

建设节约型社会to build a conservation-conscious society

发展循环经济to develop a circular economy

以资源的高效和循环利用,促进经济、社会的可持续发展to promote sustainable economic and social development through efficient use and reuse of resources

坚持资源开发与节约并重,把节约放在首位的方针to uphold the policy of emphasizing the equal importance of both the exploitation and conservation of resources, giving added weight to the latter

全面推进资源节约和综合利用to push ahead with a nationwide campaign of economizing on and making comprehensive use of resources

加大对资源节约和循环利用关键技术的攻关力度to make greater efforts to develop critical technology for the purpose of conservation and recycle of resources

完善有利于节约资源的财税政策to further improve the financial and taxation policies so as to encourage resource conservation

发展节能型交通运输工具to develop a new generation of energy-efficient means of transportation

开发利用可再生能源to exploit and utilize renewable energy resources

加快节能技术服务体系建设to speed up the establishment of technical service systems for more efficient use of energy resources

民主监督 democratic supervision

民族精神 national spirit

切身利益 immediate interests

勤俭建军 build the army through diligence and thrift

求真务实、开拓进取的精神 truth-seeking and pioneering spirit

趋利避害 draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages

全民健身运动 nationwide fitness campaign

权责明确、相互配合、相互制约、高效运行的司法体制 judicial system featuring clearly specified powers and responsibilities, mutual coordination and restraint and highly efficient operation

群众性精神文明创建活动 popular participation in building spiritual civilization 人才合理流动 rational flow of trained people

人财物管理体制 management system of human, financial and material resources

人事分类管理制度 system of classified management of cadres and personnel

“三个代表”重要思想 the important thought of Three Represents

三军一体、军民兼容、平战结合的联勤保障体制 integrated logistic support system for the three armed services, for both military and civilian purposes and for both peacetime and wartime

社会公示制度 a system of keeping the public informed

社会力量办学 nongovernmental sectors run schools

社会听证制度 a system of public hearings

社会治安综合治理 take comprehensive measures to maintain law and order

社会中介组织 intermediaries

社会主义民主政治 socialist democracy

社情民意反映制度 a system of reporting social conditions and public opinion

深入了解民情、充分反映民意、广泛集中民智、切实珍惜民力 go deep among the people and

get to know how they are faring, reflect their will, pool their wisdom and value their resources

师德 (teachers’) professional ethics

实现公平和正义 guarantee fairness and justice

实现机构和编制的法定化 delimit the structures and sizes statutorily

实现社会主义民主政治的制度化、规范化和程序化 ensure that socialist democracy is institutionalized and standardized and has its procedures

实行民主监督 exercise democratic supervision

世界是丰富多彩的 Ours is a colorful world

事业单位管理体制 management system of institutions

树立互信、互利、平等和协作的新安全观 foster a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination

树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观 foster correct world outlook, views on life and values

司法机关 judicial organs

司法审判和检察同司法行政事务相分离separate judicial adjudication and procuratorial work from administrative affairs

司法体制改革 reform of the judicial system

思想道德体系 ideological and ethical system

思想政治建设 ideological and political development

素质教育 quality-oriented education

提倡多样化 encourage diversity

提高党的领导水平和执政水平 enhance the Party’s art of leadership and governance 提高科学判断形势的能力 improve one’s ability of sizing up the situation in a scientific way

提高立法质量 improve the quality of legislation

提高全民法律素质 people are better educated in law

提高全民健康水平 improve the physique of the entire people

提高执法水平 raise the level of law enforcement

提高总揽全局的能力 enhance one’s ability of commanding the whole situation

团结就是力量 solidarity means strength

团结就是胜利 solidarity means victory

推进决策科学化民主化 put decision-making on a more scientific and democratic basis 完善城市居民自治 improve self-governance among urban residents

完善村民自治 improve self-governance among villagers

完善干部职务和职级相结合的制度 improve the system of giving cadres both positions and ranks

完善公开办事制度 improve the system of keeping the public informed of matters being handled

维护法制的统一和尊严 safeguard the uniformity and sanctity of the legal system

维护国家统一、民族团结 safeguard national unity and ethnic solidarity

维护司法公正 safeguard judicial justice

围绕中心、服务大局 focus on the central task and serve the overall interests

伪科学 pseudo-science

文化产业 cultural industry

文化产业政策 policies toward the cultural industry

文化创新 cultural innovation

文化公益事业 public cultural undertakings

文化建设 cultural development

文化市场体系 system of markets for cultural products

文化事业 cultural undertakings

文化体制改革 cultural restructuring

文化与经济和政治相互交融culture is interactive with economic and political activities

领导干部述职述廉制度 system under which leading cadres report on their work and their efforts to perform their duties honestly

面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化 national, scientific and popular socialist culture geared to the needs of modernization, of the world and of the future

民主管理制度 democratic management system

民主集中制是民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合的制度 democratic centralism is a system that integrates centralism on the basis of democracy with democracy under centralized guidance

科技强军 build a strong army through science and technology

跨越式发展 leapfrog development

扩大公民有序的政治参与 expand citizens’ participation in political affairs in an orderly way

老少边穷地区 old revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, remote areas, and impoverished areas

立党为公、执政为民 the Party is built for the public and it exercises state power for the people

进行理论思维和战略思维 think on a theoretical plane and in a strategic perspective 精简、统一、效能的原则 principle of simplification, uniformity and efficiency

决策的论证制和责任制 verification system and responsibility system in making policy decisions

决策机关 decision-making organs

军事法规体系 system of military rules and regulations

军政军民团结 solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people

开展对话 conduct dialogue

科技练兵 science- and technology-related military training

坚持正确导向 give correct guidance to the public

坚决维护中央权威 safeguard the authority of the Central Committee

教育创新 innovation in education

教育改革 reform of education

结构合理、配置科学、程序严密、制约有效的权力运行机制 mechanism for the exercise of power featuring reasonable structure, scientific distribution, rigorous procedures and effective restraint

进行和平统一谈判 hold negotiations on peaceful reunification

加强文化法制建设 build up a legal system concerning culture

加强制度建设 concentrate on institutional improvement

驾驭市场经济的能力 abilities of keeping the market economy well in hand

坚持打防结合、预防为主 combine punishment and prevention, with emphasis on the latter 坚持有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必纠 see to it that there are laws to go by, the laws are observed and strictly enforced, and law-breakers are prosecuted

国家意志 will of the state

合理配置教育资源 allocate education resources rationally

弘扬科学精神 promote the scientific spirit

弘扬主旋律 highlight the themes of the times

互联网站 Internet website

基本行为准则 basic code of conduct

基层自治组织 grassroots self-governing organizations

基础性工作 groundwork

积极防御的军事战略方针 military strategic principle of active defense

加大治本的力度 devote greater efforts to tackling root causes

加强法制宣传教育 give more publicity to the legal system

加强立法工作 strengthen legislation

公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序 a new international political and economic order that is fair and rational

公正司法 judicial justice

共产党执政共同利益的汇合点 converging points of common interests

管理有序、文明祥和的新型社区 new-type and well-managed communities featuring civility and harmony

广纳群贤 gather large numbers of talented people

国防动员体制 mobilization system for national defense

国防科技工业体制改革 restructuring of defense-related science, technology and industry

国际关系民主化 promote democracy in international relations

国家要统一,民族要复兴 China will be reunified, and the Chinese nation will be rejuvenated

反腐败领导体制 leadership system against corruption

防卫作战能力 defense capabilities

非传统安全威胁 non-traditional threats to security

丰富民主形式 develop diverse forms of democracy

干部人事制度 cadre and personnel system

干部双重管理体制 system of dual control over cadres

高知识群体 prominent intellectuals

公共事务 public affairs

公务员制度 system of public servants

公益事业 programs for public good

多重多头执法 duplicate law enforcement

发展民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐的政治局面develop the political situation

characterized by democracy, solidarity, liveliness, stability and harmony

发展平等团结互助的社会主义民族关系 enhance socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance

法定职能 legal functions

法律援助 legal aid

法制观念 awareness of law

党内情况通报制度、情况反映制度和重大决策征求意见制度 inner-Party information sharing and reporting systems and the system of soliciting opinions concerning major policy decisions

党要管党、从严治党 the Party exercises self-discipline and is strict with its members 党员管理工作 management of Party membership

党政机关 Party and government organs

党政领导干部职务任期制、辞职制和用人失察失误责任追究制 the system of fixed tenures, the system of resignation and the system of accountability for neglect of supervisory duty or the use of the wrong person with regard to leading cadres of the Party and government

党总揽全局、协调各方的原则 principle that the Party commands the overall situation and coordinates the efforts of all quarters

电子政务 e-government

独立负责、步调一致地开展工作 assume one’s responsibilities independently and make concerted efforts in one’s work

独立公正地行使审判权和检察权exercise adjudicative and procuratorial powers independently and impartially

多重多头执法 duplicate law enforcement

长治久安 maintain prolonged stability

崇尚科学 respect and promote science

传播先进文化 spread advanced culture

传统安全威胁 traditional threats to security

从严治军 the army must be strict with itself

党的领导方式 the Party’s style of leadership

党的民族政策 the Party’s policy toward ethnic minorities

党的侨务政策 the Party’s policy toward overseas Chinese affairs

党的宗教信仰自由政策 the Party’s policy toward the freedom of religious belief 党风廉政建设责任制 responsibility system for improving the Party’s work style and building clean government

按照客观规律和科学规律办事 act in compliance with objective and scientific laws 八个坚持、八个反对 eight do’s and eight don’ts

八项主张 eight-point proposal

保持昂扬向上的精神状态 be filled with an enterprising spirit

保证中央的政令畅通 ensure the Central Committee’s decisions are carried out without fail

标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root causes

不确定因素 uncertainties

参政议政 participation in and deliberation of state affairs

长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe

长治久安 maintain prolonged stability



---State Council Working Group for (Placement of) Demobilized Officers


State Council Office for Rectification of Misconducts (Unhealthy Practices) in (Government Departments and) Trades/Business

---State Council Office for Rectifying Business Misconducts

116.中国企业走出去座谈会 International Symposium on Chinese Enterprises Going Global

---International Symposium on the Overseas Development of Chinese Enterprises

---…international workshop on how to internationalize their operations


---“going global, inviting home”

117.八七”扶贫攻坚计划 The Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program

---The Seven-year Program for Alleviating 80 million People out of Poverty

---The Seven-year Poverty Alleviation Project (1994-2000)

118.撤销行业主管局 abolish industrial administrations

---(keep as it is)


professional ethical standards of honesty and trustworthiness

code of conduct of honesty and trustworthiness

---Code of Conduct

120.从源头上 root causes

121.从源头上治理腐败 fight corruption by addressing its root causes (at root) ---fight corruption at root

---root out corruption

122.发展是硬道理。 Development is the fundamental principle.

---overridding principle

---absolute (paramount) principle

---Development is absolute.(depends on context)

33. 福利分房welfare-oriented public housing distribution system

---welfare housing system

---government subsidized housing project

中国将大力扶持大型房产集团的建立,改革福利分房制度,以推进国家房产有业的现代化。China will vigorously promote the growth of large real state

groups and reform welfare-oriented public housing distribution

system to boost the modernization of the country’s housing


34. 复式住宅duplex apartment; compound apartment---duplex apartment


The Beijing Municipal Government has allocated specific funds

and land for building up twelve compound apartment buildings in

the western part of the city.

35. 计划单列市city with independent budgetary status; city

enjoying provincial-level status in the state economic plan;

city with economic planning directly supervised by the State




China allows foreign funds to flow into municipalities directly

under the Central Government, provincial capitals and cities with

independent budgetary status. Their maximum stock share is 65%.

36. 开放地区的辐射和带动作用radiating and exemplary role of the

open areas; the spin-off effect and demonstration role of the

open areas

---the rippling effect


37. 两手抓,两手都要硬grasp both sides at the same time and

attach sufficient importance to both

---pursue both with equal vigor


Both material and culture and ideological progress are two sides

of a coin. We should grasp both sides at the same time and attach

sufficient importance to both.

---material and spiritual civilization

38. 留职停薪retain the job with salary suspended---on leave without pay


Several years ago, it was the common practice for young people

who started business with their jobs retained and salary suspended.

39. 绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运green, high-tech and people-friendly

Olympic Games—--- …human-centered---…humanistic


The “Green, High-tech and People-Friendly Olympics” is a slogan

used in Beijing’s bid for the 2008 summer Olympic Games.

40. 轮流坐庄in turn


The Federation of International Football has officially announced

that the World Cup will be hosted in turn by each continent from


41. 全国卫生城市National Hygienic City


In last year’s inspection of National Hygienic Cities, the chemical

plant attended the competition as the only delegate of Dagang

district and awarded the title of advanced unit, honoring the


42. 全面实施以德育为核心,以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育

carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice---quality-oriented education--competence-oriented education


To overcome disadvantages in current educational system, we must

carry on the quality education centering on moral education and

emphasizing creativity and practice all over the country.

44. 全球多边贸易体系global system of multilateral trade

---global, multilateral trade regime


We must take active part in regional economy cooperation and

global system of multilateral trade.

45. 全资企业exclusively-invested enterprises---subsidiary of…


In this announcement, Founder group said Beida Science and

Technology Company is the exclusively-invested enterprise owned

by Beijing University and the cognate enterprise to Founder group.

46. 上门服务door-to-door service---home service


For some large products, you may choose to send for repair by yourself

or ask for door-to-door service according to your own situation.

47. 涉外经济foreign-related business

---business involving overseas partners(companies)


China International Business and Trade Arbitration Committee is

the only organization in China engaging in foreign-related business

and trade arbitration.

48. 实现零的突破fulfill the zero (gold medal, medal, etc) breakthrough

---make a breakthrough


The first complete set of equipment and the production line for

chemical fibers exported to Indonesia have been put into operation

smoothly, which fulfilled the zero breakthrough of our complete set

of equipment and production line for chemical fibers in the international market.

49. 实现小康目标achieve the goal of ensuring our people a relative comfortable life 中国的扶贫攻坚,为实现小康目标立了大功,连西方媒体也称赞说,中国完成了世界历史上规模最大和最成功的扶贫工程。

The poverty-relief project played an important role in ensuring

Chinese people a relative comfortable life.

As praised by western media, China has accomplished the largest

and most successful poverty-relief project in the world.

50. 树立企业良好形象foster a good and healthy company image

---cultivate a positive corporate image---project a positive corporate image


Only by fostering a good and healthy company image,

can the company be recognized by the public and the society.

51. 筒子楼tube-shaped apartment---dorm building


The construction of tube-shaped apartments and rebuilding of dilapidated buildings in universities must be speeded up, so as to solve the housing

problem of young university teachers. (意思正相反)

52. 有中国特色的社会主义道路road of socialism with Chinese characteristics

---Chinese-style socialism---Chinese socialism---China’s own road of socialism


This report probes into the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics from the views of both theory and practice.








答案:New China brought about the system of regional autonomy for national minorities. Organs of self-government were set up in regions where people of national minorities live in compact communities, and the internal affairs of the national minorities were handled by themselves. At present, there are throughout the country 159 national autonomous areas, including five autonomous regions, 30 autonomous prefectures and 124 autonomous counties (or banners). National autonomous areas exercise all rights of self-government in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy and may work out autonomous rules and specific regulations according to local political, economic and cultural characteristics. Without violating the Constitution and the law, autonomous regions have the right to adopt special policies and flexible measures; autonomous organs can apply for permission to make alterations or desist from implementing resolutions, decisions, orders and instructions made by higher-level state organs if they are not in accordance with the situation in autonomous regions. Organs of self-government have the right to handle local financial, economic, cultural and educational affairs. In regions where people of a number of ethnic groups live together or in scattered communities, more than 1,500 national townships were established so as to enable national minorities to enjoy equal rights to the fullest.


2021年英语翻译口译笔译考试初级口译模拟试 题(3) Part A: Translate the following passages from English into Chinese(two passages, each 25 points) Passage 1 : Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only one?Can he be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? If he knows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue? Wisdom consists of the deliberate exercise of judgment; knowledge comes in the discrimination between those known alternatives. Weighing these alternatives is the way of maturity. Only then does man have the strength to follow his choice without wavering, since that choice is based firmly on knowledge rather than on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance. Passage 2 :


B :It’s my pleasure. Yo u team did well in th e game. It sh owed great skill and good spotsmansh球技精湛,球风正. Congrat ulat ions . A : Thank you for coming to see us off. 谢谢你来为我们送行。 B :It’s my pleasure. You team did well in the game. It showed great skill and good spotsmanship球技精湛,球风正派. Congratulations . 不客气。你们的球队发挥的很好球技精湛,球风正派。祝贺你们。 A : Thank you! And thank you so much for everything. 谢谢!同时谢谢你们所有的招待。 B :We hope you had a good time in Beijing . 希望你们在北京的这段时间过的愉快。 A :We sure did. We had a great time! Everything was just fine. Beijing Olympic Games are one of the most impressive and well-organized athletic feasts I’ve ever attended. 我们确实过的很愉快,一切都很好。北京奥运会是我参加过的组织最严密,最令人印象深刻的体育盛会之一。The Olympic Games are based on mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair play. And it helps promote a better and more peaceful world. And its symbol, the five interlocking rings,represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games.


外事接待 第一篇 制药 pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理 deputy managing director 研究生 graduate student 论文 paper 研究成果 research findings 实验助手 lab assistant 市中心 downtown area 假日酒店 Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费 hotel accommodation fee 招待所 guesthouse 舒适如归 make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处 inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难 help sb. out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 参观访问 第一篇 学位点 degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科 national key disciplines 两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育 online education 科举制 imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神 humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度 educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想 the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重 priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后 inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 团结,共襄盛举 strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力 elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品 Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸 Oil refining 炼油 Metal fabricating 金属锻造 Printed matter 印刷 Real estate 房地产 Triple 增至3倍 Quadruple 增至4倍


数字口译基础练习 Part A . 3,899 3,908 7009 780,120 504,781 五千 九亿三千六百七十七万七千 Part C. 1. The population of this city in 2004 was 78,872,890. 2. The natural reserve takes up an area of 123,880,000 square kilometers. 3. The coastal line of this country is 7,723,605 meters. 4. The n umber of college graduated will climb 30,009 90,591 79,301 67,900 Part 六万 四百六十七万 九 百六^一万 七百五 十万 十^一亿七千 五百万 五十七万 五千九百三十三万 三千五百三十八万

to a record high of 328 million this summer, an increase of 540,000, or 34%, over the year 2000. 5.Austrilia, with its landmass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 18,742,000. Part D .以下是世界上五个主要英语国家的人口与国土面积的情况,请听译成汉语。 The United States has a population of 301,257,800, with a total area of 9,372,610 square kilometers, or 3,618,765 square miles. Canada ,a country with a population of only 31,519,500, has a total area slightly larger than that of the United States, that is , an area of 9,946,140 square kilometers, or 3,851,788 square miles. The United Kingdom, whose population amounts to 60,315,600, has a total land area of 244,820 square kilometers, or 94,525 square miles. Austrilia, with its land-mass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has


Unit six Lesson one 1.Over the next day and a half we will have the opportunity to get to know one another and discuss relevant issues affecting the diamond industry. 在随后的一天半的时间里,我们将有机会互相了解,并就影响钻石业的相关问题进行讨论。 2.We will also present updated research results on the world DJ (diamond and jewelry) market and more importantly just recently released research findings on the state of the Chinese DJ industry. 我们还将向你们介绍有关世界钻石珠宝市场的最新调查结果。更为重要的是介绍最近发布的有关中国钻石珠宝业状况的最新调查结果。 3.The impressive economic growth and sound management of the economy in the past few years are very encouraging. 在过去几年,中国的形势令人鼓舞,经济发展显著,管理良好。 Lesson two https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f1641026.html,merce between our two countries is growing rapidly, although it is unbalanced. 两国间的商务虽然发展还不大平衡,但增长迅速。 Lesson four 1.当然,我们还不应当忘记为会议提供了各方面周到服务的各界朋友,他们的辛勤工作确保 了会议的顺利进行。 Of course, we should not forget our friends from all walks of life who have provided the smooth running of the conference. 2.我衷心祝愿我们的事业蒸蒸日上,我们的友谊地久天长。我们热切期待着当新的千年到来 的时候,我们在墨尔本港再次相聚。 I sincerely wish our career would bloom and our friendship would last forever. We’re eagerly waiting to see each other in Melbourne when the new millennium comes. Unit seven Lesson one 1.This city and his country embody the forward-looking spirit, the commitment and the energy that are required to meet the challenges facing our rapidly changing and urbanizing world. 这个城市和这个国家体现的进取精神,奉献精神和一种活力,来应对不断变化,不断城市化的世界所面临的挑战。 2.This Urban Revolution promises to be one of the greatest opportunities of our time. 这次城市革命注定为我们这个时代提供了最大的机遇。 3.The urban poor are the end result of a process of economic exclusion. 城市的贫穷是经济隔离过程的最终结果。 Lesson 4 1.请允许我代表大连市人民政府对各位朋友的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。 Please allow me, on behalf of the People’s Government of Dalian, to extend our warmest


On China’s Entry into the WTO 论中国入世 艰苦努力painstaking efforts 世贸组织新成员new member of the WTO 具有历史意义的一件大事a major event of historic significance 现代化建设modernization drive 产生重要而深远的影响exert important and far-reaching influence on 经济发展economic development 社会进步social progress. 加入世贸组织joining the WTO // accession to the WTO // entry into the WTO // WTO entry 重大战略决策a major strategic decision 改革开放reform, opening up 中国深入参与China's in-depth participation in 经济全球化economic globalization. 最大的发展中国家the largest developing country 不完整的incomplete 普遍性和公正性universality and fairness 多边贸易体制multilateral trading system. 利弊advantages and disadvantages 许多方面many aspects 发展机遇opportunities for development 扩大就业总量expand total employment volume 提高人民生活水平raise people's living standards 更好地利用外资make better use of foreign capital 有利于conducive to 实施“走出去”战略implementing the strategy of "going globe-wide" 参加国际竞争与合作participating in international competition and cooperation 在更广阔的天地in a broader world 利于我国分享……好处advantageous to China's share of the benefits 严峻的挑战grim challenges 从观念上、体制上做必要的调整make necessary conceptual and structural adjustments 经济的管理economic management, 相应的转变corresponding changes 企业的管理方法enterprises' management method 经营机制operational mechanisms 随着……的进入along with the inflow 服务业service trades 中国产业Chinese industries 成本高、技术水平低和管理落后的企业enterprises with high cost, low technical level and backward management 遭受一定的冲击和压力be subjected to certain impact and pressure 迎接这些挑战meet these grim challenges 不失时机lose no time


Unit 1 ?李颖:We are going to ascend the great wall tomorrow morning. So I’d like to go to bed early and have a good sleep this evening. You know climbing the great wall is not an easy job. ?明天早上我们计划去爬长城,所以我想今晚早点休息,好好睡一觉。你知道爬长城可不是一件简单的事情。 ?Jack: Great. The Great Wall is very famous and becomes a must for tourist in Beijing. Would you tell me something about it? ?好啊。长城那么有名,是游客来北京必去的景点。你能和我说一说长城么? ?李颖:OK. The construction of the great wall took altogether over 2000years.it started in the Zhou dynasty in the 7th century. B.C. And continued until Ming Dynasty in the 15th century A.D. The existing wall was built in the Ming Dynasty. ?好。长城的整个建筑过程持续了总共两千多年,始于公元七世纪的周朝,后来一直延续到公元后十五世纪的明朝。现存的城墙都是明朝修建的。 ?Jack: The Great Wall is indeed the crystallization of the industry and wisdom of the Chinese people and also a symbol of ancient Chinese culture. Then why the ancient people built the wall? ?长城的确是中国人民勤劳智慧的结晶,同时也是中国古代文化的象征.那么为什么古代人民要修建长城呢? ?李颖:It was constructed to guard against the invasion by nomadic tribes from the north. When enemy troops approached, guards on watch would send smoke signals from the beacon-fire towers as an alarm. ?修建长城是为了抵御来自北方游牧民族的入侵。敌军逼近时,放哨的警卫就会在烽火台上发送烟雾信号作为警报。 ?Jack: How did they manage to do so? Can you be more specific? ?他们怎么发送烟雾信号作为警报呢?你能说的具体点么? ?李颖:Those towers on the wall are spaced at equal distances from each other. When guards in a tower saw the signals from its neighbor, they immediately did the same thing .In this way; the signals would be relayed to the capital. ?长城上的烽火台是均匀分布的。如果烽火台上的警卫看到相邻烽火台上发出的信号,他们就会立刻跟着发出信号。这样一个接一个信号就传到了都城。 ?Jack: what the smart idea the ancient people had! I was told that in china. People usually call the Great Wall “Ten Thousand Li Long Wall”. Does it really mean that long? ?古代人民的想法真是巧妙啊!我听说在中国人们通常把长城称作“万里长城”。真的有那么长么? ?李颖:Yes, exactly. It runs all the way across the eastern half of china with a length of about 6 000 kilometers. 是的,正是这样。长城绵延约6 000公里,穿越了中国的东半部。 ?Jack: 6 000 kilometers! It is unbelievable. 6 000公里!难以置信。 ?李颖:The Great Wall is said to be the only building on the earth that can be seen from the outer space. 据说万里长城是从外太空可以看到的地球上唯一的建筑。


Ladies and gentlemen, it is great pleasure to have you all here this evening. On behalf of the International Trade Association, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to you all. Welcome to China! Welcome to the Trade Fair! 女士们,先生们:今晚各位能出席这个酒会,我们深感荣幸。我仅代表国际贸易协会向各位致以热烈欢迎。欢迎到中国来!欢迎参加这个交易会! This Fair is more than a business event. It promotes friendship as well as trade. It is important to have an opportunity like this to meet and exchange views with each other. 交易会不只是商业活动。它不但促进贸易,而是促进友谊。有机会相互见面并交换看法,这是十分重要的。 In developing foreign trade, we stand for the principle of "mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit". I believe it will help develop our national economy independently. 在发展对外贸易中,我们坚持相互“相互尊重,平等互利”的原则。我相信,这一原则有助于发展我们各国独立的民族经济。 I want to take this opportunity to express my thanks for the close cooperation and kind support our friends have given us over these years. Now may I propose a toast:To the success of the Fair! To our friendship and cooperation! To the health of everyone here! Cheers! 我愿借此机会向各位朋友在几年来给予我们的密切合作与热心支持表示感谢。现在请允许我提议:“为交易会的圆满成功,为我们的友谊与合作,为在座各位的健康,干杯!” Passage2 After China joins the World Trade Organization, average Chinese consumers will start to find more choices in their shops, including many new items from overseas. But, will they buy them? It isn't something that can be taken for granted. 加入世界贸易组织之后,中国的普通消费者将会发现可供选择的商品增多,其中不乏来自国外的许多新品牌。届时,消费者们是否选购这些商品呢?答案还很难说。 However, the survey suggests that richer Chinese are more inclined to take homemade products.59% of respondents said that they foreign brands when they are choosing from the same category. 但是,通过这次调查,比较富有的中国消费者将会更加倾向于支持国产品牌。59%的采访对象表示,在同类产品中,他们会选择国货。 Of course, this doesn't mean that imported items will all be left on the shelf. On the contrary, Chinese consumers have cultivated a liking for trying out new products. While two thirds of respondents admit to being drawn to try new and distinctive items. 当然,这并不意味着进口商品将会一直滞留在货架上,卖不出去。恰恰相反,中国消费者已经开始培养起一种喜爱尝试新事物的消费心理。尽管三分之二的采访对象表示自己更习惯于选购自己熟悉的品牌,仍然有四分之三的人承认自己会被有特色的新产品吸引。 On the whole, a common feeling among Chinese elites is that their country's accession to the WTO will boost Chinese economic prosperity in the main frame of world economy. Business opportunities will steadily increase, capital investments will rise constantly, and the overall economy will be improving. 总体来说,中国的精英分子相信加入世贸组织将会使中国的经济更好地融入世界经济的大框架之中。商业机会将持续增多,投资数额将继续上扬,整个经济状况会愈来愈好。


值得一看的口译资料 口译资料 高级口译笔记——文化交流(Cultural Exchange) 一、词汇 汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声)the four tones of Chinese characters, namely, the level tone, the rising tone, the falling-rising tone, and the falling tone 笔画stroke 部首radical 偏旁basic character component 象形文字pictograph 独角戏monodrama/one-man play 皮影戏shadow play 折子戏opera highlights 单口相声monologue comic talk 对口相声comic cross talk 说书monologue story-telling 传说legend 神话mythology 寓言fable 武术martial art 气功controlled breathing exercise 气功疗法breathing technique therapy 春联spring couplet 剪纸paper-cut 戏剧脸谱theatrical mask 草药的四气:寒、热、温、凉four properties of medicinal herb: cold, hot, warm and cool 草药的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、咸five tastes of medicinal herb: sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty 二十四节气the twenty-four solar terms 天干地支the heavenly stems and earthly branches 清明节the Pure Brightness Day 端午节the Dragon Boat Festival 中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival 文化事业cultural undertaking 民族文化national culture 民间文化folk culture 乡土文化native/country culture


外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb. out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 参观访问 第一篇 学位点degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科national key disciplines 两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育online education 科举制imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精诚团结,共襄盛举strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品 Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸 Oil refining 炼油 Metal fabricating 金属锻造 Printed matter 印刷 Real estate 房地产 Triple 增至3倍 Quadruple 增至4倍 Quintuple 增至5倍 High-rise office building 摩天办公楼Boutique 时装礼品店 Ethnic group 少数民族团体 Planetarium 天文馆 Aquarium 水族馆 Skating rink 溜冰场 Botanical garden 植物园 Conservatory of exotic plants 异国植物花房Maple tree 枫树 Sap 树液


历年英语翻译初级口译考试真题及答案 上午卷: 英译中: (1) New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, with a land of 268,105 square kilometers and a population of over three million. (第63页-黄) 新西兰是一个南太平洋国家,位于赤道和南极洲之间,国土面积为268105平方公里,人口为300多万。 简析:纵观口译考题,出题者十分聪明地将有关课文的每篇的首句作为考题来出,真是用心良苦。试想每篇文章的首句或每段文章的第一句话不是有提纲挈领的作用吗?理解了首句往往就能了解文章的大概。这和阅读理解的要求有着很大的相通性。所以加强平日对英语句子的敏感性十分有必要。 2) When the washing cycle is over, the machine fries the plates and glasses with its own heart, and indeed they can be left inside until they are needed for the next meal. (P.367) 洗涤过程完成后,洗碗机用自身的热量将盘子和杯子烘干。杯盘还可以留在机内待下一餐使用时再取出。 中译英: (1)为了过好学校里的公寓生活,学生应该学会自己洗衣服,整理房间,甚至于买菜做饭。(第355页) To manage apartment living in school successfully, the students must learn to do their own washing and cleaning, and even buy and cool their own food. (2)据估计,全球毒品的贸易额以达到每年4000亿美元之巨。吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。(p36蓝)


Unit 1 1.Working together, our people have done well. Our economy is breaking records, with more than 22 million new jobs, and the lowest unemployment in 30years齐心协力,我国人民取得了巨大成就,我国经济正在创新的记录,新增工作岗位2200万个,并且创下了30年来最低的失业率 2.Thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market, this year the richest have added to 5 billion more to their wealth.由于在证券市场上技术股的不断上升,本年度富人的财产增值了50亿。 3.As for this type of camera, there may be cheaper ones on the market, But when you look at the quality and the design, You’ll agree our price is the most favorable. 就这类照相机(而言),市场上可能会有比它更便宜的,但如果你注意以下质量和设计,你会认可我们的价格是最优惠的。 4.In 1995,the market share of our product was quite small, only 5%, In 1999, it has increased to 20%, By the year 2005 we expect the figure to go over 50%.在1995年,我们的产品市场占有份额很小,只有5%,在1999年,增加到20%,到2005年,我们期望会超过50% 5.In the United States, most enterprises are multiproduct firms. For example, American automobile manufacturers are also responsible for such diverse products as diesel locomotives, buses, refrigerators, guided missiles, and air conditioners.在美国,大多数企业是多产品的公司,比如,美国的汽车制造商同时也负责各种其他人员柴油烟机,公共汽车,冰箱,制导导弹和空调机 6.Inflation can have a number of causes. It can be caused by rises in prices of raw materials: Factories have to pay more for their law material, and as a result they have to put up the prices of their products. 通货膨胀可以是由于几方面的原因引起的,可以是由于原材料价格的上升,工厂不得不为原材料支付更多的钱,结果他们不得不提高产品的价格。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f1641026.html,rge wages rises can lead to inflation, too: If workers are paid more, prices go up and the cost of living rises. Changes in the value of currency are another cause of inflation. If the pound goes down in value. Then it costs more to import goods from other countries. 大幅度工资增长也会导致通货膨胀:如果工人的报酬增加,物价就会上涨,生活费用也会上升。货币价值的变化是通货膨胀的另一个原因:假如英镑贬值,那么从其他国家进口货物时就要多花钱了。 1.将近三倍的油价暴涨导致了两位数的通货膨胀以及全球经济的衰退The near-tripling of oil price resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline. 2.中美联系现在十分广泛,涉及到我们人民生活的各个方面,包括商业,文化,教育以及我们的国家安 全政策。Sino-American ties have become very extensive, affecting all aspects of our people’s lives: commerce, culture, education and our national security policies. 3.人们往往希望雇主支付他们高于市场的工资,他们渴望灵活的工作日程,他们要求公司股票股买全, 还有学习的机会。People always want employers to pay them above the market rates, they seek flexible work schedules, they want stock options and a chance to learn. 4.对我来说,创业最大的障碍是搞清楚它是否切实可行,要做到这一点真的很难,因为我以前从未涉及 过这个行业。For me, the biggest hurdle to get the business running was working out whether it would be feasible at all. That’s really hard to do as I haven’t been involved in the industry before. 5.创业或难或易,但是守业绝对不是件容易的是。目前的统计数字表明,有三分之二的新企业在创办后 的头五年里倒闭。Starting a business may or may not be easy, but keeping it running is
