沟通技巧英文版(Communication Skills)

沟通技巧英文版(Communication Skills)
沟通技巧英文版(Communication Skills)

Communication Skills


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1 Writing with a Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Speaking with Confidence . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3 Communicating Effectively . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4 Is Anybody Listening? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

5 Making Meetings Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135



Communication is a vital part of our daily routines.

We sit in school and listen to teachers. We

read books and magazines. We talk to friends, watch television, and communicate over the Internet.

The workplace is no different. Experts tell us that

70–80 percent of our working time is spent in some

kind of communication. We‘re reading and writing memos, listening to our coworkers, or having one-toone conversations with our supervisors.

Communication involves at least two people: the

sender and the receiver. In this book, we‘ll look at

four types of communication between senders and receivers: writing, speaking, listening, and conducting meetings. Each one is important to your success

in the workplace.

For example, a poorly written cover letter can prevent you from being hired for a job. On the other

hand, the ability to write effectively and make clear presentations can make the difference between your being promoted or being left behind. As Ken Matejka

and Diane Ramos explain in their book Hook ?Em: Speaking and Writing to Catch and Keep a Business Audience, ―You need effective, persuasive communication skills for career advancement.‖

2 Communication Skills

Communication skills are especially important when collaborating with a classmate on a

project. (Corbis)

A communication skill that‘s often overlooked is

listening. Yet recent surveys tell us that we spend 45

percent of our time listening. Do we listen carefully

to what people are telling us? According to one study,

we hear only one quarter of what‘s being said. The

rest of the time we‘re daydreaming or just tuned out


One sales manager in a printing company tells the

story of needing a job rushed through in 24 hours so

his best customer could have it on time. He gave

careful instructions about the project to the production

supervisor. But before he could finish, the supervisor

had already stopped listening. He assumed that

Introduction 3



writing 9%

reading 16%

talking 30%

listening 45%

the customer wanted the job three days later, which

was the usual deadline for most of these projects.

When the sales manager went to pick up the job the

next day, it wasn‘t ready. As a result, he almo st lost

the customer. Unfortunately, stories like these are

common in many organizations.

Listening, writing, and speaking are all skills we

use in meetings. Today, meetings are a common

method for making decisions. More and more work

is done by teams of people who come from different

areas of a company. They accomplish many of their

tasks in team meetings. In these situations, we must

be able to speak and write clearly so others can

understand us and listen carefully to what they say.

Sadly, we waste many hours in meetings because of

poor communication. A study by one university estimated

that $37 billion is lost annually through

unproductive meetings.


A recent survey by Beta Research Corp., on

behalf of the New York Times, asked several

hundred hiring managers to name the most

important behaviors that job seekers should

demonstrate during an interview. ―Effective

communication skills‖ and ―confidence in their

abilities‖ topped the managers‘ lists.


writing, and

speaking are

all skills we use

in meetings.

4 Communication Skills

Whether you‘re writing, listening, speaking, or

attending meetings, communication skills are critical

to your success in the workplace. In this book, we‘ll

look at some of the skills that will enable your communications to be more successful. These include:

Understanding the purpose of a


Analyzing the audience

Communicating with words as well as with

body language

Giving each communication greater impact

Introduction 5



Jill‘s boss ask ed her to write a memo on a school-towork program. The company where Jill worked was

a leader in the computer software field. A school-towork program would give young people in school a

chance to be employed part time and to learn the

software business. If their work was good, the company might hire them for full-time jobs after they


―Keep the memo short,‖ Jill‘s boss told her. ―And

stick to the point.‖

Jill was supposed to explain the type of program her company should start. She sat down at her computer

and began to write. On the first page, she talked about

her own experience in a school-to-work program.

Then she described what two of her friends had done

in their programs. They had worked part time in other companies. Next she wrote about several school-to-



work programs described in magazines. Five pages later, she finally signed her name.

―Well, I think the information my boss wants is in

here somewhere,‖ she said to herself. Then she submitted the memo.

Jill‘s boss was a busy person. He received more than

50 memos each day, and he didn‘t have time to read every memo completely. A memo writer had to get to

the point quickly. Otherwise, Jill‘s boss would read no further. He read the first paragraph of Jill‘s memo.

Then he scanned the second paragraph.

―What‘s the point of this memo?‖ he asked himself.

He threw up his hands in frustration and threw

the memo away.

To write well, express yourself like common people, but think like a wise man. Or, think as wise men do, but speak as common people do.

—Aristotle, Greek philosopher


In the workplace, information seems to come from

all directions. Each day, managers are expected to

read memos, letters, and reports. Correspondence

8 Communication Skills

arrives through email, fax machines, and overnight delivery. With so much information coming in, managers don‘t have time to read all of it. Often they will

stop reading a memo if it doesn‘t capture their interest quickly.

How can you make sure that people will read your memo? How can you be certain that your boss will Writing with a Purpose 9

When writing

a work memo,

be sure to

have a clear

purpose and

state that


as quickly

as possible.


remember what you have written? You must have a

clear purpose and state that purpose as quickly as possible. This was something that Jill neglected to do

in her memo. It‘s also essential that you know your readers and give them the information they want.

Jill‘s boss wanted a concise memo that explained the type of school-to-work program the company should adopt. Instead, Jill gave him a rambling five-page

report that didn‘t tell him what he wanted to know.

As a result, it ended up in the wastebasket.


A young manager who runs one of America‘s

leading mutual funds says that she receives

over 200 faxes daily.


Many people just sit down, begin writing, and hope

for the best. Sometimes they are lucky. However, most of the time they produce poorly written and confusing material. Before you begin writing, state your purpose and how you propose to carry it out. This information can be stated briefly in one or two summary sentences. These sentences sum up the purpose of your writing. You must have

a clear purpose

and state that

purpose as

quickly as


10 Communication Skills

If you cannot express in a sentence or two what

you intend to get across, then it is not focused

well enough.

—Charles Osgood, TV commentator

Suppose you want your school to sponsor a class

trip. You decide to write a letter to the principal about

it. Here are your summary sentences:

My letter is designed to persuade the

principal to sponsor the trip. The letter

will present three reasons why the trip

would be valuable for students.

The purpose of some writing is to persuade. We

use this type of writing both at school and on the

job. Jan believed that her office needed more computers. Without them, she and her coworkers simply

couldn‘t keep up with the volume of their work. Jan

wrote a memo to her boss to persuade him to purchase additional computers. She pointed out that

everyone would get more work done if there were more computers to use. She also found a company that sold computers at a low price. Jan‘s arguments and initial research convinced her boss to buy the computers.

Writing with a Purpose 11

The purpose of other writing is to explain. Holly worked part time at a pet store that sold fish. She had to write a memo for new employees on how to feed each type of fish. Here are her summary sentences: My memo explains the feeding times for

each fish. It also explains the type of food

and quantity of food that each fish should


12 Communication Skills



Do write summary sentences before

doing anything else.

Do keep your sentences short.

Don‘t exceed one or two sentences for

each writing project.

Don‘t include any information in your

paper that doesn‘t relate to the

summary sentences.

Do specify whether the purpose of

your writing is to persuade, explain, or


Some writing is primarily designed to describe.

Robert‘s supervisor sent him to a conference and wanted him to write a memo describing what happened there. Robert knew his supervisor didn‘t

want to know everything that occurred but only

the most important things. Here is Robert‘s summary sentence:

I will describe the three significant things

I learned at the conference that might help

our department.

Writing with a Purpose 13


Write one or two summary sentences for a

short paper:

explaining how to be a successful


persuading an employer to hire you

for a part-time job

describing what happened at an

important meeting you attended

as part of an extracurricular activity


An estimated 85 percent of our success in

business is determined by our communication



Some people keep diaries or journals. This type of

writing is meant only for themselves. However, most writing is meant for others to read. Thus, it‘s important

for you, as the writer, to know as much as possible

about your readers. Knowing your readers will

help you decide what to say and how to say it.

14 Communication Skills



Who are they?

What do they need to know about the


What is their attitude toward the topic?

Why should they care about the topic?

A human resources manager at a manufacturing company explains that some new employees often

don‘t understand the ―politics‖ of the organization. Suppose they think a supervisor is treating them unfairly. They‘re apt to fire off a memo telling him

about it. Unf ortunately, these employees don‘t last

very long in the organization. You may be able to complain to your coworkers about unfair treatment, but

new employees are not expected to criticize their boss. Before you send off a memo or a letter, it is very important to understand your readers. Ask yourself

what you can say, what you can‘t say, and what your reader expects of you.

Some supervisors are interested in facts and figures only. Suppose you are proposing a new project.

Your supervisor may only want to know how it will

benefit the organization, how much it will cost, and

how you will carry it out. If this is what your supervisor

expects, this is what you should give him.

Other supervisors are also interested in learning

about the steps you followed in conceptualizing the project. They want to know where you gathered your information and what other companies have undertaken similar projects. They may also be interested in

finding out about alternative approaches to executing the project that you considered but later rejected. These supervisors are more process oriented and detail oriented. If this is the type of supervisor you Before you send

off a memo or

a letter, it is very

important to


your readers.

Writing with a Purpose 15

work for, be sure to give her the information she wants. Otherwise, your project proposal may not be approved.

Another important question to ask yourself when

you write is: What information does the reader need

to know? Suppose you are writing a letter to apply for

a job. You begin the letter this way:

I am applying for the position posted by

your department.

16 Communication Skills



Do remember that all communication

is written for your reader.

Do analyze your readers before you

begin writing.

Don‘t leave out any important

information the reader needs to know.

Don‘t forget that the reader‘s attitudes

will influence how they respond to

your writing.

Do make your writing appeal to what

the reader cares most about.

Unfortunately, the firm has advertised more than

one position in the department. If you don‘t indicate which position you want, the reader will not be

able to tell whether you have the proper qualifications.

Therefore, you probably will not get the job.

Never assume. One of the biggest mistakes writers make is to assume that their readers have knowledge that they do not have. Suppose you are

explaining a complicated procedure on a computer.

Do not assume that the reader already understands some of the steps. Be sure to describe everything carefully.

If you are trying to persuade readers to do something, it helps to understand their attitudes. Are

they likely to support you? Are they likely to oppose you? Are they neutral? This information helps you decide how persuasive you must be.


A group of students wanted to persuade their principal to support a new project. They wanted to have

time off for a half day of community service each week. The principal was in favor of community service, but she was opposed to letting students take

time away from class to do these projects.

The students explained that the community projects would support what they were learning in

Writing with a Purpose 17

school. They realized that the principal was worried that they might lose learning time. Armed with solid knowledge about their reader, they designed arguments that would persuade her. For example, the

students explained that by writing reports about the projects, they would improve their communication skills. Some of the projects required them to analyze and summarize data, and this work would improve

their math skills. Given the strength and logic of

the students‘ presentation, the principal agreed to

try out one community-service project to see how it worked.

When you write, be sure to ask yourself: What do

my readers care about? By mentioning something

they care about, you can hook their attention. You

can also persuade them to do what you want. Earlier we mentioned a supervisor who cared only about

facts and figures. If you write about what she cares about, you may be able to persuade her to adopt your project. Suppose you want to convince other students to join your club. You decide to put a notice up

on the bulletin board about an upcoming club meeting. How would you begin the notice in order to

hook the readers‘ attention? The best method is to mention something that they might care about. Perhaps joining the club will enable them to have fun with friends or learn a new skill or make money. Each of these might persuade them to join your club.

18 Communication Skills


All good writing starts by defining your purpose and knowing your reader. But that‘s only the beginning. There are four other elements that you should keep

in mind. They are known as the 4 Cs:

1. Concise

2. Compelling

3. Clear

4. Correct


Cover letters (also called job application letters) usually accompany resumes. Both the cover letter and resume are sent to an employer when you are applying for a job. The resume lists your qualifications for Writing with a Purpose 19


Write a notice for a club to persuade other

students to join it. Keep in mind who your

audience is and what their attitudes are.

a jo

b in detail, and the cover letter discusses them briefly.

―I had one student,‖ explains career counselor Rozeanne Burt, ―who was having a difficult time writing a cover letter. I told him to keep the letter to one

page or less and only highlight his most important accomplishments. But he couldn‘t or wouldn‘t be selective. Instead he wanted to include everything.

20 Communication Skills




Career Lab Cover Letters


Monster‘s Cover Letters



Perfect Cover Letters


Quintessential Careers: Cover Letter



He ended up with a letter that ran over a page and a

half in tiny, nine-point type. Needless to say, the employer was not impressed and he didn‘t get the


With all the information that employers have to

read today, the last thing they want is something

long-winded. It‘s essential to be concise. Human resources director Debby Berggren receives a lot of cover letters from people looking for jobs, and she

says that many people have trouble ―getting to the point.‖

If you want to write a concise cover letter, or any

other type of letter, it‘s important to understand the purpose of the letter before you begin writing. In his

book Persuasive Business Proposals: Writing to Win Customers, Clients, and Contracts, Tom Sant explains that ―you will do a better job of writing if you know

what you‘re trying to accomplish: the why of a document.‖By writing one or two summary sentences

before you begin writing, you can state the ―why‖

very simply.

If you were to compose your summary sentences

for a cover letter, they might sound like this:

My letter persuades an employer to

interview me. It includes several of my

outstanding accomplishments to convince

an employer that I am right for the job.

Writing with a Purpose 21

The purpose of a cover letter is to persuade—to persuade an employer to interview you for a job. The

next step is to know your reader. What will the reader

find most persuasive? You should list only the experience and skills that you possess that are mostly likely

to convince the reader to interview you. As Burt explains: ―You can‘t tell them everything about you,

so you have to stick to a few things that are linked to what the employer values, and you have to nail down what you want them to know early in the letter.‖


According to the job website https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e14024518.html,,

more than 80 percent of job openings are not advertised. A ―cold cover letter‖ can be used to

inquire at a company that has not advertised

any openings. Cold cover letters, also referred

to as uninvited cover letters, are unprompted

and can be sent to companies to inquire about possible openings.


One of the most effective methods of writing is

called the pyramid style. In this type of writing, you

The purpose of

a cover letter is

to persuade.

22 Communication Skills

place the most important information at the top of

the pyramid, or the beginning, and you present it as simply and concisely as possible. You follow this

with the second most important point, the third,

the fourth, and so forth. This is the same style that newspaper reporters have used for years to write news articles.

Writing with a Purpose 23


In a cover letter, the most important information

to include is the position for which you are applying. Otherwise, the reader won‘t know why you are writing. This information goes in the first paragraph. You

may also wish to include where you heard about the job opening.

The second paragraph should describe the one or

two skills or work experiences that make you most qualified for the job. This is where you hook the reader‘s attention by telling her something she cares

about and persuading her to consider you for the position.

A third paragraph might mention several additional

but less important qualifications you possess. Conclude the letter by asking for an interview.

24 Communication Skills


Write a cover letter. Select a position for

which you are qualified based on your work experience and skills. Highlight these skills

and experiences and save the cover letter

so you can refer to it.


Writing with a Purpose 25

328 Cedar Street

Anywhere, USA 09999-9990

January 1, 2004

Ms. Julie Rogers

All-Occasion Clothing Store

10 Prospect Street

Anywhere, USA 09999-0999

Dear Ms. Rogers,

I am applying for the position of assistant manager, which you recently advertised in the Evening Times.

During the past three years, I have worked part time as a sales associate at Calloway and Company, the largest department store in the tri-state area. I was twice voted employee of the month. I received this award in recognition of my service to customers. Calloway and Company also promoted me to assistant manager of my department.

I am graduating in June with an associate‘s degree in retailing. My grade point average is 3.6, and I have taken courses in marketing and sales as well as in accounting.

I look forward to speaking with you in the near future and discussing what I can contribute to your organization. Sincerely,

Maria Gonzales


―Employers may get as many as 300 resumes for one job,‖ explains career counselor John Jarvis. ―So they

have to find a way to narrow them down. Some employers tell me that they put the one-page resumes

in one pile, and the two-page resumes go in the


Like the cover letter, the resume persuades an

employer to hire you. As Jarvis points out, many employers like a concise resume. In most cases, anything over a page is too long. The resume must also

be compelling enough to hook an employer‘s interest.

How do you make it compelling?

Once again, you must start with a clear purpose.

This is usually called your ―Job Objective.‖ The job objective goes near the top of a resume, so the

employer will know immediately what type of job

you‘re seeking.

Let‘s look at Maria‘s resume, which she developed

to accompany her cover letter.

The most compelling type of writing has a clear purpose. In the case of a clear resume, employers know immediately what job you want. Compelling writing is also designed to appeal to your readers. How do you accomplish this on a resume?

One way is to make the resume visually interesting. This means using different kinds of type. For example, Maria puts her headings in boldface type. Many employers

like a concise


26 Communication Skills

Writing with a Purpose 27


328 Cedar Street

Anywhere, USA 09999-9990

(999) 562-3147 (home)

(999) 562-1289 (cell)

mgonzales@https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e14024518.html, (email)

Job Objective To obtain a position as an assistant manager in a retail store


1998-Present Calloway and Company

? Worked as sales associate in women‘s casual clothing ? Advanced to assistant departme nt manager

? Voted employee of the month three times

? Successfully completed sales-training program

1996-1998 Downtown CDs and Tapes

? Part-time stock clerk

? Trained other clerks


Associate‘s Degree in Retailing

Central Community College

GPA: 3.6

Courses: marketing, sales, accounting, economics Honors graduate, Longwood High School

Vice president of senior class

Member of soccer and tennis teams


She also uses bullets to set off key points. However, white space is also important. Your resume should be

neat, organized, and original, but not so fancy that

it‘s distracting. If you are applying for a design or

creative position, there may be more latitude here.

Don‘t try to cram too much information on a

resume. The resume will look too crowded. Instead,

keep it simple.

The resume doesn‘t get you the job. It gets you the interview. Don‘t overwhelm them with the resume.

—John Jarvis, career counselor

Remember also to use dynamic words to describe

your accomplishments. Always try to use verbs in

the active voice, not the passive voice. ―I was given the Employee of the Month Award,‖ uses a passive verb, which sounds weak. Maria presents this information

in a stronger way by writing: ―Voted employee of the month.‖ Instead of saying ―I was appo inted assistant department manager,‖ Maria says, ―Advanced to

assistant department manager.‖ Finally, instead of

writing ―I was asked to train other clerks,‖ Maria

writes, ―Trained other clerks.‖

Descriptive words also make your writing more compelling, and these words can be especially powerful on

Make the

resume visually


28 Communication Skills

a resume. Don‘t exaggerate what you have accomplished, but use descriptive words to bring it to life.

Instead of saying, ―completed a training course,‖

Maria writes, ―Successfully completed sales-training program.‖ If you are a ―fully experienced‖ stock clerk,

say so. If you have ―extensive knowledge‖ of computers, include that information as well. These simple

descriptive words stand out on the page and attract

the reader‘s attention.

Chris Hanson is applying for a part-time job after school. He wants to be an animal handler or kennel worker. Chris has worked part time for three years at

the local Audubon Society. He has valuable experience Writing with a Purpose 29


Use the information about Chris to

develop a resume that he can use to

find a job.

Write a resume for yourself. It should

reflect the cover letter you wrote in the

preceding exercise. It should be

detailed and accurate—busy employers

do not have patience for typos.

caring for sick and injured animals. He also trained other volunteers to care for the animals. Before

this, Chris volunteered at a local nature center. He

30 Communication Skills


10 Minute Resume




College https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e14024518.html,


Monster Resume Center


Proven Resumes




Resume Net


The Resume Place, Inc.


completed a training course in how to conduct

tours of the center. Every Saturday, he conducted tours for up to 50 adults and children. Currently, Chris is attending high school, where he writes for

the newspaper and maintains a 3.2 GPA.


Good writing is simple and clear. You should leave

no doubt in the minds of your readers about what

you are trying to say to them. Unfortunately, some people seem to forget this principle, especially when they write.

A task force from the National Council of Teachers

of English and the International Reading Association tried to develop national standards on how to write English. They came up with 12 basic rules. Rule 5 states ―Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences

for a variety of purposes.‖ What is a process element? What does the panel mean by ―communic ate

with different audiences for a variety of purposes?‖These terms are so vague that no one could be sure. The New York Times wrote that the rules were written

in ―a tongue barely recognizable as English.‖ And

they were written by English teachers!

Writing with a Purpose 31

―Unclear, poorly written, or confusing‖ is the verdict of vice presidents of two hundred major U.S. companies

on a full third of the business writing they confront. —Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson

in Writing That Works: How to

Communicate Effectively in Business

Some writers seem to think that you need big,

fancy-sounding words to lend importance to a subject. Too often, these words make the subject far more complicated than it needs to be. Even worse, your readers may not understand what you mean.

Jason works in an office. His supervisor asked him

to write a brief memo and post it in the coffee room. Here‘s what Jason wrote:

TO: All Employees

FM: Supervisor

SUBJ: Refreshments

The experimental process of making

available a variety of liquid refreshments

on the honor system is undergoing

reconsideration. In the event that

employees who appropriate these

refreshments without leaving the proper

remuneration do not terminate these

activities, the refreshments will be

eliminated in the future.

32 Communication Skills

Jason used a lot of long and complicated words because he was trying to sound important. After all, he had been asked to write this memo by his supervisor. But the meaning of what Jason was saying was not

very clear. He really could have written it very simply:

―If employees don‘t pay for refreshments we will no longer offer refreshments on the honor system.‖

Choose words that are easy to pronounce and can be understood by everyone. Unfamiliar words cause readers

to slow down or even stop reading all together. You

don‘t want your readers to stop reading; they will lose

the message that you are trying to communicate.

One sure way to stop readers cold in their tracks is to write long, involved sentences that are difficult to follow. Cheryl‘s supervisor asked her to write a brief report

on the training program she attended at the restaurant where she worked. She began the report this way:

The training program, whose interesting

classes, excellent instruction, and

extensive hands-on experience, afforded

me a unique glimpse at different types of

jobs in our organization, and it, right from

the start of the program and the very first

class which I attended more than two

weeks ago, gave me the chance to meet

some of the people with whom I will be

working in the future, since they were in

my training classes.

One sure way

to stop readers

cold in their

tracks is to write

long, involved

sentences that

are difficult

to follow.

Writing with a Purpose 33

This sentence is 73 words long. If you try to read it aloud, it will leave you completely out of breath.

Since there are several important ideas in the sentence—why the training program was effective, what

Cheryl learned, and whom she met—they could easily be presented as separate sentences.

Cher yl‘s sentence also has other problems.

Sentences are easy to understand when the subjects and verbs are close together: ―She writes a report.‖

But Cheryl separates her subjects and verbs by long clauses. In the first part of the sentence, the subject

―program‖ is separated from the verb ―afforded.‖ In

the second part of the sentence, the subject ―it‖ is

also separated by a long clause from the verb ―gave.‖This makes her writing hard to follow. Cheryl also

uses more words than she needs to communicate her

ideas. The sentence might be rewritten this way:

The training program featured interesting

classes, excellent instruction, and

extensive hands-on experience. It taught

me about many types of jobs. I also had a

chance to meet some of the people who

will be working with me.

In business writing, a good rule of thumb is to keep

the sentences as easy to understand as possible. If

you have two important ideas to present, use two separate sentences. Eliminate all unnecessary words. 34 Communication Skills


Career counselor John Jarvis explains what one employer was looking for in the position of administrative assistant. ―He emphasized communication

Writing with a Purpose 35


Rewrite the following sentences to make them

clearer and simpler.

Greenway Tree Farms, because of the

strong price for Christmas trees, a

larger demand for trees expected

during the holiday season, and the

improving economy in the eastern and

southern regions of the country, will

probably experience continued growth

in the fourth quarter.

Our sales representatives, since they

may be new employees in our firm

and are not always informed about the

products that they are supposed to be

describing to our customers, may

sound embarrassed and confused and,

even worse, cause confusion in the

minds of the customers.

skills,‖ Jarvis said. ―He didn‘t want to waste time proofing the administrative assistant‘s work. He

wanted to dictate the letter, and expected his assistant to punctuate it correctly and use proper spelling

a nd capitalization.‖

The workplace is different from school. In your classes, Bs and Cs may be acceptable. Your teachers will allow you to make a few mistakes. On the job,

mistakes lessen the impact of your writing. A misspelled word, a comma in the wrong place, a period

where there should be a question mark—all of these mistakes distract the reader from what you‘re trying

to say. They tell the reader that your writing, and perhaps your thinking, is sloppy and unorganized.

Now that most writers use a computer, they rely on

spell-check to catch those misspelled words. But

spell-check can take you only so far. It will correct misspellings, but it will not tell you if you‘re using

the wrong word in a specific situation. One computer consulting firm submitted a proposal to a large landscaping company to upgrade their computer system. The proposal was designed to be a ―turnkey‖operation, which meant that all the hardware and software would be installed. And the system would be ready to use. Instead of ―turnkey,‖ t he proposal said

―turkey‖ operation. Spell-check did not catch this mistake, because ―turkey‖ is a word, just like

―turnkey.‖ No one had bothered to proofread the proposal adequately.

36 Communication Skills

Sometimes we may use the wrong word in a situation. The following table provides a list of soundalike

and look-alike words that give many writers

Writing with a Purpose 37


According to experts, people often

confuse communication with persuasion. Communication is the transmission of

messages among people or groups;

persuasion is a person or group‘s

deliberate attempt to make another

person or group adopt a certain idea,

belief, or action.

Expressing differences is a vital part of

workplace communication, as long as

you avoid an accusatory tone when

doing so.

Jackie Sloane, president of Sloane Communications, offered the

following advice in the Chicago

Tribune: ―If you‘re having a challenging

encounter with the boss, ask yourself,


有效沟通技巧考试答案集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

1关于听和倾听的区别,下列说法正确的是()。 A、听是主动的接受 B、听需要更强的专注力 C、倾听是心理上的投入 D、倾听是一个生理过程 我的答案:C 2确保网络在线交流的安全性,需注意()。 A、保护好个人信息 B、不要轻信网络上的朋友信息资料 C、不要轻易将网友过渡到现实中 D、以上都是 我的答案:D 3为了尊重客观事实,明辨是非,应当采用的方式是()。 A、移情倾听 B、客观倾听 C、冒犯性倾听 D、期待性倾听 我的答案:B 4大多数场合下只有好朋友才能进入的空间圈是()公分。 A、0—50 B、50—70 C、50—120

D、120—360 我的答案:C 5通过人际沟通实现的目的,不包括()。 A、学习知识 B、建立关系 C、发挥影响 D、实现自我 我的答案:D 6听别人说话,重点不在理解,而在专门挑错反击的是()。 A、移情倾听 B、客观倾听 C、冒犯性倾听 D、期待性倾听 我的答案:C 7以下()属于批评别人时应注意的事项。 A、要涉及具体内容 B、要模棱两可 C、对事不对人 D、确保表情是积极友善的 我的答案:C 8下列不属于身体姿势的是()。 A、手势

B、表演 C、眼势 D、下意识动作 我的答案:C 9最早提出空间关系学的是()人类学家爱德华·霍尔。 A、英国 B、法国 C、美国 D、德国 我的答案:C 10在沟通交往中感情用事,跟着感觉走的交往形式是()的表现。 A、阳光社交 B、黑色社交 C、灰色社交 D、红色社交 我的答案:C 11“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也”出自()。 A、老子 B、孔子 C、孙子 D、孟子 我的答案:B


提高公司内部跨部门沟通的方法和技巧 现在众多企业都趋于扁平化,使得跨部门之间的沟通更加频繁。部门之间地位平等,不存在上下级关系,按说沟通应该比较容易。但现实的情况是,部门之间协调的成本相当高昂,这种沟通成本不仅存在于大规模组织内,同样也困扰着中小型公司。 许多事情,其实并不复杂,而是相互之间的沟通不畅,以至于要搬出上司,甚至是上司的上司来协调。绕了大大的圈子,走了长长的弯路,耽误了你我他的宝贵时间。俗话说,浪费时间就是浪费金钱,这其实就是高昂的沟通成本。有句话说得很直接,搬出上司来协调,就是你我他的沟通无能。有效的沟通,能节约大家的时间,避免占用上司的时间。 那么,造成跨部门沟通如此高昂的成本原因何在呢?原因可能有三:一、职能部门未能将各自的目标有效地整合在组织目标之下——尽管各自制定的目标似乎都无懈可击,但都各自为政。如A部门在某件事情上做出让步,对B部门有利、对组织整体也有利,但对A部门不利,则跨部门沟通就不好协调了。二、由于部门不同,大家在认知上难免有差异。如果再加上沟通的信息不对等、不能及时反馈等因素,就会导致目的或结果预期的不同。三、组织所倡导和形成的文化氛围及员工的互动方式,决定了沟通效率的差别。 在公司里,员工和中级主管花在内部沟通的时间大约占其工作时间的40%~50%,而对于高层主管,这个比率会更高。如何提高公司内部跨部门沟通的运营效率呢? 一、有效整合部门目标 有部门就必然存在部门利益、小团体利益,这是不争的事实。尽管大家理论上都知道要摒弃小团体利益,要从公司整体来考虑问题;但一旦公司利益侵犯到部门利益时,这个部门一般都会自觉不自觉地维护部门利益,而不是简单地首先牺牲小团体利益。这是人的自利本性造成的;即使部门经理不想这么做,但迫于部门基层员工的压力也不得不这么做。这个问题的根子在于两者利益的不一致性,或者说是两者的目标是不一致的。 为此,我们应该整合那种各自为政的部门目标,使部门的各个目标与组织的总目标同心。如很多大企业给部门设定预算目标时,都采取企业内部的计算依据;这样便于考核,但显然这种内部的计算依据是不面向市场的,也就是说部门的预算目标不是面向市场,而企业是面向市场的,它们的方向就明显地不一致。这种企业设置的指挥棒方向性不一致,直接导致部门和企业的想法不一致,“志不同,不与谋”,故而沟通难以为继。 二、换位思考 在沟通过程中,双方的互相理解和换位思考非常重要。对于一个部门经理来说,换位思考也即应该多了解其他部门的业务运作情况,多从其他部门的角度考虑问题,要理解其他部门的难处。这样才能沟通无极限。当其它部门不配合你的工作时,你应该检讨自己,站在对方的角度去看问题,而不能一味地埋怨、抱怨。

组织内部沟通方法 答案4.doc

组织内部沟通方法答案4 组织内部沟通方法4.课后测试 课后测试 如果您对课程内容还没有完全掌握,可以点击这里再次观看。 观看课程 测试成绩:100.0分。恭喜您顺利通过考试! 单选题 1. 一个部门工作目标的达成(),决定于上级主管跟下属的沟通方式是否正确。√ A 0.2 B 0.4 C 0.8 D 1 正确答案:C 2. 组织内,会议参加者要:√ A草拟会议提纲 B控制会议时间

C协商会议议程 D绝对不可以迟到 正确答案:D 3. 挨上司骂的时候正确的处理方式是:√A低头不语偶尔点头 B把骂记在心里 C把骂看成很丢面子的事情 D上司骂得不对的时候要反击 正确答案:A 4. 沟通的要素包括:√ A人员数量和信任 B人员素质和信任 C口才能力和人员数量 D口才能力和人际关系 正确答案:A 5. 与下属进行有效沟通的正确方式是:√A站在公司全局的立场想问题

B完全授权给下属 C随时表扬、激励下属 D随时随地批评下属 正确答案:C 6. 沟通就是: √ A一个传达者把一个传达符号传达给对方,但不一定要让对方确认的过程 B一个传达者把一个传达符号(语言、文字、肢体语言)传达给对方的过程 C一个传达者对另一方告知的过程 D一个传达者把语言传达给对方的过程 正确答案:B 7. “比马龙效应”是一种()的技巧。√ A下达指示 B赞美下属 C向下属发问 D培养下属团队意识 正确答案:B

8. 对组织内岗位轮换,理解不正确的是√ A岗位轮换要能解决跨部门沟通问题 B岗位轮换一般是2个月 C换岗人员与部门相匹配 D让工作更有活力,让员工更有创造性 正确答案:B 9. 在组织内讨论或布置一件工作,()和()都一定要讲清楚。√ A完成的人员、完成的时间 B完成的时间、完成的标准 C完成的时间、完成的质量 D完成的人数、完成的标准 正确答案:B 10. 组织内部与人相处的法则理解正确的是: √ A要尊重个别差异 B不需要激励别人 C确定自己的需求 D心态并不重要


? 第一章管理就是沟通 ----沟通比我们想象的重要 ?第二章掌握沟通的策略 ----策略不对,努力白费 ?第三章如何与上司沟通 ----打通向上的阶梯 ?第四章如何与下级沟通 ----凝聚团队的力量 ?第五章如何与平级沟通 ----赢得“邻居”的帮助 ?企业管理过去是沟通,现在是沟通,未来还是沟通。 ——松下幸之助 “能够同下属有效沟通对企业领导人的工作成效有很大的推动作用。为此,我每天都在努力深入每个员工的内心,让他们感觉到我的存在。” ——杰克.韦尔奇 70%的管理问题是沟通障碍:执行力不强;效率低下;部门之间相互推诿;客户流失 定义: 为了一个设定的目标,把信息、思想和情感在个人或群体间传递,并且达成共同协议的过程。 沟通三解 ?第一,沟通者要有一个明确的目标。 ?第二,沟通传递和交流的内容包括信息、思想和情感等。 ?第三,沟通必须借助一定的载体进行,如口头语言、书面语言和肢体语言。 沟通过程:略 沟通漏斗原理 我知道100% 我想说的90% 我所说的70% 他所想听的60% 他所听到的50% 他所理解的40% 他所接受的30% 他所记住的10-20% 沟通的四大障碍: ?发送者的障碍 ?接收者的障碍 ?信息本身的障碍 ?传播渠道的障碍 发送者的障碍:语言障碍文化障碍心理障碍 秀才买柴(语言障碍) “荷薪者过来!”“其价如何?”“外实而内虚,烟多而焰少,请损之。”

接收者的障碍:兴趣障碍情绪障碍经验障碍偏见障碍 信息障碍 信任障碍:有效的信息沟通要以相互信任为前题 认知障碍:教育程度、专长背景相差不能太大 沟通信息 ?路不拾遗 沟通信息策略 ?“静心的时候,可不可以抽烟?” “抽烟的时候,能不能静心?” 传播渠道的障碍:时间压力障碍, 空间距离障碍, 组织层级障碍, 噪音环境障碍 克服障碍的九大策略 1、目的明确,准备充分 重要的沟通最好事先征求他人意见 2、沟通内容要确切 逻辑清晰、有条理、准确 3、沟通要有诚意 4、平等沟通 双方都能畅所欲言 5、多使用肢体语言 6、保持理性、避免情绪化行为 7、换位思考,多考虑对方 8、及时获取反馈 9、重视沟通技巧 三个因素影响沟通的有效性:7%用字遣词、38%声音、语调、55%表情动作 第一章总结:管理就是沟通 管理从沟通开始 沟通的重要性 沟通障碍与克服策略 第二章策略不对,努力白费 ——掌握沟通的策略 太阳比风更快的脱下你的大衣,仁厚、有善的方式比任何暴力列容易改变别人的心意。 ——卡耐基 ?微笑是通行证 ?在倾听中融合 ?同理才能同心 ?不争执,求一致 微笑如同一种魔力,你恰当地使用它,就会产生“神奇”的沟通效果。


与员工进行有效沟通的七种方法 管理的过程,从本质上说就是通过发挥各种管理功能,充分调动人的积极性,提高机构的效能,实现企业共同目标的过程。沟通从某种意义上讲,就是管理的本质。管理离不开沟通,沟通渗透于管理的各个方面。一个组织的沟通包括管理者与员工的沟通、员工之间的沟通以及组织与外部的沟通,其中,管理者与员工的沟通对于企业的长久发展和员工个人进步都十分重要,那么,作为现代企业的管理者或是一名从事人力资源的工作者应该如何有效地与员工进行沟通呢我们在咨询工作中,收集归纳出以下七点: 第一、要让员工对沟通行为及时做出反馈 沟通的最大障碍在于员工误解或对管理者意见理解的不准确,而让员工对管理者的意图做出反馈是减少这种问题的关键。而鉴定员工反馈是否有效的标准是数量和准确性。在企业管理中,企业管理者作为主动发送者与员工进行沟通,二者之间难免有沟通能力及表达接受信息之间的障碍。为克服这种障碍,就要求管理者在向员工宣布一项任务后,要求员工把所布置的任务再复述一遍,通过直接或间接的询问“测试”下属。以确认他们是否完全了解。如果员工所复述的内容与管理者意见一致,就说明沟通是有效的;如果员工对管理者的意见领会出现差错,可以及时地进行纠正,调整陈述方式,以免带来不可估量的损失。 第二、对不同的员工使用不同的语言

在同一组织中,不同的员工往往有不同的年龄、教育和文化背景,这就可能使他们对相同的话产生不同的理解。另外,由于专业化分工不断深化,不同的员工都有不同的“行话”和技术用语。而管理者往往注意不到这种差别,以为自己说的话都能被其他人恰当的理解,从而给沟通造成了障碍。沟通时必须根据接收者的具体情况选择语言,语言应尽量通俗易懂,尽量少用专业术语。以便接收者能确切理解所收到的信息。 管理者要慎重语言,选择员工易于理解的词汇,使信息更加清楚明确。对容易产生歧义的话语应尽量避免使用,或者对于可能产生误解的话语,作必要的解释说明,表明自己真实态度和情感,以澄清误解。在传达重要信息的时候,为了消除语言障碍带来的负面影响,针对接受信息人的情况,酌情使用对方易懂的语言确保沟通有效。 第三、积极倾听员工的发言 一位擅长倾听的领导者通过倾听可以从下属那里获得信息并对其进行思考。有效准确的倾听信息,将直接影响管理者的决策水平和管理成效,并由此影响公司的经营业绩。 华恒智信认为,领导者倾听时不是被动的听,而是要主动的对信息进行搜索和理解。积极的倾听要求管理者把自己置于员工的角色上,要想象他的思路,体会他的世界,以便于正确理解他们的意图,而不是你想理解的意思,避免进入“和自己说话”的陷阱。企业管理者应尽量给员工多的时间让他们相互交谈,并且在倾听的过程用动作语言表现你对员工谈话的浓厚兴趣。使员工感觉到你是在诚心诚意地倾听他


1.下达命令时要尽可能回答:正确 1 A 下达过于抽象的命令 2 B 应下达命令足以证明自己权威 3 C 不要经常变更命令 4 D 以上都不是 2.向领导提建议的较好时间是回答:正确 5 A 刚上班时 6 B 快下班时 7 C 上午10点左右 8 D 午休前 3.上下级之间的沟通要建立以下何种态度回答:正确 9 A 强迫性 10 B 回避性 11 C 折衷性 12 D 合作性 5.支配型人进行沟通时必须要回答:正确 13 A 从感情的方向去沟通 14 B 语速不一定要比较快 15 C 不一定要有计划 16 D 回答一定要准确 6.以下哪一个不属于开放式问题回答:正确 17 A 请问一下会议结束了吗? 18 B 请问去上海有哪些航班? 19 C 你对我公司有什么看法? 20 D 这个问题你认为如何解决比较好? 总体进 度 学 习 课前自评 学习课程 考 试 查看考试 结果 持 续 改 进 360度 改进计划 360度 改进评估 改进实 施报告 学习笔 记

7.反馈就是回答:正确 21 A 沟通双方期望得到的一种信息的回流 22 B 关于他人言行的正面或负面意见 23 C 关于他人言行的解释 24 D 对将来的建议或指示 8.沟通中不看中结果的是回答:正确 25 A 表达型人士 26 B 支配型人士 27 C 和蔼型人士 28 D 分析型人士 9.哪一项不是和蔼型人际风格的特征回答:正确 29 A 陈列有说服力的物品 30 B 频繁的目光接触 31 C 谈话慢条斯理 32 D 使用鼓励性语言 10.向领导请示汇报的基本态度回答:正确 33 A 事事请示 34 B 尊重吹捧 35 C 积极越权 36 D 敢于直言 11.沟通过程是回答:正确 37 A 双向的过程 38 B 单向的过程 39 C 多向的过程 40 D 以上都不是


你知道企业在管理员工时最常犯的错误是什么吗? 员工和管理层之间缺乏沟通占41%,缺乏对员工的认可和赞美占28%,员工缺乏接受培训和/或教育的机会占11%,缺乏灵活性的工作安排占8%,缺乏对员工的授权占6%,不清楚或者无法明说的情况占6%。 其中企业管理中的内部沟通问题最为严重。为此我们将呈现10条实用技巧: 第一条:鼓励员工分享和提供信息,并相互交流 良好的内部沟通体现为:让员工对已知信息进行反馈、创造并鼓励公开对话。 你可能不知道当员工了解自己在业务中的角色定位后所产生的影响——如果不了解自身定位,仅23%的人会促成业务的成功;而如果了解,则有91%的人会促成业务的成功。 第二条:让管理者以身作则 如果你想让员工们互相沟通,那么首先要确保领导者身先士卒。让你的管理者分享并评论工作信息,并对员工提出的问题给出反馈与答复。 高效的沟通实践将产生怎样的影响? 股东的总回报额提升47%、市场溢价提升19%、拥有高敬业度员工的可能性提升4.5 倍、员工离职的可能性减少20%。 第三条:获得员工的支持 你需要向员工展示并提供价值,激发他们分享信息的理由。 每年,在调查了拥有十万员工的企业之后我们发现,由于员工沟通不良所造成的损失共计370亿美元。在这一问题上,每家企业的平均支出为6,200万美元。 第四条:制定公开目标 你需要在网上公布公司、团队以及个人的工作目标,使其公开透明;建议参考谷歌使用的OKR评估法。

在糟糕的沟通障碍中所花费的时间会产生这些费用: 等待沟通信息会花掉5,320美元,无效协调会花掉5,328美元,客户投诉会花掉5,328美元,不必要的沟通会花掉5,008美元,合作障碍会花掉5,003美元,卓有成效的工作时间会花掉33,426美元。 也就是说,每人每年由于沟通障碍造成的生产力损失累积成本将达到26,041美元。 第五条:利用在线工具来取代会议 会议通常会浪费大量的时间,使用在线即时沟通工具进行团队日常管理和工作汇报则会节约很多时间。 我们看到,有48%的公司存在这样的现状:“公司管理并没有向员工高效地传达业务战略,虽然管理者可以把这一点‘加入到他们的日常工作中’。”而使用社交媒体工具改善工作沟通和协作,可将合作员工的生产率提高20%-25%。 也许你会有疑问,在日常工作中,在线沟通工具都做了些什么呢? 平均来看,每周有28%的时间用来收发工作往来电子邮件,19%的时间用于收集信息,14%的时间是用于工作沟通,39%的时间用于协调员工的角色任务。 第六条:建立常规流程 信息大爆炸的时代一去不复返了,人们需要的是信息的实时更新。我们要使沟通流程持续一周,并且包含明确的准则。 例如,每周可要求40%的办公室同事或者20%的远程工作同事进行工作经验分享。第七条:让员工通过书面语言进行沟通


沟通交流游戏 交流体操 一、游戏目的: 使学员知会信息交流模式及沟通中引导交流的方法。 二、游戏程序: 1、概念说明与活动说明。 2、替成员戴上面具年,成员不能看到自己的面具,其他成员也不可以泄露。 3、成员除了不知道自己的面具是什么样之外,可以清楚地看到其他成员的面具的内容。 4、提供讨论话题,要求每一个成员自然地与别人联络,特别强调每个人做他自己,不是角色扮演,也不必猜测自己的面具的内容,只要按自己的意思反应,当别人反应时,要遵从对方面具上的指示语对他有所反应,再次强调,不准告诉别人他的面具内容,但需要按指示语做联络反应。 5、20分钟之后停止联络,并请每位成员猜测自己头上的角色和指示语,然后将面具取下大声念出来。 6、团体统整。可请成员分享,在本游戏中是否联想到工作中哪些事件,可以修改成"我"来表达,而能有效地达到沟通的效果。 三、游戏准备: 事先准备好面具,将指示语写在硬卡纸上,粘贴与面具上;或用硬卡纸直接做面具。 四、注意事项: 1、若是成员人数超过头盔清单数,多余的人可列为"加冕员",并在活动进行中担任"观察员"。 2、视时间许可,请成员提出实例做角色扮演,确实体验语言沟通三要素至少以及"我"信息的内涵。 3、在团体分享过程中,选择适当时机,邀请二位成员宣读资料,对焦与不对焦地联络,请成员讨论二者的差异及其中所运用的沟通技巧与影响, 五、培训师参考资料: 1、信息交流范例 情境 一位年过30的"倒霉"男士,大学建筑系毕业,在某建筑公司己任职五年,此次公司工程部经理空缺,他想:"我大概没希望,因为我一直是个倒霉鬼,虽然我的工龄比其他竞争者长,但这年头已经不兴这一套了,什么敬老尊贤、长幼有序,根本就没这回事!我看还是别做白日梦了。" 有效沟通技巧培训班 有效沟通技巧培训班下载报名表内训调查表 【课程描述】 沟通每时每刻都在影响着组织的发展,有70%的问题是由沟通协调不利导致的,,如何建立起公司里的“沟通文化”?如何解开公司里沟通的死结?如何在工作中与上司、同事和下属、客户顺畅有效地沟通?有效沟通的最重要原则是什么?最有


“沟者,渠也;通者,连也”,“沟通没有对错,只有’有效果’与‘没效果’之分”,“沟通的意义在于接受者的回应”,“沟通的重点在于输入是否等于输出”。下面是为大家带来的跨部门沟通技巧心得,希望可以帮助大家。 跨部门沟通技巧心得范文1 作为公司员工,我明白一个团结的集体对公司的重要性。只有通过各个部门加强沟通,然后融合各自的专业知识结合起来才能为公司带来更大的效益。只有每个人发挥自己的特长,形成与团队其它成员优势互补的局面,才能显示出整个团队的综合竞争力,更好地促进事业的发展。 在培训的过程中,老师从多个角度、多个方面阐述了如何进行有效的沟通,并通过详尽的案例加以证明。为什么要进行沟通如何进行沟通如何突破沟通的障碍这些问题老师都用笑话的形式展现出来。让我对课题增加了趣味性。在这些问题都一一被解答的同时,我们明白了如何进行有效沟通。沟通其实并不难,关键是要掌握沟通的技巧。我们平时在工作的沟通的过程当中,少了理解,多了争辩。这样不仅浪费了时间,同时也没有提高工作效率。所以有条理的表达自己的意思还是非常重要的,我们要使自己讲的明白,对方听得清楚,达到有效沟通。在沟通中,“多给他人一些关心、理解、赞美、开心的话语”,感觉赞美这一点也是极其重要的,这也是人际交往过程中的润滑剂。在平时的工作生活中,大家不乏外界来的批评、指责、抱怨、不满,但这些都不是我们内心最渴求的,在我们每个人的内心深处,都渴望来自外界的认可、肯定、鼓励、赞美、关心,这些是我们不断勇往直前的动力器,是我们不断提升内心士气的催化剂。 经过这次学习让我懂得了要想做为一名优秀的员工就应该调整自己的工作心态,做到在快乐中工作,应该以高度的敬业精神,默默地奉献;应该抱着务实认真的工作态度,敬业爱岗,勤勤恳恳地做好本职工作。我做为公司营业部的一员,应该积极改善工作中的不足,不断地展现自己的热情和智慧,为公司和自己创造一个更加优美的工作环境。 跨部门沟通技巧心得范文2 一个成功的企业,其部门之间团结协作的重要性是不言而喻的。只有通过各个部门加强沟通,然后融合各自的专业知识结合起来才能为企业带来更大的效益。只有每个人发挥自己的特长,形成与团队其它成员优势互补的局面,才能显示出整个团队的综合竞争力,更好地促进事业的发展。在本次跨部门沟通培训的过程中,陈老师从多个角度、多个方面阐述了如何进行有效的沟通,并通过详尽的案例加以证明。通过本次学习,我在以下几个方面获得了启示 一、在跨部门沟通过程中,首先要加强自我团队的建设。一个成功的团队,必然是业务处理能力强、内部人员团结且具有合作精神的团队。加强自我团队的建设,提升自我团队的业务能力、凝聚力与影响力,其他部门才有兴趣、有意愿与本部门合作。


有效沟通技巧试题及答案单选题 1.向领导提建议的较好时间是回答:正确 1. A 刚上班时 2. B 快下班时 3. C 上午10点左右 4. D 午休前 2.哪一项不利于使部下积极接受命令回答:正确 1. A 态度和善礼貌用词 2. B 忌让部下有更大自主权 3. C 共同探讨 4. D 让部下提出疑问 3.上下级之间的沟通要建立以下何种态度回答:正确 1. A 强迫性 2. B 回避性 3. C 折衷性 4. D 合作性 4.以下选项中更容易沟通的是回答:正确 1. A 思想 2. B 信息

3. C 情感 4. D 以上都不是 5.一个完整的沟通过程包括回答:正确 1. A 信息发送、接收 2. B 信息发送、反馈 3. C 信息发送、接收、反馈 4. D 信息接受、反馈 6.支配型人进行沟通时必须要回答:正确 1. A 从感情的方向去沟通 2. B 语速不一定要比较快 3. C 不一定要有计划 4. D 回答一定要准确 7.沟通中不看中结果的是回答:正确 1. A 表达型人士 2. B 支配型人士 3. C 和蔼型人士 4. D 分析型人士 8.哪一项不是和蔼型人际风格的特征回答:正确 1. A 陈列有说服力的物品 2. B 频繁的目光接触

3. C 谈话慢条斯理 4. D 使用鼓励性语言 9.向领导请示汇报的基本态度回答:正确 1. A 事事请示 2. B 尊重吹捧 3. C 积极越权 4. D 敢于直言 10.以下哪一种批评部下的方式是不对的回答:正确 1. A 我以前也会犯这种错误…… 2. B 你以往表现都优于一般人,希望你不要再犯这样的错误 3. C 你对工作太不负责了 4. D 像你这么聪明的人,我实在无法同意你再犯一次同样的错误11.对互动型领导沟通应回答:正确 1. A 私下发泄不满情绪 2. B 切忌公开赞美 3. C 积极发言 4. D 忌用肢体语言 12.以下哪一个问题不利于收集信息回答:正确 1. A 你可以再解释的清楚一点吗 2. B 能谈谈你对这件事情的看法吗


企业内部高效沟通方法 作为企业的一把手,每天都要面对很多项决策,并且将决策传达到执行层。中间沟通渠道的顺畅与否在很大程度上决定了决策的最后执行效果。 举个例子。美国某个传媒大亨某天早上去公司的路上发现,大剧院对面自己经常光顾的路易画廊没有象往常一样开门。于是心里犯了嘀咕:这家画廊怎么啦?大亨到了办公室以后,让总编辑派个人去看看,这家画廊的关门是不是与当时的经济不景气有关。总编辑接到大亨的指示后,立即告诉副总编辑:大剧院对面的路易画廊关门了!这家画廊在上流社会影响很大,大亨认为这是由于经济不景气导致的,马上对此进行报道!最后从栏目编辑那里接到报道任务的记者,领会到的意思已经成为:经济不景气导致城市艺术产业濒临危机,缺口就从大剧院对面的路易画廊开始。中午12点,国家艺术学院副院长已经开始准备口授一篇关于艺术产业危机的文章;摄影记者也已经奔赴路易画廊,准备相关的图片;而此时,路易画廊的老板还不明白,自己正在享受的两周休假造成了怎样的影响。怎样才能实现企业内部有效且低成本的沟通?这是任何一个企业都必须面对的问题。现在企业内部的沟通主要有两种方式,不妨用新员工在他们那里的不同遭遇进行对比。·传统型· ·新员工入职,人力资源专员对新员工进行培训,告知企业规章制度以及企业文化特点,耗时一天;业务领导同新员工谈话,沟通业务方向、重点及相关技巧,耗时一 天。·新工作开始,员工不了解流程,请教老员工,耽误工时总计1人×天。其中传达失误率5%,错误工作方法传递率7%。·新员工进行各种手续的办理,*走于人力资源部、行政部、财务部之间,加上等待时间,耗时半天。·新员工投入工作,与外部合作伙伴签署合同,需上级领导审批,等待及汇报耗时一天;新员工出差,*走于各部门间办理各项借款及申请手续,耗时半天;出差回来报销等待财务流程耗时半个月。·协同型· ·新员工入职,人力资源部告知,可以在公司协同办公平台上了解各种情况;部门领导简单交代,各项工作重点及流程请在公司协同办公平台上了解,有问题再请教同事。·新员工在平台上迅速办理了各项入职手续,并且了解了各项工作流程及重点,包括绩效考评方式。·在平台上,新员工还看到“全国销售精英排行榜”、“A产品销售明星专栏”,迅速学习到工作的各种深入技巧,感受到公司企业文化。案例分析第一类传统型是在大部分的中国企业仍然沿用的内部沟通方式。内部沟通过程中,沟通成本较高。这里的沟通成本不仅指所耗费的员工工作时间,还包括为了进行沟通印刷规章制度、租用会议室等各项成本。这种沟通方式不仅成本较高,沟通效率也较低,容易造成传达失误。第二类协同型是现在管理先进的部分企业已经应用的,成熟的内部沟通方式。其内部沟通成本较低,而且沟通效率较高。并且能够将企业文化等深层次的东西迅速传递到员工层。协同办公从几年前的热闹喧嚣到现在已经逐渐成熟,冷静了下来,很多当时提出的浮躁、不切实际的功能已经在应用中被逐步摈弃。统一的门户、规范的流程、及时的信息传递、深层的文化沟通,协同办公已经成为响应节约型社会的最实用的IT应用。


内部客户服务意识与沟通技巧 课程目标: ◆通过培训来帮助学员: ◆了解内部客户服务意识的重要价值; ◆掌握内部客户沟通技巧与策略; ◆掌握内部人际冲突的处理和谈判策略; ◆了解内部客户有效服务的8大黄金法则 课程内容: 第一部分、培训内部客户服务意识―――想不想? 一、培养积极主动的服务意识 ◆为什么要内部客户服务?什么是服务意识? ◆谁是我们的内部客户?: ◆内部客户服务三要素:关怀、合作和沟通。 ◆内部客户服务的五大意识: A、内部客户服务的三有三不:有礼、有理、有据、不卑、不亢、不弃 B、内部顾客是相互的,因而服务也是相互的 C、学会站在对方的立场看问题 D、支持性态度(主动与合作)和多赢模式 E、个体沟通风格差异(individual difference) F、共情/同理与包容(empathy&tolerance) ◆服务水平的衡量指标,查查你现在的服务水平。 小组研讨:设计我们的内部客户服务水平提升的方向

二、内部客户如何评价我们的服务? ◆衡量标准在内部客户手中 ◆学会利用服务承诺进行有效的服务质量控制 ◆影响服务质量控制的五个环节 ◆内部服务质量评估的基本方法 讨论:看看我的行为是如何影响服务质量的 ◆内部客户服务的重点是:感悟内部客户需求,越内部客户期望 讨论:共同找找我们的内部客户都有哪些方面的需求。 ◆针对内部客户需求我们应该采取什么行动?(现在做得好的/不好的)◆需求排序与分级匹配。 ◆内部客户期望值管理(对于期望值我们应该抱以什么样的看法?应该如何对待内部客户的期望?) 三、了解并超越内部客户的期望才有可能造就内部客户忠诚 ◆只有超越内部客户期望的服务才造就忠诚的内部客户; ◆学会打破内部客户交往的平衡,不断超越内部客户的期望值; 第二部分:内部客户服务技巧――会不会? 四.服务沟通的技巧 ◆沟通前的准备工作 ◆内部客户的三层面需求 ◆建立信赖感是沟通的基础 ◆作为专业的内部服务人员,树立专业形象是信赖的基础 ◆如何在内部客户内部客户心目中建立专业形象


关于有效沟通技巧培训心得体会范文 关于有效沟通技巧培训心得体会(1) 世界上没有不好看的颜色,只有搭配不好的颜色。先要认清自己是什么“颜色”即个性,再根据自己的个性选择与别人交往的方式。知彼者,智也;知己者,大智也。沟通的一个前提就是:知己知彼。 结合工作,针对本次学习,谈谈心得。基本归纳以下几点: 三思而后言 在我们和人沟通的过程中,往往会因为一句话而引起他人的不悦,所以要避免说错话。而最好的方法,就是根本不去说那句话。说话之前,先想想自己想说什么,该说什么。很多人往往心直口快,根本没想到自己犀利的言词可能对别人造成的伤害。因此说话不能不经过大脑。 失言时立刻致歉 勇于认错是很重要的,所以一但当你发现自己的言语伤害到他人的时候,千万不要碍于面子不肯道歉。每个人偶尔都会说错话。可是自己一定要察觉自己说了不该说的话,然后马上设法更正。留意他人的言语或其它方面的反应,藉以判断是否需要道歉。如果你确实说错话了,就必须立刻道歉,勇于承认错误,不要编借口,以免越描越黑。 挑对说话的时机在我们和人沟通的过程中,往往会因为一句话而引起他人的不悦,所以要避免说错话才行。而最好的方法,就是根本不去说那句话。 表达意见之前,都必须先确定,对方已经准备好,愿意听你说话了。什么时候开口才是最好的呢?其实要遇到最好的时机很困难,但是要遇到适于交谈的时机却不是难事。比如说:在公共场所,或有其它朋友、同事在场时,应避免谈论涉及隐私或一些敏感的话题。还有当对方感到烦躁时,也尽量避免继续谈论下去。 对事不对人 指明他哪些行为有问题,而不是整个人都有问题。一个人要改变某些特定、确切的行为,要比改变个性容易。


《有效沟通技巧》(赵永忠)章节作业及期末考试 修改部分错误答案,请用查找功能, 1.1、人际沟通是交流信息的过程 1下列选项中()不属于沟通的要素。 A、信息源 B、信息 G授受者 DX媒介 我的答案:C 2、沟通可以看作是一门技能,但不能说它是一门艺术。()我的答案:X 3、人际沟通是交流信息的过程,沟通是一个循环的过程。()我的答案:V 1.2人际沟通是有目的的活动 1、通过人际沟通实现的目的,不包括()。 A学习知识 B、建立关系 G发挥影响 DX实现白我 我的答案:D

2、丹尼尔?戈尔曼认为若要获得成功,复杂的思考、沟通和社交技能通常比与传统的智商或者职业技能同等重要。() 我的答案:X 3、人际沟通活动具有劝说的性质。() 我的答案:V 1.3沟通有多种形式 1、关于面对面交流的现象,表述正确的是()。 A、面对面交流时经常使用缩略语 B、说话时间没有一定的限制 G面对面交流的对象是有机会遇见的人 A通过面对面交流可以很快找到志趣相投的人 我的答案:C 2、确保网络在线交流的安全性,需注意()。 A、保护好个人信息 B、不要轻信网络上的朋友信息资料 G不要轻易将网友过渡到现实中 DX以上都是 我的答案:D 3、面对面交流的一个特征是沟通双方在同一时间和地点,信息传递同时进行。()

我的答案:V 4、在线交流沟通的渠道最基本的除文字外,还有语音、视频。()我的答案:X 2.1沟通中潜在的需要 1、〈〈潜在的劝说者》中提出频繁应用于产品销售中的迫切需要有() 种。 A、五 B、六 G七 A八 我的答案:D 2、〈〈潜在的劝说者》作者是万斯?帕卡德。() 我的答案:V 3、在沟通中应该了解沟通对象,做到知彼,但同时也要知己。()我的答案:V 2.2信息是一个结合体 1、关于非语言信息的理解,错误的是()。 A、非语言信息可以控制语言信息 B、非语言信息补充着语言信息的容量


学习导航 通过学习本课程,你将能够: ●了解组织沟通的方式和意义; ●掌握组织内部沟通的原则; ●认清组织内部常见的沟通障碍; ●熟知组织内部沟通的要点; 组织内部沟通的方式和技巧 一、组织内部沟通的方式和意义 所有企业、非企业、机构都可称为组织。有组织就有团队,有团队就有沟通,因此组织内部保持良好沟通很重要。 1. 组织内部沟通的方式 组织内部沟通的方式主要表现为以下三种: 向下沟通 比如命令、说明、面谈、演说、会议、电话、训话等。 向上沟通 比如报告、面谈、会议、电话、文书、提案、意见等。 平级之间沟通 比如面谈、会议、电话、文书、传阅备忘录、报表等。 2. 组织内部沟通的意义

沟通是指传达者把传达符号(语言、文字、肢体语言)传达给对方的过程。需要注意的 是,沟通不是告知。一定要让对方确认,有时候需要对方写回执或签字后才叫沟通完成。 沟通的要素有四个:第一,人员数量,两人(含)以上;第二,相互之间有一个过程; 第三,交换观念、意见、情感等;第四,回馈以获得共同的了解、信任、激励与行动协调一 致。信任是沟通的基础,组织内部增加互信的要点包括沟通、力量支撑、消除误会等。 组织内部的沟通非常重要,其意义主要表现为: 达成共识 组织内部的良好沟通,有利于统一团队成员的想法,产生共识,以便达成团队的目标。 控制进度 组织内部的沟通可以提供资料,以便掌握工作的进度和结果。 加强了解 组织内部的沟通可以让“知”的范围扩大,让“不知”的范围缩小。提高 效率 组织内部的沟通可以强化人际关系,鼓动工作情绪,进而提升工作效率。 二、组织内部沟通的原则 组织内部沟通的原则主要体现在以下九个方面: 第一,传达要清楚、具体、实际,并具体被接受。在讨论一件事情或者布置一项工作时,一定要讲清楚两个标准:完成的时间和完成标准。 第二,巧用身体语言。巧用身体语言的要求有两个:一是注意观察对方的身体语言,二 是懂得用身体语言。 第三,对某事耿耿于怀,就坦诚讨论。 第四,建设性批评。


“有效沟通技巧”培训方案 课程时间:1天(6小时) 课程对象:需要提升沟通技巧的员工 培训形式:理论讲授60%、实战演练15%、案例讨论、游戏15%、经验分享、答疑10%课程内容: 一、沟通的概论 1、决定工作业绩的三方面 2、沟通能力是职业人必备的三大基本技能之一 3、沟通定义 4、了解中国式沟通的特点 5、影响沟通的三个因素 二、沟通的技巧训练 1、沟通流程技巧训练(游戏) 2、有效沟通的五个技巧 a、有效沟通的尊重技巧 (尊重是有效沟通的前提) b、有效沟通的表达技巧 (表达方式不同所收效果完全不同) c、有效沟通的倾听技巧 (会倾听的人才会沟通) d、有效沟通的提问技巧 (提问是了解对方心声的最好方法) 游戏:听从指示工作表 e、有效沟通的反馈技巧 (正确的反馈能给对方增加自信) 三、与上司沟通的技巧

1、与上司沟通的障碍 2、与上司沟通的四种形式 3、与不同类型上司的沟通技巧 4、与上司沟通的注意事项 5、上司沟通时肢体语言所表达的含义 四、与下属沟通的技巧 1、衡量下属发展层次的两把尺子 2、诊断下属发展的四个层次 3、下属的分类 4、下属发展层次与沟通风格的匹配度 五、平级沟通的技巧 1、如何处理好同事之间双刃剑的关系 2、如何建立同事之间的双赢关系 3、部门之间沟通的障碍 4、部门之间沟通常用的三种方式 5、部门之间积极的沟通方式 六、人际沟通的技巧 1、沟通对人际关系的影响 2、沟通前的心理准备 准备一:“先说先死” 准备二:“不说也死” 准备三:怎样确保“说到不死 3、人类五种性格行为特征分析 4、五种性格的优缺点 5、针对五种性格的不同沟通方法


有效沟通的技巧(时代光华) 单选题答案(共58题) 1.与有效沟通连在一起的是: 1. A 组织的关系 2. B 组织的智能 3. C 组织的构成 4. D 组织的规模 2.领导的核心是: 1. A 服从 2. B 命令 3. C 沟通 4. D 执行 3.外在的行为表现的基础是: 1. A 人的理性 2. B 内在的情绪 3. C 人的信心 4. D 人的感性 4.沟通中语音语调所占的比例是: 1. A 88% 2. B 38% 3. C 28% 4. D 18% 5.对于性格的描述,以下理解不正确的是: 1. A 是一个人经常的行为特征 2. B 因适应环境而产生的惯性行为倾向 3. C 包括显性行为特征和隐性心理倾向 4. D 包括隐性行为特征和显性心理倾向 6.人格特质在很深层次上影响着: 1. A 人们的价值观念 2. B 人们的认识方式 3. C 人们的行为方式 4. D 人们的思想信念 7.力量完美型的投诉的特点不是: 1. A 直奔结果 2. B 是目标导向的 3. C 条分缕析,有根有据 4. D 注重过程 8.听众错位的问题主要表现在: 1. A 应该与上司沟通的,却与下属进行沟通 2. B 应该与下属沟通的,却与同事进行沟通 3. C 应该与同事沟通的,却与上司进行沟通 4. D 应该与上司沟通的,却与同事进行沟通 9.沟通组织很差的一个表现是: 1. A 慢 2. B 等 3. C 快 4. D 强 10.明确把有效沟通作为管理的一项基本职能的是: 1. A 戴明 2. B 麦克卢汉 3. C 比尔·盖茨 4. D 彼得·德鲁克

11.在美国普林斯顿大学调查报告在所有对工作表现的影响因素当中,沟通占的比例是:1. A 75% 2. B 85% 3. C 65% 4. D 95% 12.活泼型的人格特质是: 1. A 记愁 2. B 稳定 3. C 安静 4. D 感染力 13.什么性格的客户投诉最好处理: 1. A 力量型的客户 2. B 活泼型的客户 3. C 和平型的客户 4. D 完美型的客户 14.以下沟通方式不正确的是: 1. A 与完美型沟通,情绪要中肯,别太饱满 2. B 与活泼型的人沟通时,情绪要饱满一点 3. C 与完美型沟通,情绪要中肯,要饱满 4. D 与活泼型的人沟通时,讲话的声音语调要上扬 15.典型的空是: 1. A 由说话的方式引出对方的需求,然后再对对方的需求进行回应 2. B 由问话的方式引出对方的需求,然后再对对方的需求进行回应 3. C 由命令的方式引出对方的需求,然后再对对方的需求进行回应 4. D 由自觉的方式让对方说出需求,然后再对对方的需求进行回应 16.高效沟通的三原则之一是 1. A 谈论个性不谈论行为 2. B 积极聆听 3. C 要模糊沟通 4. D 以上都不是 17.上下级之间的沟通要建立以下何种态度 1. A 强迫性 2. B 回避性 3. C 折衷性 4. D 合作性 18.以下选项中更容易沟通的是 1. A 思想 2. B 信息 3. C 情感 4. D 以上都不是 19.不符合聆听的原则的是 1. A 要适应讲话者风格 2. B 仅用耳朵听 3. C 首先要理解对方 4. D 鼓励对方 20.一个完整的沟通过程包括 1. A 信息发送、接收 2. B 信息发送、反馈 3. C 信息发送、接收、反馈 4. D 信息接受、反馈 21.以下哪一个不属于开放式问题 1. A 请问一下会议结束了吗? 2. B 请问去上海有哪些航班? 3. C 你对我公司有什么看法? 4. D 这个问题你认为如何解决比较好?


大企业内部人员如何沟通 大企业内部人员沟通技巧1:沟通前做好准备 在你跟同事讨论事情之前,先把一些基本问题想清楚,不要毫无准备就去,否则很可能得不到你想要的东西。下面的几个问题应该事先想清楚: 你希望对方帮你做什么事? 你认为他会要求你做什么? 如果对方不同意你提出来的做法,有没有其它选择方案? 如果双方没共识,你会有什么后果?对方又会有什么后果? 大企业内部人员沟通技巧2:了解其它部门的语言 跨部门沟通不良,很多时候都是“语言不通”所引起。营销部和财务、生产、人资部门各有各的语言和规则。因此,想要沟通顺畅,前提就是“听懂对方的语言”。秘诀2的一个重要方法是换位思考,试着站在对方的立场思考: “这么做,对业务部的业绩有帮助吗?” “如果我是他,会接受这种做法吗?” “这个方法真的有用吗?” 跨部门的换位思考法能将误解或沟通频率不搭的机率降到最低。此外,频繁的互动有助于建立彼此的熟识度,让你更容易设身处地想问题。因此,时不时的跟其它部门的同事吃吃饭、聊聊天,有好无坏。 大企业内部人员沟通技巧3:开诚布公是最好的对策 你面对的是必须长期共事的同事,因此,凡事以诚实为上策,最忌欺骗、隐瞒事实,破坏信任关系。部门间一旦缺乏信任感,会加重彼此的防御心,沟通时就会有所保留,甚至隐藏一些重要信息。诚信沟通有三个要素: 错的不要解释; 务必不要争执 不打断对方说话; 微笑再微笑;

大企业内部人员沟通技巧4:不要害怕冲突 在跨部门会议上,每个主管为了维护自己部门的利益,难免会出现一些摩擦。有些主管,尤其是新手主管,为了怕把气氛弄僵,往往会变得沉默寡言,以维持表面的和谐。 美国史丹福大学策略及组织学教授艾林哈特在《有效沟通》一书中点出,“如果管理 团队在议题的讨论上都没有冲突,决策质量就会低落。”艾林哈特提醒,千万别把“没有 冲突”跟“意见一致”混为一谈。 有时候,太过和谐反而凸显不了你对议题的重视,而且问题也不会获得真正的解决。 因此,艾林哈特建议经理人,态度要柔软,但立场要坚定,“别太快或太轻易就顺从认命。” 大企业内部人员沟通技巧5:呈现事实,专注中心议题 让沟通聚焦的最好方式,就是呈现具体事实,引导人们迅速将注意力放在中心议题上,减少不当的臆测。 美国达顿商学院企管教授布尔乔亚三世在《哈佛商业评论》中指出,事实可以将沟通 过程中“人”的因素降到最低。在缺乏事实的情况下,个人动机可能会遭到猜疑。因此, 提出事实“可以创造一种强调议题,而非人身攻击的氛围。”布尔乔亚三世说。 大企业内部人员沟通技巧6:多提选项,保持弹性 当你进行跨部门协商时,不要执着在单一做法上,而是开发多元选项,例如一次提出3~5个方案,让其它经理人有更大的选择空间。 专家分析,多元选项能让选择不再“非黑即白”,经理人有较大的弹性调整自己的支 持度,也可以轻易变换立场,不觉得有失颜面,因此能够降低沟通时的人际冲突。 大企业内部人员沟通技巧7:创造共同目标一起合作 无可讳言,各部门间一定同时存在合作与竞争关系。部门间若想进行建设性的沟通, 一定要强调彼此的合作关系,竞争意味愈淡愈好。合作的关键在于拥有共同目标。 就如苹果计算机创办人贾伯斯所言:如果每个人都要去旧金山,那么,花许多时间争 执走哪条路并不是问题。但如果有人要去旧金山,有人要去圣地亚哥,这样的争执就很浪 费时间了。在跨部门沟通中,达成一致的目标需要弄清楚四个问题: 双方的共同目标是什么? 有什么阻碍双方合作? 创造共同目标的资源是什么?
