



[1] Do you spend over an hour each day texting messages to your friends? Do you frequently ignore work, study, and other activities to check your phone for messages? Are you anxious and restless if you are separated from your mobile phone,9 Do you hardly ever use your phone to talk any more, and do your thumbs hurt from texting too much?

[2] If , then it is very possible that you are a textaholic. A textaholic can be defined as someone who is addicted to sending and receiving messages. The main symptoms are a strong desire to text messages, which takes precedence (优先)over everything else, and bad moods, low spirits and a lack of self-confidence if messages fail to come in. The root of the problem, as with many addictions, is the desire to escape from emotional difficulties such as stress, atrxiety and relationship problems. Experts warn that text addiction is likely to become the most common form of addiction in the future, especially among the young.

[3] So what can you do if you think you may be a textaholic? The key is to get your life back in balance. Make sure you resist the urge to answer every message you receive, and consider leaving your mobile phone behind occasionally when you go out. Most importantly, make a point of spending quality time with friends and family, and make time to re-learn the art of face-to-face conversation instead of conducting your relationships by means of text messages. Not only will you save time and money, but you may also rediscover the pleasure of true communication.

76. How does the author intr oduce the topic of the text? (no more than 5 words)

77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 8 words)

78. What emotional difficulties may be the causes of text addiction? (no more than 5 words)

79. What do experts say about text addiction? (no more than 14 words)

80. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? (no more than 8 words)



Almost everybody in America will spend a part of his or her life behind a shopping cart(购物手推车). They will, in a lifetime, push the chrome-plated contraptions many miles. But few will know—or even think to ask—who it was that invented them.

Sylvan N. Goldman invented the shopping cart in 1937. At that time he was in the supermarket business. Every day he would see shoppers lugging(吃力地携带)groceries around in baskets they had to carry.

One day Goldman suddenly had the idea of putting baskets on wheels. The wheeled baskets would make shopping much easier for his customers, and would help to attract more business.

On June 4, 1937, Goldman’s first carts were ready for use in his market. He was terribly excited on the morning of that day as customers began arriving. He couldn’t wait to see them using his invention. But Goldman was disappointed. Most shoppers gave the carts a long look, but hardly anybody would give them a try.

After a while, Goldman decided to ask customers why they weren’t using his carts. “Don’t you think thi s arm is strong enough to carry a shopping basket?” one shopper replied.

But Goldman wasn’t beaten yet. He knew his carts would be a great success if only he could persuade people to give them a try. To this end, Goldman hired a group of people to push carts around his market and pretend they were shopping! Seeing this, the real customers gradually began copying the phony(假冒的)customers.

As Goldman had hoped, the carts were soon attracting larger and larger numbers of customers to his market. But not only did more people come—those who came bought more. With larger, easier-to-handle baskets, customers unconsciously bought a greater number of items than before.

Today’s shopping carts are five times larger than Goldman’s original model. Perhaps that’s one reason Americans today spend more than five times as much money on food each year as they did before 1937—before the coming of the shopping cart.

1. The underlined words “chrome-plate contraptions” in Paragraph 1 refer to________________________(No more than 3 words)

2. What was the purpose of Goldman’s invention? (No more than 10 words)

3. Why was Goldman disappointed at first? (No more than 10 words)

4. Why did Goldman hire people to push carts around his market? (No more than 10 words)

5. What do you think of Goldman? Please give your reasons. (No more than 20 words)


Modern life is a lot less to the advantage of friendships and neighborliness than it used to be. The average American moves every five years. People drive straight into their garages, hire lawn services, hang out in their backyards instead of their front porches(前走廊). These days, neighbors don't even

know each other's names.

Good neighbors and good friends are a lot like electricity or running water: We don't know how much we depend on them until we don't have them. In fact, the authors of a recent book, Refrigerator Rights, claim that refrigerators are signs of close relationships--after all, you wouldn't snatch a drumstick(鸡腿)from the refrigerator of a stranger.

The surprising thing is that all it takes to strengthen your relationship with friends and neighbors is respect for their feelings, concern for their property, and a helping hand when it's needed. Here's how to develop your relationships with two types of vitally important people in your life.

_________________. A true friend doesn't flee when changes occur. The sign of a good friend is one who stays true through it all--marriage, parenthood, new jobs, new homes, the losses. Just because situations change doesn't mean the person has to.

Friendships fade away if there isn't an balance between the give and the take. So make sure you aren't being a burden to your friends. Be sensitive to how much your friend can and can't offer you--be it time, energy, or help -- and don't step over the line. Meanwhile, friendships that drain(耗尽)you will not last. If a friendship is out of balance in this way, you'll need to talk the situation through.

1. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

A true friend will stay the same even when the situations change.

2. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with a proper sentence.(Within 10 words)


3. What advice is given in the last paragraph?(Within 10 words)


4. What do you think the author will go on talking about if the passage continues? (Within 10 words)


5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



The hospital burn unit is a popular place on the day after Thanksgiving. I found that out three years ago, when my 18-month-old daughter touched a radiator pipe while playing around our friends' farmhouse. Instead of feasting on leftover stuffing, I rushed my child as she screamed to hospital. Instead of getting a jump on my Christmas shopping, I learned how to take care of second-degree burns.

Our story had a happy ending. With weeks of twice-daily treatments at Mommy and Papa's

kitchen-table burn clinic, my daughter's hands healed. But other children we saw at the outpatient burn clinic weren't so lucky. I saw hands _____________________, a mouth that would never smile straight, a scalp that would never grow hair. All the parents had stories of accidents as easy as ours: a cup of tea knocked from a side table, a tumble(摔倒)into a space heater. "Heaters and soup," one veteran nurse told me at the hospital. "That's all it is. Heaters and soup. "

Most of the injuries were to hands and wrists, and most came from contact with hot liquids or from touching hot objects. Not only do small children not realize the danger posed by hot objects; their skin is much thinner than that of adults. They burn more quickly, and the burns tend to be deeper and more severe.

Traditional fire safety education focused on preventing fires. The number of children injured by playing with fire has declined substantially when the Consumer Product Safety Commission required that cigarette lighters be child-resistant. "We know people know about smoke alarms," says Chrissy, program manager for Safe Kids USA, a nonprofit that works to reduce childhood injuries. Now, fire safety experts hope that public education efforts will turn to burns that can be just as terrible as injuries caused by flame.

1. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

People used to be warned of the fire burns.


2. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence.(within 10 words)


3. What is the best title for this passage? (within 10 words)


4. For what purpose does the author mention “a cup of tea” or “a tumble into a space heater” in Paragraph 2? (within 10 words)


5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



Happiness is U-shaped, for we are happier at the start and end of our lives but hit a slump when we are middle-aged, British and US researchers say.

Economists from the University of Warwick, central England, and from Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, looked at data on the mental health of two million people from 80 countries.

In Britain, the probability of depression for men and women peaks at around 44 years of age, Warwick University said in a press release.

In the United States, though, ________________________between men and women.

Among women, unhappiness peaked at around the age of 40, whereas among men, it was about


But the U-shape of happiness is constant around the world, and mid-life depression occurs regardless of marital status(婚姻状况), changes in job or income.

The study appears in Social Science & Medicine, published by the Dutch publishing house Elsevier.

"It happens to men and women, to single and married people, to rich and poor, and to those with and without children.” said co-author Andrew Oswald.

One possibility may be that people realize they won't achieve many of their ambitions at middle age. The researchers said.

Another reason could be that after seeing their fellow middle-aged peers begin to die, people begin to value their own remaining years and embrace life once more.

But the good news is that if people make it to aged 70 and are still physically fit, they are on average as happy and mentally healthy as a 20-year old. "For the average persons in the modern world, the dip in mental health and happiness comes on slowly, not suddenly in a single year," Oswald said. "Only in their fifties do people emerge from this low period.”

1. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

There are chances that the middle-aged people will realize their ideal is likely to be unattainable.


2. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence.(within 10 words)


3. How do you understand the sentence that “Happiness is U-shaped”? (within 20 words)

____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

4. Is mid-life depression a common Phenomenon in the world? How do you know? (within 15 words)__________________________________________________________________________

5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese



If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school, then you are probably not sleeping well. Worry can keep you awake, tossing and turning in bed until the early hours of the morning when you eventually fall asleep. When you wake up, you don’t feel refreshed, but tired and worn out and unable to face a new day.

Dr. Henry Winkle, in a recent newspaper article entitled Stress and Sleep, indicates that . Dr. Winkl e says, “The more we worry, the less we sleep, the more we are unable to deal with stress. If we can find a way to get a good night’s sleep,” he adds, “we can often find the energy to deal with what’s worrying us.”

So, what is a good night’s sleep? Researc h shows that the amount of sleep which people need in order to keep healthy varies a lot. Seven hours in about the average amount, though strangely enough,

sleeping longer often gives you a headache instead of making you feel more refreshed.

Dr. Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to give themselves a short break and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV or listening to music. Doing some exercise earlier in the day should help you to feel physically as well as mentally tired. A bedtime drink can also help, but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine and will keep you awake. “When you put the light out,” Dr. Winkle says, “concentrate on relaxing your muscles, working slowly up from your feet, and you’ll be asleep before you know it.”

1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words)

2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

People shouldn’t go to sleep immediately but should take a break after working late in the night.

3. Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words)

4. Someone says that the longer you sleep, the better you feel. Try to find some arguments from the passage against the idea. (Please answer within 30 words)

5. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.


These days a green building means more than just the color of the paint. Green building can also refer to environmentally friendly houses, factories, and offices.

Green building means “reducing the impact (影响) of the building on the land”, Taryn Holowka of the U.S. Green Building Council in Washington, D.C., said .

According to Holowaka, building account for 65 percent of total U.S. electricity use.

But green building can reduce energy and water use. Also, the buildings are often located near public transportation such as buses and subways, ________________. That could be good for the environment, because cars use lots of gas and give off pollution. Green buildings are often built on developed land, so tha t the buildings don’t destroy forests .

Mary Dettling is project manger for a building that put these ideas into action. The Solaire has been called the country’s first green high-rise building. According to Dettling, “We’re reduced our energy use by one-t hird and our water by 50 percent,”.

The Solaire also has lights that automatically turn off when people leave the room. In addition, the

building has lots of windows, allowing people to use the sun for light during the day. The Solaire cuts water reusing it .

Not everyone is eager to move into a green building, however. Some people think that things like solar panels cost more money than more traditional energy sources. Anyhow, Holowaka said, “It’s going to be big.”

1.What is the best title of the passage ? (please answer within 10 words)


2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one ?

Green building will become popular in future .

. _____________________________________________________________

3. Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence .( Please answer within in 10 words .)


4. Do you think a green building is better than a common building ? Why? (Please answer within 30 words .)



5.Translate the underline sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.



For most Americans, a clean glass of water is just a matter of turning on a faucet(水龙头. But for many of the world’s poorest, it’s hard to get .

On Wednesday, the United Nations(UN)marked World Water Day by trying to cut the number of people without good drinking water-one billion human beings worldwide-in half. In the next ten years ,the UN will work with governments around the world to reduce the shortage.

Without clean water nearby, many people use water .

In India, many people bathe and wash their clothes in rivers that are polluted by human waste.

According to the UN, not having enough clean water and sanitation causes more than three million deaths a year.

“The links between water and human heath are powerful,” said Dr Lee Jong Wook, director-general of the World Health Organization(WHO). “We cannot live without clean water.”

In fact, the International Federation of the Red Cross said that quick reaction after last year’s Asian tsunami(海啸)had stopped disease. The agency provided clean water to nearly 500,000 people in

Indonesia and Sri Lanka after the tsunami.

World Water Day was first celebrated in 1993. Since then, it is celebrated each year on March 22.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by this one?

The quality of the water is closely connected with human health.

3.What did the International Federation of the Red Cross do after the tsunami? And why?

4.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.

5.Translate the first paragraph into Chinese.


In the United States, train transportation is unpopular compared with cars and airplanes. Most people like traveling by car or by air.

Officials of the United States Department of Transportation made a study in 2001. The study is about how many miles Americans traveled by different means of transportation. They only studied trips longer than 50 miles. The study showed that fifty-six percent of all miles were traveled in personal vehicle. Forty-one percent were traveled in an airplane. Two percent were traveled in a bus. And less than one percent of miles were traveled in a train.

Amtrak is the national provider of train transportation in the United States. In the past ten years, the number of its passengers has increased by eighteen percent. Although the number of passengers has increased, it is still very small now. In countries such as France, Germany, or Japan, more people use trains.

There are several reasons why many people __________________________.

Firstly, Americans love to drive their own cars. On highways, cars can travel as fast as trains. These highways connect all major cities in America.Secondly, many travelers like to be independent. When they use their own cars they can decide when to travel. Thirdly, many buses travel between major cities.

Bus travel is less costly than train travel.

In a huge country like the United States, cities are far away from each other. In some cases, travel from one city to another by train may take more than a day. Airplanes can carry passengers over long distances much faster. People who do not want to spend long time traveling by train decide to fly. For these people saving time is the most important thing.

1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)

2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

It’s convenient for people to decide the start-off time when they travel in their own cars.

_______________________________________________________________ _____

3. Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.( Please answer within 10 words.)


4. What means of transportation do you like best when traveling, trains, cars, or planes? Why? ( Please answer within 30 words)


5. Translate the underlined sentences in the last paragraph into Chinese.


Exchange a glance with someone, and then look away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer and you have made _____________. Hold it for 3 seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a person’s gaze without being intimate, rude, or aggressive. If you are on an el evator, what gaze-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You may likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no threat. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to send out a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contacts what sociologist Erving Goffiman(1963)calls “a dimming of the lights”. You look down at the floor, at the indicator lights, a nywhere but into another passenger’s eyes. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on an elevator, you will make the other person extremely uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.

If you hold eye contacts for more than 3 seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner. They typically gaze at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, and then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if one man gives another man a

3-second-plus stare, he signals, “I know you”. “I am interested in you.” or “You look peculiar and I am curious about you.” This type of stare often produces hos tile feelings.

1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?(within 10 words).


2. Please translate the underlined part into Chinese.



3. Fill in the blank with proper words(within 10 words).


4. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following?

You might have a glimpse of the others to let them make sure that you are not a danger.


5. What does the passage mainly talks about?(within 15 words).


Comic book superhero Spider –Man uses tiny hairs on his fingertips to climb up walls. But he could have had another secret weapon to help him stick.

Scientists have now found that some spiders can also make silk in their feet, which may sometimes help them get a firmer grip on a surface.

Spiders are good at gripping walls with their legs. Thousands of little hairs on their feet make it possible. To test whether spiders also make these hairs wet to improve grip, scientists watched zebra tarantulas crawl up glass slides.

When they tilted(使倾斜) a glass slide until it was almost vertical, the spider slipped a few millimeters before attaching itself again. The scientists were surprised to see little threads stretching from its feet to the slide. When they studied the spider’s feet under a special microscope, they found tiny silk – shooting spouts (吐出) among the hairs.

This was a surprise because scientists had previously thought spiders only use special organs near their stomachs to make silk.

It’s possible that, a long time ago, feet were the first body parts of spiders to produce silk. Only later in their evolutionary history did spiders develop spinnerets on their abdomens to produce silk for webs.

If so, the researchers say, this cou ld mean that the silk’s original purpose was to ,

rather than to build homes or trap prey (猎物).

1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)

2. Which sentence in the passage can be best replaced by the following one?

It has been discovered that the silk spouted from the feet of the spiders can assist them to get attached on objects.

3. Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 10 words.)

4. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

5. What can you learn from this discovery ? (Please answer within 20 words.)


Many high schools and colleges with a football team in the United States usually have a homecoming day. This can be the most important event of the year next to graduation. Students plan homecoming day for many weeks. When the day arrives,they begin before dawn to decorate the schools. There are signs to wish luck to the team and many other signs to welcome back the graduates from other years. Many people still come to homecoming clubs build booths and sell lemonade,apples or sandwiches. Some clubs help to welcome visitors. During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school. Everyone soon comes to watch the football game. When the game is half over,the band comes onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment is when the homecoming queen/king appears. All the students vote for another student who is popular. It is a great honor to become______________. Homecoming is a happy day. Even if the team loses,the students still enjoy homecoming. Some stay at the school to dance,and others go to a party. For everyone it is a day to remember for a long,long time.

1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


2. Of all the events,what are the two things that all the students do on this day? (Please answer within 15words.)


3. Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)


4. Why do the students still enjoy homecoming even if the team loses? (Please answer within 15 words.)



5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


08 山东阅读表达(共5 小题;每小题3分,满分15 分)


[1]The word addiction usually makes you think of alcohol or drugs, but in modern-day society we are seeing some new kinds of addictions. Some people are compulsive (难以自制的) shoppers. Others find it impossible to pull themselves away from their work. Still others spend countless hours watching TV or playing computer games

[2]Over the years, shopping has become a very common activity. Many people enjoy going to malls or stores more and more everyday, but it’s more than a common hobby for some of them. They have turned into shopaholics. They are people who simply enjoy shopping and walking around spending money without being able to stop doing it. They are hooked on shopping and usually buy things that they don’t need.Even though they don’t have enough money, they buy everythin g they want.

*3+The question is: why do they have this addiction? There isn’t a specific answer. Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, upset or lonely and they want to feel better. They use this activity as a way to forget their problems. Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something. They also tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.

[4]Shopaholism seems to be a harmless addiction, but it can ___________. Some of them can be psychological. If this is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit. However, the process, like for most addictions, is long, and they suffer a lot. It can also cause financial problems. They just think about satisfying their feelings, so they spend

money they don’t have. They get deep in debt, and they can even go bankrupt and get sent to prison.

76. List three activities that might develop into addictions based on the text. (Please answer within 8 words)

①____________________ ②__________________③__________________

77. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3? (Please answer within 8 words)


78. Fill in the blank in paragraph 4 with proper words. (Please answer within 6words)


79. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Accordingly, these shopaholics should turn to a certain organization for help so that they can stop compulsive shopping.


80. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.


09 山东阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。

「1」Hello. It‘s one of the first words we learn as babies, yet it‘s one of the last ones we think to use as adults. That‘s unfortunate, because saying hello is more than just saying hello- it is recognition of another‘s wo rth. How might the world change – how might we change- if we mastered this word? To find out, I spent one month saying hello to every person I met. Here‘s what I‘ve learned.

「2」It can boost (促进) productivity. In one of the few studies ever done on this subject, Allan Allday , an assistant professor of special education at Oklahoma State University, had middle school teachers greet their students individually each morning. This exchange of greetings raised the kids productivity. School went from impersonal to personal, and that resulted in more class participation and better grades. 「3」Environments influence friendliness. One study found that people in the city were less likely to shake hands with a stranger than those in the countryside. And, researehers say. pleasant environments generally encourage more smiles and hellos than unpleasant ones ,My experience was similar. Whatever the reason, my urban hellos were answered far less often than my rural one . Similarly, people in vacation spots, like the Jersey Shore, were far friendlier than those hurrying work downtown.

「4」It‘s a form of universal health insurance. It‘s impossible to say hello without smiling. And smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and boost happiness. Apparently, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient (接受者)。

「5」So maybe we can make the world a better place by_________ ___. After a month of doing it. I feel lighter and more connected and I have a better sense of well-being.

76.What does the author say about the adults according to Paragraph 1?(within 8 words)


77.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Teachers and students got friendlier so that the students became more active in learning and scored higher in tests.


78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(within 5 words)


79.List three effects of smiling on bealth according to the text.(within 8 words)


80.Translatc the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 Chinese.


Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family.

The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion‘s guest room.Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement.

As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied,“Things aren‘t always what they seem.”

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.

After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night‘s rest.

When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field.

The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had little but ___________________, and you let the cow die.

―Things aren‘t always what they seem,‖ the older angel replied.

―When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall.

Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn‘t find it.‖

―Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren‘t always what they seem.‖

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don‘t turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every out come is always to your advantage. You just might not know it until some time later.

1. What‘s the best title of the passage?

2. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

The couple shared their little food with the two angels and then spared their bed for the two angels to rest for a good night willingly.

3.Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(within ten words)


4.Do you think life is equal for the two families ? And why?(within 30 words)

5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

11If you are applying for an American higher education, you probably dream of getting into an Ivy League (常青藤联盟)university.The eight schools with the best reputations attract top students from the United States and many other countries.However, on average, the Ivy League schools accept less than 15 percent of applicants.And with the applicants growing in size year on year, it is becoming more and more difficult _________.

So how can you give yourself the best chance of admission?

Having a high school grade point average (GPA)in the top 10 percent of your class and being ranked among the top few students dramatically betters your chances.But although GPA and SAT scores are important, they only tell admission deans(主任)part of the story.

The whole admissions process will single out (挑选出)from a large pool of academically strong applicants the unique individuals.They stand out because they have shown in their interviews a range of virtues (优点)expected of these universities.Take Harvard for example.Although there is no guarantee of admission, the school judges applicants based on 15 additional criteria.Intellectual curiosity (求知欲)comes first tor almost all admission deans.Schools look to such students because they believe their peers find them slimulaling(激励人的)inside and outside the classroom.

Leadership also weighs heavily.The school would rather see an applicant who takes on additional responsibility in one or two areas where he or she is good at, rather than one who is merely "very good" academically.This can mean the class presidencv(主席职务), leading the cheerleading team or being the officer of a student union.

Whether a person has personal warmth and cares about others counts a lot with the admission deans.Writing an essay on a personal experience, like a summer spent raising funds for the earthquake victims or teaching in a local school, can show that a person has qualities in addition to academic experience.

76.What is the purpose of the passage? (no more than 15 words)

77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

The universities pay attention to the students with this virtue in that they can inspire their fellow students at school.

78.Fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (no more than 5 words)

79.Based on the passage, list three additional criteria for admission besides academic performance.(no more than 10 words)

①_________________ ②_______________ ③____________________

80.Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.

12I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day. But I became in visible, absent from the conversation.

The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Recently I was in a car with three friends. The driver told us to be quiet because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends going down the highway, unable to talk to one another because of a tool designed to make communication easier.

Why is it that the more connected we get, ________________________ ? Every advance in communications technology is a hurt to the closeness of human interaction (互动). With e-mail and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.

More and more. l find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation. Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn‘t really have time to talk. The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.

So I've put myself on technology restriction: no instant messaging with people who live near me, no cell-phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the voice mail pick up when I' m home.

76. What does the author say about communications technology according to the first two paragraphs? (within 15 words)


77. Which sentences in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

However, I felt left out as if we were not conducting the conversation.


78. Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (within 10 words)


79. Does the author restrict his own activity to improving the situation? (within 15 words)


80. Translate the underlined sentences in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.

____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

13Even if you really enjoy your job, it‘ s still possible to battle boredom as you work. You may not be able to make big changes---or change your job---but you can make small adjustments to your routine that can make every day seem, well, a little less routine.

1. Switch Your Seat

Change your outlook at the office by changing your office. Ask your supervisor to help you find a new desk. Even switching desks with a neighboring coworker can offer a fresh atmosphere.

If it's not possible to change your location, see if you can change your desk‘s direction. A new view can be just as refreshing as a new location.

2. ______________

Start and end your day in a different way. C onsider a new mode of transportation, if it‘s possible. Take a subway. Ride a bike on sunny days. Carpool with a coworker. Use a new route to get to your job. You needn't change it for ever---just long enough to help you escape the boredom.

3. Find a New Work Style

Sick of attending that long-standing Monday morning meeting? Try to change it to the afternoon.

If you find yourself feeling most bored in the afternoons, try to arrange to do your favorite tasks then and tackle less desirable projects in the mornings.

If you usually communicate with coworkers via email and instant messaging, start dealing with people face to face. Increased communication with coworkers may help improve your mood.

4. Get and Set a Goal

If your work is short of objectives, it's no wonder that work has become boring. Identify a goal and set an ―achieve by‖ date for it.

Your goal needn‘t be lofty as long as you have sufficient enthusiasm for it. Perhaps you want to make a new project. Maybe you‘d like to pursue a promoti on. Or you may even set a goal of finding a new job altogether. Whatever it is, actively move toward an objective.

76. What is the purpose of the passage? (within 15 words)


77. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

You will feel bored when you are not working toward something.


78. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (within 8 words)

79. List three methods of escaping from boredom in your daily. (within 5 words for each)



80. Translate the underlined sentence in the Last Paragraph into Chinese.

14 A poet is in his words

The writings of William Shakespeare are today little read by young people in Britian. His young readership is limited to those who choose to study literature at university.

Still, in British schools, ____________ to study the poet, and when something is made compulsory, usually the result is boredom, resentment or both. Shakespeare, Chareles Dickens, Jane Austen-for many of the young, reading them can seem like being forced to eat medicine, especially when people are at an age when they are beginning to discover themselves and wanting to claim their independence.

This was my experience of the classics at school. But when I reached my late teenage years, I had a change of heart. Like every other young person since the dawn of time, the world confused me. I wanted answers, so I turned to books to find them.

I went on to take a PhD in literature and have taught the subject in universities in Britain and China. I have never regretted it. There is something in literature that people want, even if they don‘t read books.

You see this in the popularity of TV and movie adaptations of great works, the recent film version of Jane Austen‘s Pride and Prejudice being a case in point. These popular

adaptations may help increase people‘s interest in the classic.

Reading a simplified Romeo and Juliet may perhaps lead to a reading of Shakespeare‘s actual play. If that is the case th en I welcome the trend. But do not make the mistake of thinking that it is the same thing. Shakespeare is a poet and his greatness is in his language. Reading someone else‘s rewriting of his work is like peeling (剥皮) a banana, throwing away the fruit, and eating the skin. Take on the original. It really is worth the effort.

76. Find a sentence from the text which can explain the title.


77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words to complete the sentence. (within 5 words)


78. Why are the adaptations of great works popular?


79. Do you think it necessary to read the original? Why? (within 30 words)

_________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

80. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


15 [1] People today, in all this new world of technology and thinking, have lost sight of what a true friendship is. So, though I own my best friend Jenny, I thought I would help the world out a little and explain what real, true friends are.

[2] Friends don‘t have to be exactly the same. They have similarities but __________________. The key to opening up the world of friendship is not only to expand on similarities but to accept each other‘s faults, because you can‘t ever judge your friend.

[3] Friends have to argue! No one likes to but it is necessary to be healthy. Because if you agree on everything, either the government has expand ed cloning subjects or someone isn‘t being true and is trying a little too hard.

[4] You have to be comfortable together. Otherwise, you just aren‘t going to click. If you feel uneasy around the person then something isn‘t quite right.

[5] Friends love unconditionally. They have their little angry moments but what‘s done is done and all is forgiven and forgotten. Why let something that happened in the past ruin the happiness you could have in the future?

[6] Believe in love at first sight because there is the same thing happening in friendship. Some people think that you have to know someone really well to become good friends. Trust me, it‘s not true.

[7] These are only a few of the basics. Just remember, friends are forever. But only if you keep it that way. Don‘t disrespect your friends, love them instead.

76. What is the best title of the passage? (no more than 6 words)

_____________________________________________________________________________ 77. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Make up with your friends after the quarrels and don‘t let the sadness last long.

_____________________________________________________________________________ 78. Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (no

more than 8 words)


79. Please list three of the writer‘s viewpoints on friendship. (no more than 10 words)

①______________________ ②_______________________ ③________________________

80. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 into Chinese.


16 For years children in the industrial areas of Europe and America seldom left their smoky cities to see the beauties of the countryside. Not that the woods and fields were always far away, but they were too far from the city to permit people to make a round trip between morning and nightfall. What's more, factory workers did not have enough money to send their children on country holidays away from home.

In 1907 a young German schoolmaster had an idea which changed this state of affairs. He decided to turn his little schoolhouse into a dormitory for the summer holidays. Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small amount of money. The idea was a success. A few years later the schoolhouse was far too small to hold so many young people who wanted to stay there. So, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby. This was the first Youth Hostel.

Today young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostels and get to know each other. Some spend a week or more in the same hostel, seeing the surrounding sights and meeting the people of the area. Other youths go on foot or by bicycle from place to place, spending a night or two in one hostel, then going to the next.

Sometimes an informal program will be organized after the meal, with dances, songs, or short talks followed by a question period. One can _____________________________ about other places, just by meeting people who come from these places. For this reason, a few weeks spent "hostelling" can be just


高考英语阅读理解基础练习题(29) 阅读理解 When did you last visit a shopping mall? In many places, the answer would be"last weekend." Some people go even more often.Why? Malls offer goods andservices all in one place: food, clothing, things for their houses, entertainment, evenmedical services.So, are they one of the highlights of modern civilization?Environmental activists would say no and would go even further, arguing thatconsumer behavior is causing a huge environmental disaster.They cause consumers' ignorance of the side effect of their shopping—urban sprawl (扩大). Social scientists agree that patterns of development have changed the landscape alot.Before 1950, most people lived in towns or cities and either walked to work ortook public transportation.Only very wealthy people had automobiles.Farmers livedin rural areas or far-away villages and came into town only when they needed thingsthey couldn't produce themselves.If you stared at the landscape you would see townssurrounded by the countryside. Now automobiles become affordable and people are quick to make use of them.Ambitious workers could live in suburbs, just outside cities, which have started togrow rapidly.As long as there is lots of cheap land there, no one pays much attentionto the usage of that land.Malls, fast food restaurants, cinemas, and such spread out inlarge, flat buildings.These one-storey buildings and their parking lot take up too muchspace.Many farmers think they are better off selling their land than growing crops.Noone has realized once the land is built up in urban sprawl, the good farming land willbe ruined forever.There is no way to preserve (保护) it.Only in recent years have people come to miss the old way of life as they havelooked into the problems of unconditional growth.Now people realize that urbansprawl has come with serious environmental problems.The bad effects that sprawlbrings about include air and water pollution, loss of agricultural land, traffic jams, andso on.Many scholars think it's time to analyze the problems better so we can developproper policies to control further sprawl.Some think the best way to do is to educatecitizens.


A “You can use me as a last resort(选择), and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it.” This was an actual reply from a parent after I put out a request for volunteers for my kids lacrosse(长曲棍球)club. I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren’t even on … At this point the unwilling parent speaks up,“Alright. Yes, I’ll do it.” I’m secretly relieved because I know there’s real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities among many. The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule, sends out emails, and collects money for end-of-season gifts. Somewhere along the way, the same parent ends up becoming an invaluable member of the team. The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season. Handing out sliced oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal. Still, most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close. That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the same people keep coming back for more: Connecting to the community(社区)as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services


高考英语阅读理解专项训练100篇 (名师传授解题技巧+实战练习,值得下载) 一、阅读理解解题技巧 阅读理解题是考查学生对活的语言材料的理解能力,即通过阅读材料获得信息的能力。具体说来,阅读理解能力测试的主要要求是:(1)掌握所读材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的事实和细节;(2)既理解具体事实,也理解抽象的概念;(3)既理解字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等;(4)既理解某句、某段的意义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并能根据文章进行推理和判断;(5)既能根据材料所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应有的常识去理解。根据这几项能力测试的要求,试题中常采用如下几种题型:事实询问题、推理判断题、数据推算题、识图解意题和主旨大意题。根据这一测试要求和题型设计,答题时可以采取如下解题技巧和对策。 1.首先解题时要充满自信。由于平时有些同学对做阅读理解时存在一种畏惧心理,因此考试做题时心理就难免会产生紧张感,特别是阅读时再遇到几个生词就头脑发胀,从而使自己的思路更加模糊不清。其实这是完全没有必要的,因为阅读中遇到几个生词或几个难以理解的句子是常有的事,也是正常现象。因为按大纲要求,试卷中允许有不超过3%的生词,只要认真分析,仔细阅读,这些生词和句子很可能并不影响你的解题。所以答题之前首先要有必胜的信心。 2.扫读全文,理解全文主旨大意。拿到一篇文章,首先要快速扫读全文,虽为扫读,但不可漫不经心,阅读时也应聚精会神,力求可能多地获取材料信息,只是这次遇到生词和难句先不必去处理,不要因纠缠文中的个别生词和难句而影响了对全文的主旨大意的了解。

3.对症下药,各个击破。了解全文的大概意思之后,再把短文的问题简单看一遍,弄懂题意,然后带着问题再去寻读全文。这次阅读过程中要善于抓文章中的关键词句。寻读也就是迅速的查找需要了解的信息,是为某些特定的问题而阅读,因此阅读时要有较强的针对性,对与问题有关的数据,词句等仔细阅读,认真理解,同时结合不同考查内容的题型,采取如下解题对策: (1)事实询问题:这类试题通常是以疑问词what,who,when,where,why,how 等引起的特殊问句,就文章中某一词语、某一句子、某一段落或某一具体细节和事实进行提问。解答此类试题首先要弄清题目和每一个选项的含义,然后按题目要求寻找与之相关的细节,正确估计答案来源,同时注意题目和文章中的暗示作用。特别注意辨别各种信息,确认各种信息。 (2)推理判断题:此题要求我们通过表面文字信息去推测文章隐含的意思,对文章的发展情节及作者的态度、意图等做出合乎逻辑的的推理判断。这种题要求我们在阅读时要抓住文章的主题和细节、从分析文章的结构入手,根据上下文的内在联系,充分挖掘文章的深层含义。对暗含在文章中事件的因果关系,人物的动机,以及作者未言明的倾向、态度、意图、观点进行合乎逻辑的推理、分析和判断。同时善于抓住文中实质性的东西,不要被带假象的表面信息或似是而非的东西所迷惑。并且注意推断作者态度时要力求从作者的态度、观点去思考,切勿想当然,凭个人的观点习惯看法来回答的问题。 (3)数据推算题:此题要求我们就文章提供的数据,以及数据与文章中其他信息的关系做出计算和推断,然后做出选择。这就要求我们解题时,要在理解好题意的前提下去对与数据有关的信息认真分析,若数据信息较多,还要注意弄清数据之间的关系,同时分清有用与无用信息,最终作出正确判断。 (4)主旨大意题:此题用以考查我们对文章主题或中心思想的领会和理解能力。在解答此类试题时要注意每段的中心句,抓住每一段的主题句。一般主题句都用来表达一段主旨大意,因此,只要找准每段的主题句,文章的中心思想和文章的最佳标题也就不难确定了。


八年级英语阅读理解专练(一) On Fridays I come home from work at about 2:00 in the after noon and I just have a rest. On Friday evenings I don't go out, but sometimes a friend of 1 comes 2 dinner. He or she 3 the wine and I cook the meal. I love cooking! We listen to music or we just 4 . On Saturday mornings I get up at 9:00 and I go to the _5^ Then 6_ the evenings I sometimes go to see a film. I love films! Then I eat in my 7 Chin ese restaura nt. On Sun day … Oh, On Sun day mornings I stay in the bed 8 , I don't get up until 11:00! Sometimes in the after noon I visit my sister. She lives in the village 9_ has two children. I like playing with them, 10 I leave early because I go to bed at 8:00 on Sun day evenin gs. ( )1. A. me B. I C. my D. mine ( )2. A. have B. for C. has D. with ( )3. A. brings B. takes C. gives D. puts ( )4. A. tell B. day C. talk D. speak ( )5. A. shop B. shopp ing C. buy someth ing ( )6. A. on B. in C. at D. for ( )7. A. a B. the C. hu ngry D. favourite B. early C. dow n D. for B. and C. with D. for B.then C. but D. and What do the people usually do on weeke nds? Some people like to 1 __ at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football. Mr Smith _2_ hard in a factory during (在期间)the 3 . On the weekends, he usually _4— the same thing. On Saturday he washes his car and on _5_ he goes with his family to a village( 村庄)by car. His uncle and aunt _6_ a farm there. It isn't a big one, but there is always to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some _8_ . Mr and Mrs Smith help in the field. At the end of the day, they are all 9 and Mr Smith's aunt 10 them a big meal. ( )l. A. play B. stay C. be D. so ( )2. A. works B. does C. makes D. studies ( )3. A. day B. year C. week D. month D. buyer ()8. A. late ()9. A. to ()10. A. or


高中基础英语阅读理解3 Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife told him not to do it but he didn’t listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup(拘留所), he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him. It was New Year’s Day. Mr. Lang didn’t go to work. He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid the police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door and in came a few policemen. “I saw there weren’t any policemen outside, daddy,” said the boy, “so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.” 1. Mr. Lang was paid much because _______. A. he was a driver B. he worked in a factory C. he had a lot of work to do D. he had worked there for a long time 2. Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______. A. she couldn’t find any work B. she thought he r husband was tired C. her husband spent all time in gambling D. she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling 3. _______, so he was put into lockup. A. Mr. Lang often gambled B. Mr. Lang was late for work C. Mr. Lang didn’t help his wife at home D. Mr. Lang wasn’t polite to the police 4. The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______. A. he didn’t love her any longer B. he wouldn’t stop gambling C. he had been put into lockup D. he was hardly sent away by the factory 5. Which of the following is right? A. The boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again. B. The boy thought his father needed some policemen. C. The boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon. D. The boy hoped his mother to come back. (2) Dear Sir, I am writing about your January bill, which I am returning with this letter. I am not going to pay this bill. Last month I bought a table and four chairs for $65.50. They were sent to me on December 18. That night one leg of the table broke while my wife was putting our dinner on it. It fell on one of the chair, and that broke, too. Our $ 2.50 steak(牛排) landed on the floor, and the dog ate it. I spoke to the salesmen who had sold me the table and the chairs. He told me to write you a letter. I wrote you on December 20, saying that I was not going to pay for the furniture. On December 21 some men came and took it back to the store. Please do something about your records. I do not want to receive another bill for the furniture which I returned. Yours truly


6 It’s important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us: 1. Reduce If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely (明智地). A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to reduce the waste. 2.Reuse You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your clothes you do not use or the ones which too small to the poor. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters. 3.Recycle Bottles, cans (罐子) and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we save lots of time and money. For example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat (压平) and melted (融化) and the metal things are made for new coke cans. 4.Recover When you buy a box of apples, there may be few rotten (腐烂的) apples, you have two choices: one is to throw the whole apples away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and use the good parts. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food. 5.Repair If one of the begs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a “throw-away”society, but the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment. Every one of us should try our best. 1.The “Reduce”rule mainly requires (要求) us _______. A. to use things wisely B. to cut down many trees C. to use a lot of paper D. to throw away your old clothes 2.What’s the right order (顺序) of recycling coke cans? a. collect the used cans b. melt them c. smash them flat d. send them to a factory A. a b c d B. a d c b C. d b c a D. c a b d 3.The “Recover”rule mainly requires us _______. A. to throw waste things away B. to cover waste things with earth C. to get back the useful parts D. to throw the whole things away 5.Which is the best way to do with your broken tables? A. Throwing them away. B. Requiring them. C. Selling them. D. Putting them away. 7 To: President Bush, the White House From: Saddam Hussein, in Baghdad Dear President Bush, Well, you sure ruined (毁掉) my birthday…. OK, you won, and your prize is Iraq. Are you

高一英语 阅读理解专讲专练含答案及解析 外研版必修3

高一英语阅读理解专讲专练含答案及解析八 抓主干,理枝叶 长难句增加,是近年高考阅读理解试题不可忽视的现象之一。英语的长句可分为两类:含有数量较多的定语或状语的简单句和含有数量较多的各种从句的并列句或复合句。阅读长句的基本方法是抓主干,理枝叶。抓主干就是抓句子的主体部分,也就是主语和谓语,它们是传达信息的主要载体;理枝叶就是分析句子的附加部分,不论它们有多长,有多复杂,它们都是辅助成分,我们只要明确它们与主体的关系就可以了。如: The moon is so far from the earth that even if huge trees were growing on the mountains, and elephants were walking about, we could not see them through the most powerful telescopes which have ever been invented. 这个长句的主干就是The moon is far from the earth,其他部分,如状语从句、定语从句等,都是为突出主题服务的。 Passage A 阅读理解 The Winter Olympics, which is also called the White Olympics, were first held as a separate competition in 1924 at Chamonix many colorful stamps are published to mark the great games. The first stamp marking the opening of the White Olympics was issued (发行) on January 25, 1932 in the United States to celebrate the third White Olympics.① From then on, issuing stamps during the White Olympics became a tradition. To observe the fourth Winter Olympic Games,② a group of stamps were published in Germany in November, 1935. The five rings of the Olympics were printed on the front of the sportswear. It was the first time that the symbol (象征) appeared on stamps of the Winter Olympics. In the 1950s, the stamps of this kind became more colorful. When the Winter Olympics came, the host countries as well as the non to mark those games. China also published four stamps in February, 1980, when the Chinese sportsmen began to march into the area of the White Olympics. Japan is the only country in Asia that has ever held the White Olympics. Altogether 14,500 million stamps were sold to raise funds(经费) for this sports meet. Different kinds of sports were printed on these small stamps. People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful movements of some athletics.

(英语) 英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案)

(英语)英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Education is not a bystanders sport. Numerous researchers have shown that when students participate in classroom discussion they hold more positive attitudes toward school, and that positive attitudes promote learning. It is no coincidence that girls are more passive in the classroom discussion and score lower than boys on SATs. We found that at all grade levels in all communities and in all subject areas boys controlled classroom communication. They participated in more interactions than girls did, and their participation became greater as the year went on. Our research contradicted the traditional assumption that girls control classroom communication in reading while boys in math. We found that whether the subject was language arts and English or math and science, boys got more than their fair share of teacher attention. That teachers talk more to male students is simply because boys are more aggressive in grabbing their attention by calling out answers to the teachers' questions first. While girls sit patiently with their hands raised or keep silent. Psychologist Lisa Serbin and K.Daniel O'Leary, then at the state university of New York at stony brook studied classroom interaction at preschool level and found that teachers gave boys more attention, praised them more often and were at least twice as likely to have extended conversations with them. Years of experience have shown that the best way to learn something is to do it yourself. It is also important to give students specific and direct feedback about the quality of their work and answers. Teachers behave differently depending on whether boys or girls are active to provide answers during discussions. During classroom discussion, teachers in our study reacted to boys answers with powerful, precise and effective responses, while they often gave girls mild and unclear reactions because of their silence. Too often, girls remain in the dark about the quality of their answers. Active students receiving precise feedback are more likely to achieve academically. And they are more likely to be boys. This kind of communication game is played at work, as well as at school. As reported in numerous studies, it goes like this. Men speak more often and frequently interrupt women. Listeners recall more from male speakers than from female speakers, even when both use a similar speaking style and cover the same content. Women participate less actively in conversation. They do more smiling and gazing, and they are more often the passive by standers in professional and social conversations among peers. Women often their own statements into unsure comments. This is accomplished by using qualifiers and by adding tag question. These uncertain patterns weaken impact and signal a lack of power and influence. Only when girls are active and treated equally in the classroom will they be more likely to achieve equality in the workplace. (1)What does the authors mean when they say“Education is not a bystanders sport.”? A. Both boys and girls should do more sports. B. The girl students should be the audience to


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 For many years, sales of garlic in California had been little because of the much cheaper garlic from China. This year, however, California garlic sales are rising because American government increases tariffs (关税) on Chinese products. Christopher, a garlic grower in California, is manager of his company and he said, "In a perfect world, we would love to see the tariffs on China." Tariffs on Chinese garlic rose from 10% to 25% on May 9, 2019, and the reason is that U.S President Donald Trump increased tariffs on Chinese products worth of $200 billion. Since then, Chinese buyers have almost stopped buying soybeans from the United States and American soybean farmers are now getting worried. Not everyone likes the garlic tariffs in the U.S. Last July Christopher expressed his support on Trump's policy (政策). However, officials from McCormick and Company Inc. didn't agree with the policy. McCormick's CEO, Lawrence told Reuters (路透社)that without Chinese garlic America can't go. Actually ,the trade war (贸易战) between China and America is a sign of American hegemony (霸权), and it will destroy American economy and U.S government will lose its trust from other countries in the world. (1)From the passage we infer (推理) that ________. A. America is buying garlic from China as much as before B. American soybean farmers make money as much as before C. China is still buying crops from America as much as before D. Garlic growers in California are making more money than before (2)Why is less Chinese garlic bought by America this year? A. Because enough garlic is grown in California. B. Because American government has increased tax (税收) on Chinese garlic. C. Because China is not buying soybeans from America. D. Because companies support American government. (3)What does the underlined word "it" in the last paragraph refer to? A. China B. the trade C. American hegemony D. a sign (4)How much tariff did American government increase on Chinese garlic On May 9, 2019? A. 15% B. 25% C. 10% D. 35% (5)According to the passage, who disagrees with the America policy of having tariffs on Chinese products?
