letter C讲义

letter C讲义
letter C讲义

今天我们要学习一个新的字母,l et’s learn about letter C.今天我们要学到大写的C小写的c,八个以字母C开头的单词,Are you ready? Let’s g o.

What do you see on the cover? We can see a cow, k-k-cow. 小朋友们在封面上可以看到一头奶牛,这个奶牛有大大的眼睛和鼻孔,正在好奇地看着你呢。What sound does a cow make? Mou~mou~接下来小朋友们可以认识一下Big C, little c. 大写的C,小写的c,c呢非常的好写,小朋友们可以观察一下,C就像我们的耳朵一样,是个半圆形。现在呢,你们可以伸出小手指跟我一起来写字母C。Now we go around, one more time, around. That’s a big C. Now let’s write a little c. Around, around. 小写的C小朋友们就画一个小一点的耳朵就可以了,你们都会写了么?下面我们还要学习八个以字母C开头的单词。No. 1,car, car. What do you see in the picture? We see a car. 汽车,k-k-car.这个汽车是什么颜色呢?What color is the car? It’s a red car. 小朋友们学会汽车这个单词了吗?k-k-car, k-k-car.

接下来我们可以看到一个小女孩,Wh at’s she doing? She is playing the computer. K-k-computer. K-k-computer. 小朋友们知道电脑可以用来做什么吗?We can draw on the computer, we can play on the computer. 我们可以用电脑来画画,可以用电脑来玩。K-k-computer.

接下来我们要学的单词是carrots, k-k-carrots.胡萝卜。胡萝卜呢是小白兔最爱吃的食物,carrots are very crunchy, carrots are very sweet. 而且呢小朋友们知道吗,胡萝卜还非常的有营养,平时呢你们要多吃胡萝卜。K-k-carrots,k-k-carrots.

Wa-o,接下来这幅图可真漂亮。C is for candles, k-k-candles. 蜡烛。How many candles can you see? 在图中小朋友们能看到几只蜡烛呀?Let’s count together. One, two, three, four, five, six! Six candles.六只蜡烛,They are burning, burning, 燃烧。在生日的时候呢我们会用

到蜡烛,点燃蜡烛呢,小朋友就可以许一个愿,You can make a wish. K-k-candles, k-k-candles.

接下来的这个小家伙呢也非常的可爱,caterpillar, 毛毛虫,k-k-caterpillar. 小朋友们知道吗,毛毛虫长着好多的脚,前后呢它都有一些触角,胖胖的身体上有漂亮的花纹,she is very pretty. Caterpillar正在慢慢地爬动着,它正在吃最喜欢的树叶。K-k-caterpillar, k-k-caterpillar.

接下来的这个小动物呢它喜欢横着走路,this is a crab. K-k-crab.小朋友们在图中看到的这个螃蟹在欧洲被称为面包蟹,因为它长得像一个大面包。I t’s a very big crab. 这个大大的螃蟹甚至有十只脚,it has ten legs.小朋友们看一看,大螃蟹挥舞钳子的样子是不是非常的有趣呢?C is for crab, k-k-crab. K-k-crab.

接下来我们看到一个很搞笑很可爱的图画,这个小朋友呢扮成了一个小丑,clown, clown, k-k-clown. 小丑的样子是不是很搞笑呢?He looks so funny. C is for clown, k-k-clown. K-k-clown.

M iao~miao~ What’s that sound?小朋友们听到了谁的声音呢?It’s a cat. We can see a cat, K-k-cat.小猫是我们生活中非常常见的动物,it has long whiskers, 它有长长的胡须, whiskers, 胡须。It has furry coat, 它有毛茸茸的皮毛,it has sharp teeth and claws. 它有尖尖的牙齿和尖尖的爪子。C is for cat, k-k-cat, k-k-cat.

好啦,小朋友们今天我们学习了letter c,大写的C,小写的c,还有八个以字母c开头的单词,都有什么呢?有car, computer, carrots, candles, caterpillar, crab, clown, cat. 小朋友们都学会了吗?I‘ll see you next time, bye-bye.
