

甲方:_______________________________ 乙方:_______________________________

签订日期:_______ 年______ 月_____ 日


Party A :


Party B:


For the purpose of deali ng with Sea freight shipme nts ,clarify ing age ncy relations of both parties and standardizing operational procedures ,through friendly consultations it has been agreed by the parties as follows:

1. 甲乙双方责任、义务Respo nsibilities and Obligati ons



Party B shall have legitimate corporate bus in ess lice nse ,TAX payer ID ,organization code certification , A freight forwarding qualification approval by Departme nt of Commerce or NVOCC qualificati on approval by mini stry of com muni cati ons ,which allow it con duct forwarder bus in ess in certa in area.

Party B shall have NVOCC nee it could issue B/L and releva nt docume nts as carrier with its own title on. As age nt role ,Party B shall assume joint and several guarantee liability for carrier and carrier ' s act.



Party A shall notify Party B complete and authentic booking information before shipme nt of goods via Shipp ing Order; Party B is resp on sible for charteri ng

booking ,customs declaration , inspection , signing and other related export bus in ess per requireme nts on Shipp ing Order con firmed by both parties.


报关委托书、报检委托书、合同、商检证书、许可证、报关单、手册及有关批文等) ,并对其内容的真实性和一致性负责。

Party A is responsible for providing Party B authentic and consistent documents

n eeded to con duct and perform duties and works (in cludi ng pack ing lists ,

in voices ,con tracts ,verificati on forms,customs proxy,En trust Letter of In spect ion , etc.).


Party B shall no tify and keep Party A updated of the in formati on of shipme nt schedule timeously for Party A ' s advaneed plan and arrangement.


Party A shall no tify Party B n ot late the n loadi ng day in writte n form once

shipp ing requireme nts n eed to be modified or can celled.


Party B shall ack no wledge Party A of 《Book ing Con firmati on 》about vessel ,voyage, book ing Ref etc after gett ing shipp ing space from Shipp ing Compa ny.

Party A may put forward a demurrer to Party B in writ ing within 24 hours upon receipt of Party

B ' s《Booking Confirmation 》or SO.


Party B shall keep all in formati on in cludi ng but not limit customer data and related costs provided by Party A strictly con fide ntial.



Party B warrant that Party A' s goods will not be released to the any party without origi nal Bill of Ladi ng ,or otherwise approved by Party A in writi ng. Party

B shall assume full responsibility for breach thereof. The Importer refund Party A entirely or partially on its own initiative could not relieve Party B ' s liability. Party A has recourse aga inst Importer for losses in curred ,which

shall not be operated as a waiver hereof.

2. 代理费用Accounting


Party A shall mark dow n details of charge on Shippi ng Order base on Party B ' s writte n quotati on , and Party B shall confirm back via fax with sig nature on. After con firmati on , Party A shall ship the goods off and Party B must en sure

shipp ing space.


The curre ncy of payme nt from Party A to Party B shall be in RMB or USD uni ess specified. Payment shall be madevia telegraphic transfer to following account.


Ben eficiary Bank Name:


Address of Bank:




Acco unt Name:


RMB Account No.:


USD Account No.:



Party A shall pay Party B the accountable charge by way of A),which con firmed by both parties upon Shipp ing Order and In voice.



Payme nt aga inst docume nts.


应付费用进行销账,并签发提单。甲方在备用金不足时应及时将不足部分汇付至乙方账Deposit deduct ion.



Check out per voyage.


0/A 30 days.

3. 保险条款In sura nee



Party A may self- in sure their eon sig nment ,and can also commissi on Party B to han dle in sura nee issues ,in sura nee premiums shall be borne by Party A ,the costs of which are not included in the those the two sides agreed; In case Party A is not in sured ,Party B shall not be resp on sible for the damage from non-B causes.

4. 索赔条款Claim Terms

4.1乙方在办理甲方货物出口运输的过程中应尽心尽责,对于因乙方的过失而导致甲方遭受的损失和发生的费用承担责任,以上损失包括但不限于货物因延迟等原因造成的经济损失。Party B must use Dilige nt Efforts to con duct and perform certa in works herein

damage caused to Party A due to failure of Party B the lost because of late delivery.

,in cludi ng but not limited



A by damagedcabinet ,or the absenee of box sealing ,Party

B shall assist with claims ,

In case Party B tran sits the wrong goods ,or causes the actual loss of Party

and strive to ensure interests of Party A. Party B shall be exempted for damage due to force majeure ,n atural properties of the goods themselves or defective goods ,reas on able loss or loss from fault of the shipper or the con sig nee.


The Party claimi ng Force Majeure shall promptly in form the other Party in writ ing and shall furnish immediately. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall also use all reas on able en deavors to term in ate the Force Majeure .In the eve nt of Force

Majeure,the Parties shall immediately consult with each other in order to find an equitable soluti on and shall use all reas on able en deavors to mini mize the

con seque nces of such Force Majeure.

5. 争议解决条款Dispute Settlement




Any dispute aris ing un der this Con tract shall be solved by frie ndly n egotiati on.

In case negotiation fails , it shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration

Commission (CMAC). Shanghai Commission, for arbitration in accordanee with its rules in effect at the time of appl ying for arbitrati on. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.


This Con tract applies the law of the People Republic of Chi na.

6. 其他Miscellaneous


The templates of Bill of Ladi ng and Letter of Authorizati on with authorized

sig natures are set forth in suppleme ntal Appe ndixes. The Bill of Ladi ngs issued to Party A by Party B shall match the templates.


The back-up records of facsimiles ,letters ,telexes and E-mails con firmed by both parties duri ng executi on activity con stitute parts of this con tract.


In no eve nt should Party B exercise lie n upon Party A ' s goods and releva nt docume nts.


Party B may cannot delegate and/or assign all or part of the performanee of its rights and obligati ons here un der to its Affiliated Compa nies or to any third

party to which it has outsourced the performa nee of its activities uni ess approved by Party A with writte n words.



Party B ' s Legal representative and the person signing this letter is duly

authorized by our compa ny , both are fully aware of this con tract and willi ng

to assume joi nt and several guara ntee liability un der this con tract.




The con tract is in duplicate ,with each party holds one. Parties hereto may

revise or suppleme nt through n egotiati on matters not men ti oned here in. The

con tract becomes effective since the date of sig ning and remai ns in force for

one year. In case of ren ewal,ano ther con tract shall be n eeded. If either party termi nates the con tract in adva nee,it shall in form the other party in adva nee for one mon th and settle all the costs at one time. The Chin ese vers ion of this con tract will prevail if there is any con flict betwee n the Chin ese vers ion and

En glish vers ion of this con tract.

(Party A) (Party B)


Legal Represe ntative Legal Representative (Guarantor )授权代表人(保证人)

Authorized represe ntative (Guarantor)


(Seal) (Seal)


Date Date
