E英语教程1 unit1教案

E英语教程1 unit1教案
E英语教程1 unit1教案

E College English

(Book One)

E大学英语(I)Teaching Planning


Teacher : Wang Ying

Class : Financial Management C1

Accounting & Auditing C1 September11,2016

Unit I

I Teaching objectives:

1.Distinguish confusing pronunciations;

2.Learn how to express greeting & response, making introductions & response;

3.Improve reading skills;

4.Grasp the main idea and the structure of the text;

5. Master the key words and phrases and sentence patterns in the text;

6.Practice grammar using in writing.

7.Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking related to the theme of the unit;

8.Learn culture related

II Teaching Allotment

1.Listening (45mins)

A. Skills: listening to the stressed words

B. Functions: how to express greetings & response.

C. Conversation one:

D. Conversation two :

E. Practice: conversation one and two and exercises.

2.Speaking (45mins)

A . Conclude the phrases about expressing greeting & response

B. Role - play

C. Activities: role-play several situations according to guided conversation

D. Discussion after listening:

E. Passage listening :

F. Discussion:

3.Passage A study(4 sections):

4.Passage B study(2 sections):

5.Exercise & grammar practice(2sections):

III Detailed study of text A

A Mothe r’s Letter to the World

Lead-in (20 mins)

A.Video watching & extended reading


Q1. Do you still remember what your parents told you when you started school ?

What is it ?

Q2. What are your parents’ expectation of you ? Have you realized them?

Q3. What would you say to your parents when it is time for you to leave

home and start your own life?

Q4. If it is time for your own child to go out into adult world, what would you say to him / her ?

Language points.

1. Title writing rules : A Mother’s Letter to the World


2. Letter’s writing rules (注意:称呼和落款salutation signature)

Dear Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss. Sir. Madame

Yours Sincerely, Best wishes, Regard …..

3.It’s going to +be going to+动词原形表示某事即将发生

I’m going to have a dinner w ith my teacher next Monday

4.wish: v. to want sth. to happen although it is unlikely 但愿,希望

I wish it would not rain tomorrow.

区分hope: I hope you will come to join us.

填空:I —— I could fly.

5. sort of(副词短语)或多或少,有点儿,莫种程度,kind of

I will not do that sort of thing during examination.

It is sort of boring to attend the political lecture.

The minute I came in, I’m sort of sorry I’d come

6.up to now 到目前为止为状语的句子时,谓语动词一般用现在完成时,表示从过去某时到现在这一段时间里已发生的事。

I have heard nothing from him up to now.

Up to: 接近,The number of students in Sias is up to 30 thousand.

They are willing to pay for it, up to $600.

7. tend, 照顾,趋向,tendency n. 倾向,癖好

tend to倾向, To play E game, my attitude tends to be negative.

intend (to) 打算The parents intend to send their kid abroad to study English.

8. wave to/ at.朝…..挥手wave sb. goodbye

Chairman Mao waved to (at) people at boarding gate.

My son wave me goodbye

9. start doing sth. 开始做…. , start on(doing)开始进行,

You’d better start on your business.

10. probably, adv. very likely, almost certainly 大概,或许,很有可能

definitely adv. 明确,当然,肯定

It will probably rain today.

The answer is definitely correct.

11.It takes sb… to do …干… (花费…做…..)

It在此句中是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to live his life in the world he has to live in 。

It takes me three months to prepare for CET Band 4.

12. take sb by hand. by 常与动词take, seize, catch, lead等连用,表示“拉、扯、


The man caught / seized the thief by the arm.

He hit me in the face(stomach).

The man beat the boy on the head.

He laid a hand on my shoulder.

13. Teach him that for every bad man, there is a hero; that for every irresponsible

politician, there is a devoted leader; that for every enemy, there is a friend.


该句有三个that引导的从句,它们是并列关系,都是teach 的直接宾语。值得注意的是,该句中后面的That不可省略。

14. devote + 名词致力于,奉献于;devoted adj. 忠诚的, 献身的。

He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation.

He devoted himself to the noble cause

Jiao Yulu is a devoted civil servant.

15. wonder ['w?nd?]n.惊奇,v. 怀疑,想知道,惊讶

I wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came.

No wonder 难怪…

No wonder that people throng into theatre, the movie is so wonderful.

The Great Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world.

Alice in Wonderland.

16.It is far more… than …用于两者的比较,说明前者在程度上比后者强,表示“······得多”。far后面接比较级

It is far easier to recognize an error than to correct it.

Health is far more important than wealth.

17. honor v. n. 给荣誉,honorable adj.荣幸的,高贵的

It is my honor to give a presentation here.

He called for quiet and announced that the next song was in our honor 他叫大家安静,然后宣布下一首歌要送给我们。

Several of our teachers and students were honored with awards

18.faith n. have faith in 对······有信心

I have great faith in you—I know you'll do well.

lose faith in 对······失去信心

restore faith in 重建对······的信心

19.close one’s ears to拒绝听;对······充耳不闻

She closed/shut her ears to all the advice of her friends.

20.spoil 溺爱, to ruin sth. by making it less attractive, enjoyable, useful.搞糟弄坏She was not one of those mothers who spoil their children without understanding them.

The new road has completely spoiled the character of the village.

21. only the test of fire makes fine steel


IV Exercises


V. Homework:

1.完成Passage A 课后练习,课堂抽查.

2. 写一篇: Self-introduction.下次上课上交。

3.课外阅读Text B,完成课后作业,抽查。

V I Feedbacks of teaching

Unit III

I Teaching objectives:

1. Distinguish confusing pronunciations;

2.Learn how to express agreeing & disagreeing;

3. Improve reading skills;

4. Grasp the main idea and the structure of the text;

5. Master the key words and phrases and sentence patterns in the text;

6. Practice grammar using in making consistent sentence;

7. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking related to the theme of the unit;

8. Learn culture related

II Teaching Allotment

1. Listening (45mins)

A. Skills: listening to the stressed words;

B. Functions: how to express agreeing & disagreeing;

C. Conversation one practice ;

D. Conversation two practice ;

E. Practice: conversation one and two and exercises.

2. Speaking (45mins)

A . Conclude the phrases about expressing agreeing & disageeing

B. Role - play

C. Activities: role-play several situations according to guided conversation

D. Discussion after listening:

E. Passage listening :

6.Passage A study(4 sections):

7.Passage B study(2 section):

8.Exercise & grammar practice(2 section)

III Detailed study of text A

Passage A Another Door

Lead-in (20 mins)

C.Video watching & extended reading


Q1. Have you ever been in a dilemma while making a choice ? What was the dilemma and what was your choice ?

Q2. Have you ever regretted making such a choice? Why or Why not ?

Q3. How do you understand the story of “Sai Weng lost the horse” or “Fish and bear’s paw cannot be owned at the same time” ?

Language points.

1. 区别another,the other , other, others

两个中的“另一个”是“the other”; 不定数目中的“另一个”是“another”;

other指另外的人或物,可与some连用;the other 指两个中的另一个,常和one连用;the others表示其余所有的人或物;another则泛指另一个。

While at the university, he went to the library every other day.

This shirt is too large for me. Please show me another.

I have two pens. One is blue. The other (pen) is black.

Some cleaned the windows, others mopped the floor.

2. come across: meet or find sb/sth by chance 偶然发现

I came across an old friend in the street this morning.

When you come across something important , write it down.

3.But sometimes, just as I am about to do so, I find the article on the opposite side j ust as interesting.

●第一个just as 是连接词才,表示“正要,打算”,第二个just as 表示“正


●在这里: just as interesting as the article on the front side,类似的用法有:just

as good / bad / big,etc. (和······一样好/坏/大等)

●Just as you do in your family, do in your team.

●Be about to do 即将要做

●I am about to leave, it rains.

4.If I cut the front essay out, the opposite one is sure to be damaged, leaving out half

of it or keeping the text without its subject.

leaving 和keeping 在这句话中,都是现在分词作结果状语。

Jane fell off the bike, hurting her legs.

5. behave, behavior, behavious

v. 1) (~ oneself) to do or say things in a way that people think is good or correct


I couldn't believe these people were behaving in this way

aggressive behavious

6. damage 损害;损坏v. n.

He warned that the action was damaging the economy.

The sun can damage your skin.

区别:devastate ; destroy; ravage; injury; wound; hurt; harm,

Devastated has an emotional sense to it. It can or cannot have a physical element. It refers more to how the people affected by it feel.

When something is destroyed, it cannot be recovered.

Damage can range from almost nothing (it was slightly damaged) upward (it was severely damaged).

Ravaged is not as bad as destroyed, but it applies to a broader area. One building

can be destroyed, or damaged. An area can be ravaged(蹂躏).

harm:抽象的伤害为主。通常是不能直接造成伤害的伤害,需要一个过程。比如,Smoking is harmful.

hurt:可以是肉体的,疼痛,也可以是心理的。she hurt my feeling. I feel hurt. wound:主要是开放式伤口的伤害。比如,枪伤(bullet wound)


7. as a result 结果, 因此

As a result, we failed the competition.

He refused to have medical attention in the early stages, as a result he became seriously ill.

As a result, the scissors would stop before they start when I find out the possible result tha t will surely cause my regret.

that为关系代词,引导了限制性定语从句,既可指人,又可指物。它在从句中可以作主语、宾语和表语,做宾语和表语时可以省略。此句中,that 作定语从句中的主语,指代the possible result

Everyone who / that knew him liked him

8. at the same time 同时

Fish and bear’s paw cannot be owned at the same time.

Perhaps you can do both at the same time.

9.take up:to begin doing a job or an activity 开始从事

He left a job in the city to take up farming.

Anny used to be a model and has decided to take it up again.

10.give up 放弃

Peter had given up a promising career in law to become a teacher.

give in: 让步

They argued back and forth until finally Buth gave in.

give off. 散发(气味,光,热,声,….)

Chives (小香葱) give off a delicate oniony scent.

give over, 住口,闭嘴

Oh, give over complaining, we’re nearly there.

11.be (caught) in a fix , to have a problem that is difficult to solve

处于困境;遇到难题We're going to be in a real fix if we miss that bus.

I've lost my keys, so I'll be in a fix if the door is locked

12. how come used when asking why sth. has happened 怎么会

How come you’re not wearing your wedding ring?

How come you came here alone?

13.all at once all at the same time 同时

We have to deal with all questions all at once

Let's say “Cheese” all at once.

14. It may happen that our life changes suddenly just because we choose one over the other.


It happens that …:碰巧······

It happens that he has a mobile phone similar to the one I lost.

It happened that she wasn't at home that day.

It turned out that we ought to make a new plan.

15. engage in to be doing or become involved in an activity 从事;参与

They engage in regular exercise

They engage in more high-risk activities than women.

engage to 和… 订婚, (engagement 订婚,be engaged )

Have you met the man she has engaged to ?

engage for 对.. 负责, 担保

I will engage for his behavior should you decide to employ him.


16. give rise to to be the reason sth. happens or begins to exist 引起;导致

Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumors.

This plan has given rise to various problems.

17. 区别:passive(被动,消极的);passive voice 被动语态

positive(肯定,正面的);positive attitude积极地态度

active(积极活跃的);active classroom atmosphere. 活跃的课堂氛围18.区别:whatever: Whatever we do, we should do it well.

whoever: Whoever she meets, she will tell the same story.

wherever: Wherever you go, you cannot forget your country.

whenever: Whenever you want the book, you can take it.

However I really want the car, however much it costs.

19. land on to arrive somewhere in a boat, airplane, etc.(乘船、飞机等)抵达

Human beings can land on the moon

20.recite the last paragraph

IV Exercises 课堂抽查讲解。

V. Homework:

1.Write a letter to your parents or friends, tell them your impression on Sias, or your freshman college life下次上课上交。

2.完成Passage A 课后练习 ,课堂抽查.

3.课外阅读 Text B,完成课后作业。抽查。

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