

Module1 Numbers

Unit1 seventeen ,eighteen, nineteen, twenty

1.Teaching aims:

1)learning the numbers and colours

2)say the numbers (13--20)

2.Teaching important and difficult points:


3.Teaching type

New lesson

4.Teaching methods:

direct teaching

5.Teaching aids:

pictures,word cards,a recorder

6.Teaching steps:

step1 warmer

1.sing a song.

2.Ask and answer:how many....?

step2 presentation

1.Get the students to look at the colour cardsand ask:

what colour is it?

It's red/purple/yellow/green/orange/pink/white.

2.learn the new words:pink,purple,white,orange

3.Ask the ss to count the numbers1-12.

step3 look and point

1.Get the ss to look at the pictures on book,ask some questions in chinese:what are the pandas doing?

2.Ask ss to find the colours on the book and point to them to teach one by one,

3.Then ask ss to find the numbers they learned and circle them.

step4 listen and point

1.Play the tape ,ask ssto point to the relvant pictures as they listen.

2.Play it again,get the ss point to the relvant numbers and colours,

3.Practise:write the setences"This is a (colour) one"on the blackboard.

4.Coutinue the examples:red/purple/yellow/green/orange/pink/white.

step5 Listen and repeat

1.Play the tape,pause it after each utterance,get ss to repeat the setences.

2.Repeat after teacher.

3.Try to read the dialogue by themselves.

4.Match and say.

Step6 Homework

Activity book

1.Listen and repeat.

2.Listen and write the correct letters.

Blackboard writing

13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty Summry:
