



1.ability (n. )能力;才能---able (a.)

有能力的,能干的---unable (a..)不会


—disability (n. )残疾,无能





5. academic (a.) 学院的,理论的 (n.) 大学教师 --- academy (n.) 学院

6. accept (v.) 接受---acceptable (a.) 可接受的--- (反)–refuse (v.) 拒绝---refusal (n.)

7. access (n.) 通路,入门(v.)接近;存取---accessible (a.)可进入的,易接近的,可理解的

have access to可利用,使用,接近8. accurate (a.) 正确的,精确的---







--passive (a.) 被动的

---actor (n.) 男演员–actress (n.) 女演员

12. actual (a.) 实际的;现实的–actually (adv.) = as a matter of fact 事实上13. adapt (v.) 使适应;改编

---adaptation (n.) 适应,改编

---adaptable (a.) 有适应能力的

adapt oneself to 适应于; adapt …to 使适合,应用于;adapt…(for sth.) from sth. 改编

14.add (v.) 添加,增加;补充说


迷的 be addicted to doing sth.

16. adjust (v.) 调整,使适应

---adjustment (n.) --- adjustable (a.) 可调节的

17. admire (v.) 钦佩,羡慕 ---admiration (n.) --- admirable (a.)令人钦佩的,值得赞扬的

18. admit (v.) 承认,准许( admitted, admitted) --- admission (n.)承认,入场,入场费

19.adopt (v.) 收养,采用 ---adoption (n.) --- adopted (a.)被采用的,被收养的





…做广告---advertisement (n.) 广告,宣传

24.advise (v.) 建议,劝告----adviser (n.) 顾问,忠告者--- advice(U)不可数名词 a piece of advice一条建议

25. affect (v.) 影响 --- affection (n.) 影响,感情

have an effect on 对…有影响,对…起作用

26. Africa (n.) 非洲 --- African (a.)非洲的,非洲人的 (n.)非洲人

27. age (n.) 年纪--- aged (a.)年老的,…岁的---elderly (a.) 上了年纪的,年老的


32. ambition (n.) 抱负,雄心---ambitious


33. amuse (v.) 使…快乐--- amusement (n.)消遣,娱乐 ---amused (a.) 愉快的,被逗乐的

--- amusing (a.)有趣的,令人发笑的 to one’s amusement让人愉快地

34. analyze (v.) 分析 --- analysis (n.)

35. anger (n.) 愤怒 --- angry (a.)

36. announce (v.) 宣布,宣告--- announcement (n.) 公告,宣告--- announcer (n.) 宣告者,广播员

---annoyed (a.)





apologize to sb. for sth.= make an apology to sb. for sth. 因…向某人道歉41. appear (v.) 出现,显得---appearance (n.) 出现;外貌

42. apply (v.) 申请, 应用--- application (n.) 申请表--- applicant

(n.) 申请人

--- applied (a.) 应用的,实用的

43. appoint (v.) 约定,任命---appointment (n.) ---make an appointment with与…约会/约定

44. appreciate (v.) 欣赏,感激---

51. assist (v.) 帮助,协助--- assistance (n.) 帮助,援助 ---assistant (n.) 助手,助理

52. associate (v.) 联系,交往--- association (n.)协会,联盟,联合--- associated (a.)关联的,联合的53. assume (v.) 假定,采取,承担--- assumption (n.)

54. astonish (v.) 使惊讶 --- astonished

(a.) 感到吃惊的--- astonishing (a.)令人惊讶的

--- astonishment (n.)惊讶,令人惊讶的事

--- astronomy




--- attentive

(ad v.)

59. attract (v.) 吸引---attraction (n.)吸引(力),吸引人的事物---attractive (a.)吸引人的,有魅力的

60. aware (a.) 知道的,明白的--- awareness (n.)意识,认识,知晓be aware of 知道,意识到

61. bacterium (n.) 细菌---(pl. ) bacteria

62. bad (a.) 坏的--- badly (adv. ) (worse, worst)---(反) good (a.) – well

(a.) (adv.) (better, best)

63. base (n.) 基地,根据地 (v.) 以…为基地


68. beautiful (a.) 美丽的--- beauty (n. ) 美丽,美好的人或物--- beautify (v.)美化,装饰

69. behave (v.) 行为,守规矩 --- behavior (n.) 70. belief (n) 信条,信念---(pl.)beliefs --- believe (v.)相信,认为--- believable (a.) 可信的---(反) unbelievable难以置信的,不可思议的

71. begin (v.) 开始,着手(began, begun)--- beginning (n.)

vt.有益于, 有

, 受益的

…中受益 be

苦的, 怀恨的




77. brave (a.)勇敢的 ---bravery (n.)勇敢---(反) coward (n.)懦弱的人, 胆小的人

78. boycott (n./v.) 联合抵制, 排斥

79. breath (n.) 呼吸, 气息---breathe (v.) ---breathless (a.) 气喘吁吁的

80. bring (v.) 拿来, 带来 (---brought, brought)

81. bury (v.)埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏(---buried, buried) be buried in sth 埋头做某事

82. business (n.)商业, 买卖, 交易, 生意

---careful (a.) 仔细的,小心的---(反)careless (a.)粗心的,疏忽的

86. catch (v.)捕获, 赶上(车船等), 发觉, 感染(疾病)---(caught, caught)

87. caution (n.)小心, 谨慎, 警告 (v.)警告----cautious (a.) 88. celebration (n.)庆祝, 庆典---celebrate (v.)庆祝, 祝贺, 表扬

89. certain (a.)确定的, 某一个

---certainly (adv.) ---certainty (n.)


---(反)uncertainty (n.)无常, 不确定


, 找回的零钱




, 药剂师

94. choice (n.)选择, 抉择, 精选品---choose (v.)选择, 选定(---chose, chosen)

95.cloth (n.)布, 织物, 衣---clothes (n.)衣服, [总称]被褥, 各种衣服---clothing n.(总称)衣服

96. collect (v.)收集---collection (n.)收藏, 征收, 搜集品, 捐款---collective


97. comfort (n.)安慰, 舒适(v.)安慰---comfortable (a.)舒适的---(反)uncomfortable (a.)不舒服的


101. confident (a.)自信的, 确信的---confidence (n.)信心---confidently (adv.)信赖地, 安心地

102. conduct (n.)行为, 操行(v.) 组织, 实施,管理---conductor (n.) (乐队)指挥103.crazy (a.)疯狂的 ---craze (n.)狂热,疯狂;风行一时的东西be crazy about着迷于,狂热爱好

like crazy 拼命地,发疯似地

104.create (v.)创造,产生---creative (a.)有创造性的 ---creation (n.)创造,创




(v.) 拥挤


108. cruel (a.) 残忍的,残酷---cruelly (adv.)---cruelty (n.) 残忍 be cruel to sb

109. culture (n.)文化 ---cultural (a.)文化的,教养的

cultural difference (shock)文化差异

multi-culture 多元文化

110. cure (v.) 治愈;医好--- cure (n.)

a cure for cancer癌症的治愈 cure s

b of one’s disease/one’s habit治愈某


111. curious (a.) 好奇的;奇异的

---endangered(a.)濒危的be in

danger/be at risk/be at stake 处于


115. dead (a.)死的---death (n.)死亡

---deadly (a.)致命的---die (v.)死亡

---dying (a.)垂死的,渴望的

the dead/living死者/生者 cause many deaths and injuries造成许多死伤be dying for/to do sth渴望做某事116. decide (n.)决定 ---decisive (a.) 决定性的 ---decision (n.)决定,决心

make a decision做一个决定


war on




增加/减少到increase/decrease by增加/减少了

121. defend (v.) 防守,保卫 ---defense (n.) in defense of 为保护…, 为……辩护

122. deliberate (a.) ---deliberately (adv.)故意地 on purpose故意地

123. delight (n.) 快乐;乐事---delighted (a.) be delighted with/by/at 对…感到高兴

take delight in 喜欢,以…为乐delight sb 使某人高兴to one’s delight 使某人高兴的是

---deeply (adv.)深深地 --- depth (n.)深度 --- deepen (v.)加深

deep into the night深夜 be deeply moved/touched/affected被深深地触动

Still water runs deep.大智若愚,静水远流

127.describe (v.)描述,描写---description (n.)

give a description of sth对…进行描述

128. design (v.)设计(n.)图案,图样

be designed to




定,决心---determination (n.) 决心be determined to do 决心做

132. develop (v.) 发展,使发达,开发冲洗(照片) ---development (n.)

---developing (a.)发展中的---developed(a.)发达的

with the development of 随着…的发展 develop an interest in sth 培养对…的兴趣

133. devote (v.)把…奉献于 ---devotion (n.)忠心,奉献精神

devote oneself/one’s life/one’s


变 ;大有作为

135. difficult (a.)困难的,费力的---difficulty (n.)困难

with/without difficulty费力地/毫不费力地 have difficulty (in) doing sth 在做某事上有困难136. direct (v.)指挥,指导,导演(a.)直接的 ---(反)indirect (a.)间接的

---director (n.) 导演 ---direction (n.)方向 in the direction of 朝…的方向

137. disable (v.)使……残疾 ---disabled



(反)-- appear




be disappointed with/at 对…感到失望

141.discover (v.)发现---discovery (n.)

make a discovery 有一个发现

142. discrimination (n.)歧视

---discriminate (v.)歧视,区分

discriminate A from B 区别A和 B discriminate against women 歧视妇女

143. discuss (v.) 讨论---discussion (n.)讨论





148. donate (v.)捐赠---donation (n.) donate sb. sth./ donate sth to sb 给某

人捐赠某物a donation of 200$ 二百美元的捐款

149. educate (v.)教育,培养 ---educator (n.)教育者---education (n.)教育,培养150. effect (n.)效果,作用---effective (a.)有效果的---affect (v.) 影响

have an effect on对…有影响



(a.) 有



---embarrassing (a.)令人尴尬的,难为情的 be embarrassed about 对…感到尴尬

154. employ (v.)雇佣 ---employment (n.)雇佣,就业---employer (n.)雇主

---employee (n.)雇员

---(反)unemploy (v.) 使失业,解雇---unemployment (n.)失业

155.encourage (v.)鼓励,怂恿---encouragement (n.)鼓励---courage(n.)勇气---discourage使…泄气

使快乐 ---entertainment (n.) 娱乐活动---entertaining (a.) 有趣的,使人愉快的

159. environment (n.)环境---environmental (a.) ---environmentalist (n.)环境学家




160. equal (a.)平等的(v.)等于---equally (adv.)---equality (n.)平等,相等be equal to相当于,胜任


with 配

逃避 ---escape



165. exam=examination (n.)考试, 测验---examine (v.)检查, 调查, 考试

---examiner (n.)主考者----examinee (n.)受审查者, 投考者, 应试者

166. excellent (a.)卓越的, 极好的---excellence (n.)优秀, 卓越, 优点,


167. exhibit (v.)展览,显示(n.)展品,证物---exhibition (n.)展览,展览会

168. exist (v.)生存,存在 ---existence (n.)生存,存在 ---existing (a.) 现存的,现行的


at the expense of sb/sth 在牺牲……情况下,以……为代价

171. explain (v.)解释 ---explanation (n.)解释,说明

explain to sb. sth. / explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事

172. explode (v.)使爆炸 ---explosion (n.) 爆炸,激增---explosive (a.) 爆炸的,爆发性的

173. expose (v.)揭露,使曝光,使面临(危险) ---exposure (n.)暴露,曝光






176. face (n.)脸(v.)面对,面向---facial (a.)面部的

face sth. =be faced with sth.面对/面临某事

177. fail (v.)失败;不及格;衰退---failure (n.) 失败,失败者 ---fail (n.)


Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

178. familiar (a.) 熟悉的---familiarity (n.)熟悉,通晓

be familiar to sb/be familiar with




182. flight (n.)飞行,飞机的航程, 班机, 楼梯的一段 ---fly (v.) (---flew, flown) (n.)苍蝇

183. fluency (n.)流利, 流畅 ---fluent (a.) 流畅的,流利的184. fog (n.) 雾, 烟雾, 尘雾(vi.)被雾笼罩, 变模糊(vt.)使困惑, 使模糊,以雾笼罩---foggy (a.)雾深的, 模糊的, 朦胧的185. fool (n.) 愚人, 白痴, 莽汉(v.)愚弄, 欺骗 ---foolish (a.)愚蠢的,傻的 foresee vt.预见, 预知 (foresaw, foreseen)



, 好运, 命运




, 空闲的---freedom (n.) 自由---freely (adv.) 自由地,免费地

190. freeze (v.)(使)结冰, (使)冷冻, 冻结(---froze, frozen)

---freezing (a.)冰冷的, 严寒的---frozen (a.)冻结的,冷冻的

191. frequent (a.)时常发生的, 频繁的---frequently (adv.) ---frequency (n.)频率,周率,发生次数

192. friend (n.)朋友 ---friendly (a.)友好的, 友谊的---friendship (n.)友谊, 友好

---governor (n.)统治者, 管理者---government (n.)政府

198. gradual (a.)逐渐的, 逐步的---gradually (adv.)

199. graduate (n.)(大学)毕业生, 研究生(v.)毕业 ---graduation (n.)毕业200. grateful (a.)感激的, 感谢的---gratitude (n.) 感谢的心情, 感激(不可数)

201. greedy (a.)贪吃的, 贪婪的, 渴望的---greed (n.) 贪欲, 贪婪 be greedy for sth 贪图某物


greet sb.=

, 渐渐变得, 增




205. happy (a.)快乐的, 幸福的---happiness (n.) ---happily (adv.) 206. hard (a.)硬的, 坚固的(adv.)努力地, 辛苦地 ---hardly (adv.)几乎不

---hardship (n.)困苦, 艰难, 辛苦207. harm (v.)伤害, 损害 (n.)伤害, 损害

---harmful (a.)有害的 ---harmless (a.)无害的

be harmful to= do harm to 对…有害208. harmony (n.)和谐,协调, 融洽---harmonious (a.)和谐的, 协调的, 和睦的

(adv.)---(反)helpless (a.)无助的, 无能的, 没用的 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with /in sth.在某方面帮助某人 help sb. out 帮助某人解决难题

213. hesitate (v.)犹豫, 踌躇, 不愿意---hesitation (n.)犹豫, 踌躇without hesitation毫不犹豫地

214. hide (v.)隐藏, 掩藏, 隐瞒, 掩饰(---hid, hidden) ---hidden (a.)隐藏的,隐蔽的

215.honest (a.)诚实的,正直的 ---honesty


(v.)希望, 盼望

, 有希望的




地, 非常地

218. humorous (a.)富幽默感的,滑稽的,诙谐的---humorously(adv.) ---humor(n.)幽默,心情,诙谐

219. hunger (n.)饥饿, 欲望, 渴望(v.)饥饿 ---hungry (a.)饥饿的,渴望的

hunger for sth. 渴望得到某物

220. hunt (---hunt, hunt) (v.)打猎, 搜寻 (n.)打猎, 搜寻 ---hunter (n.)猎人,搜寻者

221. identity (n.)身份,特性 ---identification (n.)身份证明,识别 ---identify (v.)识别, 鉴别

---impressive (a.)感人的,给人以深刻印象的 ---impressed (a.)受感动的 make/ leave/ have a(n) … impression on sb 给某人留下…的印象

225. improve (v.)改善, 改进---improvement (n.)改进, 进步 make an

improvement 改进,改善

226. independent (a.)独立自主的, 不受约束的---independence (n.)独立, 自主

---(反)dependent (a.)依靠的, 依赖的---dependence (n.)依靠, 依赖, 信任, 信赖

(n.)保险, 保险单, 保险业, 保险费 231. intelligence (n.)智力, 聪明, 智能

---intelligent (a.)聪明的, 伶俐的, 有才智的---intellectual (a.)智力的,聪明的 (n.)知识份子

232. invent (v.)发明, 创造 ---invention

(n.) 发明,创造 ---inventor (n.)发明家,创造者

233. invite (v.)邀请, 招待---invitation (n.)

accept / decline an invitation 接受/拒绝邀请


237. last (vi.)持续,维持(vt.)度过,使维持(a.)最后的,最近的(adv.)最后地

---lastly (adv.)最后,终于---lasting (a.)持久的,永恒的 in the last few years 在刚过去的几年里238. late (a.) 迟的,晚的 ---later (a.)更迟的,更后的(adv.)后来,随后

---latest (a.)最晚的, 最新的,最近

的---lately (adv) 近来,最近be late

for school/ the meeting 上学/开会迟

到in one’s late fifties 在某人


show that...


into laughter


遵守法规/ 违规241. lazy (a.) 懒散的,偷懒的, 懒洋洋的---lazily (adv.) ---laziness (n.) 懒惰,无精打采

a lazy afternoon一个慵懒的午后242. lie (v.) 平躺,卧;位于(---lay,lain)说谎(---lied, lied)


话 lie to sb. =tell a lie to sb. 向某人撒谎

lay-laid-laid 放置,下蛋

243. light (n.) 光;光线;日光(a.)轻的,浅色的,明亮的(v.)照亮,点燃(---lighted ,

或许, 很可能(常用于most, very 之后) It is likely to do sth. / that ... 做某事很有可能

245. live (v.)活,居住(a.) 活的, 精力充沛的, 实况转播的

---lively (a.)活泼的, 活跃的, 栩栩


---living (a.)活的, 有生命的, 现存的

---alive (a.)依然存在的,活着的,活活的

246. long (a.) 长的, 长期的 (vi.)渴望, , 始终

长 ---lengthen 运, 吉祥物


;幸好 不幸地;倒

, 魔术 ,魅力

---magician (n.) 魔术师,变戏法的人;

术士,巫师 249.major (n.)<美>主修课, 专业(a.)主修的, 主要的(v. major in)主修---majority (n.)多数, 大半

250. manage (v.)处理, 应付过去

---manager (n.)经理, 管理人员, 管理器---management (n.)经营, 管理, 处理, 操纵 manage to do sth. 成功处理某事251. marry (v.)娶, 嫁, 和...结婚---marriage (n.)结婚,婚姻---married (a.)已婚的, 婚姻的

的(n.)医生,体格检查---medicine (n.)药, 医学, 内科

medical care 医疗护理

254. memory (n.)记忆(力), 回忆, 存储(器),内存---memorize (v.)记住,记忆in memory of = in honor of为纪念…255. mistake (n.)错误, 过失(v.)弄错,误解,把...误认为---mistaken (a.)弄错的,错误的,被误解的

mistake…for…把…误认为… be mistaken for 被误认为…

256.mobile (a.)可移动的, 易变的, 机动

, 灵活性,



, 有动机




259. music (n.)音乐, 乐曲---musical (a.)音乐的, 悦耳的(n.)音乐剧---musician (n.)音乐家

260. nature (n.)自然界, 大自然, 本性, 天性---natural (a.)自然的, 自然界的; 天生的---naturally (adv.)自然地;天生地;理


语法填空 一、题型介绍: 200词左右,类型为,短文或对话, 10处空白,部分空白得后面给出单词得基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需得内容或所提供单词得正确形式,所填写词语不得多于3个单词。 二、步骤: 1、通读全文,把握大意。(2min) 1)对话:确定双方关系,谈话主题,情境,语气等 2)短文:弄清该文体裁,话题,中心思想,结构。 通读全文得目得就是为了把握全文得大意,为下一步填空做好语义上得准备。因为语义决定着空白处应填一个什么样得词语并采用什么样得语法形式。在通读全文得过程中,为了准确地把握其大意,很有必要弄清文章得题材,体裁,中心思想,写作线索,篇章结构,段落层次,逻辑关系,词句理解等。这样有助于考生真正读懂文章大意,也有利于填空时进行必要得逻辑推理。 2、边读边填,先易后难,语义形式双管齐下 3、复读全文,检查答案。 (一) Mum (putting on her coat): I’m going to have to go down to the shop for more bread、 Alan: Why? Mum: I’m not sure what ___61____(happen)、 I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table ____62_____ I went to answer the phone、 But someone must have taken them because they’re ___63___(go)、 Alan: Oh, it must have been Dad、I’m sure he was in the kitchen___64____(early)、 Mum: No, he went off to his tennis match before I finished ___65____ them, so he couldn’t have done it、 ____66______, he couldn’t carry a plate of sandwiches as well as his tennis stuff, so I’m sure ___67____ wasn’t him、 Alan (opening fridge door): Well, it wasn’t me、 But Mum, look! Are these your sandwiches here on the bottom shelf of ___68____fridge? Mum: Are they there? Oh, my goodness、 I ___69___ have put them in there when the phone ran g、 Oh, dear、 I really must be losing my ___70____、 Now, why did I put on my coat? 61、 happened 62、 when 63、 gone 64、 earlier 65、 making 66、 Besides/Anyway 67、 i t 68、 the 69、 must 70、 memory/mind (二) M: Hi, Mrs、Brown, this is Bill Nelson, from Flat Rental pany、How’s your apartment working out for you? W: Well, Mr、Nelson、That’s ______ I would like to talk to you about、Would you mind talking to the person upstairs and_______ (ask)him to keep his music down at night? M: Ohhh、Who? Me?


n. 名词 a. 形容词ad. 副词v. 动词absence n. 缺席 absent a. 缺席的 accuracy n. 精确 accurate a. 精确的 ambition n. 雄心 ambitious a. 有雄心的 anger n. 愤怒 angry a. 愤怒的 argue v.争论 argument n. 争论 assist v. 援助 assistance n. 援助 assistant n. 助手 agency n. 代理机构 agent n. 代理人 benefit n. 利益 beneficial a. 有益的 belief n. 信条,信念 believe v. 相信 beg v. 乞求,乞讨 beggar n. 乞丐 central a. 中心的 center n. 中心 cheer n. & v. 欢呼 cheerful a. 高兴的 convenience n. 便利 convenient a. 方便的 conclude v. 总结 conclusion n. 总结 cook v. 烹调,做饭 cook n. 炊事员,厨师 curious a. 好奇的 curiosity n. 好奇 create v. 创造 creative a. 有创造力的 cruel a. 残酷的 cruelty n. 残酷 decide v. 决定 decision n. 决定 drink v. 喝 drunk a. 醉的 describe v. 描述 description n. 描述

disability n. 残疾disabled a. 残疾的distance n. 距离distant a. 遥远的discover v. 发现discovery n. 发现energetic a.精力旺盛的energy n. 精力,能量enjoy v. 欣赏;喜欢enjoyable a. 愉快的entrance n. 入口 enter v. 进入 explain v. 解释explanation n. 解释enthusiasm n. 热情enthusiastic a. 热情的effect n. 影响 affect v. 影响 fame n. 名声 famous a. 著名的 fool n. 傻子 foolish a. 愚蠢的fortunate a. 幸运的fortune n. 财产;运气free a. 自由的freedom n. 自由 grow v. 生长 growth n. 生长,增长fright n. 惊恐 frighten v. 恐吓happiness n. 幸福happy a. 幸福的 hate v. 恨 hatred n. 恨 humorous a. 幽默的humour n. 幽默 hunger n. 饥饿 hungry a. 饥饿 inspire v. 鼓舞;唤起inspiration n. 激励,灵感insurance n. 保险insure v. 给…保险journalist n. 记者journalism n. 新闻业


一、动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve 实现—achievement 成就 advertise 广告—advertisement 广告 adjust 调整—adjustment 调整 agree 同意—agreement 协议(反) disagreement amuse 逗..乐—amusement 娱乐 argue 争吵—argument争吵去e加ment arrange 安排—arrangement 安排 assign 分配—assignment 任务 astonish使惊讶—astonishment 惊讶 attach附属—attachment 附属物 appoint任命—appointment 预约 commit保证;承诺—commitment 承诺;奉献develop 发展—development 发展 equip 装备—equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府 manage 管理—management 经营管理 improve 提高—improvement改善,提高 move 移动—movement 运动 require要求—requirement 要求 pay支付—payment 支付 2.以tion/sion 结尾的名词 attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人 admit 承认;允许—admission adapt (使)适应—adaptation 改编assume—assumption 假设;假想consume—consumption 消费;消耗conserve—conservation 保护;保存 express 表达—expression 词语;表达方式educate—education教育confuse –confusion困惑cooperate 合作—cooperation 合作 conclude 总结—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛construct—construction 建设hesitate—hesitation 犹豫 decide—decision 决定describe—description 描述direct指导—direction方向discuss—discussion graduate 毕业—graduation imagine-imagination impress 给…留下印象—impression 印象 invent 发明—invention发明 instruct 说明;指导—instruction 指导;介绍invite—invitation邀请introduce—introduction 介绍operate 操作;动手术—operation 操作organize—organization recognize—recognition 辨别;认出pollute 污染—pollution 污染 realize—realization 实现permit 允许—permission produce—production 生产suggest—suggestion建议solve解决—solution 解决方法 3.以ance 结尾的名词 allow 允许—allowance津贴;补贴 annoy v.打扰;使烦恼—annoyance 恼怒attend—attendance 出席rely—reliance 依赖accept—acceptance 接受 assist—assistance 帮助;协助 appear呈现;出现—appearance 外貌,出现disappear 消失—disappearance disturb干扰-- disturbance n 扰乱 guide 指导;导游—guidance 指导;指引 insure给…买保险—insurance 保险 perform表演----performance 表演;表现persevere 坚持— perseverance n 坚持不懈 4. V.+ence 变为名词 exist—existence 存在 differ—difference不同 influence v.—influence影响(特例)refer—reference 参考 prefer—preference 偏爱 occur—occurrence 发生 5 +ee /er 变为名词 interview 采访—interviewee 受访者 —interviewer 采访者(记者) train培训—trainee学员—trainer 教练 employ 雇佣—employee 雇员—employer 雇主pay—payee n. 收款人–payer 付款人;交款人 6. + ing 变为名词 begin—beginning 开端 end 结束—ending 结尾,结局 draw—drawing 绘画;制图 feel—feeling 感觉;情绪 mean—meaning 意思;意义 meet—meeting paint—painting 油画 say— saying 谚语 suffer—suffering 遭难;苦难 train—training 训练 特例:belong—belongings


动词变名词小结 1.在词尾加er,r ,双写加er 或or: A. play _ player, sing _ singer, wait _ waiter , find _ finder, thrill _ thriller B. write _ writer, drive _ driver, come _ comer, explore _ explorer dance _ dancer C. run _ runner, win _ winner, rob _ robber, traval _ travaller D. visit _ visitor, invent _ inventor 2. 在词尾加ing: build _ building, draw _ drawing, end _ ending, begin _ beginning, swim _ swimming,skate _ skating, feel _ feeling, say _ saying, mean _ meaning, cross _ crossing,surf _ surfing, paint _ painting 3.在词尾加ion 或去e加ion: A. decide _ decision, describe _ description, produce _ production, celebrate _ celebration, pronounce _ pronunciation, decorate _ decoration graduate _ graduation,frustrate - frustration,pollute _ pollution contribute _ contribution, congratulate _ congratulation, educate _ education,organize _ organization, donate _ donation, appreciate _ appreciation,operate _ operation, invite _ invitation


高考语法填空-----词性变化之名词类 1. 以后缀-ce结尾的名词后缀变为以-ent后缀结尾的形容词confidence→confident 自信的 difference→different 不同的 evidence 证据→evident 明显的 independence→independent 独立的 intelligence 智力→intelligent 聪明的 patience→patient 有耐心的 silence→silent 沉默的 violence→viol ent 暴力的 2. 以后缀-ency结尾的名词变为以-ent后缀结尾的形容词emergency →emergent 紧急的 fluency →fluent 流利的;流畅的 frequency 频率→frequent 频繁的 efficiency→efficient 有效率的 urgency→urgent 紧急的 3. 名词+-y 后缀变为形容词 anger→angry 生气的 cloud→cloudy 多云的 dirt→dirty 脏的 dust→dusty 布满尘土的

ease→easy 容易的;安易的fog→foggy 有雾的 frost→frosty 结霜的;严寒的greed→greedy 贪吃的;贪婪的guilt→guilty 内疚的;有罪的health→healthy 健康的hunger→hungry 饥饿的 ice→icy 结冰的 mess→messy 杂乱的 mist→misty 有雾的 noise→noisy 吵闹的;嘈杂的salt→salty 咸的 sleep→sleepy 困的 snow→snowy 有雪的 sto rm→stormy 暴风雨的 sun→sunny 晴朗的 taste→tasty 可口的;好吃的thirst→thirsty 渴的;渴望的wealth→wealthy 富有的 wind→windy 有风的 4. 名词+-ly 后缀变形容词



词性转换 动词 名词 形容词 副词 动词 名词 形容词 副词 激励 motivate motivation 失败 fail failure 死 die death dead deadly 表演 perform performance 争论 argue argument 生长 grow growth 能力 ability able 自然 nature natural 生气 anger angry 成功 succeed success successful 全球 globe global 幸福 happiness happy 困难 difficulty difficult 高 height high 健康 health healthy healthily 生病 illness ill 放松 relax relaxation 愚蠢 fool foolish 失望 disappoint -ing/-ed 残疾 disability disabled 劳累 tire -ing/-ed 慢 slow slowly 吃惊 amaze -ing/-ed 突然 sudden suddenly 煮沸 boil -ing/-ed 合适 proper properly 燃烧 burn -ing/-ed 深 deep deeply 依靠 rely reliable 高兴 cheerful cheerfully 考虑 consider -ate/-able 最后 eventual eventually 帮助 help helpful 可能 probable probably 尴尬 embarrass -ing/-ed 最近 recent recently 短 shortage short 明显 obvious obviously 长 length long 直接 direct directly 印象 impress impression impressive 每年 annual annually 竞争 compete competition competitive 可能 possible possibly 雷声 thunder thunderous 糟糕 terrible terribly 舒适 comfort comfortable 简单 simple simply 打字 type typist 幸福 happy happily 善良 kindness kind kindly 健康 healthy healthily 吃惊 surprise surprising surprisingly 吃惊 surprising surprisingly 诚实 honesty honest 完全 complete completely 噪音 noise noisy 真 real really 富有 richness rich 绝对 absolute absolutely 有效 efficiency efficient 巨大 great greatly 强 strength strong 光滑 smooth smoothly 耐心 patience patient 绝对 absolute absolutely 1. 语法填空(词转)例题 01. What makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their____________(able) to “air condition” . 0 2. Give out that heat____________(slow)during cool nights 0 3. as____________(nature) architect 04. some of them looked very anxious and ____________(disappoint) 05. he crowd of strangers ____________(sudden) became friendly to one another 06. they failed to____________(proper) solve this situation 07. I’m ____________(tire) after all these years 08. Suddenly, something____________(amaze) happened 09. But it was very ____________(anger) 10. Fans from around the world gathered ________(cheerful) to celebrate their love of Hello Kitty. 11. She would become such____________(globe) star as she is today 12. The New York based burger chain had a very____________(success) IPO 13. But he not only was____________(success) in his first store, but ____________(eventual) owned a chain of F.W. Woolwoorth store across the nation 14. She has____________(probable) not realized how late it is. 15. They’ll even have ____________(difficult) getting to work 16. Riding a bicycle seems very____________(tire) 17. It’s very____________(fool) of you to smoke 2. 短文改错(词转)例题 01. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. 02. Interesting, it had a connection with the British porcelain industry. 03. This made for the grow in the porcelain industry. 04. The first thing we can do is to make our campus more beautifully. 05. You may attend English classes to feel a differently learning style. 06. Of course, it’s strong prohibited to buy or sell anything made of antelopes’ fur. 07. It’s a long and bored journey. 08. I will do whatever I can to keep everyone health. 09. The path to your dreams may not be smoothly and wide. 10. Remember Chinese words more easy. 11. But, If you real practice a lot, maybe you will understand it much better. 12. They were so worrying and almost kept me company


高考语法填空词性转换 一、题型介绍: 200词左右,类型为,短文或对话, 10处空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容或所提供单词的正确形式,所填写词语不得多于3个单词. 二、步骤: 1. 通读全文,把握大意.(2min) 1)对话:确定双方关系,谈话主题,情境,语气等 2)短文:弄清该文体裁,话题,中心思想,结构. 通读全文的目的是为了把握全文的大意,为下一步填空做好语义上的准备.因为语义决定着空白处应填一个什么样的词语并采用什么样的语法形式.在通读全文的过程中,为了准确地把握其大意,很有必要弄清文章的题材,体裁,中心思想,写作线索,篇章结构,段落层次,逻辑关系,词句理解等.这样有助于考生真正读懂文章大意,也有利于填空时进行必要的逻辑推理. 2. 边读边填,先易后难,语义形式双管齐下 3. 复读全文,检查答案. (一) Mum (putting on her coat): I’m going to have to go down to the shop for more bread. Alan: Why? Mum: I’m not sure what ___61____(happen). I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table ____62_____ I went to answer the phone. But someone must have taken them because they’re ___63___(go). Alan: Oh, it must have been Dad. I’m sure he was in the kitchen___64____(early). Mum: No, he went off to his tennis match before I finished ___65____ them, so he couldn’t have done it. ____66______, he couldn’t carry a plate of sandwiches as well as his tennis stuff, so I’m sure ___67____ wasn’t him.


语法填空 一、题型介绍: 200词左右,类型为,短文或对话, 10处空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容或所提供单词的正确形式,所填写词语不得多于3个单词。 二、步骤: 1. 通读全文,把握大意。(2min) 1)对话:确定双方关系,谈话主题,情境,语气等 2)短文:弄清该文体裁,话题,中心思想,结构。 通读全文的目的是为了把握全文的大意,为下一步填空做好语义上的准备。因为语义决定着空白处应填一个什么样的词语并采用什么样的语法形式。在通读全文的过程中,为了准确地把握其大意,很有必要弄清文章的题材,体裁,中心思想,写作线索,篇章结构,段落层次,逻辑关系,词句理解等。这样有助于考生真正读懂文章大意,也有利于填空时进行必要的逻辑推理。 ? 2. 边读边填,先易后难,语义形式双管齐下 3. 复读全文,检查答案。 (一) Mum (putting on her coat): I’m going to have to go down to the shop for more bread. Alan: Why Mum: I’m not sure what ___61____(happen). I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table ____62_____ I went to answer the phone. But someone must have taken them because they’re ___63___(go). Alan: Oh, it must have been Dad. I’m sure he was in the kitchen___64____(early). | Mum: No, he went off to his tennis match before I finished ___65____ them, so he couldn’t hav e done it. ____66______, he couldn’t carry a plate of sandwiches as well as his tennis stuff, so I’m sure ___67____ wasn’t him. Alan (opening fridge door): Well, it wasn’t me. But Mum, look! Are these your sandwiches here on the bottom shelf of ___68____fridge Mum: Are they there Oh, my goodness. I ___69___ have put them in there when the phone ran g. Oh, dear. I really must be losing my ___70____. Now, why did I put on my coat 61. happened 62. when 63. gone 64. earlier 65. making 66. Besides/Anyway 67. it 68. th e 69. must 70. memory/mind ` (二)


语法填空之词性转换练习 语法填空题能全面检测学生在英语词汇、语法,甚至是句法上的运用能力。词性转换一直以来都是高考英语语法填空题的必考点。 第一组 1.You should begin to gather information about these careers which will include a job __________ (describe), outlook for the field, and required training and education. 2. Most people nowadays are so busy with their lives that they do not have time to enjoy a healthy and __________ (balance) diet. 3.This switch has decreased __________ (pollute) in the country’s major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people. 4.The moral of the __________ (origin) story is that a devoted person certainly deserves respect. 5.That young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help. In short, he’s__________ (rely). 6.Everything seemed to be going __________ (smooth) for the first two days after I moved to New York. 7. Thank you for giving me such __________ (value) advice. 8.They were chatting noisily. So __________ (bear) was the noise that it almost drove me mad. 9.If it had not been for his __________ (invite) the other day, I should not be here now. 10. __________ (thankful), I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end. 第二组 11. Children’s bad behavior is often a__________ (reflect) on their parents. 12. I have the __________ (convenient) and safety of being about to stay in touch with a phone I can actually use. 13. A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience, __________ (especial) if you are traveling at high speed. 14. Later that morning, Dario suggested that they write a letter to their neighbors and __________ (apology) for their playing. 15. Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be __________ (punctually). 16. Britney Spears is a hot __________ (sing). Every girl wants to be her because she has sweet voice and perfect outlook. 17. Some news will excite their readers __________(instant) while others won’t.


高考英语语法填空词类转换总表1. __________________ ambition-- (adj.) (adj.); _____ (n.) 3. _____________ analyze-- (n.); (adj.) ________________ (adv.) 7.annoy-- _______ (adj.); ______ (n.) (adv.) 9. _________________ anxious-- (n.) (adj) ____________ (n.) 15. ______________________ app rove-- ___________________ (n.) (n.) 17.arrange-- ___________________________ ( Keys: 1. ambitious 16. ______________________ arg ue-- _____________________ 5.angry-- ___ ________ (n.) ___ (n.) 6.announce-- 11.appear-- _ __________ (n.) _ (n.) 13.appoint-- _ ___ (adj.); ____ (n.) ___ (n.) 12.apply-- __________ 14.appreciate-- analytic 4. anciently 2.amuse-- ______ 4.ancient-- 8.annual-- 10.apologize-- _________ (adj.) (n.) 2. amusing / amused; amusement 3. analysis;


高考英语语法填空之词类转换高考英语语法填空的 词性转换练习 A 1.able -- _______ (n.), ______ (反)______(反形) 2.absent-- _______ (n.) 3.absolute-- _________ (adv.), _________ (n.) 4.absorb-- ________ (adj.) 5.accept-- __________ (adj.), __________ (n.) 6.access-- __________ (adj.) 7.accident--_________ (adj.), __________ (adv.) 8.accomplish-- __________ (n.) 9.achieve-- _________ (adj.), ___________(n.) 10.act-- ___________ (n.) 11.active-- __________ (n.), ___________ (v.) 12.actual-- _______ (adv.) 13.advertise__________(n.) (Keys: 1. ability; disable/disability 2. absence 3. absolutely; absoluteness 4. absorbed 5. acceptable; acceptance 6. accessible 7. accidental; accidentally 8. accomplishment 9. achievable; achievement 10. action 11. activity; activate 12. actually; 13. advertisement) 1.addict-- ________ (adj.), ________ (n.) 2.addition-- ___________________ (adj.) 3.adjust-- ________________ (n.) 4. admire-- __________ (adj.), _________ (n.) 5. admit-- ______________ (n.) 6. advance-- ___________________ (adj.) 7.advantage-- _________________(adj.) 8. advise-- ______________________ (n.) 9.affect(影响)-- _______ (n.) ______(adj) 10.age-- _________________________ (adj.) 11.agree-- _______ (adj.), _______ (n.) 12.agriculture-- ___________________ (adj.)


高考语法填空常见的词性变化考点1. v----n appreciate ____separate__________ celebrate __________ communicate__________ imagine __________ starve __________ prepare __________ observe __________ vary __________ inform __________ apply __________ explain __________ impress __________ permit __________ admit __________ decide__________ object __________ act __________ attract __________ describe __________ entertain__________develop__________ amaze __________ amuse __________ enjoy __________ puzzle __________ achieve __________ agree__________ begin__________ end__________ suffer__________ arrive __________ survive__________ discover __________ recover __________ exist __________ marry __________ compare __________ please __________ behave __________ succeed__________ appear __________ 2. n --adj innocence__________ intelligence__________ importance__________ silence- __________ violence__________ significance__________ difference__________ convenience__________ dependence__________ politeness__________ illness__________ sickness__________ loneliness__________ warmth/warmness__________ coldness__________ hope__________ care__________


专题四语法填空 第三讲词性转换、比较等级及名词单复数 真题验证 1 (2017·全国Ⅲ)导学号 47404064 She looks like any other schoolgirl, fresh-faced and full of life. Sarah Thomas is looking forward to the challenge of her new A-level course .But unlike her school friends ,16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term 1.resting (rest). Instead, she is earning £6500 a day as 2.a model in New York. Sarah 3.has been told/was told (tell) that she could be Britain's new supermodel earning a million dollars in the next year. Her father Peter,44, wants her to give up school to model fulltime But Sarah, 4.who has taken part in shows along with top models wants 5.to prove (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty she is determined to carry on with her https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f3139193.html,cation (educate).She has turned down several 7.invitations (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies. After school she plans to take a year off to model full-time before going to university to get a degree 8.in engineering or architecture. Sarah says, “My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at the moment, school https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f3139193.html,es (come) first. I don't want to get too absorbed in modeling. It is 10.certainly (certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. I don't want to have nothing else to fall back on when I can't model my more.” 文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了16岁的Sarah在上学的同时兼职做模特,并且取得了巨大的成功;虽然她父亲希望她当全职模特,但是Sarah仍然坚持要完成学业。 ?解析:考查固定搭配。spend time doing sth.是固定搭配,故填resting。 ?解析:考查冠词。该空后面model是可数名词单数,此处表示“作为一名模特”,故填a。 ?解析:考查动词时态和语态。此处动词tell与Sarah是被动关系,因为第二段在讲述父亲和Sarah的想法时都是用现在时,因此可以用现在完成时表达过去对现在的影响,故可以填has been told。此外,“被告知”这件事情发生在过去,故也可填was told。 ?解析:考查定语从句。此句Sarah是主语,wants是主句谓语,因此可以判断此处
