神经内科全英文疑难病例讨论 - 神经内科_20151022_133621

神经内科全英文疑难病例讨论 - 神经内科_20151022_133621
神经内科全英文疑难病例讨论 - 神经内科_20151022_133621

神经内科全英文疑难病例讨论 - 神经内科


History A 55-year-old left hand dominant man is evaluated at the hospital for muscle pain and weakness. He was in his usual state of health until four months prior to his initial clinic visit when he first noted stiffness and pain in his calves, the back of the knees and lower thighs. The pain was intermittent, lasting 10 to 15 seconds with spontaneous resolution, and was most prominent in the evenings. Over the next two months, the patient began to have increasing weakness in his arms and legs in addition to “aching pain” in his muscles. He had difficulty lifting objects, opening jars, and typing. He also had increasing difficulty climbing staircase and standing for prolonged periods. His symptoms were present throughout the day and would wax and wane with no identifiable provocative or alleviating factors. The muscle pain and stiffness gradually became more diffuse and spread to involve his trunk. It was exacerbated by physical activity and improved with prolonged rest. His muscles were tender with palpation and he even experienced mild chest discomfort when lying on his chest. One month prior to his clinic visit, he began to have increased swelling of his limbs especially in his feet, calves, hands and forearms. He gained over 15 pounds over two weeks prior to his clinic visit. Of note, the patient was evaluated by a community physician who performed serologic studies, including serum CPK, which were all normal. His electrodiagnostic

studies were felt to be suggestive of “inflammatory myositis” and he was referred to the Neuromuscular Clinic for further

evaluation of possible inflammatory myopathy. He denied having fever, chills, night sweats, joint pain or rash. He did not have diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, neck weakness, loss of muscle bulk, numbness, paresthesia, incoordination, or bowel or bladder incontinence. He did have a burning sensation on his forearms, right more than left, most noticeably in the evenings. Review of System: He denied having other respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal or urinary symptoms. Past Medical History: He had no prior medical problems Past Surgical History: Renal calculi removal. Traumatic amputation of the left index finger requiring surgical repair. Allergies: No known drug allergies Medications: Multi-vitamin one per day, oral

vitamin B12 supplement once daily, Flaxifish supplement. He did not take other health supplements or vitamins. Social History: He was a former smoker but quit 5 years ago. He drank alcohol occasionally. He denied illicit drug use. He was employed as a technology director. There was no history of toxic exposures. His only recent travel was to Hawaii with his wife two months after the onset of his symptoms. Family History: His father was 62 year old and his mother was 60 years old, both had a history of lung cancer. He had 2 sisters who were healthy. He was

married and had a daughter who was healthy. His paternal grandmother had type 2 diabetes mellitus. There was no family history of a similar condition or neuromuscular disorders. Physical Exam Vital signs: His

pulse was 66 beats per minute, respiration rate of 18 per minute and blood pressure was 102/68 mm Hg. His weight was 196 pounds. General appearance: Well built man, appears comfortable HEENT: Sclera anicteric, moist mucus membranes Neck: Supple, no thyromegaly, no lymphadenopathy Cardiovascular: S1, S2 regular rate and rhythm Chest: Clear to auscultation bilaterally with good air entry Abdomen: Normal bowel sounds, soft, non tender Extremities: Marked non-pitting edema up to the mid to proximal forearm and proximal calves (note photograph). No clubbing, cyanosis or rash. Range of motion is full. leg-edma Neurological Examination Mental status: He was awake, alert, oriented

and was able to provide a detailed and comprehensive medical history.

His speech was fluent without dysarthria. Cranial nerves: II. Pupils 3 mm bilaterally briskly reactive to light and accommodation. III, IV, and VI. Extraocular movements were full and intact. There was no nystagmus, ptosis, or diplopia. V. Sensation intact to pinprick, light touch, and temperature. Muscles of mastication showed good bulk and normal strength. VII. There was no facial asymmetry and no weakness the orbicularis oris or oculi. VIII. Hearing was intact to finger rub bilaterally. IX, X. Uvula and palate elevated in the midline. There was no dysphonia. XI. Sternocleidomastoid muscles were 5/5. XII. Tongue protruded in the midline. Atrophy or fibrillations were not noted. Motor examination: There was normal bulk and tone. There was tenderness with palpation of limb muscles. No myotonia, myokymia or fasciculations were present. MRC manual muscle testing were graded as 5/5 in all muscle groups including

the neck flexors and extensor except for hip flexors, which were 4/5 and deltoids, triceps, wrist extensors, quadriceps, and hamstring muscles, which were 4+/5. Sensory examination: Intact to pinprick, temperature, light touch, vibration and proprioception in the extremities bilaterally. Romberg testing was negative. Deep tendon reflexes: 2+ and symmetric. No pathological reflexes were present. Coordination: Finger-to-nose and

heel-to-shin maneuvers were slow but intact. Gait: Normal base and swing. Toe walking, heel walking, and tandem gait were normal. There was no

gait ataxia.


神经内科典型病例分 析

神经内科典型病例目录 1、右侧颞叶出血(轻度)……………………………..陈谊 2、左侧基底节区出血(重度)……………………………..翟宇 3、脑梗塞(右侧内囊)………………………许建忠 4、右侧颞顶区大面积脑梗塞…………………………….曹炯 5、脑栓塞(左侧颞顶枕区)…………………………方晶 6、蛛网膜下腔出血…………………………..万里明 7、带状疱疹病毒脑炎………………………… .周翠 8、急性脊髓炎…………………………陆勤 9、癫痫…………………………沈仙娣 10、格林-巴利综合症…………………………严为宏 11、左侧周围性面神经麻痹………………………….. 朱宁 12、重症肌无力…………………………….石楠 13、帕金森氏症……………………………..翟宇 14、多发性硬化……………………………..李威 病例一 病史摘要 患者女,78岁。入院前四小时突然觉得头痛,同时发现左侧肢体乏力,左上肢不能持物,左下肢不能行走,恶心伴呕吐胃内容物数次。无意识丧失,无四肢抽搐,无大小便失禁,即送医院急诊。

体格检查:神清,BP 185/95mmHg,HR 80次/分,律齐,EKG示窦性心律.对答切题,双眼向右凝视,双瞳孔等大等圆,对光反射存在,左鼻唇沟浅,伸舌略偏左。左侧肢体肌张力增 高,左侧腱反射略亢进,左侧肌力III0,右侧肢体肌张力正常,肌力V0 。左侧巴氏征(+),右侧病理症(-)。颈软,克氏征(-)。 辅助检查:头颅CT示右侧颞叶血肿。 既往史:患者原有高血压史十余年,平时不规则服药,不监测血压。否认有慢性头晕头痛,反复意识障碍,否认长期偏侧肢体麻木乏力症状,否认长期慢性咳嗽、咳痰、咯血、腹痛便血、低热、体重减轻史。发病前无短暂性意识障碍、眩晕、四肢轻瘫及跌倒发作。分析思考: 1 请做出诊断及依 据? 2 可与哪些疾病相鉴别? 3 治疗原则是什么? 参考答案 1 诊断:脑溢血(右侧颞叶)。诊断依据: (1)患者有十多年高血压史,发病时血压明显升高,故有脑溢血的病理基础。 (2)患者起病较突然,以头痛为先兆,发病时有头痛伴恶心呕吐胃内容物,并出现左侧肢体肌力减退,伸舌左偏等症状均与脑溢血的发病表现相符合。 (3)头颅CT见右侧颞叶血肿亦与患者伸舌左偏,左鼻唇沟浅,双眼向右凝视及左侧肢体偏瘫相吻合。 2可与以下两种疾病相鉴别: (1)脑梗塞:一般为老年人好发,起病亦较急,但不似脑溢血突然,发病前多有TIA(短暂性脑缺血)发作,且起病多于睡眠后或休息时,发病时的血压可无明显的增高,症状常在几小时或较长时间内逐渐加重,意识清晰,而偏瘫失语等局


最全的医学英语之NO.1 2014-03-05保研助手 最全的医学英语之NO.1 1、抗生素医嘱[Antibiotic order] Prophylaxis 预防性用药 Duration of oder用药时间 Procedure 操作,手术 Empiric theraphy经验性治疗 Suspected site and organism 怀疑感染的部位和致病菌Cultures ordered 做培养 Documented infection 明确感染 Site and organism 部位和致病菌 Explanation required 解释理由 Antibiotic allergies 何种抗生素过敏 No known allergy 无已知的过敏 Drug+dose+Route+frequency药名+剂量+途径+次数

2、医嘱首页[Admission / transfer] Admit / transfer to 收入或转入 Resident 住院医师 Attending 主治医师 Condition 病情 Diagnosis 诊断 Diet 饮食 Acitivity活动 Vital signs 生命体征 I / O 记进出量 Allergies 过敏 3、住院病历[case history] Identification 病人一般情况 Name 姓名 Sex 性别 Age 年龄 Marriage 婚姻 Person to notify and phone No. 联系人及电话Race 民族 I.D.No. 身份证 Admission date 入院日期 Source of history 病史提供者 Reliability of history 可靠程度


医院常用中英文对照 姚玺 中医科Chinese Medicine 中医内科Chinese Internal Medicine 中医针灸科Chinese Acupuncture 内科Internal Medicine 内科─一般门诊Internal Medicine: General 内科─日间化学治疗Day Chemotherapy 内科─胃肠科Gastroenterology 内科─胸腔科Pulmonary Medicine 内科─肾脏科Nephrology 内科─内分泌科Endocrinology 内科─内分泌代谢科Endocrinology and Metabolism 内科─心脏(血管)内科Cardiology Dept.

内科─血液肿瘤科Hematology and Oncology 内科─老人医学门诊Geriatrics 内科─过敏免疫风湿科Rheumatology/Immunology/Allergy 内科─神经科Neurology 内科─加护病房MICU 内科─肝胆胰内科Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Medicine 内科─感染科Infectious Disease 外科Surgery 外科─儿科Pediatric Surgery 外科─骨科Orthopedics 外科─神经Neurosurgery

外科─消化科Gastrointestinal Surgery 外科─一般门诊Surgery-General Clinic 外科─大肠直肠Colo-rectal Surgery 外科─整形Plastic Surgery 外科─甲状腺乳腺Thyroid and Breast Surgery 外科─乳腺Breast Surgery Clinic 外科─心脏Cardiac Surgery 外科─心脏血管Cardiovascular Surgery 外科─胸腔Thoracic Surgery 外科─美容外科Cosmetic Surgery


随着中外交流的加强,专业英语对医院也是越来越重要!花了点时间整理了下“住院病历的英汉对照”的格式,发上来和大家分享,希望对能用到的人有所帮助! POMR (Problem-Oriented Medical Records)表格式住院病历 Biographical data: 一般项目: Name Age Sex Marital status Nativity Race 姓名年龄性别婚否籍贯民族 Occupation Date of admission Informant History 职业入院日期病史叙述者病史 Chief complaint 主诉 History of present illness 现病史 Past history 既往史: Previous health status: well ordinary bad Infectious diseases 平素健康状况:良好一般较差传染病史 Immunizations Allergies: N Y clinical manifestation 预防接种史过敏史无有临床表现 allergen: Trauma: Surgery: 过敏原外伤史手术史 Review of systems:(Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If postive, you should write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy) 系统回顾:(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过) Respiratory system: 呼吸系统 Sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing 咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘 dyspnea chest pain 呼吸困难胸痛 cadiovascular system: 循环系统 Palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope 心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥 edema of lower limbs precordial pain hypertention 下肢水肿心前区疼痛高血压 Digestive system: 消化系统 Anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomitting


神经内科出科理论考试题(一) 一、填空(总分20分,每空1分) 1、一般感觉包括________、________、________。 2、头不能向左侧偏以对杭检查者的阻力是________侧________肌瘫痪。 3、左眼不能闭合,示齿时口角向左歪是________侧________性_______瘫。 4、脊髓胸7节段对应的椎体为________,胸12节段对应的椎体为________。 5、病员说话吐词不清,吞咽困难,伸舌受限,舌肌萎缩,是由于________,________,________等神经损害。 6、右侧胸4至胸12痛觉消失,触觉存在是由于脊髓________侧________损害。 7、舌前2/3及舌后1/3的味觉分别由________、________神经支配。 8、巴彬斯基(Babinski)氏征是由________损害引起。 9、右耳传导性聋时,韦伯(Weber)试验偏向________侧。 10、剪刀步态见于________病人。 二、名词解释:(每题4分,共20分) 1、三偏综合征 2、交叉性瘫痪 3、脊髓休克 4、癫痫持续状态 5、放射性疼痛 三、问答题:(每题10分,共60分) 1、一般脑脊液化验检查包括哪些内容?写出各项正常值。 2、癫痫发作有哪些类型,治疗大发作及小发作的药物有哪些? 3、分别说明原发性三叉神经痛及面神经炎的治疗原则。 4、试述坐骨神经痛的最常见病因,主要的症状及体征,以及主要的保守治疗方法。 5、试述左侧大脑中动脉皮层支(浅支)闭塞时的临床表现。 6、病员男40岁,因左肋缘疼痛6+月,左下肢无力Ⅰ月入院。查体:左肋缘区痛觉减退,右脐以下痛觉减退,左趾部位觉减退,左下肢肌力Ⅱ°,伴肌张力增高,腱反射抗进,左侧Babinski's征(+)。 请讨论定位诊断及进一步检查的方法。


1 病历case histroy 一般事项date of admission /marital status /present address /correspondence / occupatio n 主诉chief complaints 现病史present illness / history of present illness 既往史past medical history 家族史family history 个人病史personal history / social history 曾用药物medications 过敏史allergies 系统回顾system review / review of system 体检physical examination 一般资料physical data 生理指标physical signs 一般状况或全身状况general appearance 头眼与耳鼻喉head ,eyes,ear,nose,throat ,略作heent. 胸部与心肺CHEST,heart,and lungs 腹部abodoms 四肢extremities 神经系统nervous system,Neurological,略作CNC或Neuro, 骨骼肌系统Musculoskeletal 泌尿生殖系统Genitourinary 化验室资料laboratory data/ studies /diagnosis 血液检查blood test 化学7项指标chem.-7 心脑电图electrocardiogram / electroencephalogram , 略作EKG/EEG X线检查与x光片X-ray examination, x-ray slides, 计算机X线断层扫描与核磁共振扫描资料computerized x-ray tomography and nuclear mag netic resonance spectroscopy dta. CT AND NMR 其他检查资料other lab data 印象与诊断impression and diagnosis 住院治疗情况hospital course 出院医嘱discharge instructions / recommendations 出院后用药discharge medications 2 看病时用英文 1) 一般病情: He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他覺得頭痛、噁心和想吐。) He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了。) He began to feel unusually tired. (他感到反常的疲倦。) He feels light-headed. (他覺得頭暈。) She has been shut-in for a few days. (她生病在家幾天了。) Her head is pounding. (她頭痛。) His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. (他的症狀包括沒有食慾、體重減輕、非常疲倦、發燒和發冷。) He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time. (他大部份時間都覺得非常疲倦。)


神经内科典型病例目录 1、右侧颞叶出血(轻度)……………………………..陈谊 2、左侧基底节区出血(重度)……………………………..翟宇 3、脑梗塞(右侧内囊)………………………许建忠 4、右侧颞顶区大面积脑梗塞…………………………….曹炯 5、脑栓塞(左侧颞顶枕区)…………………………方晶 6、蛛网膜下腔出血…………………………..万里明 7、带状疱疹病毒脑炎………………………….周翠 8、急性脊髓炎…………………………陆勤 9、癫痫…………………………沈仙娣 10、格林-巴利综合症…………………………严为宏 11、左侧周围性面神经麻痹………………………….. 朱宁 12、重症肌无力…………………………….石楠 13、帕金森氏症……………………………..翟宇 14、多发性硬化……………………………..李威 病例一 病史摘要 患者女,78岁。入院前四小时突然觉得头痛,同时发现左侧肢体乏力,左上肢不能持物,左下肢不能行走,恶心伴呕吐胃内容物数次。无意识丧失,无四肢抽搐,无大小便失禁,即送医院急诊。 体格检查:神清,BP 185/95mmHg,HR 80次/分,律齐,EKG示窦性心律.对答切题,双眼向右凝视,双瞳孔等大等圆,对光反射存在,左鼻唇沟浅,伸舌略偏左。左侧肢体肌张力增高,左侧腱反射略亢进,左侧肌力III0,右侧肢体肌张力正常,肌力V0 。左侧巴氏征(+),右侧病理症(-)。颈软,克氏征(-)。

辅助检查:头颅CT示右侧颞叶血肿。 既往史:患者原有高血压史十余年,平时不规则服药,不监测血压。否认有慢性头晕头痛,反复意识障碍,否认长期偏侧肢体麻木乏力症状,否认长期慢性咳嗽、咳痰、咯血、腹痛便血、低热、体重减轻史。发病前无短暂性意识障碍、眩晕、四肢轻瘫及跌倒发作。分析思考: 1 请做出诊断及依据 2 可与哪些疾病相鉴别 3 治疗原则是什么 参考答案 1 诊断:脑溢血(右侧颞叶)。诊断依据: (1)患者有十多年高血压史,发病时血压明显升高,故有脑溢血的病理基础。 (2)患者起病较突然,以头痛为先兆,发病时有头痛伴恶心呕吐胃内容物,并出现左侧肢体肌力减退,伸舌左偏等症状均与脑溢血的发病表现相符合。(3)头颅CT 见右侧颞叶血肿亦与患者伸舌左偏,左鼻唇沟浅,双眼向右凝视及左侧肢体偏瘫相吻合。 2可与以下两种疾病相鉴别: (1)脑梗塞:一般为老年人好发,起病亦较急,但不似脑溢血突然,发病前多有TIA(短暂性脑缺血)发作,且起病多于睡眠后或休息时,发病时的血压可无明显的增高,症状常在几小时或较长时间内逐渐加重,意识清晰,而偏瘫失语等局灶性神经功能缺失则较明显,可不伴有头痛呕吐等脑膜刺激症状。急诊头颅CT无高密度出血影。此患者起病突然,起病时血压较高,伴有明显脑膜刺激症状,发病前无TIA发作,头颅CT亦可见出血灶,故可排除此病。(2)蛛网膜下腔出血,患者多为青、中年人,多有先天性动脉瘤及血管畸形,发病突然,,剧烈头痛伴恶心呕吐,颈项强直,多无失语,偏瘫等局灶性神经功能缺失,可无高血压史,头颅CT蛛网膜下腔可见有高密度影,脑脊液呈血性。该患者为老年女性,有高血压史多年,发病时有明显的左侧肢体偏瘫,无颈项强直,头颅CT亦未见有蛛网膜下腔的出血影,故可排除。 3治疗原则: (1)控制脑水肿,降低颅压:可予降颅压药物(如甘露醇等),急性期内短期应用肾上腺皮质激素有助于减轻脑水肿,但对高血压、动脉粥样硬化、溃疡病有不利作用,故不可长期应用,


三、病案分析: 男、24岁,5天前感冒,2天前出现双下肢无力,并逐渐加重,第2天即完全不有活动入院。查体:双下肢远近端肌力0级,肌张力低,腱反射减弱,病理反射未引出,剑突以下痛,温触觉和深感觉消失,腹壁反射和提睾反射消失,小便潴留,脊柱无压痛。 请提出定位诊断,病因诊断,以及进一步检查措施,并提出治疗方案。 三、①定位诊断:胸6平面髓内横贯性损害 ②病因诊断:脊髓炎 ③腰穿,脊椎照片 ④治疗:激素,预防感染,所作用抗菌素,设置导尿管,防止褥疮及肺部感染,恢复期加强肢体锻炼,促进肌力恢复。 三、病例分析: 农民病员,男,40岁。右上肢疼痛4个月,右下肢无力1个月,逐渐加重。既往无特殊。检查:右瞳<左瞳,光反射好。右手小鱼际肌萎缩并有束颤。右上肢腱反射减弱,右手尺侧面痛觉消失,左上肢正常。右下肢肌力3级,肌张力高,腱反射亢进,病理反射阳性。左上肢肌力、张力、反射正

常。右上下肢深感觉明显减退,左侧第二肋骨平面以下痛觉消失。双侧触觉正常。 请回答下列问题: ①该病人受损的神经结构有哪些? ②病变部位在什么地方?(横、纵定位) ③应首先对该病人作什么检查最好? ④该病人应首先考虑什么疾病?尚需考虑疾病? ⑤如果作脑脊液检查,是否有异常发现?如果有,可能是什么改变? 三、病例分析: ①左侧颈交感神经,右侧颈脊髓前角细胞,右侧皮质脊髓束,右侧薄束,楔束,右侧脊髓血脑末。 ②横定位:颈5-胸1平面纵定位:右侧髓外 ③颈段MRI ④首先考虑脊髓外肿瘤,脊髓炎、脊髓蛛网膜炎。 ⑤脑脊液检查应该有异常发现,主要表现为脊椎管阻塞,CS F 且的增高 三、病案分析: 男65岁,1天前起床时感左手无力,吐词不清,6小时前出现左侧偏身运动不能,不能言语。既往有高血压史。查体:左


POMR (Problem-Oriented Medical Records)表格式住院病历 Biographical data: 一般项目: Name Age Sex Marital status Nativity Race 姓名年龄性别婚否籍贯民族 Occupation Date of admission Informant History 职业入院日期病史叙述者病史 Chief complaint 主诉 History of present illness 现病史 Past history 既往史: Previous health status: well ordinary bad Infectious diseases 平素健康状况:良好一般较差传染病史 Immunizations Allergies: N Y clinical manifestation 预防接种史过敏史无有临床表现 allergen: Trauma: Surgery: 过敏原外伤史手术史 Review of systems:(Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If postive, you should write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy) 系统回顾:(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过) Respiratory system: 呼吸系统 Sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing 咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘 dyspnea chest pain 呼吸困难胸痛 cadiovascular system: 循环系统 Palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope 心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥 edema of lower limbs precordial pain hypertention 下肢水肿心前区疼痛高血压 Digestive system: 消化系统 Anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomitting 食欲减退反酸嗳气恶心呕吐 abdominal distention abdominal pain constipation diarrhea 腹胀腹痛便秘腹泻 hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice 呕血黑便便血黄疸 Urinary system:


医院科室英语翻译大全 2010-11-16 16:10:59 责任编辑:悠然来源:浏览次数:1539 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urology department: 泌尿科 dermatology department; skin department: 皮肤科 orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科 traumatology department: 创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiology department: 麻醉科 pathology department: 病理科 cardiology department: 心脏病科 psychiatry department: 精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科 department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科 neurology department: 神经科 neurosurgery department: 神经外科

thoracic surgery department: 脑外科department of traditional Chinese medicine: 中医科registration office: 挂号处 out-patient department: 门诊部 in-patient department: 住院部 nursing department: 护理部 consulting room: 诊室 waiting room: 候诊室 emergency room:急诊室 admitting office: 住院处 operation room: 手术室 X-ray department: 放射科 blood bank: 血库 dispensary; pharmacy:药房 ward: 病房 laboratory: 化验室牤


1.POMR (Problem-Oriented Medical Records)表格式住院病历 2.Biographical data:一般项目: https://www.360docs.net/doc/7b7382712.html, Age Sex Marital status Nativity Race 姓名年龄性别婚否籍贯民族 4.Occupation Date of admission Informant History 职业入院日期病史叙述者病史 5.Chief complaint主诉 6.History of present illness现病史 Past history既往史: 7.Previous health status: well ordinary bad Infectious diseases 平素健康状况:良好一般较差传染病史8.Immunizations Allergies: N Y clinical manifestation 预防接种史过敏史无有临床表现 9.allergen: Trauma: Surgery: 过敏原外伤史手术史 10.Review of systems: (Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If postive, you should write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy) 系统回顾:(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过) 11.Respiratory system:呼吸系统 12.Sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing 咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘 13.dyspnea chest pain 呼吸困难胸痛 14.cadiovascular system: 循环系统 15.Palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope 心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥 16.edema of lower limbs precordial pain hypertention3 m4 G: a6 ] h 下肢水肿心前区疼痛高血压 Digestive system: 消化系统 Anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomitting; L. N) o# e w! A$ H* W 食欲减退反酸嗳气恶心呕吐abdominal distention abdominal pain constipation diarrhea 8 G1 d; G# P$ `( ] 腹胀腹痛便秘腹泻8 t) }/ q7 i' v# ]6 V hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice% c2 h& ^) w% r/ G% s# i9 c- h 呕血黑便便血黄疸 Urinary system: 泌尿系统 Lumbago frequent micturition urgent micturition urodynia 腰痛尿频尿急尿痛7 D) {2 U/ K# ?5 L9 L V9 G dysuria hematuria nocturia polyuria oliguria facial edema 排尿困难血尿夜尿多尿少尿面部水肿Hematopoietic system 造血系统 Fatigue dizziness blurred vision gingival bleedig 乏力头昏牙龈出血" j9 w, N. P5 j m! C subcutaneous hemorrhage ostealgia epistaxis ' z$ {% i; V4 r7 {- S 皮下出血骨痛鼻衄0 b* ?5 ] ~ R* a# b( A" g e* H Metabolic and endocrine system: 代谢及内分泌系统 Excessive appetite anorexia sweats cold intolerance 食欲亢进食欲减退多汗畏寒" f8 X: \! j |4 A r6 z polydipsia tremor hands change of character obvious obesity 0 [: z) L! A& M/ {+ y$ l 多饮双手震颤性格改变显著肥胖* D* N. t& S& i# | p- _& ] - E. ^% k" v5 ]6 A* g emaciation hirsutism hair losing pigmentation 消瘦多毛毛发脱落色素沉着: N d4 x! B5 R chang of sexual function amenorrhea 性功能改变闭经. T' J. A; Y, Z# ]2 f Musculoskeletal system - \+ }/ L6 H8 e8 A9 H; {# G


. 随着中外交流的加强,专业英语对医院也是越来越重要!花了点时间整理了下“住院病历的英汉对照”的格式,发上来和大家分享,希望对能用到的人有所帮助! POMR (Problem-Oriented Medical Records)表格式住院病历 Biographical data: 一般项目: Name Age Sex Marital status Nativity Race 姓名年龄性别婚否籍贯民族 Occupation Date of admission Informant History 职业入院日期病史叙述者病史 Chief complaint 主诉 History of present illness 现病史 Past history 既往史: Previous health status: well ordinary bad Infectious diseases 平素健康状况:良好一般较差传染病史 Immunizations Allergies: N Y clinical manifestation 预防接种史过敏史无有临床表现 allergen: Trauma: Surgery: 过敏原外伤史手术史 Review of systems:(Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If postive, you should write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy) 系统回顾:(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过) Respiratory system: 呼吸系统 Sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing 咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘 dyspnea chest pain 呼吸困难胸痛 cadiovascular system: 循环系统 Palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope 心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥 edema of lower limbs precordial pain hypertention


Case Discussi on A 35-year-old pregnant woman (gravida 2 胎次,para 1) was admitted to this hospital at 19 weeks and 6 days of gestatio n 怀孕期because of the recent on set of hyperte nsion and diabetes. Three weeks before admission, at a routine prenatal visit, her blood pressure was 150/100(150 over 100) mm Hg(millimeters hydragyrim). On the same day she saw her primary care physicia n, who recorded a blood pressure of 172/102 mm Hg. The results of a physical exam in ati on were normal. Urinalysis showed glucose (4+). The results of other laboratory tests are shown in Table 1. The n ext day, the blood pressure was 180/100 mm Hg. The blood glucose level 1 hour after the oral adm ini strati on of glucose (50 g) was 346 mg per deciliter [?desili:t?]分升(19.2 mmol per liter). Treatment with labetalol 拉贝洛尔,glyburide 格列本脲(优降糖) ,and potassium [p???si?m]乍钾suppleme nts was in itiated. The results of fetal ultraso und exam in ati on were normal for the gestational age of the fetus [?fit? s]. Three weeks later, despite increasing doses of labetalol, the patient's blood pressure remained in the range of 180/110 mm Hg and her fasting blood glucose level ran ged betwee n 140 and 180 mg per deciliter (7.8 and 10.0 mmol per liter); the patie nt was admitted to the hospital. The patient had gained 6.8 kg in weight during the pregnancy. She had recently had polyuria and polydipsia and in creased facial puffin ess 虚胖;her complexi on 面色was chroni cally ruddy 红润. She did not have headaches, proximal muscle weakness, bruising 挤压伤,flushing 激动脸红, abdominal pain, edema, palpitations 心悸, diaphoresis [,dai?f?ri:sis]发汗(sweat), edema, or cha nges in visi on. Her men ses had bee n regular before preg nancy, and she had had no difficulty conceiving 怀胎with either this pregnancy or a pregnancy 3 years earlier, during which she had mild, diet-c on trolled gestati onal diabetes. She had bee n mildly overweight, with a body-mass index ( BMI) (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) of approximately 25 for several years. She did not smoke, drink alcohol, or use illicit [ ?l?s?t]非法的drugs. She was married, with a 2-year-old daughter. Her mother and maternal [m ??:?:nl]母亲方面的grandmother had type 2 diabetes mellitus, and many family members had hypertension. Q1: What' sthe possible cause of the patient? Give 3 or more diseases for hypertension duri ng preg nan cy. 1.preeclampsia or eclampsia 2.chr onic hyperte nsion probable diag no sis 3.preeclampsia or eclampsia superimposed on chronic hyperte nsion 4.gestati onal hyperte nsion When I saw this patient during her first admission, she had marked hypertension, poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, and hypokalemia. The four hypertensive disorders that are recognized during pregnancy are preeclampsia [?pri?Kl?mpsi ?]先兆子痫or eclampsia [ek?l?mpsi?] 子痫惊厥,chronic hypertension (including "essential" hypertension and secondary hypertension), preeclampsia or eclampsia superimposed [?sju:p?rim?p/&zd] on chronic hypertension , and gestational hypertension . Although this patient had proteinuria, it was not severe enough to warrant 正当理由 a diagnosis of preeclampsia; in addition, the onset of preeclampsia would be unlikely this early in the pregnancy. Gestational hypertension WOuk Le unlikely this early in pregnancy. Thus, I was left with a probable diagnosis of chronic hypertension. In a patient with newly diagnosed chronic hypertension, the major question is whether it is essential hypertension or associated with another condition . A pregnant patient with chronic hypertension is at increased risk for superimposed preeclampsia, intrauterine子宫内的growth restriction(grow slowly), abruption 分裂placentae [pl?会ent?]胎盘(胎盘早剥正常20week to birth), premature birth, and perinatal [?peri?neitl] 围产期death. Efforts to control blood pressure with labetalol or methyldopa 甲基多巴to reduce the incidence of preeclampsia and its associated perinatal morbidity 发病率have been disappointing; thus, a search for a secondary cause in a case such as this is mandatory 必要的强制的.In this patient, the presence of hypokalemia increased my suspicion that the problem was secondary hypertension.


病例分析1 男,62岁,2天前早餐时出现头昏,半小时后不能讲话,继之右上肢无力,并逐渐加重,来院急诊。检查、神志清楚,说不出话,也听不懂别人讲话,口角歪向左侧,伸舌偏右,右上肢肌力0°肌张力增高、反射活跃,右下肢4°。双侧痛觉存在,右下肢巴彬氏征阳性,颈软。急诊当天CT未见异常。入院后检查:生命体征正常、心肺肝脾正常,神经体征同前。 请讨论定位诊断和定性诊断,并说明诊断依据。 定位诊断:左额叶后部 ①运动性失语,说不出话感觉性失语,听不懂话; ②右侧偏瘫:伸舌偏右,右上肢肌力0度,口角歪左,右肢病理征。 定性诊断:脑梗塞 ①早晨安静发病,且比较急; ②一侧代体征; ③头痛呕吐和意识障碍无,颈软,即无高颅压表现; ④发病当天CT正常可排除出血; ⑤2天未恢复可排除TIA。 病例分析2 男40岁,因左肋缘疼痛6月余,左下肢无力1月入院。查体:左肋缘区痛觉减退,右脐以下痛觉减退,左趾部位觉减退,左下肢肌力Ⅱ°,伴肌张力增高,腱反射抗进,左侧Babinski's 征(+)。 请讨论定位诊断及进一步检查的方法。 定位在左侧胸8脊髓节段的脊髓半横贯损害,硬膜下髓外的可能性较大。 根据①左肋缘疼痛;②左肋缘区痛觉减退;③右胳以下痛觉减退,定位在左胸8有Broun-Sequard综合征表现。左下肢中枢性瘫痪,左下肢深感觉减退,右下肢感觉减退,故为髓外。 进一步检查方法,①脊柱以胸5、6为中心照片,了解骨质改变;②腰穿并作Queckenstedt 试验了解有无椎管梗阻,脑脊液有无蛋白增加;③椎管造影或MR,了解病变的准确部位和可能的性质。

病员,男性60岁,中午做饭时突然感头痛,跌倒,继之呕吐多次,不能说话,左侧肢体不能动,立即送来急诊。既往有高血压史多年。查体:BP22/14KPa,呼吸急促24次/1',心率100次/',体温39℃,意识不清,浅昏迷,左瞳0.2cm,右上下肢0°肌力,右侧反射活跃,右巴彬斯基氏征(+),右半身痛觉↓,请讨论定位及定性诊断以及处理原则。 定位:右基底节区 依据:①右偏瘫,右病理处阳性。 ②右半身痛觉减退。 ③左瞳大 定性:脑出血 依据:①活动时(做饭)发病。 ②起病急骤。 ③颅内压增高之全脑症状:呕吐、昏迷。 ④高血压史,起病时血压高。 处理原则:①可作CT进一步明确诊断。 ②诊断明确后的治疗原则是防止进一步出血;降低颅内压,控制脑水种;维持生命机能;防治并发症。 病例分析4 患者、男、66岁,因“左侧肢体无力,麻木,吐词不清4天”入院。4天前晚饭后乘凉时突感左侧肢体麻木,无力,不稳,吐词不清,无头痛及呕吐,经治疗无缓解而入院。既往有高血病史(具体不详),无糖尿病史,嗜烟酒,家族史(一)。查体:T、P、R均正常,BP:20/140Kpa。神清,体型偏胖,左眼白内障,心、肺、腹(一)。神经系统:言语呐吃,偏瘫步态,右眼底动脉变细,伸舌向左偏斜,左侧肢体肌力Ⅳ°,左侧感觉正常,左侧上、下肢腱反射较右侧活跃,左侧Babinski征(+),脑膜刺激征(-)。辅助检查:甘油三脂:1.2mmol/L,胆固醇:5.9mmol/l,血象正常。请提出诊断及治疗方案。 诊断:定位诊断──右大脑半球皮层 依据:左偏瘫(伸舌偏左、左肌力下降、左反射活跃,病量征阳性)。 定性资料─脑梗塞 依据:①起病急②休息时(安静时)发病 ③无高颅压表现及仓脑症状,脑膜刺激征阴性 治疗方案:1、卧床休息,防治各种并发症 2、增加血流量,改善血循环 ①稀释疗法用低右静滴②罂粟硷素扩张脑血管 3、抗血栓疗法 ①使用肝素,华法令等抗凝剂②尿激酶等流血栓剂报早期使用 4、控制脑水肿 5、其它脑保护剂、高压氧、中草药、手术等酌情考虑
