


1.2028年是( )年(填“平”或“闰”),全年有( )天。

2.下午3时用24时计时法表示是( )。

3.有两个长方形,长都是4厘米,宽都是2厘米。如果把它们拼成一个正方形,这个正方形的边长是( )厘米,周长是( )厘米。

4.用24米长的铁丝围成一个正方形,这个正方形的边长是( )米。把这根铁丝再重新围成一个长方形,如果长是11米,宽是( )。

5.3天=( )时 8角6分=( )元

6.10.05读作:( ) 100.12读作:( ) 七点零九写作:( ) 十六点六八写作:( )

7.一个长方形操场跑道长55米、宽45米,淘气绕着它跑了2圈,共跑了( )米。

8.超市搞促销,一瓶洗手液现价12.8元,比原来便宜1.2元,这瓶洗手液的原价是( )元。

9.乐乐翻开一本故事书,发现两页的页码和是161,这两页分别是( )页和( )页。




这个超市从上午( )时( )分开始营业,到晚上( )时( )分停业,一天营业( )时。

11.有3种素菜,2种荤菜,每份盒饭里要装一荤一素两个菜,有( )种不同的搭配方法。

12.62×4的积如果是四位数,里最小填( )。

13.比409多300的数是( ),875比( )少125。

14.100米游泳比赛中,小明的成绩是66.1秒,小亮的成绩是67.0秒,( )游得快。

15.一个长方形的长是15厘米,且长是宽的3倍,它的周长是( )厘米。16.用24时计时法表示下面的时间:上午9时是( ),晚上9时是( ),晚上11时是( ),下午1时30分是( )。

17.2015年全年有( )天,第二年的2月有( )天。

18.7分米是7个( )分米,也就是7个( )米,等于( )米。19.2.83元=( )元( )角( )分1米5厘米=( )米

20.王奶奶靠一面墙围了一个边长是3米的正方形菜园,要给菜园围上篱笆,篱笆一共长( )米。

21.一个长方形和一个正方形的周长相等,长方形的长与宽的和是16厘米,正方形的边长是( )厘米。

22.用三个边长均为2厘米的正方形拼成的长方形的周长是( )厘米。


24. 淘气去北京参加比赛,火车15:00发车,发车前5分钟停止检票,淘气从


26. 14时,淘气开始画一幅画,经过1时20分后完成。淘气画完时是下午


27. 2012年7月27日至8月12日,第30届夏季奥运会在伦敦举行。这一年是




6×5×4×3×2×1×06+5+4+3+2+1+0 3年30个月0.5元5角 2.36元 2.37元7元8分7.8元

9.4分米 4.9分米 245角24元98厘米9.8米






语法填空专项训练 1 Before the 17th century, most of the native English speakers lived in England. After the 17th century, British people began to move to other ___66___ (country). Gradually, English was spoken there. At present ___67___ (many) people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before. ___68___ (luck), native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. English ___69___ (change) and developed when cultures met and communicated with each other over the past centuries. The English ___70___ (speak) in England between about AD450 and 1150 was very different ___71___ the modern English we speak today. It was the new settlers that enriched the English language and ___72___ (especial) its vocabulary. The English language was settled by the 19th century ___73___ two big changes in English spelling happened. English now is also spoken as a foreign ___74___second language in South Asia. China may have the ___75___ (large) number of English learners. 66.【答案】countries 【解析】考查名词。country是可数名词,此处由other修饰用复数形式,指其他的国家。故填countries. 67. 【答案】more 【解析】考查比较级。根据句中的than ever before可知含有和以前比较的意思,要用比较级表示更多的人,故填more. 68. 【答案】Luckily 【解析】考查副词。此处单独使用作状语要用副词形式,指“幸运的是”,故填Luckily. 69. 【答案】has changed 【解析】考查时态。根据句意和时间状语over the past centuries可知与现在完成时连用,主语是单数,故填has changed. 70. 【答案】spoken 【解析】考查过去分词。English和动词speak是被动关系,此处是过去分词作定语,故填spoken.


一.填空题(共23小题) 1.(2014?武威)铝、铁、铜是人类广泛使用的三种金属,与我们生活息息相关. (1)在空气中制品(填“铝”或“铁”)更耐腐蚀. (2)人们大量使用的是合金而不是纯金属,这是因为合金具有更多优良性能,例如钢比纯铁硬度(填“大”或“小”). (3)用下列试剂验证这三种金属的活动性顺序,能达到目的是(填序号).A.硫酸铝溶液B.硫酸亚铁溶液C.硫酸铜溶液 (4)硫酸和盐酸都能除铁锈,写出盐酸与铁锈主要成分反应的化学方程式.2.(2014?重庆模拟)汽车是现代生活中不可缺少的代步工具.请回答下列问题: (1)汽车电路中的导线大都是铜制的,这是利用了金属铜的延展性和性.(2)下列汽车配件及用品中,属于有机合成材料的是(填序号,下同). (3)铁在潮湿的空气中容易锈蚀. ①汽车表面喷漆,可以延缓汽车的锈蚀,其防锈原理是隔绝和水. ②喷漆前需将铁制品放入稀盐酸中除锈(铁锈主要成分是Fe2O3),观察到溶液变黄,有无色气泡逸出,反应的化学方程式是;. 3.(2014?大兴区一模)金属在生产、生活中应用广泛. (1)在汽车电路中,经常用铜作导线,这是利用了铜的;汽车车体表面喷漆不仅美观,而且可有效防止与接触而生锈.

(2)铝和氧化铁在高温下发生置换反应,放出大量的热,工业上常利用此反应焊接铁轨.该反应的化学方程式为. (3)向一定质量AgNO3和Cu(NO3)2的混合溶液中加入Zn,溶液质量与加入Zn的质量关系如图所示,则a点溶液中的溶质及c点所得固体分别为(写化学式). 4.(2014?合肥三模)随着科技的不断进步,太阳能路灯(如图所示)越来越多的出现在我们城市道路的两旁.节约能源的同时减少了环境的污染,是实现“低碳生活”的一种典型措施.请你根据图中内容回答下列问题: (1)图中标示的物质属于金属材料的有(一个即可,填序号,下同);属于有机合成材料的是. (2)各组成材料中属于单质的是(填名称,一个即可);不锈钢属于 (填“纯净物”或“混合物”). (3)请用一个化学方程式证明铝比铜活泼. 5.(2015?雁江区模拟)请你各举出一个实例,说明下列有关溶液的叙述是错误的.(1)溶液一定是无色的.实例:;


中考英语综合填空和完形填空专题训练 (WORD版本试题+名师解析答案,建议下载练习) A 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 (2019湖北武汉押题卷,2) A stag(雄鹿)went for a trip with his family to another forest.They enjoyed the new forest,which was 1.c with thick bushes and trees. That day,the stag was playing with his family.All of a sudden,the antlers(鹿角)of the stag got 2.c in the branches of a tree.He tried hard,but could not get himself 3.f;his wife and baby kept on watching helplessly. The stag thought,“Everything was fine,till now.But I am stuck.I could never return home.How unlucky I am!We came here for 4.p,but I think this is the worst period of my life.” The stag was so tired that he finally gave up and kept 5.s,standing there sadly the whole night.And he didn’t dare to shout at all because he was 6.a of the hunter’s coming. The next morning,a woodcutter 7.n the stag.He cut down the branches and let the stag go.The stag thanked the woodcutter and rushed home with his family.To their surprise,many animals in their home 8.a have been killed by the lions the day before. At once,the stag realized that he and his family had avoided being 9.k because of his caught antlers.The moments which he 10.c to be the worst period of his life turned out to be the luckiest for him. 答案: 1.covered 2.caught 3.free 4.pleasure 5.silent 6.afraid 7.noticed 8.around 9.killed10.considered B 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 (2019天津五区一模)


中考化学试题汇编——推断题 1. (2008年汕头)右图是常见酸、碱、盐之间的相互转化关系。 (1)写出图中相应物质的化学式:酸、碱。 (2)写出图中反应②和④的化学方程式: ② ④ (3)总结化学反应的规律是我们学习化学的方法之一。请根据上图总结出酸、碱、盐相互反 应的规律(写2点) 、 。 2.(200 8年河北省)A~H都是初中化学中的常见物质,它们之间的转化关系如图14所示。A 是天然气的主要成分,E是一种常见的食品干燥剂。 请回答: (1)A的化学式为; (2)反应③的基本反应类型是; (3)反应②的化学方程式为; (4)反应④的化学方程式为。 3. (2008年宜昌市)构建知识网络是一种重要的学习方法。下图是关于盐酸化学性质的知识 网络,“——”表示相连的两种物质能发生反应, “”表示一种物质转化成另一种物质,A、C属于不. 同类 ..别.的化合物。完善这个知识网络: (1)写出A、B、C的化学式:A ;B ;C 。 (2)根据自己得出的知识网络写出一个复分解反应 .....化学方程 式: 4. (2008年临沂市)已知,A、B、C、D四种物质之间存在以 下转化关系。其中C是单质,D是相对分子质量最小的氧化物。试回答 (1)写出A、C、D三种物质的化学式:A________、C_________、D_________。浅绿色溶液B 中溶质的化学式_______________。

(2)写出C→D的化学方程式_________________________________。 5.(2008年泰安市)今年年初,我国南方出现了大面积的冰雪灾害,在除雪过程中,融雪剂 发挥了很大的作用。某公司生产的融雪剂是由氯化钠、硝酸钠、氯化镁、硫酸铜中的两种或两种以上的物质组成的。小佳同学为探究其成分,设计并完成了以下实验: 请你根据以上设计过程,完成下列空白: (1)该融雪剂中一定含有 (写化学式,下同),一定不含有,可能含 有; (2)加入硝酸银溶液发生反应的化学方程式是。 6. (2008年苏州市)小彤的一副眼镜戴了一段时间后,发现铜质镜架上出现了一墨绿色物质, 他想将其除掉。经查阅资料得知:铜在一定条件下会锈蚀生成一种绿色物质,其主要成分是碱式碳酸铜(俗称铜绿),于是他和几个同学按如下方案进行了实验。 (1)实验①是向铜绿中加入适量常见无色液体B,再加热至沸,沉淀仍然不变色。实验②、 ③中C是一种常见的无色气体,B的化学式为▲。为满足实验③反应 所需的外界条件,应该使用关键仪器名称是▲。 (2)写出实验②反应的化学方程式▲, 在此过程中,判断铜绿没有完全反应的现象是▲。 (3)将A的溶液5~9滴滴入5mL10%的氢氧化钠溶液中得到蓝色絮状沉淀,稍加热即变 黑色沉淀D。写出蓝色絮状沉淀转变为D的化学方程式▲。 △ (4)已知2Ca(HCO3)==== CaCO3↓+ H2O+CO2↑,则热稳定性CaCO3> Ca(HCO3),由此推理上述 实验中铜绿、蓝色絮状沉淀、物质D三种化合物热稳定性由强至弱的顺序是:▲ > ▲ > ▲ (均写化学式)。 (5)经过讨论.同学们建议小彤可以用▲除去镜架上的绿色物质。 7. (2008年肇庆市)实验结束时,同学们将含有CuSO4、ZnSO4、FeSO4的废液倒在废液缸里, 如果将废液直接排放就会造成水污染。于是几位同学利用课余处理废液,回收工业重要原料硫酸锌和有关金属。实验过程如下:


语法填空专练(一) ___1___ being Sunday, I decided to sleep late. But it wasn’t long ___2___ I realized that I had to go to the bookstore to get a reference book our teacher had asked us to buy. ___3___ (fear) they would be sold out before I got one, I got up and headed for the bookstore. It was three blocks away, and pretty soon I reached ___4___ shop. It was not until I entered the shop that it came to my ___5___ that I forgot to bring any money on me. This meant I ___6___ do nothing but return home for the money. ___7___, I ran all the way home to fetch the money. After a while, I returned to the shop and bought the book that I wanted. Reading the pages of it, I ___8___ (feel) it my duty to do well in my studies, and I was sure I could make it. There will be a few months before I take the College Entrance Examination, and I‘ll work still ___9___ (hard) at my lessons. Though there may be difficulties for me, I’m confident that I can achieve my aim and make it into college. I owe it to my parents ___10___ they’ve do ne so much for me, so that I can concentrate on my studies. (专练二) “Fire!Fire!”What terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, old, wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of the ___1___, opened the door and stepped outside the house. There was ___2___ of thick smoke. I began to run, but as I was still only half-awake, instead of going towards the stairs, I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew ___3___ (thick) and I could see fire all around. The floor became hot under my bare feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But ___4___ I could reach it, one of my


二、填空题(每小题3分,共21分) 9. 写出一个大于21-的负整数___________. 10. 如图,在△ABC 中,∠C =90°,若BD ∥AE ,∠DBC =20°,则∠CAE 的度数是___________. E D C B A 第10题图 第11题图 11. 如图,一次函数y 1=ax +b (a ≠0)与反比例函数2k y x =的图象交于A (1,4),B (4,1)两点,若使y 1>y 2, 则x 的取值范围是___________. 12. 在猜一商品价格的游戏中,参与者事先不知道该商品的价格,主持人要求他从如图的五张卡片中任 意拿走三张,使剩下的卡片从左到右连成一个两位数,该数就是他猜的价格.如果商品的价格是50元,那么他一次就能猜中的概率是___________. 6553 N M O A B C D 第12题图 第13题图 13. 如图所示,正方形ABCD 内接于⊙O ,直径MN ∥AD ,则阴影部分面积占圆面积的____________. 14. 如图,在五边形ABCDE 中,∠BAE =125°,∠B =∠E =90°,AB =BC ,AE =DE ,在BC ,DE 上分别找 一点M ,N ,使得△AMN 周长最小时,∠AMN +∠ANM 的度数为__________. E D C B A M N 15. 已知□ABCD 的周长为28,自顶点A 作AE ⊥DC 于点E ,AF ⊥BC 于点F .若AE =3,AF =4,则 CE -CF =____________. 2017年中考数学填空题专项训练(一)答案 9. -4(答案不唯一) 10. 70° 11.1


一、故事类 1 Henry works in factory. He comes from a p________ family and was in school for only four years. He has to do the hard work, but he?s paid l________. He likes to watch football m________ very much and spends much time on it. One evening there was a big football match on a playground. He borrowed some m________ from his friend and hurried there. There were a lot of people there. And all the tickets were sold o________. He was sorry for it. He saw a pole (电线杆) outside the playground and climbed it up q________. A policeman came and said, “It?s d________ to stay on it! Come down!” “Wait a minute, please!” Henry said and just at that moment the policeman heard cheers (欢呼声) in the playground and asked in a h________, “Which team has kicked a goal?”“Ours!”“Wonderful! Y ou can s________ there. But take care!” the policeman said happily and left. When the match would soon be over, he came back again and asked, “Who?s won?”“Theirs, 3-2.”“Come down,” the policeman said angrily, “Such a match isn?t worth w________!” Henry had to come down. But soon they heard cheers again. The policeman said in a hurry, “Climb up quickly and see who?s kicked a goal!” 2 When Martin was a small boy, he lived in the little town of Holtham. Then, he thought the town was a big p________. Well, Martin went back to Holtham last week. “It?s a small town!” he thought. Holtham has changed l________ during the past forty years. B________ Martin has changed a lot. He has g________ into a man. He is now in m________ life. His thoughts are a man?s thoughts, and he sees things through a m________ eyes. Martin s________ in Holtham for five hours. He walked from street t________ street. He could see no friends. Was Holtham, then, a town of strangers? No. Martin suddenly u________ it all. Only he h________ was a stranger in the town. 3 One day, Allan and his friend Henry went swimming in a river. It was very hot. How h________ they were in the river! After they got out of the w________, they played games in the sun for a while. On their w________ back, Henry saw some flowers. He liked flowers very much and ran into the green f________ to look at them. Now Allan was walking by h________. Then he heard Henry calling out, “A snake! Help!” “What?s wrong with you?” asked Allan. “A snake bit (咬) me in the leg. Come here!” Allan ran o________ and saw a small red wound (伤口) on Henry?s leg. “The snake was in the grass. I didn?t see it.” “Sit down q________!” Allan told Henry. Allan put his mouth at the little red wound and began to suck (吸) at it. In this way he saved Henry?s l________. “Oh, Allan, it?s very k________ of you to help me.” “That?s all right. We are friends and we must always h________ each other.”


一、中考初中化学流程图 1.高纯氧化铁可作为现代电子工业的材料,以下是硫铁矿烧渣(主要成分为Fe 2O 3、FeO 、SiO 2)为原料制备高纯氧化铁(Fe 2O 3)的生产流程示意图:[(NH 4)2CO 3溶液呈碱性,40℃以上时(NH 4)2CO 3分解]。 (1)实验室中,操作Ⅰ、操作Ⅱ用到的玻璃仪器玻璃棒、_______、烧杯等。 (2)写出通入CO 后所发生反应的化学方程式_______(任意写一个)。 (3)在该生产流程中当加入(NH 4)2CO 3后,应该控制的条件是 ______ 。 (4)滤液Ⅱ中可回收的物质在农业上可做 _____ (5)写出在空气中煅烧FeCO 3的化学方程式_____。 【答案】漏斗 3CO+Fe 2O 3高温2Fe+3CO 2(或FeO+CO 高温Fe+CO 2) 温度控制在40℃以下(或控制溶液的酸碱度) 氮肥或肥料 32 2324FeCO +O 2Fe O +4CO 高温 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 (1)操作Ⅰ、操作Ⅱ都是将固体与液体分开,操作为过滤,过滤操作用到的玻璃仪器玻璃棒、漏斗、烧杯等。 (2)高温条件下,氧化铁和一氧化碳反应生成铁和二氧化碳,氧化亚铁和一氧化碳反应生成铁和二氧化碳,反应的化学方程式为:Fe 2O 3+3CO 高温2Fe+3CO 2, FeO+CO 高温Fe+CO 2。 (3)因为40℃以上时(NH 4)2CO 3分解,因此加入(NH 4)2CO 3后,温度控制在40℃以下;(NH 4)2CO 3溶液呈碱性,所以要控制酸碱性。

(4)滤液Ⅱ中可回收的产品中含有硫酸铵,在生活中可作为氮肥。 (5)在空气中煅烧FeCO 3,是碳酸亚铁和氧气在高温下生成二氧化碳和氧化铁,对应的化学反应方程式4FeCO 3+O 2 高温2Fe 2O 3+4CO 2。 故答案为:(1)漏斗; (2)3CO+Fe 2O 3高温2Fe+3CO 2(或FeO+CO 高温Fe+CO 2); (3)温度控制在40℃以下(或控制溶液的酸碱度); (4)氮肥或肥料; (5)4FeCO 3+O 2 高温2Fe 2O 3+4CO 2。 2.高纯氧化铁(Fe 2O 3)又称“引火铁”,可作催化剂,在现代工业上有广泛应用前景。以下是用赤铁矿(含少量 SiO 2 等杂质)为原料,制备高纯氧化铁的生产流程示意图。 已知:氨水呈碱性(主要成分NH 3· H 2O 是一种碱);(NH 4)2CO 3溶液呈碱性,40℃以上易分解。 (1)写出高温时赤铁矿中的Fe 2O 3 与 CO 发生反应的化学方程式_____。 (2)①和②处的操作是_____,这个操作中玻璃棒的作用是_____。 (3)加入(NH 4)2CO 3 后,该反应必须控制的条件是_____;(NH 4)2CO 3与FeSO 4 发生复分解反应而生成FeCO 3,则②处反应的化学方程式为_____。 (4)用蒸馏水洗涤FeCO 3 的目的是除去表面附着的杂质,洗涤干净的标志是:取最后一次洗涤液,向其中加入适量的 BaCl 2 溶液,无_____(填现象)产生,即为洗涤干净。 【答案】232Fe O +3CO 2Fe+3CO 高温 过滤 引流 温度控制在40℃以下 ()()43434422NH O +FeSO =FeC +O NH C SO ↓ 沉淀 【解析】 【分析】 一氧化碳和氧化铁高温生成铁和二氧化碳,铁和稀硫酸反应生成硫酸亚铁和氢气,碳酸铵和硫酸亚铁反应生成碳酸亚铁和硫酸铵。 【详解】 (1)高温时赤铁矿中的Fe 2O 3 与 CO 发生反应是一氧化碳和氧化铁高温生成铁和二氧化


语法填空专项练习(附答案) ___1___ being Sunday, I decided to sleep late. But it wasn’t long ___2___ I realized that I had to go to the bookstore to get a reference book our teacher had asked us to buy. ___3___ (fear) they would be sold out before I got one, I got up and headed for the bookstore. It was three blocks away, and pretty soon I reached ___4___ shop. It was not until I entered the shop that it came to my ___5___ that I forgot to bring any money on me. This meant I ___6___ do nothing but return home for the money. ___7___, I ran all the way home to fetch the money. After a while, I returned to the shop and bought the book that I wanted. Reading the pages of it, I ___8___ (feel) it my duty to do well in my studies, and I was sure I could make it. Ther e will be a few months before I take the College Entrance Examination, and I‘ll work still ___9___ (hard) at my lessons. Though there may be difficulties for me, I’m confident that I can achieve my aim and make it into college. I owe it to my parents ___10___ they’ve done so much for me, so that I can concentrate on my studies. (专练二) “Fire!Fire!”What terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, old, wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of the ___1___, opened the door and stepped outside the house. There was ___2___ of thick smoke. I began to run, but as I was still only half-awake, instead of going towards the stairs, I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew ___3___ (thick) and I could see fire all around. The floor became hot under my bare feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But ___4___ I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell ___5___. The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes, and I picked it up ___6___(protect) my face from the smoke and heat. I crashed to the floor below with pieces of ___7___ (burn) wood all around me. As I reached the cold air outside, the bundle of clothes gave a thin cry. I nearly dropped ___8___ in surprise. Then I was in a crowd gathered in the street. A woman ___9___ a night dress and a borrowed man’s coat screamed as she saw me and came running ___10___ (mad). She was the Mayor’s wife, and I had saved her baby. (专练三) So the main reason why people ____10____ dogs has changed from protection to friendship. (专练四) Student: Excuse me, can you spare a few minutes to answer some questions? Woman: Umm, yes, I suppose ____1_____. What’s it for? Student: I ____2_____ (do) a survey about people’s shopping habits. Woman: Oh, all right then. Student: Great. Do you usually shop alone or with ____3_____ else in your family? Woman: Oh, I always do it on my ____4____. If I go with the others, they always put too many things in the trolley (推车) and it costs me ____5____ fortune!


中考英语综合填空题专项训练05.附详解 根据上下文和括号里的汉语提示,在下面的空白处写出正确的单词和短语,使短文意思完整。 Most of American businesses are open five days a week. American school children attend school five days a week as well. American families usually have a (1)______(两天) weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday. Over the weekend people spend their time (2)______(以许多不同的方式)。 Many families enjoy weekends (3)______(一起)。 They may go shopping, go for a drive or visit friends. They may also invite friends over and (4)______(聚会) at home. Many American families participate (参加) in sports during the weekend. (5)______(跑步), biking, playing volleyball and swimming (6)______ (流行) in summer. Skiing and skating are the (7)______ (最喜爱的) winter sports. Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or in (8)______(他们的) houses. Many families plant flowers and have vegetable gardens. Some families use the weekends (9)______(粉刷) or repair their houses. (10)______(对大部分美国人来说), weekends are very busy. 「答案与解析」 本文讲述美国人是如何过周末的情况。


填空题: 1.证明蜡烛燃烧产物的方法:用干冷的烧杯罩在火焰上方,有水雾产生,在向烧杯中滴入澄清石灰水,变浑浊,证明生成水和CO2(意思对即可) 2.点燃白烟蜡烛复燃的原因:白烟是石蜡的固体小颗粒具有可燃性 3.检验酒精灯外焰温度最高的方法:把小木条插入火焰中央1s左右移开,发现外焰部分小木条变黑,中间无明显变化 4.呼出气体与空气比较,氧气含量降低的操作:将燃着的小木条分别插入集气瓶,观察现象 5.呼出气体与空气比较,CO2含量增多的方法:分别向集气瓶中滴加相同滴数的澄清石灰水,呼气瓶中澄清石灰水变浑浊,证明CO2含量增多 6.呼出气体与空气比较,水蒸气含量增多的方法:向玻璃片哈气,有水蒸气产生 7.向试管里送入固体粉末的方法:使试管倾斜把盛有药品的药匙小心的送入试管底部,然后使试管直立起来 8.标签朝向手心的原因:防止腐蚀标签 9.用量筒量取液体的操作:量筒平放,视线与量筒内液体凹液面最低处保持水平 10.胶头滴管不能横放或倒放的原因:防止腐蚀胶头 11.酒精灯未盖灯帽会引起:酒精挥发、灯芯聚水点燃困难 12.检查装置气密性的方法:先将导管插入水中,在用手紧握试管,若有气泡冒出,则装置气密性良好 13.红磷燃烧实验: (1)目的:测定空气中氧气的含量 (2)瓶底放少量水的作用:吸收有毒的五氧化二磷并降温 (3)水回流偏小的原因:红磷量不足、气密性不好、未冷却到室温就打开量止水夹 (4)水回流偏大的原因:燃烧匙伸入集气瓶过慢、止水夹没夹紧 (5)不能用木炭代替红磷的原因:生成的CO2为气体,使瓶内的压强没有发生变化,水不会回流 14.氧气的用途:供给呼吸、支持燃烧 15.氮气的用途:保护气 16.稀有气体的用途:保护气、电光源


语法填空专题训练 Combined by Stella A Making new friends means 1_________(put) yourself out on a limb and asking others not only to accept you, but to like you and want to be around you as well. Unfortunately, there is no 2__________(magic) solution 3__________ this part of the process, so if you want to make friends, take a deep breath and jump right in! 4__________ first step to making new friends is figuring out what is holding you back. A lot of times people 5__________ are interested in making new friends don’t know why they don’t have them. They can’t see that 6__________ won actions are working against them. Once you can identify(确认,确定)what is keeping you from making new friends, you need to work through these concerns. This can be 7__________(pain) because you will need to put yourself outside of your comfort zones to see any real differences. The next step is to shine in these social settings so that others will leave with a positive impression. If you find social situations hard, just rely on a few simple rules. When you feel 8__________(confidence) that you’ve made some great new friends, get out there and celebrate with them! No matter 9__________ you decide to do, the important thing is to celebrate your new friends 10__________ hopefully continue cultivating more. B For your next vacation, why not think of 1__________(visit) Singapore? Singapore is a small city, and it doesn’t have nay beaches 2__________ mountains, but is has a very large zoo. It is also a 3__________(wonder) place for shopping. Don’t plan on driving a car in Singapore. The traffic 4__________(be) heavy in some parts of the city, and most private cars are not 5__________(allow) in downtown Singapore. 6_______ is easiest to get around the city 7_______ subway.
