



1.Astronomers have discovered that three planets have sizes and temperatures similar to

_______ of Earth.

A.them B.these

C.those D.ones




考查代词的指代。句意:天文学家发现了三个在大小和温度方面与地球相似的星球。根据句意可知此处是三个星球的大小和温度与地球的大小和温度相似,因此空白处应该是代指复数名词sizes and temperatures。those代指上文中的可数名词复数。故选C。


one, ones, that, those与it的区分


The population problem may be the greatest one of the world today.(one=a problem)


The weather of this week is worse than that of last week.(that=the weather)

3.those 用来代替复数可数名词,常要求有后置定语,表示特指,即the+复数可数名词。

The students in Class one are more than those in Class Two.(those=the students)

4.it 指上文提到的同一事物,与前面名词是同一物。

Is this book yours, I want to use it.(it=your book)

在本题中,此处是三个星球的大小和温度与地球的大小和温度相似,代指的内容为复数名词sizes and temperatures,且表特指地球上大小和温度,故应用those。

2.On average, the footprints discovered are 14 to 18 inches long, 5-9 inches wide and much larger than _____ of a human.

A.that B.ones C.those D.one



试题分析:句意:通常来说,被发现的长达14到18英寸,5到9英寸宽的脚印比人类的脚印要大得多。A. that特指代指前文的可数名词单数或是不可数名词, B. ones泛指,代替前文出现的可数名词复数, C. those特指,代替前文出现的同一个可数名词复数, D. one 泛指可数名词单数。这句话里those代指footprints。故选C。


3.I prefer a flat in Inverness to ________ in Perth, as I want to live near my mum’s.

A.it B.one

C.that D.which



试题分析:考查代词辨析。本句中使用one指代单数可数名词a flat,表示泛指。it指代上文出现的同一事物,that表示特指,which引导非限制性定语从句。句意:我更喜欢在因弗内斯的一个公寓而不是珀斯的公寓,因为我们想生活得离我妈妈家近点的地方。故B正确。


4.The foreign Minister said “ ________ that the two sides will work towards peace”.

A.It is no doubt B.There is our hope

C.There is no wonder D.It is our hope



考查it作形式主语。句意:外交部长说:“我们的希望是双方朝着和平的方向发展”。通过分析句子结构,可知引号中的句子把主语从句放在句末,故前面需要 it作形式主语,构成it + 系动词 + 名词 + that从句结构。故选D.

5.Heading out on the waters in search of whales is a routine he does, and ________ that, as he hopes, won’t be lost if whale-watching goes the way of so many mass tourism attractions. A.which B.one C.it D.that




6.--- Daddy, do you like ________ if I buy a purse for my mom’s birthday?

--- It couldn’t be better.

A.this B.one C.that D.it






7.I got them a grand piano because they like when I come home and play for them.A.one B.it

C.this D.that




英语中有些动词像like/dislike/hate/appreciate等后面的宾语从句通常用it做形式宾语,再跟when/if等引导的宾语从句。I hate it when talk with their mouth full of food.本题就是考查it的这种用法。我给他们买来一架大钢琴,因为他们喜欢我回家的时候为他们演奏。此处it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面when引导的宾语从句。故选B。

8.They have done much of the work; when will ________ be finished?

A.the rest B.the other

C.another D.the others



答案:A代词用法。the rest可指代前面的不可数名词work, 而其它三项均不可指代不可数名词。

9.Tom told me that he needed a chair and soon I found _________ for him.

A.it B.that

C.one D.the one



考查代词用法。句意为:Tom告诉我说,他需要一把椅子而且很快他就找到了一把(椅子)。it用来代替同类同物,即“同一个”;that常用来指代不可数名词,也可用来指代有定语修饰的可数名词(此时,相当于the one);one用来指代泛指的可数名词单数,表示同类不同物中的另外某一个。本题中应用one来指代前面出现的、表泛指的a chair,故答案选C。

10.In my eyes ,Miss Green is a strict but kind teacher, everyone will show respect and love to.

A. it

B. which

C. one

D. those


【解析】考查代词:句意:在我看来,格林小姐是个严格的但是善良的老师,一个每个人都尊敬的爱戴的老师。这里用one代指a teacher,做同位语,it指代物,which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰物,those指代可数名词复数。选C。

11.— You seem busy these days.

—Yes. I’m writing a story. You know, it’s reall y not easy to write ______ with attractive plots. A.this B.it C.one D.that



句意:你近些天看起来很忙。是的,我在写故事,你知道,写一个有吸引力的情节的故事不容易。.it/one /that三者均可用作代词,指代前面提到的名词.一般说来,it指代同名同物; one与that则指代同名异物.one与that虽可用来指代同名异物,但one为泛指,相当于a/an +名词; that为特指,相当于the +名词.所以one所指代的名词的修饰语一般为 a/an /some /any; that所指代的名词的修饰语往往是the /this /that。前面提到是a story,故选择C。


12.Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; without _______ we cannot flower and grow. A.them B.it C.that D.which





13.It’s impossible for all the people to get jobs because ______of them is not fit for them. A.every one B.all

C.not all D.none






句意:所有的人都找到工作是不可能的,因为并不是所有的人都适合这些工作。此处all of them are not fit for them.是部分否定,意为:并不是所有的人都适合这些工作。故选B。【点睛】

英语中的部分否定有如下一些表示方法:1、all 的否定式:not all…(或:all…not)表示“并非都……”、“不是所有的都……”;2、both 的否定式:not…both (或:both… not) “并非两个……都……”;3、every…的否定式:not every…“不是每……都……”。

14.I’d appreciate _________ if you woul d like to teach me how to use the expression once more

and I always appreciate _________ me with my English in the past.

A.that; you to help B.this; your helping

C.it; you to help D.it; your helping




考查it做形式宾语和动名词。句意:如果你愿意再教我一次如何使用这个表达,我将不胜感激。我也一直感谢你在过去帮助我学习英语。I’d appreciate it if如果可以,我将不胜感激,该句型是固定句型,it做形式宾语,排除A和B,appreciate doing感激做某事。故选D。

15.Of all the books on the desk, ______ is of any use for our study.

A.nothing B.no one

C.neither D.none



试题分析:前面的“all”提示我们“书不是两本,而是三本及其以上”,故排除C项(指两者都不)。none="none" of the books.“nothing(没有东西),no one (没有人)”均不符合句意。


16.The official made clear that he would do everything possible to solve the problem. A.it B.this C.that D.him




考查形式宾语it。句意:该官员明确表示,他将竭尽所能解决问题。固定结构应当是:make it clear that+陈述句。it在此是形式宾语,从句he would do everything possible to solve the problem是真正的宾语。故选A。

17.Harry never enjoys visiting large cities because he thinks one such city is much like ______. A.another B.the other C.the others D.others




考查代词辨析。句意:Harry从不喜欢参观大城市,因为他觉得这样的城市都差不多。A. another另一个(不定数目中的);B. the other另一个(通常与one搭配成one…the other…结构);C. the others其余的人或物(特指);D. others别的人或物(泛指)。题干中表示的是这样的城市和其它任何一个城市都差不多,故选A。

18.Recycling is one way to protect the environment; reusing is ________.

A.another B.the other

C.one another D.one





考查代词用法。句意:回收是保护环境的一种方式,重复使用是另一种方式。another的意思是“另一个,又一个”,非特指;the other 的意思是“两者中的另一个”是特指;one another的意思是“互相”;one的意思是“一个”,非特指。此处不是特指,指的是很多种中的另一种,故选A。

19.Applicants are not required to take IELTS or TOEFL test but it will be appreciated if someone has taken _____.

A.none B.either C.neither D.all




考查不定代词词义辨析。句意:申请人不要求必须参加雅思或托福考试,但如果有申请人参加其中之一,将受到重视。A. none 没有一个;B. either (两者之中)任何一个;C. neither 两者都不;D. all 全部。由“IELTS or TOEFL”可知,(两者之中)任何一个用either。故选B项。

20.-The news came ___the film directed by Peter won an award.

-When was that?

- _______ was in 2018____he was still in college.

A.when ;That ;that. B.that; That; that.

C.that; It; that. D.that; It ;when.








(2)二看关系词的句法功能,即分清关系词是担任什么句子成分,是作主语还是宾语、是作定语还是状语等(如作定语通常用whose,有时也用which;作状语要用when, where, why) (3)三看定语从句的种类,即分清是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句(如that和why 通常不引导非限制性定语从句)

21.Life comes in a package,_____includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, and despair.

A.One B.what C.one that D.that




考查代词和定语从句。句意:生活是一个包裹,其中包括快乐和悲伤,失败和成功,以及绝望。分析句子可知,此处先用one 代指a package,includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, and despair.是修饰one的定语从句,从句缺少主语,先行词是不定代词,故用关系代词that,故选C项。



1. 找出先行词:one(指物)

2. 确定先行词在从句中充当什么成分:先行词one在从句includes happiness and sorrow 中充当主语,故用关系代词which/that

3. 考虑特殊情况:one是不定代词,关系代词用that


22.Behind this shop lies a nonprofit organization, ____helping survivors of drug and alcohol addiction, violence and other horrible experiences.

A.one B.the one C.that D.which




考查代词。句意:这家店的背后是一个非营利性组织,一个帮助吸毒、酗酒、暴力和其他可怕经历的幸存者的组织。后文中没有谓语动词,故不属于定语从句,不能选择C或者D 选项。且设空处做organization的同位语,表泛指,故不加冠词the,排除B选项。故综上选A。

23.I hate _______ when people talk with their mouths full.

A.it B.that C.these D.them




考查it特殊用法。It作为无所指It,经常放在hate, appreciate,make,get等的后面构成固定句型。如I made it我成功了。I got it我明白了!句意:我抬眼人们嘴里塞的满满的说话。故A正确。

24.We have many summer camps for your holidays. You can choose ____ based on your own interest.

A.them B.each

C.one D.it




考查代词。句意:我们有许多暑期夏令营,你可以根据自己的兴趣选择一个。A. them它们;B. each每一个;C. one一个,为泛指,泛指同类事物或人中的某一个;D. it为特指,特指上文提到的某人或者某事物。根据语境可知,此处应是表示泛指的某一个,在此泛指上句提到的many summer camps中的某一个,故选C。

25.The most important promises we must keep are ______ we make to ourselves.

A.Ones B.those C.these D.them




考查代词。句意:我们必须遵守的最重要的承诺就是我们对自己做出的承诺。A. Ones泛指上文提到可数名词复数;B. those特指上文提到的名词复数;C. these这些;D. them他们。分析句子可知,we must是定语从句,修饰The most important promises,是句子的主语;be动词后缺少表语,we make to ourselves是定语从句,修饰空格处。根据句意,此处指上文提到的promises,由定语从句修饰表示特指。故用those,故选B。

26.You may rely on __________ that Jennifer will come and help us if we are in trouble.

A.it B.that C.which D.this




考查形式宾语it的用法。句意:如果我们有困难,你可以相信詹妮弗会来帮助我们。it做形式宾语时,常用于“动词 + prep + it + that-从句”结构,此处用it作rely on的形式宾语,真正宾语为其后的宾语从句。故选A。


能用于“动词 + prep + it + that从句”结构的动词,常见的还有see to, look to, insist on, stick to, depend on, answer for 等。

27.How do you like the Japanese film Your Name! D on’t you just love ________ when the hero comes across the girl again after 8 years?

A.this B.that C.it D.them




考查固定句型。句意:你觉得日本电影《你的名字》怎么样?难道你不喜欢男主角8年后再遇到那个女孩吗? 固定句式“sb+hate / dislike / love / like+it+when从句”为固定用法,故选C。




① 当不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句在复合宾语结构中作某些动词的宾语时(如think, make, find, consider, feel, suppose等);


一、动词+ it + that-从句。如:

(1)sb find/ believe/ think/ feel/ consider/ make + it +n+to do/that从句,如:I take it (that) he will come on time. 我认为他会准时来的。

He makes it a rule never to borrow money.(他立志决不向别人借钱。)

I think it no need talking about it with them.(我认为没必要跟他们谈。)

(2)sb find/think/make + it + adj. + to do sth/that 从句(宾语从句)如:I don’t feel it difficult to understand the Special English.(我觉得理解英语特别节目并不难。)

I find it interesting to learn English.

二、动词 + prep + it + that-从句。如:

I can’t answer for it that he will come. 我不能保证他会来。

You may rely on it that he’ll come to meet you. 你放心,他会来接你的。

You may depend on it that we shall always help you.(尽管放心,我们会随时帮你的。)

说明:能用于此结构的动词不多,常见的有see to, look to, insist on, stick to, depend on, answer for 等。

注意: that引导的宾语从句不能直接作介词的宾语

三、动词 + it + 介词短语+ that-从句。如:

We owe it to you that the re wasn’t a serious accident.(多亏了你才没有发生严重事故。)

I took it for granted that he would help us. 我认为他会帮助我们的。


常见的有take it for granted, bring it to sb’s attention, owe it to sb 等。

四、动词 + it + when /if/that-从句。如:

(1)sb+hate / dislike / love / like+it+when-从句

I hate it when my mother asks me to eat eggs.(我讨厌母亲要我吃鸡蛋。)

I dislike it when you whistle. 我不爱听你吹口哨。


I really appreciate it if you could help me with my math.

I’d prefer it if I didn’t have to do so much work. 要是我不必做那么多工作,好就太好了。

28.----Which of these resorts do you like best?

----______. They are both hot and crowded.

A.Either B.Nothing C.Neither D.None



考查情景交际和不定代词。“这些旅游胜地你最喜欢哪个?”“一个也不喜欢。他们既炎热又拥挤。”答语中的both ...and修饰的是hot和crowded,不要误以为是两者。根据问句中的these可知,是三者以上,排除A、C;nothing“什么也没有”;none“一个也没有”。故选D。

29.I’d appreciate ___ if you could come and help me once more and I always appreciate _____ me with my English in the past.

A.this; you to help B.it; your helping

C.it; you to help D.that; you helping




考查it做形式宾语和动名词。句意:如果你能再来帮我一次,我将不胜感激。我一直很感激你过去在英语方面对我的帮助。like, love, appreciate, hate, see to, depend on等词语接从句时,要用 it 作形式宾语。appreciate one’s doing sth“感激某人做某事”为固定短语。故B选项正确。

30.In my opinion, there’s no greater happiness than o f succeeding in one’s career.

A.one B.it

C.that D.those






31.Devotion is a kind of quality, ________you should have if you want to get along well with your friends.

A.that B.it C.one D.what




考查代词。句意:奉献是一种品质,如果你想和你的朋友相处得好,你应该拥有这种品质。根据上下文可知这里指代上文的a kind of quality,用one“泛指”作a kind of quality的同位语,it是同类同物,that特指上文的可数名词单数或不可数名词,what引导从句。故选C。

32.— Have Max and Tina sold out all the English dictionaries?

— Yes, completely. ________ is left.

A.None B.Nothing

C.No one D.Neither



考查代词。no one只能指人,但不具体指什么人,一般用来回答who。 none具体指什么人或物,一般用来回答how many。句意:卖完所有的英语字典了吗?是的,全部卖完了,没有一本剩下来。故选A。

33.I find______difficult for us to understand old English today.

A.it B.that C.there D.this



试题解析:分析句子,可知find后面要跟一个宾语,由于本句的宾语是to understand old English today,故要用it作为形式宾语。根据句意,可知选A。



34.What great means! How did you manage to find ? It is the first time I such wonderful means.

A.it; hear of B.it, have heard of ;

C.them; hear of D.them; have heard of



试题分析:考查代词和固定句式。句意:多么伟大的方法!你怎样设法找到他们的?可知第一空用them代替前面的means;It is the first(second---) time 主语+现在完成时态+其他。此举是表示“某人第几次做某事”。可知第二空填have heard of。故选D。


1.It is the first(second---)time that 主语+现在完成时态+其他。意思是:第几次做某事了。如果把is改成was,则后面用过去完成时态。It’s the third time that I have come to the Summer Palace.这是我第三次来到颐和园。

2.It’s (high) time that 主语+一般过去时态+其他。现在是该做某事的时间了。It’s high time that we had lunch.现在是我们该吃午饭的时间了。

3. It is/has been+一段时间+since 主语+一般过去时态+---。自从---有多长时间了。在这个句

型中since引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时态,分两种情况:(1)如果从句的动词是终止性动词leave/come/---,则表示“从动作开始到现在多长时间了。”It is three years since he began to smoke.他已经吸烟三年了。(2)如果从句的动词是持续性动词

stay/smoke/live---,则表示“从动作结束到现在多长时间了”。 It is three years since he smoked.他戒烟三年了。


35.Oxford is not far from Stratford, so you can easily visit ______ in a day.

A.one B.either C.both D.all








36.He knew the files could be of help to took over the job.

A.anyone B.someone C.whoever D.who



这是一个复合句,He knew是主谓,后面the files could be of help to whoever took over the job.是宾语从句(省略了that)。这个宾语从句里面又套有一个宾语从句whoever took over the job

37.---- “Lady GaGa” is a real legend!

---- Absolutely. She is a big hit in the sales of her albums. In addition, _______ of the singers around the world can match her in unique taste in haircuts and clothes.

A.nothing B.none C.nobody D.no one



世界上所有的歌手在发型和穿着的独特品位上不能与她相比,none三者以上都不,nothing常回答what ,nobody no one常回答who。

38.Although we produce carbon when we breathe, the carbon we produce is much less than

_________ produced by a car.

A.it B.the one C.what D.that


【解析】考查代词辨析。句意:尽管我们呼吸时产生二氧化碳,但我们产生的二氧化碳比汽车产生的少得多。that指代此前面的不可数名词carbon。指代前面的不可数名词,要用that,而it是指同类同物,the one,其中的one指代可数名词的单数,what是“什么”,不能指代前面的不可数名词,因此选D项。

39.I don’t exactly know what the woman is, but I think she can be but a doctor. A.anybody B.something

C.anything D.everybody



考查固定搭配。句意:我不太清楚那个女人是做什么的,但我认为她决不是医生。anything but…为固定搭配,意为“决不是……”,故选C项。

40.This was a courageous decision, all the board members of the company opposed.

A.it B.that C.one D.the one




考查代词用法。句意:这是一个需要勇气的决定,公司委员会所有成员都反对这样的决定。It代指上文提到的事物本身;that同类事物中不同一个,是特指,相当于that+名词;one相当于a+名词,是泛指;the one 是特指。根据句意,对decision的解释说明,特指这一个决定,故选D。


小学英语人称代词和物主代词练习题 一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。 1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet (your / you). 3. (He / His)name is Mark. 4. What’s(she / her)name? 5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li? 7. (I/ My)am Ben. 8. (She / Her)is my sister. 9. Fine , thank (your / you). 10. How old is (he / his) 二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。 1. These are ______ ( he ) brothers. 2. That is _______( she ) sister. 3. Lily is _______ ( Lucy ) sister. 4. Tom, this is _____ ( me ) cousin, Mary. 5. Now _____________(her parent) are in America. 6. Those _______ ( child ) are _____ ( I ) father’s students. 7. Do you know ______ ( it ) name? 8. Mike and Tom __________ ( be ) friends. 9. Thanks for helping ________( I ). 10. ______(Ann安)mother is ______(we) teacher.


英语代词练习题20篇 一、单项选择代词 1.-When shall we go to see the movie The Hunger Games together? -Make it ________ day you like; it's all the same to me. A.one B.any C.another D.some 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查形容词辨析。本句中的any意为“任意一个”,another另外一个;some一些;one一个;句意:—我们什么时候一起去看《饥饿游戏》这部电影啊?—你喜欢的随便那一天都行,我都没关系的。根据句意可知使用any day,表示任意一天都可以。故B正确。 【名师点睛】 本题要特别注意any意为“任意一个....”,语气很强烈;another作形容词时,是指在原有的基础上再加一(些),表示“再一(些)”或“另外一个(些)”的意思,在心理上至少有三 个.another还可作代词,意思与作形容词时一样.它前面不能加任何冠词,后面也不能加s 【举一反三】 The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at _______ chemist's. A. other B. some C. another D. any 〖答案〗D 试题分析:考查代词:A. other其他,B. some一些,C. another另一个,D. any任何一个,句意:这个药到处都在卖,你可以到任何一家药店买到它。选D。 考点:考查形容词辨析 2.I prefer a flat in Inverness to ______ in Perth, because I wa nt to live near my Mom’s. A.one B.that C.it D.this 【答案】A 【解析】 one作为代词时,经常替代有修饰成分的名词单数或前面有不定冠词的名词;that替代有后置定语且有定冠词的名词单数;it指代同一事物;this指代较近的事物。故本题选择A 项。 3.Pip disliked _______ Joe came to see him in London, _______ Pip thought was not a gentleman. A.it when; who B.that; where C.it when; whom D.that; which 【答案】A 【解析】 本题考查it的用法及定语从句。第一个空, it作的是形式宾语,真正的宾语连接副词when引导的宾语从句。第二个空,关系代词who引导的是一个复合定语从句,含有另一个定语从句,其所含的从句结构由主语加表示看法或意见的谓语动词构成,它是整个定语


初三英语代词专项训 练

上海初三英语语法练习+代词专项 31. Students usually have __________ one-day trip in the suburbs in spring. A) a B) an C) the D) / 32. Although she’s always busy, still she finds time to work ___________ charity. A) on B) for C) with D) as 33. After hearing all the songs on the list, the fans asked the singer to sing __________ one. A) other B) the other C) another D) others 34. The fish has gone __________. Throw it away! A) nice B) nicely C) bad D) badly 35. About __________ students in our school have passed the P.E. test. A) three hundred B) hundreds of C) several hundred D) three hundred of 36. My class teacher has given me lots of ___________. They’re very useful. A) information B) advice C) suggestions D) news 37. --Would you like to swim or hike next Sunday? --__________. I prefer to read at home. A) Either B) Both C) None D) Neither 38. Let’s do something for the old in our neighborhood, __________? A) don’t you B) shall we C) won’t you D) will we 39. We still have __________ time. What about having a cup of coffee? A)few B)a few C)little D)a little 40. Mr. Lin is a friend of Mike’s. I’m not familiar wi th __________. A) he B) him C) his D) himself 41. My ambition is __________ a designer in 10 years’ time. A) become B) to become C) becomes D) became 42. Childhood should be full of __________. Do you agree? A) happy B) happier C) happily D) happiness 43. Not only my sister but also I _________ to Seven-Star Skiing Yard twice. A) has gone B) have gone C) has been D) have been 44. Kitty’s family __________ into the new flat three years ago. A) moved B) was moving C) will move D) moves 45. Tom won’t go to see the film. ____________ A) So do I. B) So will I. C) Neither do I. D) Neither will I. 46. __________ amazing Liu Qian’s magic was! Everyone was attracted. A) How B) What C) What a D) What an 47. We __________ any drink. You’d better buy some fruit and vegetables. A) needn’t B) don’t need to C) don’t need D) not need 48. -- __________ is it from your school to your new flat? -- It’s about twenty minutes’ ride. A) How long B) How soon C) How far D) How much 49. Although Grandma is about seventy, she always does exercise to keep fit and happy. The underlined word means ______. A) fat B) suitable C) healthy D) active 50. To make Shanghai a better city, everyone should become a green consumer. The underlined part means ______. A) a person who likes wearing green clothes B) a person who only eats green vegetables C) a person who always buys cheap things and shares them with friends D) a person who only buys and uses environmentally friendly products 51. Tom often goes to the English club and now he can speak English much __________than before. A) fluent B) fluently C) more fluently D) most fluently 52. Most children are __________ favour of Non-homework Wednesday in Changning. A) in B) on C) at D) for 53. The airplane to Beijing ________ from Pudong Airport on time this morning.


专题讲解二:代词考点一:人称代词,物主代词和反身代 三种人称:第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you, you),第三人称(he, she, it, they) 人称代词第一人称第二人称第三人称 单数复数单数复数单数复数主格I We you you he she it they 宾格me us you you him her it them 物主代词 (形容词性) my our yours yours his her its their 物主代词 (名词性) mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs 反身代词myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself hersel f itself themselve s 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+n This is my book.= This is mine. Is that her book? Yes, it’s hers. 专项训练一: 1.Jack will come and join ________in the game. https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d2948672.html, B.we C. our D.ours 2.The news skirt is for ________,Mary. A.she B.her C. you D.yours 3.We can find a way to relax _______from time to time. A.we B.our C. ours D.ourselves 4.Mary is a close friend of _________. A.mine B.me C. my D.I 5.Most of _______are League members. A.they B.them C. their D.theirs 6.Miss Smith teaches ________English. A.we B.our https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d2948672.html, D.ours 7.Help________to some apples and bananas, boys and girls. A.you B.yours C.yourself D.yourselves 8.David and _______family are planning to take a trip to China for _______holiday. A.his;his B.her;theirs C.his;their D.him;their 9._________is possible to pass the driving test if he practices a lot. A.He B.It C.This D.That 10.Yesterday _________enjoyed ________while playing football. A.he,you and I ;ourselves B.you,he and I ;ourselves C.I,you and he ;yourselves D.you,he and I;themselves 考点二.指示代词:this,these,that,those 1.This和these 通常指近处的人或物,常与here连用;而that和those则通常指远处的人或物,常


人称代词和物主代词专项练习 一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。 1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet (your / you). 3. (He / His)name is Mark. 4. What’s(she / her)name? 5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li? 7. (I/ My)am Ben. 8. (She / Her)is my sister. 9. Fine , thank (your / you).10. How old is (he / his) 二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。 1. These are ______ ( he ) brothers. 2. That is _______( she ) sister. 3. Lily is _______ ( Lucy ) sister. 4. Tom, this is _____ ( me ) cousin, Mary. 5. Now _____________(her parent) are in America. 6. Those _______ ( child ) are _____ ( I ) father’s students. 7. Do you know ______ ( it ) name?

8. Mike and Tom __________ ( be ) friends. 9. Thanks for helping ________( I ). 10. ______(Ann安)mother is ______(we) teacher. 三、单项选择。 ()1. My family ____ a big family. My family ____all here. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is ()2. This is __________. A. a picture of family B. a picture of my family C. a family’s picture D. a family of my picture ()3. Let’s __________ good friends. A. be B. are C. is D. am ()4. Is she your aunt? Yes, __________. A. she’s B. her is C. she is D. he is ()5. Are __________ coats yours? Yes, they are .


【英语】代词基础练习题及答案 一、单项选择代词 1.If I have ever feared death before, it was ______ compared to how I felt as the roller coaster that moved faster and faster. A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything 【答案】C 【解析】 考查代词。A. anything任何事;B. something某事;C. nothing无事;D. everything每件事,一切。句意:如果我以前曾经害怕过死亡,那没有什么能与我的感觉相比,我感觉就像过山车一样,移动得越来越快。此处指没有什么能比,故选C. 2.---- “Lady GaGa” is a real legend! ---- Absolutely. She is a big hit in the sales of her albums. In addition, _______ of the singers around the world can match her in unique taste in haircuts and clothes. A.nothing B.none C.nobody D.no one 【答案】B 【解析】 世界上所有的歌手在发型和穿着的独特品位上不能与她相比,none三者以上都不,nothing常回答what ,nobody no one常回答who。 3.Do you consider _____ any good doing many scientific experiments? A.there B.this C.it D.one 【答案】C 【解析】 it是形式宾语,代替doing;good是形容词,因此选C 4.You should make ______ a rule to leave things______ you can find them easily. A.it; where B.it; then C.that; there D.this; when 【答案】A 【解析】 考查代词及状语从句。句中it作形式宾语,真正宾语为to leave things where you can find them easily;where引导地点状语从句,选A。 5.-Which of the ways should I take to the village? - way as you please.All seem to be equal in distance. A.Neither B.None C.Any D.Either 【答案】C 【解析】 考查代词:A.Neither两者都不,B.None三者以上都不,C.Any三者任何一个,


初中英语语法代词专项练习 —————人称代词、物指代词 (1)按要求写出下列代词的形式 1、I(宾格)________ 2、he(形容词性物主代词)________ 3、us(主格)________ 4、they(宾格)________ 5、she(宾格)________ 6、you(名词性物主代词)________ 7、it(宾格)________ 8、my(复数)________ 9、him(复数)________ 10、he(形容词性物主代词)________ 11、we(单数)________ 12、they(名词性物主代词)________ 13、I(反身代词)________ 14、you(反身代词)________ 15、she(反身代词)________ 16、he(反身代词)________ 17、it(反身代词)________ 18、I(反身代词)________ (2)选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。 1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet (your / you). 3.(He / His)name is Mark. 4. What’s(she / her)name? 5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li? 7.(I/ My)am Ben. 8.(She / Her)is my sister. 9. Fine , thank(your / you). 10. How old is (he / his)? (3)用所给代词的正确形式填空 1. These are ______ ( he ) brothers. 2. That is _______( she ) sister. 3. Lily is _______ ( Lucy ) sister. 4. Tom, this is _____ ( me ) cousin, Mary. 5. Now _____________(her parent) are in America. 6. Those __________ ( child ) are _____ ( I ) father’s students. 7. Do you know ______ ( it ) name? 8. Mike and Tom _________( be ) friends. 9. Thanks for helping ________( I ). 10. ______(Ann安)mother is ______(we) teacher. (4)填上正确的人称代词和物主代词 1._____ is my friend. 他是我的朋友。 2. My dog likes _____. 我的狗喜欢她。 3. Who is there? It’s _____.是谁啊?是我。 4. Come with _____. 跟我来。 5. ______ classroom is bigger than ____. 你们的教室比我们的要大。 6. _____ are Chinese. 我们是中国人。 7.I want to buy some balloons for ______. 我想买些气球送给他。 8. These are ______ photos. 这些是我们的照片。 9. _____ like ______ very much. 他们非常喜欢它。 10. Let _____ give _____ a book. 让我给你一本书。


代词 ①单项选择。(人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词和疑问代词) 1. ____ is she? She's a nurse. A. Who B. Where C. Which D. What 2. ____ is Tom like? Oh, he's short. A. Which B. Who C. What D. Whom 3. ____ cap is that? A. Who's B. Who C. Whose D. Where 4. ____ is no use telling him about that. A. This B. That C. These D. It 5. The three men, Bob, Joe and ____ met at the station. A. I B. me C. her D. you 6. ____ have been to Paris. A. I, you and he B. He, you and I C. You, he and I D. You, he and me 7. My brother is so young that he can't take care of ____ . A. him B. herself C. himself D. his 8. The young teacher teaches ____ politics. A. us B. our C. ours D. ourself 9. Our work is not so good as ____ . A. him B. he C. his D. he's 10. Has Jack got the money? Yes, I gave ____ yesterday. A .to him them B. to him if C. him them D. it to him 11. How hard ____ works! A. we B .him C. he D. his 12. Won't you let ____ help you? A. I and my friend B. my friend and I C. my friend and me D. my friend and I to 13. He asked the three men, Bob, Joe and ____ to be ready. A. I B. himself C. me D. herself 14. All my classmates are going to the Summer Palace except ____ . A. he and I B. he and me C. him and I D. him and me 15. Go ____ to ____! A. here, us B. there, they C. there, them D. here, we 16. The moon is shining brightly tonight .____ is like a round plate. A. Its B. He C. She D. They 17. He is as tall as ____ . A. she B. her C. him D. himself 18. If I were ____ , I would take the advice. A. she B. her C. he D. his 19. Open the door. please? It's ____ . A. I B. my C. mine D. me


代词 (一)人称代词 一、概念 人称代词是表示我、你、他/她/它、我们、你们和(他/她/它)们的词。人称代词有人称、格和数的变化,具体见下表: 二、人称代词的用法 1.一般情况下,人称代词的主格作主语,放在句子的开头。 I am a teacher. 我是一名教师。(I是主语) You are 10 years old. 你10岁了。(You 是主语) He is my friend. 他是我的朋友。(He是主语) It is hot today. 今天天气热。(It是主语) 2.宾格作宾语,通常放在动词,如:let, like, help,give,ask等的后面;或介词,如:for, to, of,at等的后面。 Let’s go .(let’s =let us) Can you help me?你能帮我吗?(me是宾语)

The cake is for you. 这个蛋糕是给你的。(you是宾语) 在简短对话中,当人称代词单独使用或用在not后,多用宾格。 ---I like English.---Me too. ---Who broke the window?---Me.(me作表语= It's me.) Why not me?(为什么不是我?) 五、并列人称代词的排列顺序: 1、单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为:第二人称→第三人称→第→人称 如:you,he,and I 2、复数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为:第一人称→第二人称→第三人称 we→you→th ey ★注意:如果是做错事,承担责任时,说话的人把I放在第一位。 Who broke the window?谁打碎了玻璃?I and Li Ming.我和明.



英语代词练习题及答案 作者:stephen 文章来源:方向标英语网点击数:更新时间:2010-11-22 【我 来说两句】 收藏此篇精彩内容到: 一。单项填空 1. Tom, Please pass ________ the glasses. I want to read the newspapers. A. you B. me C. him D. her 2. The English novel is quite easy for yo u. There are ______ new words in it. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 3. ---You want ________ sandwich? ---Yes,I usually eat a lot when I’m hu ngry. A. other B. another C. others D. the othe r 4. The doctors and nurses are doing their best to fight SARS. They think more of o

thers than _______. A. they B. them C. themselves D. theirs 5. ---Which do you prefer, a bottle of o range or a bottle of milk? ---______________,thanks. I’d like a c up of tea. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 6. ---Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot t o bring food. ---Never mind. You can have ________. A. us B. ours C. you D. yours 7. ---Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? ---_______ is OK. I’m free today and tom orrow. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 8. ---How are you going to improve ______


最新中考英语代词专项训练及答案 一、初中英语代词 1.— What would you like, meat or fish? —________________. I prefer chicken. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. Each 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你想要什么,肉还是鱼?——两者都不喜欢。我喜欢鸡肉。A:Either两者中的任何一个;B:Neither两者中的任何一个都不;C:Both两者都;D:Each任何一个(两者或两者以上)。根据上文, meat or fish和下文I prefer chicken.可知肉和鱼两者都不喜欢。故选B。 【点评】考查不定代词辨析。理解不定代词的词义和用法,根据语境,选择正确的不定代词。 2.—Does the pink toy piggy belong to __________? —No. __________ is a purple one. A. hers; Hers B. her; Hers C. her; Her 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——这只粉色的小猪玩具属于她吗?——不,她的是一只紫色的。A. hers; Hers名词性物主代词,名词性物主代词;B. her; Hers人称代词宾格,名词性物主代词;C. her; Her人称代词宾格,人称代词宾格。第一空作宾语,表示"某人",应该用人称代词;第二空作主语,表示"某人的某物",应该用名词性物主代词,故答案选B。 【点评】考查人称代词代词和名词性物主代词,注意识记人称代词代词和名词性物主的用法。 3.—Do you like communicating with your friends on QQ or MSN? — I'd rather the mobile phone. A. Either; use B. Neither; use C. Both; not to use D. None; not use 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你喜欢跟你的朋友用QQ或者MSN交流吗?——,哪一个也不用,我更喜欢用手机。either或者,neither两者都不,both两者都,none没有,would rather更喜欢,后跟动词原形,故排除CD。由I'd rather the mobile phone.可知,说话者更喜欢使用手机交流,说明他不喜欢使用QQ和MSN与朋友交流,故答案是B。 【点评】考查不定代词辨析和动词的基本形式,注意区分either,neither,both和none 的区别。 4.—I'm sorry I made some mistakes in my exam. —It doesn't matter. ________ makes mistakes. A. Somebody B. None C. Everybody D. Nobody 【答案】 C


(英语)初中英语代词专题训练答案 一、初中英语代词 1.Cormorants can swim well under the water___________ large feet enable to ___________move quickly through the water. A. Theirs; themselves B. Their; them C. They; themselves D. They; them 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:鸬鹚能在水下游得很好,它们的大脚能使它们在水中快速移动。theirs它们的,名词性物主代词,不能修饰名词;themselves它们自己,反身代词;their 它们的,形容词性物主代词,修饰名词;them它们,宾格,作宾语;they它们,主格,做 主语。feet脚,名词,所以用形容词性物主代词their修饰;enable sth. to do sth.能使某物 做某事,固定搭配,sth.用宾格,所以用them,故选B。 【点评】考查代词辨析,注意平时识记其区别,根据关键词和短语确定。 2.My grandparents still live in that old village the local government has decided to keep. A. which B. where C. when D. what 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我的祖父母们仍然住在那个当地政府已经决定了保留的旧村庄。 通过分析句子成分可知,这是一个定语从句,先行词是old village指物,要用关系代词which来引导,故选A。 【点评】考查定语从句,注意选择正确的关系代词。 3.—I'm sorry I made some mistakes in my exam. —It doesn't matter. ________ makes mistakes. A. Somebody B. None C. Everybody D. Nobody 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——对不起,我在考试中犯了一些错。——没关系。每个人都会 出错。Somebody某人,none没有人,everybody每个人,nobody没有人。根据It doesn't matter可知,对于考试犯错是没有关系的,因此表示每个人都会出错,故答案选C。 【点评】考查代词,everybody每个人。 4.Whenever you have trouble, you can ask your parents for help and don't keep ________ to yourself. A. them B. it C. its D. him 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:你无论何时有麻烦,都可以向父母求助,不要把它留给自己。them它们,it它,its它的,him他,此处代指前面的trouble用代词it,故选B。 【点评】考查物主代词,注意识记物主代词指代上文提到的事物这一用法。 5.Jack couldn't buy the gift because there was very _____________ money left in his pocket.


小学英语代词专项练习 一中文意思,把句子补充完整. (我的) sister is going to give (他) a dictionary. (我们) lived with (我们的) grandparents ten years ago. (他的) house is beautiful, but ( 你的) is so small. Whose books are these? Are they (他们的) or (你们的 )? Is the balls for ( 我们) or (他们)? Let ( 我们) go and see (她). Could you show ( 我 ) your new story-book? This pen isn't (我的). It's (你的)。(她) does ( 她的) homework from eight to nine. Does (他) often help ( 你们)? Yes, (他) often comes here and helps (我们). 二择正确的答案,把相应的字母编号写在括号内. ( ) 1. coat is red. A. My teacher's B. my teachers' C. Our teachers' ( ) 2. Are a pupil of Huamei School? A. you B. your C. we ( )3. Which is cup, the green or the blue ? A. Kate, one, one B. Kate's, one, one C. Kate', or, one ( )4. There is a picture on the wall over there. Can you see ? A. it B. its C. it's ( ) 5. Are those the houses? A. farmers's B. farmers' C. farmer' ( ) 6. A: Where's new toy? B: Is under bed? A. you, its, your B. you, it, your C. your, it, yours ( ) 7. friend Kitty painted a picture of for birthday. A. My, I, me B. My, me, my C. I, my, mine ( ) 8. Those shirts aren't . A. your B. yours C. you ( ) 9. are cats and are dogs. A. This, his B. These, those C. That, this ( )10. China is a great country. all love . A. We, her B. Our, her C. Us, it ( )11. Here are two pencils. is ?


英语代词练习题含答案 一、初中英语代词 1.I don't want to be ______________ else. I just want to be ______________. A. anybody; myself B. somebody; myself C. everybody; me D. anybody; me 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我不想成为任何其他人,我只想成为我自己。否定句用anybody,表示某人,根据我不想成为任何其他人,可知是做自己,主语是I故反身代词是myself,故选A。 【点评】考查代词,注意否定句用anybody表示某人的用法。 2.My grandparents still live in that old village the local government has decided to keep. A. which B. where C. when D. what 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我的祖父母们仍然住在那个当地政府已经决定了保留的旧村庄。通过分析句子成分可知,这是一个定语从句,先行词是old village指物,要用关系代词which来引导,故选A。 【点评】考查定语从句,注意选择正确的关系代词。 3.—Do you know where the last two pictures went? —A millionaire bought ____ of them. He thought they were worthwhile. A. either B. each C. none D. both 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道最后两张照片放哪儿了吗?——一个百万富翁买了他们。他认为他们是值得买的。either两者中的如何一个,each两个或多个中的每一个,none没有,多个的否定,both两者都,根据the last two pictures 可知指的是两者,用both,故答案为D。 【点评】考查不定代词的用法。注意区别这几个不定代词的用法。 4.Shanghai is a little larger than city in Japan. A. another B. other C. any D. any other 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:上海比日本的任何城市都稍大一些。another用于泛指三个以上的不定数目中的“另一个”,后面可接单数名词,也可省略后面的名词,用作代词;other别的/其他的,修饰单、复数名词;根据句意,AB两项不合语境,可排除。any任何的,用在肯定句中修饰单数名词或不可数名词;any other任何其他的。than any…表示“比所有……都……”,不排除被比较者(或主语)本身;than any other…表示“比所有其他的都……”,排除了被比较者(或主语)本身。根据实际情况,上海并不是日本的城市,可以和日本的任何一个城市相比,需用any,故选C。 【点评】考查不定代词辨析。弄清每个代词的使用规则,根据上下文的联系确定所使用的
