

Description of a person(II)



与记叙文(narration)不同的是,描写文不必遵循时间顺序(chronological sequence),但逻辑顺序(consecution)仍然是必不可少的。描写有时单独出现,但在更多情况下,描写是与记叙和说明(exposition)交织使用的。事实上,这三




措词恰当(careful word choice):恰当的措词可以使描写更逼真。





The black people then grabbed the lantern, and a pull off the paper mask, wrapped the steamed bread, plug to Lao Shuang; grasped the

money and turned around.






I love you & I loved you(我曾经爱过你)

I wandered lonely as a cloud我如行云独自游

I leave softly, gently,

Exactly as I came.

I wave to the western sky,

Telling it goodbye softly, gently.

Green grass on the bank

Dances on a watery floor


I leave quietly

As I came quietly.

Gently I flick my sleeves

Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away–Goodbye Again, Cambridge

Being a cloud in the sky

On your heart lake I cast my figure.

You don’t have to wonder.

Nor should you cheer

In an instant I will disappear.–Fortuitousness


How plenteous! How spiritual! How resume! – Night on the Prairies 多么丰饶!多么崇高!多么简明哟!

表女生的词语:清纯,干净,纯洁,天然,芙蓉出水,沉鱼落雁, 倾国倾城gorgeous, pretty, beautiful, cute, elegant, attractive, vogue, consummate delicate and pretty 清秀

nation beauty and heavenly fragrance 国色天香

drop dead gorgeous沉鱼落雁





5,那如果一个女孩太一般般了,挑不出什么优点,那我们就用"have something" 6,如果一个女孩长的很丑,在英语里面有一个很婉转的词组可以表达,那就是aesthetically challenging,翻译过来就是―在美学上具有挑战意义的‖

表男生的形容词:charming,agreeable, glamorous, smart, gentler, brilliant, humorous, pretty and charming俊俏

表示品格的一些词:friendly, careful,gentle, hard-working, independent, just, kind-hearted, confident,active, creative,aggressive,remarkable, honest, kind-hearted, trust worthy,objective, reliable, sensible明白事理的I take size seven shoes. 我穿七号鞋。

I have black hair, brown eyes, and a beak nose.


I started to lose a bit of hair since I turned forty.


I was already more than one meter and seventy centimeter tall when I was aged twelve. 我十二岁时身高就超过170厘米了。






如:He was as poor as a church mouse.他一贫如洗。

She danced and sang happily like a lark.



如:She is the eyeball of her parents. 她是父母的掌上明珠。

Our eyes are the windows of our soul.眼睛是心灵的窗户。

They lived near the mouth of the river.他们就住在河口边上。

泥人:拟人就是把一种事物或一个想法看作是人或是更具有人的特征来对待。如:The tall tree on top of the hill seemed to be fondling the white clouds with its fingers of long boughs.


The flowers breathed out their sweet perfume.花儿吐出了芬芳。

Fate won’t smile to you unless you smile to fate.


The wind whistled in the yard, and the rain pounded on the window.


Sample 1

Kittredge of Harvard

The sight of him as he came to the ten-o’clock class was in itself something that had to be recognized as dramatic. In the pleasant autumn or spring, men stood high on the steps or out on the turf in front and watched the direction of Christ Church to see who could catch the first glimpse of him.

― There he comes!‖ somebody called, and then everybody who was in a position to see watched him as he hurried breezily along-a graceful, tallish man in very light gray suit and grey fedora hat, with a full square bearded at least as white as his suit, who moved with energy, and smoked passionately at a big cigar. Students used to say that he smoked an entire cigar while he walked the short distance along the iron fence of the old-burying ground and across the street to Johnston GateBut he came through the gate he tossed the remnant of his cigar into the shrubbery with a bit of flourish, and the students still outside hurried in and scrambled up the long stairway in order to be in their places-as he liked-before he himself entered. If any of them were still on the stairway when he came in at the outer door like a gust, (hey gave way) and he pushed up past them, and into the good-sized room and down the aisle to the front, threw his hat on the table in the corner, mounted the two steps to the

platform, looked about with a commanding eye, and (there was sudden silence and unrestrained expectancy).










Practice 1

The following essay presents an incomplete picture of Maria. What is missing? Add one more paragraph in the right place to make the description complete.

My girlfriend, Maria

Maria Herrera is a very nice person. She is a friend from school. She is also my girlfriend. I think that we are going to be friends for a long time.

Maria is 19 years old. She is about 5 feet, 3 inches tall. Her eyes are brown and her face is round. Her hair is brown and curly. She wears it short. She has a very pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eyes. She doesn’t wear glasses. She thinks that she is fat, but she isn’t. She is always on diet. She always looks nice. She wears dresses and skirts to school because she goes to work in a department store after class. She can’t wear jeans to work.

Maria’s future plan s are a little uncertain. However, she thinks that she is going to get a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Then, perhaps she will go on to graduate school. I am sure that she will be successful. I also hope that she is going to include me in her future plans!

Practice 2

The following is a student essay on his father, which has one problem or another. Read it carefully and then answer the questions given at the end of the essay.

My Reasonable Father

I had a happy childhood because I have a happy family. My childhood pals all admire me because I have a kind father. His sense of responsibility, his great love for children, and, above all, his strong reasoning power impress everybody who knows him. One unforgettable incident which happened in my high school days proved the soundness of his judgment.

Both my elder sister and I thought our father was a careless person. Mother always complained that he left her behind whenever she went shopping. Also, he seemed not as careful as my mother with regard to our daily life.

How did I change my idea about my father?

At the end of my junior high school years, I was faced, for the first time, with a big decision-deciding on the senior high school that I would like to go. I realized how important as it could change the rest of my life. It was easy for most of my classmates to make the decision with the help of the teacher and their parents. However, as my father respected my own decision, I got into real trouble.

I was a top student in my school, naturally I should choose the best senior high school in the city-the Provincial Experimental High School. It happened to be where my father spent his high school years. When I was still very young, he often said to me, ―Son, I want you to have the best education. You know my old school that I often mention. I hope you can go

there.‖ Therefore, it had been rooted in my heart. Whenever we passed the school by bus, he would point to it and tell me something about it. How I longed to go to this school!

So I wrote down my wish in the informal application form with certainty. However, as soon as my teacher noticed it, she raised her brows. She asked me to find her after class. I knew that few students dared choose this school, because they couldn’t take the risk. If they failed to do an excellent job in the coming exams and were rejected by this school, they would lose the chance for another good school. The teacher said, ―I’m not sure about your choice. You should know there are so many students to compete for the limited opportunities. On the other hand, you can easily go to No.2 High School…‖ I understand the teacher meant to help me, but I didn’t want to give up a dream that had been fostered for so long. Then she talked with me for a few more times in the following days.

I was in a real dilemma. One day after school, as soon as I got home, I banged my door shut and threw my school bag and myself into bd. My mind was in a mess. My father stepped into my room quietly and patted me affectionately on the shoulder. He said, ―I noticed that you are ups et these days. You must be worried about your choice. You can’t make a satisfactory decision yet, right? Son, take it easy.‖ I raised my head slowly and said, ―Dad, I want to make a change of my choice. I will give up my dream of going to your school. Perhaps I can be accepted by No.2 High

School quite easily. I can’t bear the stress any longer.‖―Is it your own choice?‖ I hesitate for some time and then shook my head. ―No, no, absolutely not. I don’t know what to do after my teacher talked to me. I come to feel that she is right. I only want to make a wise decision. In fact, I have failed.‖ ―Son, you have grown up. I won’t force you to do anything that you are not willing to do. My responsibility is to guide you to do the right things in the right way. Try to be headstrong. Persist in what you believe to be right until the end. Self-confidence and strong mind are essential to your future success. Try to make the decision as soon as possible.‖ Suddenly, I was full of confidence and knew what I should do. At length, I kept my choice and hit the target.

My father isn’t a real careless man. He is always helpful in handlingbig affairs. The influence he has given me is great, and I’m very proud of having such a cool-headed father.

Question for study:

1)What is the thesis of this essay?

2)Is this a typical essay of description?

3)What part is conspicuously out of unity?

4)Does the author use any particular language devices to help specially


5)What is the conclusion of the essay?

Practice 3

Write a description of your own father. Please use what he says and does, besides other means, to reveal his character. Try to avoid the problems you find in the above exercise.

Practice 4

Write a description of somebody you do not know well: a shop assistant, a bus conductor, or just a stranger down the street. Please focus on one or two of his/her features that strike you most.


PRODUCTDESCRIPTION 22Ton Fast Log Splitter is equipped with a 6.5HP engine to deliver maximum splitting force.Heavy duty hydraulic cylinder producing maximum splitting SPEED.Wide log cradle making splitting wood quicker,easier and safer! SPECIFICATIONS Horizontal and vertical position splitting Engine: 6.5HP EPA gasoline engine Pump: 13/2.1gpm 2-stage pump Hydraulic Cylinder: 4"bore x 24" stroke Valve: 16gallon auto-return Max. Force: 22 Ton Max. Log Length: 26inch Patented Fast Log Splitter Cycle time: less than 5 seconds Wheel: 16x 400/480-8 DOT Pneumatic wheel

Wedge height: 7.5inch, 2ways Beam size: 6inch (width) x 75inch (length) Oil tank capability: 7gallons Oil filter: external, replaceable Height: 40inch (horizontal) Length: 100inch Width: 49inch


So off they went, driving the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of day only mid-May can produce: sparkling sunshine, unclouded azure skies and vibrant newness of the green growing all around. They went past small villages and burgeoning housing developments, past abandoned apple orchards, back to where trees and brush have devoured old homesteads. 于是,他们就出发了,驱车行驶在罗德岛北部的乡村小路上,那种天气只有5月中旬才会有:闪亮的阳光、蔚蓝色的晴空以及生机勃勃、随处可见的绿意.他们穿过一座座小村庄和一座座拔地而起的房屋,穿过废弃的苹果园,来到了树林和灌木丛掩映的老农场. Where they stopped, dense thickets of cedars and junipers and birch crowded the roadway on both sides. There wasn't a lilac bush in sight. 他们停下车.车道两边长满了茂盛的雪松、杜松和白桦树.眼前没有一棵紫丁香. "Come with me," the man said. "Over that hill is an old cellar hole, from somebody's farm of years ago, and there are lilacs all round it. The man who owns this land said I could poke around here anytime. I'm sure he won't mind if we pick a few lilacs. " "随我来,"那个男人说,"翻过那座小山,有个老地窖,几年前是一个人的农场,四周长满了紫丁香.这块地的主人说我可以随时到这儿来闲逛.我相信,要是我们采几束紫丁香,他不会介意." Before they got halfway up the hill, the fragrance of the lilacs drifted down to them, and the kids started running. Soon, the mother began running, too, until she reached the top. 还没等他们到达半山腰,紫丁香的芬芳已经向他们飘了过来.于是,孩子们开始奔跑.不久,那位母亲也开始跑起来,直至到达山顶. There, far from view of passing motorists and hidden from encroaching civilization, were the towering lilacs bushes, so laden with the huge, cone-shaped flower clusters that they almost bent double. With a smile, the young woman rushed up to the nearest bush and buried her face in the flowers, drinking in the fragrance and the memories it recalled. 那里,远离了过往司机的视野,避开了纷扰的文明世界,高耸的丁香花丛开满了硕大的圆锥形的串串花束,几乎把花茎压成了两折.那个年轻女人微笑着冲到最近的一处花丛,把脸埋在鲜花中,啜饮着芳香,陶醉在重新唤起的记忆中.


MODULE OUTLINE – MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 110ISY309 INFORMATION POLICY 2007-08 PREREQUISITES: None LECTURE TIMES, LOCATION AND ROOM: Tuesday 2 – 3pm PFC 209 Friday 12 – 1pm PFC 209 TUTORIALS: Weekly tutorials begin in the third week of the semester. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they are in a tutorial group. Attendance at tutorials is a compulsory part of the module. MODULE COORDINATOR: Dr Julian Warner Room 26.203, 26 University Square. j.warner@, e-mail: 3243 9097 Tel: MODULE LECTURER(S): Dr Julian Warner (Office Hours: Wednesday 09.00-11.00)

MODULE DESCRIPTION The module critically examines a selection of issues relevant to information policy. ?The intellectual labour which goes into the construction and searching of information retrieval and database management systems is considered ?Principles of intellectual property (patent and copyright) and the development of the labour theory of copyright are discussed ?Information technology is distinguished from industrial technology and understood as a human construction For each area a basis of understanding is first established and then critical debates within the area are explored. MODULE AIMS The aims of the module are to enable students to develop an informed understanding of significant information policy issues. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the module students will 1. Be aware of the idea of an information society 2. Understand essential issues relating to information retrieval, intellectual property, and information technology 3. Have an understanding of information policy issues in these areas KEY SKILLS 1. Draw on skills developed in the retrieval, collation, and presentation of information (communication) 2. Draw on analytical skills developed in the comparative understanding of concepts (problem solving) 3. Critically read and comparatively evaluate literature (learning to learn) MODULE ASSESSMENT: The module is assessed on the basis of work submitted during the module and on module participation. Three assignments are required, corresponding to the three principal components of the module. Tutorials will be used for progressive development of assignments. Critical thinking is required for assignments. Each assignment carries 30% of total marks. Module participation carries 10% of final marks. MODULE EXAMINATION There is no final examination.


大家好,又和大家见面了哦,我是大家的好朋友Seoer晨晨, 好久没和大家见面了,是因为我5月1的假期去菏泽了,这不刚回来,然后继续给大家奉献更多的好文章。 今天我就给大家讲解一下关于SEO中的页面描述(Description)的优化, 在我们日常SEO优化时,最多也是最常使用的Meta信息只有Keywords、Description这些简单的Meta标签。对于元标签的优化,我们重点来分析一下Description。 在SEO的过程中,我们可以发现一个很有趣的现象,如果一张网页中的Description写法不规范,或者是没有Description的时候,搜索引擎索引并显示的内容是整个网页前面的一些字符。 而如果Description非常标准的话,在搜索引擎的索引结果中显示的就是Description的内容。也正因为如此,Description在网页排序中有着很重要的作用。 有些时候Title和Keywords里是整个网页中的几个关键词或者一句话,而在Description 中,我们就可以用长达255个字符的一段话来形容这个网页的内容了。只要Description的写法规范,而且其中的关键词布局优秀的话,那么取得一个好的排名也不是很难的事。 当然,其实这里使用Description作为索引不仅是因为Description写的规范,还有一个方面即如果你的网页内容更能匹配用户的查询,那么在索引中就会显示你的网页上的内容。一般来说,Description最大的作用就是如果搜索引擎一旦在你的网页中与之间没有找到与用户搜索的关键词绝对匹配的词汇,就以Description的内容作为显示的索引内容。 在很放网页中,站长们总是会把Description的内容和Keyword的内容写的一模一样,有些站长甚至直接从网页中复制一段内容,粘贴到Description部分,这样的做法很不利于网页的搜索引擎中的排名。 另外,还有一些站长会在整个网站的所有网页中都使用相同的Description,这也是SEO 中的大忌,需要避免。 正确的优化写法如下所示。 (1)Description是描述网页内容的,因此最好是可以用一句话来概括本网页的主题内容,类似于我们小时候写作文,写中心思想的形式。方便概括整个网站的主要内容。 (2)Description不要超过255个字符,搜索引擎索引一般都会索引Description的前255个字符,因此,这255个字符是做搜索引擎优化的关键。 (3)Description部分无论出现中文还是英文,其标点符号都要使用英文格式的标点符号。例如中文的语句是一个小圆圆,而英文的句号是一个点,我们在Description部分中就是用英文点作为一句话的结束符号。 以下是一个正确的Description格式,以传说辅助官网为例,Description的基本写法如下:传说辅助|传说辅助官网|传说外挂网|传说传奇外挂|传奇加速器|传奇外挂_传说辅助官方网站 好了,这次Seo中的网页描述(Description)的优化教程就到此结束吧~希望可以对大家有所帮助。 我依然是大家的好朋友晨晨。 再次在网上声明一下,我的百度空间是:,/wangzi_chenbao/home 本文指定链接:,/


Description of a person(II) 描写文(description) 描写旨在用语言文字为人物(people)、地点(places)、物体(objects)、景物(scenes)或事件(events)勾勒出一幅幅画面。 与记叙文(narration)不同的是,描写文不必遵循时间顺序(chronological sequence),但逻辑顺序(consecution)仍然是必不可少的。描写有时单独出现,但在更多情况下,描写是与记叙和说明(exposition)交织使用的。事实上,这三 种写作类型在写作实践中很难被完全区分开来。 描写可以分为两类:客观描写和主观描写。前者主要是为了传达信息,而后者除了传达信息外,更多的是为了激发想象,让读者感同身受。这两者描写,在写作中经常交织使用。 成功的描写可以为读者勾勒出一幅完整的画面,并在读者心中激发某种情感或感想。以下是成功进行描写文写作的一些技巧。 措词恰当(careful word choice):恰当的措词可以使描写更逼真。 1.尽量使用具体明确的名词而非普通名词,运用词语准确表示一定的事物、情 感、意思等。例如用―柳树‖、―枫树‖、―杨树‖等来代替―树‖。把只有柱子和顶盖的较小建筑物称为―亭子(pavilion)‖;把供家里睡觉的建筑物称为―房间(room)‖;把租借给旅客住宿的建筑物称为―旅馆(hotel)‖。这样表达,就要比把供人歇息的建筑物笼统地用―房子‖这一词语表示准确得多。 2.动词的使用要准确恰当。比如: 那个黑人便抢过灯笼,一把扯下纸罩,裹了馒头,塞与老栓;一手抓过那钱,转身去了。 The black people then grabbed the lantern, and a pull off the paper mask, wrapped the steamed bread, plug to Lao Shuang; grasped the money and turned around.

Business Description

BUS 560 Marketing Plan Band Restaurant Team 1 2012-2-14 College of Business and Public Management

A: Business Description: “Band”will be a new style and full-service restaurant. We will provide low-price lunch special and night party service. In addition to basic food and alcohol service, our restaurant will different by providing popular music. B: Mission Statement: The mission of “Band” restaurant is to create a comfortable, healthy, but affordable environment, and to provide customer-oriented and music-oriented service to our customers. C: Situation Analysis: 1.Political: The political situation in La Verne is stable. 2.Economic: The economic is La Verne is better than surrounding area. Retail and commercial activity have increased in recent years. Median household income in La Verne in 2009 is $74,194. (Citi-data, 2009) 3.Social: Median resident age is about 41.3 years old. (Citi-data, 2009). According to our research, besides University of La Verne, there are 2 education institutions whose locations are within 5 miles from it, they are ELS language center and Mt San Antonio College respectively.,petitive: There are 27 restaurants which provide full service in city of La Verne. 5.Legal A series licenses are needed to start up a restaurant with night club service and alcohol service. 6.Cooperative Our suppliers will be some supermarkets, like Cosco, Ralphs or Superking. Two staff in our restaurant will be in charge of purchase and distribution.


我们都知道description是网站描述,描述我们需要注意那几个要点: 第一个要点,字数的限制,描述,官方定义字数是75个字,这样的限制是对网站有益的一个机制标准,为什么是限制75个字呢?搜索引擎对我们网站描述的扫描就是75个字,因为描述超过75个字,用户也看不到,搜索引擎扫描最多也就是三行。但真正的不到3行。 第二个要点,分隔符的采用,我们一般的分隔符是逗号, 正常标准采用是逗号,逗号有全角和半角,我们同场建议采用半角,逗号是便于用户阅读和表达的描述方式,所以逗号是符合搜索引擎对网站的友好的方式。如果我们采用全角的话在位置上,全角是要大于半角的。我们利用半角的话,我们可以放入更多一点的文字,另外文字的描述要精简和易于被读懂。 第三个要点,关键词的问题,第一我们要求关键词的位置尽量靠前,我们建议把主要的关键词靠前放,关键词在网站的标题里越是考前那么这个关键词是越重要的,那么关键词的排序和位置是很重要的,比如首页内做3个关键词,我们应该把热门竞争关键词的排序。重要的关键词是从左到右,同时给用户提供可阅读性。 第四个要点,描述除了放置关键词,还要具有可阅读性,我们不建议标题和描述不能完全一样,这样的描述完全没有可阅读性,如果你网站的关键词和描述重复那么搜索引擎认为你网站是不合理的,时间长了会认为你网站是优化过度的,我们在优化每一个细节的时候Keywords 和 Description 不要重复,网站的描述一定要具有可阅读性,并且形成一句话,并且要概括我们网站的内容, 第五个要点,description 描述里面的关键词布置,这个描述里面要含有在我们标题里面放置不下的关键词,我们在title里面如果放置不了那么多的关键词,那么我们可以把剩余的关键词布置在我们的描述里面,那么我们发现把剩余的关键词放在描述里面是对于关键词的排名是非常有利的。 第六个要点,description的用户体验,我们在描述里面一定要记住几个重点: 1 描述里面要含有优惠或者专业,或者产品质量的优势或者(活动)等等,那么我们研究发现是因为描述和标题做的有吸引力,利用描述和标题来吸引用户对我们网站的点击。 2 把握需求性,我们在对用户来分析的时候,要把握用户对搜索关键词的需求,认何需求都是我们description来对大部分来进行布置的,但是如果你抓住主要的几个方面的关键词,那么就可以吸引用户的目光和兴趣。 3 你有没有把握客户的需求性,我们在分析用户对关键词搜索的时候,我们要把握用户核心搜索需求性的关键词加入到我们分析的核心内容当中。


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Personal descriptions 自我描述

1. Personal descriptions Samples: 1. He had a very solid, squarish face with large ears, a double chin, a long nose and staring eyes. His head was almost completely bald and he had a very serious, stern look on his face. He looked a very stern, unfriendly person. 2. He was in his early forties. He had a squarish face with a small mouth and very even, white teeth. His hair was short and dark. He looked a very strong, determined person. She was in her sixties. Her hair was going grey. She had dark eyes, dark eyebrows and a large nose. She looked a very serious, honest person. 3. She was probably in her twenties when they took this picture. Her hair was short and curly and she looked very beautiful. She had bright, wide eyes and soft, smooth skin. She looked a very calm, sophisticated person. 1.People: Build: slim, slender, plump, well-build (M), overweight, broad-shouldered, Age: elderly, middle-aged, in his 30’s In her early 40’s, in her mid-50’s, in his late60’s, in h er late teens, Height: 1.70m, maximum. med. min. medium-height, average height, below average, hair style: neat, untidy, with plaits, bald, pony-tail, in a bun(发髻), swept back, parted on the right side, wavy, curly, hair color: blonde, grey, mousey, dyed, (fair) face: oval, squarish, heart-shaped, high forehead, high cheekbones, thin lips, full lips, turned-up nose, broken-nose, double chin, pointed chin, cleft chin, eyes: long eyelashes, thick, bushy, eyebrows, double eyelid, distinguishing features: beard, moustache, side-burns, a scar, unshaven, clean-shaven, a beauty-spot, a mole, freckles, with dimples, with spots, with wrinkles (lines,) made-up, complexion: pale, olive-skinned, fair-skinned, oriental, fair 2.Clothes: What kind of clothes they are wearing


C h a p t e r 11 Description The writer of description creates a word-picture of persons, places, objects, and emotions, using a careful selection of details to make an impression on the reader. If you have already written expository or argumentative essays in your composition course, you almost certainly have written some descriptive prose. Nearly every essay, after all, calls for some kind of description; for example, in the student comparison/contrast essay (pages 233–236), the writer describes two kinds of stores; in the professional process essay (pages 215–219), the writer describes the embalming procedure in great detail. To help you write better description in your other essays, however, you may want to practice writing descriptive paragraphs or a short descriptive essay. HOW TO WRITE EFFECTIVE DESCRIPTION When descriptive prose is called for in your writing, consider these four basic suggestions: Recognize your purpose. Description is not free-floating; it appears in your writing for a particular reason—to help you inform, clarify, persuade, or create a mood. In some essays you will want your description as objective—without personal impressions—as you can make it; for example, you might describe a scientific experiment or a business transaction in straight factual detail. Other times, however, you will want to convey a particular attitude toward your subject; this approach to description is called subjective or impressionistic. Note the differences between the following two descriptions of a tall, thin boy: the objective writer sticks to the facts by saying, “The eighteen-year-old boy was 6′1″ and weighed 125 pounds,” whereas the subjective writer gives an impressionistic description: “The young boy was as tall and scrawny as a birch tree in wint er.” Before you begin describing anything, you must first decide your purpose and then whether it calls for objective or subjective reporting. Describe clearly, using specific details. To make any description clear to your reader, you must include a sufficient number of details that are specific rather than fuzzy or vague. If, for example, your family dog had become lost, you wouldn’t call the animal shelter and ask if they’d seen a “big brown dog with a short tail”—aturally, you’d mention every disting uishing detail about your pet you could think of: size, color, breed, cut of ears, and special markings. Similarly, if your car was stolen, you’d give the police as clear and as complete a description of your vehicle as possible. Look at the following paragraph. Does it fully tell what a vaulting horse is? A vaulting horse is a thing usually found in gyms that has four legs and a beam and is used by gymnasts making jumps. If you didn’t already know what a vaulting horse was, you might have troub le picking it out in a gymnasium crowded with equipment. A description with additional details would help you locate it: A vaulting horse is a piece of equipment used by gymnasts during competition to help propel them into the air when they perform any of a variety of leaps known as vaults. The gymnasts usually approach the vaulting horse from a running start and then place their hands on the horse for support or for a push off as they perform their vaults. The horse itself resembles a carpenter’s s awhorse, but the main beam is made of padded leather rather than wood. The rectangular beam is approximately 5 feet, 3 inches long and 131?2 inches wide. Supported by four legs usually made of steel, the padded leather beam is approximately 4 feet, 1?2 inc h above the floor in men’s competitions and 3 feet, 7 inches in women’s competitions. The padded leather beam has two white lines marking off three sections on top: the croup, the saddle, and the neck. The two end sections—he croup and the neck—re each 151?2 inches long. Gymnasts place their hands on the neck or croup, depending on the type of vault they are attempting. Moreover, the reader cannot imagine your subject clearly if your description is couched in vague generalities. The following sentence, for example, presents only a hazy picture: Larry is a sloppy dresser. Revised, the picture is now sharply in focus: Larry wears dirty, baggy pants, shirts too small to stay tucked in, socks that fail to match his pants or each other, and a stained coat the Salvation Army rejected as a donation. Specific details can turn cloudy prose into crisp, clear images that can be reproduced in the mind like photographs. Select only appropriate details. In any description the choice of details d epends largely on the writer’s purpose and audience. However, many descriptions—especially the more subjective ones—ill present a dominant impression; that is, the

Course Description

Major Course Description Advanced mathematics Terms :The first term and second term of the first year,and the first term of the second year Credit :5+5+4=14 Hours :80+80+64=224 Description :Advanced Mathematics is the most important basis course for majors of science and technology at university.The subject concentrate on the basic concepts,theories and basic methods by limiting method.By studying the require contents,students will able to analyze the mathematical problems and thinking by their own.Contents :Functions,the definition of the limit and continuous functions;derivative and differential;principles of differential and the application of differential;indefinite integral;the definition of the definite integral and the application of the definite integral;the definition of the differential equation;vector algebra and space analytic geometry;the theory of multivariable differential calculus;principles of multiple integral;curvilinear integral and curved area integral;Green formula,Gauss formula and Stokes formula;infinite series;improper integral and parameter improper integral. Linear Algebra Term :The first term of the first year Credit :4.5 Hours :72Description :This course covers matrix theory and linear algebra,emphasizing topics useful in other disciplines such as physics,economics and social sciences,natural sciences,and engineering. Content :theory of determinants;principles and application of matrix algebra;principles of linear system of equations;the definition of liner space;principles of linear transformation;the definition of Euclidean space;N real elements quadric form.Mechanics Term :The second term of the first year Credit :2.5 Hours :40 Description :This course provides an introduction to Classical Mechanics.It covers the basic concepts of Newtonian mechanics,fluid mechanics,and kinetic gas theory.Content :particle kinematics;newton's laws of motion;work and Energy;impulse and momentum;rigid body kinematics;rigid body dynamics;mechanical vibration.Y U N G H X
