







()1. Have you consider another job?

A. to change

B. change

C. changing

D. changed

()2. Not only my husband but also I working for a living.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

()3. The sports meeting is due to the heavy rain.

A .put on B. put off C. put up D. put out

()4. nice surprise for me! I like it so much.

A. What

B. How

C. What a D .How a

()5. Beijing is famous many places of interest.

A. as

B. of

C. for

D. in

()6. The pen him three dollars.

A .paid B. cost C. took D. spent

()7. -----How far is the station?

-----It’s only drive.

A .two hours B. two hours’ C. two hour D. two hour’s

()8. The number of the students in our garden about time .

A .are; hundreds B. are; hundred C .is; hundreds D. is; hundred

()9. Mary told me she had ordered two bottles of beer.

A. if

B. weather

C. which

D. that

()10. ----- does your father do?

---- He was an engineer.

A . How B. What C. Who D. Which

()11.Don’t her; she’s very sensitive.

A .get to know B. laugh at C. look after D. depend on ()12.The little boy finished his homework and rewarded himself with a candy.

A. doing B .do C. to do D. to doing

()13.----- I’d like a cup of green tea.

------ Wait moment.

A .a B. the C. an D. /

()14. Why not a try ?

A .have

B .having C. has D. had

()15. Thanks to the space satellites, the world itself is becoming a smaller space.

A. more

B. much C .much more D. most

()16. It’s too expensive. Can you it cheaper?

A. let

B. make

C. do

D. done

()17.----- How are they all together ?

------Five dollars.

A. dear

B. expensive

C. much

D. many

()18.-----May I help you ?

-----No, thanks. I’m just looking .

A. up

B. for

C. in

D. around

()19. The jacket is sale today. You can save as much as 50% off !

A .on

B .for C. to D. /

()20. at the second crossing and you will find the post office.

A .Turn left B. Turning to the left C. If you turn left D .To turn to the left ()21. It’s too cold outside.

A. working out

B. work out C to work out D .work at

()22. You are laughing. funny?

A .Something B. There is something C. Is there something D. Is there anything

()23. The students stopped when the teacher came into the class.

A. to talk

B. talking

C. to talking D .and talking

()24. -----Did you do other jobs before you work as an actor?

-----Yes, I a painter.

A. used to do

B. used to be

C. am used to being

D. am used to be

()25. Don’t forget to prepare the exam.

A. for

B. up

C. on

D. with


John lived with his mother in a very big house, and when she 1 , the house became too big 2 him, so he bought a 3 one in the next street. There was a very nice, old clock in his 4 house, and when the man came to take his things to the new house, John thought, “I’m not go ing to let them 5 my beautiful old clock in their truck. Perhaps they will break it, and then it will be very expensive to repair it.” So he 6 and began to carry it down the road in his arms.

It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have 7 . Then suddenly a small boy came along the road. He stopped and looked at John for 8 seconds. Then he said to John, “You’re a 9 , aren’t you? 10 don’t you buy a watch like everyone else?”

()1.A.worked B.studied C.died D.played

()2.A.at B.with C.about D.for

()3.A.larger B.bigger C.nicer D.smaller

()4.A.second B.third C.first D.new

()5.A.to carry B.bring C.to take D.carry

()6.A.picked it up B.picks it up C.picks up it D.picked up it

()7.A.a look B.a drink C.a walk D.a rest

()8.A.a few B.few C.little D.a little

()9.A.great B.fool C.clever D.bright

()10.A.Where B.Why C.How D.When



Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, "I'm going to fly to New York next week because I've got some work there." "Where are you going to stay there?" his wife asked. "I don't know yet." Dick answered. "Please send me your address from there in a telegram (电报)," his wife said. "All right," Dick answered.

He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.

In the evening he didn't have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine o'clock and said, "Now I'm going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner."

He found a taxi and the driver said, "Where do you want to go?" But Dick didn't remember the name and address of his hotel.

"Which hotel are my things in?" he said, "And what am I going to do tonight?" But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, "Please send me my address at this post office."

Choose the right answer

1. Dick flew to New York because ___.

A. he went there for a holiday

B. he had work there

C. he went there for sightseeing (观光)

D. his home was there

2. Why did his wife want a telegram from him?

A. Because she didn't know his address yet

B. Because she wanted to go to New York, too

C. Because she might send him another telegram

D. Because she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York

3. Where did Dick stay in New York?

A. In the center of the city.

B. In a hotel.

C. In a restaurant.

D. At his friend's house.

4. Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?

A. The manager of his hotel.

B. The police office.

C. The taxi driver.

D. His wife.

5. Which of the following is not true?

A. Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city.

B. Dick didn't work on the first night of his arrival.

C. Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.

D. Dick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi.


Mr. Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, "if anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea."

"OK, Dad," said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then.

Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening.

The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, "Where is your father?" The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, "No more."

The man was very surprised. He asked, "No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?"

"Burnt yesterday evening."

6. Mr. Brown told his son that _____.

A. he would be away from home for four days

B. he would be back in seven days

C. he would be back in a month

D. he liked a cup of tea

7. Mr. Brown wrote the words down on ________.

A. the wall

B. the door

C. a piece of paper

D. his son's pocket

8. A man came to visit the boy's father on ________.

A. the second day

B. the third day

C. the fourth day

D. the fifth day

9. The man was very surprised because _________.

A. he thought the child's father was dead

B. the child didn't ask him to sit down

C. the child gave him a cup of tea

D. he couldn't find that piece of paper

10. What was burnt? ___________.

A. The piece of paper

B. Mr. Smith

C. The visitor

D. The boy


In almost every big university in the United States, football is a favourite sport. American football is different. Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances to move the ball ten yards(码). They can carry it or they can throw it. If they move the ball ten yards, they can try to move it another ten yards. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points.

It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the other team try to stop the man with the ball. If he does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball the other team.

Each university wants its own team to win. Many thousands of people come to watch. They all shout for their favourite team.

Young men and women come on the field to help the people shout more. They dance and jump while they shout.

Each team plays ten or eleven games each season.

The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of the

New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.

11. The passage talks about ___________.

A football

B how to play football

C. American sport s

D. American football

12. We can _______ the football in both American football and Chinese football.

A. kick

B. throw

C. run with

D. catch

13. Why is it difficult to move the ball? Because ___________.

A. ten yards is a long way

B. many men on the other team try not to let the ball come near

C. the playing field is very large

D. eleven men have to catch the ball one by one

14. If they _________, the teams will play on January 1.

A. receive six points

B. play eleven games in the season

C. are the best teams

D. move the ball to the end of the field

15. Many people come to watch football and they want their team to win. Which of the following is not their act?

A. Jumping

B. Dancing

C. Crying

D. Shouting



1 Please send me your address from there in a telegram

2 He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city.

3"if anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something,

4 In almost every big university in the United States, football is a favourite sport.

5 Eleven men on the other team try to stop the man with the ball.


以My Favorite Star为题写一篇80词左右的文章介绍一位弄喜欢的明星(可以是歌星,影星,球星……)。



2. 我喜欢他(她)的原因


My Favorite Star



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ⅱ单项选择

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15







My Favorite Star


职高一年级英语期中试题 一、英汉互译(10分) 1、See you next time 2. a lot of 3. next to 4. look at 5.welcome to 6. 为……而感谢…… 7、课后 8、很高兴做…… 9、努力学习 10、This way, please. 二、单项选择(20分) ( )1.That picture isn’t worth _____. A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. to be bought ( )2.The doctor gave me ______ for my headache. A. some advice B. some advices C. good advices D. an advice ( )3.How are you getting _____ these days? A. in B. of C. on D. for ( )4.Mr Black has worked in that factory ______ 1985. A. in B. till C. for D. since

( )5.I’ll _____ what you said just now in mind. A. keep B. have C. turn D. remember ( )6.She suggested that the children _____ games under the tree. A. will play B. should play C. would play D. played ( )7.Was Li lei seen _____ basketball on the ground? A. play B. played C. to playing D. playing ( )8.I also spent a lot of time _____ TV shows.. A. watching B. to watch C. watched D. on watching ( )9.Are you crazy _____ listening to music? A. on B. in C. about D. for ( )10.Would you mind _____ a little less noise? A. to make B. making C. make D. having made ( )11.She preferred _____ with me rather than _____ behind. A. to go; to stay B. to go; stay C. go; stay D. go; to stay ( )12.You must stop her _____ such a mistake. A. to make B. made C. make D. making ( )13.She’s too lazy. I’m not _____ with her work. A. surprised B. satisfied C. pleasant D. glad ( )14.The box is _____ heavy for me _____ carry. A. too; to B. so; that C. very; and D. such; that ( )15.Doing morning exercises will _____ you fit. A. keep B. make C. let D. take ( )16._____, such a little child can play the piano so well. A. For the surprise B. To surprise C. With our surprise D. To our surprise ( )17.We live in a _____ house. A. old wooden big B. big old wooden C. wooden old big D. old big wooden ( )18.I can’t repair the machine. May I ask a _____ of you?


15春英语期末考试 说明:本次考试只交答题卡,试卷自己保存好,考后讲评。 第一部分英语知识运用(共三节共35分) 第一节语音知识从下列各组ABCD四个选项中,找出其划线部分与前面单词划线部分读音相同的选项(共5分) 1. minded A .asked B. believed C. started D. worked 2. think A. earth B. then C. their D. without 3. maps A. beds B. seats C. doctors D. desks 4.ahead A really B bread C repeat D great 5.flood A. book B. good C. blood D. foot 第二节词汇与语法知识从ABCD四个选项中,找出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共20分) 6. ---What colour is the bike? ---It’s _______ orange. A. an B. a C. / D. the 7. That isn’t her bag. It’s ________. A. my B. I C. mine D. me 8. My mother looks young her age. A. for B. to C. as D. in 9. June 1st is ____ Day all over the world. A. Child’s B. Childs’ C. Children’s D. Childrens’ 10. The family together is important during the Spring festival. A. getting B. to get C. got D. getted 11.–Are those _____? -No, they aren’t. They’re _____. A.sheep; cows B. sheep; cow C. sheeps; cow D. sheeps; cows 12. What’s the weather like today? It’s_________. A. sun B. suny c. sunny D. wind 13. .Which language is ____ , English, French or Chinese? A. difficult B. the difficult C. more difficult D. the most difficult 14.________ of the students are girls, and the rest ______ boys. A. Two third, is B. The two third, are C. Two thirds, are D. Two thirds, is 15. Tom is taller than Mike. But he is not ____ Mike. A. strong as B. so strong as C. so strong D. as strong 16. We can see a large blackboard in front of classroom A./,the B.the,the C./,/ D. the,/ 17. The more you practice , the ______ you draw. A. good B. better C. well D. best 18. The doctor asked the old man to give ________ smoking. A .to B. up C. off D. in 19. There ____ two bowls of rice on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are 20. _____ can I keep the dictionary? ---A week. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far 21. You’ve never been to the US, ? A. have you B. haven’t you C. do you D. don’t you 22. I’m looking forward to _____ from you . A hearing B. to hear C. to be heard D. to have heard 23. is very interesting in the river in summer A. This, swim B. That, to swim C. It, swim D. It, to swim 24. The girl ____ to bed until very late last night. A. went B. didn't go C. go D. don't go 25. Hurry up, ______ we'll be late for the meeting. A. and B. but C. then D. or 第三节完形填空阅读下面短文然后从所给ABCD四个选项中找出正确答案(10分) One day a famous speaker gave a speech to a crowd of people. He held up a $20 bill. He asked, "Who would like this $20 bill " Hands were 26 . Then he said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you, but first let me do this." He began to crumple(弄皱)the 27 . He then asked the audience, " 28 still wants it?" Still the hands went up in the air. "What if I do this " He asked, and he 29 it on the ground, and started to step on it. He picked it up. Now the bill was 30 and crumpled. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went up. "My friends,” He continued, “You have all 31 a good lesson. No matter 32 I did to the money, you still wanted it because the bill did not lose its value . It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives , we are dropped, crumpled, and stepped on, because we sometimes make wrong decisions, or we may 33 with something we do not expect .When that happens, we feel depressed and think we are 34 . But in fact no


、 一年级英语(下)期中测试题一、听音选图片。 ()1 A B ()2 A B ()3 A B ()4 A B ()5 A B 》 二、听句子选图片。 ()1 A B ()2 A B ()3 A B

()4 A B ()5 A B 三、听句子补全单词。 ()1、Put your book ()your schoolbag. : A in B on ()2、Where is your book It’s on my (). A desk B chair ()3、What’s behind the door It’s a (). A bed B desk ()4、I have a gift ( ) you . A for B on ()5、Thank you , ( ) . : A Mum B Dad 四、圈出你所听到的句子 1、A Put the ruler on the pencil box. B Put the ruler in the pencil box. 2、A What ’s near the door B What ’s behind the door 3、A Put the book on the bed. B Put the schoolbag on the bed. {

4、A I have a gift for you . B Give me a gift. 5、A It’s on the chair. B It’s on the desk. 五、听句子,标序号。 1 ? 笔试部分 六、根据图片选单词。 ()1 A black B chair C blackboard ()2 A light B kite C fan


七年级英语期中试卷 (总分:100分;考试时间:90分钟) 第一部分选择题(60分) 一、听力(20分) 第一部分听对话,回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完每段对话后你仍有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案 ( ) 5. What's Tom's father like? A. Fat. B.Short. C.Thin. ( ) 6. What are they talking about? A. Fruit. B.Vegetables. C.Meat.

( ) 7. Where are they talking? A. In a restaurant. B. In a library. C. In a shoe shop. ( ) 8. Whose classroom is on the third floor? A. Sandy’s. B. Andy’s. C. Andy and Sandy’s. ( ) 9. How is Tim feeling now? A. Excited. B.Hungry. C.Hot. ( )10. Where is the woman going? A. She’s going to a cinema. B. She’s going to a bookshop. C. She’s going to a shopping mall. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。在听每段对话或短文前,你有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完每段对话后你仍有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案 听一段对话,回答第11--12小题。 ( ) 1l. Which place does the woman want to go to? A. The factory. B. The shop. C. The bank. ( ) 12. How will the man help her? A. He will ask his driver to help her. B.He will drive her there. C. He will give his bank card to her. ( ) 14.A.running B.swimming C.skating ( ) 15.A.5 B.7 C.9 听一篇短文, 回答第16--20小题。 ( ) 16. Where will they go? A. A town. B. A city. C. A park. ( ) 17. How will they go there? A. By train. B. By bus. C. On foot. ( ) 18. How long will it take them to get there? A. Over 3 hours. B. Over 2 hours. C. Over 5 hours. ( ) 19. What will they take for lunch?


源汇中专职高一年级英语期末试题一.词汇判断(每小题1分,共10分) ()1.宿舍 A.house B.family C.dormitory D.ruler ( )2.关心,关注 A.careful B,concern C.show D.greeting ( )3.观光,旅游 A.visit B.sight C.sightseeing D.watch ( )4.实践,练习 A.practice B.skill C.picture D.help ( )5.学院 A.college B.lesson C.school D.dream ( )6.受欢迎的,通俗的 A.full B.welcome C.popular D.live ( )7.接受,收到 A.receive B.return C.get D.give ( )8.很糟的,可怕的 A.bad B.terrible C.rather D.delighted ()9.航班 A.plane B.air C.time D.flight ( )10.乘客,旅客 A.passenger B.passage C.airport D.fly 二.选择填空(每小题2分,共20分) ( )11.There _____a reading room and many classrooms in our school. A.are B.was C.were D.is

( )12._______the flowers are! A.How a nice B.What a nice C.How nice D.What nice ( )13._____of the students in our class are from the north. A.Two nineths B.Two ninths C.Secondninths D.Ninths two ( )14.The girls was _____ashamed to say a world. A.to B.too C.so D.very ( )15.“What _____fine weather!” _____tallest boy in our class said. A.the;/ B.a;the C./;The D.an;The ( )16. ____trees have been planted on the hill. A. Thousand B.Thousands of C.Thousand of D.Ten thousands ( )17. There_____no______on the desk. A.is;book B.are;book C.is;books D.are;any books ( )18. The population of Shanghai is larger than _______of Qingdao. A.ours B.those C.it D.that ( )19. We can meet on Sunday or Saturday.____day is fine with me. A.Neither B.Either C.Every D.All ( )20.His words made me _____a lot. A.think B.to think C.thinking D.thought 三.补充对话(每小题2分,共20分) ()21.Have you finished your first paper? --- .Just half of it. Howabout you? A. Not at all B.Not likely C.Not a bit D.Not yet ( ) 22.Let me help you with maths ?


泰安市工商中等专业学校 2017—2018学年度第二学期期末考试 英语试题 2018.07 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷Ⅰ至Ⅲ页。第II卷Ⅳ至Ⅵ页。满分为100分。考试用时60分钟。 第I卷(共50分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1.5分,共30个,共45分) 1.—______ do you take —Large. A.What color B.How much C. What size D. What price 2. The TV sets are ______. They are only 2000 yuan only. A. on sale B. in sale C. for sale D. to sale 3.—______ is it? —About 10 minutes’ walk. A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often 4. —______? —I’d like to buy a shirt. A.What are you doing B. Can I help you C. How are you D. How is it going 5.He is ______ honest man. He has never told a lie. A. a B. an C. the D. / 6.The room requires ______. A. to clean B. cleaning C. clean D. being cleaned 7.I’m looking forward to ______ you. A. hearing from B. hear from C. hearing of D. hear of 8.His brother is good ______ maths. 16级英语试题1页(共8页)


2016年一年级英语期末测试题 试卷一:上册 一、请小朋友仔细听一听,有哪些数字,把它写在括号里(10`) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、认真听,把下面的东西涂上美丽的颜色吧。( 10`) 三、在每组中找出听到的图片,并在图片下的括号内打√。(6`) 1、2、3、) 四、请把听到的单词与图片连起来。(12`) book cat eraser Ms Smart window schoolbag 五、把听到的单词圈起来。(10`) 1. Sit / Stand up. 2. That is a cat / kite. 3. This is a dog / door. 4. Open the door / ball. 5. It’s red / white. 六、仔细听,按照听到的顺序给图片标号。(12`) 七、听录音,对的在括号里打“V”,错的打“X” (10`) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 八、快来听一听,数一数,圈一圈 九、认真听,仔细观察,将人和图片连线。(6`) 十、听音,根据情境,选一选。(12`) 1、你想说下午好。A. Good morning. B. Goodafternoon. 2、你想说再见。A.Hello. B.Goodbye! 3、你要问别人“你好吗?” A. How are you? B.How old are you? 4、你想问那是什么? A. What’s this? B.What’s that? 5、请别人坐下。A. Stand up,please. B.Sit down ,please. 6、你要问“你多大?” A. How are you? B. How old are you? 试卷二:下册 一、听音标号。(30点)


七年级英语期中测试题 班级: 姓名: 1.There are sixty-six in our school. A.women teachers B.woman teachers C.women teacher D.woman teacher 2.Was there in yesterday ’s newspaper? A.something interesting B.anything interesting C.interesting something D.interesting anything 3.Basketball is in the world. A.one of the most popular game B.one of most popular games C.one of the most popular games D.one of the more popular games 4.It ’ll take about an hour the composition. A.you;writing B.your;to write C.you;to write D.your;writing 5.--Could you please the rubbish? --OK.I ’ll do it. A.take out B.work on C.do chores D.turn off 6.My math teacher has an girl. A.eight-years-old B.eight year old C.eight years old D.eight-year-old 7.Could you please the window? It ’s too cold outside. A.not to open B.not open C.open D.opening 8.--Could you please clean your room? -- .I have to do my homework. A.Of course B.Sorry, I can ’t C.No, thanks D.Yes, sure 9.--Excuse me, can I your pen? --Sorry, I it to Bob just now. He didn ’t return it to me. A.borrow;lent B.borrow;borrowed C.lend;borrowed D.lend;lent 10.You should your homework first. Don ’t think about computer games now. A.do, play B.to do, playing C.doing, play D.do, playing 11.When I back from school yesterday, my father TV. A.came, was watching B.came, watched C.was coming, watched D.was coming, was watching 12.The man is , but he never feels . A.alone, alone B.lonely, lonely C.alone, lonely D.lonely, alone 13.The radio is too loud, please . A.turn it up B.turn it down C.turn down it D.turn up it 14.He gave us on studying English. A.an advice B.some advices C.many advice D.some advice 15.You should more water when you have a fever. A.drink B.drinking C.drinked D.drinks 二、补全对话(10分) 从方框中选中适当的句子补全对话,有两个多余选项。 Mandy: Lisa, 1. Lisa: 2. What should I do? Should I take my temperature? Mandy: No, it doesn ’t sound like you have a fever, What did you do on the weekend? Lisa: 3. Mandy: That ’s probably why. Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving. Mandy: 4. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor. 1.我们需要想出一个计划来帮助这个可怜的男孩。 We need to with a plan to help the poor boy. 2.你为什么不早点睡觉?


职高一年级英语期末试题 I.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) ( )1.Mary looks__________ A.polite and friend B.politely and friendly C.polite and friendly D.politely and friend ( )2.John likes__________jeans. A.putting on B.wearing C.being D.taking ( )3.一Sorry,I forget__________your name,will you tell me? 一OK,my name is Liwei. A.to ask for B.asking for C.ask D.asked for ( )4.John is taller than__________ . A.my B.me C . mine D.myself ( )5.Alice is__________ in our class. A.taller B.tallest C.the tallest D.tall ( )6-The window is________to the south.。 A.opening B.opened C.open D.opens ( )7.Frank may lend________ A.the money to you B.you to the money C.the money with you D.the money at you. ( )8.Mary is________than any other student in the class. A.naughty B.more naughty C.the most naughty D.more naughtier ( )9.Let’s go out f or a walk________ A.will you B.shall you C.shall we D.will we ( )10.Attention,we’ll________Qingdao at seven tomorrow morning.A.go B.1eave for C.come D.1eft ( )11.Many companies have________how to use the Net successfully.A.discovered B.invented C.fond D.find ( )12.~________? ~I don’t hope that they do everything for me. A.What’s your opinion with your parents’care B.What is your parents like C.How old is your father D.How is your mother ( )1 3.All the students went home after school______Mary,for she had some homework to do. A.besides B.except C.beside D.except for ( )14.Don’t______ the screen of TV for a long time,for it will do harm to your eyes.A.stare B.stare on C.stare at D.stares ( )15.He______since he came here in 2003. A.1ives B.1ived C.has lived D.1iving ( )16. Businessmen,can do e-business______the Net. A.of B.over C.in D.with ( )17.Weiqi is______in China. A.more and more popular B.popular and popular C.the more popular D.the more,the more popular ^ ( )18.Please take part in the sports competition,______you are fond______challenging new things. A.unless;at B.as long as;of C.when;in D.why;on ( )19.--______ ? --N0,you have to change trains in Jinan. A.Does a bus go there B.Is the train direct to Peking C.How much is it D.what is the departure time ( )20.Being a competitor,you mustn’t ______during the competition. A.give in B.give out C.give off D.give back Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) I came to study in the United States a year ago.Yet I didn’t know the real American Society 1 I was injured(受伤)in a car accident(事故),After the accident I had to see a 2 and go to court(法庭). After the accident,my roommate who was 3 and friendly called a doctor 4 me.I was very grateful and detemained to give him some money in retun One day, 5 asked me to pay him $200 for 6 he had done.I was astonished He said 7 he had good reason to charge me, 8 I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible(负有责任)for my injury.I’d have to have a good lawyer.And only for a good doctor,I 9 wait about 50 minutes.He could see two or three patients at the same time,and often stop treating one l0 he could see another.Yet he charged me so much,I controlled my feelings and ll the


中职英语期中模拟考试试题:完形填空 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house. When they went out, they always 36 the dog inside the house. One evening they wanted 37 to the cinema, 38 they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their 39 . They went there 40 their car. When the film finished, they came back home. They opened the gate and put the 41 away. But when they came to the 42 door, they found that part of the glass on the door was 43 . The door was unlocked and 44 . A 45 ! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see 46 things the robber had taken. But everything was in the 47 place and nothing at all 48 . The dog 49 in the sitting room on the floor. The lady was 50 the dog. “Why didn’t you keep the house?” she said. The dog was51 to see its owners. It began to wag its tail (摇尾巴) and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up something in its 52 . It went to the


小学一年级英语期中考试试题 这篇关于小学一年级英语期中考试试题,是WTT特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 一、听力部分(50%) 1.听音写数字(10%) ()()()()() 2.Listen and tick.听一听,勾一勾(20%) ()A.Hi,Sam! ( ) B.Goodbye,Sam! ()A.Hello,I’m Lingling. ( ) B.I’m fine,thank you. ()A.How are you,Daming? ( ) B.By,Daming. ()A.It’s three. ( ) B.It’s green. ()A.Point to the window. ( ) B.Point to the door. 3.Listen and number.听音标号(10%) Hello,I’m Pingping.( ) Hi,I’m Amy.Bye,Lingling.( ) Bye-bye,Amy.Bye,Lingling.( ) How are you?I’m fine.( ) Hello,What’s your name?( ) 4.Listen and colour.(10%) 1 3 5 7 9 二、笔试部分(50%) 1.数词连线(10%) one four six ten two 4 1 6 2 10 2.单词连线(20%) red A.蓝 green B.紫色 blue C.红色

purple D.绿色 dog E.狗 girl F.男孩 boy G.女孩 window H.门 door I.球 ball J.窗 3.句子连线(20%) Good morning,Sam. Hi,Lingling. Hello,I’m Lingling. Bye-bye,Sam. Goodbye,Lingling. I’m fine,thank you. How are you,Daming? Good morning,Daming.


英语期中测试题 时间:80分钟满分:100分 Ⅰ.单项选择:(15分) ( )1.There is(有) ______”u” in the word(单词) “quilt”. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( ) 2.-______. Are you Mary -No, I’m Gina. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. Goodbye ( ) 3.Jim, ______ is Julia. She is my good friend. A. She B. this C. he D. that ( ) 4.-Is this a photo________ your father A. in B. of C. to D. at ( ) 5.A set of_______ on the table. A. key is B. keys is C. keys are D. key are ( ) 6.-Is this your pencil - Yes, _______. A. it’s B. this is C. its D. it is ( ) 7.My friend isn’t________. His computer games are everywhere. A. good B. fine C. tidy D. nice ( ) 8.This is _______ pen. ________pen is nice. A. an; The B. a; The C. a; A D. the; A ( ) 9.-Where’s my computer game -It’s_______ the bed, ________ the floor.(地板) A. on; under B. on; on C. under; on D. under; under ( ) 10.-Are these_______ pencils -No, they’re________. A. your; his B. your; her C. his. her D. his; my ( ) 11. -Jenny, where is my toy -_______. A.Yes, it is. B He is under the table B.No, it isn’t D. I don’t know. ( ) 12.-Your backpack is ______ the lost and found case. A. in B. at C. on D. of ( ) 13-.Could you please get me some________ -I’m hungry. A. apple B.water C. bread D. egg ( )14.Some keys are in Classroom 3F. Please ask the teacher ________ them. A. to. B. for C at D. in ( ) 15.This is the key______ the door. A. at B. of C. to D. in II.完形填空 根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(10分)
