


P a r tⅡ U s e o fE n g

l i s h 一个农民要想成功,就必须在其消费和生产之间努力保持着较大的差距三他必须存储大量的粮食而不是立即把所有的粮食都消费掉三农民若想养活自己及家人,就必须有余粮三他必须用以下三种方式来使用这些余粮:留作种子,留作应对恶劣天气影响的保障,以及作为商品卖掉,来替换旧农具和购买化肥给土壤施肥三他可能还需要钱来修建灌溉水渠,或在其他方面改善自己的农田三如果没有余粮,农民就不能自给自足,他就只得变卖部分家产或通过贷款寻求额外的资金三自然,他会尽量争取低息贷款,但这种贷款不是经常能够得到的三

P a r t I I I R e a d i n g C o m p

r e h e n s i o n P a s s a g

e 1长期的二不费力气的成功史可能成为一种可怕的障碍,但是如果处理得当,它也可能成为一种动力三二战结束后,美国恰好进入这样的一段辉煌时期,当时它拥有比任何竞争对手大八倍的市场,这使其工业经济规模前所未有三它的科学家是世界上最优秀的,它的工人是最富于技巧的三美国和美国人的繁荣是那些经济遭到战争破坏的欧亚两大洲人民做梦都想像不出的三


美国人为他们工业竞争力的减退感到困惑三有些大型的美国工业,如消费电子工业,在外国的竞争面前萎缩或者崩溃三到l 987年,

只剩下一家美国电视机制造企业 Z e n i t h (现在已经完全没有了:Z e n i t h 已经被韩国的L G 电子兼并)





自身的怀疑已经被盲目乐观取代三 美国的产业结构已经改变,消除了滞涨,学会了快速反应,

哈佛大学肯尼迪行政学院执行院长R i c h a r dG a v a n a g h 指出三 看到美国经济如此地提高生产力,我为自己是美国人而感到自豪, 华盛顿特区的智囊团卡托研究院的S t e P h e n M o o r e 说三哈

佛经管学院的W i l l i a mS a h l m a n 相信,人们将来会把这个时期视为 美国企业管理的黄金时期 三百度官方认证店铺:考研资料



2000 第一段 Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community. 71) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. 72) Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, the may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere in order to reduce the wastage of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited; or they may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.


财教创办北大、人大、中、北外授 训营对视频集、一一保分、、小班 2010年中山大学翻译硕士英语真题答案 育明教育梁老师提醒广大考生: 历年考研真题资料是十分珍贵的,研究真题有利于咱们从中分析出题人的思路和心态,因为每年专业课考试不管在题型还是在内容上都有很高的相似度,考研学子们一定要重视. 有什么疑问可以随时联系育明教育梁老师,我会为根据各位考生的具体情况提供更加有针对性的指导。 part I Vocabulary and Grammar 6. B 2. D 3. B meteorologist 气象学者 4. D 5. A 6. D except 后排除的内容与主语往往是同一类的,而except for 后所排除的内容与主语往往不是同一类的。例如,试比较:All the buildings are excellent except this one./All the buildings are excellent except for their location. (all 和glimmer 不是同一类事物) 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. A The child reached out a hand towards the apple . Judy reached into her handbag and handed me a small printed leaflet...朱蒂把手伸进提包,拿出一张小的印刷传单给我。I reached across the table and squeezed his hand...我把手伸到桌子的另一边,捏住他的手。13. A 14. B 15. D 16. B apt, liable, prone: 三个词都含“易于的”意思, 它们只能作表语, 不能作定语, 后面都接不定式。apt 是常用词, 尤其是用在口语中, 表示“有...倾向的”、“易于...的”, 如: He is apt to get excited over trifles.他容易为小事而激动。liable 指“易于产生某种(对主语)不利的后果”, 因此常用于警告, 如:Y ou're liable to get cold if you are not careful.你若不当心就有可能感冒。prone 侧重主语(往往是人, 极少用于物)的本性, 使之“倾向于”(某种弱点、错误或不良行为), 如:He was prone to anger.他易于发怒。17. D 18. B 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. D 苦恼的;难过的;哀伤的Someone who feels wretched feels very unhappy. 26. D insurance rate 保险费率 27. B excessively accommodating/excessively meticulous; fussy/They were exceedingly kind. 28. B 29. B 30. A PART II T ext A 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D


1998 年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题文章翻译 Part I (略) Part II Cloze Test 直到最近,大多数的历史学家对工业革命仍然颇有微词。尽管他们承认从长远角度讲,工业革命已大大地提高了一般人的生活水平。然而他们坚持认为,工业革命在1750和1850年间引起的直接结果是给英国大多数人民带来了普遍的贫穷和苦难。相比之下,他们把在此之前从1650到1750的一百年看成是一个繁荣富足的时期。尽管那个时候英国还是一个完全意义上的农业国家。 然而,人们通常认为这种观点是错误的。历史和经济学专家已指出两件事情:一是1650至1750年间以显著的贫困为特征;二是工业革命不但没有加重这种贫困,反而使绝大多数人的生活得到了改善。 Part ⅢReading Comprehension Passage 1 很少有像巨型大坝那样的伟大成果如此吸引人们。也许是因为人们倍受洪水和干旱的摆布,所以驾驭洪水的想法特别地强烈。但是被吸引有时也意味着盲目,有几个巨型大坝工程就有弊大于利的危险。 大坝给人们的教训是大的不一定就是好的。但这个教训并没有阻止建立巨大而强劲的大坝,它们已经成为国家成就和人们努力表现自己的象征。埃及由于建造了阿斯旺大坝而巩固了在阿拉伯世界中的领导地位。土耳其在力图进人第一世界的努力中也包括了修建Ataturk大坝。 但是大坝不会像预期的那样产生效果。例如,阿斯旺大坝阻止了尼罗河的洪水泛滥,但也使埃及失去了洪水带来的肥沃的淤泥——这些损失的所有回报仅仅是一个充满了病患的大水库,它现在沉积了如此多的淤泥,以致于发不出电了。 但是,控制洪水的神话仍在继续。本周,在文明的欧洲的中心,斯洛伐克与匈牙利就是为了多瑙河上的一座大坝引起争端,差点动用了军队。这个巨大的工程可能会带来其他大坝通常造成的问题。但斯洛伐克正在要求脱离捷克而独立,因此需要建一座大坝来证明自己的实力。 与此同时,尽管银行的顾问们说大坝将给普通大众的生活带来困苦和环境的破坏,但世界银行还是贷款给印度修建Narmada大坝,这事后被证明是个大错。受益的是权力阶层,但也无法保证。 对大坝造成的影响和控制洪水的成本和收益进行恰当而科学的研究才能帮助解决这些冲突。即使不修建这些巨型大坝,水利发电、洪水控制和农田灌溉也都是可能做到的,但是当你相信神话的时候,你就很难做到合理和科学,世界应


2010 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案与解析 Section I Use of English 一、文章题材结构分析 本文是取材于新闻报道,叙述了猪流感的爆发,产生的严重影响以及政府采取的针对性措施。首段和第二段简 述了猪流感的爆发引起世界各国的重视。第三段引用专家的观点,认为瘟疫并不严重。第四段和第五段以墨西哥及 美国的情况为例,说明了猪流感的严重性和致命性。第六段叙述了联邦政府针对猪流感的具体措施。 二、试题解析 1.【答案】D 【解析】上文提到“…was declared a global epidemic…”,根据declare 的逻辑(“宣布为”),可知应该选D 项 designated“命名,制定”,而不是C 项commented“评论”,这是典型的近义词复现题目。2.【答案】C 【解析】本题目可依据“句意”找到意思线索,选出答案,难度在于出处句是个长难句。本句的理解应该抓住alert、 meeting 和a sharp rise 三者的关系,根据after a sharp rise 可知是rise(“病例数的增加”)是meeting(“日内瓦专家 会议”)的原因,由此可推导出alert 并非是meeting 的原因,而是结果,即meeting 使得alert 升级。根据上述分析 可以排除B、D 选项,B 项activated“激活,激起”,D 项“促使,引起”,此两项的选择都在讲alert 导致了meeting 的召开。而C 项followed 意思是“紧随,跟在……之后”,体现出after 的逻辑,完全满足本句rise 之后是meeting, meeting 之后是alert 的逻辑,所以是正确项。而A 项proceeded“继续”,属不及物动词,不可接宾语,用法和逻辑 用在此处都不合适。 3.【答案】B 【解析】本题目应该关注并列连词and,从并列呼应来看:空格后的表达in Britain…对应前面的in Australia, 所以空格处rising _____ 应该对应a sharp rise in cases(“病例数的剧增”),因此空格处是“数量”的逻辑才对。A 项 digits“(阿拉伯)数字”,不表示数量,不能与rising 形成搭配;C 项amounts“数量”,常修饰不可数名词(此处指 的是cases,可数名词);D 项sums“金额,款项”,不能用于表达“病例数”。B 项numbers “数量”,修饰可数名词(如: large numbers of cases 大量的病例),符合题意。 4.【答案】A 【解析】此处句子开头的“But”是重要的逻辑线索,与上文意思(第二段)形成对比反差。上文的关键性表达 如“heightened alert”、“emergency meeting”和“a sharp rise in cases”都在讲述猪流感的严重性,所以根据But 和in


2001年考研英语翻译真题精练精讲 一、全真试卷 In less than30years time the Star Trek holodeck will be a reality. Direct links between the brains nervous system and a computer will also create full sensory virtual environments,allowing virtual vacations like those in the film Total Recall. (71)There will be television chat shows hosted by robots,and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.(72)Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips,computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools,relaxation will be in front of smell-television,and digital age will have arrived. According to BT s futurologist,Ian Pearson,these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium(a period of 1000years),when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all areas of life. (73)Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds or key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place. Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine,including an extended life expectancy and dozens of artificial organs coming into use between now and 2040. Pearson also predicts a breakthrough in computer-human links. “By linking directly to our nervous system,computers could pick up what we feel and,hopefully,simulate feeling too so that we can start to develop full sensory environments,rather like the holidays in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck,”, he says.(74)But that,Pearson points out,is only the start of man-machine integration:”It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human befo re the end of the next century.” Through his research,Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted. However,there are still no forecasts for when faster-that-light travel will be available,or when human cloning will be perfected,or when time travel will be possible. But he does expect social problems as a result of technological advances. A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras will,for example,cause problems in2010,while the arrival of synthetic lifelike robots will mean people may not be able to distinguish between their human friends and the droids.(75)And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder—kitchen rage. 二、翻译题解 (71)Therewill betelevision chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitorsthatwill disablethem when they offend. 句子拆分: 拆分点参考:分词,标点符号,连词 There will be television chat shows// hosted by robots//, and cars with pollution monitors// that will disable them// when they offend. 解读: 1)主干结构是带双主语的存在句:There will be television chat shows..., and cars... 2)两个主语都带有定语:第一个主语television chat shows的定语是过去分词短语hosted by robots,第二个主语cars的定语是介词短语with pollution monitors。


2011年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语(一)试题文章翻译 Section I Use of English 古希腊哲学家亚里士多德把笑看作是“有益于身体健康的宝贵锻炼”。尽管有些相反的意见,但笑可能对身体健康影响极小。笑确实能对心脏和血管产生短期的改变,笑能够促进心律呼吸速率。但是因为大笑很难持续,一次狂笑不可能像比如走路或者慢跑那样对心血管功能产生很大的益处。 实际上,其他的锻炼可以拉紧增强肌肉,很显然笑确是起到了相反的作用,二十世纪三十年代的一项研究表明笑可以放松肌肉,在狂笑平息之后45分钟内会降低肌肉张力。 这样的身体放松可能会帮助减轻心理紧张状态的影响。笑的行为毕竟可能会产生其他形式的身体上的反馈来提高个体的情绪状态。根据一个经典的情绪理论,我们的感觉部分根源于身体上的反映。十九世纪末人们便争论这一说法:人们不会因为他们伤心而哭,但当开始 尽管悲伤能产生眼泪,证据显示情绪是肌肉反应的结果。1988年德国乌子堡大学的社会心理学家做了一个实验,他让志愿者用牙咬住一支笔做出假笑,或者用嘴含住一支笔,这个动作会让人产生一种失望的表情。那些被强制锻炼笑肌的人比那些嘴唇皱着表情失望的人在观看有趣的动画片时反应更加丰富,这暗示了表情可能会影响情绪,而不只是反过来情绪会影响表情。同样,笑这一生理行为可以改善心

Section II Reading Comprehension Part A Text 1 纽约爱乐乐团决定聘请Alan Gilbert作为下一任的音乐总监,这从2009年任命被宣布之日起就在古典音乐界引起了热议。别的不说,大部分人的反应是积极的。“好啊,终于好了!” Anthony Tommasini写道,他可是一个以严肃著称的古典音乐评论家。 但是,这个任命之所以引起人们惊讶的原因却是Gilbert相对而言并不是很有名。甚至在时代杂志上发文支持Gilbert任命的Tommasini都称其为“低调的音乐家,在他身上找不到那种飞扬跋扈的指挥家的气质。”爱乐乐团迄今为止都是由像Gustav Mahler和Pierre Boulez那样的音乐家领导的。这样去描述这个乐团的下一位 指挥,至少对于时代的读者而言,这是一种苍白的表扬。 就我看来,我不知道Gilbert是否是一个伟大的指挥家或者是一个好的指挥。但是我能确定的是,他能表演出很多有趣的乐章,但是我却应该不会去Avery Fisher Hall或者其他地方去听一场有趣的交响乐演出。我要做的事情就是去我的CD架上,或者打开的我的电脑 从iTunes上下载更多的唱片。 那些忠实的音乐会观众会讲唱片并不能代替现场的演出,但是他们忽略了核心问题。当下为了获得艺术爱好者的时间,关注度和金钱,


This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivation, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent. The United States is the product of two principal forces-the immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits. But, the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes. The first shiploads of immigrants bound for the territory which is now the United States crossed the Atlantic more than a hundred years after the 15th-and-16th-century explorations of North America. The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a veritable real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia.


一、翻译命题原则和测试重点 1. 汉译英题型 2. 一般的短句翻译,内容日常,关键在正确用词、搭配、语法。 3. 实质为补全句子,考察语法结构和词组运用知识:句型、词 组、单词拼写、大小写、标点符号等 二、翻译原则与应试技巧 1. 正确理解原文词义,正确选词,重点吃透原文 例如:入世与否,对中国来讲,是一个面子问题。 The access to WTO, for China, is a question of dignity 2. 注意词的搭配:重点是定语和中心词、动宾 例如:1. 他整个下午都在忙着接电话。 He was busy answering the telephones all afternoon. 2. 被告在法庭上承认了自己的罪行。 The accused confessed his crime in court. 3. 具体翻译方法的运用 (1)增译法:冠词、时态词、动态词、连词、概括词 例如:a. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 modesty helps one to go forward, while conceit makes one lag behind. 例如: b.谁都知道战场是艰苦的 Everyone knows that life on battlefields is very hard. (2)减词法a:使之符合英文习惯,不能死译

例如:中国足球的落后状态必须改变。 The (state/condition of) backwardness of the Chinese football must be changed. 总结:汉语中的范畴词在英文中往往省略,用英文中 相应的抽象名词翻译,常考范畴词为: 谦虚态度:modesty 发展过程:development 残暴行为:brutality 同情心理:sympathy 悲伤情绪:sadness 无知表现:innocence 稳定性: stability 灵敏度:sensibility 防爆措施:anti-violence 同化作用:assimilation (3)转换词性:重点是动词派生词、介词和副词 例如a:看到喷气式飞机令我非常向往。 The sight of the jet filled me with special longing. 例如b: 她越过草地、跨上台阶。 She skimmed over the lawn and up the steps. (4)巧用英语中的词缀 表能力的‘得’(able-,-ible):消息靠的住吗?Is…reliable? 表‘过多’的over-:她加班了5个小时:she overworked for 5… 表‘免除’的‘- free’:昆明是个不冻城:Kungming is a ice-free.. 表‘超过’的‘out-’: 他比他妻子多活了3年:…outlived his wife for… 考察重点 虚拟语气


2000 年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题文章翻译 Part I (略) Part ⅡUse of English 一个农民要想成功,就必须在其消费和生产之间努力保持着较大的差距。他必须存储大量的粮食而不是立即把所有的粮食都消费掉。农民若想养活自己及家人,就必须有余粮。他必须用以下三种方式来使用这些余粮:留作种子,留作应对恶劣天气影响的保障,以及作为商品卖掉,来替换旧农具和购买化肥给土壤施肥。他可能还需要钱来修建灌溉水渠,或在其他方面改善自己的农田。如果没有余粮,农民就不能自给自足,他就只得变卖部分家产或通过贷款寻求额外的资金。自然,他会尽量争取低息贷款,但这种贷款不是经常能够得到的。 Part ⅢReading Comprehension Passage 1 长期的、不费力气的成功史可能成为一种可怕的障碍,但是如果处理得当,它也可能成为一种动力。二战结束后,美国恰好进入这样的一段辉煌时期,当时它拥有比任何竞争对手大八倍的市场,这使其工业经济规模前所未有。它的科学家是世界上最优秀的,它的工人是最富于技巧的。美国和美国人的繁荣是那些经济遭到战争破坏的欧亚两大洲人民做梦都想像不出的。 当其他国家逐渐富有起来时,这种差距的缩小是必然的。同样不可避免的是逐渐失去主导地位的痛苦。在80年代中期,美国人为他们工业竞争力的减退感到困惑。有些大型的美国工业,如消费电子工业,在外国的竞争面前萎缩或者崩溃。到l987年,只剩下一家美国电视机制造企业——Zenith(现在已经完全没有了:Zenith已经被韩国的LG电子兼并)。外国汽车和纺织品正在大举进入美国国内市场。美国的机械工业岌岌可危。在一段时期,好像半导体制造业,这个美国发明的并且对新的计算机时代极为关键的工业,也将成为下一个牺牲品。 所有这些引发了一种信心危机。美国人已经不再将繁荣视为自然而然的事。他们开始怀疑他们的经营方法出了问题,怀疑他们的收人很快就会下降。80年代中期人们对美国工业衰退的原因进行一次又一次的调查。这些调查的发现,有些是耸人听闻的,都充满了对来自海外竞争加剧的警示。 现在情况已经完全改变! 1995年美国可以回顾在过去五年中稳步的增长,而日本还在奋力挣扎。很少有美国人把它的原因归结为类似美元贬值或商业周期轮回这些显而易见的原因。对自身的怀疑已经被盲目乐观取代。“美国的产业结构已经改变,消除了滞涨,学会了快速反应,”哈佛大学肯尼迪行政学院执行院长Richard Gavanagh指出。“看到美国经济如此地提高生产力,我为自己是美国人而


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2010年考研英语翻译试题译文及解析 (2010-03-09 16:54:04) 转载 分类:考研资料分享 标签: 考研 试题 解析 翻译 教育 英文译文: 完全以经济动机为基础的守恒系统中,存在一个基本的弱点,即陆生群落的大多数成员都没有经济价值。然而这些生物是生物群落的成员,如果群落的稳定性取决于其完整性,他们就有权持续生存。 当其中一个非经济类别受到威胁时,如果我们碰巧喜爱这个类别,就会创造借口使其具有经济意义。本世纪初,鸣禽原本正在消失。(46)科学家们匆匆赶来救援,但证据是明显站不住脚的。大意就是,如果鸟不能控制这些虫子,虫子就会吃光一切。这个证据必须是经济的,才是有效的。 如今阅读这些拐弯抹角的论述令人痛心。我们还没有土地伦理,(47)但是,我们至少比较一致地认可这样一种观点,即:无论鸟类对我们是否具有经济价值,他们都应该继续享有其固有的生物权利。

类似的情况存在于食肉的哺乳动物和捕食鱼的鸟类中。(48)生物学家们曾一度滥用这个证据:这些生物通过残杀弱者来维持生物链条的健康发展,或者只是捕食“无价值的物种”。因此在这里,证据必须是经济的,才是有效的。天敌是社会的成员,任何具有特殊要求的集团都无权为了自身真实的或想象的利益消灭它们。 有些种类的树木被一些只具备经济头脑的林业员认为是“非我族类”,因为它们发育过慢,或作为木材销售价值过低。(49)欧洲的林业生态发展比较先进。那些没有商业价值的树种被视为原始森林群落的成员而被合理保护。此外,人们发现一些树种在保持土壤的肥沃方面具有重要作用。森林和构成森林的不同的树种,地面植物以及动物之间的相互依赖是理所当然的。 由于有些树种成长缓慢甚或是作为木材的价值也太低,所以一些受经济利益驱使的人就将这些树种完全抛弃。总而言之:一种守恒系统完全基于自身经济利益是倾斜无望的。(50)这样的体系容易忽视、并最终灭绝了生物群落中的许多元素。然而这些元素虽然缺少商业价值,但对整个群落的健康运动却至关重要。它虚假地认为生物时钟的经济部分可以在缺少非经济部分的情况下继续起作用。 试题解析: (46) Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them.


2001年4月全国高等教育自学考试英语翻译试题 PART ONE I.Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each) A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions labeled [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1.You can’t be too careful while driving! [A]开车要特别小心![B]开车不能太小心! [C]你开车时不得不小心翼翼![D]你开车要小心,但切忌谨小慎微! 2.The samples of soil from various depths are examined for traces of oil. [A]土样被从不同深度取出,进行检验,看是否有含油的迹象。 [B]从不同深度取出土样以后,便进行检验,看是否有含油的迹象。 [C]根据含油的迹象,土样被从不同深度取出,对之进行检验。 [D]为了寻找含油的迹象,从不同深度取出土样以后,便进行检验。 3.Scarcity of deer in some areas or Texas is attributed to the screw-worm. [A]得可萨斯州某些地区鹿群稀少造成了这样螺旋锥蝇的出现。 [B]得可萨斯州某些地区稀少的鹿群与这种螺旋锥蝇起着相互影响。 [C]这种螺旋锥蝇的出现,就是因得可萨斯州某些地区鹿群稀少而造成的。 [D]得可萨斯州某些地区鹿群之所以稀少,就是由这种螺旋锥蝇造成的。 4.It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone my visit which I had intended to pay to Germany in January. [A]我原计划访问德国,令我深感失望的是,我不得不在一月份予以推迟。 [B]我原计划一月份访问德国,后来不得不予以推迟,这使我深感失望。 [C]令我深感失望的是,我原计划访问德国,但不得不予以推迟到一月份。 [D]令我深感失望的是,我不得不在一月份推迟我对的国预定的访问。 5.Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, and the waters flow more quietly. [A]河面逐渐展开,两岸徐徐向后退去,河水也流得更为平缓。 [B]河面逐渐展开,两岸离得越来越远,河水也流得更为平缓。 [C]河面逐渐展开,两岸变得越来越近,河水也流得更为平缓。 [D]河面逐渐展开,两岸愈加隐隐约约,河水也流得更为平缓。 6.Zhou Enlai arranged for experts from Beijing University to give Bill Morrow some up-to-date information he wanted. [A]北京大学的专家想为比尔·莫罗提供一些最新情况,周恩来就给他们作了安排。 [B]周恩来想让北京大学的专家作出安排,向比尔·莫罗介绍一些最新情况。 [C]比尔·莫罗想了解一些最新的情况,周恩来就安排北京大学的专家向他作介绍。 [D]比尔·莫罗想了解一些有关北京大学的专家的最新情况,周恩来就作了安排。 7.小王没有辜负父母的期望。 [A]Xiao Wang reached his parents’ expectations. [B]Xiao Wang satisfied his parents’ hopes. [C]Xiao Wang realized his parents’ dreams. [D]Xiao Wang lived up to his parents’ expect ations. 8.世界在变化,我们的思想和行动也要随之而变。 [A]The world is changing, we should change our thinking and actions along with it. [B]The world is changing, werefore we should change our thinking and actions along with it. [C]The world is changing, and we should change our thinking and actions along with it. [D]The world is changing, but we should change our thinking and actions along with it. 9.大错误没有犯,小错误没有断,因为我们没有经验。 [A]We haven’t made any major mistakes, we have made minor ones, because we have no experience. [B]Since we haven’t made any major mistakes, we have made many minor ones, because we have no


1/8 【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14433502.html, 开设课程:【网络函授班】【精品小班】【高端一对一】【状元集训营】【定向保录】 1 育明教育天津分校2015年天津地区15所高校考研辅导必备 天津分校地址南京路新天地大厦2007 专注考研专业课辅导8年天津地区专业课辅导第一品牌 天津分校王老师与大家分享资料 育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。更多详情可联系育明教育天津分校王老师。

2/8 【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14433502.html, 开设课程:【网络函授班】【精品小班】【高端一对一】【状元集训营】【定向保录】 2 2015年考研南开大学翻译硕士2010年211翻译硕士英语考研真题答案2010年南开大学211翻译硕士英语卷答案 I :1-5DDBBB 6-10BACDC 11-15CDDCD 16-20CDACD 21-25CBCCD 26-30CBCBB III :SSecctiion one 1-5BCDAC 6--10DCABCSection one 1-5BCDAC 6-10DCABC Section two Passage one:: 1.One that would preserve the natural rights to life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.A society has the right to overthrow any leader government,or external power that violates this democratic covenant 2.It is Rousseau’s revolutionary educational achievement and marks the beginning of modern theories of developmental psychology. 3.Emile’s contribution to education is as important as The Social Contract’s contribution to politics.They all have decisive and necessary functions. Passage two: 4.American consumers lost confidence on their own economy and they felt that selling of American brands to foreign companies indicates the decline of American economy and is a shame. 5.The wealthy people in the United States are not concerned about the economic well-being of their country but their own interest.They would transfer factories to Mexico to reduce cost rather than establishing them in US to provide more domestic job opportunities. IIII :Success Last week,our department held an English debate.The topic was what makes one succeed.Oneside argued that success came from careful planning,hard work and patience.Whereas the other side was convinced that success simply resulted from massive risk-taking and chances.I was neither a contestant nor a referee at that time.If I had been either of them,I would support the former because without them you could not have the basis of risk-taking,not to mention success.When it comes to success,there must be many preconditions.Success won’t come up without preparation.The lack of hard work can’t lead to success.For example,why authorities think they consider some actors have the potential and will be famous one day?It that because they got the chance?No,it is based on their perseverance and careful planning.Admittedly,nothing can replace chances or risk-taking,but they cannot shadow your preparation and perseverance.Chances and massive risk-taking can’t be isolated.They are connected with many preconditions:wide range of knowledge,perseverance hard working and so on,to name just a few.Indeed,as we all know,there are many well-known scientists in the world.Although one element of their success would be risk-taking or an accidental chance,the most decisive factor of their success are no other than careful planning,hark work and patience.The eminent scientist Thomas Edison had carried out more than 8000times experiments before he found the best material for filament.Did his success just come from his good luck to have this chance or the 8000times risk-taking?Imagine he was only a man who knew nothing about science of electricity,was he still able to succeed when the chance came?Definitely not.His intrinsic capital,say wisdom,perseverance and so on,is very essential to his success.As Edison said,Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent of perspiration.Chances and massive risk-taking only favor the ones who have sufficient preparation.The surest way to grasp opportunity and get success is to be ready when chances knock.When you are willing to do something,careful planning is indispensable.With it,your work would be more efficient.Then,with your hard working and perseverance,no matter how hard the problem or trouble is,you will not find it tough to deal with.Sufficient preparation can help you succeed.So far as I am concerned,obviously,success comes from careful planning,hark work and patience.
