
表示谦虚的口语还有哪些:1.It’s nothing. 不足挂齿。2.I’m flattered. 过奖了。3.I am all ears! 洗耳恭听!4.Don't flatter me. 过奖了。

分别时的口语还有哪些:1. Drop me a line! 要写信给我! 2. I'll miss you。我会想念你的。 3. Keep in Touch. 保持联络

表示关心的口语还有哪些:1.Take care! 保重! 2.Be careful! 注意! 3.Feel better? 好点了吗? 4.Why so blue? 怎么垂头丧气?

KTV的口语还有哪些:1. I am tone-deaf. 我五音不全。2. I wish I could. 我唱不了。 3. How big of you! 你真棒!

饭馆的口语还有哪些:1. Make it Dutch. 各付各的。2. Bill please!服务员,结账! 3. May I have a menu ?我可以看菜单吗?

鼓励别人的口语还有哪些:1.Cheer up! 振作起来!2.Good job! 做得好! 3.Bless you! 祝福你! 4.Keep it up! 坚持下去!

发泄情绪的口语还有哪些:1.My god! 天哪! 2.I quit! 我不干了! 3.Drop it! 停止!

请客吃饭的口语还有哪些:1. Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。2. Be my guest. 别客气。 3. It’s my treat. 这次我请客!

回答赞许的口语有哪些:1. 低调型:It’s nothing. 不足挂齿。 2. 普通型:It's part of my job!是我份内的事! 3. 高调型:You can say that again. 你可以再说一遍,我不介意。

让某人闭嘴的口语还有哪些:1.Nuts! 呸! 2.Shut up! 闭嘴! 3.Bottle it! 闭嘴!4.Big mouth! 多嘴驴!5.Be quiet! 安静点!

分别时的口语还有哪些:1. Drop me a line! 要写信给我! 2. I'll miss you。我会想念你的。 3. Keep in Touch. 保持联络。

表示鼓励的口语有哪些:1. Good job! 做得好! 2. You look awesome。你看起来棒极了! 3. Never mind. 不要紧。

表示抱怨的口语有哪些:1. I feel rotten. 感觉糟透了。2. It’s been a long day. 今天烦死了。3. I am fed up. 我厌倦了。

表示警告的句型有这些:1. Don't over do it. 别太过分了。2. Don't over do it! 别做过头了! 3. Don't get loaded. 别喝醉了。4. Stay out of it! 你别插手!

被别人催促时,可以这样说:1. What's the rush? 什么事那么匆忙? 2. Don't push me! 别催我!3. We still have time. 我们还有时间。

对仗工整的经典口语有:1. So far, so good! 还过得去! 2. No pain no gain! 不牢无获! 3. Take it, or leave it! 要不要由你!

Forget it! 休想! 有关表达拒绝的:1. I decline! 我拒绝! 2. Do I have to? 我一定要做吗? 3. Are you crazy? 你疯了吗?

Chin Up! 不气馁,振作些 Keep your chin up! 有关表达安慰的:1. Hold your horses. 放轻松点,别那么紧张。 2. Nobody is perfect. 人无完人,谁都会有缺点的。3. Take it easy!Life goes on! 别那么想不开,生活还要继续。

对某人表示厌烦的口语还有哪些:1.Don't give me that! 少来这套! 2.Don't get high hat. 别摆架子。3.Don't fall for it! 别上当! 4.Don't coun

t on me. 别指望我。

表示再见的口语还有哪些:1.See you. 再见。2.So long. 再见。3.I'll be seeing you. 再见。

The wind blows as usual. Flowers blooms as usual. The sun rises from the east as before. But something has changed. 风还是一样地吹。花还是一样地开。太阳还是一样地升起。可是有些事情已经变得不一样了。

No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown——没有播种,何来收获;没有辛劳,何来成功;没有磨难,何来荣耀;没有挫折,何来辉煌。

【姿势的几种表达】姿势 posture/pose/position;站姿stance;蹲下 crouch down; 跪下 get down on one’s kneel/ kneel down;弯腰bend down; 低头ower one’s head 翘腿坐/盘坐 sit with one’s legs crossed; 靠背而坐 settle back; 站起来stand up; 坐直 sit up; 躺下lie down

I heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on. ——听说幸福很简单。简单到时间一冲就冲淡。

A smart girl knows how to love. A smarter one knows who to love. 聪明的女孩知道怎样去爱。更聪明的女孩知道去爱谁。

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. 生活,不是为了寻找自我,而是要塑造自我。

【介词口语活用之out(1)】1. Cut it out 别闹了! 2. Get out出去 3. pass out昏倒/失去知觉 I passed out 我当时晕过去了;4. hang out一起玩 U wanna hang out tonight? 5. make out 亲热 They're making out;6. Out of sight, out of mind 眼不见心不烦!

【口语小词大用之throw篇】1. throw a party 开派对;2. I gotta throw up 我得吐了;3. I'll take it if you throw in that T-shirt. 如果那件T恤免费给我的话这个东西我就买;4. throw cold water on my ideas 打击我的想法,泼冷水

【关于Play的俚语】1. play the field 滥交、(感情等)不专一;2. play the devil with 搅乱、把...搞坏;3. play the fool 扮丑角(以引人发笑);4. play second fiddle 担任二把手、居次要地位;5. play to the gallery 迎合大众,迎合大众的低级趣味;6. play with fire 玩火,做危险的事

【实用英语短句】1. Shoot! 有话快说!2. Check please. 买单!3. Don`t expect too much. 别期待太多。4. Leave it to me. 交给我(来处理)吧。5. Same here. 我也是。6. Bring it on! 放马过来!7. Truth be told. 老实说。8. Wake up and smell the coffee! 清醒点,面对现实!

miss相关词组:1)miss out on错失了2)miss the boat错失良机3)miss a chance/opportunity to do something 错过机会做某事。4)miss fire达不到预期目的 5)You can’t miss it (=it is very easy to notice)你一定能找到的 6)never miss a trick从不错过

【常见单词你不熟悉的口语意思】1.change换衣服 I need to change before I go out出门之前我得换下衣服 2.blue忧伤的 I feel blue today今天我心情不

好 3.hit去 I need to hit KFC我得去趟肯德基 4.kill表现很棒 You just killed it 你刚才的表现特棒 5.hammered 喝醉了 She's hammered 她喝多了

【“娘娘腔”和“男人婆”】1. “娘娘腔”用英语来说是sissy/cissy,指女孩子气的男人,例如:This guy looks like a sissy. 此男看起来太娘了。2. “男人婆”或“假小子”在英语里是tomboy,指性格行为很像男孩的女孩,例如:My sister is really a tomboy. 注意tomboy只是名词,而sissy有形容词词性

【人生的十项修炼】(1)孤独 solitude(2)寂寞 loneliness(3)痛苦 pain(4)压力 pressure(5)诱惑 temptations(6)挑战 challenges(7)暗箭伤人 back-stabbing(8)丢脸 losing face(9)责任 responsibilities(10)失败 failures

Never take someone's feelings as a joke. You will never know how much it fucking hurts. 不要把他人的感情当儿戏,你永远不知道这有多伤人。

Talent is luck. The important thing in life is courage. 天赋异秉是一种运气。生命中最重要的,是勇气。

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated. 有时候,思念会让整个世界变得荒芜

【劈腿那点事】1)two timer劈腿 2)mistress小三3)commit adultery犯通姦4)adulterer 男性的通姦者5)adulteress 女性的通姦者6)unfaithful 出轨=having committed adultery不忠7)having an affair有外遇;8)cheat背叛/偷吃;9)step out on 不忠实;10)cuckold与…的妻子通奸使其丈夫戴绿帽子

There's “lie” in believe, “over” in lover. 就算是believe中间也藏着一个lie,就算是lover里面也有个over。

Live in the moment, because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.. 活在当下吧。因为你用来生气或沮丧的每一秒钟,都是你遗失的快乐,找不回来

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure. 成功是没有秘密的。它是有所准备,努力工作和从失败中吸取教训的结果

Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure. 被击败不是最坏的失败,真正的失败是根本没有试过 努力过。

【都市人的八大古怪流行病】:The Monday Syndrome 星期一综合症;Prosopagnosia 脸盲症;Trypophobia 密集恐惧症;Premenstrual syndrome 经期综合症;Holiday syndrome 假期综合症;Choose disabilities 选择障碍症;Procrastination 拖延症;Bulimia nervosa 易饿症

The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone.”— Mitch Albom 我们唯一浪费的时间就是那些我们用来思考我们的孤独的时间

It sucks when you know that you need to let go but you're still waiting for the impossible to happen——有时候很纠结,明知该放手,却仍等待着不可能的发生。

Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your

arms and wakes up in your dreams——相爱就是她在你的怀里酣然入睡,然后在你的梦里悄然醒来。

【有关heart的短语】:1)lose your heart to someone爱上某人 2)win one's heart获得某人欢心 3)pour out one's heart倾诉衷肠 4)one’s heart is in one's mouth 十分紧张,焦急万分 5)heart to heart 诚恳的,诚心的 6)have a change of heart 改变看法 7)hard-hearted/heart of stone 铁石心肠

The ones that love us never really leave us. You can always find them in your heart——爱过我们的人从未离开,他们总会出现在我们的心里

"Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for life time." 不要玩弄别人的感情,因为你可能赢得这场游戏,但风险却可能会永远失去他。

Past is a nice place to visit, but certainly not a good place to stay. “过去”是个观光的好地方,但是的确不适合长期逗留。

【各种零食的表达】零食snack food;巧克力chocolate;葡萄干raisin;花生peanut;瓜子seeds;棒棒糖lollipop;葵花籽sunflower seeds;薯片crisps;什锦坚果mixed nuts;爆米花popcorn;冰淇淋ice cream;棉花糖marshmallow;果冻jelly

Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to!——有些人成功,是因为他们命中注定要成功;但绝大部分人成功,是因为他们下定决心要成功!

【人际关系】:1.I get along/on well with him.我和他很合得来 2.I look up to him.我很尊敬他 3.I despise him./I look down on him.我瞧不起他 4.She ignored me.她不搭理我 5.I'm on your side.我是站在你这边的 6.He's mean to me.他对我很刻薄 7.I'm obligated to him./I owe him.我欠他的情

Every great achievement was once considered impossible——每一件伟大的成就,都曾被看做不可能。

【酒店管理词汇】check-in住宿登记;check-out退房;hotel rates房价;advance deposit定金;discounts折扣;lowest price最低价;single rooms单人间;double rooms双人间;deluxe suites豪华套房;Presidential suites总统套房;hotel Features酒店特色;room Facilities房间设施;housekeeping客房服务

【随声附和】:1.I see.我知道了(边表示自己已理解,边使对话顺利进行) 2.Uh-huh.嗯嗯(同意对方的意见) 3.Is that right?/Is that so?/Is that true?/Is that correct?是那样吗?/这样对吗?4.Exactly!没错!5.And? 然后呢?6.No kidding!/You're kidding!/You're joking!/That can't be!开玩笑吧!

You can't always change someone. Sometimes, you have to either accept who they are, or learn to live without them——有些人是你无法改变的,有时候,你只能接受原本的他们,或者学着放手。

You don’t always have to be what they want you to be.你不需要总是符合别人心目中的你。

If life is divide

d into two episodes, the first is “hesitance-free”, while the second is“ regret-free”——若将人生一分为二,前半段叫做 “不犹豫”,后半段叫做 “不后悔”

常见乐器的表达】1.violin小提琴 2.viola中提琴 3.cello大提琴 4.bass低音提琴 5.guitar吉他 6.cymbals钹 7.trombone长号 8.saxophone萨克斯管 9.piccolo短笛 10.flute长笛 11.oboe双簧管 12.clarinet单簧管 13.tuba大号 14.trumpet小号 15.xylophone木琴 16.bass drum大鼓 17.snare drum小鼓

Wherever you go,no matter how bad the weather is,just bring your own sunshine. —— 无论去哪儿,不管天气如何,一定记得带上自己的阳光。

【老外常说的10个形容词】1.great 太棒了;太好了 2.amazing: 使人十分惊讶的 3.awesome: 极好的;很棒的 4.incredible 难以置信的;惊人的 5.cool: 好;帅;酷; 6.cute: 可爱的;逗人喜爱的 7.excellent: 优秀的;8.wonderful: 极好的,绝妙的9.fabulous: 极妙的10.fantastic: 极出色的

催促"他人的表达:1. Hurry up! 赶快!2. We have to get out of here quickly.我们得赶快离开这里。3. Would u take care of this right away, plz? 你能尽快处理下这个吗?4. You gotta finish it as soon as possible. 你得尽快完成它。5. Can't u go any faster?你就不能快点吗?

【关于girl的俚语】1. That's my girl=That's my girl of whom I'm proud. 表示对女孩的赞赏,女孩长辈或BF均适用;2. glamor girl 注重仪表的靓女;3. golden girl 成功女郎;4. girl next door 邻家女孩,指既不富贵也不有名的普通女孩;5. a call girl 应召女郎;6. girl Friday 忠实能干的女助手

Fate determines who enters your life, your actions decide who stays. 谁走进你的生命,是由命运决定;谁停留在你生命中,却是由你自己决定。

There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people. —— 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。

When you can no longer possess it, the only thing you can do is not to forget. 当你不可以再拥有的时候,你唯一可以做的,就是令自己不要忘记。

Fate determines who enters your life, your actions decide who stays. 谁走进你的生命,是由命运决定;谁停留在你生命中,却是由你自己决定。

My attitude is based on how you treat me.我对你的态度,取决于你怎么对我。

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer. — Ralph Waldo Emerson. 英雄并非比常人要更勇敢,不过是比常人能多勇敢五分钟。

Do what makes you happy, not what makes them happy.做让你自己开心的事,而不是让别人开心的事。

Gratitude consists of being more aware of what you have, than what you don't. 感恩之心,就是要更多地看到自己拥有的,而不是自己没有的。

You don’t get another chance. Life is not Nintendo game.你不会有第二次机


The person in life who you will always be with the most is yourself. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. 能从始至终陪我们走完人生的,只有我们自己,所以多照顾自己,多爱惜自己吧。

Some things are so awkward to say, but so easy to text.有些话说出来很尴尬,发短信反而容易点。

迎春花 Winter jasmine,

【各种肉的表达】嫩肉 tender meat; 瘦肉 lean meat; 肥肉 fat meat 或 fatty meat; 腌制肉 cured meat; 烟燻肉 smoked meat; 肉干jerky; 肉松 meat floss; 烟燻肉 smoked meat; 嚼不烂的肉tough meat; 香肠sausage; 罐头肉canned meat

peach blossom 桃花

rape flower 油菜花。

Plan your year in spring and your day at dawn.一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。

Be nice to people on your way up, because you' ll meet them on your way down.往上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为你掉下来时,还会遇到他们。

Love is like waiting for a bus. In order to get happiness, you need patience.爱就像等公交,只有耐心才能等到幸福。

I hate you, and I love you. It’s like I want to throw you off a cliff, then rush to the bottom to catch you.我恨你,我又爱你。这感觉就像我想把你扔下悬崖,然后又急忙跑到山底接住你一样。

I push people away when all I really want is someone to hug me and tell me it’s okay.我推开别人,其实我真正想要的是有人抱住我,对我说一切都好。

Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.与其抱怨玫瑰丛长满了刺,还不如感激丛里竟生出了玫瑰。

Don't enter into a false life just because you're afraid to face your real one.不要因为害怕面对你的真实,就进入虚假的生活。

Happiness is just on my hands, and even lost sense of direction, but still not afraid——幸福就是只要牵对了手,就算失去了方向感,但仍然不会害怕。

Honestly I don't have time to hate people who hate me, because I'm too busy loving people who love me.-----说实话,我没时间去讨厌那些讨厌我的人,因为我在忙着爱那些爱着我的人。

【睡觉有关的表达】1)Sweet dreams, my love!亲爱的晚安 2)heavy sleepers睡得很熟而不易唤醒的人(相反则是light sleepers) 3)hit the hay睡觉 4)sleep in晚起 5)doze off特别累的时候,不知不觉睡着了 6)sleep like a log睡得非常沉 7)power nap提神的小睡

If you are tired, look back, I've been in.——如果你累了,请你回头,我一直都在。

Don't judge me until you know me, don't underestimate me until you challenge me and don't talk about me until you've talked to me.如果你不懂我请不要评判我,如果你没有挑战过我请不要小瞧我,如果你没有跟我交谈过请不要随便议论我。

Every single person has at least one secret that

would break your heart——每个单身的人背后至少藏着一个让人心碎的秘密。

It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive.敢于道歉的人很强大,但敢于原谅的人更强大。

Even if someone breaks your heart, there is always someone willing to mend it.——即使有人打碎了你的心,总还是会有人,愿意修补好它。

Look not mournfully into the Past,It comes not back again. Wisely improve the Present, It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear.——不要悲叹过去,它一去不返;明智地把握现在,它在你的掌握之中。怀着一颗勇敢的心 毫不畏惧 迎接那朦胧的未来。

We don’t ever really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.我们其实没有真的长大,我们只是学会了在公众面前如何举手投足而已。

Sometimes the best thing to do is walk away from a problem and come back later with a clear mind.——有时候,最好的办法就是把问题先搁置一边,等到头脑清醒了再重新考虑。

【人体器官英文名】throat 喉咙;nipple 乳头;chest 胸部;navel 肚脐;abdomen 腹部;neck 脖子;shoulder 肩;waist 腰;hip 臀部;skull 颅骨;collarbone 锁骨;bone 骨;skeleton 骨骼;muscle 肌肉;blood vessel 血管;vein 静脉;artery 动脉;lung 肺;stomach 胃

I know that there’s a place for me somewhere out there.我知道,就算外面的世界之大,总有属于我的一席之地。

When we learn to treasure simple happiness, we will be winners in life. 当我们懂得珍惜平凡的幸福时,就已经成了人生的赢家。

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.享受生活中的琐事吧,当你某天回首,会意识到这都是大事件

One of the most scaring things when you grow up is that you may become the one you used to look down upon.成熟最恐怖的事情之一就是你可能成为自己曾经最看不起的那类人

When a girl asks a guy to listen to a song, it's because the lyrics are all the words she want to say.当一个女孩让男孩听一首歌,只是因为那首歌的歌词代表了她想说的所有话。

Love is when you sit beside someone doing nothing yet you feel perfectly happy.——爱就是当你坐在他身边,哪怕什么都不干,也能很开心。

Sometimes what you learn from the pain is worth the suffering.——有时候,痛苦中学到了教训,也不枉自己受那番磨难。

【招呼客人可用句式】:1)Have fun.玩得高兴点 2)My treat.我请客 3)I'm full.我饱了 4)Bottom up!干杯!5)What's new?有什么新鲜事儿吗?6)Anything else? 还要别的吗?7)Help yourself. 别客气 8)Enjoy yourself.祝你玩的开心 9)Make yourself at home.请不要拘礼。

I love people who can make me laugh, when I don’t even want to smile.-----我喜欢那些让


Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you. (Gayle Forman)——有时候,是我们做选择,而有时候,却是那些选择决定了我们。

Sometimes what you learn from the pain is worth the suffering.——有时候,痛苦中学到了教训,也不枉自己受那番磨难。

This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.——新的一年,新的一个开始,凡事都会有转机的

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.——很多人会在你的生命中走进走出,但只有真朋友才会在你心上留下足迹。

Peace doesn't mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.——平和,并非要身处无喧嚣,无麻烦,无烦累之境,而是即便身处这样的环境,仍旧能维持心底的那份宁静。

【“年”的用法】:1)all year round 一年到头、终年 2)put years on sb使某人觉得(显得)老些 3)be light years away from something 遥不可及,或指两个事物截然不同、差别很大 4)be getting on in years 上了年纪 5)ring in the new year 新年前夕喜迎新年 6)the seven year itch 七年之痒

You don't need anyone's permission to do what you feel is right for you.——做对自己而言正确的事,不需要任何人的许可。

【“无所谓”的表达】1)Whatever you think is fine with me.随你怎么想,我无所谓2)He couldn't give a damn whether he passes the exam or not.对考试及格与否蛮不在乎 3)Oh well, suit yourself.随你便4)I totally have no idea how to file my tax return, whatever.我完全不知道怎么报税,随便啦

Big or small, lies are still lies.不管大小,谎言始终是谎言。

When I'm getting more polite to you,maybe we're getting strangers. 当我对你越来越礼貌时,我们或许就越来越陌生了。

Sometimes no matter how much you love someone, that person can't just love you back the same way.有时候,不管你有多爱,他却始终不能像你爱他那样爱你。

【各种健身运动】1)workout 健身 2)gym健身房 3)treadmill 跑步机 4)chest press machine 坐姿推胸机 5)leg press 腿部推蹬机 6)仰卧起坐也可以说crunch 7)strength training 力量训练 8)cycling 骑脚踏车

We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated. ——我们可能会遭遇很多挫败,却绝不要让自己被击败。[CC大笑]新的一年开始啦,大家都要加油啊~~

To be lonely is not because you have no friends,but there is no one in your heart.孤单不是因为没有朋友,而是没有人住在你心里。

【爱的26个元素】Accept belief信任 care digest理解 enjoy欣赏 freedom自由 give给予 heart independence独立 jealousy妒忌 kiss love mature成

熟 nutural自然 observe观察 protect保护 quarter宽大 receive share tender温柔 understand懂得 veracity诚实 wait “X”乘法 yearn想念 zest热情

It's only me who treasures up the memory which belongs to both of us.明明是两个人的回忆,却只有我一个人珍藏。

#“二”用英文怎么说#1、They are not that thick.他们没那么“二”。2、How thick could you get?你还能再“二”一点吗?3、Thick heads! 蠢货;2B。4、But sometimes, you can be really thick!但是有时候,你可真够“二”的!PS:“二”:头脑简单、行为愚蠢。

I don't cry,it is not because I'm strong,but to give you reliance when you cry.我不哭,不是因为我坚强,而是为了让你在哭的时候还能有所依靠。

Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happiness.做你喜欢的事是自由,喜欢你做的事是幸福。

It all comes to the end about the past and you.For the future,about me,to be continued...关于过去,关于你,告一段落。 关于未来,关于我,敬请期待。

【各种健身运动】sit-up 仰卧起坐;push-up 俯卧撑;pull-up / chin-up 引体向上;yoga 瑜伽;jogging 慢跑;aerobics 有氧运动;aerobics dancing 健美操;skateboarding 滑板运动;golf 高尔夫运动;cycling 自行车运动;tennis 网球运动;swimming 游泳;skiing 滑雪;skating 滑冰

Your story may not have a such happy begining, but that doesn't make who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be. 你人生故事的开头也许充满坎坷,不过这并不影响你成为什么样的人。关键看你后来的人生路,你自己选择怎么走下去

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid. 每个人都是天才。但如果硬要以鱼儿爬树的本领,来评估它的能力,它这辈子都会觉得自己是条蠢鱼。

Love is like a rubber band, we keep pulling. Someone lets it go and it hurts the one who hold on——爱情正如橡皮筋,两个人拼命拉着,如果一个人松手,受伤的便会是仍然拽着的那个。

The highest state of love is reached once you get through those insipid days. 爱的最高境界是经得起平淡的流年。

【如何表达害羞】:1)You should be ashamed of your bad manners.感到羞耻 2)The student felt very shy as he stood in front of the class.感到非常难为情 3)She felt very awkward about the unpleasant situation.感到十分困窘 4)She began to feel abashed by his praise of her beauty.很害羞

Relationships don’t need promises, terms &conditions. It just needs two people: who can trust & who can understand. 感情不需要诺言,协议与条件。它只需要两个人:一个能够信任的人,与一个愿意理解的人。

The most beautiful scenery is the soonest to disappear. What is hurt the most is always the truest affec

