



II. Basic Listening Practice


M: I’m beside myself with joy. I’m so lucky. Guess what? I’ve won a lit of money in the lottery.

W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right?

Q: What does the woman mean?


W: Mary was furious. Her son wrecked up her car.

M: He shouldn’t have driven a car without a driver’s license. He‘s still taking driving lesson.

Q: What do we know about Mary’s son?

3. Script

M: Susan, I hear you’re going to marry that guy. Some people think you’ll regret it. W: Is that so? Only time tell.

Q: What does the woman imply?

4. Script

M: Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mother’s passing. I know how close you two were?

W: Thank you. It was so sudden. I’M still in a state of shock I don’t know what to do. Q: Which of following is true?

5. Script

W: I get furious at work when my opinions aren’t considered just because I’m a woman.

M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard. Q: What is the woman complaining about?

Keys: 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.A 5.D

III. Listening In

Task 1: Soft answers turn away wrath.

Mary: Dam! You’re spilled red wine on me. My new dress is ruined.

John: I’ m terrible sorry! What can I do to help? Here’s some water to wash it off.

Mary: Stop splashing water on me! Oh, this is so embarrassing! I’m a mess.

John: Well, you do look a little upset. Please don’t blow up. Don’t lose your cool. Mary: Hmm, you’ve got the nerve talking like that! Who shouldn’t fly off the handle?

This dress cost a fortune.

John:You look really cute when you’re mad. I kid you not. Some people do look attractive when they are in a rage.

Mary: This is very expensive dress. I saved for months to buy it, and now it’s ruined.

Look at this stain!

John: Accidents do happen. Give me your dress, and I’ll take it to the cleaners. Mary: Sure! You want me to take it off right here in public and give it to you? I don’t even know you!

John: This might be a really goof time to get acquainted. I’m John Owen.

Mary: Mmm, at least you’re polite. I guess I really shouldn’t have flared up. After all, it was an accident. I’m Mary Harvey.

John: Come on. I’ll take you home. You can change your clothes, and I’ll get the dress cleaned for you.

Mary: Now you’re talking. Thanks. You’re a real gentleman.

John: You’d better believe it. I’m glad to see that you’ve cooled down. Feel look a bite to eat afterward? I’m starving.

Mary: Ok. You’re pretty good. I’m not nearly as mad. If you can get this stain out, I’ll be very happy.

John: I’ll try my best. But if I can’t get the stain out, please don’t let your happiness turn to wrath.

1.Which of the following would be the best title for the dialog?

2.Why does the woman get angry?

3.What does the man say to please the woman when she looks angry?

4.Why does the woman say the man is a real gentleman?

5.What is the man’s final proposal?

Keys: 1D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C

Task 2: Big John is coming!


A bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender. This (S1) owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on (S2) running the place. He tells the timid man, “If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town, (S3)drop everything and run for the hills! He’s the biggest, nastiest (S4) outlaw who’s ever lived!”

A few weeks pass (S5)uneventfully. But one afternoon, a local cowhand comes running through town (S6) yelling, “Big John is coming! Run for your (S7) lives!”When the bartender leaves the bar to start running, he is knocked to the ground by several townspeople rushing out of town. (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. He’s muscular, and is growing as he approaches the bar.

He steps up to the door, orders the poor barkeep inside, and demands, “I want a beer NOW!”

He strikes his heavy fist on the bar, splitting it in half. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. He takes the beer, bites the top of the bottle off, and downs the beer in one gulp.

As the terrified bartender hides behind the bar, the big man gets up to leave, “Do you want another beer?” the bartender asks in a trembling voice.

“Dang it, I don’t have time!” the big man yells, (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”

Task3: A View of Happiness


Dr. Smith has proposed a reasonable, if perhaps somewhat oversimplifies, view of happiness. According to his theory, happiness might be described as a state if balance. And when human or certain animals achieve that balance, they rend to remain in that condition in order to repeat the happy feeling.

To illustrate this, we may study two magnets. When their positive and negative poles meet, they are comfortably joined, and they remain there. In other words, they have attained a balance or state of happiness. If on the other hand, one of the poles is reversed, and positive pole is presses against positive pole, there is resistance, instability, imbalance a state of unhappiness.

Animals with some degree of intelligence seem to find happiness in reinforcement. Once they have gained one or more of their goals such as food, and water, they learn to repeat the actions that led to satisfaction of those goals. This repetition or reinforcement produces a state of balance or sense of happiness.

According to this theory, only animals with a significant capacity to learn should be able to experience happiness. But in truth learning can take place through surprisingly simple short-term action such as scratching an itch, followed by pleasure, followed by more scratching, and so on. Thus learning can occur with almost no conscious thought.

For human beings, blessed with the ability to reason, goals are not limited to the short-term satisfaction of needs. Indeed, there is a strong link between happiness and the fulfillment of long-term goals. Even if human strive for goals that are more complex and longer-term than the animals’goals, once those goals are gained, happiness is reinforced.

1.Why does the speaker mention “magnets”?

2.According to the passage, what may animals do after they have got food?

3.Which of the following is true according to the speaker?

4.What does the speaker say is special about the goals of human beings?

5.Which of the following best captures the main idea of the passage?

Keys: 1D 2.C3. B 4.D 5.A

IV. Speaking Out

MODEL 1 Don’t let it get to you!

Susan: You look so angry. What happened?

Chris: Nothing I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.

Susan: Come on. Relax. Talk to me.

Chris: All right. This morning I took my car to the garage to check the air conditioner.

They only gave it a quick look, refilled it with some Freon, and charged me 300bucks!

Susan: No wonder you’re livid. I’d be mad too if someone ripped me off like that. Chris: Yeah. And they were rude. They said I didn’t know anything about cars, which

I don’t, but they didn’t have to be blunt!

Susan: Sounds like you got a raw deal!

Chris: What’s worse, as I was leaving, I herd then saying, “Don’t trust that guy. He looks broke.” When I heard that, I almost hit the roof.

Susan: Don’t let it get to you. Better ignore them.

Chris: I agree. I did manage to keep my cool.

Susan:Well, the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency.

Chris: sounds like a good idea.

MODEL2 I’m too depressed.


Susan: Chris, I hear you’ve been down in the dumps, so I’ve come to cheer you up. Chris: It’s not gong o work. I’m too depressed

Susan: Come, on. Tell me what’s on your mind.

Chris: Everything. My girlfriend left me; my dog ran away; my wallet was stolen. Susan:Don’t worry. I’ll help you solve the biggest problem: finding you a new girlfriend.

Chris:Forget it. Anyway, I’m getting bad grades, and I was told that I’d have to repeat a lot of courses next year. When I heard that, I almost lost it.

Susan: Look, relax. I’ll help you with those courses.

Chris: Yeah, but I also have three week’s laundry to do., and my room is a pigsty. Susan: Forget it. You’re on your own.

Chris: Come, on. What are friends for?

Susan: To keep you in high spirits; not to do your laundry.

MODEL3 You seem to be on top of the world.


Nora: Oh, hey, John!

John: Hey!

Nora:You seem to be on top of the world tonight. What’s up?

John:I’m so happy I’m about to burst. Guess what?

Nora:You’ve got me.

John: It might be true that misfortunes never come singly, but you can also have a “double blessing”. And that’s what I had.

Nora: You mean you’ve had two happy events in your life?

John: Exactly. You know, I was strong in all subjects except physics. Now I’ve finally passed the test--the one I needed to qualify for a Bachelor’s degree.

Nora:Congratulations! You’d failed it three times. Now wonder you’re beaming. What’s the other good news?

John:The multinational I was dong my field project at offered me a job at a good staring salary. Nora: Wow, wonderful, simple wonderful.

John:I feel like celebrating. Shall we go to a bar?

Nora: Why not?

Now Your Turn

Task 1


A: You look furious. What happened?

B:Nothing. I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.

A: Come on. You shouldn’t keep your feeling to yourself. You need to let off some stream. So, talk tome.

B: All right. This morning I went to a shop to buy a digital camera, I only need an ordinary one. It is enough for my tours in the summer vacation. Buy they persuaded me to buy a professional camera, which cost three times as much.

A: But you were willing to buy for it. Anyway, it must work better.

B: You see, I know next to nothing about photography. So they simply tricked me into buying an expensive one.

A: No wonder you’re livid with rage. I’d be mad too if I were robbed like that. What are you going to do?

B: I already went back to them and asked to exchange it for a cheaper one.

A: What did they say?

B:Oh, they were rude. They insisted that they hadn’t encouraged me to buy a professional camera, and that I bought it myself.

A: Sounds like you got a raw deal!

B: What’s worse, as I was leaving, I heard they say, “That guy looks broke. He shouldn’t have bought any camera.”

A: Don’t let it get to you. Better ignore their rude remarks.

B: I agree. I did manage to keep my cool.

A: Well, the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency. If they talk to the shop, maybe they will give you a refund.

B: Sounds too good to be true.

V. Let’s Talk


UNIT TEST 3 ACCDD 1.at 2.section 3.connects 4.bottom 5.shining 6.As 7.cross 8.Ten minutes later, as we were looking out the window, we saw everyone was running away from something 9. A huge flood was streaming down the mountain. We were standing on a higher place, so we could see everything 10.It was reported that the flood destroyed a big area and approximately 300 people were killed or disappeared that day ABBDC BDACC DABDA Unit 4 Lead in c d a e h f i g b Basic listening CBABD Listening in Task l CBDAA Task 2 Relationships marketing manager in conflict with expenses ended in vain training administrator visited establish closer relationships long-term picked up Task 3 CDDCA Let's talk



U n i t 1 III 1 beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain IV 1 tell … on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5 reckoned with 6 call on 7 on his own 8 get through 9 in disguise 10 revolves around V G O D I K L B F A N VI 1 advise 2 level 3 problems 4 necessity 5 skills 6 experience 7 solution 8 value 9 tool 10 manner VII 1 air-conditioned( 装空调的;有冷气的 ) 2 handmade (手工制作的) 3 thunderstruck (非 常吃惊的) 4 heartfelt (衷心的;诚挚的) 5 data-based (基于数据的)6 self-employe d (自主经营的) 7 custom-built (定制的;定做的) 8 weather-beaten (饱经风霜的) VIII 1. well-informed (对…… 非常熟悉的) 2 new-found (新获得的) 3 hard-earned (辛苦挣得 的) 4 soft-spoken (说话温柔的) 5 newly-married (新婚的) 6 widely-held (普遍认为的) 7 well-meant (出于好意的) 8 well-educated (受过良好教育的) IX 1 no matter how different it may seem form any other substance 2 no matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation 3 no matter what excuse he gives 4 no matter what anyone else may think 5 no matter how they rewrite history X 1 just as we gained fame in victory, we lost nothing in defeat 2 just as the head teacher plays a significant role in the school, Jane plays a significant role f leader in the classroom. 3 whoever was out there obviously couldn ’t see him just as he couldn ’t see them. 4 she has been searching all her life for the perfect chocolate just as I have been searching for the perfect beer. 5 you can make those kinds of comparisons just as you were doing the analyses a minute ago. XI 1. No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.


Uint1 II. Basic Listening Practice M: I’m beside myself with joy. I’m so lucky. Guess what? I’ve won a lit of money in the lottery. W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q: What does the woman mean? W: Mary was furious. Her son wrecked up her car. M: He shouldn’t have driven a car without a driver’s license. He‘s still taking driving lesson. Q: What do we know about Mary’s son? 3.M: Susan, I hear you’re going to marry that guy. Some people think you’ll regret it. W: Is that so? Only time tell. Q: What does the woman imply? 4. M: Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mother’s passing. I know how close you two were? W: Thank you. It was so sudden. I’M still in a state of shock I don’t know what to do. Q: Which of following is true? 5. W: I get furious at work when my opinions aren’t considered just because I’m a woman. M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard. Q: What is the woman complaining about? Keys: 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.A 5.D III.Listening in Task 1.What a clumsy man! Maria: Jack, can you help me move this heavy box? Jack: No problem, Maria. Here let me lift this end... Oops! Maria: Ouch! My foot! Come on, can't you be a little more cautious? Jack: I'm so sorry. It was an accident. No need to be furious! Maria: You're always so clumsy, Jack. I'm really losing my patience with all the stupid mistakes you make around the office. Jack: Calm down, Maria; I'll certainly be more careful next time. This was just an accident. Maria: If you aren't more careful, then next time someone could be badly hurt. Oh, look! The glass in the box is all broken now. Mr. Johnson is going to fly into a rage. Jack: Oh no! What can I do to keep him from hitting the roof? Maria: Well, you can begin by helping me clean up the mess and then honestly tell


第三版新视野大学英语 视听说 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

unite 1 Sharing T2 daredevil bungee jumping cup of tea feel good achievement T3 C-D-E-B-A T4 1 2 4 T5 B C B C B T6 started off a huge business teacher taught me so much about life imprisoned survived inpressed ability or the skills Listening T2-1 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11 Viewing T2-1 3 T2-2 e g c b f a d T2-3 90 minutes true landmark 10 times focus make this challenge seven miles four months outstanding achievement

Shot conversation B C A D C Long conversation B A A C Passage1 D C A B Passage2 believe in circumstances searching for a strong sense of responsibility insecurity integrity accomplishing are longing for priorities unite test part1 B C A D C part2 D A B C C part3 B C A A D part4 opening struggled progress remaining emerged continued enlarge crawling get through as strong as unite 2 Sharing T2 mood sun smile feeling T3 b-e-a-d-c T4 3 5


新视野第三册答案 Unit 1 Section A. The Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams 《读写教程III》:Ex. II, p. 9 1. Because this is a title bought with stolen money. The guy‘s real name is Anthony Williams. 2. It‘s small, with a population of only 320. 3. No. He looks like a Scottish noble, soft-spoken and wealthy. 4. The truth is that the man with endless money and a friendly manner was not a lord at all but a government employee living out a fantasy that he was a Scottish noble and paying for it by stealing funds from Scottish Yard. 5. He stole more than eight million pounds over eight years and poured about five million pounds into the village. 6. Most of the stolen money was supposed to be used to pay spies and conduct secret activities against the Irish Republican Army. 7. He used the money to buy an estate, a beautiful home, and a dozen noble titles. But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gains into the village, buying multiple cottages, a pub and a run-down hotel and turning them into very good-looking places. 8. His bank deposits were so large that they were noticed by the bank‘s management. The bank then notified the police, who discovered that the criminal was one of their own. 9. Because in the eyes of some villagers Williams is a helper, pouring most of his stolen money into the village and giving jobs to 43 people. 10. He said in an interview after he was arrested: ―I discovered this bloody huge amount of money. I went from the need to pay off a few debts to what can only be described as greed. There is no way to just ify it.‖ 《读写教程Ⅲ》:Ex. Ⅲ, p. 9 1. suspicion 2. restored 3. considerate 4. inherited 5. furnish 6. justify 7. substantial 8. fantastic 《读写教程Ⅲ》:Ex. Ⅳ, p. 10 1. To his embarrassment he discovered 2. like that 3. strike deals with 4. live it out 5. falls upon dark days


新视野大学英语视听说教程第四册 答案 Uint1 II。 Basic Listening Practice 1.Script M: I’m beside myself with joy。 I'm so lucky。Guess what? I’ve won a lit of money in the lottery. W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q:What does the woman mean? 2.Script W: Mary was furious。 Her son wrecked up her car. M:He shouldn’t have driven a car without a driver’s license。He‘s still taking driving lesson。 Q: What do we know about Mary’s son? 3. Script M:Susan, I hear you’re going to marry that guy. Some pe ople think you'll regret it。 W: Is that so? Only time tell。 Q: What does the woman imply? 4。 Script M: Mary,I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mother’s passing。 I know how close you two were? W: Thank you。 It was so sudden。 I'M still in a state of shock I don’t know what to do. Q:Which of following is true? 5。 Script W: I get furious at work when my opinions aren’t considered just because I’m a woman。 M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard。 Q: What is the woman complaining about? Keys: 1.C 2.B 3。 D 4。A 5.D


第一册 第一单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) their social life (2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last nightSharing: Task 2 (1) busy (2) friends (3) university (4) social life Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, f Sharing: Task 4 Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 5 Key(s): danced Key(s):Key(s):drink Key(s):Key(s):(1) view of(1) west(1) house(2) fun(2) delicious meal(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1 Key(s): 1962Q 2 Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3 Key(s): 1990Q 4 Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher

(2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) home (2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happiness Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player/He is a football player


新视野大学英语第三册课后翻译全解 Unit 1 ①我还要感谢那些在我处境艰难时支持我的人。(stick by; fall on hard days ) My thanks also go to those who still stuck by me when I fell on hard days. ②他出版了一本通俗小说, 赚了很多钱, 所以有能力买新房和轿车. (now that) Now that he has published a popular novel which earns him a large amount of money, he is able to buy a new house and a car. ③警察说, 他们产生怀疑是因为姑娘的尸体上还有其他印记。(suspicion) The police said that their suspicions were aroused because there still were other marks on the girl’s body. ④你怎么能这样对她说话?是她把你养大, 帮你完成学业.(like that) How can you talk to her like that? It is she who brought you up and helped you finish school. ⑤尽管这些学生毕业后道路会很艰难,但他们的前途却是光明的. (as) Difficult as the road for these students after graduation will be, their futures are bright. ⑥为了有足够的钱来经营这个商行, 他拍卖了新买的房子, 损失了一大笔钱.(at auction) In order to get enough money to conduct the business, he sold his newly-bought house at auction even at a substantial loss. ⑦他批评警察局长对自己的部门监管不严是完全有道理的.(justify) He is perfectly justified in criticizing the police commissioner for poorly supervising his department. ⑧为吸引外宾,这些受保护的古代建筑被修复得很漂亮.(restore) In order to attract foreigners, these ancient buildings which are under protection have been restored beautifully. Unit 2 ①大多数缺铁的人并不知道他们缺铁. Most people with low iron reserves don’t know they are lack of iron. ②仅仅查出运输氧气的血液蛋白的含量是不够的. It’s not enough only to check levels of the blood protein that transports oxygen. ③男性也不安全, 尤其是那些吃肉少, 运动量却很大的男性. Men are not safe, especially those who eat little meat and have a high level of exercise. ④属于这些类型的人, 最好每年做一次血液检查, 看看体内铁质储量如何. It’s recommended that people in these groups have a yearly blood test to measure blood iron reserves. ⑤铁质补剂会让人有一种想吐的感觉, 有些情况下它们还可能有毒. Iron supplements may cause a feeling of wanting to throw up, and may be poisonous in some cases. ⑥最好的铁质来源是肉, 鸡, 鱼, 枣, 豆类以及一些带叶子的绿色蔬菜. The best sources of iron are meat, chicken, fish, dates, beansand some leafy green vegetables. ⑦有时人们需要服用铁质补剂是因为这些补剂补充了谷类食物中原本含量不多的铁质. The reason why people sometimes take iron supplements is that the supply supplement the little amount that naturally occurs in grains. ⑧把番茄酱在铁锅内熬上三小时, 其铁的含量会明显增加. Cook tomato sauce in an iron pot for three hours, and its iron content will increase evidently. Unit 3


Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. . B. . C. . D. . 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The crops were all failed in this area because of the drought. B. The area was hit by the worst drought in the last 30 years. C. The government should improve the development of the infrastructure D. The irrigation system in this area played an important role in coping 3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. There will be a volcanic eruption on La Palma Island. B. La Palma Island will be completely submerged.


新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册 听力练习录音文本和答案 UNIT1 II. Listening Skills 1.M: Why don?t we go to the concert today? W: I?ll go get the keys. Q: What does the woman imply? 2.W: I can?t find my purse anywhere. The opera tickets are in it. M: Have you checked in the car? Q: What does the man imply? 3.M: Are you going to buy that pirated CD? W: Do I look like a thief? Q: What does the woman imply? 4.M: Do you think the singer is pretty? W: Let?s just say that I wouldn?t/t vote for her in the local beauty contest. Q: What does the woman imply about the singer? 5.M: Have you seen Tom? I can?t find him anywhere. W: The light in his dorm was on just a few minutes ago. Q: What does the woman mean? 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A III. Listening In Task 1: Encore! As soon as the singer completed the song, the audience cried, “Encore! Encore!” The singer was delighted and sang the song again. She couldn?t believe it when the audience shouted for her to sing it again. The cycle of shouts and songs was repeated ten more times. The singer was overjoyed with the response from the audience. She talked them and asked them why they were so much audience in hearing the same song again and again. One of the people in the audience replied, “We wanted you to improve it; now it is much better.” 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F Task 2: The Carpenters W: They play “Yesterday Once More” all the time on the campus radio. Do you like it? M: I do. I never get tired of it. I like the Carpenters. Their voices are so beautiful and clear. I guess that?s why they?re so popular. W: I like the way their voices blend. There were just two of them, brother and sister, right?


新视野大学英语第三版第三册视听说原文 Unit 1 Access to success Further practice in listening Short conversations Scripts Conversation 1 W: Hello, Mr. Williams. This is John Barrett’s secretary. I’m calling to cancel his appointment with you at 10 today as he is not feeling well. M: Thanks for calling. It’s quite all right. We’ll arrange some other time to meet. Q: What is the man going to do? Conversation 2 M: I need to use more than just my math skills for these questions but I don’t have a calculator. Shall I go and buy o ne? W: Actually, I’ve got two. And I’ll let you have one for the price of a coffee. Q: What do we learn about the woman from this conversation? Conversation 3 M: Professor Smith, I’d like to have your advice as to my career development in the future. W: I t’s my pleasure. I think you are good at abstract thinking. I am sure you’ll make it if you pursue your graduate work in theoretical physics. Q: What does the woman advice the man to do? Conversation 4 W: I can’t believe Ken missed such an important lectu re even though I reminded him the day before yesterday. M: You should know him better by now. He’s known for taking everything in one ear and straight out the other. Q: What does the man imply? Conversation 5 W: I hear you’re working as a market surveyor this summer. It’s got to be awfully difficult going to so many places in such hot summer days. M: Well, it is challenging, but I get to meet lots of new people and the pay is decent enough. Q: What does the man think of his job? Long conversation Scripts W: Thanks for meeting with me, Dr. Pearl. I need permission to drop your class, Literature and Writing. M: It’s only the second week of class, Stacey. Why are you gi ving up so quickly? We’ve only written one essay so far, and you won’t get your grade back until next Wednesday! W: I know, sir. But as a third-year engineering student, I don’t want to risk lowering my grade point average by scoring poorly in a writing cl ass! M: OK … What’s worrying you? W: I spent two weeks reading Great Expectations, and then it took me 10 hours to write the three-page essay. Well, engineering courses are easy but important, as we know. But a writing course … I don’t know. I’ll just take a film class next semester, not hard at all – a two-paragraph review for each film. That will cover my humanities requirements. M: OK Stacey, listen: In college, I was the opposite. Math was hard; literature was easy. But later, when I opened my coffee shop, The Found Librarian, located on the 15th street, math helped me! W: Wait! You own The Found Librarian? That’s our favorite coffee place. We get coffee and screenplay at more than 30


Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. A TOEFL examination. B. Any English language examination. C. Good luck. D. Ill luck. Your answer Correct answer C C 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. To keep evil away. B. To wish for more money. C. To show friendliness. D. To treat a wound. Your answer Correct answer A A 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She will paint it brown. B. She wants the man to paint it brown. C. She asks the man to climb up the ladder. D. She asks the man not to walk under the ladder. Your answer Correct answer D D 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说1 Unit 1 Sharing (1)busy (2)friends (3)university (4)social life a-c-e-d-b-f (1)danced (2)view of (3)fun (4)drink (5)west (6)delicious meal (7)house (8)TV Listening (1)1962 (2)4th (3)1990 (4)1996 (1)teacher (2)cleaned houses (3)lost (4)visited (5)work (6)his wife (7)in his own words

Viewing a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b (1)home (2)country (3)relatives (4)foreigner (5)speak (6)passed on (7)heat (8)sea (9)happiness Role-playing (1)It was great (2)He's a football player (3)It was really beautiful 1 3 5 7 10 Presenting (1)a small town (2)1993 (3)2008 (4)2003 (5)seven 1 4 5 7 8 9 10

Conversations 一 BABDD 二 DBCD 三 DDBA Passage 2 (1)programmes (2)very (3)decisions (4)doing laundry (5)Obviously (6)choices (7)ruining (8)get used to (9)opportunities (10)step back News report 一 BC 二 DC Unit test Part I CADDA Part II CDABC Part III CBABD Part IV (1)achievements (2)specialised (3)vast (4)professional (5)educated (6)was familiar
