

A.About Cargo

1.What is you last vessel trading area? Have you been USA, Australia and Canada port?

( A: wordwide / seasia, ?= yes / not)

2.What kinds of cargo have you carried before?(grain, coal ore, log etc.)

3.What is the meaning of stowage factor, GM, KG, KM, GOM, SG correction, etc.? What

is Bill of lading, clean B/L, remark on B/L? How to make KG for deck cargo?

(A: weight / Cbm,

4.What is NCB?

A: National Cargo Bureau: calculation manual?

5.Do you have deck crane operation experience?

6.Do you have experience of how to use the soft ware of Loading Master? Do you

remember the name of the soft ware that you have used in your previous vessel?

7.Do you have any experience for loading grain cargo? How many cargo hold can slack?

Do you know about cargo calculating form for USA, Australia, Canada? How do you calculate the grain loading stability? What partied of inspection for loading grain in USA?

8.Do you have any experience for log cargo loading in Australia, New Zealand, and USA?

What is the procedure of loading logs? How do you calculate the GM of log cargo? How do you understand the weight of the log cargo already loading on board?

A: 1). Heavy cargo to be loaded in cargo hold, close stowing cargo to avoid broken space in hold. 2). Deck cargo to be loaded tidy, the first wire to be laied and lashed while 4 meter high. To keep tight lashing with chain and lashing wire when completed loading. 3). Choice center of geometry as cargo KG and then calculate GM. Od log cargo. 4). To calculate cargo weight by draft survey frequency.

9.How do you take note when loading timber in rain? how do you put remark on mate


A: Usually not to loading during rain, in case instruction of charter, LOI is required

Remark: cargo loading during rain as per charter instruction by writing.

10.What is the jumping loading? What kind of cargo we have to make jumping load?

How do you loading jumping cargo?

A: 1). cargo to be loaded interval a hold. 2). For very heavy cargo to ensure safe of

bending moment and shearing force. 3). To pay attention to the bending moment and

shearing force. and loading sequence.

11.How to do if there is big difference between ship and shore figures by draft surveyor?

A: Put remark on Mate Receipt

12.What remark to put on mate receipt after loading wetted cargo i.e. coal contaminate with


A: Ship side no responsibility for quantity of cargo during discharging cargo.

13.How do you take action when it is raining during loading cargo?

A: To cease loading and close all hatch cover.

14.How to deal with cargo damage?

A: To take photo and statement of fact if damaged by stevedores. Shut out the cargo if heavy damage. To put remark on mate receipt

15.How do you handle original Bill of Lading? What is LOI, how do you handle LOI?

A: Release cargo if received original one of B/Ls. Letter of Insurance. The LOI must be approved by ship’s owner, if master want to accept LOI.

16.What is the importance for C/O’s duty on bulk carrier?

A: 1). Gm, bend moment, Shear force and hilling moment 2). Draft survey. 3).

Ballast and deballast.

B.About SMS

1.What is the purpose of SMS?

A: For safety and protect environment

2.What is your duty and responsibility according SMS?

3.What is ISM code? What does ISM code mean to you?

A: International safety management regulation. C/O is a safety officer on board a vessel.

4.When will you report to the Master during sailing on open sea or cargo operating?

A: 1). Bad weather, Bad visibility, narrow and shallow channel, heavy traffic, and any doubt oneself during open sea. 2). Short discharging, GM, bend moment, shear force, cargo weight dispute, cargo quantity. Etc

5.Can you tell me something about safety on board?

A: Fire fighting, life boat and prevent pollution drill. Enter enclose space Oxygen detection. To wear safety belt if working high. etc

6.How do you motivate your crew on board?

A: Training, meeting , checking, verifying to crew as per SMS and instruction of ship’s owner. Ask for reasonable bonus for crew.

7.How do you control alcohol on board? Do you conduct announced alcohol test on


A: No one is allowed to disobey the office policy and regulation of IMO. Would conduct alcohol test as per instruction if fit out equipment on board.

8.Who are in charge of the ship’s Garbage Control onboard?

A: C/O

9.What is the purpose of initial audit?

A: finding of deficiency for crew to make collective action

10.What is purpose of the external audit? And who will conduct the external audit?

A: To obtain the SMC ( safety management certificate). Ship class societies officer.

11.What are the items of annual survey?

A: Safety construction, Safety Equipment, Safety Radio, International Load Line, IOPP, International Tonnage,

12.How to test the operation of GMDSS? How do you test DSC and NBDP?

A: Select test from manual. –individual transfer. And then, receive electron voice

from another DSC receiver.

13.What kind of drills you have in each month and in every three-month interval?

A: Fire fighting, Life saving and Oil prevent pollution Drill each month. Life boat

to be launching every 3 months.

C.About ISPS

1.Do you know what is ISPS code? When does it become enforced?

A: Regulation of International ship and port facility security. It become enforced on 1st

Jul 2004.

2.In case of complete of the ISPS, what is the first?

A: Implementation 3 months for internal and external audit and then, to obtain ship

security certificate.

3.What is the priority in case of Security and Safety?

A: Anyhow, the safety is first.

D.About Navigation

What is the meaning of blind section? (Radar)

A: The area hindered by Shipboard caused Radar Wave can not reach.


大副考证班船舶货运计 算大全 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

船舶货运计算汇编 一、舷外水密度改变对船舶吃水的影响计算 通用公式1 2d (1)100TPC ρ?δρ=- ;近似估算公式2211d d ρρ= 例1:某船从密度为ρ1=cm 3 的水域驶入密度为ρ2=cm 3的 水域,船舶排水量Δ=64582t,每厘米吃水吨数TPC=,则船舶平 均吃水改变量δd=_______cm 。 例2:船舶由水密度ρ=cm 3的水域驶入标准海水水域, 吃水约减小 。 A .% B .% C .% D .% 解:由近似估算公式计算得,×d 1=×d 2 ,所以d 2= d 1 ,吃 水改变量为(d 2- d 1)/d 1=所以应选A 。 二、利用FWA 判断船舶是否超载 FWA 是船舶淡水超额量,是船舶从标准海水驶入标准 淡水时船舶吃水增加量,当船舶位于半淡水水域时,船舶半 淡水超额量计算公式为: ()FW A d ??-=40025.12ρδ (cm) 式中2ρ是半淡水的密度,只要船舶吃水超过载重线的 部分不大于δd ,则船舶就没超载,否则就超载。 例1:已知某轮淡水水尺超额量FWA= m ,当船舶从ρ= t/m 3的水域驶往ρ= t/m 3的水域时,船舶平均吃水的变化量 _______。 A .增大 B .减少 C .增大 D .无法计算 解:将上述数据代入公式即得δd=21cm ,所以应选B 例2:某轮装货后将相应载重线上缘没入水中28cm ,泊 位舷外水密度ρ= t/m 3,FWA=,则该轮______。 A .已经超载 B .船舶不适航 C .没有超载 D .不能确定


集装箱船长面试问题 集装箱轮船长面试回答 1.简述大型集装箱船舶船长在进港前的主要准备工作? 答:进港前的主要准备工作为: 1)理清进港TRAFFIC的管制要求与VHF收听的频道,引水的联系方法,号灯号型号旗的悬挂要求;审阅并熟悉进港航线与狭水道航行准备记录。 2)港区附近的水文、气象、地形特征,航道与航标、泊位水深与特点,锚地选择、调头区域,大桥与架空电线高度,行驶与靠泊的应急措施,及余速控制的步骤制定出靠泊计划。并将操作方案记录在《开航及抵港前准备情况记录簿》上和告知所有驾驶员。 3)主机、舵机、锚机、侧推、引水梯等按程序试验并记录; 4)调好吃水,符合航道水深与大桥净空高度的需要;险要地段安排好备锚了头人员。 5)夜航命令与海图上都应说明叫船长上驾驶台的船位; 6)整理好与引水需要交换的注意事项,靠港后要用的证书与办关的表册准备齐全,。 7)提醒有关人员对油类记录、垃圾记录、压载水记录、值班休息记录、演习培训记录保持完整准确; 8)做好或落实好船壳油漆、热工作业、海事声明等申请准备工作; 9)让有关人员落实保安工作到位情况。 2、简述大型集装箱船舶船长在靠离码头时应注意的事项? 答:大型集装箱船舶船长在靠码头时首先应注意:引水员登船后,船长应详细介绍船舶操纵性能与船舶概况,与引水员交换情况并了解引水员的航行及操作计划。在取得一致意见后通知有关人员执行并协调配合。在引航过程中,船长不能放弃对驾驶船舶的责任,保持对船舶的位臵和动态进行精确的核对。如对引水员的意图和措施有怀疑时,船长应及时向引水员提出,并弄清其意图。必要时,为了避免险情,船长应果断接过指挥权。

除此外还应对本船在靠泊时的操纵技术注意如下: 1). 大型集装箱船舶线性尺度大、吃水大,净空高度大,必须注意泊位附近可航水域、宽度、深度容易受限,更要密切注意泊位、桥吊等带来的限制与不便。2).水线上下面积大,受风流影响较大。尤其甲板多层的集装箱与船体形成巨大的挡风墙,受风力的影响非常大,靠码头时一定要注意风流对船的飘移和对操纵性的影响。 3).线性尺度大,浅水效应、岸壁效应明显,停车淌航中丧失舵效时间早,淌航余速大约4节时就失去舵效。但首部的首侧推器可以用于改善此缺点,能起到一定的作用。因此,在抵泊前或抵锚地前可提前备妥首侧推,需要时可有效用于纠正船首偏转、保持航向或用于协助转向 4),靠泊时控制好余速是关键,抵达港池泊位前一定要控制好抵泊余速,掌握在距离泊位3倍船长时余速应控制在2节以内,距离泊位1倍船长时余速应控制在1节以内,抵泊位时余速应控制为零。 5)尽早摆好船位,采用平行靠泊。备妥双锚与侧推以应急。在抵达泊位时保持一倍船长的横距,再通过拖轮顶拖,船艏侧推,慢慢平行靠泊。靠泊中时刻观察船舶是否已停住、是否与码头平行、相对前后船的位臵、横移速度不大于0.1节。防止甲板集装箱或建筑物碰撞岸吊, 6)超大型集装箱船旋回反移量与直径都较大,应避免在码头边掉头边靠泊,接近泊位时横距过小、靠泊角过大、横移速度过快都会对码头或船壳造成损坏,会造成很被动的 局面。 7)艉部一定要带拖缆。公司的大型集装箱船舶前面都有侧推,DAMIETTA的引航员常为图方便不要求艉部带拖缆,这是一个非常不安全因素,万一靠拢速度过快,就没有办法挽救了,所以在艉部一定要带拖缆。 8)大型集装箱船舶前后盲区大,靠泊时应常让大二副准确的报告前后距离。9)首侧推器在靠离泊位使用中,应注意防止水中缆绳被吸入导流孔内,缠绕或损坏侧推器叶片。尤其是在吃水较小时。所以船艏松缆应保持缆在水面而不堆积。10)动车时提醒二副松缆应保持缆在水面而不下沉。 大型集装箱船舶船长在离码头时除关注靠泊时的相应内容外还应注意:


硕士研究生考试复试——英语面试之自我介绍 1.开场白 Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview. 2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院 First let me introduce myself. My name is Wangjiapei, and my English name is Simple Wong. I've finished my undergraduate education in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Majoring in Tax in the college of finance. 3.为什么想读研,将来愿意从事的方向,读研时的打算 Although I have broad interests in many aspects and grasp the essential knowledge of the major, but I think at present, I can do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability. So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is Tax. Because I find tax is playing a more and more important role in our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, of the number of the erterprises closedly connected to tax grows rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of Tax and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here. 4.结束语 OK, that’s all. Thank you very much. 1.自我介绍(大学生活的评价,特长、爱好) Hello, my professors.It's a fine day today,and i'm very pleased to meet you here.First of all,i'd like to introduce myself to you.My name is Wang jiapei,my hometown is Shaoxing,which is a really beautiful city.My father was a businessman when I was a young girl.therefore,by the influence of my familily,I was very interested in the enterprise management,especially for the finance of the corporation.Every one may have a dream,and i still remember that my dream is to be a businesswoman.I liked to make wonders just like,where are we from?Where are we going in the universe?And then i would find the answers in book by myself.Still today i think that interest is the best teacher in one's whole life and knowledge comes from practice. Second, i will introduce my major in the university.My major is Tax in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics.It has a great relationship with business.Their relationship can be shown with an example: Just like a river,Tax,which often set the rules, is at the head of the river.And my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of it.When both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in tax can be soon turned put into practice. Four years' university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability. In the university life,i have made many good friends.They help me improve my study and research ability,and often give me good example to follow.(大学生活的评价)


国船员如何通过国外船东的面试随着世界海运贸易连续数年的蓬勃发展,国际市场新船数量达到历史最高水平。这些先进的现代化船舶,需要更多训练有素、能适任船舶操纵和管理的高级船员。目前国际海运业高级船员平均年龄正在老化,大约25%的高级船员年龄超过50岁,且大多是船长、轮机长,船员呈现青黄不接的态势。有统计表明,今后10年,高级船员的缺口至少将增长到2.75万人。 中国船员走向国际市场已是大势所趋。然而,大多数中国船员尽管有着丰富的实操经验和业务水平,但由于缺乏必要的英文交流能力和现代管理意识,且不懂面试技巧和方法,因此经常造成面试结果不理想。中国船员如何通过国外船东的面试,这也成当务之急。笔者认为应从以下几个方面加以引导。 各船东的面试有不同的侧重点,但总体内容大致相似。主要知识点和题目列举、简析如下: ISM规则的知识ISM规则(International Safety Code)是SOLAS公约新增的第IX章内容,是1998年7月1日生效的强制性规则,要求船公司及其船舶必须建立安全管理体系,建立全球性的安全管理监控机制,以保证船舶安全营运和防止海洋污染,最大限度地控制海难事故的发生。 ISM规则在各港口国检查中都被作为重点,是船东面试的一个重要内容。因此,要求船长、轮机长、驾驶员和轮机员都要熟练掌握ISM规则的内容,以及在本公司实施情况及安全管理体系运转情况等。 关于ISM规则常见问题有:①ISM规则是什么?目标是什么?主要内容是什么?②ISM 规则生效后船上多了哪些证书?DOC与SMC全称是什么?③船上发现不符合情况或需要岸基支持时,船长应向谁报告?④DPA是什么意见?全称是什么? 港口国检查(PSC)知识港口国检查(Port State Control)是港口当局对到港的外国船舶依法实施的以船舶技术状况、操作性要求、船舶配员、船员生活和工作条件为检查对象的,以确保船舶和人命财产安全、防止海洋污染为宗旨的一种监督与控制,是有效限制低标准船舶在海上营运的有力措施。 作为船上高级船员,要了解《港口国检查程序》,了解“巴黎备忘录(Paris MOU)”、“东京备忘录(Tokyo MOU)”等PSC组织的港口国监督体系。关于港口国检查常见问题有:①什么是PSC?全称是什么?②PSC主要检查什么?哪些缺陷可能使检查官进行更详细的检查?哪些缺陷可能导致船舶被滞留? 防污染知识 包括:①MARPOL公约有几个附则?生效的附则有哪些?②现行有效的防污染规则是什么?③什么是IOPP证书?有效期是多少?④何谓15ppm?机舱有哪些防污染设备?机舱污水怎样排放?油渣怎样处理?⑤什么是SOPEP?加装燃油时应注意什么?⑥怎样制定垃圾管理计划?怎样处理塑料垃圾? 消防与救生知识 每位船员都必须熟悉船上的应变部署,必须清楚本船消防、救生演习的程序和安排,以及自己在各种演习中的职责。除了机舱灭火外,所有消防演习中大副都应承担现场指挥的任务;救生演习中,二副通常应承担艇长的任务。 船员之间的关系 国外的船东强调船上的等级观念。船长是船舶的管理者,是一船的最高长官,是船公司的授权代表,包括轮机长在内的所有船员都必须对他负责,下级船员必须向上级负责,听从指挥。按照国外观念,干部船员是高级船员,普通船员是下级船员,船员之间要保持距离,不能经常混在一起喝酒聊天或称兄道弟;要有等级区别,工作中要有服从精神,生活中要有礼貌,见面先问好,就餐时分餐厅吃饭;高级船员要注意自己的形象,要有上进心;船长、


2013年11规则甲类大副考试总结 邮件还附了几个在百度文库里搜到的稍微靠谱点的练习题供参考。 1、老版盘点光盘题库依然可以继续达成最广大考生的一点小心愿,见一些原题 2、背了无数的数字,规格,标准的,其实考记忆数字的题不多每科一般不会超过十道,但 是肯定会有,平时还是多积累,考前几天就不要太再苛求那些了。 3、书是根本,题库积累实战经验,二者都很重要,合理分配答题时间。考前一天时间短暂, 浏览书可有奇效。 4、复习过程中应该把书和题库比较系统的理三遍,考前不要放松,继续突击,期间会有一 次或几次浮躁期,坚持! 5、关于评估,平常所有的课都要去上,课上认真练习,灵活运用,基本评估的技能就没有 问题了,但是心态很重要,到时要看发挥了,毕竟一小时内会有很多偶然。货运评估基本题型,每一项都要去看,因为即使评估没有抽到,理论考试也可能会涉及,英语会话里背的句子理论考试里也有考到。 航海英语 1、书后英语单选题目占比例很大,估计有十道题左右。 2、网上有个大幅阅读五十篇加最近几次考试出现阅读十篇(其中有一篇和之前重复) 3、建议看2501,主要记住2501里的单词,或是把书上的主要单词记住,太复杂的语法句 型基本没考。 4、学好其他科目,很多考题考到其他科目的都很浅显,但是读懂是关键,看懂选项是关键。 5、英语听力有自信的可以不用太听,没自信的可以适当记忆一些答案,但是肯定有新题, 不要慌乱盲从。目前看来,听力部分难度中等,语速慢的占大部分。听力短文部分可以同时看到四道题的选项。 6、英语会话问答题看完第三版基本就OK了,因为第三版题多,四版少,很多还都重复, 不过要注意很多答案不准确,自己适当纠正,修改,方便记忆。(我抽到的问题全是第三版的) 7、英语口语评分标准问题,网上都有,6分的问答题,回答一个完整句一般最多给四分, 非常标准口音可以适当加一两分,发音不好,或是断句不好,估计还会扣一点。朗读题一般比较流利最多会得13 14分吧,口述也差不多,反正评分标准比较严格,具体在百度文库里有,可以搜到,去看一看就好。 8、英语总体难度适中,高分不易,通过努力及格不难,考前一定把课后题和阅读搞懂记住, 省时省力,至少可以保障10+6+6可能+6,运气好的三篇阅读就是送这个分数。 9、另附60篇阅读,答案不一定准确,仅供参考!顺序51~60 1~50 船舶管理 (张老师题库确实可以达到十分以上,电子版的我们都有,然后单证那部分还是有超纲题,


大管轮面试问题及参考答案 大管轮是轮机部非常重要的管理人员,因此船东对大管轮的面试和挑选非常重视。大管轮的面试一船集中在日常部门管理能力和轮机长的配合能力、服从意识,以及关于主、辅机、舵机以及甲板机械等机器设备的管理和保养等方面。同时,还要大管轮了解《国际安全管理规则》(ISM)的相关知识。1. What are the responsibilities of the First Engineer on board a ship? The First Engineer is under the leadership of the Chief Engineer. He is responsible for the following. (1) Day-to-day running of the Engine room. (2) Management of the Engine department personnel. (3) Safety matters in the Engine room. (4) All maintenance and repair jobs on board ship (5) The main engine and its auxiliary equipment, steering gears, emergency equipments in engine room, etc. (6) Making and implementing the PMS (Planned Maintenance System) (7) Requisition for, receipt and control of spare parts and stores (8) Supervision of the jobs of engine crew. (9) Keeping watch from 0400 to 0800 and from 1600 to 2000 except for UMS operation. 2. What is your emergency position on the Muster List on your last vessel? I control and operate the main engine except for the abandon-ship and fire in engine room emergency situations. 3. Can you describe an emergency situation you ever encountered on board ships? No, I have never met any emergency situation before now. 4. Which machineries and space parts should be under your charge? I should be responsible for the main engine, the service pumps for main engine, steering gear, accommodation air condition, provision of refrigerator and the emergency equipments. I should also prepare maintenance reports, fuel oil and lubrication oil samples analysis, inventory report of spare parts, store and spare parts requisitions, etc. 5. Describe the procedure to start a fresh water generator, boiler, emergency generator? In case of fresh water generator: (1) Check the valves to make sure that they are in the normal position (2) Open the sea water valves of condenser and supply sea water to heating chamber (3) Start the sea water ejector pump to draw out the vacuum until the heating chamber vacuum reaches 93% (about 700 mmHg) (4) Open the water heating valves and keep the heating chamber temperature around 45 degrees Centigrade (5) When the condensed water reaches a certain level, start the distilled water pump, and keep its pressure no less than 0.2MPa. (6) Start chemical liquid feed pump. In case of automatic boiler: (1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside (2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time to raise pressure from cold condition) (3) Confirm the boiler water supply pumps are in “Auto” condition (4) Switch on the power supply (5) Put the boiler control switch in “Auto” condition (6) Automatically start the boiler, close the air vent valve while the boiler steam pressure reaches 0.02 MPa. (7) Confirm the boiler can auto stop while it pressure reaches “high limit” (e.g. 0.7MPa) In case of manual boiler (1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside and put the feed water pump in “Auto” position


大副面试大纲 一,ISPS(2004年7月1日生效): 1.船舶保安等级由谁颁布? 2.船上有哪些保安设备? 3.SSP由谁保管?如何保管?其它船员是否可以看? 4.作为一个船舶保安员(SSO)应具备哪些保安方面的知识? 5.一般船上有哪些登船口?如何管制? 6.在不同保安等级情况下,梯口是如何管制的?(尤其是官方或港口当局人员,装卸工人及船公司人员等) 7.何谓限制区域?船上的限制区域是如何管制的? 8.在港期间如何收受物料? 9.在何种情况下要签署和提交保安声明(DOS)? 10.培训/演习在时间上有哪些要求和规定? 11.ISSC,SSP,SSAS,AIS,IMO NBR,DOS,SSO,PFSO,CSO,MARSEC,RESTRICTED AREA。 二,ISM (1998年7月1日): 1.ISM的英文全称及主要目标? 2.对船上相应证书的了解(DOC,SMC)。 3.何谓DP? 4.船上SPECIAL OPERATION一般指哪些操作? 5.何谓HOT WORK?其操作程序怎样? 6.何谓ENTERING ENCLOSED SPACE?其操作程序怎样? 7.对测氧仪/气体探测器使用方法及需送岸检测(CALIBRATION)周期的了解程度。 8.在船上接受了何种培训或船上是如何进行相关培训的? 9.在船上船长是如何发布简短命令的? 10.在船上发现了不符合项或缺失是如何处理的? 三,SOLAS (1974年): 1.演习时间要求:至少每月参加一次弃船演习和消防演习;当换员人数和合并未参加上月演习的人员超过1/4时,应在开航后24小时之内演习一 次,如新接船,那么应在开航前举行这些演习;救生艇(包括救助艇) 每三个月至少一次降落下水,并在水上进行操纵。 2.放艇要求:有2名船员能在不到5分钟内完成登乘和降落准备工作;所有救生艇/筏应能在发出弃船信号后10分钟内,载足全部人员及属具后 降落水面。 3.对舵装置的要求:能在船舶最深航海吃水和以最大营运前进航速前进时将舵自一舷35度转至另一舷35度,以及于相同条件下在不超过28秒内 将舵自一舷35度转至另一舷30度。每三个月至少进行一次应急操舵演


船长面试大纲 一,ISPS(2004年7月1日生效): 1.船舶保安等级由谁颁布? 2.船上有哪些保安设备? 3.ISSC证书有谁签发?有效期几年? 4.SSP由谁保管?如何保管?其他船员是否可以看? 5.[连续概要记录](CONTINUOUS SYNOPSIS RECORD)有谁签发?其有效期为何? 6.作为一个船舶保安员(SSO)应具备哪些保安方面的知识? 7.一般船上有哪些登船口?如何管制? 8.在不同保安等级情况下,梯口是如何管制的?(尤其是官方或港口当局人员,装卸工人及船公司人员等) 9.当船舶进入港口的保安等级高于船舶现行的保安等级时,船长该如何办? 10.当船舶进入港口的保安等级低于船舶现行的保安等级时,船长该如何办? 11.当船舶在港发生有油驳加油的作业时,你认为这是船/港界面活动还是船/船界面活动? 12.根据规则规定,船舶抵港前要向港口国政府提交哪些船舶保安方面的信息? 13.何谓限制区域?船上的限制区域是如何管制的? 14.在何种情况下要签署和提交保安声明(DOS)?在船保存期限有何规定? 15.培训/演习在时间上有哪些要求和规定? 16.SSAS如何测试?

17.平时是如何使用和养护AIS以及注意事项? 18.船舶的保安记录(SHIP SECURITY LOG)主要记载哪些事项? 19.ISSC,SSP,SSAS,AIS,IMO NBR,DOS,SSO,PFSO,CSO,MARSEC,RESTRICTED AREA。 二,ISM (1998年7月1日): 1.ISM的英文全称及主要目标? 2.ISM规则中,船长的五条责任为何? 3.船长的超越权利(OVERRIDING AUTHORITY)是什么? 4.对船上相应证书的知识(DOC和SMC:在船上何为原件?何为复印件?)。 5.SMS外审应准备哪些工作? 6.何谓DP? 7.船上CRITICAL OPERATION一般指哪些操作?(货物作业;进出港作业;航行安全(航行中能见度受限制、航行于交通繁忙区域、航行于限制之水域、航行于恶劣 天气情况、无适当海图之航行和航行冰寒区域);加油作业。) 8.船上SPECIAL OPERATION一般指哪些操作?(保持水密完整;定期检查机器与设备;备件及重要物品之检查及控管;安全巡逻;海盗、恐怖活动与偷渡之预防措 施;进入密闭空间之限制;烧焊工作之限制;水下作业;海上更换压舱水;高空和 舷外作业。) 9.船上重要机械和设备有哪些?(主机与控制系统;发电机;锅炉;操舵机械;救生与灭火设备;污染防止设备;航海设备;系泊设备;吊货机械及舱盖闭锁装置;电 气装置。)


实用的英语面试指南 现在英文面试越来越常见,尤其是对于想进入外企以及500 强企业的员工而言,英语面试更加是非常重要,今天,小沃就为大家介绍一些英语面试的句子。 1、Why should we hire you?我们为什么要雇用你? (Also: What are your strengths / positive traits? ) I consider myself hardworking / reliable / dependable / outgoing / organised / honest/ cooperative、我认为我是一个努力工作/可靠/独立/外向/有条理/诚实/有合作意识的。 I’m a team-player / an experienced team-leader / a dedicated worker、我是一个团队合作者/有经验的团队领队/勤奋的员工。 I’m good at dealing with people / handling stress、我擅长和人交流/解决压力。I pay attention to details、我擅长关注细节。 I’m a quick learner、我是一个好学者。 I love challenges and getting the job done、我喜欢挑战,并把工作做好。 2、What kind of qualifications do you have?你的专业背景是什么样的?I graduated in IT from the University of London、我毕业于伦敦大学的IT专业。I took a one year


1. Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗? My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family, my daughter and my son. 我的名字叫XXX。我XX岁了。我有XXX证书。我经历过XX,XXX,XXXX。我可以使用电脑做维护保养工作。我想我的英语水平足以完成工作。我结婚了(单身)。我家有三口人,我女儿,儿子。 2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的? I graduated from XXX university(college, school). 我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校) 3.How long have you worked on board? 您在船上做多久了? I have worked on board ten years. 我在船上工作十年了。 4.Which company have you served (worked for)? 您在那个公司做过? I have served xxx.xxxx. 我在某某公司做过。 5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书? I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate. 6.How long do you have the certificate of master ?您持有船长证书多久了? I hold the master certificate 1 years or in 2015 year。 7. What kinds of ship have you worked on? 您都做过那些类型的船? I have worked on many ships, like xxx ships, xxx ship and so on. 8.Which classification society is your last ship registered with? 您上条船是在那个船级社注册的?DNV, ABS, NK, BV, LR, CCS,GL. 9. Where was your last vessel’s trading area? Which ports have you called? 你上一条船的航行区域?都到过那个港口? Ocean-going, world widely, globally, fixed route.远洋,全世界,全球,固定航线。My last vessel’s trading area was between China and Australia. 10.Have you served UMS?(UMS=Unmanned Machinery Space)您做过无人机舱船吗?Yes, I have served UMS, or No, I am sorry, I have not. 是的,我做过无人机舱。或不,抱歉,我没作过。 11.(How long) have you served as C/O? 您做大副有多长了? (Yes, ) I have served as C/O several years(3 times) 是的,我做大副有3次了(若干年了)12.Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical equipments? 您做过的船发生过重大机损吗? No, I served my job cautiously, and my colleagues were also diligent. We kept the vessel in safe operation. If I were employed by your company. I were also serve my duty with diligence. 没有,我工作是非常谨慎的,并且我的同事也是非常勤勉的。我们保持船舶安全操作。 如果你们公司雇佣我,我同样会勤奋地工作的。


《常用远洋货运单证》 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分 遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。 1、下列 是船舶办理进出口报关手续的必需 单证。( ) A.托运单 B.装货清单 C.载货清单 D.收货单 2、装货时, 如大副发现货物包装不固, 标号不符、 不清或可能引起货损或混票时,应采取的措施 是 。( ) A.及时向港方提出,待货物整理妥善后再装 B.作好现场记录并在大副收据上正确批注 C.请示船公司 D.A 和 B 3、远洋货运单证的主要作用是 。( ) A.船方和货方之间办理货物交接的证明 B.船方、货方和港方在货物装卸过程中联系工作的凭证 C.划分船方、货方和港方责任的依据 D.以上都是 4、一批货物于 06 年 1 月 5 号装船完毕,承运人 在装完货后签发提单的日期为 06 年 1 月 1 号, 这属于 。( ) A.预借提单 B.倒签提单 C.收讫待运提单 D.清洁提单 姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________ --------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线---------------------- ---

5、提单上记载内容的效力是。() A.在承运人与收货人之间是初步证据 B.在承运人与托运人之间是最终证据 C.在托运人与收货人之间是初步证据 D.以上都不对 6、下列为随船单证。() A.正本提单 B.托运单 C.载货清单 D.收货单 7、关于提单,下列说法中正确的是。() A.预借提单是在装船完毕后签发 B.签发不记名提单对承运人的风险很大 C.多项联运提单实际上也常被称为海上联运提单 D.在集装箱运输中,承运人常签发收货待运提单 8、根据我国海商法规定,提单上关于货物数量,应填写的内容是。() A.件数或重量 B.包数和重量 C.重量或体积 D.体积或件数 9、提单上的如下批注,无法律效力的是。() A.货物包装不良,货物外露,船方批注“质量未知” B.提单上记载了货物的件 数和重量,而船方批注“重量未知” C.装载散货的船舶批注“据货方称,货 重 30000吨” D.以上批注均无效 10、在国际海上货物运输中,收货单的作用是。①船方收到货物的凭证;②货损货差的原始证据;③船长签发提单的依据()


2、大副 (1)对一般干散货船而言,表征其重量性能的指标有:排水量和载重量。 (2)根据我国《钢质海船人级与建造规范》的规定,船尺度根据不同的用途和计量方法可为:登记尺度、最大尺度和船型尺度。 (3)沿船舶的设计水线(或夏季满载水线)由首柱前缘到舵柱后缘或舵杆中心线的水平距离为船舶的:①型长;②两柱间长;③垂线间长。 (4)在船舶要素中,船舶的主尺度包括船长、船宽、型深和型吃水。 (5)船舶的空船重量包括:①锅炉中的燃料、冷凝器中水的重量及备件;②船体、机器设备及船舶舾装的重量。 (6)普通货船的船舶常数C是指船舶测定船舶常数时的空船重量与船舶新出厂时空船重量的差值。 (7)船舶总载重量DW是指:在任一水线时船舶所能装载的最大重量。 (8)船舶的每厘米吃水吨数TPC曲线的用途主要是计算船舶平均吃水及装载量的变化值。 (9)开航前加装油水时尽量将舱柜加满有利于减小自由液面对稳性的影响。 (10)向下移动货物一定使船舶的稳性变小。

(11)将舱内货物由二层舱移到底舱,船舶重心不变。 (12)在静稳性曲线图上可以求得:①极限静倾角;②最小倾覆力矩;③船舶的甲板浸水角。 (13)船舶搁浅后,吃水差变化趋势不定。 (14)船舶每厘米纵倾力矩MTC与吃水的关系不能确定。 (15)船舶精确的首吃水应为:首垂线上水面与基线间的距离. (16)各层甲板中强度最大的一层甲板是强力甲板。 (17)装运危险货物的船舶,事先必须申请检验并取得船舶装运危险品合格证书,才可承运危险货物。 (18)海运危险货物的标记、标志和标牌,要求保持其永久性,即使其在海水中至少浸泡_三个月_仍然清晰可辨。 (19)失去控制的船舶是指由于异常情况_而不能按本规则要求进行操纵,因而不能给他船让路的船舶。 (20)号灯的显示时间应包括:①能见度不良的白天;②日没到日出;③其它认为有必要的情况下。 (21)白天在能见度不良水域航行时,可视需要开启航行灯。 (22)舷灯的水平光弧显示范围为:正前方到各自一舷正横后22.5度。 (23)拖带灯是指具有与尾灯相同特性的黄灯。 (24)机动船从事海上拖带时,在白天应悬挂当长度超过200米时,应悬挂一个菱形体。 (25)在海上,当你看到来船的号灯仅为红、红、白垂直三盏灯,

11规则大副考试题库 11规则货运(大副)题库(1)

11规则大副考试题库 11规则货运(大副)题库(1) 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“11规则货运(大副)题库(1)”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对https://www.360docs.net/doc/8310170749.html,的支持! 1 客船根据《国际海上人命安全公约》规定,凡载客超过()的船舶应视为客船。A.10人B.11人C.12人D.13人 2 为了保证船舶有足够的储备浮力,客货船常采用()不沉制。A.三舱B.两舱C.一舱D.底舱 3 如果客船的重心位置偏低,那么船舶的()。Ⅰ稳性好;

Ⅱ稳性差;Ⅲ舒适性好;Ⅳ舒适性差;Ⅴ方向性差。A.Ⅰ、ⅣB.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅤC.Ⅰ、Ⅳ、ⅤD.Ⅱ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ 4 下有关客船的特点的描述,不正确的是()。A.单层甲板上具备有客房 B.多层甲板上具备有相应的建筑C.较好的抗沉性 D.足够的救生、消防和通信设施5 下列有关客船特点表述正确的是()。Ⅰ甲板层数多;Ⅱ上层建筑高大;Ⅲ具有较好的抗沉性;Ⅳ设有减摇装置A.Ⅰ、ⅡB.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢC.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣD.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ 6 为保证(),船体设计为双层船壳。A.提高抗扭强度B.增加压载水舱C.增加抗沉性D.增加稳定性 7

在国际集装箱运输中常采用20ft的箱子,其宽度和高度分别是()。A.6ft,6ft B.8ft,6ft C.6ft,8ft D.8ft,8ft 8 集装箱船的以下()特点不对。A.多数为单层甲板 B.双船壳可堆放3~9层集装箱C.舱内不能有柱子 D.以柱子、水平桁材、导向轨组成的格棚货架 9 为保证集装箱船的船体强度,其主船体结构中采用了()。 A.双层壳体,抗扭箱或等效结构B.多层甲板C.多道纵向舱壁D.圆形舱口集装箱船的特点是()。 Ⅰ舱口大,双层壳;Ⅱ多层甲板;Ⅲ舱有格栅货贺;Ⅳ起货设备为重吊A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ对B.Ⅱ、Ⅲ对C.Ⅰ、Ⅲ对D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ对
