













中考满分作文必备八大亮点 亮点一亮出题目 题目是文章的眼睛。题好一半文,一个亮丽的题目给人以悦目之感,给人以击节之叹,给人以回味之思。简洁、清晰、生动、新颖是题目亮丽的要素。 谈生命的价值,题为《把握生命的脉搏》、《与生命同行》;谈社会的公德,题为《归来吧,良心》、《同心灵一个共振》;谈审美取向,题为《美,在于发现》、《美是一种透明的情怀》;谈读图与读文,题为《各得其所,各取所需》、《读图,大众文化的需要》,如此等等。总之,题目是给人的第一印象,是你必须为之推敲再推敲的重要领域。亮点二亮出开头 开头是文章的脸面。万事开头难,也许正因为难,它才有价值值得我们去为之琢磨。简洁地引述材料,准确地提出观点,用题记点睛,用名言开门见山…… 例如2004年作文《忘忧草———人类的悲哀》的开头若世上真的有忘忧草,那将是一件多么可怕的事!在辉煌世界文坛上,有多少璀璨的明珠都放在了“忧愁”这座伟岸的丰碑上,然而,仅仅一颗忘忧草就会令整座丰碑瞬间化为灰烬。没有了仇恨,就不存在哈姆雷特的复仇之剑;没有了猜忌,也不会有奥赛罗可悲的命运;没有烦恼,何来李

白“抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁”的感慨;没有了痛苦,又怎能听见李清照“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚”的呻吟?…… 亮点三亮出语言 语言是文章的材料。准确、得体、生动、形象的语言材料,才能构建起漂亮的“高楼大厦”。同义词、反义词、俗语、成语的合理应用,多种修辞手法的灵活使用……都是亮语言的好方法。 例如作文《月远,月近》的精彩语言月光是月亮的长发,它长长地垂下,直垂到离人的窗台,拉近了千山万水的距离。月亦洒下冰冷的寒霜,薄薄地覆在汉节上,苏武轻轻拂去它,仰见明月,想象既遥远而又近在咫尺的故乡。 亮点四亮出层次 层次是文章的眉目。层次又是文章逻辑线索的外在体现并列式、递进式、总分分、总分总……总之,你的文章,要有你的思路标志——层次、段落。 亮点五亮出材料 材料是文章的血肉。材料要做到典型性必须是众所周知的;必须是吻合观点的;必须是“意料之外,情理之中”的。熟、俗、怪、僻的材料要避而远之。 例如作文《有志者事竟成》的材料临池洗墨,磨杵成针,斧凿龙门,愚公移山;大禹过家门而不入,李冰胼手足而不息。大江东去,千古风流,有志者事竟成。


2017年考研英语作文高分的标准 考研英语中的作文是中的重点,也是分数最高的题。那么该怎么拿高分呢?下面给大 家整理了一些技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。 一、高分作文的四个标准 1、主题准确。考研英语作文不会明确告诉你文章的明确主题是什么,而只会通过图片、图表、只言片语暗示你,你需要根据仅有的信息作出判断,做到不曲解、不过分延伸,直接准确地把主题思想出来,这是必须做到的第一步。 2、结构清晰有层次。好的文章必须结构清晰、有层次。就大作文来说,一般需要分 为三部分。第一部分描述图片或图表,引出话题,提出论点;第二部分展开论述,分析原 因或表达不同观点;第三部分上升一个高度,提出解决办法或发出呼吁等。各部分之间有 一个层层递进的关系。 3、词句出彩。词句是文章的基本构成,在写作过程中,有意识地使用一些高大上的 词汇,替换常见表达,尽量写出一些从句、复合句、强调句、倒装句等特殊句式,同时注意长短句结合,表达流畅有节奏,会给文章大大地增色、加分。 4、卷面整洁。卷面在考试中非常重要,如果一篇文章通篇都是涂改,或字迹歪斜潦草,哪怕文章本身写得再好,也很难得高分。这就需要平时养成良好的写作习惯,先打腹稿或草稿,下笔谨慎,落笔少涂改,保证卷面整洁。 二、如何写出高分作文? 1、攻克语法。要想写出高分,必须有亮点,在考研英语中这个亮点就是:长句子。 如果通篇都是平实的短句或平句,起伏不大,很难迎合阅卷老师的胃口,相反,写出几个有水平的高逼格的句子,瞬间就能提升档次,绝对是实力的证明。因此,语法这一关,必须要攻克,强调句、倒装句、各种各样的从句,平时多练习写一写,考场上绝对能为作文加分。 2、培养语感。许多小伙伴会感到写英语作文非常难,经常无话可说,或有话表达不 出来。如果换成是汉语写作,相信每个人都能滔滔不绝,但换成英语就怂了,这就是缺乏语感的原因。想要培养语感,需要做到:多阅读。建议小伙伴在复习过程中遇到好的文章,可以在晨读时间多读几遍,读得多了,也就读得顺了,语感自然能培养起来,写作文时离“下笔如有神”也就不远了。 3、积累模板。考研英语作文的类型一共就那么几种,小作文无非就是书信、摘要、 备忘录、报告、便笺,大作文无非就是提纲型、图表型、图画型、情景型等。每种类型都


作文亮点句型30种 一~~ the + 形容词最高级+ 名词+ (that) + 主语+ have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Zhang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 二、Nothing is + 比较级+ than to + V 例句:Nothing is more important than to protect our environment. 没有比保护环境更重要的事。 Nothing is better to have a good education . 三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.(再怎么强调...的重要性也不过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...) 例句There is no denying that the qualities of our living hav e gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。 五、It is well known that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道...) As is known to all, 例句:It is well known that trees are indispensable to us. 众所周知树木对我们是不可或缺的。 As is known to all, China is a country with a long histroy.六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的...) There is no doubt that our educational system leaves som ething to be desired. 毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。


导读:如果想让你的文章更精彩,就必须善于捕捉亮点,精心打造亮点,这样才能吸引阅卷老师的慧眼,才能让他毫不犹豫地为你打高分。亮点是作文的魅力所在,亮点越多,文章就越精彩。 亮点一:整洁清晰的卷面 卷面是展现给阅卷老师的第一道风景,最能引起阅卷老师的好感。你需要精心打造整洁清晰的卷面。包括:书写规范,字体工整;标点符号使用正确规范;行文格式正确等。卷面美观,能使阅卷老师对你的作文一见倾心。 亮点二:靓丽夺目的标题 标题是文章的“眼睛”,“眼睛”要描摹得“顾盼生辉”。靓丽夺目的标题要恰如其分、言简意赅、别出心裁、美不胜收。 拟标题的方法有:善用修辞,如“学海无涯,好问是帆”;旁征博引,巧妙变换,引用或化用名著、诗词、歌词、成语,如“怎一个“情字了得”“掀起你的盖头来”。除了大标题以外,生动的小标题也可以帮你打造考场作文的亮点,如《愿景——我的长城,我的梦》一文就层层深入、匠心独运。拟了四个小标题:“梦开始的地方”“梦如风地行进”“梦惊醒的时候”“梦,逝去已久”。 亮点三:先声夺人的开头 “好的开始是成功的一半”。考场作文的开头先声夺人,可以使你的作文在浩如烟海的高考作文中脱颖而出。如高考优秀作文《让心情打一个盹》的开头就运用了比喻的修辞手法。让人眼前一亮:“阳台的边缘,城市正退潮,打着惬意的盹。日子是织布机上的布,一片片滑下,又一片片接上。日子也如蝶,每天从墙上飘落,幻化成粉,弥漫在每一个鲜嫩而生动的角落。”当然,文章开头的方法除了运用修辞外,还有开门见山、引用名言佳句、运用题记和以情动人等。 亮点四:飞扬的文采 语言富有文采是考场作文的一大亮点,你可从以下几个方面来提升自己作文的文采。 1、写景状物。生动逼真。 2、写人叙事,抓住细节。如:“于是,我跟这个老北京混了个脸熟。那一段日子,只要他经过我家门口,他的身后就会跟着一个和他一起扯着嗓子吆喝的5岁小孩儿。老北京很喜欢我,每天收摊儿前都会给我一串糖葫芦作为报酬。有一次,他摸着我的脑袋说:‘多好的孩子啊!以后真成了卖糖葫芦的,就毁喽!’年幼的我不懂这些话的意思。于是认真地望着他说:‘赶明儿我一准干这个。’老北京笑笑不语。” 3、议事言理,富有哲理。 4、遣词造句。讲究技法。如:“川端康成浅浅的一句 ‘凌晨4点钟,看到海棠花未眠’瞬间感动了多少心灵。这是梦和现实完美的结合,让那些世俗之物顷刻间土崩瓦解,让多少在现实中日渐麻木的心灵得到了温暖。正视现实,但不委身于现实;保持幻想,但不沉溺于幻想。让梦想在现实中跳起酣畅淋漓的舞蹈吧!”这段话句式长短结合、整散错落,增强了文章的结构美和音乐美。 5、灵活运用修辞,文采飞扬。 语言“有文采”,可以弥补发展等级其他方面的不足,但不要为追求文采,而堆砌词藻。文采要与文章的内容相得益彰。 亮点五:材料新鲜


如何增加作文的亮点 一、适当地多使用一些词组、习语或高级词汇代替普通单词,以增加文采,丰富文章的表现力。 1. To tell you the truth, I don’t really like your new novel.(普通) To tell you the truth, I really show no interest in your new novel.(高级) 2. A new building is being built in my hometown. (普通) A new building is under construction in my hometown. (高级) 3. As a result, the plan was a failure. (一般) The plan _turned out to be__a failure. (高级) 二、合理运用介词或名词短语、非谓语动词代替句子,使文字清新简练。 1.介词短语代替句子 1)I was pleased to hear from you and I’m writing to tell you something that has taken place in our school.(普通) I was pleased to hear from you and I’m writing to tell you something turned out to be.(高级) 2)I picked up the case. I shouted at the man loudly. But he didn’t hear me and rode away.(普通) After picking up the case , I shouted at The man loudly, but he rode too fast to hear me.(高级) 3)Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable. (一般) Thanks to the good weather, our journey was comfortable. (高级) 4)When she heard he had died, she went pale with sorrow. (一般) At the news of his death, she went pale with sorrow. (高级) 2. 用替代词代替名词、句子 It showed me that the way of education in Canada is quite different from the way of education of China.(普通)It showed me that the way of education in Canada is quite different from that of China.(高级) 3. 用with+ n.+ doing/done/介词短语 The trees and grass disappeared and the forest became wasteland (普通) With the trees and grass disappearing .the forest became wasteland. (高级) 4. 用非谓语动词代替从句 1)But later people wanted to grow crops. They began to destroy the forest (普通) But later in order to grow crops, people began to destroy the forest.(高级) 2)When he arrives, please give me an e- mail.(普通) On arriving/his arrival , please give me an e-mail.(高级) 3)She walked out of the lab and many students followed her.(普通) Followed by many students , she walked out of the lab.(高级) 4)If the weather permits, I'll come tomorrow.(普通) I'll come tomorrow, weather permitting . (高级) 5)He is so kind that he can help me.(普通) He is so kind as to help me .(高级) 三、改变传统句型,促成灵活表达。 1.改变句子开头 We can learn much by being brought into contact with other minds. (普通) By being brought into contact with other minds we can learn much.(高级) 2.改变时态 The bell is ringing now. (一般) There goes the bell! (高级) 3.改变语态 People suggest that the conference be put off. (一般) It is suggested that the conference be put off. (高级) 4.灵活使用强调句、被动句、倒装句、感叹句、特殊句型 使用倒装句 By doing this, we will become a harmonious society. (普通) Only in this way can we become a harmonious society . (高级) 使用强调句 1)What he said encouraged us.(普通) It was what he said that encouraged us.(高级) 2)Regular radio broadcasts began in 1920. (一般) It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began. (高级) 5.灵活使用各种主从复合句


亮点短语和句型: 1.It is of no doubt that.../ There is no doubt that.../ There is no denying that... ...是毫无疑问的 2.be supposed to = should (当想写should的时候,换成be supposed to) We are supposed to work hard during high school years. 3.would like to do = want to do I’d like to invite you to the art festival to be held at our school. 4.be able to do sth. / be capable of doing sth. = can I’m capable of speaking many different languages. I’m able to deal with different tasks at the same time. 5.spare no effort to do sth. = try hard to do sth. As we all know, teenagers are supposed to spare no effort to fight for their own future. 6.make the best/most of sth. = take the advantage of sth. 充分利用 我坚信 I firmly believe that.../ I hold the firm belief that.../ I’m fully convinced that... I hold the firm belief that all of us could achieve our dreams if we make the best of our time and effort. 7.turn to sb. for help/ do sb. a favor = help sb. You can turn to me for help whenever you are in need. 8.take action/measures/steps to do sth. 采取措施 Governments need to takes measures to raise people’s awareness of protecting the environment. 9.With time going by = As time goes by 随着时间的流逝 10.With the approaching of Art Festival...随着艺术节的到来 With the development of urbanization...随着城市化的发展 With the development of science and fiction, public transportation is becoming increasingly convenient. 11.adopt a correct attitude 采取正确的态度 There is no denying that all of us are supposed to adopt a correct attitude towards cellphones. From my point of view, we are supposed to adopt a correct attitude towards social activities and keep a balance between study and having fun. 12.benefit from 从...中受益 I firmly believe that we can benefit a lot from this activity. 开头: 1.I’m writing to ask for more information/apply for this job/thank you for your help. 我写信来是想询问更多信息/申请这份工作/感谢你的帮助。 2.It’s +n. to... It’s a great honor to make a speech here. It’s a pity that I couldn’t go there with you. /I’m terribly sorry that I couldn’t g 3.My suggestions are as follows. 以下是我的建议。 中间: 我认为,... 1.I think/ In my opinion/ From my point of view/ As far as I’m concerned, ... 2.Each coin has two sides, ...is no exception. 正如硬币有两面(有利有弊), ...也不例外。 3.Different people have different opinions./ Opinions on this topic vary. 不同的人有不同的观点。 4.It is known to all that... As we all know, ...As is known to all, ... 众所周知... 结尾: 1.I hope my advice will be of help to you. 希望我的建议对你有帮助。 2.I’d appreciate it if you could do me this favor. 如果你能帮助我我将不胜感激。 3.I’m looking forward to your early reply./I look forward to hearing from you soon. 期待早日收到你的回复。


2016考研英语作文亮点句型汇总(精华版) 1. superior to others高人一等 2. The large scale development of West China is of profound significance西部大开发具有深远意义 3. revitalize our nation实现我们民族的伟大复兴 4. lag behind(发展)滞后 5. the opening-up policies 开放政策 6. lure more foreign capital吸引更多的外资 7. leave… far behind 把…远远地甩到后边 8. In addition, the west’s unique unfavorable geographic positions greatly limit its development 另外,西部极为不利的地理位置限制了其自身的发展。 9. subsistence problem温饱问题 10. If left unchanged, the underdevelopment in the west will greatly affect overall prosperity and even social stability.这种状况若不改变的话,西部的落后将极大地影响共同富裕的目标甚至社会稳定。 11. However, the western region development is a long-term systematic project.然而,西部开发是一个长期的系统工程。 12.It calls for tremendous efforts of several generations.它需要几代人的共同努力。 13.economic prosperity 经济繁荣14. social progress社会进步 15.political stability政治稳定16. beautiful landscape风光秀丽 17.a deep-rooted concept一个根深蒂固的观念18. materialistic society物质社会 19.be concerned about关心20. the sense of achievement成就感 21.in terms of从……的角度22. a sound attitude一种正确的态度 23. strive for为…… 而努力24. bookworm书呆子 25. the pursuit of our ideals对我们理想的追求26. material well-being物质财富 27. utilize the natural resources利用自然资源28.meet the future needs满足将来的需要29. Competition exists everywhere and it is one of the motive forces of the development of society竞争是社会生活中的一个司空见惯的现象 30. However, we often find competition exists together with cooperation.然而,我们经常发现竞争与合作共存的情况。 31. While we are advocating competition, we can’t forget cooperation.我们在倡导竞争是不可忽略合作。 32. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failures.纯粹排他的竞争会导致一事无成。 33. Only competition together with cooperation helps us a great deal in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.只有既竞争又合作,我们才能实现目标,才能满足自身需要。 34. The current education system现行教育体制35.(be)aimed at致力于 36. the practical application of what they have learned他们所学知识的实际运用 37. challenge examination-oriented education挑战应试教育 38. advocate quality-oriented education倡导素质教育 39. focus on the students’ ability as a whole重视培养学生的整体能力 40. play a key role 起到关键作用 41. contribute to solving the problem of 有助于……问题的解决 42. bring up a new generation培养一代新人43. on a large scale大规模的 44. compulsory education义务教育45. a top priority最优先(事项) 46. water loss and soil erosion水土流失 47. Evidently, the deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind很明显,环境质量恶化会危及人类的生存。


高分作文的七个亮点(1) 一、标题——芳草满园花满目 俗话说得好“题好一半文”。文章的标题就好比一篇文章的眼睛,通过它,我们可以窥见文章的灵魂。古今中外许多优秀的作家,为了给自己的文章拟一个靓丽标题,直至“为伊销得人憔悴”。毫不夸张地说,题目拟得如何,不但存在着给阅卷老师第一印象的问题,甚至直接影响到阅卷老师对文章的评分。看许多高分作文的拟题方法,的确给人新颖的感觉: 1.引用流行歌曲,如《我的未来不是梦》、《一切尽在不言中》、《常回家看看》、《勇气》、《月亮之上》、《千里之外》、《隐形的翅膀》。 2.运用拟人、比喻、反复、设问等修辞格,如《一条海豚的幸福感受》、《生活好比一桌宴席》、《现在?现在!》、《成才全靠父母吗?》 3.套用流行语,如《在桥一方》、《都是课外书惹的祸》 4.借用成语或名句,如《勿以善小而不为》、《学无止境》 5.采用散文化的语言或诗的语言,如《我也衔过一枚青橄榄》、《着一袭美丽的绿袍》、《一丝甘醇沁心田》 二、开头——举头已觉满眼春 古人说“凤头豹尾”,就是说开头要写得有姿有彩,像凤凰的头那样,有人说:“好的开头等于成功的一半”,这些都说明了作文开头的重要。精彩的开头能一下子就打动评卷老师的心。由于时间与篇幅的限制,考场作文的开头讲究简洁、生动、优美,我们可以欣赏一下下面这些高分作文的开头: 1.引名句,起点高远,如:“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。”知识犹如浩瀚无垠的大海,哪有水源穷尽的一天?惟有以百折不回的毅力,勇往直前,方能采撷到知识果实《学无止境》 2.巧博喻,形象开阔,如:像微风拂过竹叶,像碧波轻吻海岸,像明星装饰天幕,像冷雨滋润土地。你的出现仿佛一道闪电划破了凝固的天空《一丝甘醇沁心田》 3.趣比拟,别开生面,如:嘿,大家好,我叫把握,与自信等人是胞兄胞弟,我们共同支撑人大脑活动与精神。你们可不要小瞧我啊,我的存在很重要呢!《我叫把握》 4.作排比,造势磅礴,如:盈盈月光,我掬一捧最清的;落落余晖,我拥一缕最暖的;灼灼红叶,我拾一片最热的;萋萋芳华,我摘一束最灿烂的,对人以和,待人用善,待人和善。《待人和善》 5.巧设问,引人深思,如:团团黑黑的硝烟还围绕在你的身边吗?轰隆的飞机还盘旋在你头顶上的那一片天空里吗?哦,伊拉克女孩,你那双纯洁的双眼噙着泪水,你无助的眼神充满了恐惧。你在想什么?《今夜星光灿烂》 6.深抒情,生动感人,如:虽说雁过无痕,岁月无声,而白驹过隙的光阴却在生命的每一个空隙里不着痕迹的流动。流年的浪花总是涤荡在渺远的心际,水波涟漪般徐徐荡开,风中花瓣样轻轻坠落。是什么促使我们的忧伤、快乐、悲痛、


高考英语作文提分亮点! 高考英语写作时,适当使用含有较高级语法结构的句式,如强调句、倒装句、省略句、感叹句等,能给文章增色不少,是英语作文的提分亮点。 1 使用特殊句式 ① As a saying goes,the little thing matters most. →As a saying goes,it is the little thing that matters most.(强调句) ② The children can grow up healthy mentally and phys ically only in this way. →Only in this way can the children grow up healthy mentally and physically.(倒装句) ③ If it is so,I hope you will have a wonderful time. →If so,I hope you will have a wonderful time.(省略句) ④ It is a very splendid moment. →How splendi d a moment it is!/What a splendid moment it is!(感叹句) ⑤ I won first prize with my teacher's help. →Without my teacher's help,I couldn't have won first prize.(虚拟语气) 2 巧用从句 ①如果他们在考试中经常作弊,他们就会养成一个坏习惯,这将会对他们的生活产生坏的影响。 If they often cheat in the exams,they will develop a bad habit,and it will have a bad effect on their life. →If they often cheat in the exams,they will develop a bad habit,which will have a bad effect on their life.(定语从句) ②这正是我想要的。 It is just the thing I want. →It is just what I want.(名词性从句) 3 善用非谓语动词


题目:亮点 要求:①文体自选(诗歌、戏剧除外);②不少于600字;③文中不得出现透露考生个人身份的信息;④书写工整,卷面整洁。 【例文】亮点 其实我没有亮点,你看我,大字不识一个,啥文化也没有。 其实我没有亮点,你看我,身无分文,浑身上下一股穷酸味儿。 但爹爹说,做人要对得起天地良心,打死也不干亏心事。我说是的。我没有什么文化,又不会做生意,只能到镇上打工,挣几个钱养家。 开始,我在工厂当搬运工。那砖头压在背上,磨着皮肉,生疼。工厂里包吃包住,每回和工友围着小天井扒饭,总有几个嚷着猪肉少,吃不下。想着大家一起打工挨苦,挺可怜,咬咬牙就把碗里那几片肉夹给了他们。爹爹说过,要是我待别人好,别人也会对我好。其实少吃几块猪肉,也值。 一回厂里不知怎么突然失火了,工友们一个一个抱着头往厂外跑,怎就不帮忙找水灭火?想着他们胆小,夜里瞧见老鼠也大叫,我便慌忙找水桶装些水往火上浇。直到消防队的人来了,我才松口气,跑到工友们身旁看热闹。工友说我挺傻,怎就不顾命地往火里冲。其实没了工厂,哪还有饭吃。 幸亏那火不大,厂里没损失多少,也就没将我们解雇,留着继续当搬运工。夏天真是热,看着工地里的白砖一块一块地搭着,像家里蒸的方块糕子,热热的,还冒烟。那天,不知哪里来的小娃子在“糕子”下玩耍,一下子撞翻了一列,被压在里面。人命关天啦,我赶紧把小娃子的身上的砖拨开,背起他往医院跑,跑老远才有间小诊所,亏得平时搬砖锻炼,有力气。娃子爹娘挺感激的,送鸡又送鸭,我想想也没干什么,就没好意思要。回来后,工友说我猪,背着人跑十几里路,救了人命还不拿点什么。其实累是累了点,但文化人都说救人一命胜造七级浮屠,那我还要什么。 这阵子厂里搞什么人事重组,听说让我当搬运队小队长,真高兴。但想想我除了一股蛮劲,什么也不会,工友们平时也说我傻,的确没这个能力。我找厂长说我干不了小队长。他问我,待人好不好,我说,还可以;有没有为厂里做贡献,我说,那只不过帮着救火;有没有见义勇为,我说,那算啥,只是背着个孩子去医院。 厂长说,你看看,你有这么多亮点,凭这些够了。 搬了这么久的砖,才发现我也有亮点。


考研英语写作高分必备35个句型 众所周知,考研英语写作中,句子的表达是关键。而句子表达的灵魂是句型结构的变换。丰富的句型与多变的句式,会令你的作文脱颖而出,令阅卷老师眼前一亮,何愁没有高分呢?在这里总结出考研英语写作35个常用的亮点句型,请大家一定要掌握哦!(注:S—主语,V—谓语,O—宾语) 【句型1】...the+~est+n.+(that)+S+have ever+seen (known/heard/had/read, etc) ...the most+a.+n.+(that)+S+have ever+seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) 【例1】Mr. He is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 【译文】何老师是我曾经遇到过的最仁慈的教师。 【例2】Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 【译文】海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 【句型2】Nothing is+~er than to+v. Nothing is+more+a.+than to+v.

【例句】Nothing is more important than to receive education. 【译文】没有比接受教育更重要的事。 【句型3】...cannot emphasize the importance of ... too much. 再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过 【例句】We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 【译文】我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 【句型4】There is no denying that+S+V 不可否认的…… 【例句】There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 【译文】不可否认,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。 【句型5】It is universally acknowledged that+句子. 全世界都知道…… 【例句】It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 【译文】全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 【句型6】There is no doubt that+句子. 毫无疑问的…… 【例句】There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


亮点短语和句型:1.It is of no doubt that.../ There is no doubt that.../ There is no denying that... ...是毫无疑问 的 2.be supposed to = should (当想写should的时候,换成be supposed to) We are supposed to work hard during high school years. 3.would like to do = want to do I’d like to invite you to the art festival to be held at our school. 4.be able to do sth. / be capable of doing sth. = can I’m capable of speaking many different languages. I’m able to deal with different tasks at the same time. 5.spare no effort to do sth. = try hard to do sth. As we all know, teenagers are supposed to spare no effort to fight for their own future. 6.make the best/most of sth. = take the advantage of sth. 充分利用 I firmly believe that.../ I hold the firm belief that.../ I’m fully convinced that... 我坚信 I hold the firm belief that all of us could achieve our dreams if we make the best of our time and effort. 7.turn to sb. for help/ do sb. a favor = help sb. You can turn to me for help whenever you are in need. 8.take action/measures/steps to do sth. 采取措施 Governments need to takes measures to raise people’s awareness of protecting the environment. 9.With time going by = As time goes by 随着时间的流逝 10.With the approaching of Art Festival...随着艺术节的到来 With the development of urbanization...随着城市化的发展 With the development of science and fiction, public transportation is becoming increasingly convenient. 11.adopt a correct attitude 采取正确的态度 There is no denying that all of us are supposed to adopt a correct attitude towards cellphones. From my point of view, we are supposed to adopt a correct attitude towards social activities and keep a balance between study and having fun. 12.benefit from 从...中受益 I firmly believe that we can benefit a lot from this activity. 开头: 1.I’m writing to ask for more information/apply for this job/thank you for your help. 我写信来是想询问更多信息/申请这份工作/感谢你的帮助。 2.It’s +n. to... It’s a great honor to make a speech here. It’s a pity that I couldn’t go there with you. /I’m terribly sorry that I couldn’t go there with you. 3.My suggestions are as follows. 以下是我的建议。 中间: 1.I think/ In my opinion/ From my point of view/ As far as I’m concerned, ...我认为,...
