

The Appreciation of

The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock

Zhang Qi 章绮20130506044

Class2, grade2013,


Owing to the poem of T.S.Eliot, The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock arouse my interest in analyzing English poem. I find that English poem is also has it's own charm like our Chinese poem. Through seeking the poem's background information, Chinese translated meaning, the author's information, and my own poetic analysis to figure out the poem's main idea, main thoughts, significance and even details. It can concluded that the poem is a love poem to ask for marriage. But it explains J.Alfred Prufrock's hesitation and timidity.


The author of the poem is T.S.Eliot. T.S.Eliot is his pen name, his real name is Thomas Steams Elliot. He was born in 26 September 1888. ST. Louis Missouri, United States. He was an American--born British essayist, publisher, playwright, literary and social critic and "one of the twentieth century's major poets". His notable works include The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock(1915), The Waste Land(1922), and Four Quarters(1944). He was awarded the Nobel Price for literature in1948 for his composition of Four Quarters. (Wu Dingbo, 2013)

Prufrock, a man caught in a sense of defeated idealism and tortured by unsatisfied desire, is presented as an interesting tragic figure in the poem. In the poem, he presents his two personalities: hesitation and timidity. (https://www.360docs.net/doc/7811989982.html,)


My own understanding of the main idea of the poem.

It is about J.Alfred Prufrock wants to ask a woman to marry him, but he don't know how to say that. He is in two minds, which are love and reason against each other. He has no courage to make an offer of marriage. But in fact, this poem is a monologue of him. The poem emphasizes the inner thoughts and feelings of J.Alfred Prufrock. After a long struggle of "open mouth or not.", he choose to give up. The poem follows the conscious experience of a man, Prufrock, relayed in the "stream of consciousness" from characteristic of the Modernists, lamenting his physical and

intellectual inertia with the recurrent theme of carnal love attained The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock, which is seen as a masterpieces of the Modernist Movement.

We can find out that first section of the poetry is French and it quoted from Dante’s poetry. Why T.S.Eliot used Dante’s poetry? The reason is in Dante’s poetry, he can go to hell to ask Guido(the figure who appears in Dante’s poetry), thought he suffered misery, he come back at last. He know exactly what the hell is. This is different from Prufrock. He don’t know what the hell is, of course, he don’t know how to deal with his own problem--make a marriage proposal or not.

In the 14th section, it is about Hamlet. He was always talking about the hell, but he don’t know whether he could out of the the hell. So, he is different from Dante, his reason prevent him from going to the hell. This is similar to Prufrock. His reason tells him be away from marriage and his trouble is more serious than Hamlet. Because he even don’t have his own goal, he can’t open his mouth to ask for a marriage. This may be ridiculous. In my view, this is a beautiful wish, a desire for love. Though, the woman, who is going to be asked for a marriage proposal is not really exist.

We can find out that the 6th section and the section 3 have the same context.

“In the room the women come and go

Talking of Michelangelo”


The two sections use “the women come and go” in order to express a nervous feeling. It can infer that, at the time, J.Alfred Prufrock must very intense because he can’t find a right way to say love to the woman. In this poetry, T.S.Eliot uses this section twice to emphasize this kind of nervous feeling that he don’t know how to start to make a marriage proposal.

In the next section, section five, there are so many “there will be time...”(T.S.Eliot,1915,section5). The author uses this kind of structure--Parallelism for expressing Prufrock’s desire. He want a marriage, so he tell himself there will be time, there will have enough time my himself to prepare to make a marriage proposal and there also have enough time for the women to wait for being loved. He needs time to open his mouth to say love.

There section can tells us the personality of Prufrock. That is hesitation. He wants a lover, but how to open his mouth is a big question. There must be something hard for him to show the love. But in this poetry, we can find the answer. Suppose I was Prufrock, why can’t I open my mouth for a marriage proposal? Maybe I am not good enough to match the woman, she deserve better. Maybe my healthy--condition is

not perfect, maybe I must leave here to somewhere and never come back. Maybe there still have some other reasons that we can’t understand. But there situations may become the reason for me, and also for Prufrock. These reasons makes him become timidity.

In section seven, “Do I dare and Do I dare” (T.S.Eliot,1915,section7)

In section eight, “So how should I presume”, “Then how should I begin”, “And how should I begin”(T.S.Eliot,1915,section8)

The four sentences use rhetorical questions express Prufrock’s struggle against himself. He dare not to ask for a marriage proposal reflect in his timidity personality.

In the next 12th and 13th sections,“That is not what I meat at all; That is not it, at all” (T.S.Eliot,1915,section 12) “That is not it at all; That is not what I meat, at all. (T.S.Eliot,1915,section 13)

T.S.Eliot uses repeat sentence to stress Prufrock’s timid. He told himself to dispel make a marriage proposal because he dare not to ask for that. He continue to hinting himself that is not his real willing. And after a long struggle, he choose to remain silence.

Through analyzing this poetry by myself from the context and own understanding. It can conclude that Prufrock’s personalities are hesitation and timidity. Sometimes hesitation and timidity may help to think more safe and reliable, but as a man or even a woman, especially a citizen of CQ, we should decide directly and simple. To much hesitation and timidity may lead to a wrong direction and do nothing.


Wu Dingbo, 2013, An Outline American Literature, Shanghai, China, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Prufrock, https://www.360docs.net/doc/7811989982.html,.

T.S.Eliot, 1915, The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock, section 3,6,7,8,12,13.

美国文学史及选读试卷 (1)

美国文学史及选读试卷 Ⅰ.Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternatives. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (60points in all, 2 for each) 1. Which of following can be said of the common features which are shared by the English and American Romanticists ? A. An increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions. B. An increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters. C. An increasing emphasis on the desire to return to nature. D. both A and B. 2. Which of the following statements about the Romantic period in the history of American literature is NOT true? () A. In most of the American writings of this period there was a new emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature. B. The writers of this period placed an increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions and displayed an increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters. C. There was a strong tendency to exalt the individual and the common man. D. Most heroes and heroines in the writings of this period exhibited extremes of reason and nationality. 3.______ is unanimously agreed to be the summit of the American Romanticism in the history of American literature. A. New England Transcendentalism B. England Transcendentalism C. the Harlem Renaissance D. New Transcendentalism 4.Hawthorn e’s unique gift was for the creation of ______ which touch the deepest roots of man’s moral nature. A. symbolic stories B. romantic stories


密歇根州立大学 经全体教员提名已及密歇根州立大学社会科学院决定 兹授予 XX 人力资源与劳资关系专业 管理学硕士学位 2009年12月18日于密歇根州东兰辛市, 特颁发该证书以兹证明。 董事会主席:(签名) 密歇根州立大学校长:(签名) 密歇根州立大学(印章)

密歇根州立大学打印日期:2009年12月29日第1页正式成绩单 姓名:XX 学号:XX 课程课程内容学分得分 以前所在学校 武汉理工大学 中国武汉 商业学士授予时间:2006年 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 研究生成绩 课程信息 2007年秋季2007/08/27-2007/12/14 LIR 809 劳动力市场 3 4.0 LIR 823 组织行为学 3 4.0 LIR 824 人力资源战略管理与决策 3 3.0 累积学分:9.0 累积平均绩点:3.6666 2008年春季2008/01/07-2008/05/02 LIR 825 薪酬&福利 3 4.0 LIR 832 数据应用学 3 3.0 LIR 858 集体谈判 3 4.0 累积学分:18.0 累积平均绩点:3.6666 2008年秋季2008/08/25-2008/12/12 LIR 811 组织培训与发展 3 4.0 LIR 827 高绩效工作系统 3 4.0 LIR 868 就业法 3 3.5 累积学分:27.0 累积平均绩点:3.7222 2009年春季2009/01/12-2009/05/08 LIR 854 国际人力资源和劳资关系系统 3 4.0 LIR 891 特殊高级劳资关系&人力资源 3 4.0 累积学分:33.0 累积平均绩点:3.7727 2009年秋季2009/09/02-2009/12/18 LIR 826 组织发展与变革管理 3 4.0


北京邮电大学世纪学院 学期论文 题目美国总统选举制度分析论文学号 13010401 学生姓名刘昊 专业名称通信工程 所在系通信与信息工程 2016年 6月 1 日

题目:美国总统选举制度分析论文 摘要: 随着我国民主法治建设的不断推进,以及我国社会主义法律体系的不断完善,目前我国在推动民主化进程中取得了举世瞩目的成就,这是结合中国特色的社会主义道路所取得的民主化进程,同时也符合党的十八大报告中所提出的“走中国特色的民主化道路”的基本要求。但对于西方国家在选举过程中的有益经验,我们也同样要加以借鉴和吸取,美国作为世界上最大的民主化国家,其选举制度拥有二百多年的历史,其取得了成就同样值得我们借鉴,我们在民主化进程中要吸引和借鉴世界所有其他国家的先进经验和有益做法。 本文通过运用文献资料法、历史研究法以及对比分析等研究方法,对美国的总统选举制度的发展史进行了探讨和分析,尤其是对其变迁进行了深入和细致的探讨,希望从中能够找到为中国特色社会主义民主化道路所借鉴的有益做法。 关键词:总统选举;制度,发展史;弊端 Abstract: With the advancement of democratic rule of law construction in China, as well as the continuous improvement of the socialist legal system in our country, at present our country in the process of promoting democratization has made remarkable achievements, which is the combination of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics of the democratization process, but also in line with the party's eighteen big report proposed "democratization road with Chinese characteristics" of the basic requirements. But for the western countries the beneficial experience in the process of the election, we also want to draw lessons from and absorbing, the United States as the world's largest democracy,


An Analysis of the Design of the First Assembly in Pride and Prejudice [Abstract] In Pride and Prejudice, the first assembly is the stage of the debut of hero, Darcy and the heroine, Elizabeth. Therefore, the design of this assembly, including which part of the assembly should be narrated directly in the description of the assembly, how to do with other things happened during the party, how to shape the characteristics and personality of the two main characters as well as other important role on the assembly, is essentially significant to the character portrait for the whole novel. Mainly employing description of language and technique of comparative description, the plot about this assembly is well-designed as three parts, before, during and after the assembly, which is efficient to the character figuring of the novel. [Keywords] character figuring, design, description of language, comparative description The novel introduces the first assembly in Chapter 3, using only half of a chapter to directly describe things happened on the party while two other whole chapter to show people’s discussion on it. By the delicate design, vivid language description and useful comparative description, the description of this party is highly efficient to the chapter portrait of this novel. Before the party, Mrs. Bennet’s worry about Mr. Bingley’s going into the town is showed, which totally reveals the purpose of Mrs. Bennet’s participating in the dinner, again echoing the description of Mrs. Bennet’s saying "If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield, and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for." (Austen, 2001: 2) at former plot. In the case, the assembly is platform to looking for sweetheart, love and even possible marriage (Yang, 91). At the end of this paragraph, Mr. Bingley’s invitating his sisters and Darcy leads to the appearance of these important characters. For the description of things happened during the party, instead of using scene description to the setting of the ball or psychological description to the participators, language description organized by comparative technique is mainly employed to mould different personality of different participant. First of all, It can be directly seen that the description of Mr. Hurst’s and Mr. Darcy’s first appearance is put in the same paragraph and connected by the conjunction “but”,


1.Captain John Smith became the first American writer. 2.The puritans looked upon themselves as a chosen people. is an annual collection of proverbs written by Benjamin Franklin. 4.Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet Common Sense boldly advocated a “Declaration for Independence”. 5.Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston.

has been called the “Father of American Poetry”. 7.In Washington I rving’s appeared the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature. 8.Cooper’s enduring fame rests on his William Cullen Bryant’s wok. is considered “father of American detective stories and American gothic stories”. 10.Emerson believed above all in


Cultural differences between China and America The Culture of the United States is a Western culture originally influenced by European cultures. It has been developing since long before the United States became a country with its own unique social and cultural characteristics .Today, the United States of America is an ethnically and racially diverse country as a result of large-scale immigration from many different countries throughout its history. Chinese culture is the respect of East land. Chinese culture have a long history ,and it is very different from American . The part of social different. If you are in China , it is not rare to see that a crowded of people throng in the supermarket, trying to get service first. People in China do line up the scholar said in a humorous tone , but they prefer to line up at a horizontal way. In contrast , in western countries , say in American ,people always line up ,no matter in a big bank or a small store .And they take it for granted. Lining up has long since become part of their life that they scarcely doubt it or grow impatient while doing it. The food different .Most Chinese families are used to buying fresh food every day while Americans like to buy from supermarket a large bag onetime then eat cold food everyday. Chinese people use chopsticks to eat while American people use folks and knives. when the guest come ,Chinese will make a cup of hot tea, tea can reduce blood cholesterol.on the contrary, American people like drinking coffee, but it is possible to increase blood fat and stimulation to the heart.American breakfast food mainly includes Bread, milk or dairy products, meat, vegetables and fruits. Chinese breakfast Consists of vegetables, steamed buns, pancakes, congee , eggs milk, bean products .After dinner, Chinese people love to eat fruit,while Americans often add a s weetmeat. The difference in education. China's education pays great attention to the accumulating knowledge infusion, raise students' knowledge and authority to the knowledge of the respect and inheriting and knowledge system construction. Americans are paying more attention to train students to use the knowledge, pay attention to cultivating students' practical ability of knowledge and authoritative question, the critical spirit and to expand and create knowledge. These two kinds of education expressed the different attitudes: treat knowledge of Chinese education is static and dynamic differences between the United States, this move a static reflecting differences of two countries knowledge view.


XX英语文学论文开题报告范文题目 an analysis of the character portia in the merchant of venice 一、本课题的研究目的及意义 (一)研究目的 莎士比亚作为英国文艺复兴时期最杰出的艺术大师,被马克思称之为“最伟大的戏剧天才”。透过似真似幻的舞台和匠心独具的故事,莎翁塑造了一系列不朽的人物典型。尤其是塑造了众多而鲜明的人物形象。在莎士比亚的剧作中出场的女性人物有一百多人,在众多的女性人物中上至贵族,下至平民百姓,几乎是各不相同。而《威尼斯商人》中的鲍西亚更是被公认为莎士比亚笔下别具风采的女性形象。众多评论家认为莎士比亚戏剧中刻画的女性形象大都非常贴近生活,具有巨大的认识价值。。在这一讽刺喜剧《威尼斯商人》中鲍西亚美丽、善良、机智、自信、富有才华和胆识,正体现了莎士比亚从男性的视觉自发塑造的理想中的新女性。作为新女性的鲍西亚,具有一定的判逆性格,不甘于被命运摆弄做逆来顺受的“家庭天使”,在一定程度上体现了莎士比亚对人文主义精神的追求。然而,从女性主义的视角来分析,在男性为中心的社会里,鲍西亚绝非真正具有女性的自我意识,而是甘于向父权社会妥协的不完美的新女性。本课题通过对《威尼斯商人》中鲍西亚形象的分析,让读者

了解鲍西亚思想上、性格上的先进性与局限性,对现代女性起到一定的启示作用。 (二)研究意义 莎士比亚通过对生活细致入微的观察,对人性深刻的剖析,创作出《威尼斯商人》这部极具讽刺性的喜剧。在莎士比亚的笔下,女性的感情与理智平分秋色,女性是以与男性平等的形象出现的。这在鲍西亚这一角色身上表现最为突出。鲍西亚美丽温柔、忠贞不渝、善良可爱、机智勇敢、足智多谋。她掌握着自己的命运,不仅在自主选择丈夫方面,而且在与夏洛克的斗争中起到了关键性的作用。在当今的现实生活中,鲍西亚光彩照人的女性形象也可以带给人们启迪和借鉴。鲍西亚在金钱和爱情的杠杆上,选择了爱情。在她的内心深处爱情价更高,是金钱、物质所无法取代的。她对于爱情忠贞不渝和执着,值得现代生活中个别只追求物质享受的女人去学习。在现实生活中,个别人不应该由于自己的优越条件而歧视别人,更要学会不用有色眼光去看待别人。在法庭上,讲义气、才智非凡的鲍西亚女扮男装以法律博士的身份出场,使剧情有了戏剧性的转折,使夏洛克一步步在不知不觉中陷入她的计策。她成功的妙计足以显示出其学问深厚,机智敏锐,有胆有识的特点,这种女性形象也是我们所认同和赞赏的。《威尼斯商人》中的鲍西亚人物形象具有生动鲜明,栩栩如生,有血有肉等特点。本文通过对《威尼斯商人》


美国文学史及选读试题 I. Multiple Choice 10’ 1. Who is different from others according to the division of writing period? A. Washington Irving B.William Cullen Bryant C. Captain John Smith D. James Fenimore Cooper 2. The American Romantic Period lasted roughly from ____ to ____. A. 1798-1832 B. 1810-1860 C. 1860-1864 D. 1776-1783 3. How many syllables are there in this first line of Raven? (“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,”) A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 16 4. What dominated the Puritan phase of American writing? A. theology B. literature C. esthetics D. revolution 5. At the initial period of the spread of ideas of the Enlightenment was largely due to ____. A. typography B. journalism C. revolution D. the development of paper-making industry 6. Who has been called the “Father of American Literature”? A. Walt Scott B. Geoffrey Chaucer


美国常见大学简称,全称(所在州缩写)及中文名称 1. Princeton:Princeton University(NJ) )普林斯顿大学 2.Yale:Yale University(CT)耶鲁大学 3.Harvard:Harvard University(MA) 哈佛大学 4.MIT:Massachusetts Inst.of Technology(MA) 麻省理工学院 5.CIT: California Institute of Technology(CA)加州理工学院 6.Stanford:Stanford University(CA)斯坦福大学 7.Duke:Duke University(NC) 杜克大学 8. JHU:Johns Hopkins University(MD)约翰霍普金斯大学 9. UPenn:University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学 10. Columbia: Columbia University(NY) 哥伦比亚大学 11 .Cornell:Cornell University(NY)康奈尔大学 12. Dartmouth:artmouth College(NH)达特茅斯学院 13.Chicago:University of Chicago(IL) 芝加哥大学 14.Brown:Brown University(RI)布朗大学 15.NWU:Northwestern University(IL)西北大学 16.Rice:Rice University(TX)莱斯大学 17.WUSTL: Washington University in St.Louis(MO)圣路易斯华盛顿大学 18.Emory:Emory University(GA) 埃默里大学 19.ND:University of Notre Dame(IN)圣母大学 20.Berkeley: University of California-Berkeley 加州大学-伯克利分校 21. Vanderbilt: Vanderbilt University(TN) 范德堡大学 22.Virginia:University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学 23.CMU:Carnegie Mellon University(PA)卡内基梅隆大学 24.Georgetown:Georgetown University(DC)乔治敦大学 25.UCLA:University of California-Los Angeles加州大学-洛杉矶分校 26.UMich:University of Michigan-Ann Arbor密歇根大学-安娜堡分校 27.UNC:Univ.of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 28.WFU:Wake Forest University(NC)威克森林大学 29.WM:College of William and Mary(VA)威廉和玛丽学院 30.Tufts:Tufts University(MA) 塔夫茨大学 31.Brandeis:Brandeis University(MA) 布兰代斯大学 32.UCSD:University of California-San Diego加州大学-圣地亚哥分校 33.Rochester:University of Rochester(NY) 罗彻斯特大学 34.CWRU:Case Western Reserve Univ.(OH)凯斯西储大学 35.Lehigh:Lehigh University(PA); 利哈伊大学 36.NYU:New York University纽约大学 37.UIUC: Univ.of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 38.UWisc:University of Wisconsin-Madison威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 39.Boston: Boston University 波士顿大学 40.GIT:Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院 41.PSU: Pennsylvania State U.-University Park宾州州立大学商学院 42.UCDavis:University of California-Davis加州大学戴维斯分校 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7811989982.html,C:University of Southern California南加州大学


西方文化与礼仪论文 在这学期我选修了《西方文化与礼仪》这个课程。之所以选它是因为,对于个人来说,适当的礼仪既尊重别人同时也是尊重自己的体现,在个人事业发展中起着决定性作用。它提升人的涵养,增进了解沟通,细微之处显真情。对内可融洽关系,对外可树立形象,营造和谐的工作和生活环境。 特别是中西方之间,礼仪上的差别很大,因为不了解这些差异而引起的误会和笑话并不少见。有一个故事是:一个国民党军官携夫人去机场迎接来自美国的顾问。双方见面后,美国顾问出于礼貌说:“您的夫人真漂亮!”军官甚感尴尬又不免客套一番:“哪里,哪里!”在中国,这本是一句很普通的客套话,可是蹩脚的翻译却把这句话译成:where?where?美国顾问听了莫明其妙,心想:我只是礼貌地称赞一下他的夫人,他居然问起我他的夫人哪里漂亮?于是他只好说:“从头到脚都漂亮!”这个故事就是由于中西文化差异闹出的礼仪上的笑话。由此可见,了解中西方礼尚交往之间的习惯差异是很有必要的。 往大处来说,一个国家无论是在政治上,还是在经济贸易中,了解对方国家的礼仪习惯,将有利于各国之间的交往。从小处来讲,一个人了解对方的礼仪民间习惯,是对对方的尊重,容易给对方留下一个好印象,以便交往的顺利进行。随着东西方文化的不断发展,东西方的礼仪正在相互融合,西方人逐渐地接受了东方文化中重情感等合理因素,东方人也逐渐地接受了西方文化中先进文明的礼仪和交往方式。但在现实生活中,由于东西方文化的差异而对礼仪产生的影响还很多,为此本文就以下几方面具体探讨东西方文化差异对礼仪所产生的影响: 社会交往方式的差异对礼仪的影响 东西方文化都非常重视人际交往,但在交往的观念、交往的方式上都有着明显的差别。如中国人热情好客,在人际交往中饱含热情,问寒问暖,似乎没有什么可保留的,对于了解有关年龄、职业、收入、婚姻状况、子女等问题,觉得都理所当然。而在西方国家中,特别重视对方的隐私权。个人稳私主要包括:个人状况(年龄、工作、收入、婚姻、子女等)、政治观念(支持或反对何种党派)、宗教信仰(信仰什么宗教)、个人行为动向(去何种地方,与谁交往、通信)等。凡是涉及到个人隐私的都不能直接过问。西方人一般不愿意干涉别人的私生活和个人隐私,也不愿意被别人干涉。比如,中国人会直接询问别人所买物品的价格。因为在中国人看来,物品的贵贱只是表示该物品的质量。而在西方人眼里,如果你直接询问别人所购物品的价格,就可能是探问对方的经济条件,因此,这也是西方人的隐私,属于不宜直接询问的问题。如果你想了解该物品的价格,只能委婉地夸耀、赞赏该物品,而这样的情况下西方人一般也只告诉你该物品的贵或贱,一般不会告诉你准确价格。中国人见面打招呼时喜欢问一句“上哪儿去?”,这是招呼的一种形式。而在美国,你如果问朋友上哪儿去,则可能会使对方尴尬,因为这也属于对方的隐私,是你不该过问的。另外,人际交往的空间距离可以分为亲密距离、个人距离、社交距离、公共距离四种。中国人的空间距离相对较近。我们在大街上经常可以看到两个中国少女挽臂亲昵而行,而在西方则很少见到。西方人觉得中国人过于亲近,而中国人又会觉得西方人过于冷淡、傲慢,过分疏远,是不友好的表现。如果中国人发现交际对方的衣服上有根线头,他会很自然地帮助对方摘掉;而在西方人眼里,这是不礼貌之举。中国人看到朋友穿了件非常漂亮的衣服,会上前摸一摸,询问价钱或质地;而西方人则不会这样做,他们


Interpretation of “Bartleby” 2012 English Class, 1204402019, Crush Abstract Herman Melville?s tale “Bartleby”is one of those highly acclaimed symbolic short stories in the 19th century. Bartleby is an exploited worker in the capitalistic prison—Wall Street. To some critics, he is “a Thoreau-like practitioner of passive resistance”or “an autobiographical projection of Melville as alienated author.”1In this article, I am going to concentrate on the dark, ruthless commercial society and its defective capitalist values the narrator wants to reveal in “Bartleby”; specifically, I will illustrate how the narrator?s failure to understand the existence of Bartleby and to help him indicates the limitations of rationalism. Further more, I will also try to explain what does Bartleby really need, and how can people really save him from terrible forlornness. Key words Bartleby society limitation rationalism capitalist values Melville?s “Bartleby”is narrated by the first-person narrator, as he describes himself, is “a man who, from his youth upwards, has been filled with a profound conviction that the easiest way of life is the best…one of those unambitious lawyers who never addresses a jury, or in any way draws down public applause; but in the cool tranquility of a snug retreat, do a snug business among rich men?s bonds and mortgages and title-deeds.” He is quite satisfied with his profitable life. He is proud of himself in his successful business and proudly attached that he was once employed and praised by John Jacob Astor: “All who know me consider me an eminently safe man. The late John Jacob Astor, a personage little given to poetic enthusiasm, had no hesitation in pronouncing my first grand point to be prudence; my next method.”The narrator is a typical business man of Wall Street—the epitome of the increasing urbanized, capital-driven society. The author does not set Wall Street as the backdrop randomly, but uses it 1(journal articles) Y on-jae Jung, “The Poe-esque Elements in Melville?s…Bartleby the Scrivener?”, Foreign Literature Studies 4 (2009), p. 63.


美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突毕业论文 Contents Acknowledgments Abstract................................................ I 摘要................................................... I I Contents.............................................. III I Introduction (1) 1.1 The Synopsis of Mulan (1) 1.2 The Synopsis of Kung Fu Panda (2) II the Compatibility of American Values and Chinese Elements (3) 2.1 The characters (3) 2.2 Scenery, Architecture and other Details (4) 2.3 Martial Arts (5) 2.4 Chinese Philosophy (6) III. Conflicts of American Values and Chinese Elements (9) 3.1 Conservatism VS Free Spirit (9) 3.2 Family Priority& Individualism (10) IV. Conclusion (12) 4.1 General Summary of the Study (12) Bibliography (14)


Washington Irving Bracebridge Hall 布雷斯布里奇田庄 (1822) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tales of a Traveller 旅客谈 (1824) Christopher Columbus (1828) c. writing characteristics (1) humorous: the function of his writing is to amuse, to entertain instead of teaching or instruction (2) vivid and true character portrayal (3) finished (refined) and musical language, thus regarded as “the Amn. Goldsmith ” d. analysis on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(选自the sketch book 见闻札记 ) 1. the story:setting,character, plot 2. theme:conflicts and praise conflict betw. Ichabod and Brom conflict betw. the village and the outside world James Fenimore Cooper The Spy (1821): a historical novel The Pilot (1824): a sea novel Leatherstocking Tales 皮裹腿故事集(1823-1841): frontier novels The Last Mohicans (1826) (Colonial War betw. Britain and France) e. writing features: strong points: we can see a variety of incidents and tensions, complicated plot and structure and a beautiful description of nature. Weak points: characterization is weak. There is unsatisfactory description of characters (esp. female). He is not free from syntactical awkwardness, heavy-handed attempt at humor. “Where Irving excels Cooper is weak.” Dialect is not authentic. Edgar Allan Poe The Fall of the House Usher Feature: i. brevity (15 pages) ii. Single effect iii. originality in theme To Helen It was inspired by the beauty of the mother of a schoolmate of Poe in Richmond, Virginia. The poem is famous for a number of things: 1. its rhyme scheme: ababb 2. its varied line lengths 3. its metaphor of a travel on the sea 4. its oft-quoted lines: "To the glory that was Greece,/And the grandeur that was Rome." theme: praise the ideal love and beauty and ancient Greek and Roman civilizations The Raven 乌鸦 theme: the lament over the death of a beautiful woman tone: melancholy Transcendentalism (essayists, poets, novelists) Their journal is “The Dial ” . Definition: Transcendentalism is idealism. (Emerson) b. features (1) stress on Oversoul, that is spirit. (2) stress the importance of individual. (3) fresh conception of nature. c. significance (1) inspired a whole generation of writers such as Whitman, Melville and Dickinson. (2) dresses man ’s subjective initiative as opposed to materialism. (3) liberated people from Calvin ’s original sin d. limitation (1) shallow: cut off from real life or reality; initiated by the rich, they were limited in a certain circle. So, in some degree, they have been cut off from social life and can ’t understand the sufferings of the common people. (2) inward contradiction: gain knowledge by intuition, shows its idealistic aspect. R.W. Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Nature (1836): the Bible of New England transcendentalism The American Scholar (1837): "America's Declaration of Intellectual The Divinity School Address 神学院致辞 (1838) Essays (1841/1847) Representative Men (1850) English Traits (1856)
