

超声成像 ultrasonic imaging

实时成像 real-time imaging

灰阶显示 gray scale display

彩阶显示 color scale display

经颅多普勒 transcranial doppler

彩色多普勒血流显像 color doppler flow imaging

彩色血流造影 color flow angiography

彩色多普勒能量图color doppler energy

彩色能量图color power angio

超声内镜ultrasound endoscope

超声导管ultrasound catheter

血管内超声 intravascular ultrasound

血管内超声显像 intravascular ultrasonic imaging

管腔内超声显像 intraluminal ultrasonic imaging

腔内超声显像 endoluminal sonography

心内超声显像 intracardiac ultrasonic imaging

内镜超声扫描 endoscopic ultrasonography

内镜超声技术 endosonography

膀胱镜超声技术 cystosonography

阴道镜超声技术 vaginosonography

经阴道彩色多普勒显像transvaginal color doppler imaging 经直肠超声扫描 transrectal ultrasonography

直肠镜超声(技术) rectosonography

经尿道扫查 transurethral scanning

介入性超声 interventional ultrasound

术中超声监视 intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring

超声引导经皮肝穿刺胆管造影 ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography

超声引导经皮穿刺注射乙醇 US guided percutaneous alcohol injection

超声引导经皮胆囊胆汁引流 US guided percutaneous gallbladder bile drainage

超声引导经皮抽吸US guided percutaneous aspiration

超声引导胎儿组织活检US guided fetal tissue biopsy

超声引导经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影 US guided percutaneous transhepatic portography

三维显示 three dimensional display

三维图像重建 3D image reconstruction

组织特性成像 tissue specific imaging

动态成像 dynamic imaging

数字成像 digital image

血管显像 angiography

声像图法 echography sonography

声像图 sonogram echogram

多用途探头 multipurpose scanner

宽频带探头 wide-band probe

环阵相控探头 phased annular array probe

术中探头 intraoperative porbe

穿刺探头 ultrasound guided probe

食管探头 transesophagel probe

经食管超声心动图探头transesophagel echocardiography probe 阴道探头 transvaginal probe

直肠探头 transrectal probe

尿道探头 transurethral probe

膀胱探头 intervesical probe

腔内探头 intracavitary probe

内腔探头 endo-probe

导管超声探头 catheter-based US probe

扫描方式 scan mode

线阵 linear array

凸阵 convex array

扇扫 sector scanning

传感器 sensor

换能器 transducer

放大器 amplifier

阻尼器 buffer

解调器、检波器 demodulator

触发器 trigger

零位调整 zero adjustment

定标、校正 calibration

快速时间常数电路 fast time constant

自动增益控制 automatic gain control

深度增益补偿 depth gain compensation

时间增益补偿 time gain compensation

对数压缩 logarithmic compression

灵敏度时间控制 sensitivity time control 动态范围 dynamic range

消除 erase, eliminate

变换 shift

倒置、反转 invert

消除 clear

注释 annotation

放大 magnification , magnify , zoom

写入 write

记录 record

聚焦 focus

帧率 frame rate

冻结 freeze

字符 character

抑制 rejection, reject , suppression

增益 gain

帧相关 frame correlation

回放 rendering , play back

彩色极性 color polarity

彩色边界 color edge

彩色增强 color enhance

菜单选择 menu selection

彩色余辉 color persistence

彩色捕获 color capture

彩色壁滤波 color wall filter

彩色速度显像 color velocity imaging

彩色转向 color steering

彩色消除 color cut

彩色锁定 color lock

成像数据 imaging data

预设置 preset

前处理 pre process

后处理 post process

重调、复原 reset

动态频率扫描 dynamic frequency scanning 焦距 focal distance

动态聚焦 dynamic focusing

滑动聚焦 sliging focusing

区域聚焦 zone focusing

连续聚焦 sequential focusing

电子聚焦 electric focusing

分段聚焦 segment focusing

多段聚焦 multistage focusing

全场连续聚焦 confocusing

图像均匀性 image uniformity

运动辨别力 motion discrimination

穿透深度 penetration depth

空间分辨力 spatial resolution

瞬时分辨力 temporal resolution

帧分辨力 frame resolution

图像线分辨力 image-line resolution

对比分辨力 contrast resolution

细节分辨力 detail resolution

多普勒取样容积 doppler sample volume

多普勒流速分布分辨力 doppler flow-velocity distributive resolution 多普勒流向分辨力 doppler flow-direction resolution

多普勒最低流速分辨力 doppler minimum flow-velocity resolution

彩色多普勒空间分辨力 spatial resolution of color doppler

彩色多普勒时间分辨力 time resolution of color doppler

彩色多普勒最低流速分辨力 minimum flow-velocity of color doppler

彩色多普勒强度 color doppler level

彩色多普勒处理功能板 CFM processing board

彩色视频监视器 color video monitor


1 颅脑

大脑 cerebrum 大脑纵裂 longitudinal cerebral fissure 大脑皮质 cerebral cortex 大脑镰 falx cerebri 大脑导水管,中脑水管 cerebral aqueduct 中脑midbrain, mesencephalon 小脑 cerebellum 小脑幕 tentorium cerebelli 丘脑,视丘 thalmus 延髓 medulla oblongata 侧脑室 lateral ventricle 第三脑室 third ventricle 第四脑室 fourth ventricle 第五脑室 fifth ventricle 脑桥,桥脑 pons 脑干 brain stem 间脑 diencephalon 中间块intermidiate mass 尾状核 caudate nucleus 脉络丛 choroid plexus 胼胝体corpus callosum 脑岛,岛叶 insula 大脑脚 cerebral peduncles 大脑外侧沟(窝、裂) lateral sulcus , sylvius fissure 穹窿 fornix 透明隔 septum pellucidum 透明隔腔 cavity of septum pellucidum 额叶 frontal lobe 顶叶parietal lobe 枕叶 occipital lobe 颞叶 temporale lobe 缘叶 limbic lobe 大脑动脉环 Willi's artery circle 大脑前动脉 anterior cerebral artery 大脑中动脉 middle cerebral artery 大脑后动脉 posterior cerebral artery 基底动脉 basilar artery 前交通支(动脉) anterior communicating branch 后交通支(动脉) posterior communicating branch 颅前窝,凹 anterior cranial fossa 颅中窝,凹 middle cranial fossa 颅后窝,凹 posterior cranial fossa

2 眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸肺

眼球 optic bulb ,eyeball 角膜 cornea 前房 anterior chamber 虹膜 iris 睫状体 ciliary body 视网膜 retina 脉络膜 choroid 巩膜 sclera 房水aqueous humour 玻璃体 vitreous 玻璃体膜 hyaloid membrae 晶状体 lens (眼)直肌 recti muscles 视神经 optic nerve 眶上动脉 supraorbital artery 眼动脉 ophthalmic artery 视网膜中央动脉 central retinal artery 睫状后长(短)动脉posterior long (short) ciliary artery 泪腺动脉lacrimal gland artery 滑车上动脉 supratrochlear artery 眼静脉ophthalmic vein 眶上静脉 suprorbital vein 滑车上静脉 supratrochlear vein 视网膜中央静脉 central retinal vein 涡状静脉 vorticose veins 眼眶orbit 结膜 conjunctiva 唾液腺、涎腺 salivary gland 腮腺 parotid (gland) 颌下腺 submaxillary gland 舌下腺 sublingual gland 甲状腺 thyroid (gland ) 甲状旁腺 parathyroid (gland ) 上颌窦 maxillary sinus 气管trachea 食管 esophagus 乳腺 breast, mammary gland 额 front 枕 occiput 颞 temples

颊 cheek 胸廓、胸腔 thorax, thorax cavity 肋骨 ribs, costae 肋软骨costal cartilages 胸骨 sternum 乳腺组织 breast tissue 悬韧带suspensory ligament, Copper's ligament 乳腺后组织 retromammary tissue 横膈 diaphragm 颈总动脉 common carotid artery 颈外动脉 external carotid artery 颈内动脉 internal carotid artery 椎动脉 vertebral artery 无名动脉 innominate artery 颈内静脉 internal jugular vein 甲状腺上动脉superior thyroid artery 乳房内动脉 internal mammary artery

3 腹部血管、周围血管

腹主动脉 abdominal aorta 腹腔动脉 celiac artery 肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric artery 肝总动脉common hepatic artery 肝动脉 hepatic artery 胃左动脉 left gastric artery 胃十二指肠动脉 gastroduodenal artery 脾动脉 splenic artery 肾动脉 renal artery 卵巢动脉 ovarian artery 髂总动脉 common iliac artery 髂内动脉 internal iliac artery 髂外动脉 external iliac artery 锁骨下动脉subclavian artery 椎动脉 vertebral artery 乳房内动脉 internal mammary artery 颈内静脉 internal jugular vein 颈外静脉 external jugular vein 腋静脉 axillary vein 奇静脉 azygos vein 大隐静脉 great saphenous vein 下腔静脉 inferior vena cava 门静脉 portal vein 肠系膜上静脉 superior mesenteric vein 肝静脉 hepatic vein 肾静脉 renal vein 腰静脉 lumbar vein 精索静脉 spermatic vein 肾弓形动脉 renal arcuate arteries 股动脉femoral artery 肱动脉 humeral artery 桡动脉 radial artery尺动脉ulnar artery 面动脉 facial artery 锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery 颈浅动脉superficial cervical artery 颞浅动脉 superficial temporal artery

4 肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿男生殖

肝左叶left liver lobe(LL) 肝右叶right liver lobe(RL) 尾状叶 caudate lobe(CL) 方叶 quadrate lobe(QL) 附垂叶Riedel's lobe 胆囊

gallbladder(GB) 胆囊管 cystic duct(CD) 肝管 hepatic duct(HD) 胆总管common bile duct (CBD) 肝门 porta hepatis 胆囊窝 gallbladder forssa 肝圆韧带 hepatoumbilical ligament, round ligament 肝镰状韧带 falciform ligament 肝静脉韧带 venose ligament 胆管、胆道 bile duct(BD) 螺旋状瓣spiral valve 肝总管 common hepatic duct 肝外胆管 extrahepatic duct 乏特壶腹 Vater's ampulla 胰腺 pancreas 胰管 pancreatic duct , Wirsung's duct 副胰管 Santorini duct 胰头 head of pancreas 胰颈 neck of pancreas 胰体 body of pancreas 胰尾 tail of pancreas 钩突 uncinate process 脾spleen 脾门 splenic hilum 肾周脂肪 perinephrit fat 集合系统 collective system 肾 kedney 肾盂 renal calyes 锥体 pyramids 肾柱 renal colums 肾上腺 adrenal gland 输尿管 ureters, ureteral , uretero 膀胱 urinary bladder , bladder 尿道 urethra 睾丸 testis 附睾 epididymis 鞘膜 tunica vagialis, vagina tunic 白膜 tunica albuginea , albuginea 输精管 ductus deferens, deferent duct 精囊 vesiculae seminals, seminal vesicle 射精管 ejaculatory ducts 阴囊 scrotum, scrotal sac 精索 spermatic cord 腹股沟 inguen 前列腺 prostate

5 妇产科

子宫 uterus 输卵管 uterine tube, oviduct 卵巢 ovary, ovaries 子宫颈cervix 子宫腔 uterine canal 子宫内膜 endometriosis 子宫直肠陷凹rectouterine fossa 子宫内口 internal ostium of the uterus 子宫口

orifice of the uterus 阴道 vagina 胚胎 embryo 卵黄囊 yolk sac 羊膜amnion 羊膜腔 amniotic cavity 蜕膜 decidua 绒毛 villus 绒毛膜 chorion 胎盘 placenta 胎儿 fetus 胎心 fetal heart胎动fetal movement, feta motion 胎儿脊柱 fetal spine 胎儿胃泡 fetal stomach bubble 胎儿胸部fetal thorax 胎儿肾 fetal kidney 胎儿肢体 fetal limb 脐带 umbilical cord 卵泡,滤泡 follicle 附件 adnexa 羊水 amniotic fluid 宫内节育器intrauterine device 妊娠囊 gestational sac 顶臀长度 crown-rump length 双顶径 biparietal diameter 胎头指数 cephalic index 枕额径

occipito-frontal diameter 头围 head circumference 胸围 thoracic circumference 腹围 abdominal circumference 小脑径 cerebellum diameter 头(径)指数 cephalic index 双眼间距 ocular distance 腹部横径 transverse trunk diameter 腹部前后径 anteroposterior trunk diameter 椎骨长度(胸6~腰3)length of vertebrae 脊柱 spine, vertebral colum 股骨长度 femur length 肱骨长度 humerus length 胎儿体重 fetal weight 脐动脉 umbilical artery 脐静脉 umbilical vein 胎盘 placenta 孕周 gestational week 孕龄gestational age


品质名词(中英对照)A ABC analysis ABC 分析 Abnormality 不正常性 Abscissa 横坐标 Absolute deviation 绝对离差 Absolute dispersion 绝对离势 Absolute error 绝对误差 Absolute frequency 绝对次数 Absolute number 绝对数 Absolute reliability 绝对可靠度 Absolute term 绝对项 Absolute value 绝对值 Absolute variation 绝对变异 Abstract number 抽象数 Abstract unit 抽象单位 Accelerated factor 加速系数,加速因子Accelerated life test 加速寿命试验

Accelerated test 加速试验 Acceleration 加速度 Acceptable limit 允收界限 Acceptable process 允收制程水平Acceptable quality 允收品质 Acceptable quality level (AQL) 允收质量水平Acceptable reliability level (ARL) 允收可靠度水平Acceptability 允收性 Acceptability criterion 允收标准 Acceptance 允收,验收 Acceptance, probability of 允收机率Acceptance, region of 允收区域 Acceptance and rejection criteria 允收与拒收准则Acceptance boundary 允收界限 Acceptance coefficient 允收系数 Acceptance control chart 验收管制图Acceptance cost 验收费用 Acceptance criteria 允收准则Acceptance error 允收误差


透镜系列术语中英文对照 单透镜 Simple (Single) Lenses 球透镜 Ball Lenses 歪像透镜 Anamorphic Lenses 圆锥透镜 Conical Lenses 柱状透镜,环形透镜 Cylindrical & Toroidal Lenses 非球面透镜 Aspheric Lenses 反射折射透镜 Catadioptric Lenses 绕射极限透镜 Diffraction-Limited Lenses GRIN透镜 GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod) 微小透镜阵列 Micro Lens Arrays 准直透镜 Collimator Lenses 聚光透镜 Condenser Lenses 多影像透镜 Multiple Image Lenses 傅利叶透镜 Fourier Lenses 菲涅尔透镜 Fresnel Lenses 替续透镜 Relay Lenses 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) 复合透镜 Complex Lenses 红外线透镜 Infrared Lenses 紫外线透镜 Ultraviolet Lenses 激光透镜 Laser Lenses 望远镜对物镜 Telescope Objectives Lenses 显微镜对物镜 Microscope Objectives Lenses 接目镜 Eyepieces Lenses 向场透镜 Field Lenses 望远镜头 Telephoto Lenses 广角镜头 Wide Angle Lenses 可变焦伸缩镜头 Variable Focal Length Zoom Lenses CCTV镜头 CCTV Lenses 影印机镜头 Copy Machine Lenses 传真机镜头 Facsimile Lenses 条码扫描器镜头 Bar Code Scanner Lenses




三维动画术语中英文对照 A Absolute Mode Transform Type-in对坐标方式变换输入Absolute/Relative Snap Toggle Mode绝对/相对捕捉开关模式Accelerated Montage加速蒙太奇 Activate All Maps激活所有贴图 Activate Grid Object激活网格对象;激活网格物体Activate Grid激活栅格;激活网格 Activate Home Grid激活主栅格;激活主网格 Activate活动;激活 Active Shade Floater自动着色面板;交互渲染浮动窗口Active Shade Viewport自动着色视图 Active Shade(Scanline)着色(扫描线) Active Shade实时渲染视图;着色;自动着色 Actual Sound真实声音 Adaptive Cubic立方适配 Adaptive Degradation Toggle降级显示开关 Adaptive Degradation自动降级 Adaptive Linear线性适配 Adaptive Path Steps适配路径步幅;路径步幅自动适配Adaptive Path自适应路径 Adaptive Perspective Grid Toggle适配透视网格开关

Adaptive适配;自动适配;自适应 Add as Proxy加为替身 Add Cross Section增加交叉选择 Additive Color加色法 Adopt the File's Unit Scale采用文件单位尺度 Adv. Lighting高级照明 Advanced Surface Approximation高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Advanced Surface Approx高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Affect Diffuse Toggle影响漫反射开关 Affect Neighbors影响相邻 Affect Region影响区域 Affect Specular Toggle影响镜面反射开关 AI Export输出Adobe Illustrator(*.AI)文件 AI Import输入Adobe Illustrator(*.AI)文件 Align Camera对齐摄像机 Align Grid to View对齐网格到视图 Align Normals对齐法线 Align Orientation对齐方向 Align Position对齐位臵(相对当前坐标系) Align Selection对齐选择 Align to Cursor对齐到指针 Align对齐 All Class ID全部类别 All Commands所有命令


超声成像ultrasonic imaging 实时成像real-time imaging 灰阶显示gray scale display 彩阶显示color scale display 经颅多普勒transcranialdoppler 彩色多普勒血流显像color doppler flow imaging 彩色血流造影color flow angiography 彩色多普勒能量图color doppler energy 彩色能量图color power angio 超声内镜ultrasound endoscope 超声导管ultrasound catheter 血管内超声intravascular ultrasound 血管内超声显像intravascular ultrasonic imaging 管腔内超声显像intraluminal ultrasonic imaging 腔内超声显像endoluminalsonography 心内超声显像intracardiac ultrasonic imaging 内镜超声扫描endoscopic ultrasonography 内镜超声技术endosonography 膀胱镜超声技术cystosonography 阴道镜超声技术vaginosonography 经阴道彩色多普勒显像transvaginal color doppler imaging 经直肠超声扫描transrectal ultrasonography 直肠镜超声(技术)rectosonography 经尿道扫查transurethral scanning 介入性超声interventional ultrasound 术中超声监视intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring 超声引导经皮肝穿刺胆管造影ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 超声引导经皮穿刺注射乙醇US guided percutaneous alcohol injection 超声引导经皮胆囊胆汁引流US guided percutaneous gallbladder bile drainage 超声引导经皮抽吸US guided percutaneous aspiration 超声引导胎儿组织活检US guided fetal tissue biopsy 超声引导经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影US guided percutaneous transhepaticportography 三维显示three dimensional display 三维图像重建3D image reconstruction 组织特性成像tissue specific imaging 动态成像dynamic imaging 数字成像digital image 血管显像angiography 声像图法echography sonography 声像图sonogram echogram 多用途探头multipurpose scanner 宽频带探头wide-band probe 环阵相控探头phased annular array probe 术中探头intraoperative porbe 穿刺探头ultrasound guided probe 食管探头transesophagel probe 经食管超声心动图探头transesophagel echocardiography probe 阴道探头transvaginal probe 直肠探头transrectal probe 尿道探头transurethral probe 膀胱探头intervesical probe 腔内探头intracavitary probe 内腔探头endo-probe 导管超声探头catheter-based US probe 扫描方式scan mode 线阵linear array 凸阵convex array 扇扫sector scanning 传感器sensor 换能器transducer 放大器amplifier 阻尼器buffer 解调器、检波器demodulator 触发器trigger 零位调整zero adjustment 定标、校正calibration 快速时间常数电路fast time constant 自动增益控制automatic gain control 深度增益补偿depth gain compensation 时间增益补偿time gain compensation 对数压缩logarithmic compression 灵敏度时间控制sensitivity time control 动态范围dynamic range 消除erase, eliminate 变换shift


语文课程与教学论 名词术语中英文对照表 the Chinese Course and Teaching and Learning Theory in Chinese and English Teaching materials editing teaching materials /Chinese Teaching Materials /edit teaching materials /Uniformed Chinese Teaching Materials /Experimental Teaching Materials /Mother Tongue Teaching Materials /Teaching Materials of the New Course *textbook *reading book *teaching reference book *exercises book *studying plan Technology /Educational Technology /Modern Educational Technology /Educational Technology in Chinese Teaching /multi-media technology /net technology /cloud serving technology *white board *net meeting *chat room *blog Teaching Basic Theory of the Teaching teaching aim teaching task teaching objective teaching model teaching tactics teaching principle teaching program teaching reform teaching case Courseware teaching resources teaching experiment /mother tongue teaching A Term List of 1. 教材( JC ) 教材编写 /语文教材 /编写教材 / 统编教材 /实验教材 /母语教材 /新课程教材 * 课本 * 读本 * 教学参考书(教参) * 练习册 *学案 2. 技术( JS ) / 教育技术 /现代 教育技术 /语文 教育技术 /多媒 体技术 / 网络 技术 /云服务技 术 * 白板 *网 络会议 *聊天室 * 博克 3. 教学 (JX ) 教学基本理论 教学目的 教学 任务 教学目标 教学模式 教学 策略 教学原则 教学大纲 教学 改革 教学案例 教学课件 教学 资源 教学实验 /母语教学


离子注入机 ion implanter LSS理论 Lindhand Scharff and Schiott theory 又称“林汉德-斯卡夫-斯高特理论”。 沟道效应 channeling effect 射程分布 range distribution 深度分布 depth distribution 投影射程 projected range 阻止距离 stopping distance 阻止本领 stopping power 标准阻止截面 standard stopping cross section 退火 annealing 激活能 activation energy 等温退火 isothermal annealing 激光退火 laser annealing 应力感生缺陷 stress-induced defect 择优取向 preferred orientation

制版工艺 mask-making technology 图形畸变 pattern distortion 初缩 first minification 精缩 final minification 母版 master mask 铬版 chromium plate 干版 dry plate 乳胶版 emulsion plate 透明版 see-through plate 高分辨率版 high resolution plate, HRP 超微粒干版 plate for ultra-microminiaturization 掩模 mask 掩模对准 mask alignment 对准精度 alignment precision 光刻胶 photoresist 又称“光致抗蚀剂”。 负性光刻胶 negative photoresist


心脏超声医学中英文术语、缩略语 A-Mode Amplitude mode A型(超声) AMVL Anterior mitral valve leaflet 二尖瓣前叶 AAO Aorta ascendens 升主动脉 Ao Aorta 主动脉 AI Aortic insufficiency 主动脉关闭不全 AML Anterior mitral leaflet 二尖瓣前叶 AR Aortic regurgitation 主动脉瓣返流 AS Aortic stenosis 主动脉狭窄 ASD Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损 ASH Asymmetrical septal hypertrophy 非对称性室间隔肥厚 ATVL Anterior tricuspid valve leaflet 三尖瓣前叶 AV Aortic valve 主动脉瓣 AVA Aortic valve atresia 主动脉瓣闭锁 AVR Aortic valve replacement 主动脉瓣置换术 BAV bicuspid aortic valve 二叶式主动脉瓣 B mode Brightness mode B型超声 CDFI Color Doppler Flow Imaging 彩色多普勒血流显像 CHD Congenital heart disease 先天性心脏病 CPV common pulmonary vein 共同肺静脉干 CW chest wall 胸壁 CW-Doppler Continuous-wave Dopper 连续频谱多普勒 CO Cardiac output 心输出量 DA Descending aorta 降主动脉 DCM dilated cardiomyopathy 扩张性心肌病 DTI doppler tissue imaging 多普勒组织显像 DORV double outlet right ventricle 右心室双出口 DOLV double outlet left ventricle 左心室双出口 ED End-diastole 舒张末期的 EDV End-diastolic volume 舒张末期容积 EF Ejection fraction 射血分数 EPSS E-point of septal separation 舒张早期二尖瓣前叶与室间隔之间的距离ESD End-systolic dimension 收缩末直径 ESV End-systolic volume 收缩末容量 F3 trilogy of Fallot 法洛三联症 F4 tetralogy of Fallot 法洛四联症 FO fossa ovalis 卵圆窝 FS fractional shortening 缩短分数 HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 肥厚性心肌病 HOCM hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy肥厚性梗阻性心肌病HPRF High pulse repetition frequency 高脉冲重复频率 HR Heart rate 心率 IAS Interatrial septum 房间隔


电影专业术语中英文对照 森森 来自: 森森2011-12-06 14:20:07 documentary (film) 记录片,文献片 filmdom 电影界 literary film 文艺片 musicals 音乐片 comedy 喜剧片 tragedy 悲剧片 dracula movie 恐怖片 sowordsmen film 武侠片 detective film 侦探片 ethical film 伦理片 affectional film 爱情片 erotic film 黄色片 western movies 西部片 film d’avant-garde 前卫片 serial 系列片 trailer 预告片 cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片 footage 影片长度 full-length film, feature film 长片 short(film) 短片 colour film 彩色片(美作:color film)

silent film 默片,无声片 dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片 silent cinema, silent films 无声电影 sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影 cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影 title 片名 original version 原著 dialogue 对白 subtitles, subtitling 字幕 credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名 telefilm 电视片 演员actors cast 阵容 film star, movie star 电影明星 star, lead 主角 double, stand-in 替身演员 stunt man 特技替身演员 extra, walker-on 临时演员 character actor 性格演员 regular player 基本演员 extra 特别客串


微小透镜阵列Micro Lens Arrays 准直透镜Collimator Lenses 聚光透镜Condenser Lenses 多影像透镜Multiple Image Lenses 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses 菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses 替续透镜Relay Lenses 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) 复合透镜Complex Lenses 红外线透镜Infrared Lenses 紫外线透镜Ultraviolet Lenses 激光透镜Laser Lenses 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives Lenses 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives Lenses 接目镜Eyepieces Lenses 向场透镜Field Lenses 望远镜头Telephoto Lenses 广角镜头Wide Angle Lenses 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom Lenses CCTV镜头CCTV Lenses 影印机镜头Copy Machine Lenses 传真机镜头Facsimile Lenses 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner Lenses 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner Lenses 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head Lenses APS相机镜头APS Camera Lenses 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera Lenses 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector Lenses 单透镜Simple (Single)Lenses 球透镜Ball Lenses 歪像透镜Anamorphic Lenses 圆锥透镜Conical Lenses


常用超声医学术语、缩略语中、英文对照 A A 面积 Abdominal Aorta (AA) 腹主动脉Abdominal Circumference (AC) 腹围Abdominal Flow Display (AFD) 腹部血流显示 Abscess (ABS) 脓肿 ACA 大脑前动脉 Acc 加速度 AccT 血流加速时间 AComA 前交通动脉 Adrenal Gland (AG) 肾上腺 ALS 主动脉瓣叶开放 Amniotic Fluid (AF) 羊水 Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) 羊水指数Amplifier 放大器 Angiography 血管显像 Angioma (ANG) 血管瘤 Ann 瓣环 Annotation 注释 Anterior Chamber(AC ) 前房 Ao 主动脉 Ao Arch Diam 主动脉弓直径 Ao Asc 升主动脉 Ao Desc Diam 降主动脉直径 Ao Diam 主动脉根部直径 Ao Isthmus 主动脉峡部 Ao st junct 主动脉 ST 接合 Appendix (Ap) 阑尾 Aqueous Humour 房水 AR 主动脉返流 Ascariasis (As) 蛔虫 Ascending Colon (As C) 升结肠 Ascites (ASC) 腹水 ASD 心房间隔缺损 Automatic gain control 自动增益控制AV 主动脉瓣膜 AV- A 连续性方程计算的主动脉瓣膜面积AV Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放 AV Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放 AV Diam 主动脉瓣膜直径 AVA 主动脉瓣膜面积 Axill 腋下动脉 Axillary Vein 腋静脉 B BA 基底动脉 Basil V 基底静脉Bile Dull Ascariasis (BDAS) 胆道蛔虫Biparietal Diameter (BPD) 双顶径 Body Of Pancreas (PaB) 胰体 Body of Stomach (SB) 胃体 Brac V 臂静脉 Breast 乳腺 Brightness 辉度、亮度 BSA 体表面积 Buffer 阻尼器 C Calcification (CAL) 钙化 Calibration 定标、校正 Cardia (C ),(Ca) 贲门 Catheter-based US probe 导管超声探头Caudate Lobe (CL) 尾状叶 CCA 颈总动脉 Cecum 盲肠 Celiac Artery (Ce A;CA) 腹腔动脉Ceph V V 头静脉 Cephalic Index 胎头指数 Cervix (C ) 子宫颈 CFM processing board 彩色多普勒处理功能板 CHA 肝总动脉 Character 字符 Chorion (C ) 绒毛膜 Choroid 脉络膜 CI 心脏指数 Ciliary Body 睫状体 Clear 消除 CO 心脏输出量 Colon (Co) 结肠 Color capture 彩色捕获 Color cut 彩色消除 Color doppler energy 彩色多普勒能量图Color doppler flow imaging 彩色多普勒血流显像 Color Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI) 彩色多普勒血流显像 Color doppler level 彩色多普勒强度Color edge 彩色边界 Color enhance 彩色增强 Color flow angiography 彩色血流造影Color lock 彩色锁定 Color persistence 彩色余辉 Color polarity 彩色极性 Color power angio 彩色能量图 Color scale display 彩阶显示 Color steering 彩色转向 Color velocity imaging 彩色速度显像Color video monitor 彩色视频监视器


Gredit Account货方科目 Exch Rate兑换率ASAP As soon As possible尽快 FTP File Transfer Protocol文件传递(输)协议CD-ROM compact disc read -only memory只读光盘存储器UV Ultraviolet紫外线 EC Engineering change工程变更 EV Equipment Variance量具变异 AV Appraiser variance作业者变异PV Part variation局部变异 Characteristic Diagram特性要因图 Stratification层别法 Check list查检表 Histogram直方图 Scatter Diagram散布图 Pare to Diagram柏拉图 Control Chart管制图 CEO Chief Executive Officer执行总裁 VIP Very Important Person贵宾 ERP Enterprice Resource Planning企业资源规划MRP I Material Requirement Planning物料需求规划MRP II Maufacturing Resource Planning制造资源规划OA Operation Analysis作业者变异 Gap Analysis差异分析PC Product Control生产分析 MC Material control物料管控 MTS make to--Stock存货式生产ATO assemble-to-order接单式装配ATM Applicotion Implementation应用系统导入方法 Unorder Receipt无订单的收料 Shop floor车间、职场 Shop floor control厂地控制、车间管理Shop floor production control工厂生产管理 Write书写 Observed观察 Read阅读 Listen听 UCL Upper Control Limit管制上限 LCL Lower Control Limit管制下限 Critical defect严重缺点 Minor defect次要缺点 Packing List出货明细 PCB Printed Circuit Board印刷电路板 PCBA Printed Circuit Board Assemblies 印刷电路板总成常用品质术语中英文对照表


动画术语--中英文对照 ACTION.......................................................................... ...............动作 ANIMATOR.............................................................原画者,动画设计 ASSISTANT.................................................................... ...........动画者 ANTIC............................................................................. .......预备动作 AIR BRUSHING............................................................................喷效 ANGLE........................................................................... ................角度 ANIMATED ZOOM...................................................画面扩大或缩小 ANIMATION FILM...................................................................动画片 ANIMATION COMPUTER...................................电脑控制动画摄影 ATMOSPHERE SKETCH .....................................................气氛草图 B.P.(BOT PEGS) ...................................................................下定位 BG(BACKGROUND) ................................................... ................背景 BLURS............................................................................ ...............模糊 BLK(BLINK) ................................................................. ...............眨眼 BRK DN(B.D.)(BREAK-DOWN) ...........................................中割 BG LAYOUT......................................................................背景设计稿 BACKGROUND KEYS ........................................................背景样本 BACKGROUND HOOKUP...................................................衔接背景 BACKGROUND PAN...............................................................长背景 6


超声相关词汇中英文对照 来源:作者:发布时间:2007-07-12 超声成像ultrasonic imaging 实时成像real-time imaging 灰阶显示gray scale display 彩阶显示color scale display 经颅多普勒transcranial doppler 彩色多普勒血流显像color doppler flow imaging 彩色多普勒能量图color doppler energy 超声内镜ultrasound endoscope 超声导管ultrasound catheter 血管内超声intravascular ultrasound 血管内超声显像intravascular ultrasonic imaging 管腔内超声显像intraluminal ultrasonic imaging 腔内超声显像endoluminal sonography 心内超声显像intracardiac ultrasonic imaging 内镜超声扫描endoscopic ultrasonography 内镜超声技术endosonography

膀胱镜超声技术cystosonography 阴道镜超声技术vaginosonography 经阴道彩色多普勒显像transvaginal color doppler imaging 经直肠超声扫描transrectal ultrasonography 直肠镜超声(技术)rectosonography 经尿道扫查transurethral scanning 介入性超声interventional ultrasound 术中超声监视intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring 超声引导经皮肝穿刺胆管造影ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 超声引导经皮穿刺注射乙醇US guided percutaneous alcohol injection 超声引导经皮胆囊胆汁引流US guided percutaneous gallbladder bile drainage 超声引导经皮抽吸US guided percutaneous aspiration 超声引导胎儿组织活检US guided fetal tissue biopsy 超声引导经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影US guided percutaneous transhepatic portography 三维显示three dimensional display 三维图像重建3D image reconstruction


. . 品质管理名词(中英文对照) QE=品质工程师(Quality Engineer ) MSA: Measurement System Analysis 量测系统分析 LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限 Control plan 管制计划 Correction 纠正 Cost down 降低成本 CS: customer Sevice 客户中心 Data 数据 Data Collection 数据收集 Description 描述 Device 装置 Digital 数字 Do 执行 DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计 Environmental 环境 Equipment 设备 FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect analysis 失效模式与效果分析 FA: Failure Analysis 坏品分析 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证 FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制 Gauge system 量测系统 Grade 等级 Inductance 电感 Improvement 改善 Inspection 检验 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制 IQC: Incoming Quality Control 来料品质控制 ISO: International Organization for Standardization 国际标准组织 LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制 LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限 Materials 物料 Measurement 量测 Occurrence 发生率 Operation Instruction 作业指导书 Organization 组织 Parameter 参数 Parts 零件 Pulse 脉冲 Policy 方针 Procedure 流程 Process 过程 Product 产品 Production 生产 Program 方案 Projects 项目 QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证 QC: Quality Control 品质控制 QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程 QFD: Quality Function Design 品质机能展开 Quality 质量 Quality manual 品质手册 Quality policy 品质政策 Range 全距 Record 记录 Reflow 回流 Reject 拒收 Repair 返修 Repeatability 再现性 Reproducibility 再生性 Requirement 要求 Residual 误差 Response 响应 Responsibilities 职责 Review 评审 Rework 返工 Rolled yield 直通率 sample 抽样,样本 Scrap 报废 SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书 SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制 Specification 规格 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供应商品质保证 Taguchi-method 田口方法 TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制 TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理 Traceability 追溯 UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制上限 USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限 Validation 确认 Variable 计量值 Verification 验证 Version 版本 QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈/QC 小组 PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划 执行 检查 总结
