Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material

Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material

Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material


1. This is an important lesson in Book Five. From this lesson, students learn interesting facts about the Olympics and the interesting English that describe them. The students use this language to complete the unit project." a classroom Olympics". It has articles about Chinese athletes, designed to interest Chinese students. To attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

2. This lesson is the first one of Unit 1.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.

3. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.


The teaching aim's basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus' provision.(课程标准要求:教材的处理应和学生实际相)

1. Knowledge objects

(1) To study the new words “modern, gold, record, event, twentieth,” and the phrases “win a gold medal, break the world record”.

(2) Know about:ancient, Athens, medal, shooting, athlete, silver, bronze, sprint.

2. Ability objects

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

3. Moral objects

(1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.

(2) Dare to express their opinions in English.

(3) Love to know more knowledge about Olympic Games. Make an effort to contribute to Beijing Olympics.


The teaching key and difficult points’ basis is established according to Lesson One in the teaching material's position and function.

1. Key points:

(1).Be able to express words,phrases and sentences in English.

(2). Know about the history of the Olympics and amazing Olympic athletes.

2. Difficult points:

Be able to talk about Olympics in oral English.

Part Two The Teaching Methods

As we all know:the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language.According to the new lesson standards and the rules of ss’s grpwing of mind, in this lesson I’ll mainly use say, I’ll.(

1)Task-based teaching method

I will give ss four tasks.SS can grasp the tense by means of finishing these tasks ,and they can enjoy themselves in learning English during the tasks.

2)Situation Approach

I will create enough communicative situations to stimulate ss’s vision and hearing, so they can get a better understanding about the tense, and get good situations to train their listening and spoken English.

3). Communicative teaching method

Students can learn the tense by communicating with each other in pairs or groups

2. Audio-visual teaching method let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structures. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange some kinds of activities:talking, guessing games, watching CAI

3. 4. Classified teaching method

Part Three Studying ways

依据:the aims of lerning a language is that ss can use the language freely and naturally by themselves and became successful language learners. New curriculum standards为用而学,在用中学,学了就用).As for the ss,they have learned English over one year. They have some basic skills of listening,reading,speaking and writing and they also have interests in learning English.

1 I’ll let Ss study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. I’ll divide the whole class into several groups when having the lesson to make Ss obtain the knowledge actively by probe study and co-operative study

2. Make situation and provide meaningful duty, encourage the students to study the text by themselves.

3. The courseware collect image sound writing in a body, make the course content to be more lively.

Part 4 Teaching Aids

The Modern teaching techniques can make our class more Vivid convenient and lively so I’ll use Multi-medio computer, Software. Tape recorder,pictures and real objects are needed in this lesson.

Part 5 Teaching steps

1 自主预习,明确目标

2 借助媒体,正音操练

3 合作探究,体现提升

4 达标检测盘点收获

I’ll finish this lesson in six steps.

Purpose of my designing:Draws out this class study content with the song, stimulates the students’ study interest.

Purpose of my designing:To present the text by CAI is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the Ss better.

Purpose of my designing:This step is employed to make the Ss get the general idea of the text. At the same time let the Ss have a chance to practise their listening and spoken ability.

Step4. Play a guessing game.

Divide the class into several large groups. In each group students will take turns miming a sports activity and the other students will take turns guessing.

Instruct the groups to choose a timekeeper and scorekeeper. Answers should be specific and both give the name of the game and describe the action.

Purpose of my designing:I think it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by imitating and at the same time it is necessary to provide situations to review learned knowledge.

Step5. Knowledge development

Purpose of my designing:Raises student's feeling of national pride. Step6. Homework:

Purpose of my designing:Realizes the textbook and the life link, develops student's study space.

Ⅳ. The Analysis of Teaching Process

Step 1 - - - Organization

1.Exchange greetings with the Ss.

2.Sing a song:If YOU ARE HAPPY

Show the flash song on the screen to the Ss, the whole class are requested to stand up and sing together. While they are singing, they can clap their hands, stomp their feet and shout “hurray”

(Singing a song can help w arm up the class atmosphere and gather the Ss’ attentions to study.)

3.Duty report:It is between two students. They are having a dialogue.

(I think duty report is a long-term and essential part of daily teaching. It is a good

opportunity for Ss to practice their listening and spoken English. )

Step 2 - - - Revision

( The aim of revision is to revise the present continuous tense, I’ll do like this)

1.Show three animation pictures on the screen

( some soldiers running, a man playing tennis, a man eating bread).

After showing the pictures, ask:----What are they doing? ---They are running

---What is he doing? ---He is playing tennis.

---What is the man doing? ---He is eating.

2. Lead the students into the real situations:

Ask one boy student:what are you doing now?

The student may answer:I am listening to you.

Tell the whole class:Yes, he is listening to me.

Repeat this with one girl student. Practice with the whole class, trying to revise the tense with different personal pronouns.

3.Students ask and answer in pairs, using the present continuous tense.

Step 3 - - - Leading in:introduce the past continuous tense to the students

(The step of leading in is to let the students get to know the past continuous tense naturally.)

1.Ask one student (student A) to leave the room and wait outside the door

Then ask two students to do actions, one (students B) is writing on the blackboard and the other (student C) is walking around the room. They keep doing it without stopping until I ask them to stop.

2. Ask student B:What are you doing?

Student B answers:I am writing on the blackboard.

(Write the sentence on the blackboard as blackboard work)

Repeat this with student C, write:I am walking in the room on the blackboard.

3. Ask the student outside to come in and sit down. Then ask the two students who are doing actions sit down too.

4. Ask the first student who was writing on the blackboard.

Ask:What were you doing when (student A) came in?

Help him to answer:I was writing on the blackboard when he came in.

(Wrtie I was wrting on the blackboard as the blackboard work)

I say to the class:He was writing on the blackboard when (student A) came in.

Ask the class to repeat it:He was writing on the blackboard when (student A) came in.

5. Repeat this with the second student who was walking in the room.

(Write I was walking in the room on the blackboard)

6. Ask some other students the question:What were you doing when (student A)

came in?

Then students ask and answer in pairs:What were you doing when (student A)

came in?

7.Point to the blackboard-writing( During my teaching above, I have written it on the blackboard step by step). Help them to find out the differences between the two paris of sentences. Tell the students:

Today we are going to learn a new tense ----the past continuous tense.

Introduce the past continuous tense.

8. Comparison :make a comparison between the two tenses.

(Making a comparison can let the students have a deep impression on the tense)

Step 4 – - - New Lesson:Section A 1a 1b

1a. Show a picture (the picture on page 18) on the screen.

Tell about the picture with the students.

Say:A reporter was asking some people“What were you doing when the UFO

arrived?” If you want to know what they were doing. Please open your books, let’s see 1a. please look at the picture and match the statements with the

people in the picture

1b. In order to transit from 1a to 1b naturally.

I say:Would you like to know what the reporter was asking? Now please look at

the picture and listen to the reporter’s questions and circle the correct


(This step is to lead in the text to the students. Presenting the pictures to Ss is to arouse their interests to the text, the UFO. At the same time, this step can help the students do task 1 easily )

Step 5 Four Tasks

(On the basis of above, it is right time for me to give four tasks to the Ss. These four tasks go from the easy to the difficult )

Task 1 :talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived.

1.In order to do the task more easily, I show the picture on page 18 again.

I point to the man who had his hair cut.

I ask:Where was he? What was he doing when the UFO arrived?

Repeat this by pointing to the other persons in the picture.

2.Ask students to ask and answer in pairs

3.Ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class according to the pictures on

the screen.

( In task I , students can practice the tense by talking about the picture with their partners)

Task 2 : A Memory Competition

(After students do some pair work above, some of them may be absent-minded . So in order to mobilize the atmosphere in class, I design a memory competition. In the competition, I let the students make sentences with the past continuous tense. )

The competition is like this: more than ten animation pictures on the screen. As soon as one picture

with corresponding time appears, it disappears very quickly ( about several seconds).

2.The whole class is divided into four teams. If one student knows the answer,

he must stand up quickly before the second one stands up. If he gives the answer correctly, then his team can get one score.

( Applying the form of competition is quite easy to mobilize the students’all positive factors. They can use the tense naturally during the activity. This is the first climax of the lesson)

Task 3 :Who was the murderer?

In order to appear a second climax, I design an imaginary situation:A girl was murdered at Fengze Plaza last night. A policeman is making a survey of this accident among you.

P:Where were you at 12:00 last night?

A:I was in the park (…)

P:What were you doing there?

A:I was…

1.I ask several students to make a model dialogue with me.

2.Students role play in groups of four.

3.Choose two students in each team as policemen. They make a survery in

their team They should write down their survery results.

These policemen ask:Where were you at 12:00 last night? What were you doing there?

Then ask these policemen to report their survey results to the class.

(In order to stimulate the students’vision and hearing, I create an imaginary communicative situation:a murder at Fengze Plaza. This is the second climax of the lesson)

Task 4:Use a picture to tell a story using the past continuous tense (On the basis of the three tasks above, it is possible for the students to do more difficult task.)

1.I show a picture in Section B 4a on the screen. The picture is about a story.

It says a thief stole a girl’s bike when the girl was watching others swimming. In every picture, there is a clock showing the time. The students should use the time to tell the story.

2.Work in groups of four

(By finishing task 4, they can go a step further to understand the tense. After they finish the four tasks, the students have already known the tense well. So I nearly reach the goal of this lesson) Step 6 Summary

(After the students go through the four tasks, it is the right time for me to help them sum up the usage of the past continuous tense. The summary can help them form a full idea about the tense)

Step 7 Assignments:make a survey after class

Ask your two partners what they were doing at these time yesterday.

In the next class, they should report their survey result to the class.

( By making a survey, students can practice the tense with their partners after class. It can intensify their basic skills and train their good study habits)

V. Assessment

I give a table for the students to do a self-evaluation.

This can guide them to know their study better

I ask them:How much do you think you can get in each stage,

give each item a rating from 1 (the most) to 4 ( the least)

Part Five Blackboard Design

Purpose of my designing:Presents the text key content clearly on the blackboard, favors the student to knowledge grasping.
