>▲move▲append▲call▲" />



▲ dir

▲ attrib

▲ cd

▲ copy

▲ xcopy

▲ del

▲ undelete

▲ deltree

▲ dos=high

▲ doskey

▲ emm386.exe ▲ fc

▲ format

▲ unformat

▲ interlnk

▲ intersvr

▲ memmaker ▲ memitem等▲ mscdex

▲ msd

▲ prompt

▲ ramdrive

▲ subst

▲ mem

▲ "> < >> <<"工具

▲ move

▲ append

▲ call

▲ defrag

▲ device

dir [D:][PATH][NAME][[/A][:attrib]][/o:[sorted][/s][/b][/l][/c[h] (1)dir /a:attrib 缺省包含所有文件(系统文件.隐含文件)











(3)/s 参数:对当前目录及其子目录中所有文件进行列表

列名:dir /s/a/o:n c:\>PRN


(4)/B 参数:将只显示文件名与扩展名

(5)/L 参数:将全部用小写字母对文件或子目录进行列表


dir /a 列当前目录所有文件(含隐含及系统文件)

dir /ah 列隐含文件(包含子目录(隐含的) dir /a-h

dir /as 列系统文件dir /a-s

dir /ad 列子目录dir /a-d

dir /o 按字母顺序

dir /B 只显示文件名与扩展名

二、attrib [+r|-r] [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [d: ] [name] [/s]

缺省attrib name 显示文件的(文件)属性

attrib io.sys (或子目录)

shr c:\ io.sys 指定为系统(s) 隐含(h) 只读(r)文件

也可以attrib *.sys 显示扩展名为sys的文件属性

参数[+r|-r] 将文件属性设置或解除只读属性

[+a|-a] 将文件属性设置或解除归档属性

[+h|-h] 将文件属性设置或解除隐含属性(尤其对子目录也起作用)

/s 参数将当前及当前子目录下的所有文件均起作用



attrib news86 列news86的文档属性

attrib +r report.txt 设置为只读attrib -s -h record.txt

attrib +a a:*.*

attrib -a a:*.bak

xcopy a: b: /a 将A盘上的所有标志为"归档"属性的文件拷到B盘xcopy a: b: /m 将A盘上的所有文件拷到B盘后并移去归档属性三、cd 介绍: cd...返回上二级目录"."代表当前目录"."代表父目录cd ..\..返回到上级目录的父目录(祖目录)

cd A:\ 将A盘的当前目录改为根目录

cd A:\xx 将A盘的当前目录改为子目录xx下

cd ..\98 先返回父目录,再进入父目录下的98子目录

cd ..返回到父目录

cd\98 进入根目录下的98子目录

四、copy [/y][/-y][/v][ /B]

copy /y 不加提示,对所有文件加以覆盖

/-y 加以提示,对所有文件(yes或no提问)

/v 拷贝以后加以校验

/B 按二进制进行显示

copy w1.wps con/b 可以将wps文件在屏幕上显示,而不必进入wps状态copy ..\98 将父目录下的98子目录下的所有文件全拷到当前子目录

copy .\97 当当前目录下的97子目录下文件全部拷到当前目录

copy . c:\ 将当前目录下的所有文件拷到c盘根目录

. 意味着*.* 文件

copy nul a.abc 将a.abc 文件清空(文件长度改为0)

copy 文件名+con 向文本文件中追加命令或内容

copy con 文件名创建文本文件(F6存盘退出)

copy con prn 检测打印机的开关


xcopy [source] [d:date] [/p] [/s] [/e] [/v] [/y]

xcopy [d:date] xcopy a:b:\ /d:08/18/98/s/v 拷贝98.08.18年后的文件xcopy [/p] 提示创建子目录

xcopy [/s] 连带子目录一起拷贝. 注意:若目标盘上不存在此子目录,而在目标盘的结束符又不以"\"为结束,则将提示:

does destination specify a file name or directory name on the target [f=file,d=directory]?

在目标盘上创建文件[按下]还是创建子目录[按下d] ?应选择d键

xcopy[/v] 带较验

*:(1) xcopy 不拷贝系统和隐含文件,应先予以修改属性再拷贝

xcopy [/y] 覆盖时是否有提示, /y 不带提示


六、del /p

加/p 可以在删除前是否提示



七、undelete [name] /au


存在,则按"# % & 0 1 2-9 a-z"顺序加上.

如:undelete *.dbf/au 将扩展名为"dbf"的文件全恢复,并以"#"开头,作为文件名, /list 仅列出可恢复的文件,而不恢复

undelete /load 将undelete装入内存

/unload 将undelete卸出内存



将undelete驻留内存,?并创建一个隐含的sentry 子目录对c盘删除的文件进行管理undelete/ds 恢复


最常用undelete *.*

deltree /y [drive:path]

deltree 删除子目录及文件,尽管有些文件是系统文件或隐含文件


如:?undelete *.dbf/au 将扩展名为"dbf"的文件全恢复,并以"#"开头作为文件


/list 仅列出可恢复的文件,而不作恢复操作.

undelete/load 将undelete 装入内存.

/unload将undelete 卸出内存.

/s[drive] 对指定的驱动器进行监视管理.

undelete/sc 将undelete 驻留内存,并创建一个隐含的sentry子目录对C盘删除的文件进行管理.相应恢复命令可以用undelete/ds 即可完整恢复出文件名(很完善). 最常用的是undelete *.*

八、deltree /y [drive:path]

deltree 删除子目录及文件,尽管有些文件是系统或隐含的.



deltree L*.* 将删除以上所有的文件和子目录,但在删除前加以确认,若不删除,


/y 参数是在删除时不加以确认就进行操作的.


殊工具.如NORTON 8.0 等.




dos=high,umb 则dos将自身装入高端内存(high)并能管理上位内存(umb).

noumb 则不管理上位内存.

在写入dos=high及umb 前应装入device=himem.sys



若显示hma not avoiable 或load down low 则表明不能使用高端内存.

十、doskey 记录以前敲过的dos命令,可以用F7来显示,用"↑↓"来选择,用F9来输入选择的命令号.

doskey/restall 重新装入一次,以前的命令行撤消.

doskey/history 显示内存中所有的命令,可以">"显示到其它文件中,缩写"/H". doskey dir=cls 则击入dir等同于cls一样.

doskey/macros 可显示所有的宏定义,可使用">"重定义到文件中,可缩写"/M". doskey dir= 可撤消对dir 的宏定义.

doskey p=dir$tdir*.exe/p$tdir c:\t$tdir c:\t$*






常见的用法是在config.sys 中


device=c:\dos\emm386.exe ram

d=64 将DMA 内存数量设置为64K

noems 提供对上位内存的访问,但不提供对扩展内存的访问.


十二、fc 命令fc/b dt.dat dt2.dat>b (作二进制代码比较)


实际代码位置应加上0100 如:0000 05E4:00 67

实际用debug -e 修改时应加上0100 即0000 06E4:00 67

后面加上重定向文件">P" 可以将比较结果输出到p文件中.

十三、format /q /u /s /n:sectors /f:size /c





/f:size size 可以为160 180 320 360 720 1200 1440 2800

/n:sector n可以为1 格式为单面盘,容量为160k 180k

可以为4 可以在5寸高密驱动器上格式化360k磁盘

可以为8 可以在5寸高密驱动器上进行8个扇区的格式化.

/c 重新测试坏扇区,缺省时如果一个扇区标记为"坏",以后格式时就不在从新测


十四、unformat 命令

对用format 格式过,且未用"/u"参数的命令起作用,用它可以来重新修复已经损


unformat drive:[/l][/test][/p]

/l 显示每一个被unformat发现的文件和子目录,如果没有这个开关,只显示那些

破碎的文件和子目录,可以用ctrl+s 暂停,按任意键继续.

/test 仅作一个测试,不作实际的修复工作,作模拟过程.

/p 一边测试一边打印.



十五、interlnk 语法interlnk g=e ,它可以通过串口或并口在两机间进行通讯. 将服务器端上的e驱动器映射为客户端的g驱动器,以后对客户端而言,所有对g的操作都意味着对服务器的访问,取消映射的办法为interlnk g=

单独输入interlnk 则显示所有的映射情况.

注意:interlnk 必须在装入interlnk.exe 设备驱动程序才可以使用.



5 - 7 2 - 15

3 - 2 3 - 13

7 - 4 4 - 12

6 - 6 5 - 10

3 - 3 6 - 11

8 - 5 15 - 2

4 - 20 13 - 3

9针25针12 - 4

10 - 5

11 - 6

25 - 25


十六、interlnk.exe 与intersvr.exe

interlnk.exe 重新定向对于客户驱动器或打印接口的请求到另外的服务器驱动


语法:config.sys 中加入:

device=c:\dos\interlnk.exe [drive:n][/noprinter][com][lpt]




十八、memitem memcolor memdefault submenu 菜单选项include autoexec.bat 中如下: config.sys中如下:

path c:\dos;c:\ucdos [menu]

doskey menucolor=15,1(前景色15,背景色1)

\mouse\mouse menuitem=base_config,this is a base

goto %config% ->选择项menuitem=cced_config,this is a cced 选项提示

:base_config menudefault=base_config,5

goto exit ->跳出缺省为base_config,延迟时间5秒

:cced_config [common]

c:\dos\smartdrv.exe /l device=c:\dos\himem.sys

goto exit 各项都包含的共同部分

:exit ->结束[base_config]

device=c:\dos\emm386.exe ram




include=base_config 包含base_config设置


十九、mscdex.exe 提供对光驱进行读写的程序

mscdex/d:drive [/D:drive][/e][/k][/s][/l:letter]

典型:config.sys 中device=c:\cdrom\cdrom.sys /d:mscd000

autoexec.bat中c:\dos\mscdex /d:mscd000 /l:g



/d:mscd000 /d:mscd001




/L:letter 分配给光驱的盘符

/m:number 指定缓冲器的数目

应该注意的是:?如果用smartdrv.exe 加速对光驱的读写能力,应该在autoexec. bat中将mscdex.?exe 写在smartdrv.exe 之前,smartdrv.exe的使用可大幅提高对驱动器的读写能力.


使用msd 可以整体检查计算机配置及系统信息




二十一、prompt dos提示符

$q 等于号$t 当前时间$d 当前日期$p 当前驱动器符号

$$ $号提示$n当前驱动器$g 大于号$l小于号$b 显示"|"管道号

$h 隐去提示符$E显示"<-"号

对于其它文字,则直接显示文本本身prompt ljw,则显示为ljw提示符

prompt 则仅显示当前驱动器号及大于号.

二十二、ramdrive.sys 使用内存当做虚拟盘来使用



示例:config.sys: device=c:\dos\ramdrive.sys /size[/e|a]


/e或/a 都是使用扩展内存来建立虚拟盘,?加参数的前提是必须先加载内存管理


二十三、subst 将一个驱动器与一个子目录联接

如:将对A:\l1\l2 子目录的请求映射为S盘,则输入

subst s: a:\l1\l2 即可

这样使用dir s:?等命令则显示的是a:\l1\l2子目录下的内容,其它copy del 一样可以用subst s: d 来取消这种映射.

可以用subst 来显示各种联接情况

注意:?可以采用subst a: c:a 来建立一个对于A的读写盘.对于某些安装软件


目录中,然后输入subst a: c:a,再转到A:,就可以进行软件的安装了.

二十四、mem /c /m /p /d 常规内存显示程序

/c显示所有内存驻留程序的占用情况,分为conventional常规内存和uppermemory 高端内存占用,并显示总的占用情况(常规高端保留扩展内存)


/m后加模块名如:/m msdos 显示dos系统内存的占用.





二十五、各种管道工具的使用"> < >> <<"


如:dir *.bat /b>p 可以将dir *.bat 例出的文件名输出到p文件中.




"> >>" 是将命令产生的输出重新定向,比如到文件或打印机中.


"< <<" 是将命令所需要输入的内容重新定向.


需要说明的是"prn "为打印机, "null"为空设备

con 为显示器

type p.bat>prn 可将p.bat打印出来.

copy null p 可将p文件删除掉

copy con p 可以在屏幕上编辑p文件,F6可以存盘退出

type p>pp 完成p文件到pp 的复制

type p|more 可在屏满时暂停显示

二十六、move 命令

move [y/-y] filename1 filename2


如:move c:\dos\*.* c:\cced

将dos子目录下的所有文件全部移动到cced 子目录下


可以使用该命令修改子目录名称,如move dos cced


二十七、append 指定一些特殊数据文件的存放位置,如user.dat pe2.pro等一些非*.

exe *.com *.bat 文件

格式:append [:]终止以前存在的指定目录append 显示指定情况

append [path] append c:\user 等


call 在一个批处理命令中调用另外一个批处理文件


(2)被调用批处理命令必须以bat 为扩展名



二十九、device devicehigh loadhigh

device 将指定的设备驱动程序装入内存中


loadhigh 将指定的设备驱动程序装入高端内存中

三十、defrag 优化磁盘

legend(传奇) optimize(优化) elapse(逝去) fragment(碎片)



关于网购的英语作文(一) Along with the advance of the society ,more and more person has experienced online shopping .online shopping has come into fashion in most of cities due to the rapid development of internet technology .At the same time ,with the increasing globalization and urbanization , the human race has entered a completely new stage in its history. Online shopping has its pros and cons just as the saying goes:”so many people ,so many minds .”It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person .From the perspective of consumers .it can save some time for people who don’t have much spare time .For retailers ,it can cut some costs for those without much circulating funds .However ,there are still some defects in online shopping .First ,compared with face-to-face deal, it seems less reliable and trustworthy .Second ,people will lose the fun of bargain. After a thorough consideration ,for my part ,I am in favor of the view that we still should be careful when we “go shopping “though internet although shopping online has been an irresistible trend in modern society .we should check the information carefully that released via the internet .Only

英语作文 英语利与弊 模版

英语作文英语利与弊模版 对比观点题型(1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。 3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). net 阐述主题题型要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.分析并举例使其更充实. The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三).


With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need,but in contrast to buying in stores, there are lots of differences and simlarities between them. 随着互联网的发展以及计算机的普及,网上购物已经成为一个平凡的在我们的生活当中。消费者几乎可以买到所有的东西在这里他们需要,但是不同于购买商店,有很多差异,simlarities 分给他们。 Comparing to buying in stores,, shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages.On the one hand, it is very convenient and comfortable for us. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.比较在商店购物、网上购物有很多好处。一方面,这是非常方便和舒适为我们开启的门。人们不用花很多的精力和宝贵的时间去到从一个店到另一个选择他们喜欢的商品。这是特别可取的老人、病人和繁忙的人无法去商店的人。他们所要做的就是坐在电脑前面,并点击“只老鼠。所订商品马上送到。 On the other hand, shopping on the internet is also cheaper and more colorful to us.we can buy the commodities from the original company directly by paying for postages, which can save our money


对广告的看法英语作文 在现代社会中广告随处可见,那么你能谈谈对广告的一些看法吗?下面为大家带来对广告的看法英语作文,欢迎大家参考! Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. There are many way to advertise and ads come in different forms. Newspapers and billboards carry advertisements; some products are announced on TV and radio which have a wide audience. Advertising is a big industry and many agencies are set up for furnish a variety of services for it. However, advertising is not welcome sometimes. A most irritating thing is to watch advertisements before and during films on TV. There are so many of them that they make you forget what you are sitting there for. The ironical thing is that advertisements of one type of things are often shown one after another so that you are confused as to which product you should choose.What's more, advertising is not always truthful. The advertisers exaggerate the benefits of the merchandise they want to sell in order to gain more profits. Thus the consumers fall victim to such advertising.

初中英语作文范文:手机的利与弊 .doc

初中英语作文范文:手机的利与弊 Cell phones have become increasingly popular in china these days. wherever you go you can see people using cell phones. many college students, even high s chool students, have cell phones. Cell phones have brought people a lot of benefits, but the most important i s that they are convenient. with cell phones in their hands, they can keep in t ouch with anybody they want. if they want to get some information from the inte rnet, they can easily have their dream realized via cell phones too. furthermor e, if someone has a heart attack or a traffic accident, a call to emergency hos pital or to the police can quickly bring him the help he wants. However, cell phones can also bring people problems. the most serious is th e electric wave radiation which is thought to be harmful to users' brains. anot her problem is that when people are having a meeting or having a class or at a concert etc, the ring of the cell phone may interrupt others. so i think people should use cellphones as little as possible and turn them off when they are at tending important meetings or attending classes.


关于网购的英语作文(精选多篇) 第一篇:网购英语作文的范文有哪些?第二篇:网购的英语作文第三篇:有关网购的英语作文第四篇:网购英语作文第五篇:网购的英语作文更多相关范文 网购英语作文的范文有哪些? 很多朋友经常会抱怨网购英语作文不知道该怎么写,其实说到写法还是有很多的,比如下面的2篇文章就非常不错,大家可以试试看是否可以翻译成纯英文的,这也是体现您的英语实力的时候。 网购英语作文一:随着互联网的帮助,购物是不是一件困难的工作。只需点击鼠标,选择你喜欢的文章,并完成购物。您不必走出房间。这似乎很容易和快速。但总是有网上的陷阱。如果你不小心,它会给你带来一些麻烦。您可能会发现文章的颜色是不同的,你想要什么,过小或过大或大小。如果你想与众不同,你最好不要在网上购买衣服。一旦你把你在网上买的衣服,走出去,你会发现有很多人穿同样的衣服在街上。 网购英语作文二:随着互联网的发展和电脑的普及,网上购物已成为一个司空见惯的,我们的生活。在这里,消费者几乎可以买到他们所需要的一切。网上购物有很多优势,其中最重要的可能是它的方便。人们没有自己的精力和宝贵的时间浪费了很多,从一个商店到另一个去选择自己喜欢的商品。这是老,病了, * 人们,谁也不能去的商店的人特别需要。在网上,商品在互联网上的各种形状,大小和颜色。所有他们需要做的是坐在自己的电脑前,按一下鼠标。订购的

商品及时交付给他们。但是,网上购物也有其缺点。第一个缺点是,消费者可以不看货,或亲自试戴。有时,真正的货物可能是不一样的,他们所看到的计算机上。第二个缺点是,一些商店在互联网上没有登记。他们将永远不会给你提供什么后,他们得到了你的钱。一旦被骗,你会发现,你已经无处可去抱怨。 大家就得英语作文当中and的用法,不过尽量别老是用and,会让人觉得没水平……有时还不如直接分句子。连接词在上面提过了,很多参考书什么的会有的。反过来,有时有些句子之间的连接别想太多,用and连接就够了,这样就可以写出成功的网购英语作文。 关于网购英语作文的范文正如上文所示,只要大家掌握了其中的要领,就可以在日后大放溢彩了,写好作文还需要大家的耐心和细心,作文的成功不是一蹴而就的,而是长时间的切身体会和单词数量的积累。更多学习资料请见美联英语学习网。 with the development of the inter and the popularization of puters, shopping on the inter has bee a monplace in our life. here consumers can buy almost everything they need,but in contrast to buying in stores, there are lots of differences and simlarities between them. 随着互联网的发展以及计算机的普及,网上购物已经成为一个平凡的在我们的生活当中。消费者几乎可以买到所有的东西在这里他们需要,但是不同于购买商店,有很多差 异,simlarities分给他们。


网购的坏处英语作文 【篇一:英语作文:网上购物的利与弊】 1 with the development of the internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the internet has become a commonplace in our life. here consumers can buy almost everything they need. ?? shopping on the internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. people dont have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. this is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. the goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the internet. all they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. the commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. ?? however, shopping on the internet also has its disadvantages. the first disadvantage is that the consumers cant see the goods or try them on personally. sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. the second disadvantage is that some shops on the internet are not registered. they will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain. ???? 2 in current society, shopping on the interent is becoming more and more popular. it has many advantages and disadvartages . advantages: shopping on the internet is convient and faster for customers. they can stay at home looking for the items, they need or like through the internet which supplies a variety of products.people neednt to go shopping in stores . then it can reduce cars amount on the road. so it also can reduce pollution of the gas. its unpollutionand reduce energy. disadavantages:customers can buy false production. people will be demaged and have many bussniss also demaged . so we shopping on the internet shouid notice the production. and we should avoid the false production on the internet . 3


高中英语作文:广告的利与弊 导读:本文高中英语作文:广告的利与弊,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 With the development of advertising, ads have been connected with people’s life. Is it good or bad? We had a discussion. Some people think advertisements don’t tell the fact about the products advertised. Also, they take up too much time on TV and the radio, and cover too much space in newspapers and magazines, which waste a lot of paper. What’s worse, there are some false advertisements that cheat people into buying their things. Therefore, they believe advertisements should be stopped. Some other people think advertisements can help us make better choices about what to buy by offering us the latest information about various goods. Moreover, many well-done advertisements are popular and entertaining, which appeal to the consumers. However, too many advertisements can be annoying. So we should develop advertising properly. In my opinion, ads is like a two-side sword. Anyway, we can be wise if we are able to distinguish between fiction and fact. 随着广告业的发展,广告已经与人们的生活联系在一起。广告是好还是坏?我们进行了一个讨论。有些人认为广告没有告诉关于这个产品的实际。同时,广告在电视和收音机上占用了太多的时间,在报纸和杂志上也占用了太多空间,浪费了很多纸。更糟的是,一些虚假广告欺骗人们去买他们的东西。因此,他们认为广告应该被取缔。


The internet--a double-edged sword Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present, Internet become a useful assistant for us. However, every coin has two sides , the Internet also has its own advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, we benefit a lot from computers. We live in a message explosion times, we only need to sit in front of a computer or any other network terminal, to konw the latest things or to check any thing you don't know. The internet also help us save a lot of time. The message was transfered so fast and so vivid that we don't have to walk out or have a face to face meet to resolve some business. We can also make friends by internet. On the other hand, the explosion messages were pushed to us whether you need it or not. So we have to spend a lot of time to figure out which one is a useful. We don't have to have a face to face talk most time, so we feel lonely and sometimes. More and more teenagers are addicted to virtual world and they all play computer games everyday they want, leading to a terrible result. The worst respect is that it grudually eat our health. We sit more and walk less, that caused backbone disease. The computer radiation affect our body, and so many disease are caused by it. Even though the usage of Internet has both positive and negative effect to me, I still consider Internet is a symbol of technology development. I believe I can use the Internet very well as long as I know how to control myself.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping There is no denying the fact that online shopping has been gaining popularity these years. Obviously, it has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, it's a convenient way to purchase. People can buy things without going out. In the second place, goods online are usually sold at prices lower than in conventional stores, so we are more likely to buy bargains on the Internet. Last but not least, online shopping offers us a lot more choices of goods since we can browse online stores without the limit of time and location. 不可否认的事实,这些年网上购物已越来越受到欢迎。显然,它有很多优势。首先,它是一种方便的购物方式。人们可以足不出户买东西。其次,商品在网上销售的价格通常比传统商店低,因此我们更有可能在互联网上购买到便宜货。最后但并非最不重要的,网上购物为我们提供了更多的商品来选择,因为我们可以没有时间和地点的限制去浏览网上商店。 Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, shopping online also has demerits/disadvantages. For one thing, it is hard to tell whether the thing one search in an online shop is fake or not. For another, people can not check or try on the thing they buy until they receive it. An added risk lies with online payment, which hasn’t p roved to be secure enough. One’s password may be stolen. 然而,正如任何事物都有两面性,网上购物也有缺点。一方面,我们很难判断在网上商店搜索到的商品是真是假。另一方面,人们不能检查或试穿他们购买的东西,直到人们收到它。另外一个风险是在线支付,这并没有被证明是足够安全的。一个人的密码可能被窃取。 From my point of view, the advantages of online shopping outweigh its disadvantages. We may take advantage of it but we need also take measures to ensure that its disadvantages are reduced to the minimum so that it can serve us in a better way. 从我的角度来看,网上购物是利多于弊。我们可以好好利用这个优势,但我们也需要采取措施,以确保把它的缺点是减少到最低限度,以便它能够更好地服务于我们。 1


关于网上购物利弊的英语作文 With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. 查字典英语作文 However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.


China has 271 million online consumers,meaning that almost half of China's 591 million Internet users buy products online. E-commerce sites Taobao and Tmall,which saw a combined $1 trillion in sales in 2012,will both be running promotional campaigns during China's Singles' Day. Among the offers:50 percent discounts on products like boyfriend body pillows and hoodies that read "I am single because I am fat." https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b16574455.html, declared that the site would sell "20,000 products discounted by as much as 90 percent." That includes a wedding ring,which singles can presumably buy,just in case. 中国有2亿7100万网络消费者,这意味着中国的5亿9100万网民中有近半数在网上购物。如淘宝和天猫的网购网站,在2012年销售量加在一起有1万亿美元。这两家网站都会在中国的光棍节这天发起促销活动,他们的促销策略是相关商品的五折优惠、比如“男朋友抱枕”、上书“我肉多所以我单身”的套头衫等。亚马逊网称将该站上将有“2万件商品1折优惠”,这其中包括结婚戒指——也许单身人士会买一只来以备日后可用。 Jack Ma,founder of Internet giant Alibaba,told Chinese Premier Li Keqiang late last month that Alibaba's sales on Singles' Day 2012 were "nearly $3.3 billion" -- more than double the roughly $1.5 billion purchased on Cyber Monday in 2012. For Singles' Day 2013,Ma expects sales to exceed $4.9 billion. 网络巨头阿里巴巴的创始人马云在10月底会见李克强总理的时候曾对总理坦言,2012年光棍节期间,阿里巴巴的销售量有“近33亿美元”——比2012年美国的“网购礼拜一”创下的约15亿美元销售量翻了一番。对2013年的光棍节,马云预测销售量将突破49亿。 The rise of singletons as a consumer group is not without its own costs. Chinese business magazine Caijing reported that big delivery companies were forced to scramble to find over 100 extra airplanes to handle the 323 million parcels they needed to deliver over the Singles' Day shopping period. 消费者群体中单身族的崛起并不是没有代价的。据《中国财经杂志》报道,在光棍节期间,为了处理3亿2300万份包裹,许多大型物流公司需要筹措超过100台货运飞机四处奔走。 The holiday strains the logistics system:Products frequently sell out or arrive late. Even when everything moves smoothly,consumers complain about commercial gimmicks. According to the Beijing Evening News,a popular local paper,some online retailers quietly raise prices before slashing them. 光棍节期间物流系统往往问题百出:商品常常已经断货或者送货延期。就算物流系统一切正常,网购公司的销售猫腻也常常引起消费者不满。根据北京一家知名报刊《北京晚报》报道,许多在线零售商都会先抬高商品价格,然后再鼓吹降价销售。 追其根本为什么网购这么火。除了以上的原因,还有一点非常值得讨论,那就是国内物价,在双十一狂欢购物节上,发生盲目购买行为的另一个原因是在心里产生了如果不买就要再等一年的观念,这就从侧面反映了物价的过高。在美国,尽管生活成本高,但是他们的基本工资要普遍高于国内,并且物价低廉。这也可以解释为什么美国的全美购物要比中国低那


1 With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain. 2 In current society, shopping on the Interent is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages and disadvartages . Advantages: shopping on the Internet is convient and faster for customers. They can stay at home looking for the items, they need or like through the Internet which supplies a variety of products.People needn't to go shopping in stores . Then it can reduce cars' amount on the road. So it also can reduce pollution of the gas. It's unpollution and reduce energy. Disadavantages:customers can buy false production. People will be demaged and have many bussniss also demaged . So we shopping on the Internet shouid notice the production. And we should avoid the false production on the Internet . 3 Recently,there is a heat debate about on-line shopping is good or not. Everyone has his own idea. For me, I would love to buying things from internet. There are lots of advantages of on-line shopping. Firstly,you can enjoy the convenience of on-line shopping:surf the internet and order your things easily.Secondly,you can search as much information as you can which normal couldn't do. What's more, lots of people love to pursue the fashion and then they choose on-line shopping. But there is another voice:"The virtual is dishonest,it is not safe to do business through the internet." From https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b16574455.html,. In my view, on-line shopping's advantage outweights its disadvantage.With the development of network technology and human moral,our trade through the internet will be more safe.
