



1. p cil A. er B. en C. ea

2. t cher A. er B. en C. ea

3. fri d A. er B. en C. ea

4. b g A. a B. o C. e

5. st dent A. a B. u C. v


6. Good morning, Chen Jie. ______ clean our classroom.

A. Let’s

B. Let

C. let’s

7. This _____ my new schoolbag.

A. am

B. is

C. are

8. Who _______ your friend ?

A. am

B. is

C. are

9. ________ English books can you see ?

A. How many

B. how many

C. How much

10. What colour _______ ?

A. is it

B. it is

C. are it

11. Here _______ are ?

A. you

B. your

C. Your

12. My friend is strong. He _______ short hair.

A. has

B. have

C. is

13. Look, this is his photo. ________ tall.

A. He’s

B. he’s

C. She’s

14. My friend is a girl. _______ thin.

A. He’s

B. he’s

C. She’s

15. What’s ______ the classroom ?

A. on

B. in

C. near

16. -Where’s my seat?

-It’s ____ the door.

A. on

B. in

C. near

17. We _______ 6 new lights.

A. has

B. are

C. have

18. Let _______ clean the window.

A. me

B. my

C. we


19. - “What’s this ?”

-“ ______ a English book!”

A. is it

B. it’s

C. they are

20. -“May I have a look ?”

-“ ______ . Here you are.”

A. Sure

B. Ok

C. Yes

21. - “Can you spell these words?”

-“ ______ , I can.”

A. Sure

B. Ok

C. Yes

22. -“How many storybooks _______ have?” -“I have 20”

A. can you

B. do you

C. you can

23. -“Who is he ?”

-“ ______ my new friend.”

A. He’s

B. he’s

C. She’s

24. -“What’s his name?”

-“ ______ name is Zhang Peng.”

A. He’s

B. His

C. Her

25. -“What’s her name?”

-“ _______ name is Amy.”

A. She’s

B. His

C. Her


( ) 1 A teacher B nurse C boy D student ( ) 2 A he B I C she D they ( ) 3 A eighty B old C eleven D thirteen ( ) 4 A what B where C who D this


1. HK ( )

2. IR ( )

3. MN ( )

4. TV ( )

5. FSY ( )

6. WQU ( )

7. EDC ( )

8. AEI ( )

三、在B栏中找出A 栏句子的对应句子。


1. What's your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How are you?

4. What's this in English?

5. What colour is your face?

6. May I have a look?

7. Glad to meet you.

8. Good evening.

9. Is this your toy bus?

10. Where's the zoo? A. I’m, ten.

B. A fish.

C. My name is Betty.

D. I'm fine.

E. Red.

F. Good evening.

G. Oh,yes.

H. Sure!

I. Over there.

J. Nice to meet you.


()1. a cup of tea A. 一杯茶 B. 一杯酒()2. a glass of milk A. 一杯水 B. 一杯奶()3. a bottle of beer A. 一杯酒 B. 一瓶酒()4. ice-cream A. 冰水 B. 冰淇淋


( ) 1. ______ beautiful!




( ) 2.Where they?




( ) 3.Welcome ______ my home.




( ) 4.She’d ______ some rice.




( ) 5.Would you like some ______ .





1.Where are they?

2.Nice to meet you.

3.This is my mother.She’s a teacher.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f2980502.html,e and meet my family.

5.They are in the kitchen.

6.Nice to meet you ,too.

7.What would you like?

8.I’d like bread.

你认为正确的语序是什么呢?请写下来: ________________



( )1. Excuse _____ ,are you a nurse?


B. me

C. my

( )2. - _____ is that woman?

-She is my mother.


B. who

C. why

( )3. Don't ______ the window.


B. look

C. go

( )4.What's the ______ with you?


B. wrong

C. that

( )5.This is my daughter. ______ is a student.


B. Her

C. She

( )6.-Are you a nurse?

-______ .

A. Yes, I am.

B. Yes, it is.

C. No, it is not.

( )7.I am ______ student.


B. a

C. an

( )8.I go to ______ school from Monday to Friday.


B. a

C. /

( )9.The bus is ______ the park.


B. for

C. go to

( )10.I go to school ______ foot.


B. on

C. use

( )11.-Where is my pencil-box?


A. It's over there.

B. This is your pencil-box.

C. Yes,it is. ( )12.This is ______ mother.


B. he

C. me

( )13.I like to play ______football.

A. a

B. the

C. /

( )14.We often play together _____ school.


B. at

C. on

( )15.______do you go to school, by bike or by bus?


B. Why

C. How

( )16.Is that your______?


B. rubbers

C. books

( )17.What are______?


B. this

C. those

( )18.I go to school by ______every day.

A. a bike

B. bus

C. foot

( )19.______some juice please.


B. Has

C. Eat

( )20.______you free now?

A. Are

B. Do

C. Is



2.七 _____________

3.三 ____________

4.为,给 ____________

5.什么 ____________

6.……点钟 _____________

7.时间 ____________

8.课程 ____________

9.语文____________ 10.数学____________

11.五本英语书 ____________


13.起床 ____________

14.等多一会 ____________ 15.去操场 ____________



1.到时间上英语课了,小明还在玩,你对他说: It’s _________ _________ __________ _________,Xiao Ming.

2.你的朋友问你现在的时间,你一看手表是9:00,你说: __________ nine _____________.

3.你想知道远处的建筑物是不是Mike的学校,你问他: _________________________________________?

4.放学了,你想叫你的同学 Jone一起回家,你对他说: ______________________________________ , Jone.













Teaching plan Grade :3 Week: 5

PEP小学英语三年级下册单元测试题 学校姓名班级评分 Writing Part 一、按字母表顺序,写出大小写字母,从Ee—Nn. E e N n 二、把相应的大小写字母连起来。 三、看图,将相对应的单词和图片连线. kite ice-cream egg girl kangaroo man 四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。 ( )1. How many crayons do you have? A. Nice to meet you. ( )2. Who's that girl? B. OK!

( )3. How many birds can you see? C. I can see eleven. ( )4. This is my new friend, Amy. D. I have ten. ( )5. Let's fly the kite! E. She's my sister. 五、看图,根据图意选出正确的句子,将其字母编号填在( )内。 ( ) ()()() ( ) A. - Who's that man? - He's my father. B. I have thirteen books. C. J J J, jump, jump, jump. D. Let's fly the kite. E. - How many rulers do you have? - Fifteen. 六、用阿拉伯数字完成下列算式。 1. three + nine = 2. + ten = sixteen 3. twenty - = eighteen 4. four + thirteen = 七、补充写出下列大、小写字母的左邻右舍。 Model: A B C a b c 1. J 2. P


人教版2020届初中英语学业水平测试试卷A卷 姓名: 班级: 成绩: 一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)(共1题;共15分) 1. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Smiling is the best way of making friends. 10 the smile, I have moved on to a new life. Now, I believe that the world is what you think it is. So smile at the world and it will smile back. (1) A . days B . weeks C . months D . years (2) A . old B . new C . same D . easy (3) A . because B . before C . after D . if

(4) A . couldn't B . mustn't C . needn't D . won't (5) A . talk to B . look after C . worry about D . ask for (6) A . early B . unhappily C . quickly D . wonderfully (7) A . a girl B . a boy C . some girls D . some boys (8) A . of B . on C . at D . into (9) A . closer B . older C . cooler


对小学英语考试常见题型的讲解及做题技巧,失分薄弱环节的讲解 1.针对四年级学生知识或能力系统和学生的认知规律确定易错题。 2.试题包括基础知识和能力题两大类。 3.每道题包括“典题呈现”“解题分析”“参考答案”“变式突破”四个方式 4.易错题型来源于平时的教学实践,注重所选易错题例的典型性和针对性,对 学生有启发和帮助。 5.注重所选易错题型应呈现的多样性。 小学英语考试的目的是什么?考的方式与内容与课程设置理念有无相悖?如果每个人能多思考这样的问题,我想无论从教学思想上还是评价体系上更上一层楼,即使是在应试教育的大气候下也能把握些许平衡 [学生要通过大量做卷子,过分钻研题型本身,那考试就失去意义了] 听力: 辨音: 这种题型考察的目的是什么?我一直很疑惑。(有同行说这些题目以后不考了,但总要思考下吧) 如果是考察学生对单词是否读准了,那告诉你,10个有8个是没问题的,exercise这个单词有点复杂,也许有很多学生对里面的单个音吃不准,但是要整体认读对,是不难的,但问题也就在这里,有很多学生会读整个单词,但不知道具体每个字母在这个单词里读什么音,这点也许那些高中,大学老师觉得很不可思议,但是小学老师绝对深有感触,我在训练直拼的时候就发现有几个很有这样问题的学生,我就问他big种的I到底发什么音,但是在他嘴里出来的是莫名其妙[e];

如果这个不能说明问题的话,那举个th的例子是最能说明问题,几乎每个学生都能在单词里读对这个音,我就不相信有学生会把there种的th读成清音——词汇互译 这是一个基本功问题,即便是从过去侧重语言知识考察转变为知识技能、综合运用能力考察,这还是少不了的。如果一个学生连最起码的几个单词都不背或者没能力背的话,那谈什么素质教育?说到这个,我感觉应试教育虽然大行其道,千夫指,但是说实话,有些东西我们是绝对不能放弃的,难道素质教育的教学就是应该轻松的吗?不下苦功的学习永远是肤浅的 用单词的适当形式填空 有的题目是直接考词性变化比如sun (同音词) do (过去式), 也有的是放 在句子里让学生根据语境写适当的形式。前者这种形式慢慢被淘汰了,我觉得这是一个英明的举动。不放在语言环境里是没什么意义的,而且缺乏语境是还造成大量学生不会做的原因,比如你要学生默写“听见”,即使有点忘了的学生只要有I’m sorry to hear that的语感提醒,那还是会知道hear这个单词的,你要学生默写“来这里”的“这里”,也是不难的事情here. 但是你要猛的问here的同音词是什么?学生也许就怎么也想不出来了——here ( 同音词)________。这就是一件可悲的事情了,这被扣的一分又能说明什么呢?这得的一分除了表现这个学生的记忆好,根本没什么意义,因为那只是一个孤立的单词而已。 选择 选择题考些什么,大致分为两类,一类是语法题,第二类是运用性题目(包括语用题),其实大多数情况都是考前者,其实,至少说在小学里,我认为考语法应该以语感辅之分析为主,类似Does he…? Are you…? Is your father….?等都应该是在口语熟练下的水到渠成,也就是通常人常说的语感,有这样的语感铺垫,


七年级英语1-3单元月考测试卷 满分:100分 班级_____________ 姓名_____________ 得分______________一、单项选择。(15分) ( ) 1. Let’s go and play __ping-pong. I don’t want to play __violin. A. a, the B. the, a C. X, the D the,the ( ) 2. Who wants ______ the singing club A. to joins B. join C. to join D joining ( ) 3. ----_______does it take her to get to school ----It takes her around ________ minutes ) A. How far, twenty-five B. How long,twenty-five C. How far, twenty five D. How long, twenty five ( ) 4. —What’s the time —It’s _______ three thirty. A. of B. about C. at D. to ( ) 5. I usually go to bed _______ ten o’clock. A. in B. at C. on D. of ( ) 6. Maybe he can ______ in their basketball team. A. is B. be C. are D am ( ) 7. I can sing English songs very _____. A. well B. much C. good D bad ~ ( ) do you ________there --I take the train. B. get to C. arrive D. arrive in ( )9. We often do _______ homework at home. A. we B. us C. our D. his ( ) takes the man half a year ________ the work. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finishes ( ) often go to work ________. A. ride my bike B. by bike C. by a bike D. on bike


小学三年级英语下册测试卷 一、在B栏中找出A栏的正确答语。 A B ( )1. What’s that ? a. I have thirteen pencils ( )2. Who’s that woman ? b. It’s a pen. ( )3 . How are you ? c. I’m from China. ( )4,. How old are you ? d. How do you do ? ( )5. Where are you from? e. She is a teacher . ( )6. How many monkeys can you see? f. I’m fine. ( )7. Can I have some ice-cream ? g. She is my mother. ( )8. How many pencils do you have ? h. I’m eleven ( )9.What’s your mother ? i. I can see twenty-two monkeys . ( )10.How do you do? J. Sure. 二、把下面所给单词归类,并写在相应的横线上(1×20=20分) pencil book hot dog egg ruler six bag lion brother goose eraser kangaroo duck fourteen crayon ice-cream eleven hamburger teacher twenty Food(食物) School things(学习用品) People (人物) Numbers(数字) Animals(动物) 三、请从所给的选项中选择最恰当的一项,填在题前的括号中。(20分) ( )1. –How many pens do you have? A.I have four. B. I can see four. C. Yes, I am. ( )2. –Where are you from? A.How are you? B.Very well, thank you. C. I’m from China. ( )3______is that woman ? She is my English teacher .Miss Chen . A Where B who C what ( )4 .How many _______can you see ? Nineteen. A kite B kites C cat ( )5.I _____a new friend .Her name is Alice . A am B have C has 四、找出下列各组中不属于同一类的单词,填序号。 (10分) ( ) 1 .A. watch B. computer C. mother ( ) 2. A. sister B. mother C.teacher ( ) 3 .A .plane B. bike C.book ( ) 4. A. woman B. friend C.fifteen



新人教版九年级英语第三单元基础水平测试题附答案 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (试题总分100分测试时间45分钟) 一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. There’s ______ mall near my house. ______ mall sells the best clothes. A. a; A B. the; The C. the; A D. a; The ( )2. Go straight until you see a museum ______ your left. A. with B. at C. on D. from ( )3. The building has ______ floors and our classroom is on the ______ floor. A. four; four B. fourth; fourth C. fourth; four D. four; fourth ( )4. You can ask the policeman for help ______ you don’t know the way. A. though B. if C. unless D. until ( )5. Jack’s mother taught me how ______ Yunnan rice noodles last weekend. A. to make B. making C. make D. to making ( )6. It’s ______ for my son to go to school from here. It only takes five minutes on foot.3原创作品


……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… 伯宇教育英语词汇测试题(三年级) Name(姓名):School(学校):Score(得分): 一、英译汉(每题3分,共30分) ( )1.ruler ( )2.eraser ( )3.school ( )4.elephant ( )5.bread ( )6.teacher ( )7.boat ( )8.strawberry ( )9.twenty ( )10.grandmother A书本B尺子C铅笔D文具盒A橡皮B钢笔C玩具D课本A工厂B办公室C学校D教室A熊猫B狗C袋鼠D大象 A牛奶B面包C蛋糕D饼干A老师B同学C学生D校长A河流B小船C大海D沙滩A草莓B桃子C苹果D西瓜A十二B二十C三十D四十A妈妈B阿姨C爷爷D奶奶 二、汉译英(每题3分,共3) ( )1.盒子( )2.玩具( )3.中国( )4.小学生( )5.地图( )6.苹果( )7.十一( )8.在……上( )9.女人( )10.家庭A.pencilB.rulerC.boxD.book A.toyB.dollC.boyD.book https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f2980502.html,A B.English https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f2980502.html, D.China A.teacherB.pupilC.deskD.chair A.mapB.penC.boxD.eraser A.pear B.peach C.banana D.apple A.oneB.tenC.twelveD.eleven A.aB.inC.onD.and A.mom B.boy C.girl D.woman A.schoolB.familyC.classD.room 三、根据单词写音标(每题2分,共10分) 1.bag[] 2.pen[] 3.hand[] 4.tail[] 5.nine[] 四、根据音标写单词 1. [f?t] 2.[leg] 3. [d?k] 4.[big] 5. [m?n] 五、句子翻译(每题5分,共20分) 1.Look at the giraffe. 2.Don’t feed the animals. 3.那个男人是谁?他是我的爸爸。 4.很高兴遇见你,你从哪里来 伯宇教育英语词汇测试题(五年级) Name(姓名):School(学校):Score(得分):一、英译汉(每题3分,共30分)


三年级综合测试卷 答卷时间为30分钟 一、听一听,选一选。根据录音内容,选出你所听到的图片,并用 圆圈将图片下面的字母圈住。(10分) (1)(2)(3) A B A B A B (4)(5) A B A B 二、听一听,写一写。把你所听到的数字在相应的空格里用 阿拉伯数字1—10写出来。(10分) cakes kites pens dogs bears 三、听一听,判一判。听录音,判断下面的图片是否正确, 符合的请在括号里打“√”,不符合的打“×”。(10分) (1)(2)(3) ()()()

(4)(5) ()() 四、听一听,排一排。根据听到的内容按顺序用1—5标号。(10) ()()() ()() 五、听一听,涂一涂。根据你所听到的内容给下列图片涂上 相应的颜色。(10分)

1 2 3 4 5 六、听一听,选一选。根据录音内容,在下列的表格里勾出每个人所喜爱的食物。(10分) Mike Chenjie Sarah Bailing John 七、听一听,选一选。根据录音,把你所听到的单词选出来,将其字母标号填在前面的括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. blue B. balloon ( ) 2. A. water B. what ( ) 3. A. black B. bread ( ) 4. A. book B. look

( ) 5. A. hand B. head 八、 把下面人物的各个身体部位和表示该部位的单词用线连起来。 (20分) 九、 情景反应,请根据问句找出正确的答句,并用笔把该答案左边 的小星星涂黑。(10分) 1. How are you? ☆ A. I ’m five. ☆ B. I ’m fine, thank you. 2. What ’s your name? ☆ A. My name’s Binbin . ☆ is Sarah. 3. How many kites? ☆ A. Ten kites. ☆ B. Nine kite. 4. May I have a look? ☆ A. Sure, here you are. ☆ B. You’re welcome . 5. Have some orange juice. ☆ A. No. Thanks. ☆ B. Nice to meet you. mout eye body arm foot ear hand leg finger nose


新概念小学英语入门篇测试 姓名得分 一、按顺序默写出英文中的26个字母并在末尾写出其中的5个元音字母。(30%) 二、将下面的英语单词与相对应的汉语意思相连接。(20%) 1. bank A.飞机 6. book F. 钢笔 2. plane B. 吉普车7. two G. 帽子 3. ship C. 银行8. one H. 二 4. jeep D. 书包9. hat I. 书 5. bag E. 轮船10. coat J. 一 三、找出不同的一个, 把序号填在括号内。(20%) 1.( ) A . morning B . afternoon C . evening D . good 2.()2. A . mother B . nose C . eye D . hand 3.()3. A . cat B . fish C . dog D . book

4.()A . hot B . cool C . cold D . sister 5.() A . zoo B . father C . mother D . brother 6.()A . jeep B . pen C . car D . taxi 7.() A . book B . pencil C . ruler D . morning 8.() A . six B . ten C . seven D . hand 9.() A . window B . door C . floor D . bank 10.() A . shirt B . jacket C . sweater D . desk 四、将下列英语句子的意思与相对应的汉语意思相搭配。(30%) 1.( ) Good morning. a. 举起你的胳膊。 2.( ) Raise your arms. b. 穿上你的外套。 3.( ) Put on your coat. c. 这是钢笔吗? 4.( ) Is this a pen? d. 早上好! 5.( ) What is this? e. 你几岁了? 6.( ) Where are you going? f. 你戴了手套吗? 7.( ) How old are you? g. 天气怎么样? 8.( ) Are you wearing your gloves? h. 圣诞快乐! 9.( ) What’s the weather like? i. 这是什么? 10.( ) Merry Christmas! j. 穿上你的外套。

外研版英语中考英语 现在进行时测试题(A)﹙含答案﹚

外研版英语中考英语现在进行时测试题(A)﹙含答案﹚ 一、初中英语现在进行时 1.Listen! The little girl singing in the room. A. are B. am C. is D. was 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:听!小女孩在房间里唱歌。根据提示词look,看,可知谓语动词要用现在进行时,am/is/are+现在分词,主语the little girl,第三人称单数,要用is,故选C。 【点评】考查现在进行时的构成和用法。注意主语与谓语在人称和数上一致。 2.The sports meeting in our school now. A. being held B. is having C. is holding D. is being held 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:在我们学校运动会正在被举行。“be+being +动词的过去分词” 是现在进行时态的被动句的结构。所以选D。 【点评】考查现在进行时的被动语态。 3. Don't disturb Allen now. He ______ for the spelling competition. A. prepares B. prepared C. is preparing D. will prepare 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:现在不要打扰艾伦。他正在为拼写比赛做准备。根据语境可知艾伦正在做准备,故用现在进行时,be doing:正在做某事.故选C。 4.Look! Some visitors _________ for the bus over there. A. are waiting B. is waiting C. waiting D. wait 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:看,一些参观者正在那边等公共汽车。根据句首的look ,可知是此时正在进行的动作,应该用现在进行时,be+doing,主语是visitors,复数,be 动词应该用are,故选A。 【点评】考查现在进行时。掌握现在进行时的意义和构成。is/are /am +doing 表示此刻正在进行的动作。 5.Alice, please turn down the music, I an important phone now. A. answer B. answered C. have answered D. am answering 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】考查现在进行时。句意:爱丽丝,请把音乐关小点,我在接一个重要的


一、把下面字母用手写体按英语字母顺序写在四线格上。(10分) HhBbKkAa MmPpIi QqTtGg 二、选出与下列词语相应的单词(10分) ()1.小的 A 、monkey B、 small C、panda ()2.足球 A 、foot B、 football C、ball ()3.牛奶 A、rice B、noodles C、milk ()4.老虎 A、lion B、tiger C、elephant ()5.自行车 A、bike B、door C、doll 三、单项选择题。(共 20 分) ( )1.———— -----Thank you! A.How are you . B. Here you are. C.Go. ( ) 2.__________ —It’s the ABC song. A. What’s your favouriteletter ? B. What’s yourfavourite song? C. Hi , the ABC song! ( ) 3. I _____ like football . A. not B. don’t C. doesn’t ( ) 4. _______ your dad like milk? A. Do B. Does C.What ( ) 5.It is _____ elephant . A. a B. an C. \ ( ) 6. What are they ? They____ monkeys. A.am B. is C. Are ( ) 7. _______ Li lei play table tennis ? Yes ,he does. A. Do B. Does C. does ( ) 8. Does he ______ to school on Mondays? ——Yes , he does. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 9.The cat _____ fish . A. likes B. like C. is ( ) 10.What ______ they? They____ pandas. A. is is B .are are C. is are 四、连线。(共 10 分) 1.Does Amy play football? A. Yes, she is. 2.Do you like skipping ? B. Here you are. 3.What are they ? C. Yes, she does. 4.Pass me the rice, please ?. D. No. I don’t. 5.IsLingling at home? E. They are lions. 五、火眼金睛。找出每组单词中不同类的一个。将其序号填在提前括号中。(共10 分) ( ) 1. A. rice B. bike C. fish ( ) 2. A. tiger B. monkey C. blue ( ) 3. A. orange B. football C.table tennis ( ) 4. A. tall B. lion C. thin ( ) 5. A. meat B.noodles C. basketball 六、选词填空。(共 10 分) A: goes B: like C: swimming D: is E: are 1.This girl____ thin. 2.Does the cat_____ meat? 3.I like______. 4.How ___ you? 5.My mum ______ shopping on Saturday.


七年级英语水平测试题 睦坝初级中学赵代波 学校:姓名:考号:成绩: 一、英语基础知识题(0.5分/空,共6分) 1、英语一共有个字母,有和两种形式,其中元音字母分别是,,,,。 小写字母中,和占三格。 2、英语音标分为和,后者分为清音和浊音。 二、名词(1题,2题,0.5分/空,3题1分/空,共14分) 1、名词分类potato, love, hat, water, tree, paper, milk, window, family, bread 可数名词: 不可数名词: 2、名词的复数 map ,watch ,license ,baby ,day , tooth ,mouth ,zoo ,child ,mouse , 3、翻译 Jim的猫一张我的家庭照一张中国地图 三、代词(1分/空,共8分) 1.I (宾格) 2.you (主格) 3.he (宾格) 4.she (名词性物主代词) 5.them (形容词性物主代词) 6.it (复数) 7.those (单数) 8.my (名词性物主代词) 四、冠词(1—2题为选择题,3—4 为判断题1分/题,共4分) ()1. There’s “u” and “l” in the word “ruler”. A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a ()2.People like to see films on TV instead of going to movies. A. the; the B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. 不填; 不填 ()3.Amy is a English girl. ()4.Our English teacher has an 11-year-old son. 五、数词(1、2题0.5分/词,3题1分/题,共16分 1.默写1—10的基数词 2.默写1—10的序数词 3.翻译 第99 ,半小时,4点45 , 三分之二,2013年9月1日, 1,234,567,890 六.形容词(共6分) 1. I am (interesting, interested) in math. 2. She has (little/few) friends here. 3. 反义词difficult young beautiful heavy 七. 副词(共3分) 1.Most of the students are doing their homework (careful). 2.Please speak (loud). 3. They are dancing and singing (happy). 八、介词(共20分) 1.在桌子上面 2.在门后 3.在教室里 4.在银行对面 5.在超市和邮局间 6.从九点到十二点 7.放学后8.步行 9.在星期天10.在九月


小学一年级英语入门知识总结和测试 Ⅰ.默写26个字母 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Ⅱ.按要求完成下列作业 1.元音字母大小写5个Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.含有元音[ei]字母发音的字母有Aa Hh Jj Kk ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3.含有元音[i:]字母发音的字母有Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


新概念英语第二册周测 一、单选 1.Some of this meat came from Canada. How about _____? A) another B) the other C) others D) the rest 2.You can borrow my tape-recorder _____ you return it to me tomorrow. A) unless B) as soon as C) until D) provided 3.Emily wrote to ______ of her parents last week, but she has written to _____ of them thisweek. A) both, either B) both, neither C) neither, both D) either, both 41.the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D . Do, teach 5、 He until it stopped raining. A. waited B. didn't wait C . didn't leave D. left 6、 For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area. A. is B. will be C. has been D. have been 7、—— Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend? —— A. It's none of your business B. Dear me! C .Take it easy. D. Enjoy yourself. 8、 If their house not like ours, what it look like? A. is, is B. is, does C. does, does D. does, is 9. I ’ m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interesting, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 10.------ Hurry up! We have little time! ------ I ____________. A. will come B. come C. shall come D. am coming 11. I don ’ t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalks. A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some D. some, any 12. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat! A. runs B. is running C. is going to run D. is running 13.Just then, the telephone rang. It rang. A. at once B. immediately C. again D. at that moment 14.How many times did the clock. A.hit B .beat C. knock D. strike


基本的英语测试设计和评价能力 一、新时期中小学英语测试与评价的基本要求 《英语课程标准》(实验稿)指出,测试与评价的三个主要目的是:“使学生在英语课程的学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的全面发展;使教师获取英语教学的反馈信息,对自己的教学行为进行反思和适当的调整,促进教师不断提高教育教学水平;使学校及时了解课程标准的执行情况,改进教学管理,促进英语课程的不断发展和完善。”《英语课程标准》(实验稿)主张建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系,评价体系应由形成性评价(formative assessment)和终结性评价(summative assessment)构成。 《英语课程标准》(实验稿)建议终结性评价(如期末考试、结业考试等)要注重检测学生综合运用语言技能和语言应用能力。终结性评价是反映教学效果、学校办学质量的重要指标之一,要客观、科学、全面考查学生在经过一段时间学习后所具有的英语水平。测试应包括口试、听力考试和笔试等形式。《英语课程标准》(实验稿)同时指出形成性评价是教学的重要组成部分和推动因素。在英语教学过程中,应以形成性评价为主,注重培养和激发学生学习的积极性和自信心。一线英语教师应善于将形成性评价有机地融入教学过程,营造开放宽松的评价氛围,形成生动、活泼、开放的学习气氛。同时应了解和熟悉终结性评价的要求和形式,观察两种不同形式的评价结果,分析和研究两种评价的相关程度,以全面评价学生学习效果并反思教师教学工作。

二、英语测试与评价的主要作用 英语测试和评价在英语教学中的作用和功能,主要有以下六个方面,分别是: (1)诊断语言程度主要是了解学生现有语言水平,发现和诊断语言学习中的问题,英语中称为“diagnostic test”,如:新生入学后的“摸底考试”。教师可根据测试的成绩和信息,修订或调整教学计划,或根据学生的水平进行分班。 (2)检查学习进度主要是检查和评价学生在某一阶段或某一课程学习中对所学内容的掌握情况,英语中称为“achievement test”,如:期中考试、期末考试。考试内容应是学什么,考什么。教师可根据学生的成绩,发现问题,制定相应的补救措施,改进教学。 (3)衡量英语水平主要是测量学生英语语言知识和综合运用英语的总体水平,英语中称为“proficiency test”,如:美国的托福考试(TOEFL)。考试内容不针对任何教材和课程。主要用来筛选和选拔人才,试题难易有跨度,以利于区分考生的优劣程度。 (4)预测外语学习主要是预测学生是否具有学习外语的天赋或潜在能力,英语中称为“aptitude test”。考试不太关注学生已掌握了多少东西,主要关注考生识别、理解、模仿、记忆、归纳和学习一门新的语言的能力。这种考试主要用来帮助选拔人才或选择专业。 (5)激励学生学习前四项作用和功能是四种主要的测试类型。从教师的角度来看测试。还可以再列出一种功能,就是激励学生学习。如果期望学生在英语学习的某一方面有
