

Dear Professorx,

I am a 2rd year PhD Candidate from xUniversityin P.R.Chinaand I am now applying for Joint-Supervision PhD student program. The committee told me that I should contact one potential advisor who can guide my research before I submit my application. Thus I write this letter to you to enquire the possibility for me to do research with you under your supervision.

I learned your field of study and experience from the website and your papers. I am really interested in your field and your researches did inspire me a lot.

The area I am now focusing on is the research on the……In this research, I am planning to……

One thing should be mentioned is that the china scholarship council(CSC) will provide financial support for my research in the U.S., which include both the daily expenses and the transportation cost.

If you have any question, please contact me via this email (xiaokuikuihnu@https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c7459094.html,). And you can learn more about me in the attachment (CV).Thanks for sparing time to read my letter. I am looking forward to your reply. Thanks.


【推荐】给导师的自荐信4篇 给导师的自荐信4篇 在现今人们越来越重视自我成长的社会,各种自荐信频频出现,我们时常通过写自荐信达成我推销的目的。写自荐信的时候,应该先写些什么?中间怎么写?最后怎么结尾呢?下面是小编为大家整理的给导师的自荐信4篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。给导师的自荐信篇1 尊敬的xx教授:您好!我叫xxx,今年报考了贵校的通信与信息系统专业的硕士研究生,已参加专业课笔试和面试。我渴望有机会就读您的硕士研究生,所以冒昧的给您写信。我今年考研初试总分为xxx分,其中政治xx分,英语xx分,数学xxx分,专业课xxx分。我知道我初试成绩不是很理想,若有幸能在您的指导下继续深造,我一定会更加努力,刻苦钻研。下面将我本科的学习情况向您汇报。我大学本科就读于xxx大学电子信息工程专业,在校期间热爱所学专业,认真学习专业基础知识,注重实验实践锻炼。曾获得国家励志奖学金一次、校优秀学生校友奖学金一次、校优秀学生奖学金二等奖两次;两次获得校“优秀团干”,两次获校“三好学生”称号;已获得英语四、六级证书和计算机二级C语言合格证书;思想上积极进步,于20xx年获得“优秀共产党员”称号;平时积极参加院系组织的活动,参加学校组织的暑期调研征文比赛并获得一等奖,参加全国大学生英语竞赛学校初赛并取得良好成绩,积极参加院系组织的篮球比赛、演讲比赛等文体活动。大学生活使我收获颇丰,增长了知识,开阔了眼界,综合素质也得到了很大提高。通过网络搜索和老师、学长介绍,得知xx教授您治学严谨,对学生要求严格,在无线协作通信网络中的编码和基于独立分量分析的盲多用户检测方法及高性能无线传感器网络等多方面有很深的研究造诣。我对您的研究领域很感兴趣,有强烈的好奇心和求知欲,特别希望能在您的门下就读,跟您学知识,做项目,进一步提高自己。若老师能给我这个机会,我一定会加倍努力,不辜负您的信任和期望!附件是我在校期间相关证书及成绩单复印件等。非常感谢您能在百忙之中抽出时间阅信。冒昧致信,恳请海涵!祝您工作顺利,身体安康!此致敬礼学生:给导师的自荐信篇2


202X美国留学套磁信范文 202X年已经过去快2个月,不知道各位准留学生准备的如何了。套 磁信都写好了吗?没写好的就来看看下面这篇范文吧,希望对大家有所启发。一起和我来看一下。 美国留学套磁信范文 Dear xxx, It is of great honor for me to contact you for the application of a PhD position in your prestigious group. I am xxx, a master student majored in Materials Engineering at xxx University, which is ranked around 10 in China. I am very interested in working with you so I write this email to you. I have passed the pre-application of the department, and the coordinator advised me submit a formal application to the department for further assessment. I have indicated in the application that I would like to join in your research group, because firstly my research background matches your research topics very well and secondly I am quite interested in working with you world leading scientists.


Dear professor Linus, I was president of student union of Xiamen University. We decided to organize a conference next month. We will come across to the scholars, teachers,students to attend the seminar. We kind of want to invite you to attend ourconference, and delivered a speech. The speech will be in July 7th, the school conference room. 9:00 in the morning to continue for two hours.Participants will be from our faculty in my department, who are so eager to get information on overseas study. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 1234567 if you have any questions. I am looking forward to your reply. With best wishes. Yours sincerely, the Students’ Union Dear Ms.Smith, I was president of student union of Xiamen University. I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on Jun 15. It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and Nature”. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 1234567 if you have any questions. I am looking forward to your reply. With best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Ming


考研学生写给导师的自荐信 尊敬的X老师: 您好! 我叫XXX,是XX大学管理系XXX级信息管理与信息系统专业的学生,通过老师的介绍和在读情报学专业师兄师姐的推荐,我参加了20XX年全国研究生入学考试,报考了XXX,今天冒昧打扰,请您见谅。 在20XX年的全国研究生入学考试中,我取得了情报学专业总分排名第四的成绩,其中政治,英语,信息资源管理基础,信息检索,总分。 我通过相关的渠道了解到您在情报学方面是一位很出色的老师,对情报学有着自己的研究成果。在本校老师讲解信息资源管理基础这门课程时,我就对其很感兴趣,并认识到信息资源在社会发展过程中的重要作用及其前景。同时,我对您所研究的课题也很感兴趣,了解到您在该领域已有自己的研究成果,学术态度严谨,所以非常希望能在您的课题组攻读我的硕士学位,我相信通过自己的努力,我能很好的完成硕士期间的任务,真诚地希望能攻读您20XX级的硕士研究生。 本科阶段,在师友的严格教益及个人的努力下,我认真学习本专业和相关专业的理论知识,并以优良的成绩完成了相关的课程,多次

获得国家励志奖学金、优秀学生奖学金等,为以后的实践工作打下了坚实的专业基础。 除了完成必修的课程之外,我更加注重对自己创新实践能力的培养,使自己在大学当中所学的知识能到得到更加实际的应用。 20XX年,我获得了一次锻炼自己的机会。在XX航空航天大学经济与管理学院胡恩华教授的带领下,经过对所学专业的认真分析与探讨,确定了一项研究课题,经过精心的准备之后,积极申请参加《XX 省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目》,申报科研课题《大学生信息素养影响研究》(项目编号:),获得学院领导的认可与批准,并且在该项目中担任项目负责人一职。在该项目实施的过程当中,全体成员团结协作,尽职尽责,时刻保持着实事求是的科研精神。本人及团队成员都积极收集各种参考文献,对国内外已有的研究研究成果进行了深刻的学习,在此基础上建立了我们自己独特的问题假设,进一步通过实践收集数据,分析数据,数据校验,得出结论,最终形成了自己的理论成果。在本人及团队成员的辛苦耕耘之下,规定时间内顺利完成科研创新项目,并通过省级专家验收,为学校、导师和团队赢得了一定的荣誉。在整个的研究过程当中,也使得我们得到了很大的锻炼,不但提高了自己的动手能力、组织能力、领导能力,而且使自己的逻辑思维更加的严密。我在基础知识,设计实验,操作能力等方面积累了一定的经验,为读研打下坚实的基础。目前已经发表学术论文2篇,另外一篇已投稿(复试的时候我会带上相关的原件)。在


swco美国留学套磁信PHD范文6篇 以下是留学美国研究生套磁信范文,由留学 e 网收集为大家提供套磁信范文写作参考,希望对大家有所帮助。套磁在留学美国申请中非常重要,尤其是准备读PHD勺同学。 1 Dear Professor ####: I am very sorry to bother you and send this e-mail, but I really wish to contact you. I am a graduate student majoring in Condensed Matter Physics Theory in the Department of Physics, Beijing University (Beijing). I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Physics at your University. My desired date of entrance is Fall, 2000. I have visited the homepage of the "Laboratory for Nanotech". I amwriting this letter to you to introduce myself and query about the graduate programs at NCCNM. Thank you very much for reading this email. Born on SEP 10, 1979, I entered Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology (HUST) when I was 15 years old. I finished the four-year undergraduate program in three years and achieved my degree of B. Eng. (Optoelectronic Engineering) in June 1997 with the honor of "Outstanding Graduate". Then, I was admitted to the Graduate School of Beijing University at the Department of Physics. I will obtain my degree of M. S. (Physics) in June 2000. I have done much research work on the topics of mesoscopic physics, such as carbon nanotubes, persistent currents, Aharonov-Bohm geometric phase effects, electronic transport phenomena, etc. Such modern research topics attract mevery much in that they are associated with both Condensed-Matter Physics and microelectronics, respectively my detail majors for M. S. and B. Eng. I wish to say that I amindeed interested in the graduate programs at Physics Dept. of Princeton University, and I eagerly wish that I can join your research group. As I have also strong research interests on carbon nanotubes, I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study under your direction will be of great help to me. I wonder, however, whether you do theoretical or experimental research works? I wish to state that, although my current research topics on carbon nanotubes are theoretical, I can also do experimental research works, especially optical studies, due to my undergraduate major in Optics. I hope my solid background in both physics and engineering can meet your general requirements of entrance to Physics Department as a graduate with financial supports. I deem it a great honor to become a graduate of Princeton, if admitted. Would you please consider my application and tell me whether it is possible for me to be enrolled as your graduate with financial supports? Thank you very much for your kind assistance. I am looking forward to receiving your reply. My current address is: ####### Building Room University Beijing 100080 People's Republic of China


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除国外访学邀请函模版 篇一:访问学者邀请函模板1 Dr.xx mailboxxx xxxxxuniversity xx,xx,p.R.china, Zipcode DearDr.xxxx Itismypleasuretoinviteyouasavisitscholar (orpostdoc)tovisit,fromxx-xxtoxx-xx.. Iunderstandyouwillbesupportedbyascholarshipfromthec hinascholarshipcouncil. Youwillbeperformingresearchundermydirection,andwith membersofmygroup,onthefieldsofxxxxx.Youshallbeprovi dedanofficeandaccesstoourlabandotherresearchfacilit

iesasappropriate. welookforwardtoyourvisit. sincerely, 篇二:国外导师邀请函模板 模板一 Dear。。。。 Itismygreatpleasuretoinviteyoutocomeandworkinmylabo ratoryintheschoolof。。。。。。asapartofyourphDtrainingwith。。。。luniversity. Theperiodoftraininginmylaboratorywillbefor12monthsb eginninginseptemberof20XX.Itismyunderstandingthatyo urstipendandhealthinsurancewillbecoveredbyascholars hipfromchina.Iwillprovidethenecessaryfundsforthesup pliesrequiredforyoutoundertakeresearchwithinmygroup .notuitionpaymentwillberequiredbyT。。。 IwouldalsoliketopointoutinthisletterthatIamsatisfie dthatyou(。。。)meetourstandardsinenglishlanguageproficiencyforfore ignstudents.wearelookingforwardtothetimethatyouwill


如何给导师写自荐信 如何给导师写自荐信 篇一: 给导师的自荐信尊敬的 XX 教授: 您好~我叫 XX,我是天水师范学院XX学院(系) 08 级本科生,专业是XXXX。我了解到您的研究方向是 XXXXXXX,对其很感兴趣,从网上得知您在该领域做了深入研究,因此非常希望成为您的研究生,在您的指导下进行深入学习,并积极协助您完成相关科研和其他课题项目,扎实培养科学研究与创新能力。我的学习情况: 1、大学前三年的平均学分绩 90,居专业第一(1/XX),综合测评成绩居专业第二(2/XX)。在 201X——201X 学年获得国家奖学金(2/XX)、校一等奖学金及校三好学生称号;在 201X——201X 学年获得国家励志奖学金、校一等奖学金及校三好学生称号。 2、在计算机方面,我通过了全国计算机二级、三级,并利用课余时间学习AutCAD、CAXA、Slid rks 绘图软件、Phtshp 图像处理软件,并系统深入的学习ffice 等常用文档处理工具。 3、在英语方面,通过了四级(XX)、六级(XX),具备了一定的英语听、说、读、写能力。如果能有幸成为老师的研究生,我将踏实努力的完成您下达的任务。我个人的特点: 1、喜欢制定明确的目标,并有很强的规划意识,并且在生活学习中朝着目标坚定不移的实施; 2、对自己要求严格,但我并不是一味的读书,也爱看看其他书籍(如经济、 法律等),也注意学习与娱乐相结合;

3、喜欢独立思考,不懂的地方及时向老师寻求解答。接下来,我将好好准备复试,冒昧的问老师,面试时主要考察哪些知识,我应该看哪些书籍。希望老师给予我指导以及提出对我的要求。感谢您在忙碌的工作中抽时间读我的信,衷心祝愿您身体健康,工作顺利~此致敬礼~学生: 赵兴文二?一二年四月八日 篇二: 研究生录取后选择导师之自荐信敬爱的吴老师: 您好,我叫某某某,是郑州大学公共管理学院行政管理专业学生,原来报考的是南京大学企业管理,初试376分,现在被我们兰大管院企管录取。请您恕我冒昧,在您百忙之中打扰您,但是我真心诚意、诚惶诚恐地恳求能够做您的硕士研究生。如有不到之处,还敬请吴老师海涵。 一、名师风范我在兰大有两个管院的好朋友,一周前一来兰大时就听说他们对您的满怀崇敬和景仰的介绍。近几天,我也特意阅读了您写的《不确定条件下vmi供应链协调的期权合约研究》,《NK模型及其在组织与战略管理研究中的应用》,《国外注意力基础观研究现状探析与未来展望》,《不完全信息条件下企业R D最优投资时机的期权博弈分析》,《创新能力不对称企业研发投资策略时机研究》,《经营成本对企业研发投资决策影响的期权博弈分析》,《企业内员工间知识互换的博弈分析》等文章,语言严谨理性、宏博丰富,果然是大师风范,果然是名不虚传~我感到热血澎湃,一直希望什么时候我也能遇到像您这样一位导师来指点我,让我能够看到战略管理和行为决策理论真理的光芒,掌握组织理论和创新管理的规律。再看您获得的荣誉和主持的科研项目,更是令我敬慕不已,对知识的渴求、对学术的敬畏、对项目管理的深爱如江海喷发一样不可抑制、无法阻挡地在我胸中决堤了。我本科期间一直觉得大学的理想状态和完美愿景,我在您身上看到了实现的希望。


尊敬的xxx老师: 您好! 在您百忙之中冒昧发邮件给您多有打扰,望老师海涵。我是之前跟老师联系过的来自中国XX大学XX专业的XXX,目前正在申请进入滋贺大学研究生院学习。进入大学以来我一直对日本的企业制度,尤其是日本企业的治理结构与欧美企业治理结构的不同怀有强烈的兴趣,在浏览老师的主页信息之后,我有幸拜读了老师的多篇论文,欣喜地确认了老师的研究领域与我这一研究兴趣相契合,也深感这一领域的研究复杂艰深,因此我由衷企盼着老师能够成为我这一段修学之旅的引路人。 老师您专攻经营学,钻研日本企业的企业制度,经营战略和企业管理等,曾严谨详实地分析过诸多日本企业从明治以来起步,发展的历程,在其运营原理,企业性质等方面提出了许多具有创新性的观点。而我也一直对日本企业的这些特点抱有浓厚的研究兴趣。众所周知,日本企业的现代化之路肇始于明治年间,虽然自那时起便已引入股份制等欧美国家的企业制度,但受文化与社会条件,思维方式等的影响,日本的企业制度一开始就不同于英美的企业制度。明治时期的日本企业在内部贯彻经营家族主义的理念,将企业视为家族,雇主对员工具有家长似的恩惠精神,关心其生活,诱发员工对企业的归属意识和对雇主的服从,忠诚,员工与间相互提携。这样的经营理念可溯源至日本传统文化中的“和为贵“的意识与“恩情”意识。在企业间关系方面,也与美国企业间自由竞争,激烈角逐的景象与主张机会平等,反对垄断行为的思维模式截然不同,日本企业间采取联合行动,形成长期稳定合作关系的案例比比皆是。系列化因此成为日本企业制度特征的关键词,横向上不同行业的大企业之间组成企业集团,纵向上形成基于生产分工的企业群体。企业追逐的目标也不仅是更高的利润率,而且是不断提升企业的销售额,市场占有率与企业的社会地位。同时,在欧美,筹划企业间的竞争战略一般被视为企业家和经营者的职责,而日本企业间竞争受到经营家族主义和集团主义行动方式的影响,企业从上到下普遍具有参与竞争的积极性,都以不同的方式尽可能的发挥自身作用,从而使企业间竞争演化为不同集团之间的竞争。明治,大正时期日本企业形成的这些特点之后虽历经美国占领军经济政策的改造,泡沫经济破灭后的自我调整等诸多因素的影响,但迄今仍颠簸不破,成为学界的研究热点。这些都是我在广泛阅读和思考后进行的粗浅归纳,贻笑大方了,还望老师能对我进行更深入的点拨。 对于刚才提到的日本企业制度,经营战略,企业管理上的特点,老师在这方面的研究造诣深厚。您尤其擅长由点及面,从对日本某些行业的企业的研究提出日本企业的普遍性特征。在拜读老师的作品时我得到了很多有益的启发。譬如对日本的陶瓷企业的研究,老师著作颇丰。在“日本型スピンオフ戦略の形成プロ


访问学者邀请函解析 访问学者邀请函解析 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 每年都有很多访问学者申请出国,但是苦于没有好一点的邀请函模版,如此就无法给国外导师表述邀请函的重要信息,导师也不知道怎么写邀请函才能最好的配合学生,我们就为大家列一个比较标准的中英文对照的模板,希望能对大家有所帮助。 【邀请函的具体要求】 1.使用留学院校专用信纸。 2.申请人的基本信息(包括姓名、出生日期、国内院校) 3.标明留学身份(联合培养博士生,美国学校提供的身份应能申请J-1签证,学生应向美方学校索取DS2019表) 4.留学的起止时间和留学期限。 5.明确指导教师,留学专业或受邀人在国外要从事的研究课题。 6.费用情况(是否免学费或提供学费,是否收取注册费或提供其他工作机会等。如收取学费,又提供资助或工作职位,则应标明具体额度。 7.注明申请人的外语水平符合国外院校的要求。 8.外方负责人的联系方式及发邀请人的签字。 9.如申请专项奖学金项目,需要对方在邀请信中明确推荐意见。 我当时给导师写的邀请请说明: Applicant should also be demanded to submit invitation letter to ChinaScholarship Council (CSC). If possible, I sincerely want to obtaininvitation letter from you and I’ll be very appreciate about it. Pleasedon’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question. According to theproposition of CSC, the invitation letter should contain following items. a. Use special letter paper of host institution。 b. Contain basic information of applicant, such as name, birth date and domestic institution。 c. Indicate the station of applicant in host institution.


篇一:出国留学自荐信及推荐信 浅谈ps的写法 001-11-19 10:49:36 1.个 性 原 则 : 我相 信申请出国的大多数人都不是牛人。当你不是牛人,无法向对方吹嘘自己是多么的聪明的时候, 你就必须向对方展现自己的个人魅力。当你坐在计算机前开始写作的时候,你一定要想清楚自 己是什么样的人,自己有什么优点。如果你不能让对方相信你的聪明和爱因斯坦是同数量级的 (这种人指的是毕业于名校,gpa在3.8以上),那么你就应该让他相信你的勤奋或是坚韧 的毅力与阿甘相比有过之而无不及,--------当然你也可以想出你的其他优点。不过,你也 不要把我的意思弄拧了,我并不是说,你不能说自己是聪明的,而是说,你或许可以着更多的 笔墨在你的勤奋上。毕竟,聪明仅仅是成功的一个因素,而你的毅力,合作力等等可能是成功 更重要的因素。 2.专 业 原 则 你在 你的ps和rl里首先要写大量的专业性的东西,并且在写rl的时候尤其要以指导老师的口 吻写很多你做实验的细节性的东西,并且说你如何解决了一些决定性的问题。 象去骗签证官,如果你无法说出一两个专业名词的话,即使有大学毕业证书证明你是哪所学校 什么专业毕业的,也不能让签证官相信你确实是去美国上学,而不是去打工或移民什么的。因 为任何文件都可以造假,而你的思想是造不了假的。你要尽量把你的思想给反映出来。 你一 定要记住,美国的大学之所以给你奖学金,求着你去学他们的理工科专业,并不是因为你的英 语学的比美国人好,gre考的比美国人高,或是想给中国免费培养人才,而是你能为他们做实 验,能给他们出文章,你在美国攻读学位期间所做的工作将会或大或小的为美国的经济发展做 出贡献,尽管也许一时还看不出来。所以,专业原则是最重要的一个原则。


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 中文,套磁信模板 篇一:美国留学申请:“套磁信”模板 美国留学申请:“套磁信”模板 套磁本是一个结识对方的方式,但是现在也被无限的放大。可以说这种方式在上世纪末,还算是一个申请的秘籍,但是慢慢的,当我们获得的信息信息越来越多的时候,也慢慢被人熟知。其实现在国内的留学界还有很多错误的信息在蔓延,但是我们只有靠时间的积累来冲刷这些信息,大浪淘沙之后,才能有真相大白的一天,但是这一天什么时候能到来由于某些不良留学中介的出现,使得这一天被大大推迟了。至于套磁,很多留学中介也是大包大揽的,“帮”我们解决了,但是实际上很多都是用一些现成的模板,完全没有取得套磁的效果,甚至这些模板还会让导师讨厌我们,换句话说也就是取得了坏的结果。那么,这些模板有没有用呢其实作用还是有的,也就是这些套磁信模板可以让我们了解,到底怎样写套磁信,套磁信该是什么样的,为我们自己写套磁信指明一个方向。 因此今天无老师就为大家展示出一些套磁信的模板或

者说样本。 模板1: dearprofessorsmith: iamacollegegraduatefromabcuniversity,withadegreeinc omputerscience,currentlyworkingfulltimeasacomputerp rogrammerwithbankofchina,butinterestedinapplyingfor aResearchassistantshipatyourschool.dr.songprovidedm ewithyoure-mailaddressandsuggestedthatiwriteyouabou tapossibleposition. iattendedthespecialclassofgifteduseatabcuniversityw heniwas14yearsoldandearnedmybachelor’sdegreeincomputersciencetherein1996.sincegraduation ,ihavebeenworkingwiththetechnologydepartment,bankof china.myresponsibilityatthebankistodevelopapplicati onsoftwareforinternalusageandhelpmanagingthebank’sdatabaseandnetwork.iledortookpartinseveralkeyproje ctssuchasForeignexchangesavingsaccountsnetworkingsy stem,thestatedragoncardnetworkingsystemandthedragon card-stockFundstransferringsystem.withmyhardworking andcontinuouslearning,ihavegainedtremendouspractica


外国专家邀请函模板 篇一:专家邀请函 外国专家来沪工作邀请函 尊敬的大使及领事, 我司XXXX公司,因XXX工作需要,特此邀请XXXX先生作为外国专家,来沪指导并工作。他将来我司担任XXX一职,进行为期XX年的工作,工作时间自XXXX至XXXX。请予以办理相关工作签证邀请。XXX先生资料如下: 此致 敬礼! XXXXX公司 2012年11月5日 篇二:老外英文邀请函模板下载 外商来华邀请函格式

AFORMALVISAINVITATION格式 公司抬头TO *********ATTENTION:****** AFORMALVISAINVITATION DearSirorMadam: WeareverypleasedtoinviteMr.***cometoourfactoryforvisitingandbusinessnegotiation.Thebusine sstripwillstartfrom18thApril2005.Andbecausethelongbusinessc o-operationinfuturebetween**对方公司名 andus,theywillcometoChinaformanytimes. Pleasenote,however,thatwedon’tassumeanylegalorfinancialresponsibilitywhateverregardingth epresenceof******inChina.Allexpensesof*****'Sjourneyto/fromChina,theirstayinChinaaswellashealthinsurance willbebornebytheiremployers.


导师自荐信4篇 dear sir/madam: please consider me for your sales management program. my background is one of selling ideas, concepts and programs, and of motivating myself and others to realize our potential. attitudes predict behavior - or so goes the saying in sales. if this holds true, i am sure to be as successful in sales management as i am in my college endeavors. my unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives. because of my “can do”attitude, sales will provide the challenge and opportunity to continue my successful history of setting and achieving goals. please allow me the opportunity to elaborate on how my background predicts sales success. i guarantee you’ll be providing your corporation with an outstanding sales management . thank you for your attention. sincerely, deng yun 考研给导师的自荐信 您好!我叫林雅倩,是今年考上中山大学国际贸易专业研究生的一位女生。很早就在网上看到过关于您的介绍,在我的印象中您是位有较深学养、有着丰富实践经验的优秀教师,也是一


Explore the possibility to be a visiting PHD student under your supervision Dear Professor ***: I'm looking for the opportunity to be a visiting PHD student under your supervision Dear Professor ***, I’m ***, a first year PHD candidate from *** University, Beijing, China. I’m writing to you to apply for an admission to study and research under your instruction through a Joint-Training Doctoral Program sponsored by China Scholarship Council (CSC). I know you because I’ve read many of your research papers. My major is applied mathematics and my research interests mainly include ***, etc. After browsing your website, I am very interested in your research and I sincerely hope you can accept me to join your group to make some contributions.I am good at Matlab and by now I have written 3 papers in my research field: (1)。。。(2)。。。(3)。。。 About the program, it is a non-profit institution supported by the Chinese Government, which will provide financial support coving all the cost of living for the excellent PHD students to study abroad for 12-24 months. The applicants are supposed to go back to their original university to obtain their doctoral degree after this program. Besides, CSC will support me to invite you to visit my university after the program. Enclosed is my CV and papers. Should you require any more information, I would be glad to give them to you. Thank you very much for your kind consideration! I’m looking forward to your response at your earliest convenience. Best Wishes! Yours sincerely, ***


(红色部分信息补充填写完整后请删除提示语,包括红色字和图框) Address information of foreign professor :····························· Phone of foreign professor :·························· Fax of foreign professor :·························· Email of foreign professor :·································· December 10, 2014 Ji······· ········Professor The School of ·················Technology ········ Road, ·········Town, t ······ Hangzhou 310023, P.R.China. Dear Dr. ··········, I am pleased to invite you as a visiting scholar to our program, at the Maxwell School of ············ of ······· University from September 1, 2015 to September 1, 2016. As I understand, the CSC or your university which would cover the full cost of living, travel, medical insurance, etc. for the duration of your visit abroad. You will focus your research training on social policy. When you visit our university, you can engage in your project of the Study on t ·······································. You can audit some courses to sharpen your research skills. The Maxwell School ··················will provide you access to the libraries and offer you an office space. Based on my contact with you, I am happy to confirm that your spoken English is sufficiently fluent to allow communication with the other members of the university. In sum, I look forward to hosting you as a visiting scholar and anticipate that your stay at Syracuse University will be mutually beneficial. Sincerely, PhD, Professor ········ 注意:Use special letter paper of host institution (使用邀请单位专用信纸打印)


Dear Prof. XXX: I am a postgraduate student of (硕士毕业的专业、学校), I went to your class and deeply touched by your wisdom and academic thoughts. I had the pleasure of reading your book (导师著作), and can’t be more agree with your point of view and admire very much on your academic level. I would apply for your doctoral student of(考博的专业). My postgraduate tutor is Professor XXX, and (硕士时期的研究方向)is my research direction. During my graduate study, I participated in many subjects, including (硕士时期做过的各项研究). I have accumulated a lot of experiences about scientific research. Thank you very much for reading my letter , if given a chance to pursue advanced studies, I would highly appreciate. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, XXXXXXXX
