环,是人类精神世界中的。千百年来,由各种文字所组成的篇章,通过代代相传、精益求精,使其在各种文学所汇集而成的大花园中不断绽放出奇异精美的绚幻之花,让人们在梦幻般的阅读中得到神奇、美好的难忘享受。 从本书的一个简语开始吧:Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autume leaves.郑振铎将本句译为“使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美”。此句出自印度泰戈尔《飞鸟集》第82首,英文是原文。 本首是打动我最初的也是深刻的地方,也是让我对生活和生命最富有思维灵感的一句。这不禁又让我回想到海德格尔提出的“诗意的栖居”。 谈到“生如夏花”。台湾作家罗兰曾在散文《夏天组曲》中写道:“夏天的花和春花不同,夏天的花有浓烈的生命之力。如果说,春花开放是因为风的温慰,那么夏天的花就是由于太阳的激发了。”说“生如夏花”正是因为夏花具有绚丽繁荣的生命,它们在阳光最饱满的季节绽放,如奔驰、跳跃、飞翔着的生命的精灵,以此来诠释生命的辉煌灿烂。 当然,“生如夏花”的另一层意思也许是揭示了生命的短暂匆忙。朴树在他的歌曲《生如夏花》中表达了他对此的理解:“惊鸿一般短暂/如夏花一样绚烂/我是这燿眼的瞬间/是划过天边的刹那火焰”。夏花、火焰、惊鸿一瞥,不一样的美丽,却是一样的短暂,而生命亦正如此。席慕蓉的另一首诗《美丽心情》也深深感慨:“生命是一列疾驰的火车……所有的时刻都很仓皇而又模糊/除非你能停下来/远远地回顾”。可是时间从不为某个人而逗留,青春如诗,岁月如歌,当人生经历沧桑,过去的甜美成了回忆时,生命便即将到达它的终点。人们无法挽留生命趋向衰落,正如人们无法阻止花儿的凋谢。 于是,有了泰戈尔的另一句诗“死若秋叶之静美”。我国古代大诗人屈原“袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下”,将秋叶之美已阐述得淋漓尽致了。台湾作家余光中也曾这样描述秋的风致:“秋色四面,上面是土耳其玉的天穹,下面是普鲁士蓝的清澄,风起时,满枫林的叶子滚动香熟的灿阳,仿佛打翻了一匣子的玛瑙。”将原来可怖的死亡,比作沉静的秋叶,可见诗人泰戈尔的宽厚情怀。 我觉得既然美丽终究无法保留,那么我们就不能仅仅限于惋惜,而更应珍惜。


飞鸟集读后感 导读:读后感飞鸟集读后感 【篇一:飞鸟集读后感】 “水里的游鱼是沉默的,陆地上的兽类是喧闹的,空中的飞鸟是喧闹着的。但是人类却兼有海洋的沉默,陆地的喧闹与天空的音乐。”当我读到这一句的时候,心里是满满的感动,暖洋洋的感觉萦绕新间。我不想弄清泰戈尔想表达的是什么,是人类拥有的比其他动物多的也好,或者什么其他更深入的思想也好,在那一瞬间都是没有意义的。读诗需要的就是那一瞬。在那一瞬,我看见泰戈尔站在窗前,看着外面的景色,夜风轻轻拂面,窗外灯火辉煌。所有的人都是那样专注于自己的生活。 善感的泰戈尔停留在了那一个动人的画面里,于是有了这句诗。许多的动人画面就凑成了这本诗集。我用自己最感性的一面去面对这些令人情不自禁地陷入其中的诗句。享受着与心站得最近的分分秒秒,人类真的拥有太多了,多得不得不新存感激,感谢生活。当我读着这些诗句,把自己从那些琐事中拔出来的时候,我对生活的态度完全变了。 我安静地陷入了幻想阿訇泰戈尔的那一幅幅动人的画面。有时甚

至会有想流泪的感觉,泪水会蕴藏着无声无息的复杂情绪滔滔而下,心中会流淌着那些柔软温和的歌声,所有的喧闹与烦躁都飞到了遥远的天边。时光在每个人的身上留下了这样那样的记忆。我忘记了许多许多,许多自己认为应该铭记的都忘了,然而那一个个心中完美的瞬间却幸存了下来。有时候,我闭上眼睛后,甚至会感觉到自己回到了那一刻,画面里的一切都好象重现了,所有的话语又在耳边响起,没个人的表情与动作,都那么清晰......我喜欢泰戈尔的诗,因为他让我拥有了许多的完美瞬间! 【篇二:泰戈尔《飞鸟集》读后感】 读了泰戈尔的《飞鸟集》,我如同进入了一个美丽的世界。在这里,一切都是那么的美好,那么的真实。那犀利的言语和不切实际的事早就化为泥土里的枯枝败叶。 在这《飞鸟集》中,虽然只是一些平淡无奇的语句,却都是泰戈尔内心深处的呐喊!我很庆幸,在高楼耸立的今天还能寻觅到如此一方美好的土地,这里的园丁就是泰戈尔老爷爷。他用复杂而又平凡的诗歌来引导我们进入永不衰败的哲学天堂,他用美丽的像云、星星与晚霞的诗歌来点缀哲学的天空,为它添上了不可言喻的清爽,使它拥有了非一般的神韵!“海里的游鱼是静默的,陆上的走兽是喧闹的,空中的飞鸟是鸣啭的。但大海的静默,陆地的喧闹,天空的音乐,人


Tess of the D’Urbervilles Poor Tess, she was survived because of love, and was also destroyed because of love. Tess was a very beautiful girl. Her beauty and elegance was prominent under her white appearance and clear soul. Yes! I wanted to say that she was so white and pure, and this white could not be profaned by dirt; she was very white, brilliant and amazing, and this white could change this world into happiness; she was pretty white, delicate and charming, and this white could even make flowers feel shy! To my surprise, I really liked the repeated played music in this film. The music was so wonderful, and could let us feel a deep touch of sadness. Although the plots of the story was romantic, I still smelt the sorrow, which controlled by fate. The plots and the pictures were seamlessly matched up, the audio and video with the fate of the duet, also painted Tess a fatalistic color. Generally speaking , the main melody, the background music and the blending melody were interspersed in this story, and run with a touch of sadness, loneliness, continuous weak and helplessness, indicated that the dark fate. The novel told a pure, loyal, intelligent, strikingly attractive girl; Tess was seduced by a so-called gentleman----Alec. Unfortunately, her ideals could not prevent her from sliding further and further into misfortune after she became pregnant. Forced by the gossips and the church’s blame, Tess thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past, she decided to go to a distant diary farm but still thought she was of guilty. Maybe God didn’t approve of this, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart----Angel Chare. They loved each other deeply. Somehow,
