



Paris is the most wooded city in Europe, and around one quarter of its area is taken up by parks, gardens and other green spaces.

Jardin des Plantes: over 28 hectares

This impressive botanical garden is home to four museums, including the Natural History Museum, which houses a variety of African animals. The gardens themselves boast thousands of species of plants. This is a lovely place to relax and explore the beautiful surroundings.

Parc des Buttes-Chaumont: over 24 hectares

If you want to get off the tourist trail and hang out with true Parisians, this park is the perfect spot for a relaxing picnic or a leisurely wander. It is in the 19th district and is one of the largest parks in Paris. Cross its lake on the suspension bridge, or admire the waterfalls and attractive temples.

Jardin du Luxembourg: over 25 hectares

These beautiful gardens were first laid out in 1612 as the gardens of the Luxembourg Palace. They include a geometric forest, French and English style gardens, as well as a large pond. There is so much to see and do with activities especially for children, such as slides, rides and puppet shows, as well as leisure and sporting activities for adults. The gardens are home to more than one hundred sculptures.

Le Parc de la Villette: 55 hectares

This urban cultural park is so much more than just a park as it is home to numerous music venues, exhibition spaces and cafes. It is also home to no less than 12 gardens, which all follow different themes. The Passenger Gardens, for example, which are built on what was once the sheep market, support a variety of ecosystems, demonstrating the importance of biodiversity.

1. Which green space probably suits students who are interested in botany?

A.Jardin des Plantes. B.Parc des Buttes-Chaumont.

C.Jardin du Luxembourg. D.Le Parc de la Villette.

2. Which is special about Jardin du Luxembourg?

A.They used to be royal gardens. B.They are Parisian favourite gardens. C.They feature American style gardens. D.They house a variely of African animals.

3. What can visitors do in Le Parc de la Villette?

A.Visiting museums. B.Attending concerts.

C.Admiring waterfalls. D.Watching puppet shows.


A team of researchers at ETH Zurich has the perfect long-lasting solution to our fog problem. They have developed a very thin and gold-based transparent coating (涂层) that can convert sunlight into heat, which can be applied to glass and other surfaces to prevent them from fogging.

The special coating is developed using titanium oxide and gold particles. It selectively absorbs infrared radiations (红外线照射) from the sunlight and creates a heating effect that is powerful enough to keep fog away from the surface of an object.

The coating basically employs heat to stop fogging. The coating absorbs a large part of the infrared radiation, which causes it to heat up-by up to 8℃.

Previously, products like anti-fogging sprays create a very thin film of water on the surface to remove fog. The problem with such surfaces is pollution. Along with water, the sprays also attract dirt, dust, oil, and various other dirty substances, and just a little dirt on the surface makes it useless. However, the new coating repels (排斥) water. Furthermore, the coating is significantly thinner, which makes it more transparent as well as flexible. It is heated passively and requires, during daytime, no additional energy source.

Gold might be expensive, but the researchers stress that their coating requires so

little that the material costs remain low. Their coating is produced with standardized and readily scalable methods, all cost-effectively. However, although this product can work at very low levels of solar irradiation, it does rely on a certain amount of light.

The researchers will develop the coating further for other applications. In the process, they will examine whether other metals work just as well as gold. There is no need to fear. However, this would cause a car or a building to heat up more in the summer. The researchers have already filed a patent. Hopefully, this groundbreaking product will soon be available on the market.;

4. How does the new coating work to remove fog?

A.By reflecting part of sunlight selectively.

B.By keeping cool air away from the object.

C.By creating a thin film of water on the surface.

D.By absorbing infrared radiations to heat the coating.;

5. Why does the author mention previous anti-fogging products?

A.To stress the advantages of the new coating.

B.To introduce the inspiration behind the new coating.

C.To prove the difficulty of creating anti-fogging products.

D.To explain the reason for the anti-fogging coating being popular .;

6. What is the limitation of the new coating?

A.It is considerably expensive.

B.It depends on sunlight to work.

C.It takes too much time to produce.

D.It is difficult to clean and maintain.;

7. What do the researchers plan to do next?

A.Apply for a patent for the invention.

B.Develop the product for more practical uses.

C.Explore the environmental impact of the coating.

D.Seek a cheaper material as an alternative to gold.


An exhibition of vivid photographs and a restored documentary give fresh insight into the Antarctic explorer, who died a century ago.

One hundred years ago, the leader of the last great expeditio n of the heroic age of polar exploration died from a heart attack as his ship, Quest, headed for Antarctica. The announcement of the death of Ernest Shackleton on 30 January 1922 was greeted with an outpouring of national grief.

This was the man, after all, who had saved the entire crew of his ship Endurance —which had been crushed and sunk by ice in 1915 — by making a daring trip in a tiny open boat over 750 miles of polar sea to raise the alarm at a whaling station in South Georgia.

It remains one of the greatest rescue stories of modern history and led to the idolising of Shackleton in the United Kingdom, a reputation that survived undamaged for the rest of the century. As his contemporary Raymond Priestley, the geologist and Antarctic explorer, later put it: “When disaster strikes and all hope is gone, get down on your knees and pray for Shackleton.”

And here and now in 2022, his death is being marked with an elaborately illustrated exhibition —Shackleton’s legacy and the power of early Antarctic pho tography — which opens at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), and which includes a range of images and artefacts from his expeditions. Additionally, a digitally remade version of South, a documentary film of Shackleton’s 1914-16 Endurance expedition, is being screened at the British Film Institute.

The film and most of the exhibition’s finest images are the handiwork of Frank Hurley, who sailed with Shackleton and who was one of the 20th century’s greatest photographers and film-makers. Both film and exhibition feature striking camera work and provide vivid accounts of the hardships that Shackleton and his men endured as they headed off to explore Antarctica.

Even after he survived the great expedition, he still longed for another trip to Antarctica, and after long negotiations set sail in Quest, from England, with the aim of circumnavigating (环航) Antarctica, Shackleton was by now very ill and had suffered at least one heart attack. On 2 January 1922, he wrote in his diary: “I grow old and tired but must a lways lead on.” Three days later he had a major heart attack and died a few hours later. He is buried on South Georgia, scene of his greatest triumph.

“Shackleton was an inspirational leader. He had an innate sense of what was possible and achievable. He also had a huge personality but led by example. At the same time, he was sensitive to the needs of the individuals he was leading. For example, after Endurance broke up, his men had lost their protection and shelter. Their social fabric had been destroyed. There would have been disagreement. Yet Shackleton succeeded in keeping them together and made sure they survived.”

8. People were overcome with grief when Ernest Shackleton died because .

A.it was a huge pity that such a brave explorer should ha ve died from a heart attack B.he was the man that wrote about one of the greatest rescue stories of modern history C.he came to his entire crew’s rescue and symbolised hope in extreme circumstances D.there was no one to pray to anymore when disaster came and there was no hope

9. What can we learn about the exhibition?

A.It presents Shackleton’s 1914-16 Endurance expedition with powerful Antarctic photos.

B.It celebrates the 100th anniversary of the great explorer Ernest Shackleton’s birth. C.It consists of vivid photographs, artefacts, and documentaries of Ernest Shackleton.

D.It is created by Frank Hurley, who witnessed Shackleton’s heroic acts with his own eyes.

10. Which of the following is NOT true about Ernest Shackleton according to the passage? A.He was the leader of a heroic exploration to the South pole, who died from a heart attack off shore.

B.He saved the crew members of the sunken Endurance by travelling to raise the alarm

in a tiny boat.

C.He is universally recognised as the greatest Antarctic explorer who has enjoyed enduring fame.

D.He was inspirational, practical, responsible, sensitive towards his men, but had a strong character.

11. What does “Their social fabric had been destroyed. ” in the last paragraph most probably mean?

A.What they wore would not be accepted by others upon returning.

B.They could no longer socialise with others even if they went back.

C.The ship could not keep them together even if they survived.

D.They could not function socially as they had when there was shelter.


Do you want lots of success in school and in your friendship? If you want to learn how to balance your friendship and study, read on.

• Talk about your goals for school.

Share what academic success looks like for both of you. 12 Before the semester starts, sit down and discuss what you’d both like to achieve.

• Share tips and tricks with each other.

Exchange study techniques to learn how to be more successful. Maybe you know some learning methods like making a list of key ideas and reviewing them one hour a day. Chat about how you’ll both try to master your subjects. 13

• Remind each other to take your health seriously.

Put your wellness above everything else to succeed in school. 14 Get at least 8 hours of rest. Make sure to eat nutritious meals that will keep you energized. When you take care of yourselves, you’ll both reduce stress and improve your academic performances.

• 15

Remember that you both can overcome any challenge s with enough effort. In order

to get the most out of your studies, keep a “growth mindset”, an optimistic outlook that lets you see any difficult topic or task as an opportunity to learn.

• Prioritize (优先安排) exams and finals.

16 When you and your friend are in the middle of a finals week or have a huge assignment to prepare for, that should come first. Block out times on your schedules that need all your focus.

A.Keep positive attitudes about school.

B.Fight for any challenges enthusiastically.

C.Your methods will be always encouraging.

D.Give each other space during more intense periods.

E.It’s important to be clear about what your goals are.

F.You’ll lift each other up and get an extra edge in class.

G.So you can both be at your best physically and mentally.


When I was 13, I climbed my first mountain near my home. I was overweight then

and 17 when I reached the top. But I loved the 18 .

Two years ago, my friend Mel Olsen and I drove to Oregon to climb 11,240-foot Mount Hood.

As we went higher, the trail (山路) grew 19 and steeper. At around 9 a.m., we reached an ice step. Confident I was safe, I put my full 20 on it. Suddenly, I heard a 21 , and the ice broke off the step, right under my foot.

In a second, I fell backward. Soon, I came to a stop on a flat slope. I 22 my whole body, feeling 23 that I was fine, except that I was suffering from a sharp pain

in my left 24 and couldn’t move.

I 25 for help, and immediately Mel and other climbers came to assist me and called Mountain Rescue. Then I was loaded into a(n) 26 and taken to a hospital,

27 I stayed for four days. The doctors told me it would be a year before I could 28 again, but I was back on the trails within six months.

The fall has made me more 29 . One slip (滑倒) on a mountain can change everything. But the experience also made me 30 as a person. Since the accident, I’ve climbed another 60 mountains. I’m not going to let one fall 31 me from doing my favorite thing.

17. A.out of danger B.out of trouble C.out of balance D.out of breath

18. A.opportunity B.memory C.challenge D.mountain

19. A.wider B.flatter C.narrower D.nearer

20. A.body B.strength C.foot D.weight

21. A.cry B.crack C.crash D.call

22. A.calmed B.looked C.tested D.checked

23. A.fortunate B.satisfied C.grateful D.confident

24. A.arm B.shoulder C.leg D.eye

25. A.yelled B.asked C.begged D.arranged

26. A.car B.ambulance C.truck D.shelter

27. A.which B.that C.where D.when

28. A.jump B.move C.drive D.climb

29. A.positive B.cautious C.frightened D.anxious

30. A.grow B.develop C.feel D.act

31. A.protect B.ban C.addict D.keep



Jake Pinnick, now a 32-year-old American, has been learning martial arts in China

for 12 years.

At the 32 (begin) of 2009, he chanced upon an academy on the website, which was offering a five-year program for foreigners. Feeling that would be a beneficial experience, he decided to have a try. In May 2010, he flew to Wuhan 33 headed straight to Wudang mountains.

After finishing his training in 2018, Pinnick 34 (stay) to help teach his own classes there. He usually gets up at 5:30 am, practices tai chi from 6 to 7 am and then gives 35 (instruct) to kung fu students in two sessions. When the night falls, he will share his understanding of Wudang kung fu and 36 (tradition) Chinese culture online.

In addition to martial arts, Pinnick has exposed himself to Chinese culture. He has also taken the time to learn the bamboo flute. The foundation of martial arts has helped

37 (he) a lot in playing the bamboo flute, both of 38 require constant breath control.

Now, Pinnick has attracted 39 (near) 1 million followers on social media platforms.

When it comes 40 his future plans, he says he will continue with his martial

arts and musical skills, while reaching out to a larger audience through training and his books.

“I’d also like 41 (try) my hand on the official bamboo flute exams, and hopefully take up a professional music career,” he adds.


42. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A few years ago, my wife Sue had some fairly serious health problems. She had suffered surgery after surgery and had also put on weight for several years. Diets had not helped her.

One day we sat down and drew up a “wish list” of the things we wanted most out of life. One of Sue’s items was to run in a marathon. Given her history and physical limitations, I thought her goal was completely unrealistic, but Sue became committed to it.

She began by running very slowly around. Every day she ran just a little farther than she had the day before just one driveway more. “When will I ever be able to run a mile?” Sue asked one day. Soon she was running three. Then five. “We can change ourselve s for the better and cause ourselves to pursue our most precious desires with almost total success,” Sue said and registered to run in the St. George Marathon in southern Utah.

I drove the mountainous road from Cedar City to St. George. When the marathon began, I parked the car near the finish line and waited for Sue to come in. Five hours later, it was raining steadily and the wind was cold. Several cold and injured runners had been transported past me, and I began to panic. The image of Sue, alone and col d, off the road somewhere, made me sick with worry. The fast and strong competitors had finished long ago, and runners were becoming fewer and fewer. Now I could not see anyone in either direction.

Almost all of the cars along the marathon route had left, and some normal traffic was beginning. I was able to drive directly up the race route. There were still no runners in

view after driving almost two miles. Then I went around a bend in the road and spotted two runners running up ahead.




It was Sue in the company of a girl runner, struggling.

At the finish line, the girl hugged Sue, “You made me believe we could do it.”


1. A;

2. A;

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. C

9. C

10. A

11. C 12. E

13. F

14. G

15. A

16. D

17. D

18. C

19. C

20. D

21. B

22. D

23. A

24. C

25. A

26. B

27. C

28. D

29. B

30. A

31. D

32. beginning

33. and

34. stayed

35. instruction

36. traditional

37. him

38. which

39. nearly

40. to

41. to try

42. 作答示例

It was Sue in the company of a girl runner, struggling. As I approached them, I noticed the pair dragging their feet and running forward awkwardly with their shoes we t.

I pulled off and called. “Are you okay?” “Oh, yes!” Sue said, almost out of breath. The girl also nodded and kept moving. I had wanted to offer them a ride in, but the resolve in their eyes made me swallow back the words. I turned around and followed. I nch by inch, they were getting closer to the finish line. Eventually, the real winners in my heart ran past the finish line.

At the finish line, the girl hugged Sue, “You made me believe we could do it.” She added, “Sue described so vividly how it would be to finish that I knew I could do it.” Sue smiled back. “I’ve been dreaming about this day for two years and I shall not be denied”. Greatly moved, the girl promised she would never quit anything easily without total success. At that moment, I looked at Sue and found she was carrying herself differently. It was not as if she had become someone new; it was more as if she had discovered a real self she had not known before. She truly liked her newly discovered self. So did I.


2023届高三英语晚自习限时训练 一、阅读理解 (一) The Huaqing Palace Heritage Site Star Pool It was built in 644 A.D.for Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It is said that at first there was no cover for the pool so that he could enjoy the shining stars of the night while taking a bath. Tang Well It has a long history of over 1,300 years and measures 1.9 meters long, 1.26 meters wide and 8.3meters deep. It was used just by Yang Yuhuan for drinking water. Huaqing Hot Springs They were named “The Fi Hot Springs in the World” in the Tang Dynasty by Emperor Xuanzong. The water temperature stays at 43℃ all year round. It was first used as an imperial pool during the Zhou Dynasty (1036B.C.-256 B.C.). Imperial Concubine Pool (贵妃池) It was built in 747A.D.for the famous beauty Yang Yuhuan. It takes the shape of a Chinese crabapple (海棠) flower, and is where Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Yuhuan took baths together every winter. Address: At the foot of Lishan Mountain in Lintong, 30 kilometers east of Xi’an. Opening hours: From March to November: 7:00-18:00; From December to February: 7:30-18:30. Bus routes: 914, 915, U5, and 306. 1. Which of the following has the longest history? A.Star Pool. B.Tang Well. C.Huaqing Hot Springs. D.Imperial Concubine Pool. 2. What is special about Imperial Concubine Pool? A.It is half-divided. B.It is flower-shaped. C.It is for drinking. D.It has no cover. 3. Where is this text most likely from? A.A diary. B.A guidebook. C.A news report. D.A story book. (二) During the COP27 climate conference (会议) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, an important deal on “loss and damage” was reached. This was a big step forward because at COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, there were no talks on loss and damage at all. The plan is that richer countries will pay money into a special fund that will be used to help poor countries. Loss and damage means the damaging impact of climate change on developing countries. For nearly 30 years, poorer countries have been asking richer countries for


高三英语晚自习限时训练 一、阅读理解 A Icehouse and ice ticket As early as Pre-Qin Dynasty, people used natural ice to keep food fresh and make cold drinks. The Zhou royal court had a specialized department called “ice administration”. They collected natural ice blocks each December to store in the icehouse. During th e Qing Dynasty, “ice tickets” were used and they were available only to officials and the rich. Ice container The most commonly used cooling tool is called “Jian”, which is a big container filled with ice. It was made of clay in early Chinese history, and was later made of copper (铜). The “Jian” can be seen as an ancient refrigerator, which can be used to make cold drinks. Hiding food in the well During the Qin and Han dynasties, for common people, the most common way to cool off is by using their wells. Some families put a pot in the well as a cold closet, or put food in a basket and lowered the basket into the well with a rope. Herbal drinks During the Qing Dynasty, taking Chinese herbal medicine was popular in Beijing. In hot summer, some people preferred to drink ice water, some boiled perilla leaves, and liquorice as summer soup to keep off the heat. Ancient people also loved to make lotus seed soup in summer for the benefit of strengthening the body. 1. What does “Jian” have the same function as? A.Container. B.Refrigerator. C.Clay. D.Copper. 2. Which of the following is unavailable to common people? A.Ice tickets. B.Ice container. C.Hiding food in the well. D.Herbal drinks. 3. What’s the common purpose of the above four ways? A.To strengthen the body. B.To keep food fresh. C.To escape the summer heat. D.To make cold drinks. B World’s First Hydrogen-Powered Train Line Last Wednesday, five hydrogen-powered trains began to make the 100-kilometer trip between Cuxhaven and Buxtehude in Germany. The trains make almost no noise and run without polluting. Germany is planning to replace many of its diesel (柴油) trains with hydrogen trains. Currently, most trains run on diesel power. When diesel fuel is burned, it creates carbon dioxide and other polluting gases. These gases have helped create the climate


高三英语晚自习限时训练 【阅读理解+七选五+语法填空+应用文写作+读后续写】 一、阅读理解 A Chester is one of the best cities in the UK. As soon as you arrive in Chester you will appreciate the city’s unique atmosphere and sense of history. Founded by the Romans over 2,000 years ago, much of the Roman influence remains and Chester’s city walls ar e the most complete in Britain. Combined with history and heritage(遗产), Chester is a dynamic city full of bars, pubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants for you to discover, tempting you to visit again and again. Travelling to Chester? Chester is easily accessible by many means of transport — whether you are travelling by rail, car, bus or plane. Please check our route planner below to help you plan your journey to Chester. Once you arrive in the city there are numerous car parks; however, during rush hours the easiest way to travel in Chester city centre is via park and ride facilities, which are parking lots with public transportation. Hotels? From bed & breakfasts to the luxury of Chester’s only five star hotel, Chester has all covered. Whether your trip is for business or pleasure your room is just a click away! Sightseeing and Tours? One of the best ways to see Chester is by a guided tour and you have a variety to choose from. Whether you choose the traditional guided walk, to be guid ed around Chester’s historical landmarks by bus or to take a boat down the River Dee, you will sure enjoy the delights of Chester. 1. What can we know about Chester from the first paragraph? A.It is a newly built city. B.It is the best city in the UK. C.It is rich in the deep culture and modern touch. D.Many of its city walls were completed by British people. 2. What is the most convenient way to get around Chester city centre during rush hours? A.By bus. B.By bicycle. C.By rail. D.By taxi. 3. What had you better do to have a better understanding of Chester? A.Choose a bus tour. B.Join a guided tour. C.Take a traditional walk. D.Swim down the river. B Walk into any waiting area and you will see people of all ages on the phone. It is rare to see people sitting and simply thinking while waiting for the next part of the day or night. We have also observed people playing with their mobile phones while having dinner with others or in the presence of their families. It seems that everyone is experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out) or a strong addiction to electronic devices. Why do adults, middle school students, and even young children turn to electronics while waiting? A recent study by Hatano et al. (2022) found that in different cultures people underestimate how enjoyable and attractive simply thinking might be. In a series of studies on university students in both Japan and the United Kingdom, the participants rated their level of expected enjoyment and engagement in simply thinking and then rated their actual level of enjoyment and participation in thinking after the waiting period. During the waiting period, the participants only had the option to think. They were not allowed to take electronics into the waiting area. The participants were not necessarily happy about thinking. Instead, they underestimated the benefits related to thinking and thought that thinking was aversive before the waiting period, which only allowed thinking without electronic products. After this waiting period, they admitted that thinking was more interesting and easier than expected. Thinking can include problem-solving, goal-setting, and a variety of other creative tasks. These outcomes can be extremely productive and satisfying. Perhaps it is time for parents and educators to teach chil dren about the importance of paying attention to one’s thoughts. We need to be better role models and put down our own phones when there is an opportunity to simply wait and think. We need to provide these opportunities for both ourselves and our children.; 4. What’s the purpose of the author describing the scene about people’s using electronics? A.To introduce the importance of electronics. B.To tell what bad influences electronics have. C.To voice his views on thinking while waiting. D.To explain why we should have better ways of communication.; 5. What does the underlined word “aversive” in paragraph 2 mean? A.Satisfactory. B.Boring. C.Worried. D.Meaningful.; 6. What should parents and educators do according to the text? A.Provide opportunities for children. B.Pick up the phones while waiting. C.Underestimate the benefits of thinking. D.Tell children about the significance of thinking.; 7. Which can be a suitable title for the text? A.Why should we put our phones down? B.How can electronic products affect us? C.How do we think freely by using phones? D.Why does thinking while waiting make people smart? C In the past 30 years, the non-profit organization Friends of Trees planted trees along the streets of Portland, Oregon. Now, a new study shows that each tree planted was connected with significant reductions in non-accidental and cardiovascular (心血管的) mortality (死亡率). Evidence pointing to a connection between exposure to nature and lower mortality is obvious. Between 1990 and 2019, Friends of Trees planted 49,246 street trees. The research team looked at the number of trees planted in a given area in the past 5, 10 or 15 years. They connected this information with mortality due to cardiovascular, respiratory (呼吸的) or non-accidental causes in that same area, using data from the Oregon Health Authority. The results showed that in neighborhoods in which more trees had been planted, mortality rates were lower. This connection was significant for cardiovascular and non-accidental mortality, particularly for males and people over the age of 65.

高三英语晚自习限时训练 (1)

高三英语限时训练 一、阅读理解 A 7-Day Tour from London to Edinburgh A London guide will show you the city’s famous landmarks like Buckingham Palace, Downing Street and Westminster Abbey. Then, in Edinburgh, you’ll tour the castle and see Scotland’s Crown Jewels. From the historical sights to the beautiful scenery, this guided tour of England and Scotland is a great way to experience everything Britain has to offer. Starting at: $849 per person 9-Day Tour from Dublin to London Your guided tour of Ireland and Britain begins in the capital city of Dublin. Enjoy seeing the “Fair City”, including the statue-lined O’Connell Street, Trinity College, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Your local guide will show you the famous sights, including the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. This guided tour of Ireland and Britain is a welcome escape with fewer crowds and lower costs than high-season tours. Starting at: $1069 per person 7-Day Tour from London to Paris Your guided vacation in London begins with a welcome dinner and a cruise on the Thames River to admire the Tower Bridge and the Houses of Parliament. You’ll spend three nights in London to see the sites of this historic city—from Big Ben to Buckingham Palace, and also St. Paul’s Cathedral. Then you’ll enjoy a 3-night stay in Paris. This includes sightseeing at the Arc de Triomphe, Concorde Square, Champs-Elysees, and a Seine cruise. This guided tour of London and Paris is certain to be enjoyable with fewer crowds in the off-season! Starting at: $1149 per person 1. How much would a couple pay for the 7-day tour from London to Edinburgh? A.$849. B.$1149. C.$1698. D.$2138. 2. Which place can you visit if you take the 9-day tour from Dublin to London? A.Downing Street. B.Trinity College. C.The Thames River. D.Concorde Square.


高三英语晚自习限时训练 【3月31日晚限制:不超过65-70分钟】 【六选四阅读+语法填空+选词填空+阅读理解+小作文+读后续写】 姓名:__________ 班级:___________ 一、六选四阅读 1.Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A. The animals, to some extent, become tools to us. B. Although violence against zoo animals is often reported, the issue of animal welfare has aroused little attention recently. C. By taking a selfie, you show that you're part of that experience. D. The comparison between caged animals and wild ones are appealing to people. E. Similar incidents are a regular occurrence in natural settings. F. The common factor is that some people are not respecting animal. of a Jaguar (美洲虎) enclosure at Wildlife World Zoo, Arizona. The jaguar ripped into her arm. Bystanders pulled her away before the animal could injure her further. She's fine-so is the jaguar. This isn't the first time a story of a person acting rudely to get close to a wild animal made headlines. Last year, a man jumped into a lion enclosure at a zoo for a close-up photo. Multiple tourists in Yellowstone National Park have been attacked by bison (野牛) when they've gotten too close for a photo. It's common sense not to get close to wild animals that can hurt you. It's why zoos have barriers -sometimes multiple walls-to keep people separated from animals. Signs posted everywhere state the obvious warning. Keep your hands off the cage. "Yet animals have become less real to us," says an environmentalist. We see exotic animals most frequently in managed settings like zoos. People are trying to take advantage of their rarity to show off on social media and ignore their fierceness. Media often normalize interaction with dangerous animals. Seeing a man like "Lion Whisperer" Kevin Richardson regularly play-fight with lions on TV, may send the message that these animals aren't so dangerous after all. Social media are also perfectly positioned to contribute to the rise of animal selfies.


2023届高三晚自习英语限时精练 (练习时间:3.20日晚上整体难度:★★★★) 一、阅读理解 A University of Wisconsin — River Falls Student Custodian (保管人) Position Description Title: Student Custodian Department: Facilities Management Reports to: Custodial Services Chief Appointment: Academic Year 2022-2023 Payment: $7. 50 per hour Position Summary: The Facilities Management Student Custodian position is an undergraduate student employee working in the academic buildings of campus to assist permanent staff in providing basic custodial duties. This position requires early morning and midmorning hours starting as early as 6:00 a.m. Responsibilities: *Maintain classrooms and labs through cleaning floors, blackboards, erasers; replacing chalks; straightening furniture; removing garbage; cleaning wastebaskets, furniture, glass, doors, walls, and other surfaces. * Perform minor building and furniture repair. * Maintain outside entry areas through the removal of snow, litter, leaves, etc. * Attend meetings, safety training, etc. Qualifications and Conditions of Employment: * Must be enrolled (注册) as a full-time student during the period of employment.

2023高三晚自习英语限时 基础练习卷(含答案)

2023高三晚自习限时(基础练习卷) 一、基础巩固与翻译练习 1. 在那一刻她似乎在嘲笑我,但随后我又从她的微笑中感受到悲伤。(汉译英) 2. 毕业在即,我既高兴又自豪,也认识到唯有不断学习、努力奋斗才会未来可期。(approach)(汉译英) 3. 纵观人类历史,如果一个民族无法适应时代变迁,它就很难在激烈的全球竞争中 存活。(survive) (汉译英) 4. 春节期间的所见所闻让我们深刻地感受到:千千万万普通人最伟大,幸福都是奋 斗出来的。(happiness) 5. 直到经历了令人精疲力竭的15天的征程,全体船员才意识到这个征程未结束。 (It was not until..) (汉译英) 6. 通过志愿者服务与奉献,年轻人们在成长中能有所作为,也得到了机会去珍视生 活中真正重要的东西。(difference) (汉译英) 二、3篇阅读理解题 A

7. According to the text, which animal can help you relax? A.A snake. B.A dog. C.A honeyguide bird. D.A miniature horse. 8. Miniature horses could serve . A.blind people who dislike dogs B.blind people who can live longer C.animal lovers who search for honey D.animal lovers who suffer from cancer 9. The text is about animals’ . A.special training B.great potentials C.unique jobs D.high intelligence B After being attacked by Hurricane Ida’s 150 mph winds and torrential rains, hundreds of thousands of Gulf Coast residents were left without power and fresh water this week as a 100-degree heat wave settled over the region. Ida smashed into Louisiana as a Category 4 hurricane, ripping off roofs, knocking out transmission lines, flooding roads, and reducing some brick buildings in downtown New Orleans to rubble. At least eight people died in the storm and the toll is expected to rise as emergency workers search wrecked homes and businesses. One of the most powerful hurricanes to ever hit the U.S. mainland, Ida brought a 5 to 12-foot storm surge that covered low-lying communities in southeastern Louisiana. Grand Isle is now “uninhabitable,” said Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng, with 3 feet of sand covering the entire barrier island and 40 percent of the buildings completely destroyed. The storm caused a citywide blackout in New Orleans, but a Hurricane Katrina-level disaster was avoided there, thanks in part to the $ 14.5 billion spent on new levees, seawalls, and pumps after the 2005 storm. Experts are warning that Ida could worsen the Covid crisis in the Gulf Coast, as residents crowd together in homes and emergency shelters without immediate access to testing or medical care. ICUs in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama hospitals were already near capacity be- fore the storm hit. Nearly 1 million people are still without power across Louisiana, and authorities waned it could be weeks before electricity is restored. “If you have already evacuated,” said Gov. John Bel Edwands, “do not return here.”; 10. Which of the following best describes Hurricane Ida? A.Mild. B.Destructive. C.Uncontrollable. D.Impressive.; 11. What does the underlined words “the toll” mean in Paragraph 1? A.The death number. B.The heat wave.


2023届高三英语晚自习限时训练 【3月30日晚,限时:不超过65-70分钟】 一、阅读理解 (一) Located in the tropical forests in Xishuangbanna, southwest China’s Yunnan province, the Asian Elephant Breeding and Rescue Center (AEBRC) is dedicated to giving careful and effective protection to wild elephants. Though the jungles provide rich sources of food and water for the elephants, they can also pose a threat to them if they become ill or injured, making it difficult for them to survive in the wild. In August 2015, a baby elephant that was less than one month old was abandoned by her herd at the d oorway of a farmer’s house in Simiao, Pu’er city. Vets from the AEBRC came and took the animal to their center for treatment. She was found to have intra-abdominal infections and heart failure. She was also at risk of blood poisoning. The baby elephant finally recovered after proper treatment by the keepers at the center. However, without the presence of her mother, she became malnourished (营养不良) due to a lack of breast milk. At that time, she weighed only 76 kilograms, much smaller than an average newborn elephant. The vets decided to feed her goat milk, and as she was born in the Chinese Year of the Goat, the elephant was named Yang Niu (“Yang” is Chinese for goat, and Niu means girl). The elephant is now about 6 years old, 1.8 meters tall and weighs 1.3 tonnes. Currently, there are 11 rescued Asian elephants living at the center and being cared for by 27 keepers, who spend more than 10 hours with them each day. Thanks to these efforts, the population of Asian wild elephants in the province has reached 300 from 150 over the past 30 years. The local government has designated (指派) a place as a source of food for the elephants so that they do less damage to villagers’ crops while looking for food. They’ve also monitored the elephants using technologies such as drones to keep track of their activities and prevent encounters between villagers and the elephants. The local government has also purchased commercial insurance for residents to compensate them if the elephants attack them.; 1. What can be a threat to elephants’ survival according to the text? A.Lack of food sources. B.Illegal hunting. C.Physical problems. D.Destruction of forests.; 2. What does the example of a baby elephant stress? A.The recovery of Yang Niu. B.The efforts made by keepers. C.The risks facing baby elephants. D.The importance of mother elephants.; 3. What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 5?
