


珠江是华南一大河系,流经广州市,是中国第三长的河流,仅次于长江和黄河。珠江三角洲是中国最发达的地区之一,面积约ΓL Ooo平方公里。它在面积和人口方面也是世界上最大的城市聚集区。珠江三角洲九个最大城市共有5,700 多万人口。上世纪70年代末中国改革开放以来,珠江三角洲已成为中国和世界主要经济区域和制造中心之一。

The Pearl River, China's third IOngest river is a major river SyStem in SOUthern China and flows through the City Of GUangZhOU SeCOnd OnIy to the YangtZe RiVer and the YeIlOW River. AS the denSeSt region Of CitieS and POPUIatiOn in WOrld and One Of China's most developed areas, the Pearl RiVer delta COVerS an extent Of about 11,000 SqUare kilometers and resides more than 57 million PeOPIe in top 9 IargeSt CitieS in this area? SinCe China's reform and OPening in the Iate 1970s, Pearl RiVer delta has become One Of the major economic regions and manufacturing Centers Of China and the WOrld?

长江是亚洲最长、世界上第三长的河流。长江流经多种不同的生态系统,是诸多濒危物种的栖息地,灌溉了中国五分之一的土地。长江流域(river basin) 居住着中国三分之一的人口。长江在中国历史、文化和经济上起着很大的作用。长江三角洲(delta)产出多达20%的中国国民生产总值。儿千年来,长江一直被用于供水、运输和工业生产。长江上还坐落着世界最大的水电站。

The YangtZe RiVer is the IOngeSt river in Asia, and ranks third in the WOrId .It flows through a Variety Of eco-systems and becomes a habit for many endangered SPeCieS. MOreOVer; Yangtze RiVer also irrigates One fifth Of Chinas farmland, and the YangtZe RiVer basin resides One third Of China's POPUlatiOn and PlayS an essential role in China's history, CUItUre and economy. The Yangtze RiVer delta accounts for as much as 20% Of China's GNP. FOr thousands Of years, the YangtZe RiVer has always been USed for Water SUPPlying z transportation and industrial PrOdUCtiOn. it also SettleS the world's IargeSt hydropower station.

黄河是亚洲笫三、世界第六长的河流。“黃”这个字描述的是其河水浑浊的颜色。黄河发源于青海,流经九个省份,最后注入渤海。黄河是中国赖以生存的儿条河流之一。黄河流域(river basin)是中国古代文明的诞生地,也是中国早期历史上最繁荣的地区。然而,由于极具破坏力的洪水频发,黄河曾造成多次灾害。在过去儿十年里,政府采取了各种措施防止灾害发生。

The YeIIOW RiVer is the third IOngest river in ASia and SiXth-IOngest river in the world, the WOrCl "Yellow" in its name WaS derived from the COIOr Of the muddy water. Originating in Qinghai PrOVince, the YeIlOW RiVer flows through nine P rOVirices” and it empties into the BOhai Sea? The YellOW RiVer basin WaS the birthplace Of ancient ChineSe CiViliZatiOn and it WaS the most PrOSPerOUS regiOn in early Chinese history. However; the YelIOW RiVer also CaUSed SeVeral SeVer damages because Of frequent devastating floods? DUring the PaSt decades, the government has taken a Variety Of measures to PreVent it.




MOUnt HUa is IOCated in HUayin City. It is 120 km away from Xi,an. MOUnt HUa is a Part Of the Qinling MOUntains, WhiCh CIiVide not OnIy northern and SOUthem Shaanxi, but also China .It WaS different from MOUnt Tai, Where PeOPle Often Went in the PaSt? FevV PeOPle Went to MOUnt HUa in the PaSt because the road to the top WaS Very dangerous? However; PeOPIe WhO WiSh a IOng Iife Often go UP to the mountain because many herbs grow there, especially SOme rare ones. The nUmber Of tourists has been greatly inCreaSed SinCe the installatiOn Of Cable CarS in 1990s?


MOU nt Tai, IOCated in the WeSt Of Sha ng dong PrO Vin ce, is OVer 1500 meters above Sea level, and COVerS an area Of about 400 SqUare kilometers? MOUnt Tai is a magn讦icent mountain. BeSideS Z it is a famous mountain With history and CUItUre? FOr more than 3000 years, it has been a PlaCe Where PeOPle have taken a journey to worship. A total Of 72 emperors Were recorded as ViSiting it. In addition, WriterS have traveled to MOUnt Tai for inspiration, PrOdUCing POemS and essays? ArtiStS COme here to draw and Paint PiCtUreS as well. AS a result, a great many CUItUral relics Were Ieft On the mountain. NOWadayS MOUnt Tai has become a main SCeniC attraction in China?


MOUnt HUangShan is IOCated in the SOUthern Part Of AnhUi PrOVinCe? With UniqUe SCeneries, it is PartiCUIarly famous for SUnriSe and the Sea Of CIOUdS? TO enjoy the magn 讦icence Of a mountain, you have to IOOk UPWardS in most CaSeS?TO enjoy MOUnt HUangShan Z however; you have to IOOk downward?With the humid Climate z WhiCh is beneficial to the growth Of tea trees, MOUnt HUangShan is One Of the main PlaCeS Of PrOdUCtiOn Of tea in China? There are also a great many hot springs, WhOSe Water helps With the PreVentiOn and treatment Of Skin diseases? Being One Of the major destinations for tourists in China Z MOUnt HUangShan is also a POPUIar topic for PhOtOgraPhy and traditional ChineSe paintings.




BUS USed to be a main mode Of transportation for ChineSe PeOPIe? In recent years, With the mounting nUmber Of PriVate cars, the transportation issue in CitieS is becoming increasingly SeVere? Many CiteS have been making their efforts to improve the bus SerViCe in Order to encourage more PeOPle to take buses When going out. The facilities Of buses are UPdating COntinUally. The SPeed is SignifiCantIy improved as WeIL NeVertheIeSS z bus fares are StiIl quite IOW? Nowadays, IOCal SeniOr CitiZens in most CitieS are eligible for free bus rides.


In Old days, for most Chinese PeOPle Z it WaS beyOnd imagination that We COUld travel by air. NOWadayS Z With the advancement Of economy and improvement Of IiVing Standard, there are a growing nUmber Of Chinese people, including farmers and migrant workers, are able to afford air traveling. All the big CitieS are their destinations While new airports are to be COnStrUCted in many Other cities. Air SerViCe is COntinUaIIy improVinand SOmetimeS there Will be SPeCial OfferS for air tickets. In recent years, the number Of PeOPIe WhO ChOOSe to travel by air during holidays is ConStantIy increasing.


In recent years, a growing nUmber Of ChineSe CitieS have Started COnStrUCting SUbWayS? DeVelOPing SUbWayS helps reduce the amount Of traffic jams and air POIlUtiOrL SUbWay has advantages Of safety, fast SPeeCl and COmfOrt? A growing number Of PeOPIe ChOOSe SUbWay as a main mode Of tranSPOrtatiOn On their Way to WOrk Or SChOOL Nowadays, it is becoming inCreaSingly COnvenient to ride SUbWayS in China. In SOme CitieS z PeOPIe Can take the SUbWay as IOng as they have CardS Or CellPhone. A Iarge number Of IOCal SeniOr CitiZenS are eligible for free SUbWay rides?



In the PaSt few years, mobile Payment has been thriving in Chinao With the advent Ofthe

mobile Internet, ShOPPing through the PhOne has gradually become a tendencyo YOUngSterS aged 18 to 30 COnStitUte the IargeSt USerS group in the mobile Payment marketo SinCe mobile PhOne Payment is Very easy, many COnSUmerS Prefer to Pay by mobile PhOneS rather than Pay by CaSh and Credit CardSo TO encourage PeOPIe to buy more PrOdUCtST many StOreS give discounts to those WhO USe mobile Payment。ACCOrding to the experts' PrediCt:ion, Chinese mobile Payment market StiIl has a great POtential for development in the future o


An inCreaSing number Of Chinese PeOPle are inSeParable from mobile PhOneSO Many Ofthem, inClUding the elderly, USe mobile applications to keep in touch With friends and broaden their CirCIe Of friends<> BeCaUSe the mobile PhOne is easy to carry, they also ShOP and IOOk for informatiOn With it。In addition, COmmUnicating through mobile applicatiOnS is CheaPer than USing traditional CaIISO However, the new trend has Ied PeOPle to rely On the mobile PhOne excessively When SOCialiZingo In fact? SOme youngsters have become SO addicted to mobile PhOnes that they neglect the face-to-face COmmUnication With their family and friends□


DUe to the rapid development Of COmmUniCatiOn networks , the nUmber Of ChineSe SmartPhOne USerS has grown at an alarming rate in recent years o ThiS has dramatically Changed the WayS Of reading for many PeOPIe.They now Often read news and articles On their SmartPhOneS instead Of buying traditional newspapers。The development Of a Iarge number Of mobile apps enables PeOPIe to read novels and Other forms Of IiteratUre WOrkS On their mobile PhOneSo TherefOreT the Sale Of PaPer books has been affectedo BUt the SUrVey ShOWS that despite the Steady growth Of the mobile PhOne reading market, more than half O f adults StiIl Iike to read PaPer books□



PaPer CUtting is a Unique form Of Chinese folk arts With 2000 years7 history. It PrObably Originated in the Han Dynasty, following the invention Of paper. FrOm now on, it has gained POPUIarity in many PartS Of China?MaterialS and tools USed for PaPer-CUt are simple: PaPer and scissors. PaPer-CUt WOrkS are USUaIly made Of red paper, because Red is

associated With happiness in traditiOnal ChineSe CUItUre? Therefore, Red PaPer-CUt is the Preferred decoration for doors and WindOWS On WedCling, The SPring FeStiVal and Other festive OCCaSiOnS?


Lanter ns, Origi nating from the EaSt Han Dyn a sty, Were first mainly USed for Iighting. In the Tang Dynasty, the red Ianterns Were USed to CeIebrate the PeaCefUl life. SinCe then, they have become POPUlar in many PartS Of China. LanternS are USUalIy made Of thin PaPerS Of bright COlOrS Z in different ShaPeS and SiZeS? HUng during the festivals SUCh as the SPring Festival, the Lantern FeStiVal and the NatiOnal FeStiVaI Z the red IanternS are the SymbOl Of PleaSant Hfe and booming business in Chinese traditional CUItUre? Nowadays, Ianterns Can be Seen in many Othel r PlaCeS in the WOrld ?


LiOn dancing With a history Of more 2,000 years has been a form Of traditional ChineSe folk art. DUring the dancing, the two PerfOrmerS Wear the One Iion UnifOrm With One COntrolling the actiOnS Of the head and the Other COntrOIIing the actions Of the body and tail. They COOPerate SkiIIfUIly With each Other in Order to imitate the VariOUS and ViVid actio ns Of IiOnS ?AS the mon arch Of all beasts, IiOnS SymbOliZe blessedness and (OrtUne Z therefore, IiOn dancing is USUaIIy PerfOrmeel during the SPring Festival and Other festivals?It PrObabIy appears in Other SUCh important OCCaSiOnS as business OPening and Wedding CerernOnies z attracting many individuals to appreciate?



FamiIy ValUeS in China are related to its CUItUral traditiOns. A big harmonious family USed to be quite enviable to many. In the past, it WaS not UnCOmmOn to See a family Of four gen erations IiVing Un der One roof. And because Of that, many young PeOPle COntinued to Stay With their Parents after marriage? Today, this tradition is Changin g? AS housing COn ditions improve, more and more you ng COUPIeS ChOOSe to IiVe SeParateIy from their ParentS Z but the COnnection between them remains close. Many SeniOrS StiII help IOOk after

their grandchildren and young COUPIeS also take time to ViSit their Parents, especially during important festivals SUCh as the SPring FeStiVal and Mid-Autumn FeStiVal.


FamilieS in China attach great importance to the education Of their Children. My ParentS think that they ShOUld WOrk hard to ensure their Children Will get a good education. They are Willing to SPend not OnIy a IOt Of money On their Childrer√s educ ation, but also PIenty Of time PUShing them to Iearn. MOSt Of the Parents hope their Children Can attend a famous University. DUe to China's reform and OPening?up, more and more ParentS are now able to Send their Children to StUdy abroad Or to PartiCiPate in inter national exchange PrOgramS SO that they Can broaden their horizOns. ThrOUgh these efforts, they expect their Children to grow UP healthy and SOUnd and to make their OWn COntribUtiOn to the country's development and prosperity.


The full name Of a Han ChineSe is COmbined by his Or her family name and given name ? A feature in Chinese names is that people's family names Often COme before their given names? FOr thousands Of years, the father's family names have been PaSSed down through generatiOns. HOWeVer r today it is not UnCOmmOn to See a Child to have his Or her mother's family name? GeneraIly SPeaking, a given name COntainS One Or two Chinese characters, WhiCh ShOWS Parents" good WiSheS to their Child? FrOrn a given name, We Can infer What kind Of PerSOn Parents expect their Child to be, Or What kind Of Iife they expect their Child to have? Therefore, ChineSe ParentS Pay a IOt Of attention to naming their ChiId because names WiIl accompany the Child Z S life.
