考研英语写作大功略—第六章 段落的写作

考研英语写作大功略—第六章 段落的写作
1.主题句(Topic Sentence):点出段落的主题(谈论什么)。
2.扩展句(Developing Sentence):说明和支持主题。
3.结尾句(Concluding Sentence):得出结论。
每个段落只能有一个主题(central idea),它用一个句子加以表达,所以称为主题句。主题提出后需要很多结构严谨的句子来支持和说明,称为扩展句。最后得出一个结论,并用一个结尾句表达。参看下面段落:
(主题句)Slavery in the United States existed almost unchanged for 250 years.(扩展句1)During this time, most slaves were not allowed to marry or to raise families.(扩展句2) Usually they were not allowed to learn to read.(扩展句3) It was very dangerous for a slave to travel, since even free Negroes could be kidnapped and sold at any time. (结尾句)Under these conditions, it was almost impossible for them to organize to help each other.
Learning English at college is different from learning English at the middle school. In the middle school, the students are more dependent and passive. But college students must solve most of the problems by themselves. They will have to consult the dictionaries and reference books by themselves and prepare their lessons.
Similarly, in order to write successful answers to essay questions on history or anthropology examinations, a student must arrange the relevant facts and opinions according to some accepted pattern of paragraph structure. And certainly when a student writes a book report for English, or a critiques for politics studies, or a term paper for sociology, style and organization are often as important as content. Clearly,

the ability to write well organized, concise paragraphs and essays is essential to a student's success in almost all university courses.
位于段中:位于段中的主题句起承上启下的作用,这类主题句多起转折作用,一般由“but, however, yet, anyhow, nevertheless”等词连接,用于引起下文。
What we teach ourselves sometimes indeed in more useful than what we learn from others. Some great men had little or no schooling. But these great men probably studied harder by themselves than most boys do in school. The greatest minds do not necessarily of those who have never been able to distinguish themselves at school, have been very successful in life later. It has been said that Wellington and Napoleon were both dull boys at school, and so were Newton and Albert Einstein.
There came a breeze, then a gust of wind, The wind became stronger. It rattled the windows, turned up the fallen leaves, bent down the trees. Distant rumbling thunder was heard and came nearer and nearer. Large drops of rain began to fall. Flashes of lightening lit up the sky. Thunder roared overhead. Now the rain poured down,
空泛:English language is very important.
概括:English language is very important in our daily life.
空泛:The Olympic Games are exciting.
概括:In the Olympic Games the football teams from many countries compete intensely.
简洁:Collecting stamps is her hobby.
复杂: She likes collecting stamps which is her hobby.
简洁: I enjoyed watching Gone with the wind very much.
复杂:Gone with the wind was a good film which I enjoyed watching very much.
不完整:How to write a composition.
完整:How to write a composition is not an easy thing to talk about.
不完整:If the weather was fine.
完整:If it was fine, we would have had a good time.
There are several ways to boil the water.
The task can be finished in three steps.
There is a new method to reduce the cost.

做题时,一旦定下了主题和关键词,作者便按照自己的思路来组织段落中的句子,句子之间要具有连贯性,就必须由一系列的逻辑关系构成,例如:并列关系,因果关系,递进关系,转折关系,解释关系,概括关系,顺序关系,让步关系,对照比较关系,转换关系等等,这些逻辑关系可由一系列的过渡词(transitional words)来完成。过渡词在句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间起到承上启下的作用,使句子或段落之间的衔接自然、连贯,逻辑合理,结构严谨,故极为重要。
构成时间关系的过渡词有:first, in the first place, since then, thereafter, there fore, lately, later, meanwhile, at last等。
构成空间关系的过渡词有:before, behind, below, between, beyond, farther, in front of , near to, next to, over, under, up, close to等。
There are several ways to improve our English writing skills and keeping a diary in English is surely one of them. Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. My mother advised me to write diary when I was very young.(本句去掉意思更为合理)It can help us cultivate the habit of thinking in English. If we can keep this practice, we will gradually learn how to express ourselves in English.
There are also many quite, private things that I enjoy doing (主从复合句)I would spend a whole day reading a book, and I sometime stay up late at night reading a good novel.(并列句)When I am tired of physical activities, I may find a good movies or a light TV program very entertaining.(主从复合句) In short, I like to do many different kinds of things, depending on the mood I am in and the kind of people I am in and the kind of people I am around.(简单句,分词短语作状语)
3.按时间顺序(time order)或空间顺序(space order)来完成段落。按照时间和空间的顺序来组织段落是记叙文常用的方法。有时两种方法单独使用,有时混合使用。例如:
We had a hard time getting Peter out of the well he had fallen into. First we fashioned a rope by linking our belts together. Then we lowered it to Peter, telling him to grasp the end. After he had hold of the belt-rope, we began to pu

ll him slowly, inch by inch, out of the well. During his ascent, no one dared speak a word. Finally we could grasp his arms, and with a shout of relief, we pulled him out onto the grassy band.
Down the middle of the valley runs a clear, fast stream in which one may fish. In the low land along the stream are the farmlands; beyond them are the pastures. Behind the tops of the first hills are the big mountains. At the very top in the pure, brown rock of EI Ermitano Mountain, which shows snow until the middle of summer. Flowers cover the pasturelands in season.
beyond, above, under, nearby, outside, in here, across, close to, on(to)the left(right), ahead of, in front of, above, across, across, from, adjacent to, against, around, at the bottom, before, behind, below, beneath, between, beyond, close at hand, close to down, far, farther, in the center of, in the distance, in the middle of, nearby, near to, next to, on the opposite side, opposite to, on top of , over, under, up等。
当段落的主题阐述“是什么”(What is)时,便可用定义法。词典中的词条解释便是定义法最好的例子:
define→State precisely the meaning of sth;
dictionary→a book listing and explaining the words of a language;
example→fact, thing, etc. which illustrates or represents a general rule;
hope→feeling of expectation and desire.
What is honesty? Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act. Honesty is a good virtue. He who lies cheats is dishonest. Those who gain fortunes, not by hard labor, but by other means are dishonest.
what is …, to be defined as, to refer to, the definition of …is, to be used to describe, in a very real sense, in a limited sense, this is, this means, be explained, state that, in other words. namely等。
5.因果法(cause and effect)
(1) 一因多果:
It was the end of my exhausting first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant.(因)
Cap had gone away, my apron was stained, my feet ached. (果)The loaded trays I carried felt heavier.(果)Weary and discouraged, I didn't seem able to d

o anything right,(果)As I made out a complicated check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream order a dozen times, I was ready to quit .(果)
Health is a condition of wisdom, and a sign of cheerfulness.(果)If a man is in poor health, he will have many troubles and suffer a great deal.(因)He has to spend much time and money to go to a hospital for examinations and treatment.(因)In addition, his relatives and friends have to take care of him,(因)In this sense, poor health brings trouble to others as well as to the patient himself.(因)As we know, happiness and success depend on achievements and progress.(因)Good health is one of the many factors that lead to achievement and success, and the basis of them is health.(因)
because, since, as, seeing that, the reason why…because of, on account of due to, so, thus, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, so that, as a result of, in consequence of, result in, result from, lead to, so…as to, owing to, to have an effect on, for the reason, in this way等。
6.比较与对比法(comparison contrast)
“比较”阐述所比对象的相似之处:“对比”阐述所比对象不同之处。比较和对比一般采用两种方法来组织:1)对两项或多项事的异同之处逐点进行比较对照,排列顺序为:A1,B1,A2,B2;A3,B3…。2)对两项或多项事物的异同之处逐项进行比较对照,排列顺序为:A1,A2,A3;B1,B2,B3; …。例如
(1) 比较
Paragraph and Essay
Despite their obvious differences in length, the paragraph and the essay are quite similar structurally. For example, the paragraph is introduced by either a topic sentence or a topic introducer followed by a topic sentence. In the essay the first paragraph provides introductory material and establishes the topic sentence. Similarly, the body of an essay consists of a number of paragraphs that expand and support the ideas presented in the introductory paragraph. Finally, a terminator-whether a restatement, conclusion, or observation-ends the paragraph. The essay, too, has a device which brings its ideas to a logically and psychologically satisfying completion: the concluding paragraph. Although exceptions to these generalizations may be observed in modern creative writing, most well written expository paragraphs and essays are comparble in stru

There is an essential difference between a new story, as understood by a newspaperman or a wire-service writer, and the newsmagazine story, The chief purpose of the conventional news story is to tell what happened. It starts with the most important information and continues into increasingly inconsequential details, not only because the reader may not read beyond the first paragraph but because an editor working on galley proofs a few minutes before press time likes to be able to cut feely from the end of the story. A newsmagazine is very different. It is written to be read consecutively from beginning to end, and each of its stories is designed, following the critical theories of Edgar Allen Poe, to create one emotional effect. The news, what happened that week, may be told in the beginning, the middle, or the end ; for the purpose is not to throw information at the reader but to reduce him into reading the whole story, and into accepting the dramatic(and often political)point being made.
Railways and Automobile Roads
Some people say that railways are more important than automobile roads. But in my opinion, automobile roads and railways complement each other. Railways do not touch small places , while automobile roads can be constructed to reach every place, even villages situated in remote corners of the country. Railways are constructed only for the trains, but roads will prove equally useful for bicycles, carriages and other kinds of vehicles. The cost of building automobile roads is also such lower than that of building railways.
like, likewise, unlike, similarly, in the same way, on the other hand, compare with, by comparison, in contrast to, on the contrary, but, so despite, yet, instead, while, whereas, however, nevertheless, although, even though, conversely, different from, equally important, in spite of. instead, in the same manner, still等。
7.举例或例证法(example and illustration)
In many countries cigarette smoking is restricted in many ways. For example. in Britain, cigarettes are not allowed to be advertised on TV or radio; the American government requires manufacturers to print the

warning that smoking is dangerous to health on every package of cigarettes; in our country a regulation is being drafted banning the sale of tobaccoproducts to people under eighteen. There is no doubt that the world-wide anti-smoking campaigns will make more and more people be aware of the danger of smoking and become conscious fighters for cleaner air.
本段在首句,即主题句中提出“在许多国家吸烟被以各种方式加以限制”的观点,接着“for example ”引出三个例证一“for instance”等加以引导,但也可在主题句之后直接列举,例如:
Wealth does always not go hand in hand with happiness. Wealth may encourage those weak-willed persons to be addicted to some harmful habits such as drug-taking or gambling, and bring about their own ruin, Also, a person may lose his reason and go astray if he is passionately devoted to seeking wealth. Therefore, one can never count on wealth to achieve happiness.
for example, for instance, for one thing, for another, to illustrate, one example is, to begin with, first, second, furthermore, besides, in addition, moreover, finally, in conclusion, in summary, also, a case in point, as an illustration, incidentally, namely, that is等。
Examinations are of three kinds. One is the machine-scored“objective”type. In an objectivetest, the students answer questions by deciding on the best choice among a number of alternatives give. Another is the“completion”type. This kind of examination requires the students to add a word or phrase to a sentence. And the third type is essay examination, in which the students are asked to write a composition on a given topic. All these kinds of examinations are designed to reveal what a student may have learned in any particular course.
to divide…into, to classify…into, group…into, to fall into classes, there are…kinds(types, groups, classes, categories, sorts ) of, according to, in terms of, depending on, at the level of等。
9.综合法(combination of methods)
Example 1

g your vocabulary can help you in a number of ways .(顺序法)You will discover that knowing synonyms, for example.(举例法)will decrease the amount of repetition in your compositions and make them more enjoyable to read. And if a teacher enjoys reading your paper, he may even give you a better grade. Also, an increased vocabulary will make your own reading more enjoyable. You will find it is much easier to follow the ideas in your history textbook or the newspaper when you do not have to continually run to the dictionary to look up unknown word, you will become more eager to read and not as discouraged when you do come across an unknown word.(因果法)As a result, you will read faster and more intelligently, become more knowledgeable, and hence better informed about the world around you. Strange as it may seem, vocabulary study can make you a better person.
Example 2
Poetry is branch of literature(定义法)which explores ideas, emotions, and experiences in a distinctive form and style. Poetry, sometimes called“verse”depends greatly on the natural rhythms and sounds of language for its special effects. Poetry even more than prose,(比较法)depends on precise and suggestive wording. In other words, a poem says much in little space. Poetry differs from prose (比较法)in obvious ways, also. Most often (举例法)the first word of every line begins with a capital letter, even in the middle of a sentence. Poems sometimes contain rhythms, and often they have a particular rhythm, like music.(比较法)
Example 3
During the American War of Independence,(顺序法)women were involved in the active fighting in three way.(举例法)as members of a distinct branch of the Continental Amy, referred to as“Women of the Army”,women staffed field hospitals and acted as military support in such roles as water carriers. In an emergency, women water carriers, who had plenty to opportunity to observe the firing of cannons, In an emergency, women water carriers, who had plenty of opportunity to observe the firing of cannons, could replace a wounded comrade. The second(举例法)way that women were involved in active fighting was as regular troop members who wore men's uniforms and fought side by side with their male counterparts. Theoretically(因果法)women were not supposed to be recruited into the Continental Army, but if a woman was a good soldier, no one made an issue of sex at a time when the army was so short of soldiers that boys n

ot yet in their teens were also being recruited in violation of rules. Third.(举例法)women were occasional fighters affiliated with local militia companies or committees of safety formed to protect the local community.
Physical exercise is also important for our mind. Exercise is effective as a tranquilizer. Tests have show that a 15-minute walk can have a more tranquilizing effect than the most used tranquilizer on the market today. It has been demonstrated that the most used less from anxiety and are able to work harder. In a word, physical recreation can help toughen our competitive nature.
English is spoken by pilots and airport control operators on all the airways of the world. Over 70 percent of the world's mail is written in English. More than 60 percent of the world's radio programs are in English. Cleary English is an international language.
Lions belong to the cat family. In many ways they are like the cats we see every day. They have sharp claws hidden under soft cushion. They make no noise when they walk. They have sharp teeth with which they tear their food to pieces, They like to sleep through the day and to hunt at night. A lion will lie for hours by a spring or river, waiting for the deer to come to drink in the same way that a cat watches over a hole of the mouse till mouse comes out.
In short…; In conclusion…;
To sum up…; Consequently…;
From the point of view, …; In a word…;
There fore…; Thus, …
