


1. EXW工厂交货(指定地点)

2. FCA:货交承运人(指定地点)

3. FAS:船边交货(指定装运港)

4. FOB:船上交货(指定装运港)

5. CFR::成本加运费(指定目的港

6. CIF::成本、保险加运费(指定目的港)

7. CPT;:运费付至(指定目的地)

8. DAF:边境交货(指定地点)

9. DES::目的港船上交货(指定目的港)

10. DEQ;目的港码头交货(指定目的港

11. DDU:未完税交货(指定目的地)

12. DDP:完税交货(指定目的地)

13. Offer::要约

14. Offer or;:要约人;报价人;发盘人

15. Offeree:受要约人;接盘人,受盘人;被发价人

16. Invitation for offer:要约邀请;发盘邀请

17. Subject to our final confirmation:需经我方最后确认

18. Cross offer:交叉发盘;交叉报价;交错报价;交叉发价

19. Withdrawal:要约的撤回

20. Revocability::发价的撤销

21. Counter-offer;还价;还盘;反要约

22. Acceptance:接受;接纳;承兑;赞同

23. Mail box rule:投递生效原则

24. Receive of the letter of acceptance rule:到达生效原则

25. Late acceptance::迟到的承诺; 逾期承诺

26. Identified to the contract:将货物特定化;将货物划定在该项合同项下(将货物划作履行某一合同的标的)

27. Shipping documents;装运单据;货运单据;船运单据

28. Sale by description;凭文字说明买卖

29. Sale by sample:凭样品买卖

30. Fundamental breach of contract根本违约;重大违约

31. Anticipatory breach先期违约

32. Specific performance实际履行

33. Breach of condition违反条件条款

34. Breach of warranty违反担保条款

35. Unconditionally appropriated to the contract无条件地划拨于合同项下

36. Reserve the right of disposal保留对货物的处分权

37. To the order of the seller or his agent:以卖方或其代理人的名字为抬头的提单;凭卖方或其代理人指示的提单

38. Sale on approval::试销;试用买卖

39. Floating cargo::在途货物;水运途中的货物

40. Quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample符合样品凭规格、等级或标准买卖

41. Sales by specification, grade or standard凭规格、等级或标准买卖

42. Fair average quality符合通常目的;中等品;良好平均品质(国际上买卖农副产品时常用此标准)

43. Sales by brand of trade mark

44. More or less clause溢短装条款;或多或少条款

45. Bulk cargo:散装货

46. Nude cargo裸散货,裸装货,裸包装

47. Gross for net:以毛重作净重,以毛作净

48. US $500 Per M/T CIF New York每吨500美元,CIF(到岸价)纽约

49. Fixed price定价;标价;固定价格

50. Sliding-scale按滑动费率支付专利权税

51. Time of shipment装运时间,装船时间

52. Time of delivery交货时间,交付时间

53. Advice of shipment:装运通知,装船通知

54. Insurance to be effected by the buyer保险由买方办理

55. Inspection and claim clause检查与索赔条款

56. Upon arrival of port of destination到达目的港后

57. After discharge of the goods at the port of destination到达目的港卸货后

58. Inspection certificate of quality质量检验证书;品质检验证书

59. Inspection certificate of weight:重量检验证书

60. Sanitary inspection certificate卫生检验证书

61. Veterinary inspection certificate兽医检验证书;动物检疫证书

62. Plant quarantine certification植物( 病虫害)检疫证明

63. Force majeure clause不可抗力条款

64. Arbitration仲裁,公断

65. Bill of lading提单

66. Charter-party:租船合同

67. Gencon航次租船合同

68. Baltime巴尔的摩定期租船合同

69. Prima facie evidence:初步证据

70. Conclusive evidence绝对证据;最后证据;决定性证据

71. Shipped or on board bill of lading已装船提单

72. Received for shipment B/L备运提单;收货待运提单

73. Clean B/L清洁提单

74. Claused B/L, or Foul B/L不清洁提单

75. Letter of Indemnity保函;保证书

76. Open B/L, Bearer B/L不记名提单;

77. Oder b/L指示提单

78. Direct B/L:直达提单

79. Ocean through B/L:海上联运提单

80. Liner B/L:班轮提单

81. Charter B/L:租船提单

82. Negotiable quality:流通性;可转让性

83. Assignor:转让人;出让人

84. Assignee:受让人;代理人;受托人

85. Endorsement in blank :空白背书;不记名背书

86. Special endorsement:记名背书

87. Due diligence:特别背书应有的谨慎;应有的注意

88. Seaworthiness 船舶适航

89. Cargoworthiness 适货

90. Latent defect 潜在缺陷

91. From tackle to tackle 钩到钩

92. Deviation 绕行

93. Voyage Charter 航次租船

94. Time charter 定期租船合同

95. Charter by demise 光船租船

96. Laytime 装卸时间

97. Demurrage 滞期费

98. Dispatch money 速遣费

99. Lien 留置权

100. Trading limits 航区限制

101. Chartered period 特许期限

102. Employment and indemnity雇用及赔偿(条款)103. Payment of hire 租金

104. Off hire 停租

105. Air consignment 航空托运

106. Air waybill 航空货运单

107. Successive carriers 连续承运人

108. Actrual carrier 实际承运人

109. International multimodal transport 国际多式联运110. Container 集装箱

111. Uniform liability principle统一赔偿责任原则112. Network liability principle网状责任制113. Insurable interest 保险利益

114. Disclosure of material facts 重要事实披露115. Material representation

116. insurance policy 保险单

117. Accidents 意外事故

118. Total loss 全损

119. Partial loss 部分损失

120. General average 共同海损

121. Particular average 单独海损

122. Actual total loss 实际全损

123. Constructive total loss 推定全损

124. Sue and labor expenses 施救费用

125. Salvage charge 救助费用

126. Free from particular average (FPA) 平安险127. With particular average (WPA) 水渍险128. All risks 一切险

129. Subrogation 代位

130. Abandonment 委付

131. Export credits guarantee 出口信贷担保132. Negotiable instruments可转让票据

133. Predecessor 前手

134. Promissory note 本票

135. Draft 汇票

136. Drawer 出票人

137. Drawee 付款人

138. Payee 收款人

139. Issue 出票

140. Sight bill 即期汇票

141. After sight 见票后付款

142. Without recourse 无追索权

143. Presentment 出示

144. Acceptance of draft 承兑汇票

145. Dishonour 拒付

146. Protest拒绝证书

147. Notary public 公证人

148. Collection 托收

149. Principal 委托方

150. Remitting bank 托收行

151. Collecting bank 代收行

152. Remittance letter 汇款书

153. Document against payment (D/P) 付款交单154. Document against payment sight 即期付款交单

155. Document against payment after sight远期付款交单

156. Documents against acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单
