





第一部分:听力理解(Part I Listening Comprehension),共20题,考试时间为1 5分钟。

第一节:听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案,每对话仅读一遍。

1.Why is the woman still working?

A.Because she doesn't like to have a rest.

B.Because she wishes to be a boss somedaV.

C.Because her boss asks her to work late.

D.Because she has to finish her report.

2.What can be implied from this conversation?

A.Henry is not a hard-working student.

B.Henry is busy with his book report.

C.Henry iS 100king after his sick brother.

D.Henry has prepared well for the math examination.

3.When will the conversation most probably take place?

A.on the 10th. B.On the 8th. C.on the 12th. D.On the 11th.

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Wife and husband. B.Teacher and student.

C.Employer and employee. D.Policeman and driver

5.What does the man suggest they do about the notes?

A.Forget them untillater.

B.Go over them right awaV.

C.Discuss them with Professor Smith.

D.Move them away from the tea cup.


Passage 1

6.________made a lot ofpeople fall ill

A.The bad weather B.Food C.Hard work D.Water resources

7.The old woman’s home was in_________.

A.Paris B.Beijing C.north of London D.Spain 8.The Indian was ______.

A.the doctor B.the patient C.the teacher D.the student


9.The first bicycle was invented in__________.

A.1780 B.1790 C.1880 D.1890

10.________ could ride bicycle at that time

A.Onlymen B.Policemen C.Everyone D.Only women



It is 11 true that all of US need to sleep,but most people 1 2 know why and how they sleep.

We know that if we sleep well,we feel rested.And if we don’t sleep well,we often feel

tired and 13 .It seems there are two 14 of sleep,15

__________rest and emotional and psychological rest,through which we can rest our bodies and our 1 6_______.

Every night we have two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. The passive sleep gives our body the rest that’s needed and 17____ us

for active sleep, in which dreaming occurs. The brain rests, then it becomes active, hen dreaming occurs. This 18____ is repeated several times

19___ the night. During eight hours of sleep,people dream for a 20________

of one and a half hours on the average.

第二部分:用法和语法结构(Part II Vocabulary and Structure),共30题,考

试时间为20分钟。从题中所给的A, B, C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。


21.There is miserable news that very few people______ the earthquake

A.recover B.survived C.existed D.discovered 22.I asked him to________ me a few minutes SO that I could have a word with him.

A.spend B. spare C.save D share

23 _______your book.and do this work first.You may read it later.

A.Put out B.Put away C.Put up D.Put on 24.Until then did I realize that their marriage had______ because they had little in common.

A.put off B.given up C.broken down D.called off 25.Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight?

I’d loveto._____I didn’t finish my homework yet.

A.and B.so C.as D.but

26 _______you’ve got an opportunity,you should take good advantage of it.

A.Now that B.After C.Although D.As soon as 27.Many companies are seeking to exploit and develop the rich

natural_______ regions.

A.sources B.resources C.materials D.power 28.Some local companies are making great efforts to _____ with foreign companies for a share of the maret..

A.connect B.combine C compete D.compare 29.Many students will watch TV only to_____time during the summer vacation.

A.spend B.waste C.enjoy D.kill

30.We were all _________when we heard the _____ news that the rescue team found another


A.excited;excited B.exciting;exciting

C.excited;exciting D.exciting;excited

B节(Section B.语法结

31.He has so many inventions that he is really______ Edison of ____Japan. A.an;the B.an;/ C.the;the D.the;| 32.All the things ________, his proposal is of greater value than yours. A.considered B.considering C.to consider D.consider 33.Even though they _______side by side for twenty years,the two neighbors are not on good terms.

A.have been lived B.had been lived C.had been living D.have been living

34.一Does Jane still pursue her dream of becoming a movie star?

一I’m afraid not.She is said______ the stage already as she got married.

A.to have left B.to leave C.to have been left D.to be left

35 ________who she was,she said she was Mr.Johnson’s friend.

A.Asking B.Asked C.To ask D.When asking 36.The number of people invited____ fifty,but a number of them____ absent for different reasons.

A.were,was B.was,was C.was, were D.were, were 37.You_____ the difficulties after I explain the whole thing to you. A.will be seen B.will have seen C.will see D.see

38.The new policy, ______ is about the tax reduction,is to be carried out next month.

A.that B.what C.it D.which 39.Not only I but also Jane and Mary _______ worn out after having one examination after another.

A.is B.are C.am D. be

40.—By the way, when did you get your living room_______?

—Last Sunday.

A.to paint B.painted C.painting D.to be painted 41.A survey of the opinions of students_______ that they also admit several hours of sittingin front

ofthe computer______ harmful for one’s health.

A.show;are B.shows;is C.show;is D.shows;are 42.Tired _________ she was,there was no hope of her being able to sleep. A.if B.though C.even if D. unless 43.By the time your plane lands tonight,I ____ at the airport for 3 hours. A.had waited B.have been waited

C.had been waiting D.will have been waiting

44.The activity was delayed,_______was exactly_______we wanted·A.whicll。what B.which,which

C.that,what D.that,that

45.The room is in a terrible mess;it_________ cleaned.A.can’t have been B.shouldn’t have been

C.mustn’t have been D.wouldn’t have been

46.________a postgraduate,1 would at least master two foreign language.

A.Was 1 t0 becOme B.Were I to become

C.Had l become D.I should become

47.It is the third time I ________ to the Palace Museum,and I still think it is marvelous.

A.have gone B.go C.have been D.will go 48.He made the proposal that we_______ a role play at the English evening. A.have B.had C.will have D.have had 49.All ________ you can do to comfort her is to listen to her story patiently.

A.what B.that C.which D.things 50.The manager ______ a rise in salary for ages,but nothing has happened yet.

A.is promised B.is promising C.has been promising D.promised 第三部分:阅读理解( Part III Reading Comprehension)共20题,4节内容,考试时间为35分钟。

第一节:短文理解,考生可根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出最佳答誊。 There was once a young man who suffered from cancer.He was 1 8 years old and he

could die anytime. 71 He never went outside;but he was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for once.So he asked his mother and she gave him permission.

He walked down his block and found a lot of stores.He passed a CD store and saw a beauti ful girl about his age and he knew it was love at first sight.He opened the door and walked in.

She looked up and asked,”Can I help you?”

He said,“U11…Yeah…Umm…I would like to buy a CD.”

Hc picked one out and gave her money for it.

“Would you like me to wrap it for you?”she asked,smiling her cute smile.

He nodded and she went to the back.She came back with the wrapped CD and gave it to him.He took it and walked out of the store.He wcnt home and from then on,he went to that store every day and bought a CD,and she wrapped it for him.He took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her out.His mother found out about this and told him to just ask her. So the next day, he took a11 his courage and went to the store as usual.He bought a CD like he did every day and once again she went to the back of the store and came back with it wrapped. He took it and when she wasn’t looking,he left his phone number on the desk and ran out.

0ne day , the phone rang,and the mother picked it up and said,“Hello?”

It was the girl !!! The mother started to cry and said,“You don,t know? He passed away yesterday...”

Later in the day, the mother went into the boy’s room because she wanted to remember him.She thought she would start by looking at his clothes, so she opened the closet.

72 She was face to face with piles and piles of unopened CDs.She was surprised to find all these CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one. Inside,there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper,out fell a piece of paper.The mother picked it up and started to read it.It said:Hi…1 think U R really cute.Do U wanna go out with me?Love,Jocelyn.

The mother was deeply moved and opened another CD...

Again there was a piece of paper.It said:Hi…I think U R really cute.Do U wanna go out with me? Love,Jocelyn.

51.Why did the boy go to the CD store everyday and buy a CD?

A.He loved the girl. B.He loved music.

C.He loved collecting CDs. D.He was sick of staying home and wanted to go out.

52.What did the girl in the CD store feel about the boy?

A.It was not mentioned. B.She was not interested in the boy. C.Shefelt sorry for theboy. D.Shelikedthe boy.

53.Who was Jocelyn?

A.The boy. B.The girl in the store

C.The boy’s mother. D.A totle stranger

54.What did the passage try to tell us?

A.The boy was too shy to ask the girl out.

B.The boy loved music so much.

C.There was love at first sight.

D.Both the boy and the girl missed their love


Common sense would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.73 Inthe United States,elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of ohvsical activity a week.That is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association l'ecommend (推荐).They say high schools should provide about four hours of physical activity each week.Yet many schools across the country have reduced their physical education programs.Criticism of the cuts has led in some places to efforts to give students more time for exercise,not less.The future health of Americans may depend on it.Just this week,a study reported that life expectancy(预期寿命)has fallen or is no longer increasing in some parts of the United States.The situation 1s worst among poor people in the southern states.and especially women.Public health researchers say it is largely the result ofincreases in obesity(肥胖),smoking and high blood pressure.They also blame difierences in health services around the country.

In 2006,a study found that only four percent of elementary schools provided daily physical education all year for all grades.This was true of eight percent of middle schools and two percent of high schools.74 The study also found that 22 percent of a11 schools did not reauire student to take any P.E.(体育课)

Charlene Burgeson is the executive director of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.She says one problem for

P E.teachers iS that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects.Also,parents may agree that children need exercise in school.Yet many parents today still have bad memories of being chosen last for teams because teachers favored the good athletes in class.But experts say PE classes have changed.They say the goal has moved away fromcompetition and toward personal performance.as a way to build a lifetime of activity.These days,teachers often lead activities like weight training and yoga . 75 Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in PE class.Yet others surely dislike that idea.In the end, schools may find themselves in a no-win situation.

55.Why are schools recommended to give students certain time for sports?

A.Because difierent schools set up difrerent physical education programs.

B.Because the physical activity of children will influence their health in adulthood.

C.Because nowadays children spend too much time on their studies.D.Because only four percent of elementary schools provided daily physical education.

56.AIl the following factors may have caused fallen life expectancy in some parts of the United

States EXCEPT that _______.

A.more and more people are getting fat

B.an increasing number of people smoke

C.some places don’t provide adequate health services

D.a lot of people don’t take regular exercise

57.Today the goal of P E classes is to_________.

A.help all the students exercise

B.create competition among students

C.produce good athletes

D.avoid competitive sports

58.We can infer from the passage that__________.

A.parents all agree with the idea of avoiding competitive sports B.parents enjoyed their P.E. classes when they were students

C.a lot ot’attention is paid to students’academic subjects

D.a lot of schools don’t have enough P.E.teachers


Part 1

把意义相同的英汉语句匹配到一起。59.Ourpurpose is to explore the

overseas market for our product 60.Our company mainly trades in rats and crafts

61.Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.

62.We have done a lot of trade with your company for the past five years. A我们公司主要经营手工艺品。




Part 2

63.We should develop our city’s economy jnto a pattern of its own feature with tourism as its stage and economy and trade as actors.64.We shall encourage the running of school by nongovernmental sectors so as to bring the initiative of all quarters into play.

65.We will firmly jmprove sociaI security and rectify the polluted and disorderly environment in an effort to build more civilized towns and cities.

66.We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the open-up policy.This is a pass we must go through.A.我们要坚决改善社会治安,治理脏乱环境,创建更多的文明城镇。







Vitamins are important to our health.Difierent vitamins are found in difierent foods.grains.vegetables and fruits,fish and meat,eggs and milk products.So which foods should

be eaten to get enough of the vitamins our bodies need?Let us look at some important vitamins for the answer.

Vitamin A helps prevent skin and other tissues from becoming dry.People who do not get enough Vitamin A cannot see well in darkness.They may develop a condition that dries the eyes.This can result in infections

and lead to blindness.Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil.It

is also in the yellow part of eggs.Sweet potatoes.carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into Vitamin A.

Vitamin B is also called thiamine(硫胶).Thiamine changes starchy foods jnto energy.It also helps the heart and nervous system work smoothly.Without it.we would be weak and would not grow.We also might develop beriberi(脚气病).Thiamine is found not iust in whole grains like brown rice.but also jn other foods.These include beans and peas.nuts.and meat and fish.

Vitamin C is needed for strong bones and teeth.and for healthy blood passages.It also helps wounds heal quickly.The body stores little Vitamin C.So we must get it every day in foods such as citrus fruits,tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.

Vitamin D increases levels of the element calcium(铲')in the blood.Calcium is needed for nerve and muscle cells to work normally.It is also needed to build strong bones.VitaminD prevents the children’s bone disease rickets(佝偻痫).Ultraviolet light from the sun changes a substance in the skin into vitamin D Fish liver oil also contains vitamin D.In some countries.milk producers add vitamin D to milk so children will get enough.

Vitamin K is needed for healthy blood.It thickens the blood around a cut to stop bleeding.Bacteria in the intestines f肠道)normally produce vitamin K.It can also be found in pork products.1iver and in vegetables like cabbage.kale and spinach.

67.Lack of Vitamin A will lead to __________ .

A.night blindness B.heart disease C.beriberi D.rickets 68.________is able to change rice and wheat into energy

A.Vitamin C B.Vitamin K C.pork products D.Vitamin BI

69.Every day we must eat certain______ to get Vitamin C.

A.meat and fish B.rice and milk C.fruit and vegetables D.eggs and bones

70.It can be inferred from the passage that_________.

A.vitamins are sometimes not necessary to our health

B.it is important to eat a mixture offoods every day

C.one food only contains one vitamin

D.fruits contain more vitamins than vegetables


第四部分:翻译(Part IV Translation),共10题,考试时间为20分钟

A节(Section A.英译汉,5题,要求将阅读理解材料中5个画线句子译成汉语。71.He never went outside;but he was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for once.

72.She was surprised to find all these CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one

73.In the United States,elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and

a half hours of physical activity a week.

74.The study also found that 22 percent of all schools did not require students to take any PE.


75.Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in PE class.

B节(Section B)汉译英,5题,要求将下列5个句子译成英语。


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________

第五部分:写作(Part V Writing),考试时间为30分钟。要求如下:随着互联网的迅速发展及其对人类生活产生的巨大影响,越来越多的人喜欢在网上购物。对此现象,人们持有不同的态度。请以Shpping Online为题,根据表格内容



赞成l便捷 2.选择范围广 3.价格便宜反对1.存在假货 2.存在支付风险


参考词汇:convenient方便;fake products假货

Shopping Online





Part I Listening Comprehension

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.really 12.hardly 13.unhappy 14.Kinds 15.body 16.brains 17.Provides

18.sheep 19.During 20.period

Part II Vocabulary and structure

A节(section A.

21.【答案解析】B。本题考查动词词义辨析。考生要注意到及物动词与不及物动词用法上的差异。A项是“恢复”,为不及物动词,常与from连用;B项是“存在”,既是及物动词也是不及物动词;C 项exist 是不及物动词,后面不跟宾语。D项是“发现”。句意:有悲惨的消息称在地震中只有很少的人幸存了下来。

22.【答案解析】B。本题考查近义词辨析。A项spend意为“花费某人……时间或金钱”,后面要直接跟时间或金钱;B项spare意为“匀给某人某些时间”;C项save money/time 意为“节省时间或金钱”;D项share 意为“与……分享”。句意:我让他匀给我几分钟以便我和他说句话。

23.【答案解析】B。本题考查动词短语搭配。A项put out意为“生产,产出”; B项put away意为“收拾好;放置一边”。C项put up意为“搭起,搭建”;D项 put on意为“戴上;呈现”。句意:吧书收起来,先做这项工作。你可以以后再读这本书。

24.【答案解析】D。本题考查动词短语的辨析。A项put off意为“推迟”;B项give up 意为“放弃”;C项break down意为“出故障”;D项call off意为“取消”。句意:直到那时我才认识到他们的婚礼被取消,因为他们没有共同之处。



26.【答案解析】A。本题考查上下文的逻辑关系。A项now that表对话双方都知道的

原因,意为“既然”;B项after 表时间关系,意为“在……之后”;C项although表让步

关系,意为“尽管….”;D项as soon as表时间关系,意为“一…就…”。句意:既然你获得了机会,就得好好地利用它。

27.【答案解析】B。本题考查近义词辨析。A项sources意为“来源”;B项resources 意为“资源”;C项materials意为“物质,材料”,D项power 意为“能源,力量”。句意:许多公司正在努力开发西部地区的丰富自然资源。

28.【答案解析】C。本题考查近形词辨析。A项connect意为“连接,联合”;B项combine 意为“联合、结合、合并”;C项compete意为“比赛,竞争”;D项compare意为“比较”。句意:许多本地的公司为了谋得一份市场份额,正竭力地与国外的公司竞争。

29.【答案解析】D。本题考查近义动词辨析。A项spend意为“花费”;B项waste意为“浪费”;C项enjoy意为“享用”;D项kill time意为“消磨时间”。句意:许多学生会在暑假看电视只为消磨时问。


B节(section B.




34.【答案解析】A。本题考查不定式之完成形式的用法,本题中动词不定式to have left the stage作主语she的补足语。句中‘‘to leave’’表示的动作发生在”got marriied”之前,要求用不定式之完成形式来表达。句意:——珍妮依然还在为她的电影明星梦而奋斗吗?——恐怕没有吧,据说她结婚后就离开了舞台。

35.【答案解析】B。本题考查非谓语动词的用法。非谓语动词短语用作时间状语(=when she is asked…),-ed 形式与主语she是被动关系。本题的答案也可以是When asked形式(在时间状语从句中,如果从句的主语与主句的主语一致的时候,从句的主语和系动词可以省略)。句意:当被问及到是谁时,她说她是约翰逊的朋友。

36.【答案解析】C。本题考查主谓一致。前一个分句主语部分的中心词是"the number'’,是单数名词,要用到单数谓语;而后一个分句主语部分的a number of是“许多的”含义,中心词是其后的复数名词,要用到复数谓语。句意:被邀的人们的数量是五十人,但他们中的很多人由于各种原因缺席了。



39.【答案解析】B。本题考查主谓一致。根据近邻原则,not only A but also B这一对等结构处于主语位置时,谓语动词的数形由B的数形决定。在本题中,和be动词邻近的是‘'Jane and Mary’,所以动词应用其复数形式。句意:一场考试接着一场考试后,不光是我,就是珍妮和玛丽都累坏了。

40.【答案解析】B。本题考查动词的使役用法。该用法为"have sth.done"和"get sth.done'’,动词词义为“使……”。sth.与done是被动关系。句意:——顺便问一下,你什么时候粉刷了你的卧室?——上个星期天。

41.【答案解析】B。本题考查主谓一致。本题考查到两处主谓一致的使用,前面空格出的主语的中心词是a survey of,所以其谓语是单数形式;后面空格出的主语是several hours sitting in front of the computer,其谓语动词是单数形式。句意:对学生的一项民意调查表明,这些学生也承认在电脑前一坐几个小时对于其健康是有害的。

42.【答案解析】B。本题考查倒装的让步状语从句的使用方法。形容词,副词,动词原形,不加冠词的单数名词+ as/though+句子其它成分,构成倒装的让步状语从句,其正常语序为’Though she was tired,…。句意:尽管她很累,但是却不能入睡。



45.【答案解析】C。本题考查情态动词完成式表过去推测的用法。must(not)have done 表示对过去发生的情况做出的肯定的推测。句意:这个屋子乱成一团糟,它一定没有被打扫过。

46.【答案解析】B。本题考查虚拟语气的倒装和省略用法。此处为虚拟语气用于将来情况的用法。此时if从句用(If I)’were to do sth.或(If I)should do sth.,为了强调可以用其倒装结构,且省略if。倒装省略句为Were I to become或should I do等。句意:如果我要成为一名研究生,至少需要掌握两门外语。

47.【答案解析】C。本题考查It is the(first, second)third time that…结构用法。该结构中that从句要用现在完成时。另外考查have been to和have gone to的区别。句意:这是我第三次到故宫了,我依然认为它可叹为观止。


49.【答案解析】B。本题考查定语从句。先行词为不定代词时,引导词要用“that'’,且在从句中作宾语,可以省略(此时All that you can do…=What you can do…)。句意:你可做的能安慰她的事,就是耐心地听她的故事。


Part III Reading Comprehension(1)






59.C 60.A 61.D 62.B 63.C 64.D 65.A 66.B


67.A。细节题。 68.D。细节题。69.C。细节题。70.B。主旨题。


Part IV Translation

Section A






Section B

76.Dealing with these problems totally depends on experiences.

77.Could you please help me to book a room in a four-star hotel in New York? 78.There have been a 10-year trade relationship between us two countries. 79.The whole set of equipment can be fixed within several hours.

80.Now, our experiment has come to the last and the most important stage.

Part V Writing

Shopping Online

Nowadays, with the development of information technology and frequent use of computers , more and more people like shopping online . Shopping online has become increasingly popular for some people. Different people have different opinions on it.

Some people think shopping online is very convenient and time-saving. They need not go out to buy and they can pay by e-bank.

However, some other people dislike shopping online because they think it is dangerous to buy online . Though the price maybe lower, the quality of the goods maybe poorer. Sometimes they maybe cheated online.

As far as I’m concerned, I think every coin has two sides, and we should make full use of the convenience of shopping online and be careful enough


历年真题:湖北专升本英语试卷 2007年09月01日星期六 7:00 A.M. Part Ⅰ . Structure (1 point×20=20 points) Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences .You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4choices marked A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. This year the factory turned ____twice as many bicycles as it did last year. A. down B. off C. to D. out 2. The taxi is _____in this little town, but most people seem to prefer the bus. A. valuable B. available C. acceptable D. considerable 3.____had professor Smirh finished his report when stormy applause broke out. A. scarcely B. no sooner C. Never D. Seldom 4. We don't agree with his view ____there is no advantage in introducing the new method. A. which B. that C. what D. when 5. The noise around was terrible, but they had to ____it A. put up with B. keep up with C. come up with D. catch up with 6. He prefers to read books ____watch TV. A. other than B. better than C. rather than D. more than 7. I'm pleased with ____ you have told me. A. that B. all that C. all what D. which 8. The prices of the products have been ____ steadily in the past few years. A. risen B. raised C. arisen D. aroused 9.There isn’t ____ good news in today's newspaper. A. many B. much C. little D. a few 10. When ____ ,the novel will become one of the best-sellers of the year. A.publishing B. being published C. have published D. published Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each black with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the ANSWER SHEET. 11. The France have put forward a (propose) ___________ for a joint project. 12. Without a protection program, experts feat that lowland forests are likely (vanish) _________ within five years. 13. Many a man ____________ (think) life is meaningless without a purpose.


专升本英语阅读理解50 篇 (1) One sho u ld be moderate(适度)in a ll things. Moderation i s a l ways the safes t way to do t h ing s and a v irtu e(品质)we shou ld have. Let's take th e stodcnt Ii fe for exam pl e. The re arc some students who s tu dy too hard a nd play 100 little, while there are o th ers who play too mu c h and study too linle. On o n e hand, it is harm fu l 10 his heallh i f h c ha s too few exercises, and on the o th e r hand, i t is harmful 10 h is mind if h c pl ays t oo mu c h. In th e matter of eating, one a l so shou l d be m odera t e. Do not eat 100 much or 100 li ule. Too much eat in g wi ll m ake you s ick, whi l e 100 litt le eating will make yo u weak T h e man of progrcss i s h e who neithcr has I OO h ig,h an opin i on of h imse lf nor Ihin ks lOO poorly of h imse lf. l f a man thinks 100 hig h ly of h imse l f, he is sure 10 become very pro ud, but ifhe has 100 poor an o pini on of h i m self, h e w ill ha ve no courage 10 make an adva n ce. Bo 由lh c cond 山ons above wi ll make you l ose your advancing a im. A broad m i nded man i s he w h o a l ways moves with in the o rbit (轨道)of rca onab l cness. W h c1hcr in any aetivilies in life, moderation i s one of the be t ways 10enjoy re a l happin css. I . ''Someone c modcra1e" mea n s A.he wa l ks neither 100 fast nor 100 s l owly B.h e hasgood characters and good ways to do things C. h e i s not on l y safe bu1 a l so successful D. he i s e i1h crt a ll o r shor l 2.T h e ,vriter s u gge 1s that a st u dcn l shou l d A, have much more time to st ud y 1han10 play B.spend m ost of 1h c time playing difleren1 games C.on l y study hard w i t h o ut any 1irne to play D.correct l y arrange (安排)h i s time for study and play 3. Modcra1c eating m eans A.eating as much food as o n e ca n if 1he food i s 1a t y B.eating food ri ch of fa1 C.eati n g a proper amounl of food D.eating either too much or 100 l i1t l e 4 , If one want to be br oad-minded. he must A.believe in himself B.be full of co u r age C.enjoy rea l happine s D, do every1h ing that i s reasonable 答案:B D C D (2) Daniel Boone was born in the U n i ted States in 1734. He didn't go to schoo l a nd cou l dn't r ead, a lth ough h e l earned a ll about th e fo r csl , streams and hunting. He could move sile nt ly lik e an Indian l eaving no marks. He l oved to li ve alone in th e woods where nothing frightened him When he grew up, he married an d tri ed t o 沁ide down o n a farm. A year la t er, however, h e wasn't sa ti sfie d a nd decided t o go i nt o the unknown western land s, crossing the Appalachian Mou nt ai n s. Whe n he returned a 仆er l\vo years, hebecame famous for h is lo n g journey. He brought va lu ab l e an im a l sk in s and t o ld stories about the Indians. After thi s, he cho沁10 keep travelling to unknown places. Once he lost t o the Indians in batt le and was taken away. T h e Indian. li ked him and bec"1me his frie n岱 Daniel Boone died a t the age of86.He i s remembered as a n ex p lo r c(-r探险者)a nd a p i o n eer who lived an exciting li fe in the early years of American nation I . Daniel Boone's ea-rly li fe was mainly s p en t i n A. l earn ing about nature 8. hunting wi th his friends


用法和语法结构(Part II Vocabulary and Structure),共30题,考试时间为20分钟。从题中所给的A, B, C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A节(Sectiona)词语用法 21.There is miserable news that very few people______ the earthquake A.recover B.survived C.existed D.discovered 22.I asked him to________ me a few minutes SO that I could have a word with him. A.spend B. spare C.save D share 23 _______your book.and do this work first.You may read it later. A.Put out B.Put away C.Put up D.Put on 24.Until then did I realize that their marriage had______ because they had little in common. A.put off B.given up C.broken down D.called off 25.Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight? I’d loveto._____I didn’t finish my homework yet. A.and B.so C.as D.but 26 _______you’ve got an opportunity,you should take good advantage of it. A.Now that B.After C.Although D.As soon as 27.Many companies are seeking to exploit and develop the rich natural_______ regions. A.sources B.resources C.materials D.power 28.Some local companies are making great efforts to _____ with foreign companies for a share of the maret.. A.connect B.combine C compete D.compare 29.Many students will watch TV only to_____time during the summer vacation. A.spend B.waste C.enjoy D.kill 30.We were all _________when we heard the _____ news that the rescue team found another survivor. A.excited;excited B.exciting;exciting C.excited;exciting D.exciting;excited B节(Section B.语法结 31.He has so many inventions that he is really______ Edison of ____Japan. A.an;the B.an;/ C.the;the D.the;| 32.All the things ________, his proposal is of greater value than yours. A.considered B.considering C.to consider D.consider 33.Even though they _______side by side for twenty years,the two neighbors


2018年北京高职升本科招生统一考试 英语试卷 本试卷共8页,共100分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or works from the 4 choices marked A.,B.,C. and D. then you should write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 1. —All the streets are wet. —Yes, didn’t you know? _______ for 20 minutes. A. It’s raining B. It’s been raining C. It was raining D. It had rained 2. Here’s your money—if I were you, I__________ it in the bank right now. A. put B. have put C. would put D. should have put 3. ________in 1896, Thomson School is proud of its excellent reputation. A. Establish B. Establishing C. Established D. To establish 4. I believe his design is ________, for it’s completely different from others ’. A. common B. original C. practical D. reliable 5. Being curious, working hard, and believing in____________ was true made Jenny a success. A. what B. that C. which D. whether 6. The painters say that _________ the downstairs rooms by Wednesday afternoon. A. They’ll finish B. they’ve finished C. they’re going to finish D. they’ll have finished 7. I am sick of all the quarreling among politicians who____________ be concentrating on vital issues. A. could B. must C. might D. should 8. The new law will have a great effect___________ the lives of most people. A. about B. in C. on D. of 9. More and more people are coming to appreciate the contribution______________ these talents make to our society. A. which B. where C. when D. whom 10. If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into__________ . A. others B. another C. the other D. one another 11. The expression on her face suggested that she_____________ glad to go shopping with me. A. was B. is C. will be D. should be 12. Weather_________ , we will go boating this afternoon. A. to permit B. permit C. permitted D. permitting 13. All parents worry about_____ their children are getting enough of the right foods. A. how B. when C. whether D. where 14.The quickest way was to use the car. It was a risk_____________ he decided it had to be taken. A. and B. but C. for D. or 15.We are said__________ in the Digital Age. A. living B. lived C. to have lived D. to be living


参考答案: Part I. Word Formation(10points) 1.pressure 2.leisurely 3.strengthen 4.helplessly 5.enriched https://www.360docs.net/doc/8212507507.html,petitive 7.expasion 8.society 9.willing 10.poverty Part II V ocabulary and Structure(40points) 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.A 21.D 22.C 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.B 27.C

28.B 29.A 30.D 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.D 35.B 36.B 37.D 38.B 39.A 40.C 41.D 42.D 43.A 44.A 45.B 46.C 47.C 48.B 49.D 50.C Part III Reading Comprehension (40points) 51.D 52.A 53.A 54.C 55.D 56.A 57.C 58.D 59.C 60.D 61.D 62.B 63.D 64.A 65.A 66.B 67.D 68.C 69.B 70.D Part IV Cloze(20points) 71.B 72.B 73.A 74.C 75.D 76.A 77.D 78.C 79.C 80.A 81.A 82.B 83.C 84.D 85.D 86.A 87.A 88.C 89.B 90.B PartV Translation.(20points) Section A 91.He has devoted himself to his work. 92.One day, while scanning books, Susan was attracted by a true story. 93.It is not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away. 94.The neighbors can’t bear the way he talks to his old father. 95.Although he isn’t rich himself, Uncle Li never hestitates to help others in need. Section B 96.无论我们是否愿意,我们生活的世界在过去一百年间已 经变化了许多。 97.我们的房间钥匙系在一块标有房门号的大塑料板上。 98.当我看到这些我曾经熟悉的环境时,我想起了我孩提时


2009年陕西省高校在校生专升本英语考试试题 注意事项: 1.本卷满分为150分。考试时间为150分钟。 2.本卷分试卷I和试卷II,均用钢笔或圆珠笔答卷。第I卷为客观题,考生必须把答案用大写字母写在答题纸上;第II卷为主观题,考生直接把答案写在试卷上。 3.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 试卷I I. V ocabulary and structure (40%) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. _________a solution to the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our efforts together. A. To work out B. Working out C. Work out D. Being worked out 2. Smith regretted _________ to the meeting yesterday. A. not going B. Working out C. not to going D. not to be going 3. A professor, along with some students, _________ now working in the new laboratory. A. is B. were C. are D. was 4. Just as I was leaving the house, it occurred ________me that I had forgotten my keys. A. on B. in C. at D. to 5. Do you have any idea why he _________? A. is looked sad B. is looking sad C. looks sadly D. looks sad 6. My children are looking forward to ________a trip to Beijing next month. A. make B. making C. be making D. have made 7. Numerous studied have shown that ________the teacher’s expectation, the greater the achievement of the student. A. the higher B. the highest C. as high D. the high 8. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have _______one this month. A. other B. more C. the other D. another 9. Why not _______to professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field. A. go B. your going C. to go D. you go 10. Only after the students have mastered the rules of pronunciation________. A. can they memorize words more easily B. when can they memorize words more easily C. then they can memorize words more easily D when they can memorize words more easily 11._______formal occasions, you should tale about some world issues or social problems, not


2007年成人高考专升本英语考试真题及参考答案 一、Phonetics (5 points)?Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and https://www.360docs.net/doc/8212507507.html,pare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ. 第1题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。 A.consume B.contain C.confess D.concept 参考答案:D 第2题单选请选出读音不同的选项。 A. magnet B.digital C.signature D.angry 参考答案:B 第3题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。 A.though B.thorough C.through D.thought 参考答案:A 第4题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。 A.explain

B.extent C.exhausted D.expand 参考答案:C 第5题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。 A.needed B.trained C.borrowed D.deserved 参考答案:A 二、Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)?Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ. 第6题单选 Grandma told the story in a very sad ____ and we were all moved. A.tune B.tongue C.ton D.tone 参考答案:D 第7题单选 The guide is ____ a line of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his torch. A.concluding B.containing C.conducting D.conquering 参考答案:C


[专升本类试卷]河北专接本英语(阅读理解)模拟试卷7 0 Long before recorded history, our ancestors were bathing for pleasure and health. The earliest records often mention the use of rivers for bathing. And the Hindus have believed for centuries that the Ganges River has the power to clean the soul, as well as the body. Several thousand years ago, the inhabitants of the island of Crete built baths with running water. The early Jews took ceremonial baths on certain occasions, making use of oils and ointments(油膏). The Jews also had a custom of bathing the feet of all strangers that came within their gates. This friendly custom is still practised in parts of Palestine. Swimming was popular among the Greeks of ancient time. By the third century before Christ, almost every Greek city of a certain size had at least one public bath. The wealthy classes had private baths and pools, some of which were beautifully decorated. Many of the public baths that the Romans built utilized natural mineral springs. Since most of these springs were naturally warm the Romans took advantage of this free hot water. By the time of the Roman Emperors, these baths were often housed in large, marble(大理石) buildings. The baths built by the Emperor Caracalla, in the center of Rome, covered about one square mile and could hold sixteen thousand people. 1 The earliest bathing place was probably_____. (A)the river (B)the Nile (C)the Ganges (D)the River Jordan 2 According to the passage, today, some parts of Palestine also have the custom of_____. (A)bathing in public baths (B)bathing for pleasure


2007年度山东省普通高等教育专升本考试英语试题 16. Would you please lend me your bike? Mine is not ________. A. good enough B. very good enough C. enough good D. good one 17. Without air, the candle will ________. A. go off B. go through C. go over D. go out 18. One of the most important problems is how to ________ students interests in learning English. A. raise B. arouse C. rise D. arise 19. When we face difficulties in our English learning, we will never ________. A. give away B. give off C. give in D. give out 20. Tony as well as his brothers and sisters ________ from America. A. is B. are C. have been D. were 21.Tomorrow I'm leaving for New York and I'll stay there for ________. A. sometimes B. some times C. sometime D. some time 22. How much did you ________ on this new car? A. cost B. spend C. pay D. take 23. When the police broke into the house, they found the old man ________ dead on the floor. A. lying B. laid C. lain D. laying 24. I'm not good at math. This problem is quite ________me. A. against B. beyond C. over D. above 25. ________ your coming to see me, I would have been very lonely. A. Owing to B. Thanks to C. But for D. On account of 26. That is a hot tourist line. You should book the tickets ________. A. in advance B. in return C. in turn D. in schedule 27. We are quite ________ to our parents and our teacher. A. respectful B. respectable C. respective D. respected 28. "Shall I help you with the washing up?" "Don't ________. I'll do it later. " A. care B. bother C. trouble D. disturb 29. Those who felt like ________ the story again came over and added themselves to the audience. A. being heard B. to be heard C. to hear D. hearing 30. Mary told me that Father would ________ later this year. A. get the hut to be repaired B. have the hut be repaired C. get the hut being repaired D. have the hut repaired 31. I can hardly hear what he's saying, and ________, A. nor can all these other people B. so can hardly all these other people C. so can all these other people D. nor all these other people can 32. ________ what you intended, I should not have wasted my time trying to explain matters to you. A. Had realized I B. Realized had I C. Had I realized D. I had realized 33. I prefer clothes which are made out of natural materials ________ cotton and wool. A. as B. just as C. like D. just like 34. It was his doctor who advised that he ________ a holiday away from the city. A. have B. had C. had D. would have 35. I don't think ________necessary for Julie to make such a fuss about that sort of thing. A. her B. that C. it D. this Task 1


大学英语阅读理解辅导资料:(共45题) Passage 1 The Antarctic is actually a desert. It is the only continent on the earth without a river or a lake. The Antarctic is all ice all year round. The warmest temperature ever recorded there is zero, at the South Pole. Explorers used to think that a place so cold would have a heavy snowfall. But less than ten inches of snow falls each year. That is less than half an inch of water. Ten times that much moisture falls in parts of the Sahara. The little snow that falls in Antarctica never melts. It continues to pile up deeper and deeper year after year. When the snow gets to be about eighty feet deep it is turned to ice by the weight of the snow above it. 1. Antarctica is called a desert because it ________. A. is sandy B. has the same temperature as a desert C. has little moisture and no lakes or rivers D. All of the above 2. The Antarctic has ________. A. ten times as much moisture as the Sahara B. the same amount of moisture as the Sahara C. about one-tenth the moisture of the Sahara D. None of these. 3. The temperature in the Antarctic is ________. A. always above zero B. always below zero C. never recorded D. Both B and C 4. The snow in Antarctica is very deep because it ________. A. never stops falling B. piles up year after year C. never melts D. Both B and C 5. The snow turns to ice when ________. A. it gets wet B. the temperature gets colder C. the next snowfall comes D. the snow above it is heavy enough 答案:CDBDD Passage 2 Astronomers ( 宇航员) can tell just how hot the surface of the moon gets. The side of the moon toward the sun gets two degrees hotter than boiling water. The night side reaches 243 degrees below zero. In a lunar eclipse (月食) the earth's shadow falls on the moon. Then the moon's temperature may drop 300 degrees in a very short time. A temperature change like this cannot happen on the earth. Why does it happen on the moon? Astronomers know that the surface of the moon is dust. On the earth, rocks store heat from the sun. When the sun goes down, the rocks stay warm. But the dust of the moon cannot store heat. So when the moon gets dark, the heat escapes quickly. The moon gets very cold.
