







on the food security

over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. the problem of food security has become a hot button across society. the prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the people daily.

there are a couple of driving forces, i would argue, behind this undesirable tide. first, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral education, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. more importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal producers enforces the trend.

as confucius instructed, it is better late than never. prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. the government should launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food industry again. i am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more

risk-free foods in the days ahead.


short essay on the topic of traffic

jam. you should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.在现代社会,城市交通问题变得越来越严重



traffic jam

there is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. the limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. how to solve the headache?.

the existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and

broadening major roads. widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level. soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation. it is a cheap and good way. we can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light rail. the effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth traffic. 点评:交通话题一直是四级作文命题话题之一。1990 年6 月考查过how to solve the problem of heavy traffic,1994 年1 月考题the world is getting smaller and smaller 也与交通有关,近年来,随着私家车的日益增多,城市交通拥堵凸显,出行难越来越成为人们关注的焦点。


short essay on the topic

environmental protection. you should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 全球变暖对地球环境造成了很大影响

2. 引起全球变暖的原因

3. 我们需要采取的措施

environmental protection

no one,regardless of race, religion or nationality, can deny that the world we live in is becoming increasingly intolerable because of the effects of global warming. according to many experts, even greater impacts are still on the way.

there are numerous causes for this problem. on one hand, human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, and will in the future cause, significant global warming according to the theory. on the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem. it is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away. first, more trees need to be planted to help improve and beautify the environment. besides, stricter laws concerning global warming and irresponsible use of fuel resources have to be put into effect and achieved good results. in a word, there is a long way to go before we can take a comfortable world for granted again .点评:环境问题也是四级作文命题重点话题之一。大学英语四级考试曾经考过

make our cities greener.近年来,全球气候异常,造成许多自然灾害的频繁,保护环境刻不容缓,已成为全社会乃至全人类共同关注的热点。


for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic : information

security. you should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in chinese.

1. 信息安全问题日益重要

2. 信息安全事故可能导致的危害

3. 如何做到信息安全

information security

the human beings are stepping into the information society. the information industry develops very rapidly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious white-collar criminals. thus, information security becomes an impending important issue.

in case of information breach, the victims-----government department, an organization or an institution, or a company will inevitably suffer great or small loss. government may be threatened with national security. companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects. and the public’s and users’ confidence will be dama ged.

then how to deal with this issue? technology is only a partial solution to information security. what’s more important is that organizations and companies should promote the awareness on information security to its staff. however, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough. companies and organizations should adopt a dual

approach to information security management by combing prevention and detection techniques.



2010年6月份大学英语四级考试作文最新预测--校园安全与生活压力directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic campus security. you should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in

chinese) below:









campus security

a surrounding with stealing, mugging can’t be worse for studying. in such cases, what measures should

be taken to improve the campus security?

on the one hand, we students should strengthen our security awareness. once we smell out something unusual, we should report it to the campus guard immediately. on the other hand, more equipment such as monitors should be installed on campus so as to detect crimes as soon as possible. besides, a proper

amount of security guards should be arranged to patrol the campus。

in my opinion, campus security will be improved as long as efforts are made on campus. therefore colleges and universities should try their best to make everyone on campus safe and sound。(总结观点段)


recently,six killing accident happen in elementary

school,which have a bad influences on our

social safety.these influences can be described as follow. initially,the elementary school killing accident cause the studentspanic,worrying about their own safety.what’s more,it also cause the parents’and teathers’ worry,and parents and teachers must pay more attention to their children’s and student’s https://www.360docs.net/doc/8314948657.html,st but not least,due to this,many other people

hold panic for their own safety.

from what we have discussed ,we know the serious consequence of killing accident in elementary school.so facing this accident,relative department should take effective measures to reduce the killing accident in elementary school,reducing the social panic,assurencing the social safety, 6.

for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic : how to keep

psychologically healthy? you should write at least 120 words following the outline given below

in chinese.




how to keep psychologically healthy?

one in four people will experience some kind of mental problem in the course of a year. when you fail to manage these problems, they are likely to cause various mental illnesses.

the cause of mental health problems often vary a lot from one case to another. in today’s society, a good number of people are suffering from heavy pressure. others lack communication skills. in addition, a lot of people are ignorant of psychological knowledge about how to keep mentally fit.

there are a lot of ways to curb mental health problems and keep psychologically healthy. firstly, find the real cause of your mental health problem and see whether you can do something about it. secondly, learn to relax yourself and take exercises to release the pressure. lastly, you may find it helpful to talk to your partner or friend about your problem, or seek support and advice form a psychological consultant

点评:据报道北京高校100 多万名在校大学生中,已经有14 名自杀身亡。而去年全年,北京自杀死亡的学生为19 人。社会对于大学生心理健康问题越来越关注,如何保持心理健康成为社会关注话题。



directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter applying for a bank loan. you should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in chinese:




a letter applying for a bank loan


【篇二:my views on campus security我对大学校园


题目my views on campus security 要求


2. 对如何搞好校园治安的建议

3.字数:100~300 [满分:15]


campus safety

1. 校园安全十分重要

2. 因此,学校应当…

3. 我们自己应当…


1. 感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you. Because of your help,now I am a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University,but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate (回报)your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Li Hua 2. 道歉信 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 另约时间。 注意:1. 词数120~150;2. 可适当增加细节。


中考英语作文:校园安全 校园安全 建设平安校园是我们每个人的责任与义务。作为一名学生,我们更应该珍惜自己的生命,更应该注意自己的人身安全。假如你是Li Hua,并担任校学生会主席,请你就安全问题,向全校学生发出倡议,写一封安全倡议书。 内容提示:(1)不带管制刀具到学校;(2)不私自下河洗澡;(3)不打架;(4)上学放学的途中应该注意安全;(5)遇紧急情况,立即报告警察或老师。 参考词汇:管制刀具:restricted knives or things;洗澡:have a bath;打架:fight;紧急情况:emergency;交通安全:pay attention to the traffic。 写作要求:(1)用词恰当,要点全面,层次清晰,书写规范。(2)可适当发挥,80词左右,开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。(3)严禁出现自己的真实姓名和学校等相关信息。 ★ 范文 Dear students, As we know, safety is the most important thing in our lives. So, we should try our best to make sure we are safe. We mustn’t bring restricted knives or things to our school because these things may cause serious problems. Do not have a bath in rivers or ponds by ourselves without our pa rents’ permission. And, we should be friendly to others so fighting is strongly banned. Make sure that we should always pay attention to the traffic on our way to school or home. Furthermore, if we meet some emergency, we must call for help


校园交通安全宣传标语100条 1. 安全伴我在校园,人人事事保平安。 2. 安全——唱响生命之歌文明——点燃心灵之窗 3. 安全乘车、安全骑车、安全走路。 4. 安全来自警惕,事故出于麻痹 5. 安全来自长期警惕,事故源于瞬间麻痹。 6. 安全是父母的寄托,安全是儿女的心愿 7. 安全是人类共同的向往、安全是快乐生活的根本。 8. 安全意识时时具备不可忘文明之道刻刻铭记你我心 9. 安全与生命一线索,幸福和安全两相连。 10. 安全与守法同在,事故与违法相随 11. 安全与幸福携手文明与美丽同行 12. 安全在你脚下,生命在你手中。 13. 把握安全,拥有明天。 14. 绷紧安全琴弦,奏响生命旋律。 15. 不在马路上玩耍,放学后立刻回家。 16. 步行靠路边,乘车不争先。 17. 车行快如风,莫走路当中。 18. 逞一时之勇,得一世之悔。 19. 出了车祸速报警救死扶伤见真情

20. 出门第一事,安全最为先。 21:人生起落,安全保障。 22:和谐校园,共创蓝天,安全之责,尽在你我。 23:谨慎行事随时做,幸福安全伴一生。 24:健康的生活为我们增添姿彩,安全的意识为我们保驾护航。 25:呵护自己的生命就是对亲人最大的回报。 26:安全关系着你我他,你我他安全被关心。 27:明天的幸福靠今天,今天的平安靠安全 28:居安思危天天乐,防患未然。 29:立安全意识,走平安之路,创和谐校园,舞海经风采。 30:碧波边:进一步,遗恨一世,退一步,成全一家。 31:读安全课本,掌生命之握。 32:紧绷安全琴弦奏响生命乐章 33:校园讲安全,伴随你我他。 34:安全工程铸广厦万家,先进技术育优秀人才 35: 唱响红歌之魂,奏响安全之曲(鸣响安全之钟) 36:警惕诚可贵,谦让价更高,君为安全故,两者岂敢抛。 37:齐心协力共创防火高墙,携手共进打造平安校园。 38:六月骄阳九月天,已是你我游泳时,岸上不知防患早,水下方愧溺水迟。


1. 成功的四个步骤Four Steps to a Successful Four Steps to a Successful The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance o n the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are st ill in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, c asual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter ho w well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair o f sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless y ou're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the le gend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer. Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude hi s or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed wit hin the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with an yone but his intimacy. Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a ne w journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, an d keep on through out the whole way. 简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“Dress Properly....I f you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.For businessman Or growmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。 2. 我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life My Dormitory Life Compared with the forty year old shabby dormitory I am living in now, the one I lived in for three years in high school was heaven: three students shared o ne brand new suite with air conditioners and a bathroom. In three years time we changed it thoroughly:the color of the floor turned from bright pink into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of insects proliferating among p


校园安全标语大全 校园安全标语大全 1.建设平安校园,构建和谐社会; 2.建设平安校园,共创美好家园; 3.抓平安创建、保治安稳定、促社会和谐; 4.营造校园安全氛围,创造温馨学习环境。 5.安全伴我在校园,我把安全带回家。 6.维护校园安全,营造和谐环境。 7.增强师生防范意识,营造校园安全环境。 8.读安全课本,掌生命之握。 9.紧绷安全琴弦奏响生命乐章。 10.校园讲安全,伴随你我他。 11.安全工程铸广厦万家,先进技术育优秀人才。 12.唱响红歌之魂,奏响安全之曲。 13.警惕诚可贵,谦让价更高,君为安全故,两者岂敢抛。 14.齐心协力共创防火高墙,携手共进打造平安校园。 15.六月骄阳九月天,已是你我游泳时,岸上不知防患早,水下方愧溺水迟。 16.人人持有一卡通,健康卫生伴我行。 17.火不单行,防患未燃。 18.万众一心共创平安校园,互助友爱同筑和谐海经。 19.不为一时的冲动放弃自己的美好未来,安全、和谐、文明校园由你我来创建! 20.出门多看一眼,遇事多想一点,安全放重一点。

21.你爱湖水,湖水也会“溺爱”你。 22.马虎人,一失足成千古恨;遵章者,三思行享百年福。 23.踏入校园,走进平安,建设和谐校园,增强自我防范。 24.大事小事讲安全,时时刻刻顾安全。 25.严是爱,松是害,安全给力,平安天天在。 26.不管是骑神马,还是坐浮云,安全第一。 27.以人为本,平安为先,加快建设平安校园 28.加强治安防范,打造平安教育 29.跨进校园,走进平安。建设平安校园,你我共同责任。 30.维护社会稳定,共保一方平安。 31.警校手牵手,共同创平安。 32.校园平安,人民心愿。 33.关注安全生产,确保校园平安。 34.微笑辽阔无界,安全超于一切。 35.今日今时我为安全而注意,明日明刻安全为我为牵伴。 36.事事安全牢记人心,人人幸福洒满校园。 37.人生起落,安全保障。 38.和谐校园,共创蓝天,安全之责,尽在你我。 39.关注生命、关注安全、关注稳定。 40.我要安全、我懂安全、事事安全、人人安全。 41.生命至高无上,安全责任为天。 42.关注校园安全,构建人文和谐。 43.加强安全管理,建设平安校园。 44.平安伴我在校园,人人事事保平安。


四级写作范文必背经典 大学英语四级范文背诵(01) COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD ATTEND PHYSICAL EXERCISE Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence their study. Indeed, it is very unwise for college students to keep distance from physical exercise because physical exercise is not harmful but good to them. College students can benefit a lot from physical exercise. First of all, attending physical sports can help students build a strong body, and keep abounding energy. Moreover, physical exercise is an effective way to relief pressure and keep a pleasant move. Besides, by attending physical activities, students can have chances to contact and communicate with others which can help them improve their social skills. Nowadays, all colleges and universities have provided many sports facilities for students to do physical exercises, students can chose freely according to their interests and needs. As for me, I am keen on all kinds of ball games, especially football and basketball. From these games, I have gained a lot, and enjoined great pleasure. To conclude, physical exercise is beneficial to every college students, and therefore do not hesitate to attend sports activities. 大学英语四级范文背诵(02) Online games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self discipline on too much indulge in these games. So that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train their ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. Form my point of view, online games are wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once, but if you have enough self control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 大学英语四级范文背诵(03) Certificates Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of


十句作文范文背诵 原因篇 作文要求考生对某社会现象或社会问题进行解释。 Sample 1: Why College Students Take a Part-Time Job 1.最近几年越来越多的大学生加入打工的队伍 2. 为什么大学生要打工 3. 大学生打工 的意义 (1) According to a recent survey, about 25 percent of Chinese college students now hold a part-time or temporary job, compared with nearly none 10 years ago, and this figure increases to 72 percent during summer vacation. (2) College students are seen waiting on tables, clerking in stores, advertising in streets, teaching in families and doing whatever work they can find. (3) Why do they want odd jobs – jobs usually requiring little skill and knowledge? (4) The primary reason, I think, is money. (5) Feeling the pressure of soaring inflation as books, movies and bus fares have all gone up in price, there is scarcely a young boy or girl who does not want to earn a little money to help cover the increasingly higher college costs, and at best save enough to go travelling or buy things they have long desired. (6) In this way they hope to be economically independent and avoid the indignity of having to ask for money again and again. (7) Besides they want to gain some experience in the ways of society. (8) Students growing up from nursery school to college only know about books and have trouble dealing with realities. (9) Working on a part-time basis can provide them with a rare opportunity to know the outside world and prepare them for a future career. (10) The significance for college students of doing a part-time job means more than money and experience: It will broaden their outlook and exert a profound influence on their personality and life. 理由篇 叙述理由和分析原因是属于同一类型的英语议论文。所不同的是后者是解释某一社会现象或社会问题,而前者则解释写作者——我,为什么要干某事或不干某事。 Sample 1: The Most Unforgettable Person I Ever Knew 1. 我生活中最难以忘怀的人是…… 2. 为什么他(或她)一直在我心中 3. 结论 (1) In my life I have met many people who are really worth recalling. (2) But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever knew is my Chinese language teacher. (3) What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. (4) First of all, I was attracted by his lively wit. (5) I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs. (6) Second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer – an awakening of a passion for learning. (7) He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. (8) Finally, I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us. (9) As he treated us like friends rather than students, we all liked to visit his home for social activities as well as for academic advice.


初二关于校园安全的英语作文带翻译 篇一: Campus Security Campus security does have a serious effect on our students’ life. For example, theft and robbery can lead to financial difficulties and increase juvenile delinquency. In addition, if things are stolen all the time, there can be worries and horrors among students. More severely, they can distrust each other. 校园安全对我们学生生活有着很重要的影响。例如,盗窃和抢劫可能导致财政困难,还会增加青少年犯罪的几率。此外,如果东西总是被偷,在学生中会造成忧虑和恐惧。更严重的是,他们会互不信任。 Therefore, we must take effective security measures to prevent these criminal facts. Firstly, we students must work together to watch out any suspicious people on campus. Still, the security division could hire more guards to respond promptly to accidents and other emergencies. Thirdly, there could be more monitors in the public places. Of course, we should be more careful with our properties and don’t leave them unwatched. 因此,我们必须采取有效的安全措施来防范这些犯罪行为。首先,我们们必须一起注意校园里的可疑人物。然而,保卫科可以雇佣更多


【参考范文】 A course that has impressed you most in college There are many courses in each college year. But the course which impressed me mo st in college is Advanced English Audio-Visual & Speaking. The reasons why I like this course are as follows. The first reason is that I have learnt a lot from this course. My listening ability, spe aking ability as well as translation ability has improved greatly after taking this course. T he second reason is that I like the teacher of this course, Mr. Qin, very much. He is a c harming gentleman with great patience. His oral English is perfect, sounding like America n speakers. He treated us very strict but we still like him extremely. Just as the proverb goes, “A strict teacher produces outstanding students.”Thanks to Mr. Qin’s guidance and teachings in this course, all my classmates have made great prog ress in English learning. 【参考译文】 大学中给你印象最深的一门课 大学阶段各个年级都有很多课程,但给我印象最深的一门课是“高级视听说”。之所以喜欢这门课,有很多原因,现将原因列举如下。 喜欢这门课的第一个原因是我在这门课上学到了很多东西。我的英语听力水平、口语水平和翻译水平都得到了很大提升。喜欢这个课程的第二个原因是我很喜欢教我们这门课的老师——秦老师。他是一个既有魅力又有耐心的人。他的英语口语很棒。乍一听,完全就是美国本土人在讲英语。他对我们要求很严格,但我们依然很喜欢他。 正如谚语所说:“严师出高徒”。多亏秦老师在这门课上的悉心指导和教诲,我们班同学的英语水平都得到了空前的提升。 The Most Beneficial Activity in My Campus(文都版) It is well known that university is greatly different from high school mainly due to t hat university will hold a large number of activities, which benefits college students a lot. From my perspective, the most beneficial one is “Long-distance Running for Love” organ ized by the Students Union when I am a freshman. The money collected by this activity is contributed to Project Hope. It is really my honor to participate the long running, because it benefits me greatly n ot only in body but also in mind. To begin with, the activity reminds me of the great im portance of physical health. Before I go to college, I only focus on academic achievement s while the physical health misses my attention. But, the long-running tells me in time th

小学英语作文-School safety 校园安全

小学英语作文:School safety 校园安全 School safety It is said that about 16,000 die in school accidents every year in China. The worst accidents come from food poisoning, firs, electricity and traffic. As a student, we should all be serious about school safety. What should we do? We should learn about safety by having safety lessons and watching videos, acting in short plays. And the schools could make their own newspapers to learn about safety. We should keep in order and not to hurry if we ever have a real fire. We shouldn't reach out and touch the switches. We shouldn't eat junk food more often. We should keep in order when we on the road. We should take care if we through the road. 点评: 指出校园事故的严重性和主要原因,并提出了预防建议,以引起大家的注意.语言流畅,说理清楚。很好!


Security issue may sound cliche, but when it comes to the campus security, we have to take it seriously. For a time, nearly everyday there were reports on campus security all around the country. In such circumstances, some measures must be taken to safeguard the campus, such as giving presentations, complete safeguard system and renovate the environment around the campus. Firstly, cathedra about the security of information is an important step to the campus security. On 14th november 2008, 4 girls died in a big fire in Shanghai business school. Because of the unawareness of the inflammable and lacking of fire knowledge, young girls lost their lives with great pity. When i was in high school, there would be a cathedral about the security of information every year. Things about what to do when comes across threaten, basic knowledge and awareness on security issues improved my security awareness much.More cathedral about the security of information to improve the students' awareness plays an important role in campus safety. Secondly, to set up better Security and protection system helps decline the possibility of schoolyard


假期校园安全宣传标语 1:出行谨慎一分安全伴随一生 2:江河湖海几分深切莫下水自己测 3:违规电器用不得危险隐于不察处 4:出行避让一小步远离危险一大步 5:校园文明礼先行,校园安全你先行。 6:安全与幸福携手,快乐与健康共存。 7:安全意识就像安全带,系好它才能保护自己。8:倡导文明出行,牢记安全准则。 9:安全文明和-谐,积极奋发博学。 10:安全记心间,文明印脑中。 11:文明交通我先行,交通事故绕我行 礼行互让不慌张,谦虚谨慎交通畅 12:文明交通记心中,法规一刻不放松 13:维护校园治安秩序,保障师生人身、财产安全。14: 安全是一种责任,文明是一种礼让 千里之行,始于足下,交通安全,从我做起.

15: 红绿灯就是天使的脸,不理天使,天堂相见。 16:三秒顿足观察,一生幸福平安 17:一步一行用心看,安全出行靠大家。 18:眼观六路,耳听八方,续美好人生。 19:安全警句千条万条,安全注意第一条。 20: 谨慎一小步,方行千里万里路。 95: 红绿灯就是天使的脸,不理天使,天堂相见。 96:三秒顿足观察,一生幸福平安 97:一步一行用心看,安全出行靠大家。 98:眼观六路,耳听八方,续美好人生。 99:安全警句千条万条,安全注意第一条。 100: 谨慎一小步,方行千里万里路。 21:人生起落,安全保障。 22:和-谐校园,共创蓝天,安全之责,尽在你我。 23:谨慎行事随时做,幸福安全伴一生。 24:健康的生活为我们增添姿彩,安全的意识为我们保驾护航。25:呵护自己的生命就是对亲人的回报。

26:安全关系着你我他,你我他安全被关心。 27:明天的幸福靠今天,今天的平安靠安全 28:居安思危天天乐,防患未然。 29:立安全意识,走平安之路,创和-谐校园,舞海经风采。30:碧波边:进一步,遗恨一世,退一步,成全一家。31:读安全课本,掌生命之握。 32:紧绷安全琴弦奏响生命乐章


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/8314948657.html,)/演讲致辞/英语演讲稿 大学英语作文范文 1.成功的四个步骤fourstepstoasuccessful fourstepstoasuccessful thefirsttimeinlife?thengraspyourchancewithyour perfectperformanceonthedatingnight,bylearningt hefollowingprincipleinheart. dressproperly.whileeveryonewantstogiveanimpres sivedebutonthefirstdate,youshouldavoidwearings omethingtoobizarretobeaccepted.ifyouarestillin school,asportswearcanfulfillyourpurpose.forbus inessmanorgrownups,casualclothesarerecommended .neverputupyourworkinguniforms,nomatterhowwell youlikethatarmanisuit.itisnowork.afewaccessori essuchasapairofsunglassesorsilverloopsonthewri stcanadduptotheromancesphere.

takeabathbeforedating.andifyoulike,sprayalittl eperfume,butunlessyou'resurethatheorshelikesthesmell,don'tuseonesthataretoostrong. watchyourmanner.you'renoprinceofthescotlandnorcinderellainthelegen d.propermannerswillensurealastingrelationshipw hilebadonesscareawayyoursweetheart.anddomakesu reyoudonotboastaboutyourfortune,for,noteveryon earegreenaddicts.andyourwayofsmiling,oryourgre atestoath,shouldneitherbe"coy"nor"byst.loy!"af terthenuninchaucer. bealittlesensitivethanmerelyinnocent.domakesur eyoudonotintrudehisorherprivacyonthefirstdate. fortheremaybesomethingdeeplyconcealedwithinthe innercoreofeveryheart,ofwhichtheownerdoesn'tshareoftenwithanyonebuthisintimacy. finally,wishyougoodluck.mayyougetyourheartscom binedandstartanewjourneyinthemiracleoflifeandl ove.staytunedtillaborderlineisreached,andkeepo
