2014年10月自考《英语一》讲义 UNIT 01_(含课文、生词表、课后练习及答案)

age is ignorant of his own.

——Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet, novelist, playwright, statesman and scientist. Goethe is one of the great figures in the history of German literature and best knownhis two-part poetic drama Faust, which he started around the age of twenty-three and didn't finitill shortly before his death sixty years later.



Speaking Activity

Starting a Conversation

Sample Dialogue

Read the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers greet and introduce each Steve: Hi. I don't think we've met. My name's Steve.

Jenny: Hi, Steve. Nice to meet you. My name's Juanita, but everybody calls me Jenny. Steve: It's a pleasure to meet you, Jenny.

Jenny: Sorry, what was your name again?

Steve: Steve.

Jenny: So Steve, what do you do for a living?

Steve: I work at the public library. How about you?

Jenny: I'm a university student.

Steve: That's great. So, where do you study?

Jenny: Carnegie Mellon University. CMU is a global research university recognized for world-arts and technology programs. It's the best university in the world for my major.

Steve: Great for you! It was really nice meeting you.

Jenny: Yea
