新编大学基础英语综合教程4教案unit 5

新编大学基础英语综合教程4教案unit 5
新编大学基础英语综合教程4教案unit 5

Lesson 1 Hitting the Headlines

Learning Objectives:

1. Discussing newspaper headlines and matching to photos.

2. Matching stories to headlines.

3. Reading news stories for detail.

4. Listening to news reports for detail.

5. Revising & practising passive constructions.

6. Writing and presenting a news report..


1. Work in pairs. Look at the sentences (1–5) and discuss these questions.

1) Where do you think they come from?

2) What do you notice about the language used?

(1) Where do you think they come from?

They are all headlines from newspaper stories.

2)What do you notice about the language used?

They use simplified language, e.g. Omitting articles and simplifying tenses. They also use assonance (avalanche agony) and alliteration (Seb the Sailor). Neat, catchy and established phrases (happy ending, perfect alibi) are used to attract the reader.

2. Match the sentences (1–5) to the pictures (a–e).

Reading: Lexical preparation

(1) accuse: v. (accuse sb. of sth.) : to say that sb. has done sth. wrong or is guilty of sth.

e.g. The government was accused of incompetence.

2) charge: v. (charge sb. with sth./ with doing sth.): to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in a court of law

e.g. He was charged with murder.

3) convict: v. [often passive] (convict sb. of sth.): to decide and state officially in a court of law that sb. is guilty of a crime

e.g. He was convicted of fraud.

4) allege: v. [often passive] (formal) to state sth. as a fact but without giving proof (It is alleged that…)

e.g. —It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.

—He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.

5) chance: [U] the way that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand (by chance)

e.g. I met her by chance (=without planning to) at the airport.

6) impress: v. (formal) to have a great effect on sth., esp. sb’s mind, imagination, etc. (impress sth. / itself on sth.)

7) catch up with sb. :

①if the police or authorities catch up with sb., they find and punish them after some time

e.g. The law caught up with him years later when he had moved to Spain.

②to reach sb. who is ahead by going faster or reach the same level or standard as sb. who was better or more advanced

e.g. He had to work hard to catch up with the others after missing a term through illness.

8) be / get caught up in sth. : to become involved in sth., especially when you do not want to be

e.g. Innocent passers-by got caught up in the riot.

9) attempt: n. an act of trying to do sth., especially sth. difficult, often with no success

(in an attempt to do)

(make an attempt to do)


1. Match the first lines of each news story below (a–e) to the full stories (i–v). What do all the first lines have in common?

a) A Mafia hitman who was believed to have been responsible for ...

b) A British climber made an extraordinary journey ...

c) A Japanese man drove his car through a train station ...

d) A man has been jailed for three years ...

e) A 15-year-old boy from Cowes has become the youngest person ...

What do all the first lines have in common?

a) A Mafia hitman who was believed to have been responsible for ...

b) A British climber made an extraordinary journey ...

c) A Japanese man drove his car through a train station ...

d) A man has been jailed for three years ...

e) A 15-year-old boy from Cowes has become the youngest person ...

The first lines introduce the main character, often with a qualifying adjective —mafia, British, etc.

2. Read the news stories and answer these questions.

1) Why did Graham Burdon post the message?

Because he wanted to get in touch with some old school friends.

2) Why is Torre’s perfect alibi such an “original”one?

Because he confessed to having committed another murder on the same day.

3) How did Seb Clover feel when he arrived?

He felt very tired.

2. Read the news stories and answer these questions.

4) How did Saito try to attract the woman’s attention?

By driving dangerously up stairs and along a corridor in a train station.

5) Why was Trevor Jones lucky to have been found by the Romanian family?

Because the village is usually uninhabited in winter.

3. Discuss these questions with a partner.

1) Which stories are the most humorous?

Stories i, ii and iv.

2) Identify any humorous or ironic touches in these texts.

-- he was busy killing / he couldn't possibly have shot (ii);

-- in a bid to get noticed (iv).

4. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1) 他被判处死刑,其犯罪团伙因杀害20人已受到指控。(accuse)

He was sentenced to death. His gang had been accused of killing 20 people.

2)她曾两次被判诈骗罪。(convict of)

She has twice been convicted of fraud.

3)据说他是被迫签署那份文件的。(It’s alleged that ...)

It’s alleged that he had signed the document under pressure.

4) 他们攀登那座山的一切尝试都失败了。(in an attempt to do)

They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain.

5) 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。(impress)

His words impressed themselves on my memory.

2. Listen again and find three incorrect facts in each report.

Story 1: 1) The father, Ian, had challenged his son to sail around the world; 2)

his father beat him by a day, not 12 hours; 3) it took 25 days not 55.

Story 2: 1)Masafumi Saito had just dropped off a friend, not his mother; 2) two

people were injured, not no-one; 3) he is 40 not 20 years old.

Story 3: 1) The murder was 11 years ago, not 15; 2) another man was convicted a

year after it took place, not two years; 3) he died in prison, he is not still there.

3. Discuss these questions with a partner.

1) Why do you think people might be interested in news

2) Do stories like these appear in the news in your country?

Language Focus: Passive constructions


1. Complete the newspaper story using an appropriate passive form of the verbs in brackets. Compulsive criminal admits to 589 burglaries

A burglar who was jailed for seven years by a London court on Friday for two break-ins has admitted to nearly 600 more. 1) It was reported (report) that Martin Maloney, 22, had concentrated most of his efforts in the capital where 2) _________________ (say)to have carried out up to three burglaries a day. Maloney was sentenced for two separate burglaries, but 3) ______________(think) to have asked for a further 587 to be taken into consideration.

4)_________________________ (suggest) that Mr Maloney was hoping his confession would persuade the judge to give him a lighter sentence.

2. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) 他被公认为是一位专家。

He is known to be an expert.


Tom is believed to come back within two days.

3) 据报道,这条河流已经污染了。

It is reported that the river has been polluted.

4) 据说他找到一份好工作。

It is said that he has got a good job.

5) 人们相信这里的生活会得到改善。

It is believed that life here will be improved.

Writing:A news report

1.Work in pairs. Choose one of the other two newspaper stories on pages 61–62 and write a radio report about it. Include two incorrect facts in your report. Remember to use passive constructions where appropriate.

2. Work with another pair. Read your radio reports to each other. As you listen, try to identify the two incorrect facts.

Lesson 2 News to Me

Learning Objectives:

1. Learning expressions for using the internet.

2. Listening to people talking about blogs.

3. Discussing opinions about journalism.

4. Revising ways of expressing preferences about the present, the future and the past.

5. Reading a website about blogging.

6. Discussing blogs.

7. Writing a blog posting.

Vocabulary: Using the Internet

1. Match the two parts of these expressions. You can make more than one combination with some of the verbs.

2. Work in pairs. How often do you do each of these things?

3. What other combinations can you think of with the verbs in Exercise 1.

install an anti-virus program,

download a song ...

-- download a file/a song; -- update a file/software;

-- install a new program;

-- e-mail your contacts …

Listening & Speaking

1. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1) How important is it to keep up with the news? Why?

2) How do you find out about the news (TV, Internet, etc.)?

3) How has the way news is reported changed in recent years?

2. Listen to Kath and Phil talking about blogs and answer the questions.

According to Kath, how have blogs changed in recent years?

They have changed from being online diaries to being almost like small-scale private news agencies.

2) Who is more in favour of traditional journalism?


3) What are Kath and Phil’s jobs?

Kath is a doctor and Phil is a journalist.

3. Listen again and say if the following opinions are expressed by Kath (K) or Phil (P).

(1) It is better to read the views of people with first-hand experience of events. K

2) Journalists do not always present the truth in news stories. K

3) It’s preferable to read a report by a professional journalist than one by an amateur. P

4) The true facts about an event should be freely available to everyone. K

5) The majority of people cannot write very well. P

6)Blogs might help journalists decide what to write about. K

4. Work in pairs. Do you agree with these statements? Why? / Why not?

(1) It is better to read the views of people with first-hand experience of events.

2) Journalists do not always present the truth in news stories.

3) It’s preferable to read a report by a professional journalist than one by an amateur.

4) The true facts about an event should be freely available to everyone.

5) The majority of people cannot write very well.

6) Blogs might help journalists decide what to write about.

TAKEAW AY ENGLISH: Talking about preferences

1. Match the beginnings (1–5) and endings (a–e) of these extracts from Kath and Phil’s conversation.

(1) I’d rather ... 2) Wouldn’t you prefer it ...

3) Would [they] rather ... 4) I’d sooner buy ...

5) I’d rather you didn’t ...

(a) a paper than waste time reading something of no interest to anyone (4)

b) mention this conversation to any of them (5)

c) read something written by a trained and experienced journalist (1)

d) if you could read eye-witness reports all the time? (2)

e) be treated by you or by someone with no training ...? (3)

2. Listen to three conversations in which people express preferences. What preferences do the

people have in each case?

1) Woman would prefer to try Japanese food.

2) Woman would prefer to go to the cinema.

3) Woman would prefer it if man went out with her.

3. Listen again. Which of the highlighted expressions (1–5) in Exercise 1 do you hear?

Number them in the order in which you hear them.

1) I’d rather ...

4) I’d sooner buy...

2) Wouldn’t you prefer it ...

5) I’d rather you didn’t ...

(3) Would [they] rather ...

4. Work in pairs. Invent similar conversations in which you each express your preferences for the following situations.

1) Going out for dinner this evening.

2) Having a day out next weekend.

3) Going on holiday next summer.

4) Decorating your classroom.

Reading & Speaking

1. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions.

1) Do you read, or have you ever read, any blogs? What do you like / dislike about them?

2) What determines how successful or popular a blog is? Make a list of factors.

2. Read the article and check if any of the factors you listed in question 2 are mentioned?

3. Read the article again and match the statements to the blogs.

Which blog ...

1) is more serious than it appears to be at first? (2)

2) often expresses more controversial opinions than other blogs in the same field? (3)

3) became very successful in spite of receiving a negative response initially? (1)

4) provides its founder with sufficient income to live on? (4)

5) does not agree with punishing people who download music or films for personal use?


6) changed the relationship between the media and the web? (1)

4. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1) Why has each blog been so influential?

2) Which of the blogs, if any, would you most like to read? Why?

5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) 该足球队已晋升为甲级队。(promote)

The football team was promoted to the first division.

2) 现代人对离婚和再婚看得很开。(have a liberal attitude)

Modern people have a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage.

3) 下雨天我读侦探小说消遣。(amuse)

I amuse myself by reading detective stories on a rainy day.

4) 她的幽默感把他强烈地吸引住了。(appeal)

Her sense of humor appealed to him enormously.

5) 这座城市已经成为世界上最具影响力的城市之一。(influential)

This city has become one of the most influential cities in the world.

Writing: A blog posting

1. Work in pairs. Imagine you are going to start a blog and write a posting for it. Discuss these questions and make notes.

1) What is your blog about?

2) What is it called?

3) What kind of people is it aimed at?

4) How will you make the posting interesting or influential?

5) What information and opinions will you include?

6) How will you organise this information (e.g. headings, bulleted lists ...)?

7) What other blogs and websites can you provide links to?

8) Will you include any extra features (e.g. audio, video, photos)?

2. Work together to write your blog posting in no more than 250 words. Follow the guidelines in Exercise 1.

3. Display your postings around the room. Choose one and write a message in response to it. Pass your message to the bloggers and wait for their response.

Lesson 3 In Black and White

Learning Objectives:

1. Learning vocabulary relating to news and newspapers.

2. Listening to people’s views about the media.

3. Listening for specific information.

4. Expressing opinions about the media.

5. Learning the expression You know what I mean?

6. Revising and practising conjunctions of purpose and reason.

7. Role-play on the role of the press.

8. Song: News of the world.

Vocabulary: News & newspapers

1. Work in pairs. What do you think the following words or expressions mean?

Student A: Turn to page 176. Student B: Turn to page 181.

2. Match the words (1–6) to the pictures (a–f).

(1) Editor (2) viewer (3) reporter (4) cameraman / woman

(5) broadcaster 6) paparazzi

3. Describe these photos. Use the words from Exercises 1 and 2.


1. Sean, Rosie and Julia work for different newspapers. What ’s the basic issue that all three discuss?

a) political bias in the media

b) media manipulation of facts and images

c) subjectivity and objectivity in the media

2. Who expresses these opinions, Sean (S), Rosie (R) or Julia (J)?

1) The newspaper probably thought no one would notice that the photograph had been changed. J

2) Readers should be given as much freedom as possible to form their own opinions. S

3) It is acceptable to include only part of a photograph in a newspaper. S

4) Technology has changed the way newspapers are put Together. R

5) Newspapers cannot be relied upon to provide people with the truth. R


Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

1. Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers or on news websites? Why? / Why not? 2 Which form of news media is more reliable: TV, newspapers, blogs, etc.? Why?

3 To what extent do you think the media has too much power and influence?

The Real Thing: You know what I mean?

1. Listen to two extracts from Transcript 5.5. What is the function of the highlighted expressions?

The function is to check that the listener understands.

2. Choose the correct ending (a or b) to complete the sentence.

We use (do) you know what I mean ...

a) to show that we do not understand.

b) to check if the listener understands.

3. Listen to two conversations. Which words come after you know wha t ... in each one?

1) I ’m getting at 2) I ’m trying to say

A: Anyway, you’re changing the reality of the scene, you know what I mean? B: ... we just didn’t bother trying, do you know what I mean?

Language Focus: Conjunctions of purpose & reason


1. Complete the following extracts from news stories using an appropriate conjunction of purpose or reason.

(1) The army has been sent to the area in order to increase security during the national elections.

2) The government has announced it will be increasing taxes ____________________ raise money for health care facilities.

3)Many small shops fear they will soon be forced to close, _______________more and more people are now doing their shopping from home on the Internet.

4) ___________ traffic congestion is minimised while the repairs take place, drivers are advised to find alternative routes.

5) _______________random drugs tests are a normal aspect of modern professional sport, the role of the team doctor in informing players which substances are prohibited is now crucial.

2.Translate the following sentences into English.

1) 他不信任我,因为我是新来的。

He distrusted me because I was new.


Since they didn’t have enough money, they couldn’t buy the house.

3) 他借给她500 美元,好让她去度假。

He lent her $500 in order that she might go for a holiday.

(4) 我马上给她打电话,让他别等我了。

I’ll ring him at once so that he shouldn’t wait for me.

5) 为了考入一所好大学,她必须更加用功。

In order to get into a good university, she must study even harder.


1. Work in pairs. You have been invited to participate in a televised discussion about the role of the press.

Student A: Turn to page 176. Student B: Turn to page 181.

Follow the instructions and discuss the issue.

Reporters should concentrate on the facts, so that people can form their own


It’s OK to make things seem more dramatic, since part of our job is to

entertain people.

2. Discuss these questions.

1) Who had the most convincing arguments?

2) Which of these jobs would you most / least like to have? Why?

Lesson 4 Making the News

Learning Objectives:

1. Reading about a news website.

2. Learning expressions related to news reports and photos.

3. Ordering and understanding a news report.

4. Discussing social-networking sites.

5.Preparing and presenting a news report.

6.Pronunciation: Intonation and emphasis.

Speaking & Reading

1. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. Look at the photos. What do

you think the people are doing? Why?

2) Have you ever witnessed an important event taking place? What happened?

3) Have you ever been interviewed by a journalist or appeared on the news?

4) Would you like to work as a news reporter? Why? / Why not?

Speaking & Reading: Lexical preparation

(1) witness:

①v. to see sth. happen because you are there when it happens

②n. a person who sees sth. happen and is able to describe it to other people

e.g. She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed.

2) impact:

①n. (impact of sth. on sth. / sb.) the powerful effect that sth. has on sth. / sb.

e.g. The report assesses the impact of Aids on the gay community.

②v. (impact on / upon sth.) to have an effect on sth.

e.g. Her father’s death impacted greatly on her childhood years.

3) perspective:n.

①a particular attitude towards sth.; a way of thinking about sth. (perspective on sth.)

e.g. His experience abroad provides a wider perspective on the problem.

②a view, especially one in which you can see far into the distance

e.g. a perspective of the whole valley

4) issue: n. an important topic that people are discussing or arguing about

(be at issue: to be the most important part of the subject that is being discussed)

v. ①to make sth. known formally

e.g. The police have issued an appeal for witnesses.

②to produce sth. such as a magazine, article, etc.

e.g. We issue a monthly newsletter.

5) go with:

①to be included with or as part of sth.

e.g. A car goes with the job.

②to agree to accept sth., for example a plan or an offer

e.g. You’re offering $500? I think we can go with that.

③to combine well with

e.g. Does this jacket go with this skirt?

2. Read about a website which allows people to send in their own news stories. Match the headings (a–f) to the paragraphs (1–6).

a) How to shoot a photo essay 4

b) Eye witnesses 1

c) Put your ideas into words 5

d) How to submit a picture 3

e) How to contact us 6

f ) Personal perspectives 2

3. Complete the following sentences in your own words.

1) When taking photos, it is important that you don’t ...

2) As well as pictures about news stories, the website also wants to receive ...

3) If photos or videos are relevant to current news stories, the website ...

4) Photos showing more than just background scenes are preferred because ...

5) Photo essays are more interesting if ...

6) When you submit your pictures, you should also send ...

(1) When taking photos, it is important that you don’t ...

…endanger yourself or others, or break any laws

2) As well as pictures about news stories, the website also wants to receive ...

…visual interpretations of local and global issues and photos of daily life.

3) If photos or videos are relevant to current news stories, the website ...

…may show these immediately on their news broadcasts.

4) Photos showing more than just background scenes are preferred because ...

…they add impact.

5) Photo essays are more interesting if ...

…they include basic facts, quotes and descriptions.

6) When you submit your pictures, you should also send

…your name and telephone number.

4. Work in pairs. Find words or phrases in the text which mean the following.

(1) an interesting / important story which hasn’t yet been reported scoop

2) to record / take a picture of capture

3) points or matters for discussion issues

4) (live) reports or news programmes broadcasts

5) pictures taken from a short distance away close-ups

6) a line of text to go with a photograph caption

(7) adapt or remove parts edit

5.Translate the following sentences into English

1) 我希望你们能在期限内交出学期论文。(submit)

I hope you can submit your term papers before the deadline.

2) 你能从山顶上眺望整个公园的景色。(perspective)

From the top of the hill you can get a perspective of the entire park.

3) 争论的焦点是这个行业的总体前景。(at issue)

What’s at issue here is the whole future of the industry.

4) 她的演说对大家震动很大。(impact)

Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone.

5) 吃鱼最适合喝白葡萄酒。(go with)

White wine goes well with fish.

Listening & Speaking

1. You are going to listen to a report for a radio programme called I Made the News. What sort of programme do you think it is?

2.Listen to the introduction to the report and check your ideas.

3. Work in pairs. Read these extracts from the report and try to predict what problem Colin had.

5.Listen again and answer the questions.

(1) Why did Colin decide to cancel his account with the website?

2) Why have companies started reading about job applicants on the Internet?

3) Why wasn’t Colin able to cancel his account at first?

4) Why was his profile eventually deleted from the site?

5) What was the first excuse the customer services department tried to make?

6) Why didn’t Colin accept this excuse?

7) What other suggestion did customer services make?

8) Why is Colin worried about other young people like him?

1) Why did Colin decide to cancel his account with the website?

He has started applying for jobs and heard that companies were looking up names of applicants on the Internet.

2) Why have companies started reading about job applicants on the Internet?

To find out more personal information. He didn’t receive the confirmation e-mail.

3) Why wasn’t Colin able to cancel his account at first?

He didn’t receive the confirmation e-mail.

4) Why was his profile eventually deleted from the site?

The technology correspondent contacted the customer services department.

5) What was the first excuse the customer services department tried to make?

The e-mail may have gone to his junk folder.

6) Why didn’t Colin accept this excuse?

He checks his junk mail folder every day.

7) What other suggestion did customer services make?

He could change the setting so that no-one can access his page unless he gives them permission. 8) Why is Colin worried about other young people like him?

It is hard to delete personal information which means it will remain online for anyone to see.

6.Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

(1) Why might social-networking sites make it hard for people to cancel their accounts?

2) Are you a member of a social-networking site? If so, what do you use it for? If not, would you like to be?

3) What are the risks associated with posting personal information on the Internet? What can be done to reduce these risks?


Prepare a news report for I Made the News.

1. Think of an interesting or unusual event which has recently affected you or someone you know. Answer these questions.

1) What was the background to the event?

2) Who was involved in it?

3) What were, or might be, the consequences of the event?

4) Why might other people want to hear about it?

2. Work in pairs. Discuss your answers to Exercise 1. Then prepare a news report about one of the events. Follow these guidelines.

decide who will take the role of reporter and interviewee

?decide what questions the reporter is going to ask

?think about how to answer these questions

?plan and practise your report

3. Present your report to the class. Listen to all the reports and decide which one is the most interesting.

Pronunciation: Intonation & emphasis

Correct intonation and rhythm are vital to sounding natural when you speak English. They are determined by:

? Emphasis given to key words, stressed syllables or words.

? Speaker’s mood (how he/she feels) and tone of voice.

? Meaning and intention: what the speaker really wants to

1. Read and listen to the dialogues and answer these questions.

a. What is happening in each situation?

b. What are the speakers’moods?

c. What are the speakers trying to communicate?

a. What is happening in each situation?

1) The people discuss inviting friends for dinner.

2) People are talking in a doctor’s office.

3) A father is telling off his son for coming back home too late.

4) Someone tells somebody else about failing his examinations.

5) Somebody tries to get directions to go to a post office.

6) Somebody is asking somebody else about a trip.

b. What are the speakers’moods?

(1) A is relaxed and enthusiastic, B is tired and reluctant.

2) A is polite and formal, B is polite and apologetic.

3) A is angry, B is annoyed.

4) A is apologetic, B is frustrated, angry and sarcastic.

5) A is polite and relaxed, B is polite and relaxed.

6) A is enthusiastic and excited, B is very enthusiastic and excited.

c. What are the speakers trying to communicate?

1) A is making a suggestion, B is refusing.

2) A is making a polite request, B is apologising.

3) A is giving an order, B is (possibly) refusing.

4) A is giving bad news, B is expressing frustration and anger.

5) A is trying to get some information,

B is providing information.

6) A is asking for an opinion, B is giving an opinion.


After Twenty Years O'Henry 二十年以后 欧亨利 The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators were few. The time was barely 10 o'clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh depeopled the streets. 一个执勤的警察正沿街巡逻,很认真,他一直都这样认真,并不是做给谁看的。差不多是晚上十点了,街上行人寥寥无几,冷风飕飕地吹着,有种雨水的味道。 Trying doors as he went, twirling his club with many intricate and artful movements, turning now and then to cast his watchful eye adown the pacific thoroughfare, the officer, with his stalwart form and slight swagger, made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace. The vicinity was one that kept early hours. Now and then you might see the lights of a cigar store or of an all-night lunch counter; but the majority of the doors belonged to business places that had long since been closed. 他灵巧地来回转着手里的警棍,每家每户都仔细查看,警觉的目光不时地投向安静的街道,这个警察,身材强壮,昂首阔步,俨然一个和平守护者。附近的街区睡得都早,偶尔能看见一个雪茄店或通宵餐馆还亮着灯,其他的店铺早就打烊了。 When about midway of a certain block the policeman suddenly slowed his walk. In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. As the policeman walked up to him the man spoke up quickly. 走到街区中间时,警察突然放慢了脚步,他看见五金店门口站着一个人,嘴里叼着雪茄,没点着,正向他走过去时,这个人立马开口说话了。 "It's all right, officer," he said, reassuringly. "I'm just waiting for a friend. It's an appointment made twenty years ago. Sounds a little funny to you, doesn't it Well, I'll explain if you'd like to make certain it's all straight. About that long ago there used to be a restaurant

大学体验英语综合教程2 unit-5-way-to-success 教案

Unit Five Ways to Success Part one: Listen and Talk : (2 periods) Teaching objective: To help students be familiar with successful celebrities; To take listening/watching exercises concerning the topic of being successful; To master the skills of giving feedback to partners in the speaking area; To develop students’ fluency skills when they do the communicative task Teaching content: ?What success means to you ?Listening ?What you know about these celebrities and how they succeed ?Watching: what leads to success ?Talking ?Translating ---culture salon Step 1: (25minutes) 1. Guess: tell who they are Teacher shows the pictures and students guess who they are. Ask students to find at least one common point among these people. 2. Discuss: why they are famous/successful Ask students: if success equals money or power or social status, yes or no? and why? Why are these people famous or successful? Show some pictures and ask students what they think about them. 3. Group discussion: what does success mean to you? Step 2 Listening & Talking (55 minutes) 1. Listening Success can be reached in different ways by people in different careers. Bill Gates began at age 13 to 1)_______ computers. His vision for personal

英语泛读教程3 课文翻译

UNIT 2 英国人的谨慎和礼貌 在许多人看来,英国人极为礼貌,同他们交朋友很难。但愿下列文字能够帮助你更好地了解英国人的性格特点。 对于其他欧洲人来说,英国人最著名的特点是“谨慎”。一个谨慎的人不太会和陌生人聊天,不会流露出太多的情感,并且很少会兴奋。要了解一个谨慎的人并非易事;他从不告诉你有关他自己的任何事,也许你和他工作了几年,却连他住在哪儿,有几个孩子,兴趣是什么,都不知道。英国人就有类似的倾向。如果乘公共汽车去旅行,他们会尽量找一个没人坐的位子;如果是乘火车,他们会找一个没人的单间。如果他们不得不与陌生人共用一个单间时,那么即使火车驶出了很多英里,他们也不会开口交谈。一旦谈起来的话,他们不会轻易问及像“你几岁?”或者甚至“你叫什么名字?”等私人问题。像“你的手表是在哪儿买的?”或者“你的收入是多少?”这样的问题几乎不可想象。同样,在英国,人们交谈时一般声音都很轻、很有节制,大声谈话会被视为没有教养。 在某种程度上,不愿意与他人交流是一种不幸的品质,因为它可能会给人造成态度冷淡的印象。而事实上,英国人(也许除了北方人)并不以慷慨和好客而著称。而另一方面,虽然谨慎使他们不易与人沟通,但他们内心还是很有人情味的。如果一个陌生人或外国人友善地将这种隔阂打破那么一会儿,他们可能会满心欢喜。 与英国人的谨慎紧密相连的品质是英国式的谦逊。在内心深处,英国人可能比任何人都高傲,但是当他们与别人相处时,他们十分看重谦逊的品质,至少要表现出谦虚的样子。自我标榜会被认为没有教养。让我们假设,有一个人非常擅长打网球,但如果有人问他是否是个优秀选手时,他很少会说“是”,不然,人们会认为他很高傲。他可能会作出类似这样的回答,“不算太差,”或者“嗯,我非常喜欢网球。”这样的自我贬低是典型的英国式的。而且当这一品质与他们的谨慎混合在一起时,常常形成一种漠然的气氛,这在外国人看来难于理解,甚至令人恼火。 著名的英国人的幽默感也是大同小异。它的出发点是自我贬低,它的最大对手是高傲,它的理想境界是自嘲的能力——嘲笑自己的错误、自己的失败和窘境,甚至自己的理想。在英国,人们非常看重幽默感,常常能听到“他一点幽默感都没有”这样的批评。幽默感是一种对生活的态度而并非仅仅是开玩笑的能力。这种态度决非残酷、不敬或是怀有恶意的。英国人不会嘲笑一个跛子或者疯子,也不会嘲笑一个悲剧或者一次可敬的失败。同情心或者对艺术技巧的崇敬比嘲笑的份量重得多。 同幽默感一样,运动员精神是英国式的理想,这一点并非所有的英国人都做得到。必须认识到,现代形式的运动几乎都是英国人发明的。拳击、英式足球、网球以及板球都是在英国首次组织并且制定出规则的。规则是运动的精髓,运动员精神是指按照规则从事体育运动的能力,同时也表现在对对手的慷慨大度,以及失败后的良好心态。此外,运动员精神作为一种理想模式也普遍适用于日常生活。其中最基本的生活规则之一就是“不打跌倒的人”。换言之,就是不要利用别人的不幸。英国的男孩子常常在相互交往中把这种运动员精神表现得淋漓尽致。 英国人的另一特点就是礼貌。总的来说,英国式的礼貌习惯都不很正式。所有的礼貌都是建立在这样的基本原则之上:为别人着想,同时也认可别人对你的关心。在麻烦别人时,如:从某人前面经过,或者打断某人的谈话,或者向陌生人请教问题时,要先说“对不起”,为给对方带来的不便预先道歉。“抱歉”一词表示对意外打扰或者违反礼仪的歉意。如果有人提出或者暗示某个要求,如:“我可以借你的钢笔吗嘛?”或者“现在几点了?”或者“还有七码的鞋吗?”,而你无法满足这种要求时,也要说“抱歉”而不是“不”。“请原谅?”是用来要求别人重复所说内容时的礼貌说法。在英国,除了在学校,人们在请求发言时,不再用“请”这个词。在国外非常普遍的词组“不,请”,在英国本土听起来却会很别扭。“好


Lesson 1 Hitting the Headlines Learning Objectives: 1. Discussing newspaper headlines and matching to photos. 2. Matching stories to headlines. 3. Reading news stories for detail. 4. Listening to news reports for detail. 5. Revising & practising passive constructions. 6. Writing and presenting a news report.. Speaking 1. Work in pairs. Look at the sentences (1–5) and discuss these questions. 1) Where do you think they come from? 2) What do you notice about the language used? (1) Where do you think they come from? They are all headlines from newspaper stories. 2)What do you notice about the language used? They use simplified language, e.g. Omitting articles and simplifying tenses. They also use assonance (avalanche agony) and alliteration (Seb the Sailor). Neat, catchy and established phrases (happy ending, perfect alibi) are used to attract the reader. 2. Match the sentences (1–5) to the pictures (a–e).


范读课文4、8、11、14、17、20 LESSON 4: The Middle-Class Black’s Burden Leanita McClain 黑人中产阶级因其成功而备受煎熬,我就是其中一员。一方面,白人认为我不过是幸运昙了;另一方面,黑人则妒忌我,僧恨我。一旦获得了机会,能够从事属于白领阶层的工作,和所有人一样,黑人就会对生活抱有极大的希望,这些包括了人们常说的梦中的豪宅,两辆汽车,接受良好的教育,还有孩子们在迪斯尼乐园度过的假期。这一事实仍会让很多人感到震惊。实际上,相较于其他美国人,我们黑人更渴望获得这一切,因为我们已有太久无权拥有和享受这些东西了。 同时,在通常被人们称为贫民区的地方,仍生活有相当多的黑人同胞,他们和那些观念陈旧的黑人好战分子一起,总是无休止地责写黑人中产阶级,说我们“忘了本”!’指责我们抛弃了革命,背叛了本民族,变成了白心黑人—皮肤是黑色的,内心却已被白人同化。 而事实是我们不曾忘本,我们也不敢忘本。我们只不过是奋斗在不同的阵线,也不比他们少厌倦战争。或许,我们还更伤心,因为我们清楚地知道黑人世界和白人世界本可以融会在一起,而这个融合在一起的世界将会更美好。 要那些花言巧语的骗子仍无所顾忌地利用儿时的友情来作编我,我就不可能忘本。当我怀着恐惧回到以前住过的地方,钱包被人抢走时,我不会忘本;当我享用商务午餐却发现服务员是老同学时,我也不会忘本。我回忆起儿时一起玩洋娃娃的女孩,她现在靠福利救济抚养五个子女;而那个住在教堂里的男孩,现在因谋杀罪而被关在监狱里;儿时的密友则因服食过量毒品被发现死在我们曾一起玩捉迷藏的小巷里。这一切怎能令我忘本!

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial Progress The remaining divisions in American society should not blind us to a half-century of dramatic change By Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom In the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court. Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners? association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association? s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court. But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?” The homeowners didn?t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don?t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.” It?s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well. That?s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another. To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends: A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. But it wasn?t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve of


UNIT14 你怎么知道艺术品的优劣? 玛丽亚·曼尼丝 你喜欢艺术吗?你能说出哪些艺术品好哪些不好?是否存在评价艺术的标准?读一读下面这篇文章,看看玛丽亚·曼尼丝如何回答这样的问题。 设想没有评论家告诉我们,对一幅画,一个剧本或一段新乐曲怎样反应。设想我们无意间步入一个未署名油画的画展。我们依据什么标准,依据什么价值来评判它们是优是劣,是天才的还是没有天才的,是成功还是失败?我们又怎能知道自己的想法是正确的? 近十五或二十年来,艺术的批评与欣赏流行否认任何合理标准的存在,使“好”与“坏”成了无关紧要,无足轻重、无可适用的字眼。我们被告知,根本不存在先通过知识与经验获得,然后加在讨论的对象上的一套标准这回事。这一直是受到欢迎的方法,因为它解除了评论家评判的责任,公众也无须知识。它迎合那些不愿受规则约束的人,称头脑空虚者为开明来讨好他们,并使不知所措的人得到安慰。在民主平等之旗的掩护下--当然不是我们祖先所说的那种平等--它实际是在说:“你是谁,要来告诉我们什么是好,什么是坏?”这与大众传媒制作者的一贯伎俩如出一辙。他们坚持认为,由公众而不是由他们决定的它想要听和看的什么,而评论家说这个节目好而这个节目不好,这纯粹是个人趣味的反应。没有谁表达这一哲学,比近来弗兰克·斯丹坦博士,哥伦比亚广播电视公司极其睿智的总裁更为简明。在联邦通讯委员会的一次听证会上,他在接受询问时漏出此言:“一人眼里的平庸之作,却是另一人的佳作。” 最妙不过的说法是:“没有一个标准是绝对的”。造成这种放任观念的另一重要因素是:畏惧感----所有艺术形式的观察者们都有唯恐猜错的担心。这种担心极易遇到,谁没有听说当初饱受世人指摘的艺术家后来被称为大师?每个时期都有一些评判者,他们不和时代一起前进,无法区分进化和革命,风行一时的时尚、业余的实验与深刻的必然的变化之间的区别。谁愿意作出这样严重的判断错误而贻笑大方?安全得多,当然也容易得多的做法是:看着一幅画,一个剧本或一首诗,说道:“它很难懂,但也许很好”;或者干脆把它当作新形式加以欢迎。“新的”这个词--尤其在我们这个国度--具有魔力般的涵义。凡是新的都是好的;而旧的则极可能是不好的。如果评论家能用无人理解的语言描述新事物,那么他就更为安全。倘若他掌握了说话的艺术,用精巧复杂的言辞,却什么也没说,日后就无人能够说他曾经说过什么。 但是我认为,所有这一切实质上都是对评判责任的背弃。艺术家在创作中表现自己,而你则在欣赏中有自己的承诺。毕竟还是观众成就了艺术。欣赏的气氛对于艺术的繁荣不可或缺。公众的期望愈高,艺术家的表现就愈好。相反,只有被评论家误导的社会,才会在这几年把既不是艺术也不是文学的东西当做艺术和文学接受。如果一件东西没有了,一切也就没有了,而在废物堆最底层的是被抛弃的标准。 但这些标准究竟是什么?你怎样得到它们?你如何知道它们是正确的?你又如何能在这许多不可捉摸的东西,包括最不可捉摸的自我本身,理清出一个清晰的模式? 首先,很明显,你愈是多读、多看、多听,你将愈好地被装备起来实践建立在所有的理解与判断之上的联想艺术。愈是见多识广,愈能深刻意识到一个连贯一致的规律--犹如星辰、潮汐、呼吸、白昼黑夜一般具有普遍性--存在于万事万物中。我把这一规律与这一节奏称为一种秩序。并非秩序,而是一种秩序。其中存在着变化万千的各种形式。其外则是混乱--疯狂的毁灭因素----病态。最终应由你来区分健康的多样性与病态的混乱,而不运用联想的过程是无法做到的。没有联想的过程,你就不能将莫扎特乐曲的一节和维米尔油画的一角,斯特拉文斯基的乐谱与毕加索的抽象画,或者一个挑衅性的行为与弗兰茨·克兰的油画,一阵咳嗽声与约翰·凯奇的作品联系起来。 某些艺术表现形式是永恒的,而另一些却转瞬即逝,这并非偶然现象。尽管你不一定总要解释原因,但你可以提出问题。艺术家说了些什么永恒的东西?他怎样说这些?有多少是时尚,多少纯是反映?为什么如今沃尔特·司各特的作品如此难读,而简·奥斯丁却不是这样?为什么巴洛克艺术风格适合某一时期,而另一时期却显得过于炫目辉煌? 是否存在一个技巧标准,能够适用于所有时代的艺术,还是每个时代对标准都有各自不同的定义?你也许已不经意地意识到,这些年“技巧”已变成不入流的字眼,因为它含有“标准”的意思--即作品完成得好不好。这种方便的逃避的结果,导致了大量不能发出声音的演员,不会解释歌曲涵义的歌手,不能交流感情的诗人,词汇贫乏的作家--更不用说不会作画的画家。现在的教条是,技巧阻碍表达。不必说你不知道自己在做什么,如果你不知道怎样去做,那么你就能做得更好。 我认为,到了你帮助扭转这一潮流的时候了,方法是努力重新发现技巧:掌握选择的工具,无论是画笔、字词还是声音。当你开始觉察自由与草率,严肃的实验与自我疗法,技艺与即兴,力量与暴力之间的区别时,你就逐渐能够将山羊与绵羊区分开来,而这种区分形式我们竟阔别已久。所有你需要重新拥有的,不过是几条标准和能够看穿骗局的盖氏测量仪,而我们可以在急切需要这两者的领域--当代绘画开始艺术之旅。 我不知道什么更糟糕:不得不面对大面积的拙劣艺术,为的是发现些许可取之处,还是阅读评论家对此说的一切。其他任何一个表现领域都不会象画界一样如此盛行煞有其事的言谈,流行如此多的废话:艺术与艺术生存的评论氛围之间紧密地相互依赖的进一步证据。我将很乐意和你共享我们时代典型的故弄玄虚的东西。

希望英语(第二版)综合教程unit5 教案

教案 任课班级制药111/112 2012年月日星期 任课班级微生物111 2012年月日星期 教师姓名赵东平任课班级化工111/112 2012年月日星期 课题名称(教材章节)Unit Five Entertainment New words and Expressions & Speaking 教学目的和要求 1. Help Ss learn the new words and expressions in this part. 2. Remember some useful words and sentences about environment. Such as: apply, recall, stuff, frustrate, quit, resist, outline, idle away, sum up, miss out … 教学重点 1.New words and expressions in this part 教学难点 1. Explain and understand the meaning of new words and expressions 教学过程与主要内容Step I Field work. Step II Read the new words and expressions and explain the key words and expressions. Step III Speaking part Task 1: Talk about the 3 images on P68 Task2: Use the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases from Task 1 to talk about the pictures on Page 66 . A. Some …, while others. B. Unlike …Task 3: Work in pairs. Take turns asking your partner the following questions and make notes. Is age an important factor in entertainment choices ? Why or why not? What do you usually do for fun? What are the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor entertainment? Step IV Give Ss assignment today 课外作业Homework Oral Practice Practice the new words and expressions 阅读参考书目Hope English Book II Teacher’s Reference Book Internet resource 课后体会


several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible could never recall his whole dream, only remembered that someone was running after was trying to get away,but in his dream he could not move。he continued having this nightmare for months。he was so tired in the morning that it was hard for him to go to work。Joseph,you see,is not a frightened child,but a grown man。 Milton Kramer is a psychiatrist and dream researcher Cincinnati, believes that it is very important that people don't ignore their dreams,because they are messages from our sleeping Kramer studied dreams and dreamers,he found that people wake up feeling very discouraged after they have a bad also found that after having a good dream,people feel more ,dreams can have harmful or beneficial a result,Kramer believes that we need to learn how to change our bad we understand what happened in our dreams,we can change negative,hurtful dreams to positive,helpful ones。 Before we can begin to change a nightmare,however,we first have to remember what happened in our say there are many ways to do can keep a journal or diary of what we do when we are awake. Then,before going to sleep,we can review our practice helps us to stay in we wake up,we should lie still while we try to remember our researchers say that by staying in the same sleeping positive,we are more likely to recall the should also try to remember an important word or picture from the image makes the rest of the dream easier to longer we sleep,the longer and more complex our dreams will be. Cartwright is a dream researcher, has developed another dream therapy for changing to ,dream therapy involves four simple steps you can learn on your first step is to recognize when you are having a bad dream that will make you feel helpless or upset the next second step is to identify what it is about the dream that makes you feel bad-for example,weak instead of strong,or out of control instead of in control. Next,stop any bad do not have to continue your bad dream,because you are in last step is to change the negative part of the you may have to wake yourself up and change the dream before you return to times it is possible to change the dream while you are still asleep. By using dream therapy,Joseph was able to change his ,his bad dreams stopped


寻找可以依靠的坚实臂膀 在美国,越来越多的老人独居。他们生病时处境通常显得很悲惨。简·格罗斯在下面的文章中指出这些老年人的问题。 每次人们在医生办公室给格雷斯·麦凯比递来一份紧急情况联系人表格时,空格处总令她心中发怵。对任何有配偶、伴侣或子女的人来说,这是个很简单的问题。但是,75岁的麦凯比女士一直独居。谁能和她一起渡过难关?情况最糟糕的时候,谁会关心她? 这些曾是假设的问题。但是现在,麦凯比女士视力越来越差,几乎完全看不见。她一直有很多朋友,但从没请过谁为她负起责任,比如,接急诊室半夜来的电话,或因为她自己不能写支票而帮助付账单。 她在所有的朋友中,选定了一个心地善良、遇事不慌、有解决问题能力的人。所以,她多次在空白处写止“夏洛特·弗兰克”,然后打电话说,“夏洛特,又把您写在单子上了,”于是,紧张时刻得到缓解。 麦凯比女士被一个鲁莽的司机撞倒在人行横道上,得了脑震荡,这时,年龄70岁,自己也独居的弗兰克女士在起居室长沙发上守了一夜。麦凯比女士再也看不清标)隹字体时,弗兰克女士给她弄了一台电脑,把字体设置到最大,这样,她就能读报纸,从商品单定购货物。 “你会发现,有些好朋友成了至交,”麦凯比女士说,“夏洛克既实际又形象地告诉我要,抓住不放,我这样做了。” 无法统计出不同年龄生病或有残疾的独居者的数字,医院安排出院的人和家庭健康照料机构说,他们服务的明显无人照顾的独居者越来越多。 人口调查报告中,单人家庭,包括从未结婚者、离婚者和丧偶者,其数目明显增加。2003年,近27% 的美国家庭由独居者组成,高于1970年的18%,这些家庭注重的是不具有亲属的法律地位或社会地位的友谊。人口统计学家警告说,生育高峰期出生的人老年化,疾病和残疾成为老年不可避免的必然结果,这将使独居者家庭队伍壮大。 美国医院协会资深副会长詹姆斯·本特利说,独居者属于最棘手的情况。他说,任何病人或残疾人,在医院里和出院后都“需要有人负责照料他们”,但独居者在特别脆弱的时候,却是自己照料自己。 “病人不能同时想着两种角色,”他说,“但我们还没有一个好的机制来处理这个问题。” 医院里短期停留的病人增加,有时让不能自理的病人回家,这就使情况更糟。本特利先生说,医院必须找些新方法,让这类病人对面临的问题有所准备,并说独居者必须“在生病之前想一想”自己有哪些组织起来的关系网可以访问。 他说,“如果我们等到出生高峰时期出生的人需要这些的时候才来考虑,因为他们人数太多,没有办法特别处理,这是我们现在就要思考的问题,否则,到时候绝对会一团糟。”


Unit Five Following Fashion Teaching Objective 1. Teach Ss some useful words about fashion and guide them in talking about fashion. Through teacher-student interactive class-activities, develop Ss'ability to express correctly the style and trend in the fashion world. 2. Help Ss well understand the two texts and learn to use the important words, phrases and sentence patterns in this unit and complete the text-related exercises correctly. 3. Teach Ss how to write English Ads, and ask them to pay attention to the differences between Chinese Ads and English Ads so that they may not make mistakes in writing English Ads. 4. Help Ss review English word formation (suffixes: -ence / -ance / -ancy / ency) and English grammar (adverbial clauses). Section A Listening and Speaking Listening Comprehension Part 1 Who designed these fashionable goods? Part 2 Who is Coco Chanel? Part 3 The story of Coco Chanel. Part 4 A fashion show. Part 5 The meaning of -couturier ||in the fashion world. Speaking Practice Sample 1 M: How beautiful are the suits you're wearing! W: Yeah. They were designed by Coco Chanel, and I'm very happy to have this chance to show them to my audience.


UNIT12 你为何如此聪明? 卡伦·赖特 科学家们正在试图寻找可能管理着智力的“聪明”基因。但是智力基因能被用来测定遗传的智商吗?与生俱来的基因在多大程度上与智商有关系?下面的文章将告诉我们在这个问题上的 最新研究。 这是经济和社会成功最为重要的预测者之一。它帮助决定你在哪儿工作,在哪儿生活,和谁结婚,是否会离婚,是否会未婚生子,是否会有牢狱之灾。它可以被非常精确地测算,一生中很 少变化。它受你的基因的重大影响。 真是如此吗? 当讨论说的是人类智能时,你不必太费力就能够找到论据。自从英国心理学家查尔斯·斯皮尔曼提出一种单个的综合智力管理着认知行为的许多方面的主张,一个世纪以来,科学家们和社会已对智力进行了长期而不断的争论:它是什么,作用是什么,谁拥有它,如何改进它,如何测算它,以及如何最好地解释和利用测算方式。 最近,由1994年出版的书《钟形曲线》所引发的争议,再次引起了人们对先天禀性和后天培育这个问题的争论:智力是可训练的还是遗传不变的?人类的思想是天生的还是创造出来的?经过几十年的研究,绝大多数智力科学家的结论是,两者兼而有之,分量大致均等。 因此,某处某人会开始寻找“聪明”基因,也许是不可避免的,。那个“某人”就是罗伯特·普洛明,一个从事智力研究已有25年之久的有经验的专家,他目前在伦敦的精神病学学院工作。去年,普洛明公开了一个基因与高智商相联系的第一个证据。今年,他又宣布发现了三个聪明基因的位置。在此后的几个月里,他期望发现至少两打最为重要的智力遗传决定因素。他的工作已经引起了和认知器管打交道的DNA医生的想象――以及不安。"我知道,没有别的人会发疯,以至来做这件事情,”他说。 普洛明的探索,是行为遗传学领域中最为大胆的探索之一。行为遗传学是一门致力于发现影响人类行为的遗传因素的学科。其中一项研究是通过比较双胞胎儿一起喂养和分开喂养的情况,来发现影响人类行为的遗传因素。另外一个办法是比较收养孩子的特征与他们的生父母、养父母及亲兄妹和非亲兄妹的特征相比较。如果进行得顺利,这些研究能决定一种特征的遗传性:在多大程度上个人之间的差异是由于基因的关系,而不是教养,营养,和教育这样的环境因素的作用。一旦一个特征的遗传模式建立起来,研究者们就可以确定有关的基因。 但是当要寻找的基因是聪明基因时,研究就变得复杂起来。一方面,智商测试所测量出来的智力是人类行为中可靠而稳定的部分。一生中它变化甚微,不同的测量往往得出相同的结果。智力也是所知道的精神特征中最能够遗传的:双胞胎和收养儿的研究表明,人们之间百分之三十到七十智商的差异可归因于基因。许多专家,包括普洛明,认为百分之五十是最为可能的数字。(像身高和体重这样的特征的可遗传性能高达百分之九十。) 但智力是一个复杂的现象,它受到数百个甚至数千个基因的控制。因此遗传模式并不明显。任何一个单个智力基因的发现都不可能会有太大的影响,普洛明承认。“任何植物或动物中任何一个复杂的特征,我们都不知道它涉及了多少基因,”他说。但是大多数聪明基因中的任何一个都有可能占不到百分之一的智力遗传性。 科学家们通过使用一条条在染色体上的位置已被精确地分配好了的DNA标记,把基因和特征联系起来。每一个标记的次序可以变化,正如蓝色眼睛的基因与棕色眼睛的基因稍稍有所不同。每个标记的这些不同形式称作对偶基因,与附近不同形式的基因相对应。如果带有一个DNA标记的特定对偶基因的人具有一种特征而不带有该对偶基因的人不具有此特征,那么此特征的基因就可能紧邻着那个标记,甚至与那个标记相同。
