































5实现社会资源的最佳配置需满足的条件是()[中央财经大学2010研] A.公共物品支出的边际效益=私人物品支出的边际效益

































罗森财政学复习资料(双语版) Unified budget:The document which itemizes all the federal government’s expenditures and revenues. 统一预算:联邦政府在一种文件中将其支出逐项列出的文件 Regulatory budget: an annual statement of the costs imposed on the economy by government regulations 管制预算:政府管制对经济产生的成本 Entitlement programs: programs whose expenditures are determined by the number of people who qualify ,rather than preset budget allocations. 公民权利性计划:(是指有关社会保障、公共福利计划、农产品价格维持等法律规定受益人和收益数额的政府支出项目)项目的成本不是由固定的美元数额来决定,而是由符合条件的人的数量决定。 Substitution effect :the tendency of an individual to consume more of one good and less of another because of a decrease in the price of the former relative to the latter. 替代效应:是指一种商品价格的变化所引起的使消费者调整该种商品与其他商品需求量比例的效应。 Income effect : the effect of a price change the quantity demanded due exclusively to the fact that the consmer’s income has changed 收入效应:收入效应指由商品的价格变动所引起的实际收入水平变动,进而由实际收入水平变动所引起的商品需求量的变动。Welfare economics: the branch of economic theory concerned with the social desirability of alternative economic states. 福利经济学:研究各种经济状态的社会合意性的经济理论的一个分支 Pareto efficient : an allocation of resource such that no person can be made better off without making another person worse off. 帕累托效率:要使一个人的境况变好,唯一的办法就是使另一个人的境况变坏 Pareto improvement: a reallocation of resources that makes at least one person better off without making anyone else worse off. 对在不使其他任何人境况变坏的情况下使某人的境况变好的资源进行重新配置 Pure public good : a commodity that is nonrival and nonexcludable in consumption. 纯公共物品:指既没有排他性有没有竞争性的产品和服务 Privatization :the process of turning services that are supplied by the government over to the private sector for provision and production 私有化:把由政府提供的服务交给私人部门去提供和生产 Commodity egalitarianism : the idea that some commodities ought to be made available to everybody 商品平均主义:要求某些商品人人有份

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版)Chap009

CHAPTER 9 – Social Insurance I: Social Security and Unemployment Insurance Multiple-Choice Questions 1. A pay-as-you-go system means a) you pay for your dinner as you go to the table to eat. b) current working citizens pay for current retired citizens. c) there is no need for taxes since current workers pay for current retirees. d) retirees are paid from accounts that have accumulated with interest over their working lives. e) all of the above. 2. Asymmetric information generally implies a) information between parties is not equal. b) all parties are fully informed. c) information is costless. d) information is too costly to transmit. e) a and c. 3. A fully funded plan requires a) you to pay for your dinner as you go to the table to eat. b) current working citizens to pay for current retired citizens. c) no taxes since current workers pay for current retirees. d) retirees to be paid from accounts that have accumulated with interest over their working lives. e) all of the above. 4. An actuarially fair return means a) returns on investments are indexed to the stock market. b) returns on investments have to be positive. c) benefits received, on average, would be equal to the premiums paid. d) premiums for insurance are generally paid by the government. e) none of the above. 5. When workers save less during their working lives due to the fact that they have been paying Social Security taxes, this is known as a) the Social Security effect. b) the wealth substitution effect. c) the bequest effect. d) the life cycle hypothesis. 6. The Social Security earnings test a) applies only to workers between 65 and 69 years of age. b) was redesigned in the 1980s to include foreign workers. c) has a tax rate of no more than 16.9 percent. d) does all of the above.

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap003

CHAPTER 3 - Tools of Normative Analysis Multiple-Choice Questions 1. The slope of the production possibilities curve is the a) marginal rate of substitution. b) contract curve. c) offer curve. d) Engel curve. e) marginal rate of transformation. 2. The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics requires a) producers and consumers to be price takers. b) that there be a market for every commodity. c) that the economy operate at some point on the utility possibility curve. d) all of the above. 3. Points outside the production possibility frontier are a) producible. b) endowment points. c) consumer equilibrium points. d) unattainable. 4. General equilibrium refers to a) examining markets without specific information. b) finding equilibrium from general information. c) pricing goods at their shadow price. d) all of the above. e) none of the above. 5. The marginal rate of substitution is a) the slope of the utility curve. b) the slope of the contract curve. c) the slope of the utility possibilities curve. d) none of the above. 6. Market failure can occur when a) monopoly power exists in the market. b) markets are missing. c) consumers can influence prices. d) all of the above.


Chapter One Introduction This book is about the taxing and spending activities of government, a subject usually called public finance. This term is something of a misnomer, because the fundamental issues are not financial (that is, relating to money). Rather, the key problems relate to the use of real resources. For this reason, some authors prefer the label public sector economics or simply public economics. We focus on the microeconomic function of government- the way government affects the allocation of resources and the distribution of income. This book follows tradition by focusing on governmental spending and revenue-raising activities. Public Finance and Ideology Opinions on how government should function in the economic sphere are influenced by ideological views concerning the relationship between the individual and the state. Political philosophers have distinguished two major approaches. 1. Organic View of Government Society is conceived of as a natural organism. Each individual is a part of this organism, and the government can be thought of as its heart. The individual has significance only as part of the community, and the good of the individual is defined with respect to the good of the whole. Thus, the community is stressed above the individual. The goals of the society are set by the state, which attempts to lead society toward their realization. The choice of goals differs considerably. Because societal goals can differ, a crucial question is how they are to be selected. Proponents of the organic view usually argue that certain goals are natural for the societal organism. 2. Mechanistic View of Government Government is not an organic part of society. Rather, it is a contrivance created by individuals to better achieve their individual goals. Virtually everyone agrees that it is good for individuals when government protects them from violence. To do so government must have a monopoly on coercive power. Opinions within the mechanistic tradition diverge. Libertarians, who believe in a very limited government, argue against any further economic role for the government. Libertarians are extremely skeptical about the ability of governments to improve social welfare. Social democrats believe that substantial government intervention is required for the good of individuals. 3. Viewpoint of This Book The mechanistic view of government has come to dominate Anglo-American political thought. Not surprisingly, Anglo-American economic thought has also


CHAPTER 5 - Externalities Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Reducing output from the privately optimal level to the socially optimal level will a) cause a loss of consumption to consumers. b) reduce marginal damages. c) reduce the production costs. d) cause all of the above. 2. Marginal damages are hard to measure because a) they can be generated from multiple sources. b) they are hard to graph. c) they happen over time. d) no one cares about them. 3. In Figure 5.4, if the marginal damages line did not originate at 0, a) it would mean that marginal damages did not exist. b) there is no way to find MSC. c) MSC would not originate at the same intercept as MPC. d) then all of the above. 4. Externalities can be positive because a) marginal damages do not last over time. b) utility can be impacted positively as well as negatively. c) there is no concept for marginal benefit. d) positive externalities are subsidies. 5. Refer to the graphs below. Which graph(s) represent(s) an externality? a) graph A b) graphs A and B c) graph B d) neither graph A nor graph B A B


罗森《财政学》考研真题详解 1在电力、煤气、自来水等行业可采用的公共定价方法是()。[中央财经大学2008研] A.平均成本定价法 B.二部定价法 C.边际成本定价法 D.负荷定价法 【答案】D查看答案 【解析】负荷定价法是指按不同时间段或时期的需求制定不同的价格。在电力、煤气、自来水、电话等行业,按需求的季节、月份、时区的高峰和非高峰的不同,有系统地制定不同的价格,以平衡需求状况。在需求处于最高峰时,收费最高;而处于最低谷时,收费最低。 2《经济学中的灯塔》一文是1974年由()发表的,研究的是公共物品的私人供给问题。[中央财经大学2009研] A.科斯 B.诺斯

C.马斯格雷夫 D.斯密 【答案】A查看答案 【解析】科斯在1974年发表《经济学中的灯塔》一文,在文中提出了著名的科斯定理,该定理研究的是公共物品的私人供给问题。 3财政支出增长的替代一规模效应理论由()经济学家提出。[中央财经大学2008研] A.阿道夫·瓦格纳 B.马斯格雷夫 C.皮科克和威斯曼 D.马斯格雷夫和罗斯托 【答案】C查看答案 【解析】皮科克和威斯曼提出财政支出增长的替代一规模效应理论,在瓦格纳分析的基础上,根据他们对1890-1955年间英国的公共部门成长情况的研究,提出了导致财政支出增长的内在因素与外在因素,并认为外在因素是说明财政支出增长速度超过GDP增长速度的主要原因。此即替代-规模效应理论。马斯格雷夫和罗斯托提出经济发展阶段论。阿道夫·瓦格纳提出了“财政支出扩张论”,即瓦格纳法则。

4财政支出效益分析的方法不包括()。[中央财经大学2010研] A.成本——效益法 B.最低费用法 C.公共劳务收费法 D.因素分析评分法 【答案】C查看答案 【解析】)财政支出效益分析的方法一般有成本——效益分析法、成本效用分析法、最 低成本法和因素分析评价法。 5实现社会资源的最佳配置需满足的条件是()[中央财经大学2010研] A.公共物品支出的边际效益=私人物品支出的边际效益 B.公共物品支出的边际效益>私人物品支出的边际效益 C.公共物品支出的边际效益<私人物品支出的边际效益 D.公共物品支出的边际效益与私人物品支出的边际效益之和最大 【答案】A查看答案


第一章P.16 4.a.政府对经济的影响增加了。如果政府规模是由其直接支出来衡量,这项法规不会直接导致政府支出的增加。然而,这可能会导致较高的遵从成本,并在“规制预算”中得到体现。 b.这项法律可能不会增加政府支出,但遵从这些管制的高昂代价将会增加管制预算。 c.很难说政府对经济的影响是增加了还是减少了,因为难以确定这一现象是反映了政府规模的扩大还是缩小。一种可能是,GDP保持不变,而政府对商品和服务的购买减少;另一种可能是,政府对商品和服务的购买增加,但增长的比率低于GDP同期增加的比率。同时还应考虑同期联邦政府的信贷、规制活动以及州和地方的预算等。 d.政府对经济的影响总体上可能并不改变。如果联邦减少向州和地方政府的补助,联邦预算将要缩减。然而,如果州和地方政府通过增加税收来抵消这一影响,把各级政府作为一个整体来看,其规模并不会以想象的幅度缩减。 第二章P.32 7.利用相关软件可以得出结论:赤字和利率之间存在着微弱的负相关关系。但仅仅5年的数据得到的检验结果并不可靠。因为货币政策、经济活动的水平等因素都会影响利率。 第三章P.49 4.a.当社会福利函数为W= UL+UA时,社会无差异曲线是斜率为-1的直线。就整个社会而言,两人的效用对社会福利的边际贡献是相等的,即社会对二者的效用同等重视。

b. 当社会福利函数为W= UL+2UA时,社会无差异曲线是斜率为-2的直线。这表明,与利维亚相比,社会两倍重视于奥古斯塔斯的效用。 c.结合效用可能性边界与社会无差异曲线,该种社会福利函数下的两种可能的最优解如下图所示。 UL UL

8.当马克的收入的边际效用等于朱迪收入的边际效用时,社会福利最大化。对已知条件中的两个效用函数求一阶导数,使MU M=MU J,则最大化条件为I J=4I M,因为固定收入是300美元,这意味着马克应该有60美元,朱迪应该有240美元,此时社会福利达到最大化。 10.a.错误。帕累托效率的必要条件是,两种商品的边际替代率要等于其边际转换率。仅边际替代率相等并不能保证帕累托效率。 b.正确,每个人的边际替代率相等时帕累托效率的必要条件。 c.错误。表现出帕累托改进的政策能够提高效率,但社会福利取决于公平和效率。这一政策提高了效率,却导致了公平的损失也可能会减少社会福利。 d.不确定。税收将降低效率,但如果交易产生正的外部性,那么增加教育经费将提高效率。如果教育市场提高的效率能够抵消且大于卷烟市场减少的效率,那么这将是一个帕累托改进政策。 第四章P.67 3.假设印度豹的效用不算入社会福利函数,因此它在不同活动之间劳动供给的分配与社会福利函数无关。 a.在这个例子中,巡逻是公共物品,果子是私人物品。 b.根据效率条件,下列等式成立:MRS1=MRS2=2,而MRT=3,所以MRS1+MRS2>MRT。这说明印度豹的时间安排并未达到帕累托最有水平。为了达到有效率的水平,印度豹应该巡逻更长时间,因为如果印度豹巡逻更长时间,生产巡逻这一公共品的边际成本将增加,如果边际成本用果子这一私人物品来表示的话,当边际成本为4个果子时,达到帕累托最优。 9.a.扎克的边际收益曲线表明,灯塔对于扎克来说,边际收益的起点是90美元,随后,随着灯塔数量的增加而下降;对于雅各布来说,边际收益的起点是40美元,然后随着灯塔数量的增加而下降。而建造第一座灯塔的边际成本是100美元,所以没有人愿意单独去支付一座灯塔的边际成本。 b.扎克的边际收益是MB ZACH=90-Q,雅各布的边际收益是MB JACOB=40-Q。对于整个社会而言,当Q≤40时,MB=130-2Q;当Q>40时,社会边际收益曲线就是扎克的边际收益曲线。边际成本恒定为100,所以,当总的边际收益曲线和边际成本曲线相交时,MB=MC,Q=15.净收益可以用需求曲线和在第15个单位时的边际收益之间所形成的面积(三角形ABC的面积)来衡量。则每个人的净收益是112.5美元,总收益(ACDO的面积)是1725美元。(这个数字和标准答案不同,我认为标准答案错了) 注:对于上面划线这句话的理解是,效率数量的灯塔带来的净收益总共为225美元,因为灯塔是两人的公共品,所以对于每人来说,应获得净收益的1/2.


注意:答案按题号顺序写在答题纸上,写在本试卷或草稿纸上一律不给分,考试时间120分钟,满分100分。 一、名词解释(15*1=15分) 1.正常品2.帕累托效率3.契约曲线4.边际转换率 5.外部性6.公共物品7.免费搭车者8.科斯定理 9.庇古税10.多数票规则11.投票悖论12.单峰偏好 13.影子价格14.消费者剩余15.成本——收益分析 二、单选题(20*1=20分) 1.下列哪项不属于准实验研究的缺陷?() A.不能真实模仿处理组的随机分派B.不是估计政府计划影响的可靠方法 C.能够应用的研究问题有限D.面临如何将结果推广到其他背景和讨论的问题 2.在财政学中,实证研究的一个重要目的是,估计政府政策与某种行为之间的()。 A.因果关系B.相关关系C.统计关系D.回归关系 3.在埃奇沃斯框图中的契约曲线上,所有消费者的()都相等。 A.帕累托效率B.边际效用C.边际替代率D.边际转换率 4.在生产可变的情况下, af af MRT=MRS是帕累托效率的()。 A.充分条件B.必要条件C.充分必要条件D.扩展条件 5.()告诉我们,竞争的经济会“自动地”实现有效的资源配置,无须任何集权性指导。 A.政府机械论B.科斯定理C.第一福利定理D.第二福利定理 6.政府对产生外部正效应的经济主体进行补贴,带来了各种影响,下面说法错误的是() A.促进了社会整体福利水平的提高B.降低了该企业的生产成本 C.降低了该企业的均衡产量D.有效地纠正了外部性 7.()意味着一个人对某物品的消费并不妨碍其他任何人对它的消费。 A.非干扰性B.非拒绝性C.非排他性D.非竞争性 8.在消费理论中,追求效用最大化的个人,使消费品A对消费品B的边际替代率等于二者的()。

罗森《财政学》(第8版)(课后习题 个人所得税)【圣才出品】

第十七章 个人所得税 一、概念题 1.个人所得税(personal income taxes) 答:个人所得税是对个人取得的应税所得所征收的一种税,它是调节个人收入水平的重要手段。个人所得税通常实行免征额和累进税率制度,以兼顾公平和效率。实行个人所得税的关键问题在于应税所得的界定和费用的扣除标准。目前西方国家一般采用黑格-西蒙斯所定义的所得,它是指在一定时期内,个人消费能力净增加的货币价值,等于在此期间的实际消费额加上财富净增加额。 2.调整后毛所得(adjusted gross income,AGI) 答:调整后毛所得是所有应税来源的所得总额,减去为取得这些所得而发生的特定费用的差额。应税来源包括(但不仅限于)工资、股息、利息、工商业与农场利润、租金、特许权使用费、奖金,甚至包括赃款收入。 3.应税所得(taxable income) 答:应税所得是指企业或个人根据税务当局制定的法规确定的、据以确定应付(或应退)税款准备的本期损益额。其计算方法是,从调整后毛所得中减去各种免税额和扣除额,就得到应税所得。 4.失业救济(unemployment compensation) 答:失业救济,又称失业津贴,指国家或社会为丧失享受失业社会保险待遇的失业劳

动者提供现金帮助的一种救济方式。失业津贴是一些国家根据失业补偿计划分发给失业者的一种津贴,具有社会福利和政策工具的性质。这种津贴的发放,一方面可以缓解失业者劳动力再生产和生活的困难,另一方面可以在一定程度上减少经济危机或经济衰退造成的需求不足。发放失业津贴的国家,在不同时期和不同地区对失业津贴有不同的规定。例如在美国,各州规定的失业津贴额和领取失业津贴期限长短是不同的。最高失业津贴额从每周40至123美元不等,期限从20至34周不等。美国领取失业津贴的失业工人在失业总人数中所占的比例一直波动于40%~60%之间。 5.转移支付(transfer payments) 答:转移支付是政府给予个人的、不以换取产品或劳务为目的的支出,其中包括政府给予失业者的失业救济金、给予贫困者的各种福利补助,以及其它赠与或社会保障支出。转移支付是政府支出的一个组成部分,也是进行收入再分配的一种方式。转移支付既是福利政策的一种形式,又是调节总需求的财政政策工具之一。 6.黑格一西蒙斯标准的所得定义(income according to Haig-Simons definition) 答:黑格-西蒙斯所定义的所得是指在一定时期内,个人消费能力净增加的货币价值。这等于在此期间的实际消费额加上财富净增加额。财富净增加额(储蓄)必须包括在所得中,因为它代表着潜在消费的增加。该定义要求把消费增加的潜在来源都包括在所得中,不管消费是否发生及其形式如何,同时个人消费潜力的任何减少也应在确定所得时扣除。 7.退休金(retirement benefits)


Instructor’s Manual to accompany Public Finance Seventh Edition Suggested Answers to Discussion Questions and Sample Exams by Harvey S. Rosen

March 2004 ?McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2004 Suggested Answers to Discussion Questions

Some of the questio ns have no single “correct” answer – reasonable people can go off in different directions. In such cases, the answers provided here sketch only a few possibilities. Chapter 1 1. a. Putin’s statement is consistent with an organic conception of government. Individuals and their goals are less important than the state. b.Rehnquist makes a clear statement of the mechanistic view of the state. 2. a. A person with an organic conception of the state might react favorably, arguing that even if an individual owner is worse off because he must show only French movies, the nation is better off because it achieves more unity. b. A libertarian would certainly reject this policy and the reasoning behind it--there is no “national interest” independent of the interests of individuals, and people should have the right to run their lives in the way that they prefer--including seeing whatever movies they want. c. A Social Democrat would try to balance these two aims, and it is hard to predict how he or she would come out. 3. Mechanistic view of government says that the government is a contrivance created by individuals to better achieve their individual goals. Within the mechanistic tradition, people could disagree on the obesity tax. Libertarians would say that people can decide what is best for themselves. They do not need prodding from the government. In contrast, social democrats might believe that people are too short sighted to know what is good for them, so that government-provided inducements are appropriate. 4. a. If the size of government is measured by direct expenditures, the mandate does not directly increase it. Costs of compliance, however, may be high and would appear as an increase in a “regulatory budget.”


Chapter Four Public Goods In this chapter, we discuss the conditions under which public provision of commodities is appropriate. We should understand why markets may fail to provide particular goods at Pareto efficient levels. Public Goods Defined National defense is an example of pure public good, defined as follows: (1) Consumption of the good is nonrival-once it is provided, the additional resource cost of another person consuming the good is zero. (2) Consumption of the good is nonexcludable-to prevent anyone from consuming the good is either very expensive or impossible. In contrast, a private good is rival and excludable. Several aspects of our definition of public good are worth noting. (1)Even though everyone consumes the same quantity of the good, it need not be valued equally by all. People might differ over whether the value of certain public goods is positive or negative. (2) Classification as a public good is not an absolute; it depends on market conditions and the state of technology. It makes sense to think of "publicness" as a matter of degree. Consumption of an impure public good is to some extent rival or excludable. (3)A commodity can satisfy one part of the definition of a public good and not the other. That is, nonexcludability and nonrivalness do not have to go together. (4)Some things that are not conventionally thought of as commodities have public good characteristics. Consumption of honesty, fair income distribution and certain types of information is nonrival and nonexcludable, and therefore they are public goods. (5)Private goods are not necessarily provided exclusively by the private sector. There are many publicly provided private goods-rival and excludable commodities that are provided by governments. Medical services and housing are two examples. Similarly, public goods can be provided privately. In short, the label private or public does not by itself tell us anything about which sector provides the item. (6) Public provision of a good does not necessarily mean that it is also produced by the public sector. The local government may hire a private firm for the job and not organize production itself. Efficient Provision of Public Goods Private goods: The process of creating a market demand curve by summing the quantities demanded by each individual at every price is called horizontal summation. The equilibrium in private goods market has a significant property: The allocation of commodities is Pareto efficient. As long as the market is competitive and functions properly, the First Welfare Theorem guarantees Pareto efficient (MRT af=MRS Adam af =MRS Eve af ).

罗森 财政学 第七版(英文版) 配套习题及答案Chap012

CHAPTER 12 - Taxation and Income Distribution Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Statutory incidence of a tax deals with a) the amount of revenue left over after taxes. b) the amount of taxes paid after accounting for inflation. c) the person(s) legally responsible for paying the tax. d) the amount of tax revenue generated after a tax is imposed. e) none of the above. 2. Taxes a) are mandatory payments. b) are necessary for financing government expenditures. c) do not directly relate to the benefit of government goods and services received. d) are all of the above. 3. General equilibrium refers to a) examining markets without specific information. b) finding equilibrium from general information. c) pricing goods at their shadow price. d) all of the above. e) none of the above. 4. A demand curve that is perfectly inelastic is a) horizontal. b) vertical. c) at a 45 degree angle. d) parallel to the X-axis. 5. In 2002, the top 1% of all income earners paid _________ percent of federal taxes. a) 1.0 b) 4.1 c) 20.6 d) 24.9 e) 33.3 6. A tax on suppliers will cause the supply curve to shift a) up. b) down. c) right. d) left. e) in none of the above directions.
