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1~5 CABAC 6~10 CBACA11~15 ABCBC 16~20 BCABC


21~25 ACBCD 26~30 DCABB 31~35 ACCBD


36~40 BACCA41~45 DDABB 46~50 BCDCA51~55 DBCDA 阅读理解(2×20=40)

56~59 BDAD 60~62 CAD 63~66 BCDB67~70 ACAD

71~75 CFGBD


As we know, when senior students finish their school, most of their

reference books are thrown away, which are still in good conditions. What a


great waste it is!

I suggested that we should recycle all this books. On the one hand,

suggest these

recycling them can save a lot of natural resources, which are used to make

textbooks. On the other hand, the notes on the books are helpful to whoever


need them.


In fact, recycling textbooks has been increasing popular in such countries


as America and Australia. We should learn from them, but make every effort


to build∧energy-saving society. In my opinion, it is of many benefit both to an much

our present and to our future.


One possible version:

One day, Lily and Lina were going to school happily when a speeding car ran into them. One of them was seriously injured and lay on the street, unconscious. Seeing the terrible scene, the driver drove his car away as fast as he could without stopping. At the very moment, some passersby rushed over. One man called 120 to get help. Minutes later, an ambulance came with a siren wailing. The injured girl was carried into the ambulance by a passerby and sent quickly to hospital.

From the story we can see such people as the guilty driver should be punished by law. We do believe more people with a sense of justice can be found in our society.

(119 words)



T ext 1

M: Does Amy dance?

W: Well, that’s her on stage now. She performs expertly.

T ext 2

W: Listen! What’s that noise?

M: Look out of the window and you’ll see. The cat is out in the backyard playing with a piece of the vase I broke yesterday.

T ext 3

W: How was the food at the New Mexican restaurant?

M: I haven’t eaten there yet. I drove there last night but fround that it was not open on Wednesdays, so I tried the French place next door. It was very good.

T ext 4

W: The American custom of using first names is so difficult for me.

M: I don’t usually call my professors by their first names.

T ext 5

W: Dear son, have you given the goldfish fresh water today?

M: No need. They haven’t finished what I gave them yesterday.


T ext 6

M: How is the weather today?

W: It’s very cold and wet.
