


I. Phrase and Expressions

Unit 1

1)all over again(重新)7)in terms of(从…角度,就…来说)

2) get away from(摆脱,离开)8) over and over again(一再,再三)

3)building block(积木;成分)9)bit by bit(逐渐地,一点一点地)

4) put together(组合,装配)10)build up (加强;扩大)

5)depend on(依赖于,取决于)11)get into(投入;对…感兴趣)

6)break down into(把…分解成)12)a good deal(成都、数量等)相当大地Unit 2

1)back and forth(来来往往低;前后;来回地)

2)hold on to(抓住,不放手;不放弃)

3)be supposed to(被期望或要求;应该)

4)I bet(我敢打赌;我确信)

5)head for(朝某方向前进)

6)turn out(证明为;结果是)

7)share company(在一起;陪伴,伴随)8)take over(接管)

9)bad language(粗野的话语)

10)care about(对…感到关切、操心或忧虑)

11)come up with(提出来;发现)

12)pick up speed(加速)

13)point out(指出;使注意)

Unit 4

1)figure out(得出结论)

2)no matter what(无论什么)

3)at least(无论如何;不管怎么说;至少)

4)add to(增加;改善)5)bring out(使显出,使突出)

6)light up(容光焕发)

7)a touch of(少许的;微量的)


Unit 7

1)get tired of(对…感到厌倦、厌烦)

2)once or twice(数次,几次)

3)to one’s feet(站起来)

4)here and there(到处,各处)

5)for fear of/that(由于担心…;因为怕…)6)manage to(do sth.)(完成某事;设法办到)

7)doze off(打瞌睡,迷迷糊糊睡着)

8)hand in hand(手拉手)

9)come upon(偶然发现;遇见)

10)belong to(属于;是…的财产)

Unit 10

1)far from(远非;完全不)

2)be given to(喜欢;癖好)

3)be fired with(对…充满激情)

4)nothing but(只有,不过,简直)

5)waver between(犹豫不决)6)care for(喜欢;想要;爱好)

7)turn down(拒绝)

8)mix up(完全弄乱)

9)feel like(意欲;想要)

10)better off(更成功;更幸福;更富有)

II. Fill in the blanks.

Unit 1

1) To lose weight, Katie substituted some low-fat foods for high-fat foods in her diet, for example, having fat-free milk instead of regular milk.

2) Our science teacher drew a(n) analogy between the way water moves and the way light travels in waves.

3) In a dictionary, the word“noun”is often represented by the letter“n”.

4) It is interesting that different styles of dress can be associated with different types of music.

5) AIDS(艾滋病)is the biggest health challenge we have had to face this century.

6) Coal can easily be converted to gas.

7) Although people often say this is beautiful or that is beautiful, it is not easy to define(给…下定义)the concept of beauty.

8) The famous TV producer(制片人)successfully reduced the history of space travel to a 2-hour show.

9) I have a(n) image in my mind of how I want my room to be.

10) Jack carried bundles of old clothes and magazines to the garage sale.

11) These are all beautiful photos. It’s really hard for me to choose the best one.

12) When asked where his mother was, the little boy pointed to the kitchen.

13) John didn’t marry Mary in the end. He married Julie instead .

14) The best thing about traveling is that you can meet different people and learn about various customs (风俗习惯).

Unit 2

1) Ever since my brother took that job offer, he has been traveling back and forth, and we rarely talk these days.

2) The rain was so heavy and the road so muddy(泥泞)that it took us all day to reach our destination .

3) Computer terminals are seen everywhere in offices now.

4) Students should pay attention to the distinction between formal(正式的)and informal words when they are learning a foreign language.

5) Since the final exam is drawing near, you are not supposed to play football after school.

6) Let’s make a(n) bet on who will be the first one to finish reading the book.

7) He offered to take me for a ride in his car but I refused, because he is such a(n) rotten driver.

8) We don’t see any racial prejudice(偏见)here: people of all skin colors seem to get on well with each other.

9) As the train came near, people waiting on the platform(站台)picked up their bags and got ready to board .

10) Even if you can’t afford to stay in a 5-star hotel, you can still find clean and inexpensive accommodation(住处)in the center of town.

11) What a delight to walk along the river on a sunny afternoon!

12) Because of traffic problems above ground, many people in Shanghai ride the subway(地铁)to work.

13) He pretended to read a newspaper, but in fact he was observing the young girl who had just entered the teahouse.

14) The ever increasing housing price forces young couples to buy apartments away from the city center.

15) We welcome your valuable suggestions for improving our service.

16) Is that the best excuse you can come up with ?

17) That guy we met last night turned out to be Tina’s cousin.

18) I think I will hold on to the records, but you can have the tapes.

19) Will you take over the driving when we reach Los Angeles?

20) The passengers cheered when the yacht(游艇)picked up speed.

21) I’m hungry. It’s time for us to head for the restaurant.

Unit 4

1) Dick wrote a letter of apology to his girlfriend and begged her to forgive his rudeness.

2) The patient has responded to the drug and is recovering quickly.

3) The two countries have enjoyed a friendly relationship with each other for a long time.

4) His present job does not suit his abilities. He may do better at marketing.

5) Fighting with fists is not a good way to settle a(n) argument.

6) Under police questioning, he finally spilled out the truth of what had happened that night.

7) The beautiful sunny morning put me in a happy mood.

8) The government called on people to hold on to the tradition of respecting the old.

9) The appearance of the superstar drew tremendous applause.

10) The young parents scolded their child because he spoke rudely to the guest.

11) When people heard that he was raising his younger sister single-handedly, they were so touched that they gave money freely to help him.

12) I want very much to thank you for what you’ve done for me, but words fail me.

13) The team was required to figure out a solution(解决方案)to the problem by the end of this month.

14) Margaret had difficulty with her mathematics, but her teacher managed to pull her through.

15) During the interview, every candidate(应试者)tried to bring out the best in themselves.

16) The diamond necklace that she wore at the party added to her glamour(魅力).

17) A sense of hope rose in him and his face began to light up .

18) True, you have failed this time, but at least you can draw some lessons from this experience.

19) There was a touch of humor in his tone when he told the story.

Unit 7

1) The 20th century is remarkable for its inventions(发明).

2) I think I’ll just pop into this pub for a quick drink.

3) Crops may suffer if temperatures dip below freezing.

4) I took off my coat and hung it on the peg.

5) Mrs. Eber wouldn’t let her cat outside for fear that it would be hit by a car.

6) The patient managed to rise to his feet, but then he had to stick close to the tables for support on his way to the door.

7) Bats are the only mammals(哺乳动物)to have wings and to manage long flight.

8) The maid has to make sure the refrigerator is full of food, the cupboard full of clean linen(家庭日用纺织品)and the beds changed regularly.

9) Mom asked Karen to go to a nearby supermarket to buy a(n) jar of coffee and some orange juice.

10) Jack worked here and there but never for long in one town.

11) These gloves(手套)fit so well it’s as if they were tailor-made to my hands.

12) Hang your coat on that peg and sit by the fire to warm yourself.

Unit 10

1) I did not see the other car at the time because it was outside my field of vision.

2) Do you think a beautiful face is a(n) advantage or not for a woman?

3) Fever is a(n) symptom of many illnesses.

4) The basketball player had barely sat down before the reporters started firing question at him.

5) Their old house had been large and spacious(宽敞的); by contrast the new flat seemed small and


6) Every type of plant, with no exception, contains some kind of salt.

7) Parents should pay more attention to their children during their formative years.

8) Joey came close to despair/despairing after six months of unemployment.

9) I’m tired of being treated like a slave. I’ll quit immediately.

10) Many of these problems had their origin in the upper levels of administration.

11) Jonathan’s great grandfather left Ireland for the United States, which was believed to be a land of promise.

12) It’s interesting that some famous modern Chinese writers used to be students of medicine.

13) Maggie is no ordinary woman. She has supported over a hundred children through school by working two jobs at the same time.

14) They are/were/have been hired to herd(放牧)Mr. Simpson’s sheep in the mountains the whole summer.

15) Jimmy has turned down job offers from several different law firms.

16) After the long vacation, he didn’t feel like going back to work.

17) I know my son is far from the best singer, but certainly he’s not the worst.

18) After reading Hemingway, John was fired with ambition(雄心)to become a writer.

19) My wife doesn’t really care for tea; she likes coffee better.

20) Don’t mix up those papers, or we’ll never find the ones we need.

III. Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the italicized part.

Unit 1

1) Home should be a place where people can be safe from fear and danger.

Home should be a place where people can get away from fear and danger.

2) Professor Valentin made a reading list and asked her students to read all the articles on the list. Professor Valentin put together a reading list and asked her students to read all the articles on the list.

3) Jennifer is becoming very interested in fashion design(时装设计).

Jennifer is getting into fashion design.

4) A difficult task is far easier to finish if it is separated into smaller, easier pieces.

A difficult task is far easier to finish if it is broken down into smaller, easier pieces.

5) After taking the medicine, the patient felt much better.

After taking the medicine, the patient felt a good deal better.

6) For many times I told Steve to give up smoking, but he never listened to me.

Over and over again I told Steve to give up smoking, but he never listened to me.

7)Whether he can be hired or not will be decided by the job interview(面试).

Whether he can be hired or not will depend/depends on the job interview.

Unit 7

1) It seems that Jim never loses interest in playing games on his computer.

It seems that Jim never gets tired of playing games on his computer.

2) This exercise is most beneficial if practiced for several times a day on an empty stomach.

This exercise is most beneficial if practiced once or twice a day on an empty stomach.

3) There are some children walking down the street, holding each other’s hand.

There are some children walking down the street, hand in hand.

4) Jessica found some old letters by chance when she was cleaning the room.

Jessica came upon some old letters when she was cleaning the room.

5) The TV show was so boring that I fell asleep in the middle of it.

The TV show was so boring that I dozed off in the middle of it.

6) A teacher should encourage students to ask questions they might be unwilling to ask because of their anxiety about being thought stupid.

A teacher should encourage students to ask questions they might be unwilling to ask for fear of being thought stupid.

7) Despite the heavy rain she was able to reach the railway station in time.

Despite the heavy rain she managed to reach the railway station in time.

8) The Van Gough painting has been in this wealthy family for years.

The Van Gough painting has belonged to this wealthy family for years.

IV. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.

Unit 1

1) The police are still trying to find out what caused the fire(是什么引起了这场火灾).

2) I don’t know what size of shoes my father wears(我爸爸穿多大的鞋)

3) The baby pointed to what looked like a ball(一个像球一样的东西)

4) We should always be grateful for what our family and friends do for us (家人和朋友为我们所做的一切)

5) Stella was eager to show her boyfriend what she had bought for his birthday.(她为他的生日所买的东西)

Unit 2

1) When I reboarded(再次登上)the plane, I found my seat had already been taken.(board)

2) Many years after my graduation, I gradually come to realize that what Mr. Lee taught me in college days was invaluable(无价的)(value)

3) The Great Wall is inarguably(无可争议地)one of the wonders in the history of mankind. (argue)

4) Nowadays interracial(跨越种族的)marriage is everywhere and becomes more and more acceptable.(racial)

5) It’s unlikely(不可能)that he would be willing to pay 500 yuan for a ticket to the U2 concert.(like)

Unit 7

1) I dozed off in the back of the car and woke up to find myself already in Chicago(发现自己已经到了芝加哥)

2) After walking for a long time, James found himself in an empty street.(发现自己走在一条空荡荡的街上)

3) If Jack carries on treating others so rudely, he will find himself with no friends(他会失去所有的朋友)

4) This book tells people how to manage the situation when they find themselves getting angry(当他们生气时如何控制局面)

5) After meeting Kathy for the first time at a birthday party, John found himself falling in love with her.(发现自己爱上了她)

Unit 10

1) The business will lose money if it doesn’t modernize(现代化).(modern)

2) This city has started to popularize(普及)information technology education in schools.(popular)

3) She used to fantasize(幻想)that her real parents were from outer space.(fantasy)

4) Lately, some politicians have started to worry that Singapore may have become too westernized(西洋化).(western)

5) Schools need to publicize(公布)exam results.(public)

V. Turn the following sentences into English.

Unit 1

1这个小男孩最喜欢的事就是搭积木。What the boy likes to do most is putting together building blocks.

2就先前的工作经验而言,约翰是这个职位的最佳候选人。In terms of previous working experience, John is the best choice for this position.

3.我的物理教师经常使用类比来说明一些较难理解的概念。My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concepts.

4在家人和朋友的帮助下,汤姆经营的出版企业逐渐兴旺起来。With the help of his family and friends , Tom built up his publishing business bit by bit.

5 林达没考入那所著名大学,但她打算重新开始,而不是逃避挑战。Linda was not able to go to that famous college, but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge.

6这个公司有很好的公众形象。人们总是把它的产品与高质量和优质服务联系在一起。This company has a very good image. People always associate its product with high quality and good service.

Unit 2

7孩子们很苦恼,因为家长不允许在铁路轨道旁玩耍。The children are pretty annoyed that their parents won’t allow them to play around the railway track.

8我打赌我只要速度快一点,肯定会比他们先到目的地。I bet if I pick up a little speed I will reach the destination sooner than they do.

9这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做运动。You don’t want to go out in such rotten weather. It’s better for you to stay home and stretch your legs and do physical exercises. 10已经10点半了,你不应该还在睡觉,快赶到机场接你表弟。It’s half past ten, and you are not supposed to be sleeping! It’s time to head for the airport to pick up your cousin!

11是谁想到让迈克来接管这项工程的?Who came up with the idea to ask Mike to take over the project?

12学校对不同种族背景的学生没有区别对待。The school makes no distinction in treating students from different racial backgrounds.

Unit 4

13布鲁斯先生对他不尊重当地(local)传统的行为表示了歉意。Mr. Bruce made an apology for his disrespect for the local traditions.

14在会议上,双方就两国关系方面交换了各自的观点。At the meeting the two parties exchanged their opinions on the relationship between the two countries.

15他目前心情很糟糕,不适合再公共场合露面。He is in such a bad mood that it is not appropriate for him to appear in public.

16你提水的时候至少应该做到不要把水泼出来呀!You should at least try not so spill the water when carrying it!

17这位科学家的论点得到了学术界(academic circles)的极大支持。The argument of this scientist received tremendous support from academic circles.

18无论你遇到什么困难,大家都会帮你渡过难关的。No mater what difficulties you may come across, we will pull you through.

Unit 7

19在喝了3罐啤酒后,玛丽连站也站不起来了。After drinking three jars of beer, Mary could hardly get to her feet.

20由于担心房产价格可能会下跌,一些房产商开始急于出售房屋。Some real estate developers are now eager to sell their houses for fear that the price might dip.

21当林达打开房门时,眼前的景象使她惊呆了。橱柜的门都敞开着,地上到处是衣服和书。When Linda opened the door, she was shocked by what she saw. All the cupboard doors were wide open, and there were clothes and books lying here and there on the floor.

22迈克早已对老板每周一次的长篇报告感到厌倦,每次听着总会打起盹来。Mike has already got tired of the long speech given by his boss every week. He always dozed off in the middle of it.

23芬兰是一个以湖泊众多而著称的国家,我曾经去过几次,非常喜欢那个地方。Finland is remarkable for its large number of lakes, I have been there once or twice, and I like it very much.

24在贝蒂三岁生日那天,爸爸送她一只很有意思的盒子。只要你一打开它,一只可爱的兔子便会突然蹦出来。At Betty’s third birthday, Dad gave her an interesting box. Once you opened it, a lovely rabbit would pop out.

Unit 10

25在孩子个性形成时期,家长要特别关心并注意他们是否有心理问题的迹象。Parents should pay special attention to their children during their formative years and watch for symptoms of psychological problems.

26天才往往对自己喜爱的事物充满着激情。Geniuses usually have a great passion for things they’re interested in.

27他不知道简(Jane)就是他的亲生姐姐,只是觉得她的名字听上去有一点点熟悉(familiar)。He has no idea that Jane is his biological sister; only her name sounds faintly familiar to him.

28看着稻谷在干燥的阳光下枯死,农民们毫无办法,只有叹息。Seeing the rice crops dying in the dry sun, the peasants could do nothing but sigh.

29自从杰克(Jack)的老板拒绝了他请长假的要求,他一直在考虑辞职。Ever since his boss turned down his request for a long vacation, Jack has been thinking about quitting his job.

30我不喜欢足球,今天也不例外,我不想和你去看球赛。I don’t care for soccer, and today’s no exception. So I don’t feel like going to watch the game with you.


Unit 1 学会重新思考







以一个英语句子为例:We have to buy a few books before going home.不论将它译成那种外语,你都不会取出每个英文单词然后逐个地用外语单词去替代。相反你会将成组成组的词语或思想从一种语言转换成另一种语言。至于每种语言用多少词语来表达某个概念,各种语言不尽相同。比如,在法语和西班牙语中,we have to buy被分成三个词:we/have to/buy。而在土耳其语中,土耳其人能将所有这四个词缩减成一个。



Unit 2 父亲、儿子和答案


















Unit 15

Dress up 盛装打扮bring out 取出拿出make a fool of oneself 出洋相

Pass by 路过经过wish away 希望不存在dream of 梦想curl up 卷起

1)Mary loves reading women’s fashion magazine and window-shopping in her spare time.

2)The young man feels quite confident about his future as he has just graduated from a famous university with honors.

3)Johnson is a plump healthy-looking child.

4)Today all kinds of marvelous technologies are being used in factories to improve efficiency.

5)All the people were impressed by the speaker’s eloquent speech.

6)The new company plans to expand its production. Apparently it is making a lot of money.

7)The salesgirl tells us that their store is well stocked and all sizes of clthes in various colors are available.

8)The little girl was really scared when she saw the huge tree crashing to the ground.

9)The housewife put on a cheerful smile when the guests arrived.

10)Make sure that everyone is properly dressed for the meeting with the President.

11)Jane eyre was a plain but intelligent woman who insisited that marriage be built upon equality between man and wife.

12)At present the microsoft windows system is the most widely used PC operating system in the world.

13)Many foreign companies invest heavily in China because it is a huge market.

14)The temperature dropped to zero and the tree leaves were now yellow and beginning to curl up.

15)The school boys dressed up as cowboys appeared on the stage and the show began.

16)You know, you can never wish your problems away ! you have to face up to them.

17)Finally she realized that she made a fool of herself by pretending to be knowledgeable.

18)I never dreamed of meeting you here. What a small world.

19)Will you be passing by the supermarket on your way home? If so,please remember to buy a bar of chocolate for me.

20)I remember going to the ocean park in Hong Kong as s kid.

21)Don’t forget to turn off the gas before you leave home.

22)She can’t remember destroying the letter ,even after her husband had named the date she did it.

23)I’ll never forget finding a snake in our garden.

24)Did you remember to say hello to charles at party yesterday?

25)She took care of the blind man as if he were her old father.

26)They are talking as if they had been friends for years.

27)Jerry acts as if he were an expert.

28)It seems as if it were winter already.

29)The postman spoke to me in a very loud voice as if I were deaf.

30)With a diploma from a famous university, he felt secure in his job even when the company was laying off people.

31)Bob flew into a rage when he was accused of lying.

32)Our project was totally ruined because of her stupidity.

33)The manager was held in high esteem by his colleagues in the company.

34)The little boy ran up to his father and tugged his sleeve excitedly.

35)Apparently, he was quite confident about his essay.


初二下学期英语复习提纲 1. so+谓语+主语:…也一样. 谓语:be动词/助动词/情态动词 2. so+主语+谓语:的确如此,真的这样. 3. help yourself/yurselves to...请随便吃点... 4. 发现sb做sth : find sb doing sth 5. 不完全同意I don’t really agree. 完全不同意I really don’t agree. 6. 或者..或者...either…or…..就近原则 既不..也不..neither…nor….就近原则 既....又...both…and….谓语用复数 7. 看起来,似乎It seems/seemed that….. 8. 由于...而闻名be famous for…. 9. 餐馆就餐用语:a table for two/sit at the table by the window/ here’s the menu/May I take your order?/could we have the bill? /That’s all. 10. 问路Which is the way to…/where is…/How can I get to…/ Is there a..near here/Can you tell me the way to…/ Can you tell me how I can get to…? 11. turn right at the third crossing/traffic lights在第3个路口往右拐=take the third crossing on your right 12. 过桥go across the bridge=cross the bridge 13. 走到路的尽头go up this road to the end=go on until you reach the end. 14. at the street corner在街角 15. on sb’s way to….在sb去…的途中/路上 16. what’s the matter?=what’s wrong?=what’s the trouble?怎么了? 17. be sick in hospital/in bed 生病住院/卧床 18. Maybe it is there=it may be there可能在那里. 19. It takes/took/will take sb+时间+to do sth. Sb做sth花费了…时间 20. 路途遥远It’s (5 kms)far(away) from…=That’s quite a long way. 21. wait for…等待 22. 五分钟的步行/驾驶路程:five minutes’walk/drive 23. 迷路lose sb’s way/sb be lost/sb get lost 24. just then=just at that time/moment就在那时 25. 首先first of all=at first 26. a big city like Tokyo像东京这样的大城市 27. It’s easy/interesting/important/ (for sb) to do sth.(对sb来说)做sth是容易的/有趣的/重要的. 28. if 条件状语从句:从句一般现在时,主句一般将来时。如:If it rains tomorrow, I will not go to the zoo. 29. at the head /end of…在…的前/尾部 30. 我的背很疼. My back hurts badly. 31. 为…做准备get /be ready for… 32. stop sb (from) doing sth.阻止/不让sb做sth 33. have a good/wonderful time=enjoy oneself 玩得很高兴


1.Only twenty-seven new members had been ____________ since the Leeds Congress, and the total membership still stood at less than one hundred. A. ceded放弃 B. enrolled C. faded D. departed 2.You could go for advertising ____________, the catchy floor displays or the flashy packaging. A. design B. description C. hype宣传 D. propaganda 3.The desk was ____________ with files, but the chair behind it was vacant. A. cluttered凌乱 B. depicted C. defined D. represented 4.____________ is a meal typically eaten late in the morning as a combination of a late breakfast and an early lunch. A. Dinner B. Brunch早午餐 C. Banquet D. Feast 5.The improvement of the highway will ____________ pressure on the trains to some extent. A. ensure B. relieve减轻 C. protect D. guarantee 6.John's hands were ____________ as he put down his papers and started his speec h at the first time. A. quivering颤抖 B. waving C. shaking D. lifting 7.His mood was an explosive mixture of ____________ self-pity and forced gaiety, the latter predominating as he got drunk. A. maudlin脆弱 B. nasty C. painful D. outright 8.Because of the economic slowdown, the government changed its policy to ____________ revenue by limiting commerce. A. disregard B. challenge C. diminish减少 D. reject 9.In women's magazines and educational material the apple ____________ good food and health. A. anticipates B. conjures想象的 C. Designates D. presupposes


最新人教版八年级下册英语学习复习提纲 1. fewer people 更少的人(fewer修饰名词复数,表示否定) 2. less free time 更少的空闲时间(less修饰不可数名词,表示否定) 3. in ten years 10年后(in的时间短语用于将来时,提问用How soon) 4. fall in love with…爱上… 例:When I met Mr. Xu for the first time, I fell in love with him at once 当我第一次见到许老师,我立刻爱上他 5. live alone 单独居住 6. feel lonely 感到孤独(比较:live alone/go along等) The girl walked alone along the street, but she didn’t feel lonely那女孩独自沿着街道走,但她并不感到孤独 7. keep/feed a pet pig 养一头宠物猪 8. fly to the moon 飞上月球 9. hundreds of +复数数百/几百(概数,类似还有thousands of; millions of) 10. the same as 和……相同 11. A be different from B A与B不同(=There is a difference/Thgere are differences between A and B) 12. wake up 醒来(wake sb. up表示“唤醒某人”

13. get bored 变得厌倦(get/become是连系动词,后跟形容词如tired/angry/excited等) 14. go skating 去滑冰(类似还有go hiking/fishing /skating/bike riding等) 15. lots of/a lot of 许多(修饰可数名词、不可数名词都可以) 16. at the weekends 在周末 17. study at home on computers 在家通过电脑学习 18. agree with sb. 同意某人(的意见) 19. I don’t agree. = I disagree. 我不同意 20. on a piece of paper 在一张纸上(注意 paper/information/news/work/homework/housework等常考到的不可数名词) 21. on vacation 度假 22. help sb with sth/help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事 23. many different kinds of goldfish 许多不同种金鱼 24. live in an apartment 住在公寓里/live on the twelfth floor 住在12楼 25. live at NO.332,Shanghai Street 住在上海路332号 26. as a reporter 作为一名记者 27. look smart 显得精神/看起来聪明 28. Are you kidding? 你在骗我吗 29. in the future 在将来/在未来


Lesson 1 Make the following assertion as editor of the book Language in Britain and Ireland. For English is a killer. It is English that has killed off Norn. There are still parts of these islands where sizeable communities speak languages that were there before English. Yet English is everywhere in everyday use and understood by all or virtually all, constituting such a threat to three re-maining Celtic languages. an English academic 一位英国学者 In it, he argued that the major English-speaking countries, the worldwide English-language teaching industry, and notably the British Council pursue policies of linguistic aggrandizement. He also associated such policies with a prejudice which he calls linguicism(a condition parallel to racism and sexism). As someone sees it 在某人看来 predominantly white English-speaking world主要的白人讲英语国家 the hegemonic spread of English英语的大肆扩张 economic and colonial expansion经济和殖民扩张 point up the dangers of English as a world language the internationalization of English has in the last few decades been widely discussed in terms of three groups. Since the 1980s, when such terms became common, this third circle has in fact expanded to take in the entire planet. By and large, we now view them as more or less benign, and often talk with admiration and appreciation about the cultures associated with them and what they have given to the world. And it is fairly safe to do this, because none of them poses much of a threat. English however is probably too close for us to be able to analyze and judge it as dispassionately as we may now dis-cuss the influence of Classical Chinese on East Asia or of Classical Latin on Western Europe. The jury is still out in the trial of the English language, and may take several centuries to produce its verdict. But even so we can ask, in this European Year of Language, whether Price and Phillipson are right to warn us all about the language that I am using at this very moment. It certainly is not hard to look for situations where people might call English a curse. An example is Australia, which is routinely regarded as a straightforward English-speaking country. The word itself is Latin; evidently no one at the time thought of simply calling it “Southland”. a wide stretch of land 大片土地 Australia was thinly populated—but populated nonetheless—from coast to coast in every direction. Depending on your point of view, this is either a tragic loss or the price of progress. At the same time, however, can the blame for the extinction of Aboriginal language be laid at the door of English? If English is a curse or a killer, it may only be so in the sense that any large language is likely to influence and endanger smaller language. Spanish has adversely affected indigenous languages in so-called Latin America. 西班牙语对所谓“拉丁”美洲的土著语言产生了消极影响。 a communicative network Let us instead look at something rather different: the issue of politics, justice, and equality. Ten years ago, South Africa ceased to be governed on principles of racial separateness. be at first weak and disorganized However, the language through which this opposition gained strength and organization was English, which became for them the key language of freedom and unity, not of oppression. The answer is none of the above. How then should we think of English in our globalizing world with its endangered diversities? The answer, it seems to me, is crystal clear. Such symbolism suggests that users of the world’s lingua franca(通用语)should seek to benefit as fully as possible from the blessing and as far as possible avoid invoking the curse. apartheid n.种族隔离



南京大学临床医学和口腔医学专业学位研究生教育与江苏省住院医师规范化培训双向接轨试点工作 研究生培养方案细则(临床医学) 为贯彻落实《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》和《中共中央、国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见》以及江苏省教育工作会议精神和《江苏省中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》,根据国务院学位委员会《硕士、博士专业学位研究生教育发展总体方案》精神和教育部关于开展研究生专业学位教育综合改革试点工作的通知要求,南京大学医学院启动临床医学和口腔医学专业学位研究生教育与住院医师规范化培训双向接轨改革试点工作。为了更好地落实这一改革项目,提高攻读临床医学硕士专业学位研究生(住院医师)(以下简称硕士研究生)的培养质量,结合南京大学医学院的具体情况,特制定本培养方案。 一、培养目标 本专业的人才培养坚持党的领导,坚持四项基本原则,坚持把立德树人作为人才培养的中心环节,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人。 在专业方面,培养具有良好职业道德和专业素质,掌握扎实医学理论、专业知识和临床技能,能够独立承担本学科常见疾病诊治工作的高层次临床医师。 二、研究方向 01内科学02儿科学03神经病学04精神病与精神卫生学05影像医学与核医学06临床检验诊断学07外科学08妇产科学09眼科学10耳鼻咽喉科学11肿瘤学12麻醉学13急诊医学14皮肤病与性病学15临床病理学16全科医学

三、学习年限及时间安排 硕士研究生学习年限一般为3年。 1、课程学习:入学后一学期内利用平时或晚间及周末在学校完成 学位课程学习。 2、临床技能训练: 按国家卫计委要求进行不少于33个月的住院医师规范化培训。 3、结合临床工作,在导师指导下进行课题工作。 四、课程设置 课程类型课程名称学分学时 公共基础课(A类) 英语 4 72 中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究 2 36 自然辩证法概论或马克思主义与社会科 学方法论或马克思主义原著选读(三选 一) 1 18 专业基础课(B类)医学科学研究方法以及科研伦理简介 2 36 重大疾病的研究进展 2 36 专业实践课(C类) 临床技能培训 6 108 循证医学 1 8 临床思维与人际沟通 1 8 医学法学 1 8 重点传染病防治 1 8 学术讲座 2 36 公共选修课(D类) 炎症与疾病 2 36 生物医学数据处理与统计分析 2 36 生物信息学与医疗大数据 2 36 生物医学仪器分析 2 36 生物医学科学史 2 36 疾病研究的生物学方法 2 36 实用医学实验动物学 2 36 公共卫生与重大传染病预防 2 36


Unit 1 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙 4. talk too much 说得太多;too much 修饰不可数名词;too many 修饰可数名词复数 5. drink enough water 喝足够的水;enough 修饰名词放在名词之前,修饰形容词或副词放在他们之后 6. have a cold 感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8.passenger 乘客 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息11. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶12. see a dentist 看牙医13. get an X-ray 拍X片14. take one’ s temperature 量体温15. put some medicine on ... 在……上面敷药16.take breaks/take a break/have a rest 休息17. sound like 听起来像18. on the weekend /on weekends 在周末19. in the same way 以同样的方式20. go to a doctor 看医 生21. shout for help 大声呼救22. without thinking twice 没有多想23. get off 下车24. the importance of ......的重要性25. to one’ s surprise令某人吃惊的是26. thanks to 多亏;幸亏27.thanks for 为......而感谢28.on time 按时29. in time 及时30. save a life 挽救生命31. get into trouble 造成麻烦32. right away/at once 立刻;马上33. because of 由于34. get out of 离开;从……出来35. hurt/cut oneself 伤了某人自己36.spirit勇气;意志37. fall down 摔倒;fall off从高处掉下来;fall over 绊倒38. have a nosebleed 流鼻血39. mountain climbing 登山;mountain climber 登山者40. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事;be used to do sth.被用于做某事;used to do sth.过去常常做某事41. run out (of) 用完;用尽42. so that 为了(后跟句子),in order to 为了(后不跟句子)43. so. . . that 如此… …以至于…44. be in control of 掌管;管理45. keep on doing sth./keep doing sth./continue to do sth. 继续做某事46. make a decision/make decisions 做决定47. take risks/take risks 冒险48. give up 放弃give up doing sth.放弃做某事 49.What’s the matter with sb./sth.?某人或某物怎么了?50.wait for sb./sth.等待某人或某物51.agree with sb.同意某人;agree to do sth. 同意做某事52.except sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事53.What should I do?我应该做什么? Unit 2 1. clean up 打扫干净 2.volunteer 志愿者 3. help out with sth. 帮助解决 4. blind 瞎的; deaf 聋的 5. care for/look after/take care of 照顾 6. a feeling of satisfaction 一种满足感 7. at the age of 在......岁时 8.alone 单独,独自;lonely 孤独的,寂寞的 9. cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振雀10. give out/hand out 分发;散发11. come up with 想出;提出12. imagine 想象13. broken 破损的fallen 倒塌的 14.interest 兴趣15.kindness 善良,仁慈16. put up 建造;举起;张贴17. several 几个,数个18. call up 打电话;召集19. put off 推迟;延迟put off doing sth. 推迟做某事20. for example 比如;例如21. raise money 筹钱;募捐22. take after 像23. give away 赠送;捐赠24. fix up/repair/fix 修理;修补;解决25. be similar to 与……相似26. set up 建立;设立27. disabled people 残疾人28. make a


Translation 1. Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. 译文:而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存环境,从而使所有其他形态的生命服从人类自己独特的想法和想象。 2. But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago. 译文:但更为重要的是,这是科学家们所能观察到的最遥远的过去的景象,因为他们看到的是150亿年前宇宙云的形状和结构。 3. Since psychological traits depend so much upon experience, it is to be expected that they will reflect it. 译文:由于心理特点在很大程度上取决于经历,可想而知心理特点也反映经历。 4. The optimists believe defeat is not their fault: circumstances, bad luck, or other people brought it about. Such people are not bothered by defeat. 译文:乐观主义者相信失败并不是他们的错,环境、运气不佳或其他人可能造成自己的失败。这些人从不为失败所困扰。 5. Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems-for example, depression, headaches, physiological impairments, and neurotic and psychosomatic


八年级下册英语复习提纲 Unit1 【短语归纳】 1.too much太多 2.lie down躺下 3.see a dentist看牙医 4.get an X-ray做个X光检查 5.take one’s temperature量体温 6.put some medicine on…在…上敷药 7.have a fever发烧 8.play computer games玩电脑游戏 9.all weekend整个周末 10.take breaks/take a break休息 11 without thinking twice没多想 12 go to doctor看医13.get off下车 14.take sb.to the hospital送某人去医院 15.wait for等待 16.to one’s surprise使…惊讶的; 17.thanks to多亏;由于18.in time及时 19.think about考虑 20.have a heart problem患有心脏病 21.get to到达22.right away立刻;马上 23.get into trouble造成麻烦(或烦恼) 24.do the right thing做正确的事 25.fall down摔倒26.play soccer踢足球 27.put…on sth.把…放在某物上 28.a few几个;少数https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e377916.html,e in进来 30.get hit/sunburned被打击/晒伤 31.be interested in对…感兴趣 32.be used to习惯于33.because of因为 34.take risks/take a risk冒险 35.lose one’s life失去生命 36.run out(of)用完;耗尽 37.cut off切除 38.get out of离开;从…出来 39.make a decision/decisions做决定 40.be in control of掌管;管理 41.think about考虑42.give up放弃 43.go mountain climbing去爬山 【用法集萃】 1.need to do sth.需要去做某事 2.see sb. Doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 3.ask sb.sth.询问某人某事 4.expect sb.(to)do sth.期望某人做某事 5.agree to do sth.同意做某事 6.help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 7.want to do sth.想要做某事 8.tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事 9.have problem(in)doing sth. 10.be/get used to doing sth.习惯做某事https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e377916.html,e sth. to do sth.用某物去做某事 12.seem to do sth.好像做某事 13.keep on doing sth.继续做某事 14.mind doing sth.介意做某事 Unit2 【短语归纳】 1.clean up打扫(或清除)干净 2.cheer up(使)变得高兴起来;振奋起来 3.give out分发 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e377916.html,ed to曾经…;过去… 5.give away赠送;捐赠 6.set up建起;设立 7.make a difference影响;有作用 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e377916.html,e up with想出9.put off推迟 10.put up张贴11.call up打电话给 12.help out帮助…摆脱困难 13.care for照顾;照看 14.give up放弃 15.try out for参加选拔 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e377916.html,e true实现17.run out of用光 18.take after与…相像19.fix up修理 20.be similar to与…相似【用法集萃】 1.need to do sth.需要做某事 2.make plans to do sth.制定计划做某事 3.ask sb.(not)to do sth.要求某人不要做某事 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e377916.html,ed to do sth.过去常常做某事 5.give up+时间+to do sth.放弃时间去做某事 6.get a feeling of…有…感觉 7.decide to do sth.决定做某事 8.help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 9.make a difference to对…产生影响 10.make it possible for sb.to do sth. 使得做某事对某人来说是可能的 Unit3 【短语归纳】 1.do the dishes洗餐具 2.take out the rubbish倒垃圾 3.go out出去 4.stay out待在外面;不在家 5.help out帮助完做某事 6.at least至少 7.throw down扔下 8.all the time频繁;反复9.in surprise惊讶地 10.as soon as一…就… 11.spend…on…在…花费(金钱或时间) 12.in oder to为了 13.provide sth. for sb.向某人提供某物 14.depend on依赖;信赖 15.look after照顾;照看16.get into进入 17.keep it clean and tidy保持它干净和整洁 18.take care of照顾19.as a result结果【用法集萃】 1.finish doing sth.做完某事 2.want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事 3.try(not)to do sth.尽力(不)做某事


Module 1 tidy up=clean up 收拾好、整理好 have a collection of...=collect...收集 take up 占用(时间),占据(空间) play the violin 拉小提琴 give an interview 做访谈 collect stamps 集邮 all the time=always 一直,总是 (be) interested in sth./doing sth.对……感兴趣 at the end of this term 这学期末 play volleyball 打排球 grow vegetables 种菜 look after animals 照看动物 mountain biking 骑山地车 such as 例如(列举) for example 例如(举例说明) summer camp 夏令营 as well as=also/too=not only...but also... 并且,还come out 出版 as a result 结果 (not) as...as... 不如…… save money 省钱 in life 一生 at least 至少 Module 2 hold the line, please=hold on 不要挂断(请稍等) right now = now 现在 take a message 捎口信 weather...or not (引导宾语从句)是否 miss doing sth. 错过做某事 fell like doing sth.=would like/want to do sth. 想要做某事 make friends 交朋友 good luck with sth. 某事进展顺利 good luck to sb. 祝某人好运 a couple of ... 两个;几个 by the way 顺便问/说一下(插入语) sometime 某个时候+将来时间状语(next week/month) 区别: sometimes 有时 some time 一段时间


1.boisterous 2.slithered 3.If an actor forgets his words, he sometimes ___ improvises即席而作;即席创作____. 4.meditation 5.connotation 6.It is ____ mandatory ________to pay the debt within six months. 7.“Better late than never” is a ___ platitude陈词滥调___ that is very familiar to most English speakers. 8.reciprocal互惠的, 相应的, 倒数的, 彼此相反的 9.indispensable 10.No men was allowed to ___ infringe _破坏, 侵犯, 违反__ on the livelihood of his neighbor. 11.She really enjoyed the film because it was a ___ fusion熔合____ of history and contemporary events. 12.business associate 13.deprived 14.When he tried to make a little joke, the judge warned him not to give __ frivolous轻薄的; 轻 浮妄动的____replies to the lawyer’s questions. 15.ascribed to. 16.warrant 17.What were your ___ aggregate ____ wages for this last year? 18.The newspapers ____ biased _____ their readers against the new government. 19.rigorous discipline. 20.authentic 21.He was quite ____ explicit _____ about on what he thought about our plan. (A)exquisite (B) extensive (C) external (D) 22.The book is highly ___ endorsed ____ by prominent people. 23.This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important __ facets 方面___ of American life. 24.manifestation 25.hindered 26.imminent 即将来临的, 逼近的 27.reciprocal 28.We can gain lasting peace only if we proceed with the understanding, the confidence, and the courage which flow from___ conviction ______. 29.deteriorate 30.attributes 31.reverberate 32.Although _____ afflicted ____ by serious eyesight problem, Alicia Alonso was one of the principal stars of the American Ballet Theater. 33.In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must give our rivals no _ provocative _____ hints. 34.When the old man was near death he lost interest in ___ mundane 世俗的____ affairs. 35.I was so sleepy I could scarcely ____ stifle 抑制_____ a yawn. 36.prolific


中国人民大学历史学院2016年拟录取硕士研究生名单 历史学院- 文物与博物馆(专业学位) 姓名考生编号初试成绩复试成绩加权总成绩备注吴忧100026114116945 396 311 83.06 吉艺龙100026114103705 398 307 82.84 郝沁源100026114109340 393 305 82.01 王艺霖100026114108851 403 292 81.73 汪海伦100026114103716 387 293 79.92 王爱梅100026114113814 378 296 79.18 吴嘉莉100026114103717 354 310 77.90 宋阿云100026114103664 350 299 76.17 王峥骞100026114115835 351 295 75.83 侯佳岐100026114109079 359 286 75.76 张嘉桐100026114116621 337 305 75.29 袁漫潇100026114103712 351 290 75.26 温馨100026114107866 351 281 74.23 胡艳100026114116860 356 273 73.92 骨干杨通琴100026114116859 309 258 66.56 骨干历史学院 考古学及博物馆学 姓名考生编号初试成绩复试成绩加权总成绩备注孙锐100026114103663 404 313 84.25 王晓丹100026114116617 392 312 82.69 贺纪元100026114109333 382 302 80.35 史学理论及史学史 姓名考生编号初试成绩复试成绩加权总成绩备注邓啸林100026114111777 379 272 76.56 王冰100026114111783 379 271 76.45
