


1. 雅思听力答案书写注意事项一:大小写问题

考生如果习惯用大写,就全部用大写,这样不会错。考生如果习惯用小写,那就需要注意几点首字母大写规则:ⅰ表格里面的内容一般要求大写;ⅱ特殊名词一般要求大写,比如时间(Sunday地点(Church Road人名(Peter职位(Professor;ⅲ上下文对应位置大写的也要大写(这一点很容易忽视,考生需特别留意

一、英国(大不列颠 U.K./the United Kingdom/Great Britain London 伦敦England 英格兰Liverpool 利物浦Manchester 曼彻斯特Sheffield 谢菲尔德Birmingham 伯明翰Coventry 考文垂Leeds 利兹Scotland 苏格兰Glasgow 格拉斯哥Edinburgh 爱丁堡Wales 威尔士Cardiff 加的夫North Ireland 北爱尔兰Belfast 贝尔法斯特

二、爱尔兰Ireland Dublin 都柏林

三、澳大利亚Australia Canberra 堪培拉Queensland 昆士兰州Brisbane 布里斯班New South Wales 新南威尔士州Sydney 悉尼South Australia 南澳大利亚州Adelaide 阿德莱德Victoria 维多利亚州Melbourne 墨尔本Western Australia 西澳大利亚州Perth 珀斯

四、新西兰New Zealand Wellington 惠灵顿

五、加拿大Canada Ottawa 渥太华British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省Victoria 维多利亚Vancouver 温哥华Alberta 艾伯塔省Edmonton 埃德蒙顿Ontario 安大略省Toronto 多伦多Quebec 魁北克省Montreal 蒙特利尔

2. 雅思听力答案书写注意事项二:缩写问题

普遍承认的缩写均可使用,比如pound和dollar就建议使用缩写符号,am、pm、AD 、BC等都可以写成缩写的形式,professor 可以写成pro,但是如果有人名,内容来自美联学习网需要大写成Pro. 要注意表示缩写的小点是否标上。日期的表达方式,一般只接受两种,如8th August或August 8th,建议考生不要用其它缩写。3. 雅思听力答案书写注意事项三:语法问题


4. 雅思听力答案书写注意事项四:字数限制问题

如果题目中提到NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS,考生的答案一旦超过3个词,肯定要被扣分,哪怕是a或the,所以建议考生誊写答案之前再次检查字数要求。

5. 雅思听力答案书写注意事项五:拼写问题











雅思听力答题写法规范及分数对照 表 雅思听力答题写法规范及分数对照表一文说明了雅思听力的答对题数和得分之间的关系。并且说明了雅思听力在答题的时候一些书写的规范。下面就和大家分享雅思听力答题写法规范及分数对照表,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思听力答题写法规范及分数对照表 雅思听力答对题目数和相应分数 答对题目数单项分 39-40 9 37-38 8.5 35-36 8 33-24 7.5 30-32 7 27-29 6.5 23-26 6

20-22 5.5 16-19 5 13-15 4.5 10-12 4 6-9 3.5 4-5 3 3 2.5 2 2 1 1 absent 0 雅思听力分数对照及分数档描述: 雅思听力9分:该分数段的考生通常能够听懂篇幅较长,论述复杂、抽象且详细的发言,并能预测话语内容的走向。能自动加工听到的话语,理解其主要观点和细节,以及说话者的目的和态度,并能识别不同说话者意见是否一致,即使他们的意见没有明确表达。能够理解各种领域中的词语,包括专业、技术和学术术语及地道的表达方法。

雅思听力8分:该分数段的考生通常能够听懂篇幅较长,论述复杂且详细的发言,能够自动识别并加工语言和语法,因此能够集中关注说话者表达的整体内容。能理解广泛领域中的词语,包括地道表达、固定短语或不常见的搭配,以及技术和学术用语。 8.5分的考生能够更好地运用和展示这些听力技能。 雅思听力7分:该分数段的考生通常能够听懂篇幅较长的发言,理解详细的任务指示或说明,有些任务内容复杂。能够识别说话者虽未直接表达但暗示出来的想法、态度、观点或目的。能轻松理解所听话语的含义,包括理解句内指称和跨句指称的含义,且无需逐个加工词语和结构。能理解广泛领域中的词语,包括一些地道表达、技术和学术用语,即使所听材料的语言和内容复杂,理解也无障碍。 7.5分的考生能够更好地运用和展示这些听力技能。 雅思听力6分:该分数段的考生通常能够听懂篇幅较长的讲话,理解详细的指示或说明,能大体理解直接陈述的事实、态度、观点和目的,能基本听出话语的主要内容,辨别与其相关和无关的信息,并能大体推断出隐含的意义,且无需逐个加工词语和结构。记住的信息足够多,能够理解指称的意义,如人称代词。能够理解与多种话题相关的大多数词语,包括学术英语中特有的一些术语。


Keys: Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. CORRECT SPELLING IS NEEDED IN ALL ANSWERS. 注: Questions 35, 38 and 40 (IN EITHER ORDER, BOTH REQUIRED FOR ONE MARK) If you score… Audio Scripts

SECTION 1 LYNDA: Sara, I’ve heard that you want to move into a homestay family. Is that correct? SARA: Yes, that’s right. I’ve been staying with my aunt and now my cousin is arriving from Singapore and my aunt needs the room for him. LYNDA: Oh, that’s bad luck. Well, I’II need to get some particulars first. Sara, what’s your full name? SARA: Sara Lim, and that’s Sara without the ‘h’ at the end. LYNDA: Mmm. How old are you, Sara? SARA: Twenty-three, only just. It was my birthday on the twenty-first of August. LYNDA: Happy birthday for yesterday. How long have you been in Australia? SARA: (Q1) A year in Adelaide and six months in Sydney. I prefer Sydney. I’ve got more friends here. LYNDA: What’s your address at your aunt’s house? SARA: Flat one, five three nine (Q2) Forest Road, Canterbury. And the post code is two, o, three, six. LYNDA: OK. What are you studying now? SARA: I was studying General English in Adelaide and now I’m doing (Q3) Academic English, because I’m trying to get into Medicine next year. LYNDA: That sounds good, but it’ll take you a long time. When would you like to move out from your aunt’s? SARA: My cousin arrives on Friday morning, so I’d better be out on (Q4) Thursday. LYNDA: What, the seventh of September? SARA: Yes, that’s right. LYNDA: That doesn’t leave us much time. Right, OK. I need to know what kind of accommodation you’d like, so I can get you something suitable SARA: Can I (Q5) share a room with someone else? I’ve been alone in my room at my aunt’s and I’ve always shared with my sister and I like that. LYNDA: Yes, fine. That’ll save you money too. Would you like to live with a family or do you think that a (Q6) single person would be better for you? I have lots of very nice single people on my books. SARA: Do you have any women living alone, retired women? LYNDA: Yes, I have quite a few whose children have grown up and left home. In fact, I have some really lovely retired ladies, living by themselves, who just love the company of students. Most of them live in (Q7) flats, but that’s not a problem for you, is it? SARA: Not at all. I’m used to that. My aunt lives in a flat too, remember. I’m not use to a big house with a garden, swimming pool, pets and all that. LYNDA: OK, fine. I know quite a bit about what you want now. I should let you know that your rent will be a hundred and sixty dollars per week. You’ll have to pay me three hundred and twenty dollars as a (Q8) deposit before you move in. The deposit is as insurance, in case you break something. You’ll need to pay (Q9) monthly to me, by cash or cheque, I don’t mind. You don’t need to pay for gas, electricity or water, but you will need to pay your proportion of the (Q10) phone bill. Most families do that on an honour system, but you’ll have to wait and see


听力题(共4题,共4.0分) Questions 21—24 Q5.mp3 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. Self-Access Centre 1 Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because ?[A] they enjoy the variety of equipment. ?[B] they like being able to work on their own. ?[C] It is an important part of their studies. 选择答案: A B C 2 Some teachers would prefer to ?[A] close the Self-Access Centre. ?[B] move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere. ?[C] restrict access to the Self-Access Centre. 选择答案: A B C 3

The students’ main concern about using the library would be ?[A] the size of the library. ?[B] difficulty in getting help. ?[C] the lack of materials. 选择答案: A B C 4 The Director of Studies is concerned about ?[A] the cost of upgrading the centre. ?[B] the lack of space in the centre. ?[C] the difficulty in supervising the centre. 选择答案: A B C 听力题(共4题,共4.0分) Questions 21—24 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. Self-Access Centre


雅思听力评分标准及官方考试注意事项11条讲解 雅思听力评分标准及官方考试注意事项11条讲解,今天给大家带来了雅思听力评分标准及官方考试注意事项11条讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思听力评分标准及官方考试注意事项11条讲解 无论玩什么游戏,首先要了解游戏规则。当然考试也不例外。因此想要在雅思听力考试中取得理想的成绩,首先要了解雅思听力的评分标准以及相关注意事项。以下是从雅思官方的听力讲解视频里提炼出的核心内容,让各位烤鸭对雅思听力的评分标准有个全面的了解,并熟悉各类注意事项。 一点提醒:雅思听力阅读是备考第一阶段的主要学科,一套一套剑雅趟下来,学透,时常评测打分,查漏补缺,此雅思听力阅读评分标准需牢记心中。 1、雅思听力主要考查考生理解英语口语的能力。 雅思听力实际上考查的是考生们理解英语口语的能力,因此在备考过程中不建议考生们过度关注于Section 4中那些比较生僻的词汇。反而考生要注意积累的是一点单词在口语中的运用,所以考生们要多多留心原文中地道的口语表达,并举一反三。 2、雅思听力一共40题,4个部分,听力时间30分钟(另有10分钟填答题卡),考试难度渐进。 这点大多数考生已经非常熟悉,但是这里还要再啰嗦一下,无论

考生对于听力的预期目标是多少,前两个部分是考生得分的重要部分,尽量在第一第二部分多抓分。 3、听力音频只放一遍。 听力音频只放一遍是所有考生一开始接触雅思听力就应有的概念,但是又有多少考生重视只放一遍所引出的难点呢?让我们来想想,平时练习中有没有过这样的情况:听第二遍之后有些没做出的题目或者之前做错的题目可以做对?其实听力音频只放一遍带来的失分太常见了,这些往往由于学生听题时走神、单词掌握的不全面、以及语音上的问题导致的。所以这一点考生们一定要引起重视。 4、填空题一定要看清题目要求。 这是一个很多考生非常容易忽略的细节。但凡是填空题,考生就能在题目中看到比如“write no more than three words”这样的题目要求,所以如果考生在答案中写了四个单词就会自动判为错误,这一点考生一定要引起重视。比如听力原文读的是“two weeks”,题目要求是“write no more than one word and/or a number”,这种情况下答案只能写成“2 weeks”。 5、拼写尤为重要。 在雅思听力中,单词的拼写非常重要,只要答案中出现一个字母的漏写或是拼错,即判为错误。因此提醒各位备考的考生在平时复习中一定要重视单词的拼写,如果在练习中出现拼错的单词,建议考生们专门用一本笔记本记录这些自己容易拼错的单词,以便于复习。(另外,在格式上的要求中,大小写实际上没有考生们想象中的这么重要,


剑桥雅思4Test4 听力 Sectio n-1答案+解析 剑桥雅思4Test4听力Section 1 答案+解析 Section 1 谈话场景:筹备告别会。人物关系:关系亲密的同事。谈话话题:讨论将给要离开的同事 开告别会的有关事宜:时间、地点、邀请人员、礼物等。 交际与语言表达 1.这部分考查的是一个日常生活场景一一为要离开的同学/同事举办一个告别晚会。其中涉及到活 动举办的地点和时间、邀请人员、何时发岀邀请、活动项目以及需携带的物品等。 2. “1 think a hotel will probably work out rather expensive, and I 've been looking at the College Dining Room. ”我觉得去酒店太贵了,我一直在考虑学校的餐厅。“work out ”表示“解决,解答,做出,制订出,消耗完”的意思。例如:It will work out rather expensive. 这样做成本很高。 “be looking at ”表示“留心,注意”。 3. “ We usually go round with an envelope during coffee break, don 't we? ”我们通常在喝 咖啡的休息室带着信封顺便过去,不是吗?“Coffee Break”这个词早在1952年就出现在报刊上了,《咖 啡的益处》中说:“只需清晨的一杯咖啡就足以使我们拥有顺利度过一天的好心情。这也正是工作休息时 间喝咖啡的意义所在。”管理者发现“Coffee Break ”作为一种办公室文化,不但可以激发员工的创意和 灵感,提升工作的热情与专注,而且还是一种特殊的沟通方式。现在公司开设的“Coffee Break ” 都是了解咖啡、互相沟通、提升公司形象的良好模式。接待客户抑或朋友小聚,如果您可以不经意间对咖啡的“前世今生”侃侃而谈,那必将令对方刮目相看。而为客户提供一杯贴心的现磨咖啡,更是对客户表示尊敬、 拉近彼此距离的法宝。


[00:00.00] IELTS Listening Test 3 [00:03.34]This is a listening practice test that resembles the International [00:10.95]English Language Testing System Listening Test. [00:16.22]The test consists of four sections. [00:20.90]Answer the questions as you listen to the recording. [00:26.38]Note that the recording will be played onceonly. [00:31.87]Please turn to Section I . Section I [00:38.06]In a moment,you are going to hear a conversation between Y uki and Michael, [00:45.24]who are twooverseas students in New Zealand. [00:50.13]They are discussing plans for their week long Spring holiday from school. [00:57.44]Before you listen,look at Questions 1 to 7. [01:03.24]Note the examples that have been done for you. [01:08.44]As you listen to the first part of the conversation, [01:13.82]answer Questions 1 to 3. [01:18.50]Section 1 (1) Michael:Y uki,hey! I am so glad to see you. [01:23.20]Y uki:Oh,hello,Michael.Where have you been? [01:28.11]Haven't seen you in quite some time. Michael:Sorry, [01:33.60]I've been busy with my thesis research. [01:38.09]However,I wanted to ask you if you've given any thought [01:43.47]to what you would like to do for the spring holiday. [01:48.04]Y uki:Well,I was thinking about going to Thailand. [01:53.14]April is one of the best months to go there. [01:57.73]It isn't too rainy or hot,but still very lush,green and lovely. [02:04.53]Michael:Do you think you will have enough time? [02:08.42]The official word from the school administration [02:13.51]is that we have from the first till the eighth of April off. [02:18.89]Not really enough time to leave the country for a holiday. [02:23.57]I mean,you have to consider two days for travelling alone, [02:29.26]since you have to take an airplane. [02:32.84]Plus isn't it a bit expensive to go to Thailand? [02:38.22]Y uki:Plane tickets are almost always expensive [02:42.53]about 300 dollars round trip. [02:46.64]But once you get there it really isn't that expensive to stay. [02:52.51]Y ou can find a hotel or a beach bungalow for a decent rate, [02:58.21]the food is delicious and cheap, [03:01.89]and most activities and attractions are found in nature. [03:07.77]Therefore it in the experience. [03:11.97]Michael:But have you applied for a tourist visa yet? [03:16.36]Sometimes visas can be quite costly. [03:20.44]Y uki:I've already looked into it. [03:24.02]They cost about 100 dollars. [03:28.12]Michael:If we apply now,isn't it too late [03:32.61]I mean,the vacation is only a week away.


详解雅思听力拼写及缩写规范 雅思听力考试中大家要做到正确拼写,明确哪些内容必须拼写完整,哪些内容可以省略。今天雅思小编为大家详解雅思听力拼写及缩写规范,备考雅思听力的同学们一定要认真看看。 一、答案的正确拼写 1、在填写答案时,切忌太随意,一定要仔细拼写正确。如:,seminer(错)—seminar(对) tuter(错) —tutor(对); 2、同学们在雅思听力常考但容易拼写错误的单词:January,February,Wednesday, accommodation, cigarette,cassette, tobacco, separate, communication, committee等; 3、另外,英式英语与美式英语的某些单词在拼写上有区别,如:theater(美)--- theatre(英);neighbor(美)---neighbour(英);check(美)—cheque(英)等。只要拼写正确,无论哪种拼写方式都可以接受。 二、答案的缩写问题 1、普遍承认的缩写均可使用,比如pound¥,dollar $ Euro €就建议使用缩写符号; 2、am、pm、AD 、BC等都可以写成缩写的形式; 3、professor 可以写成pro,但是如果有人名,需要大写成Pro. 要注意表示缩写的小点是否标上。 4、日期的表达方式,一般只接受两种,如8th August或August 8th,但月份和星期不要用缩写,即不能8月不能写成Aug.。 三、雅思听力笔记缩写符号

在雅思听力考试中,速记是大家必备的技能之一,因此掌握一些速记符号也是很有必要的,当然这些符号是不能出现在答题卡上的。 + 表示"多": many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc. ++(+2) 表示"多"的比较级:more +3 表示"多"的最高级:most - 表示"少": little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc. ×表示"错误"、"失误"和"坏"的概念:wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc. > 表示"多于"概念:bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, etc. 表示"高" 概念:superior to,surpass, etc. < 表示"少于"概念:less/smaller,etc. 表示"低"概念:inferior to,etc. = 表示"同等"概念:means,that is to say,in other words,the same as,be equal to, etc. 表示"对手"概念:a match, rival, competitor, counterpart, etc. ( ) 表示"在......之间":among, within, etc. ≠表示"不同"概念:be different from, etc. 表示"无敌"概念:matchless, peerless, etc.


雅思听力一战七分的经验—北京中雅封闭学校 Soeren 以下是一个老烤鸭在雅思听力考试考前总结出来的一些心得,和注意事项: 1,集中注意力,要特别警惕名词的单复数! 2,即便是单个题目没有跟上,也不要气馁!继续仔细听剩余的问题就好了。而且难度大的文章,似乎答案非常简单。 3,争取中第一节取得满分,从而提高雅思听力的总分!考生们一定要高度集中注意力,第一节的节奏相当快。 4,另外,利用好10分钟的答题卡时间,同学们可以根据题目本身的提示,检查名词单复数;并再次确认需要写入的单词个数! 5,我发现如果两个空离得比较近,且需要写入多个单词时,则听录音时前一个题目可以考虑使用缩写,从而保证能听清后面的问题 比如剑8-3-18,剑4-2-26/27 6,我发现如果有两个选项同时出现,则它们一定都不是正确答案。此时如果剩余的第三个选项在原文中也出现了而且位置靠后,根据我的”潜规则“,那它一定是答案! 7,如果把握不大,则积极应用“潜规则”,比如:较后位置出现的答案,往往为正确答案,比如剑8-2-19。注意:此为大多数情况,但不绝对。比如剑8-3-19,剑8-4-2这也是为什么对于最后一个问题要把剩余原文都认真听完的原因了!比如剑8-1-40,剑8-4-40 8,对于可能写入3个单词的场合,一定要将原文中所有单词都听完整后,再动手写。以确保第三个单词(及其单复数形式)能听清楚。 比如剑8-2-2,对于最后一个题尤其要注意,不要以为已经写了一个答案就不认真听了。其实正确的答案可能就在结尾处! 比如剑8-1-40,剑8-4-40 9,就单选题目而言,其相关答案在原文中的出现顺序,一定和题目的顺序保持一致!但是对于多选题则不一定(正确答案在原文中的顺序,和相应选项的顺序并不一致) 比如剑7-4-24 10,如果内容比较难,有生词干扰,则往往只要求填入一个单词作为答案 ONE WORD ONLY,此时应该将注意力集中在生词后的名词身上! 比如剑7-3-17/18/19


2020年3月5日雅思听力真题 一、考试概述: 本场考试的section 1和section 2依旧是比较稳定的10填空+10选择类题目。而section 2 在此出现了5个配对类的地图题。 Section 1 咨询场景——俱乐部咨询, 10填空 Section 2 介绍场景-澳大利亚动物园,5单选+5地图 Section 3 学术讨论——两个学生讨论论文问题3填空+3选择+4配对 Section 4 待回忆 二、具体题目分析: Section 1 场景:咨询场景——俱乐部咨询 题型:10填空 参考答案: International Club 1. 8.50 2. main 3. top 4. swimming pool 5. carnival 6. partner

7. annual fee: 30 Activity event 8. dance 9. 待回忆 10. 待回忆 解析:section1考查的都是基础水平,比如字母拼写、数字听写和简单词汇的拼写。本次考试section 1考查的内容里除了个别词汇如carnival的拼写还是需要考生注意。 扩展练习:C6T2S1 Section 2 新旧情况: 10220 场景:介绍场景-澳大利亚动物园 题型:5单选+5地图 参考答案: 11-20) Multiple choices 11. New activity in June in Australia zoo A visitors can see animals at night day Time is longer in June. People like to hold parties in zoo B 待回忆 C people usually hold parties there 12. The most popular presentation

剑桥雅思 Text 听力原文

T e s t 1 Section 1 A:Hi,George! Glad you're back. Loads of people have phoned you. B: Really A: I felt just like your secretary! B: Sorry! I went into the library this afternoon to have a look at a newspaper and I came across something really interesting A: What A book B:No,a brochure(EXAMPLE) from a summer festival - mainly Spanish music. Look,I've got it here. A: Spanish music I really love the guitar. Let's have a look. So what's this group ‘Guitarrini' B: They're really good. They had a video Q1with all the highlights of the festival at a stand in the lobby to the library,so I heard them. They play fantastic instruments - drums and flutes and old kinds of guitars. I've never heard anything like it before. A: Sounds great. B: Okay. Shall we go then Spoil ourselves Yes,let's.


Test1 1.answer(ing) (the)phone 2.Hillsdunne Road 3.library 4.4.45 5.national holidays 6.after 11(o`clock) 7.(a)clear voice 8.think quickly 9.22 October 10.Manuja 11.branch 12.west 13.clothing 14.10 (ten) 15.running 16.bags 17-20.AAEA 21B22C23B24A25C26B27A28B29C30B 31.tide 32.hearing 33.plants,animals 34.feeding 35.noises 36.healthy 37.group 38.social 39.leader https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f8082288.html,works Test 2 (hall) 1. Bhatt 2.31 MARCH 3.nursing 4.2 5.meat 6.bedsit 7.theater 8.mature/older 9.town 10.shared (Halland )11.trees 12.Friday/Sunday 13.farm 14.C15B16A17A18I19F20E Self-Access 21C22B23B24C25.reading 26.CD 27.workbooks 28.timetable 29.alarm 30.emails (Business)31.central 32.conversation/conversations 33.effectively 34.risk/risks 35.levels36.description/descriptions 37.technical 38.change 39.responsibility 40.flexible Test3 219 1.300 2.Sunshade 3.balcony 4..forest 5.319 6.10,000 7.relative 8.Missed 9.item 10.udlow (Winridge) 11C12A13C14E15H16F17C18G 19.120 20.5 to 12(Study Skill)21.fishing industry 22.statistics 23.note-taking 24.confidence 25.ideas 26.student support 27.places 28.general 29.3times 30.25 (the owners)31.B 32.A 33.glass (The Underground House)34.insulation 35.windows 36.electricity 37.floor 38.waste 39.concrete 40.15 years


雅思听力部分真题 雅思听力部分真题 一、场景背景介绍 这段对话的主要内容是一个日本女留学生想住在当地人家里,学校负责安排学生住宿的工作人员询问了她的个人信息以及她对住处的要求。 对于留学生来说,想在学校外面找一个合适的住处是比较难的。因为西方人比较注重个人隐私,很多人不愿意把房子租给外人,所以想要住在当地人家里,必须提前联系。另外,建议留学生找在当地住了很久的人家,尽量不要找新移民家庭,因为他们大多处在比较艰苦的阶段,会对住户比较严格、苛刻。 二、本节必背词汇、词组 homestayn.在当地人家里寄宿veterinariann.兽医 preferencen.喜好;优选 三、词汇拓展 cricketn.板球squashn.壁球 rugbyn.英式橄榄球baseballn.棒球 footballn.美式橄榄球softballn.垒球 soccern.英式足球icehockey冰球 hockeyn.曲棍球 四、文本及疑难解析 1.Couldyouspellyourfamilynameforme?

能帮我拼一下你的姓氏吗? 英语中有很多种表达“姓”和“名”的方式。 姓氏:SURNAME,FAMILYNAME,LASTNAME; 名字:FIRSTNAME,GIVENNAME,OTHERNAME。 2.Andyou’rehowold? 你多大了? 这句话的正常语序是:Andhowoldareyou? 但是在口语中,像这种颠倒顺序的情况很多。 3....andhowlongareyouplanningonstayingwithhomestay? 你打算寄宿多长时间? 4.I'veenrolledfortwentyweeksinthe...um...AdvancedEnglish StudiesbecauseIneedhelpwithmywriting...andI'mnearlyattheend ofmyfirstfive-weekcourse 我报名参加了20周的高级英语课程,因为我需要提高我的写作技能。而且我快结束前5周的学习了。课程的设置有长有短,大部分课程是12周。 5.Ilikereadingandgoingtothemovies. 我喜欢读书和看电影。 “likedoing”指的是一贯喜欢做;“liketodo”指的是当前喜欢做。 6.NowletmegocheckonthecomputerandseewhoI'vegot...Listen, leaveitwithme... 我在电脑上查一下,看有没有合适的家庭。交给我吧。 该句中“now”只是语气词。

雅思剑桥6听力text1 word版1

TEST 4 SECTION 1 K:Conference Centre Reservations. Good morning. N:Hi. I'm interested in the computing conference next month. K:Future Directions(Example) in Computing? N:Yes, that's right. Could I ask you a few questions about it? K:Of course. N:OK. I know the conference is for three days but actually I want to attend on the Friday and Saturday only. Will that work out to be any cheaper? K:Let me have a look. Well, you could register for the two days separately, but that wouldn't actually save you very much as it still costs £35 for each day. In fact, if you could register for the three days, you also get an invitation to a free dinner on the Saturday night, so that's probably the better option. N:Right, I'll do that. How much will the fees be in that ease? K:It's £75(Q1). N:All right. I'd like to register for the full three days. Now, can I pay that by credit card? K:I'm afraid not. You'll have to send a cheque(Q2) to us, or you can pay at the conference office. N:Fine. So it's probably easiest if I pay by cheque. Now then, what else do I need to arrange? Right. How about accommodation? I guess that's not included in the price? K:No, I'm sorry, it's not, but we do have a few rooms available for delegates at the conference centre if you'd like. Those are very cheap but if you're interested you'll need to book soon, because there's always a heavy demand for them. They are only £15(Q3) per night, but they are very basic and you'd have to get your own breakfast, because they don't provide you with

剑桥雅思 Test 听力Section答案+解析

剑桥雅思4T e s t3听力S e c t i o n1答案+解析谈话场景:租房场景。 人物关系:租房中介咨询员以及租房者。 谈话话题:交流租房信息,房源、客户要求、客户信息以及房租等问题 交际与语言表达 1. 租房场景是Section 1 的高频场景。学生若住在学校公寓,离教室和图书馆都比较近,相对方便一些。若住在当地人家里( host family),房租一般比学校便宜,而且可以深入到当地人生活中,深入沟通,感受文化;若选择和同学或朋友一起在外租房,大家可以在生活上互相照应,在学习上经常一起交流心得体会,了解不同的文化和思维方式。 2. “I was studying general English in Adelaide and now I’m doing Academic English, because I’m trying to get into Medicine next year.”我在阿德莱德的时候学的是通用英语,现在我学的是专业英语,因为明年我准备开始学医了。一部分没有过语言关的留学生会选择先读语言学校,然后再攻读学位。有些攻读硕士学位并要更换专业的学生还需要读一些“bridge courses”( 衔接课程). 3. “Would you like to live with a family or do you think that a single person would be better for you? Do you have any women living alone, retired women?”你喜欢和一个家庭一起住还是觉得一个人单独住更合适?你那儿有单独居住的退休女士吗?“single person”指“一个人”,“single”还有“单身”的意思,例如:Married people usually have a different view of life from single people. 已婚的人与单身的人通常有不同的人生观。“live alone”表示“单独居住”,例如:I live all alone but I never feel lonely. 我虽孑然一身, 但从不感孤寂。 4. “Most families do that on an honor system, but you have to wait and see.”大多数家庭都是用信用制度来付电话费,到时候你就知道了。留学期间,如果住在当地人家里或者和同学合租房,大多数房东不太愿意为了给学生出租一段时间的房子另行申请一个新的电话号码,一般房东和房客共用一个号码,付费的时候,靠大家自觉。 剑桥雅思4Test3听力Section 1答案+解析 Question 1 1.5 years 观察所给图表,可知此对话是关于住房申请的问题。需填信息分别为:在澳大利亚居住的时间、目前住址、目前课程,以及所需住房的时间段。此题一定要注意题目要求。题目要求的是每空所填单词不得超过三个,所以在填空的时候,不能把原文一字不变地照搬下来。原文提到“a year in Adelaide and six months in Sydney”,实际上填空的时候,考生可以将其简化为“1. 5 years”。
