


Stepl Revision 名词性从句的概念:

「主语从句(The Subject Clause)

How dinosaurs disappeared is still a mystery . 宾语从句(The Object Clause) We know that you are hard-working ? 表语从句(The

Predicative Clause)

That is why we^ve given you the letter ? 同位语从句(The Appositive

J Clause) 名词性从句

Task 1


l.She wants to know what kind of films I like ? 2>That is what I want to tell you .( 3? Whether she will go there is not known (__—)

4.It is a pity that he can't attend the party ?

5?The teacher suggested that he (should) read the novel.( ③)

6.1will tell you why I was late for the meeting ?

7.1wonder what has happened to her ?(③

8.The reason is that he doesift understand me ?

Step2Discovering useful structures

?l.Mrs.Liu , our English teacher,doesift live far from school.

?2. My friend ? Zhanghui ? often helps other classmates ?

? 3.The news that our class won the basketball match made me very happy .

?4.They asked me the question whether he
