

My Manhattan(5th) Notes


CH1 SC Basics



CH2 Grammar&Meaning








Known as –被认为是,很著名;known to be-被承认…;known for

Loss of –失去;loss in-贬值

Mandate-命令;have a mandate-拥有选举权

Native of- (人)来自;native to –物种起源于

Range of –多种的;ranging-变化

Rate of –速度或频率;rates for –价格…


Such as –比如;like-好像(举例只能用such as, 不能用like)

Try to do –努力去完成;try doing –尝试去做



(*should 表“应该”,不表示likelihood;法律法规只能用must不能用should)



3.词的搭配:主谓一致,逻辑一致,make sense


1. 在一个句子中,不要用两个意思一样的词




enable-be able to;


other than-opposite;




have to–require

及近义词then-later; so-in order to


法错误,使得此类选项稍好一点。(being除了2种情况:1,介词+being done;2,进行时被动语态be being done)


过去:previously; formerly; in the past; before now

现在:now; currently; presently; at present;

每年:annual; each year; a year

EG: OG12 unaccompanied是不好的表达,意思不如not accompanied 清晰;另外关于什么

的增长,一般的用法是increase in sth,而不是increased sth


1.简洁是GMAT 最后考到的点,只有在语法和意思都无误的情况,才选择最简洁的(不作为排除的法则)


EG: differ>have difference in






1.and vs additive phrases

(1)and 连接几个不同的名词的时候构成复数结构,谓语动词要用复数。

(2)其他连接性的词(along with, in addition to, as well as, together with, including)虽然也表达―and‖的意思,但是连接不同的名词,只是起修饰作用,不会改变主语的单复数,不影响谓语动词。

e.g. Joe, as well as his friends, IS going to the beach.

(3)一些表示学科的词(physics, mathematics)、一些活动-有氧运动(aerobics)和一些疾病-糖尿病(diabetes)虽然以s结尾,仍属于单数名词,谓语动词用单数。




EG: Neither the coach nor the players are going to the beach.

(2)若仅仅只有either or neither, 没有or 、nor,则谓语动词一定要用单数



People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd (群众)orchestra(乐队), team

Items: baggage, citrus(橙类), equipment(设备), fleet(舰队/小河), fruit, furniture(家具)

e.g. The CROWD in the stands IS cheering loudly as the home TEAM TAKES the field.


Anyone, anybody, anything, no one, nobody, nothing, each, every, someone, somebody, something, every one, everybody,everything,whatever, whoever,either…or..;neither…nor..

**特殊情况,如果遇到―SANAM‖需要根据后面的―OF的介宾短语‖中的名词内容确定谓语的单复数** EG: Some of the money was stolen from my wallet.

Some of the documents were stolen from the bank.

其中,Any of;none of:可能是单数或复数,not one 永远是单数

e.g. Any of these women ISa suitable candidate for marriage to my son.

Not one of my friends IS here this weekend.

5.each vs every


EG: every dog and cat has paws.

They each are great tennis players.


A number of +复数主语+复数谓语(a number of 可以看成是some/many)

The number of +复数/单数主语+单数谓语

half, majority, minority, plurality(多数)既可以是单数也可以是复数根据其修饰的主语(of 后面的词)决定其单复数。通常表示一个大群体的一部分时,用复数。



Having good friends IS a wonderful thing.


Whatever they want to do IS fine with me.


EG: near those buildings SITS a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.


OG 68:sth that be…,当前面的sth做主语的时候,that be一般要省略,否则不符合英文表达习惯;另外,诸如evidence之类的词,后面要跟that从句。



CH4 平行



1.有时候be, can, to…会被省略掉,多个平行时同省同留


Right: I want to retire to a place WHERE I can relax AND WHERE I pav low taxes.


Right: There are many people WHO speak English BUT WHOSE parents do not.


Wrong: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND WHO are not.

Right: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND THOSE WHO are not.



一般原则(逗号原则):A and B A ,B,and C A,B,C,and D

当连接两个元素是独立句子时候,会用A,and B

E.g.I really like candy apples, AND I eat them often.


Right: She argues THAT the agency acts WITH reckless abandon AND WITH disregard for human life AND property AND THAT it should therefore be shut down.







Wrong: The bouquet of flowers WAS a giving of love.

Right: The bouquet of flowers WAS a gift of love.

CH5 代词





EG: The park rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating

to it. It无指代对象,因为park在此处是形容词,真正的主语是park rangers。



EG: wrong:Although the term‖supercomputer‖ may sound wonderful, it is simply an extremely mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second.

right: Although the term "supercomputer" may sound fanciful or exaggerated, it simply REFERS TO an extremely fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second.

此处,it指代就有问题,―term‖不是机器,―term‖指向机器,所以要用―refer to‖


GMAT为了迷惑大家,会在主语和主句前面,加上从句,比如:along with…/by…,要找到真正的先行词。



1.this, that, these, those 在句子中不能裸奔,必须用作this/that/those/these+n 的结构才能做代词使用,而这个名词则是能体现先行词性质的词。

EG:New‖nano-papers‖ incorporate fibers that give THESE MATERIALS strength,

2.that或those表示先行词的new copy,避免重复。

EG: The money spent by her parents is more than that spent by her children.

但that和those所指代的New copy必须被修饰,即要说明与先行词有什么不同(spent by her children),否则不能裸奔

3.that或those 表明新copy 的时候一定前后完全一致(包括单复数),否则需要重复先行词。

EG:Her company is outperforming those of her competitors.

错,those与company单复数不一致,应将those替换为the companies.


**one,that,those指代另外的事物或new copy






**特殊情况除外,最好不要选混淆指代的选项(如果遇见除了代词其他一模一样的选项,优先考虑重复名词的选项而不是代词表示的选项,because super-safe


(1)代词主格可用做主语:I, you, she, he, it , we, they , who

(2)代词宾格用作宾语:me, you, him , her, it, us, them, whom

(3)所有格:my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our ,ours, their(常考), theirs, whose


*代词前有所有格,指代有争议。最好将所有格变为X of Y形式

EG: Wrong: The board is investigating several executives' compensation packages in order to determine how much may have been improperly awarded to THEM.

Right: The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executives in order to determine how much THEY may have been improperly awarded.

Right: The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executives in order to determine how much THESE EXECUTIVES may have been improperly awarded.

4.which,that 只能指代物,只有who, whom,those才能指代人

CH6 修饰语



2.GMAT 考试中最长出现的修饰结构:



EG: Wrong:Jame s is Max’s supposedly Irish ancestor.

Right:James is Max’s supposed Irish ancestor.


EG: Max’s grandmother is his supposedly Irish ancestor.

此处supposedly一定要用副词形式,因为M的奶奶肯定是M 的祖先,只是不知道是不是他的Irish 祖先而已,因此副词再次修饰形容词了。

**常见的形容词+ly 变副词的词语: corresponding, frequent, independent, rare, recent,seeming, separate, significant, supposed, usual.




①如果修饰语与其他名词相邻(而不是应该修饰的名词),那此修饰语是Misplaced Modifier。

Wrong: Jim biked along an old dirt road to get to his house, which cut through the woods.

此句修饰语which cut through应该修饰road而不是house。所以,应该把road放到修饰语旁边。

②如果想修饰的名词根本不在句子里,那此修饰语是Dangling Modifier。









Wrong: Unskilled in complex math,Bill's score on the exam was poor.

Right: Unskilled in complex math, Bill did not score well on the exam.


名词修饰语常常被关系代词引出:which that who whose whom where when



2. which 必须修饰物

3. 在GAMT考试中,that不可以修饰人

4. whose可以修饰人也可以修饰物

5. where可以修饰地点(名词),但不能修饰―隐喻性‖的―地方‖

Eg:where可以修饰:area,site,country or Nevada

where不能修饰:condition,situation,case,circumstance,or arrangement

只能用in which


When可以修饰:period, age, 1987,or decade.此时的when可以用in which代替。


1.Which 和Whom 有时跟在介词后面:in which;for whom..

2.That 和whom 可以省略当被修饰的名词是从句修饰的宾语时,

Right: The movie (THAT) we watched last Fridaywas scary.






1.主从连词比如:because, although, if, unless, while, so that, while等,引导从句,不能单独组成一个完整的句子,要附着在主语上。

2.有些动词修饰语会同时修饰动词和动词的主语,这种情况要确保主语和修饰语放在一起逻辑意义合理。Eg. WHITLING "Beat It‖, I lifted the weight.


Eg.Wrong: The weight was lifted to free my leg.


五..which 和现在分词

1.Which必须紧跟其修饰的名词,which不能修饰一个句子,which只能指代它前面的一个名词 形式做修饰语




(4)ing 形式在主系表结构中,可以修饰其前面紧跟的名词

(5)ing 形式在主谓宾结构之后,可以表示与谓语动词同时发生,表伴随,此时其逻辑主语就是主句的主语。

CH7 动词时态,语态和语气




一般时常表达“永久”的状态或频繁的时间,或general rule



(1)现在进行时指示现在发生的事,不管句子里有没有―right now‖这个词。相反,一般现在时只意味着事件



(4)表示一般状态的动词不能用进行时态。这样的状态动词(state verbs)包括know或signify。







表示词:likelihood/ possibility+ that, over+时间点







EG: The band U2 was one of many new groups on the rock music scene in the early 1980's, but less than ten years later, U2 had fully eclipsed its early rivals in the pantheon of popular music.

*如果主句和分句主语相同,且以and, before, but等连接,如果句子逻辑上存在先后顺序的话,主分句都用一般过去时即可。

EG: Laura LOCKED the dead bolt before she LEFT for work.






看起来不可能或者不真实的条件,用if, as if, as though引导

虚拟语气中,to be一般用were. EG: if I were a rich man

2.If…then….常见的五种句型(then 经常会被省略掉)


(1)表示确定: If present(现在时), then present(现在时)

EG: if she eats pizza, (then) she becomes ill.

(2)表示某种程度的不确定: if present(现在时), then can or may

If she eats pizza, (then) she may become ill.


if present,(现在时)then future(将来时)

If she eats pizza tomorrow, (then) she will become ill.

*或用现在完成时:If Sophie HAS EATEN pizza, then she WILL BECOME ill


if hypothetical subjunctive(虚拟语气), then conditional(情态动词)

If she ate pizza tomorrow, (then) she would become ill. (使用虚拟语气)


if past perfect(完成时), then conditional perfect(情态动词完成时)

If she had eaten pizza yesterday, (then) she would have become ill. (使用虚拟语气)

注:a.在GMAT中,如果遇到but if..那么就要考虑是否是以上的五种之一。




(2)暴力词-只能用that从句的命令虚拟语气,不能用不定式:demand, dictate, insist, mandate, propose, recommend, request, stipulate(规定), suggest

Eg. We demand THAT HE BE here.


Eg. The attorneys proposed to meet the following day.

暴力词-只能用不定式的:advise, allow, forbid, persuade, want

Eg. We allow HIM TO BE here.

暴力词-既可以接that从句的命令虚拟语气,又可以接不定式:ask, beg, intend, order, prefer, urge, require Eg. We require THAT HE BE here. O R We require HIM TO BE here.


Right: His demand THAT he BE paid full severance was not met.

(4)形容词性的命令词汇既可用虚拟语气,也可用不定式:如essential, advisable, crucial,desirable, fitting, imperative, important, mandatory, necessary, preferable, urgent, vital

Right: It is essential THAT Gary BE ready before noon.


常见用法:prohibit sth;prohibit from doing;prohibit sb from doing但prohibit不能接不定式特例Want.,有时候使用want并不是虚拟语气,而只是一个不定式表目的wan sb to do sth


But for N, S + should/would/cold/might + V / (have Vpp.) 若不是N, S应该….

= If it were not / (had not been) for N

= Were it not for N / (Had it not been for N)

= Without N(介词只有without可表虚拟语气)




should + 动词原形

were to + 动词原形

would / should / might / could + 动词原形

现在动词过去式(be 用were) would / should / might / could + 动词原形

过去had +动词过去分词would / should / might / could have + 动词过去分词三.被动语态与主动语态



1.by后面一般跟动作的执行者且一定是被动语态;through 和because of 后面跟一些设备手段或者方法



CH8 比较




**like vs as

1.Like 是一个介词,因此like后面只能跟名词(或者动名词作名词,如like swimming,skating is great exercise),代词或者名词短语。(不能跟从句,介词短语)

2.As 可以作介词或连词,既可以跟介宾短语,又可以跟连词(后面可以跟句子)。




2.比较要从语法结构上保持平行(-to do vs -to do,-ing vs -ing,clause vs clause)




P.S. 所有格/所有物可以代表单数和复数,只有逻辑意思合理就行。

EG: My car is bigger than Brian's car. My toes are longer than Brian's (toes).


EG: Whereas I drink 2 quarts of milk a day, my friend drinks 3 (quarts).省略名词

I walk faster than Brian (walks).省略动词

I walk as fast now as (I walked) when I was younger.省略主谓,避免重复


EG: Visual eats more carrots than donuts. (donuts必须为宾语才能省略)

Ambiguous: I like cheese more than Yvette. (Yvette could be subject or object.)

Right: I like cheese more than Yvette DOES. (=than Yvette likes cheese)

Right: I like cheese more than I DO Yvette. (= than I like Yvette)



1.以ly结尾的副词的比较级是more +该副词,不要改成er形式


Eg. A cat cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as a cheetah. 错(有歧义)

A cat cannot catch a wildebeest that run as fast as a cheetah. (宾语的奔跑速度比较)

A cat cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as it catch a cheetah. (同一主语抓捕速度比较)

A cat cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as a cheetah can. (主语抓速度比较,补出情态动词can)




(1) 主语比较:A do sth than B do.(AB为对等名词,加do 是为了显示这是一个可以发出动作的名词,因而确定是主语,进而确定是主语对比)

(2) 介宾比较A do sth of C1 by D1 than of C2 by D2.(C1C2,D1D2对等名词)


The clothes inside the store looked more appealing than outside the racks.错,不是介宾比较

The clothes inside the store looked more appealing than did those outside the racks. 对

(3) 宾语比较A do C1 than C2.(C1C2为对等名词)

(4) 状语比较A do sth than usual/ever before/people expected(直接加状语)



I eat faster than you.注意与下句区别

I eat apple faster than you do

如果写成I eat apple faster than you 按ETS的理解,从语法上就变成我吃苹果比吃你快,成了宾语比较。逻辑上显然不通。

3.AS 族的比较大同小异,as 可单独引导比较,也可以复合成as many as, as hard as 等


Sand road costs twice as many to build as to maintain(类似于介宾比较)

Sand road costs twice as many to build as stone road do(主语比较)

Sand road costs the government twice as many to build as the residents.(宾语比较)


AS poor as they are, they cannot afford a car.

They have 800 million students, as many as have enrolled in our school.

5.There be 句型等同于一般的主谓宾俱全的句型OG89

There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four times as many as there were four years


There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four times as many as DVD player(宾语比较)

There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four times as many as for school teachers.(介宾比较) There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four time as many as in china(介宾比较)


CH10 连词,标点,量词


1.一个正确的句子至少有一个主句:有完整的主谓结构,且不以because or if结尾;逗号不足以连接两个完整句子。

2.and 是GMAT 考试总最重要的连词,它可以连接多个名词,或多个结构相同成分或者句子,注意and 连接的前后成分一定要是并列的。

*And的两种用法:1)连接一系列的连词。(apples, grapes, and pears)

2)连接两个主语从句(意味着2个主语2个谓语,且并列)and前面如果有逗号,则后面必有主语!或者and 是一个主语发出的2个动作,则不需要逗号,直接用and连接。

Wrong: Earl walked to school, AND later ate his lunch.

Right: Earl walked to school ,AND HE later ate his lunch.

3.一次只能用一个连词,如since/because, so不能同时用,although, yet不能同时用。

4.并列连词:and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so;从属连词,although, because, before, after, since, when, if , unless, that, though, while



(1) 次要内容会用逗号隔开,但是主要内容和主句一脉相承。(插入语)

(2) 一个主语发出的两个动词间的and不用逗号。

EG: Wrong: Earl walked to school, AND later ate his lunch.

Right: Earl walked to school AND later ate his lunch.


特殊:The more,the more结构


(1) 分号用以连接两个紧密相关的句子,这两个句子又是分别相对完整的句子。(说是―相对‖,是因为虽然语法上都能单独成句,但是逻辑意思上第二句单独出来的话就说不通)

EG: Andrew and Lisa are inseparable; they do everything together.

(2) 用分号连接的两句应该是独立、平衡的。如果原句有从属关系,那么应该保留比如原句是因果关系,则不用分号而用because。

(3) 分号后经常跟一些链接副词(注意这些词不是真正的连词,不能用逗号替代分号),如

however, therefore, in addition, then.

EG: Wrong: Andrew and Lisa are inseparable, THEREFORE, we never see them apart.

Right: Andrew and Lisa are inseparable; THEREFORE, we never see them apart.

(4) 分号还有个主要的用法:用来隔开带逗号的一串名词。

EG: Wrong: I listen to Earth, Wind & Fire, Wow, Owls, and Blood, Sweat & Tears.

Right: I listen to Earth, Wind & Fire; Wow, Owls; and Blood, Sweat & Tears.


(1) 冒号是对前面提出的信息起补充说明作用,可以在冒号后面加namely或者that is。

(2) 冒号前的分句必须能够单独成句,冒号后的则不一定。

(3) 被解释的成分与冒号后的解释成分越近越好→常构成被动语态

Worse: Three factors affect the rate of a reaction: concentration, surface area, and temperature. Right: The rate of a reaction is affected by three factors: concentration, surface area, and temperature.

(4) 冒号后可以加入一个主句,用以解释冒号前的内容。

EG: On January 1, 2000, the national mood was completely different from what it would become just a few years later: at the turn of the century, given a seemingly unstoppable stock market and a seemingly peaceful world, the country was content.


(1) 破折号的用法很富有弹性,既可以作强调作用,也能充当冒号,分号。

(2) 有时候为了突出主要内容或者解释时,破折号更佳。

EG: My three best friends—Danny, Jimmy, and Joey—and I went skiing. (用逗号意思就变7个人了) (3) 破折号还可以重复或者解释前半句的内容。但又和冒号不同,破折号不一定立刻放在被


EG: Post-MBA compensation for investment bankers tends to surge far ahead of that for management consultants—by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a year.

(4) 用的比较广泛,破折号有双的,也有单的。




3.既可跟可数名词又可跟不可数名词的量词:more, most, enough, all 但是less只能不可数

4.留意单数词:如money-dollar, volume-gallons, 这些单位词可用复数,但都是修饰不可数


Right: We have LESS THAN twenty dollars.

(这里dollars是复数,但是要用不可数的less than来修饰)

Or ―fewer than twenty dollar bills‖

5.the number of 修饰单数,a number of 修饰复数,The numbers of 一般都是错的

如果numbers要做比较,一般用greater than, 而不是more than

Wrong:The rare Montauk beaked griffin is not extinct; its NUMBERS are now sus- pected to be much MORE than before.

Right:The rare Montauk beaked griffin is not extinct; its NUMBERS are now sus- pected to be much GREATER than before.


Right: The price of silver INCREASED by ten dollars.

Right: The price of silver is five dollars GREATER than the price of copper.

同时,很重要的一点!避免意思重复:increase不能和rise/rising/risen/growing/grwth一起用!decrease 不能和fall/fell一起用。

Wrong: The price of silver FELL by a more than 35% DECREASE.

Right: The price of silver DECREASED by more than 35%.

Right: The price of silver FELL by more than 35%.


CH11 简洁和平行(高阶)

(一)简洁:一些具体的形式: V>adj/adv.>n

1.动词形式优于名词:即动词形式优于名词+be/make 形式

EG: His conception of money was a goal. < He conceived of money as a goal

His example was an influence on me. < His example influenced me.

They made a reference to the strike. < They referred to the strike.

2.that 从句优于一堆名词性修饰语,常用这种结构的词包括:hypothesis, idea, suggestion, belief, discovery, evidence, indication, and report.

EG: The hypothesis about the composition of the universe as largely dark energy seems strange.

The hypothesis that the universe is largely composed of dark energy seems strange.


The artist was influential to the movement. < The artist influenced the movement.


She has the ability to juggle. < She is able to juggle.


Wordy: Oil prices have fallen, but prices at the gasoline pump have not fallen TO A


Better: Oil prices have fallen, but prices at the gasoline pump have not fallen COMPARABLY

注意:尽可能避免用to be,而用is , am, are,been,was,were 等替代


Marcos is a professor who is admirable.

Marcos is a admirable professor.

7.尽量少用it is…that 结构

Wordy: IT IS without fear THAT children should play.

Better: Children should play without fear.


apply applicability

conceived conception

cost cost is

decided decision

influenced was influence

inspired inspireation

refered reference

weigh weight


aggravate is aggravating

can be able to

indicate indicative

inspired inspirational

suggest suggestive

abundant abundance

be able to ability

capable capability

convince conviction

disincline disinclination

isolate isolation

comparably to a comparable extent

considerably to a considerable extent

significantly to a significant degree


admirable who is admirable

firefighter who is firefighter




(1) 当of的词,表示形容前面的名词时,可以将of省略。

A wall of stone=a stone wall。


(2) 尤其介词不是of 时,更加有必要保留介词

Danube river access < access to the Danube river

Boston soldier < soldier from Boston

Population changes of honeybees < changes in the population of honeybees

sales increase < increase in sales

2.在比较中,that of , those of 常常很重要

The faces I see in ads is a famous actor. < The face I see in ads is that of a famous actor


The fields I most enjoy are those of math and physics.

Indicate, claim, contend, report, announce, assert, believe, confess, demonstrate, doubt, expect, hold, know, mention ,observe, proclaim, reason, recognize, repeat, state, think , warn, be convinced , be certain, be assured, agree, declare, find, reveal, rule ,show

Too Short: The study INDICATES the problem has vanished.

Better: The study INDICATES THAT the problem has vanished.


Right: The water was so cold that people SAID polar bears would shiver.


1.名词有两种形式:实体名词(时间、地点、人、事件),动作名词(eruption, pollution, change,



Tracking satellites accurately is important for the space agency.


The accurate tracking of satellites is important for the space agency.


Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, raising the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general pardon.

Right: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, THE raising OF the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general pardon.

其中withdrawal,reductions,pardon都是动作名词,而the raising of是复杂名词。

The accurate tracking of satellites -复杂动名词;tracking satellites -简单动名词


Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions AND releasing certain political prisoners.

Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions AND THE releasing OF certain political prisoners.

Right:The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions AND THE RELEASE OF certain political prisoners.


OG129:定语从句不要倒装;OG133:就近修饰,定语从句或ving 修饰

OG:D50 that的指代是否模糊?


It is critical to suspend activities, notify investors, AND say not



1.实体名词 1.动作动词

2.动作名词+复杂动名词 2.不定式

3.简单动名词 3.形容词和过去分词


CH12 代词和修饰语(高阶)



(1)there:there 如果做代词代指某个地方时,前面一定要提到这个地方,而且必须是介宾短语形式,不能是形容词成分。

EG: Oil in Arctic may be worth drilling for, if wells can be dug there and environmental concerns addressed.

× Arctic oil may be worth drilling for, if wells can be dug there and environmental concerns addressed.

(2)itself, themselves, one another, each other: 一般表强调其指代的名词

After the agreement surfaced, the commission dissolved it. (解散Agreement)

After the agreement surfaced, the commission dissolved itself. (解散Commission)

(3)such, other, another


After the agreement surfaced, the commission decided to subject any such contracts to debate in

the future.


After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat one.巧克力中一个

After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat them.前面的巧克力

(5)do so 和do it

Do so : 可以指代整个的动作,包含谓语动词,宾语和修饰语

Q did not eat dinner quickly, but her brother did so. 指代eat dinner quickly(so可省略)

Do it : it必须指代一个确切的名词

Q failed to do the homework, but his brother did it. 指代前面的homework.

Quinn did not eat the soup, but her brother ate it.



It is futile to resist temptation. 对TO RESIST temptation is futile. 错

(2)that 从句做主语,通常用it作形式主语

It gave us encouragement that we scored at all.

THAT we scored at all gave us encouragement.


(3)不定式或that 从句做宾语,用it作形式宾语

She made it possible for us to attend the movie.

She made possible our attendance at the movie.

She made our attendance at the movie possible. 都对


After roasting the deer, the hunter extinguished the fire and then searched for a tree to hang the deer(the meat) from.

Right: New "nano-papers" incorporate fibers that give THESE MATERIALS strength.






EG: In the station house IT is considered taboo. it 不能指代station house


EG: After he dried his tears, Jack made a smile.


Note: 如果发现用以上代词指代的5原则竟然排除了所有5个选项,那么只能放弃这5原则,



1.of 修饰短语: of 短语修饰其前面的名词,而代词则指代整个of介词短语的内容

(1)He had a way of dodging opponents that impressed the scouts.

在本句中,that从句指代a way of dodging opponents,且that省略了更好,而不是单指a way

Best: His way OF DODGING OPPONENTS impressed the scouts.

(2)An ice sheet covers 80 percent of the surface of Greenland, an area roughly the size of Alaska. 2.为避免主语修饰语过于冗长,有时候会将修饰语后置

对:A new CEO has been hired who will transform the company by decentralizing authority to various division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public scorecards.

错:A new CEO who will transform the company by decentralizing authority to various division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public scorecards has been hired.


Our system of Presidential elections favors states, such as Delaware, that bv population are over-represented in the Electoral College. (that修饰的是states)


In heraldry, the term "tincture" refers to a color emblazoned on a coat of arms and labeled with a special French word.



(1) 不要选择Y of X’s 这样的结构,永远是错的;要么of X,要么X’s

(2) GMAT 在80%~90%情况下认为复数不能用所有格,如humans’

EG: ×: Certain humans' parasites have been shown to provide bacterial resistance and protection

√: Certain parasites in humans have been shown to provide bacterial resistance and


大部分名词用of X 结构可以清晰替代所有格,少部分如sales,要用in所有格,不等同于普通名词,不能简单修饰


(1) This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of which were only recently discovered.

错: This model explains all known subatomic particles, of which some were only recently discovered.

(2) This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of them only recently discovered.

错:This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of them which were only recently discovered.

(3) This model explains all known subatomic particles, some only recently discovered.

错:This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME OF WHICH only recently discovered.

其中的some,可能被替换成any, none, all, more/most,many, each, either, neither, half, one


(1) 从句和分词都可以修饰主语或者谓语,一般情况下可以通用,但遇到一些有明显时态变


① The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency ultimately culminating in the

survival of just a few languages, according to some.

② The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency that will ultimately culminate in the survival of just a few languages, according to some.(这种句式又叫独立词组)




(2) 实际上有两种修饰前句的方法

①独立词组:如上述形式,一般是一句结束后,一个概括性名词+that 从句

②V-ing 形式:V-ing 形式跟在主句后面,有四个情况可用:a.做伴随状语;b.表结果;c.修饰其前面紧跟的名词(在主系表结构中)d.修饰签名整句话,例如bring to 34只海鸟那道题。

Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the

world, suggesting the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago.(suggesting修饰de是前面整句话,那个发现结果)


(一)助动词:be /do /have


对I have never seen an aardvark, but my father has.

错I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father did.

对I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father saw one.此处就不能用has替代


错Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they are.

对Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they do.

Note:省略而成的do, are, have都只能代表主动时态


(1)Can, could, may ,might, must, shall , should, will and would,这些词在使用过程中不能



强调必须、义务的句子,再用have to/must显得啰嗦。

Wrong: This plan ensures that action must be taken.

Right: This plan ensures that action will be taken.

(2)Be to 在GMAT中永远是错误的,用will, 或者should 替代

Wrong: We ARE TO receive an invitation.

R ight: We WILL receive an invitation. OR We SHOULD receive an invitation.

(3)if 引导的条件句中,不能用情态动词,例如should

Awkward: SHOULD he PASS the test ,he will graduate.

Right: IF he PASSES the test, he will graduate.



(1) 不定式的使用要符合逻辑意思:

The building was demolished to avoid falling down accidentally. 错(avoid的主语变成building是错的) The building was demolished to keep it from falling down accidentally. 对(it指代的是building)(2) 不定式虽然可以做名词,但跟普通名词还是有差别,在前置短语里,最好别用不定式,而用it代替。且不定式也不能被形容词修饰(但动名词可以)。

Awkward: TO ERR is human.

Right: IT is human TO ERR.


Chapter 1 SC Basics (1) Chapter 2 GRAMMAR, MEANING, CONCISION (1) Chapter 3 SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT (3) Chapter 4 PARALLELISM (5) Chapter 5 PRONOUNS (6) Chapter 6 MODIFIERS (8) Chapter 7 Verb tense , mood, & voice strategy (11) Chapter 8 comparison strategy (13) Chapter 9 Idioms——看原书 Chapter 10 Odds & ends (15) Chapter 11 GMC/S-V /PARALLELISM: ADVANCED (18) Chapter 12 pronouns & modifiers: advanced (19) Chapter 13 verbs & comparisons:advanced (22) Chapter 1 SC Basics 1、各个选项中最好的答案并不一定是完全正确、完美的 2、日常口语中实际上有很多语法错误 3、SC的做题方法: 将每个选项逐个代入句子读一遍再寻找错误是很费时间的,更好的方法应该是使用分类排除的方法(split)。将五个选项按照某个语法点的区别分成两组或更多,找到你所确认的错误排除其中的一些组;再次分组,再次排除,直到剩下最终答案。 4、在一道题中将会测试多个语法点,平常练习中需要找出所有的点,而在考试时只需要找到一个能排除该选项的即可;而且每个选项往往都有多个点可以将其排除。 5、注意划线外部分,注意划线部分与划线外部分的关系,有许多重要的线索在远离划线部分的地方。 选择一个选项后要重读一遍句子,确认选项使得句子完整。 Chapter 2 GRAMMAR, MEANING, CONCISION 1、在做SC时,判断选项是否错误应该从语法开始,然后考虑意思,最后考虑简洁。 语法:GMAT测试你区分好和不好的语法的能力。许多语法错误的句子看起来很自然。 意思:句子不能有歧义,并且句子必须反映作者的真实的意愿,在选择选项时不要随便改变句子的原意(除非原句错误)。 简洁:不使用多余的词。 2、GRAMMAR:包括主谓一致、平行、代词、修饰语、时态、语气语态、比较、惯用语。 3、MEANING:不要随便改变句子原意。GMAT考试中,意思上的小错误常常容易被忽略。 在MEANING上的主要考点主要可以归类为:选择正确的词、词的正确位置和词与词之间的一致。(1)选择正确的词: 常考的是相近的词相互替代而使句子意思发生改变。如:

新教材外研版选择性必修第三册Unit2 A life's work学案(单词短语语法总结及配套习题)

Unit 2 A life's work Ⅰ.匹配词义 () A.n.着迷,迷恋 () B.n.食品杂货店 ()3.fascination [答案]1-3BCA Ⅱ.默写单词 1.pose v.(使)摆好姿势 2.uncomplicated adj. 不复杂的,简单的,单纯的 3.celebrity n. 名人,明星 Ⅰ.语境填空 posed,fashion,grocery,uncomplicated,celebrities,fascination He was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy. 2.This kind of dress is now in fashion. 3.The artist posed his model carefully. 4.Lots of celebrities were at the film premiere. 5.Water holds a fascination for most children. 6.He was an extraordinarily uncomplicated man. Ⅱ.语法填空之派生词 1.I value a natural style and love that which is uncomplicated(complicated). 2.The fascination(fascinate)of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking. 3.We ate at a fashionable(fashion)new restaurant. 4.Grocery(grocer)stores sell many foods that have been processed. 1.And yet every member of New York's wealthy high society wanted nothing more than to pose for this man.


曼哈顿 SC 总结 Chapter 1 Sentence Correction Basics 1.一道例题 Although William Pereira first gained national recognition for his movie set designs, including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations remember him as the architect for the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University and the city of Irvine. A:including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations B: like that for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations will C:like those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations D: including that for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations will E:including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations will 这道题用两点split。 1.1GMAT规定,Like不能用于举例;注意,在之后的说明中,曼哈顿说The GMAT used to claim that ‘like’ simply meant‘similar to’ and could not introduce examples. However, the exam writers have moderated this hardline duty in published explanations. As a result, either ‘including’ or‘likelihood would technically work in the sentence. 1.2GMAT规定,进行指代时,如果有单复数转换,不能用代词指代,而应换作相对应的 名词。 2.做题时间 一般不多于90秒钟,理想状况下,花费60-75秒。 3.做题步骤 3.1细读原文 理解原文中作者本意,顺带看是否有错误出现。 如发现错误,默默记下,以备之后作为排除依据; 如未发现错误,不要留恋,只要保证理解了文字的字面意思和作者本意即可。 3.2纵向扫描,找split 不要读选项,只是纵向寻找不同点(split)。 看句首和句尾,此两处必有split,不然画线不会画到它们。 迅速找到多个split,找最容易区分的。 3.3选取最简单split进行筛选 所谓简单,就是容易找/容易比较/容易决定。语法语义两个角度来分析 3.4选定第一个split 3.5用同一个split,去检查其他选项是否也犯了同样的错误


Sentence Correction 1.语法考点: -主谓一致 -平行 -比较 -时态 -代词的指代 -语法结构成分 -逻辑含义 -简洁 2.词的选择:单词辨析 3.句子的结构: -主动被动 -逻辑意思 考点一:主谓一致 在曼哈顿里,主谓一致叫“Subject-verb Agreement”,这个Agreement指以下三方面: 1)Subject and verb must both exist. 主谓都得有啊,但是注意GMAT里经常把 主语“隐藏”起来; 2)Subject and verb must make sense together. 这个谓语的发出者得合理; 3)Subject and verb must agree in number. 单复同形。 -连接短语(如along with, in addition to, as well as, including, accompanied by)都是修饰作用,谓语应接连接短语前的主语的单复。 -Or, either or, neither nor 就近。 -集合性名词(如agency, army, audience, class, crowd…baggage, citrus, fruit, equipment)应接单数谓语。 -非限定性代词(如-one, -body, -thing)一般为单数。 -对于SANAM(some, any, none, all, most/more)要看带的什么,即of 后的名词。而any of后不管是什么都是单数。 -Not one也永远是单数。 -Each, every 作主语的,是单数。(像They each +复) -量词短语(如majority,minority)看句子强调的是整体中的部分(复


一. gmat前期准备 考生在这阶段时间要去学习以下几个gmat知识点,为中期的gmat专项突破做准备。 1)og + manhattan(逻辑和语法) 一至两周看完上面的书单,og做完语文+数学;manhattan只看逻辑和语法,而且不要做题。 ① og语法 首先要仔细体会og中语法一致,逻辑清晰,语言简洁和有效表达的方式。语法方面,根据答案中的错误类型(即答案中的黑体字如:agreement, parallelism)进行分类并深入理解每一个错误类型的概念。记住一点,前面的所有试题只是答案中错误类型概念的解释,让考生能够更清楚这个概念的例子。因此,建议大家不要在乎试题对错结果如何,过分纠结无异于浪费时间;而是希望大家能够把每个错误类型的概念运用到每一个例题中去并深刻理解。 ② og逻辑 思路指导通过对每到题目的深刻理解。把握住逻辑题目里面的逻辑链条,知道假设题和削弱题,加强题,结论题到底指的是什么。og给gmat的逻辑题进行分类和对题型进行讲解。 ③ og阅读 思路指导通过对og文章的梳理,把握出gmat文章的逻辑框架和主题思路。 了解gmat的题目如何解答,把握住每种提醒的解题方法。 ④曼哈顿语法 国外机构一套非常不错的教材。帮助大家从西方人的思维角度正确认识gmat 考试。所设计的知识点非常的体系化。语法从gmac的角度(语法,语义,正确度,简洁等角度展开,从每一个语法的知识点拓展) ⑤曼哈顿逻辑 逻辑从对基本概念和语义判断入手。是一本相当不错的逻辑书,帮助大家理解基本原理和概念知识点。是一本相当不错配合og看的逻辑参考书。 2)gmat数学og

建议大家把gmat数学认真做一遍。做完一道题目要达到两层效果 ①这套题目我用什么样的数学公式解决 ②这套题目我是用什么数学思想来解释的 3)经济学人 每天坚持读1小时的文章。 多看严谨的文章帮助理解和更好的学习gmat语法和gmat阅读。在读经济学人的时候,好好体会里面所涉及的语法知识点是否规范和考点。阅读对文章的整体思路的把握,是否在很短的时间内,对文章的主旨结构有所把握。 二. 中期 考生要在四到六周的时间完成以下任务 1) 《prep 9》 prep是gmac为gmat考生提供的官方考试准备材料;里面所设计的语法,逻辑和阅读考点和og都很类似在难句理解上也比og上了一个层次。本资料有套题版和专项解析版,对大家的学习十分有帮助。 ①语法在读懂语义的基础上,熟悉语法知识点,强化对gmat语法的学习 ②逻辑体会prep的各种题型的解决方案的不同。 ③阅读清晰把握gmat阅读文章的题材和各种题目的解题技巧。 ④数学认真体会gmac想要考察的数学思想。牢记数学公式和英语表达。 2) 《gwd》的31套题 考试中期复习的时候必须完成15套题目。 ①语法 gwd的语法语言难度和实战非常接近;考生需要好好练翻译能力。 ②逻辑正确理解每一句话;分析清楚逻辑题目每句话在文章中所起的作用。 ③阅读认真梳理每篇文章的脉络;把握住文章的逻辑关系类型。 ④数学 gwd数学和实战考试非常接近,要好好体会每一道题目。

Unit 6 Going Offline

6Going Offline 1 全新版大学进阶英语:综合教程1 NEW PROGRESSIVE COLLEGE ENGLISH 1

Unit Goals Contents Part One Opener Pair Work Part Two Reading & Interacting Getting Prepared Text Study Focusing on Language in Context Part Three Integrated Skills Practicing Listening Speaking Writing

Pair Work: Describe the two cartoons below. Then work with your partner and answer the questions that follow.

1 Can you say a few words about the people in the pictures above? 2 If you forgot to bring your smartphone with you or you had no Wi‐Fi service, how would you feel? 3 Do you sleep with your smartphone under your pillow or next to your bed? If your phone beeps, will you get up and check it?

Watch the video clip about “Phubbing (低头族现象)” and discuss the following questions with your classmates. 1. At the beginning of the video clip, why does the man say that that he has so many friends but he’s still lonely? 2. According to the man, how does the Internet do harm to our kids? 3. What does the man want to express by telling a different imaginary life story without phubbing? 4. What are we suggested to do to “live life in a real way”?

叙事文本分析的语言学模式 罗钢

叙事文本分析的语言学模式 罗钢 当代叙事学受到结构主义语言学极为深刻的影响,本文拟介绍一种叙事学家们在文本分析中惯常采用的语言学模式。 一 过去,人们在分析叙事作品时,注重的是作品的情节、人物、主题等等,而叙事学的文本分析,是从文本语言的有机构成开始的。 在语言中,有一种对于确定其诗歌功能意义深远的对立,这就是隐喻与转喻的对立。1956年,雅各布森在《语言学基础》一书中对二者的关系作了系统的阐发。在这方面,雅各布森吸取了索绪尔结构主义语言学的一个基本观念。索绪尔认为,语言,就像人类其它符号行为一样,具有双重性质,分别涉及两种行为,这就是选择和组合,这种选择和组合构成符号行为的基础。举例来说,如果我们看见一位少女身着T恤和牛仔短裤,穿白色网球鞋,少女的这身装束便构成一个信息,依据特定的语境,它可以告诉我们少女的性格,她此时此刻的心情以及她将要去作什么。这个信息的构成便不可避免地要涉及选择与组合两种行为,少女先从她的各种上装如大衣,衬衫等中选择了T恤;又从各种裙子和裤子里面选择了牛仔短裤;再从她的各种鞋里选择了白色网球。这种选择依赖于她对自己的服装的了解,同时也依赖于她对自己的需要的认识。选择之后紧接着便是组合,组合的过程依赖于她对各种服装搭配的知识和公众的服装惯例的了解。例如,身着深色西装再穿白色网球鞋使显然是不符合服装惯例的(尽管这种惯

例在不断变化),这种服装的正确搭配,就类似我们根据语法正确地组成一个句子。一句中国古诗,例如“僧敲月下门”,它的构成也要涉及类似的选择和组合的行为。首先:诗人要从一系列具有同样语法功能(名词),和属于同一语义域的词汇(如和尚、僧、道、尼等)中选出“僧”这个词,然后从意义接近的系列动词,如“敲”“打”“拍”“推”中选出“敲”这个动词,最后再从另一系列名词,如“扉”、“门”“闼”等中选出“门”这个词,然后将这些个别的词汇单位根据中文的语法规则组合起来,例如我们不能说,“门敲月下僧”,就如我们不能把裤子笼到身上,衣服套在腿上一样,如果这样作,就违反了语言和服装的惯例。 与选择相关的是相似性,它们暗含着某种替换的可能,(衬衫替换T恤,“推”替换“敲”),选择的过程产生隐喻,因为隐喻的基础使是某种植根于相似性的替换。诗云“桃之夭夭,其灼华华,之子于归,宜其室家”,盛开的桃花与容光焕发的新嫁娘之间存在某种相似性,二者才能构成一种隐喻,换言之,一种替换。 隐喻是以人们在实实在在的主体(新嫁娘)和它的比喻式的代用 词(桃花)之间发现的相似性为基础的,而转喻则以主体与它邻近的代用词之间的接近或相继的联想为基础。如转喻“北京提出了一项新的建议”,便是以主体(中国政府)和它“邻近”的代用词(政府所在地)之间的接近联想为基础的。转喻与举隅法有空切关系,如“记得绿萝裙,处处怜芳草”句中的绿萝裙,便是诗人心爱的姑娘的举偶的描写,这种举隅法依赖的也是接近联想。

Ron 笔记 gmat 语法

Ron 笔记 1、平行 first two both 2 are correct *the parallel structures are indicated by “parallel tags” Most fossils of species X were found in Tennessee or Kentucky Most fossils of species x were found in T or in K. FOLLOW the tags are included. *proceed from RIGHT to LEFT in your analysis Look at the words following the tag

tags: the list of 3 or more items, the COMMAS and the “AND” are tags!! Focus on the sentence ” ITS ”

USAGE OF “COMPARED TO/WITH” with statistics/quantities: *DO NOT include any other words of comparison “28 percent of American husbands were married to wives with more years of schooling, compared to 6 percent in 1971.” NO additional word re: ” more “ “ less” ”N times” etc

用M-C 方法求积分

《数理统计》 课程设计 题目:用M-C 方法求积分1 () f x dx ? 【题目要求:f(x)自定,n≥500,考虑n对结果的影响,即做多组n下的模拟值,并作模拟值与n的散点图,同时比较模拟值与真实值的差异,散点图表示。并做差异值序列的描述性统计(均值、方差、标准差、峰度系数、偏度系数、众数、中位数、四分位数等)。积分区间可根据需要调整。】 学院:数学学院 专业班级:应用数学09-2班 姓名:李明 学号: 20096312 指导教师:谭常春 2012.6.20

一、M-C方法概述 M-C方法即蒙特卡洛方法,或称计算机随机模拟方法,是一种基于“随机数”的计算方法。这一方法源于美国在第二次世界大战中研制原子弹的“曼哈顿计划”。该计划的主持人之一、数学家冯·诺伊曼用驰名世界的赌城—摩纳哥的Monte Carlo来命名这种方法,为它蒙上了一层神秘色彩。 该方法基本思想很早以前就被人们所发现和利用。17世纪,人们就知道用事件发生的“频率”来决定事件的“概率”。19世纪人们用投针试验的方法来决定π。高速计算机的出现,使得用数学方法在计算机上大量模拟这样的试验成为可能。其实质是通过大量随机试验,利用概率论解决问题的一种数值方法,基本思想是基于概率和体积间的相似。 Monte Carlo方法计算结果收敛的理论依据来自于大数定律,且结果渐进地服从正态分布的理论依据是中心极限定理。以上两个属性都是渐进性质,要进行很多次抽样,此属性才会比较好地显示出来,如果Monte Carlo计算结果的某些高阶距存在,即使抽样数量不太多,这些渐进属性也可以很快地达到。 二、M-C方法与数值积分 用数值积分方法计算积分,如 2 1() x x f x dx ?,如果我们能够得到f(x)的原函数F(x),那么直接由表达式: F(x2)-F(x1)可以得到该定积分的值。但是,很多情况下,由于f(x)太复杂,无法计算得到原函数F(x)的显式解,这时我们就只能用数值积分的办法。数值积分的基本原理是在自变量x的区间上取多个离散的点,用单个点的值来代替该小段上函数f(x)值。 常规的数值积分方法是在分段之后,将所有的矩形小块的面积全部加起来,用这个面积来近似函数f(x)与x轴围成的面积。这样做当然是不精确的,但是随着分段数量增加,误差将减小,近似面积将逐渐逼近真实的面积。 Monte Carlo方法和上述类似。差别在于,Monte Carlo方法中,我们不需要将所有方柱的面积相加,而只需要随机地抽取一些函数值,将他们的面积累加后计算平均值就够了。随着抽取点增加,近似面积也将逼近真实面积。 三、M-C方法的形式与一般步骤 做Monte Carlo时,求解积分的一般形式是: 2 1()() x x f x x d ψ ?;x为自变量,它应该是随机的,定义域为(x1, x2),f(x)为被积函数,ψ(x)是x的概率密度。 Monte Carlo方法分为一下四个个步骤:


曼哈顿FoV. CR笔记 目录 1.All about the Argument (1) Sound argument vs. valid argument (1) On the GMAT (2) The arguer’s job and your job (2) List of the twelve flaws (2) Details of the twelve flaws (3) A. Unjustified Assumptions (3) B. Causation Errors (4) C. Comparison Errors (5) D. Math Errors (6) E. Communication Errors (7) Find the gaps in arguments (7) 2.Decoding the Question Stem and Stratege (8) 1. All about the Argument Sound argument vs.valid argument Every complete argument has two components written down on paper: ? Premises—supporting statements ? Conclusion— the main point or biggest claim of the argument A sound argument is successful on every level: the premises are true, and the conclusion logically follows from the premises. When a conclusion follows logically from true premises, that conclusion is therefore true. A valid argument is one in which the conclusion follows logically from the premises—but the premises may or may not be true. In a valid argument, if the premises are true, then the conclusion will also be true. In a good, valid argument, the premises lead to the conclusion in a direct way. They provide enough evidence to guarantee the truth of the conclusion (which is occasionally implied rather than stated explicitly).


Chapter 3: 主谓一致 注意主语和谓语之间构成的逻辑意义相符合 Wrong: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling. Right: Once developed, a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling. 主语谓语之间必须做到单复数相符合 Eliminate the middlemen and Skip and warmup (准确做到正常的跳读) 没有必要的句子成分尽量少读 介词短语,从句,其他修饰成分 善于利用句子的机构去判断单复数 The tidal forces to which an object falling into a black hole is subjected are sufficient to tear the object apart. And和additive phases (注意mathematics,aerobics,diabetes,citus都是单数的形式) Media是medium的复数形式。 Either or(就近原则确定谓语单复数) 集体名词 People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team Items: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture. 用单数 Our army of a hundred thousand soldiers is attacking the enemy. 不定代词 SANAM:some, any, none, all, more/most 这几个词语要依据不同情形确定单复数 Any of these women is a suitable candidate for marriage to my son. Not one of my friends is here this weekend. Every and each Every dog has paws. Every dog and cat has paws.


OCEAN的语法知识点总结 By Roxas605(ChaseDream)资料来源:OG12、OG12-verbal、OG10、Prep07、Prep08、GWD、Manhattan 一、独立主格 总结:独立主格只做状语,放在句首或句尾,表示伴随原因、条件、状态、目的、时间、补充说明等 ●独立主格三种形式: 1)一般形式:n.+n.,n.+V-ed/v-ing,n.+介词短语/形容词短语 独立部分与主句部分无太多关联 2)with形式:with+宾语+宾补,如:with+n.+v-ed/v-ing/介词短语/形容词短语 与主句主语有紧密的逻辑关系 3)each形式:each+v-ed/v-ing/介词短语/形容词短语;each+n.+介词短语 必须前面有复数名词 *:with型独立主格在GMAT中常常被判累赘 ●另外,存在一种with+n.+/with+n.+定语从句,可以看做概括性同位语 分析:放在句首,一定修饰主语,放在句尾既可以修饰主语也可以修饰谓语 二、同位语 总结:类似定语,修饰名词或者名词短语、代词(不是核心词指代) 1)名词性同位语:名词解释名词。(以下三种,第二个n.后可以跟修饰词) i.N., n.; ii.n., a/an + n.或a/an + n., n.; iii.the + n., n.(前面的the + n 为同位结构) 2)内容具体化同位结构:抽象名词(theory/evidence/belief/principle)+that 从句 that从句对抽象名词进行具体化解释(注意与of 结构的区别),that从句部分才是同位语。(that是小品词,连词,和一般的名词性that分句中的that一样) 3)概括性同位语:短语/句子,n. + that / doing / done... (+doing、done形式和独立主格相同) 用一个概括性的名词去概括前面的修饰对象: ※同位语和独立主格的区别: 1. 同位语修饰名词,独立主格修饰句子 2.同位语表示前面名词的具体内容和特征,而独立主格是一种伴随状态,描述与伴随分局同步发生的事情(原因、条件)

GMAT SC Manhatten曼哈顿语法总结(770NN)

GMAT SC Manhatten曼哈顿语法总结(770NN)

目录 Subject-verb agreement (7) Fragment: Subject and verb must both exist (7) Sense: Subject and verb must make sense together (8) Number agreement: Subject and verb must agree in number (9) Additive phrases (9) Or, either…or, neither…nor: nearest . 9 Collective nouns: almost always singular (9) Indefinite pronouns: usually singular.9 SANAMM words: some; any; none; all; more; most; (9) Each and every (9) Quantity words and phrases (9) Subject phrases and clauses: always singular (10) Parallelism (10) Parallel markers (10) Parallel elements (11) You can split apart the expressions:.. 12 Parallel clauses should start with the same word (12) Lists with AND (13) Idioms with parallel structure (13) Superficial parallelism vs. actual parallelism (13) Watch out for linking verbs (14)


GMAT语法笔记 May 18, 2013 综述 Gmat语法在verbal中是最重要的部分,16/41。是最严格的美式书面英文。做题时间1:10/Q 规律性强 比如:maybe一定错,一般改为probably , perhaps。因为maybe是口语词,但是may be不一定错,may be 不是口语词。 句式复杂,难句多,考法新 是最严格的美式书面英文 Eg. 1)表“建议”suggest that S(subject,主语)should V-原型 这是虚拟语气的句型 表“建议”或“命令”的词(suggest, order, demand, mandate, require, insist, dictate, propose, recommend, stipulate)后,跟的从句should+V-原型,should必须省! 【注】suggest表“暗示”的时候,不是虚拟语气 2)team, family, group, army等这些词全部是单数,用is。 99%的名词只要加了s就是可数名词,少数1%如某种疾病diabetes:糖尿病。 3)定语从句that可以指人,也可以指物,但是Gmat考试中that只可以指物,不能指人,因为人要用who。 五种简单句 1)SV 主语+动词 2)SCP 主系表 3)SVO 主谓宾 4)SVOO 主谓双宾 Eg. Tom gave Jerry a book. Tom advises Jerry that the movie (should) start early. 错! 没有advice sb that, 只有tell, persuade, convince,这三个词可以+ sb that SVO(SVO表从句),其他的单词均不能用+sb that的结构,同时这三个单词不能直接+that,且这三个词可以用自己的固定搭配Eg. Persuade sb to do sth或persuade sb into doing. 5)SVOC 主谓宾宾补 Eg.We call him Tom I think I love you. 错!that宾语从句的that在句中不能省略,但是是相对错,因为一般 say that中的that都省略。 LIKE


锦州市店名、街(路)牌中文用字、外文译写情况调查 ——基于2013中国锦州世园会语言文字规范标准研制的调查 从街牌名看语言学 摘要:语言遍布于世界,有人烟的地方就有语言的存在,人们靠他来传递信息、抒发感情。语言学也随着语言的传播遍布于我们的生活之中,随着人们的交谈,文字的书写而不断发展壮大。语言是人类最重要的交际工具和思维工具,人们通过语言交流和沟通。为了应对2013年锦州世园会的开展,我和同学对锦州市街牌名和店牌名进行了调查和研究。语言具有人文性,在作为交际工具和思维工具的同时,也是人类文化的重要组成部分,是人类文化的主要载体,从调查到的街牌名可以看出,很多街牌名都具有文学性,看起来很舒服,有一些用的都是成语和一些优美的典故。文中还分析了街牌名的结构和蕴含在其中的语言学知识,语言的功能和本质,以及具体从锦州市街牌名中分析出来的各种语言学理论知识。 关键词:语言的功能语言的本质街牌名语言规划 法国著名作家莫里哀曾经说过:“语言是赐予人类表达思想的工

具。”的确,语言出现在社会上的任何角落,人们用语言来抒发自己的情感,快乐时和他人分享快乐,忧伤时和他人一起分担痛苦,这都离不开语言。语言不是单一表达的,人们用说话来表达语言,用文字来表达语言,不会说话的人也可以用文字来表达,即使不会写字也可以用肢体语言来表达。像这次对街牌名进行的调查与研究,就是由店牌、街路牌和广告牌上的文字所表达出来的语言。 2011年11月的一个礼拜天,我和同寝室的同学约好一起去调查记录一下我们班的街路牌名和店牌名包括桥上或者公寓围栏上的广告牌。我们班的调查范围是在环路与科技路之间,南桥以西的距离。我们从早上9点开始出发,直到下午5点回来,我们两个以左右分工,走同一条街,我记左面的部分,她记右面的部分我们走了很多弯路,有的路一面全是墙,没有店铺。另外,还有像是“复印打字”、“中国福利彩票”等等的几乎每条街都会有的店铺我们就都省略不记了。中午挑了半天,决定在“美国加州牛肉面大王”家吃了中午饭,下午又逛了半天,最后,我们每个人抄写了50个左右,回寝室后又抄写了对方的店牌名,对店牌名的调查就这样结束了。当天我们都很累,就决定改天再去图书馆查写论文所需要的资料。于是定好了周四下午没有课去图书馆借书,这样,写这篇文章的所有准备工作就都做好了。 首先,不得不说的是那个“美国加州牛肉面大王”,《现代语言学引论》中说:“人们对语言的使用,至少包括三个方面的内容:一是说话(或


Manhattan CR 笔记 第一章:argument structure (1)前提+ (假设)= 结论 前提是明确说明了的,支持后面结论的,可能是事实,观点,或者主张。 如果前提是观点和主张,那必须不是全文作者的观点。而是中间的部分,用来支持总结论。 假设是没有明确说明的,但是又是必须存在的(用来推导结论)【假设绝不会在文中出现】(也许会在问题或选项中出现?) (2)识别题干的部分。 结论:A.结论出现在问题中 B.文中的问题隐藏了结论(还是在结论中,可能不明显) C.文中出现了明显结论 D.结论在答案中(如归纳题) 识别结论方法二(不常用) 第一步:在文中选出以下几类 A.文中将来时态的选项 B.主观意愿(proposal,plan 等) C.因果关系 如果只有一个,就是结论。如果多于一个,进入下面 第二步:用therefore检验,看到底是谁导致了谁?X lead to Y 第二章:图解法(可忽略) T型图 最上面是公式 左支持右反对 最下面是BG 或者assumption (以上各种因素允许缺失,尽量填,最后结合具体问题利用) 第三章:总体战略 1.题型 (4类主要题型) 找假设,归纳结论,加强,削弱 (7个小题型) 解释一个事件或矛盾,分析题干结构,评价结论,解决问题,提供例子,重述结论,模仿(类比) (except题) 注意,except不是找相反的选项,比如weaken的相反不一定是support,也可能是中立或者无关(超出讨论范围) (填空题) 就是前面几个题型的变体 2.在前提和结论中,注意范围词,极端词, 3.做题步骤:先排除明显错误选项,注意极端词和范围词。


Manhattan语法(第五版)中文笔记 -by equalgirl 目录 一总原则 二意思与简洁 三主语与谓语(主谓一致) 四平行 五代词 六修饰语 七动词(时态,语气,主被动) 八比较 九习语 十简洁+平行(高阶) 十一代词+修饰语(高阶) 十二动词+比较(高阶) 附:固定搭配词组 一、SC 的做题方法与原则 1.不是找对的,而是选最好的。 2.方法:排除法,首先在稿纸上写下所有选项,然后根据一些相似性将答案大致分组,根 据各组的不同特点划去错误的,比较剩余选项,针对区别进行判断,剩下最好的。要点:读句子,懂意思,找出划线与未划线的关系。看选项,先找出不同,肯定多于2处。从最好入手的比较开始排除,优先主谓一致,单复数,平行,代词,时态。最后代入句子检查尤其注意划线与未划线是否一致。要最快速的排除并选出答案,而不要纠结于每个错误。 3.做改错题时,首先应通读句子,找出句子中能帮助做题的关键词。在很多情况下,句子 中帮助做题的关键词离划线部分会很远。 4.GMC 原则(grammar, meaning and concision):主谓一致,平行,代词,修饰,动词时态、语态和主被动,比较和习惯用法 二、意思与句子简洁(GMC原则语法,语义,简洁) GMAT改错题关键的三个要点,顺序依次为: STEP 1、首先看有无语法错误(习惯说法不一定正确) STEP 2、看意思表达是否准确(不会读2遍以上才明白也不会产生歧义)

STEP 3、是否简洁(能用6个词不要用10个词) (一)意思 1.正确用词 ①Economic-经济的; economical-节约的;合算的;有效的 ②Aggravate-加重,恶化; aggravating-令人愤怒的 ③Known as –被认为是,很著名; known to be-被承认…;known for ④Loss of –失去;loss in-贬值 ⑤Mandate-命令;have a mandate-拥有选举权 ⑥Native of- (人)来自;native to –物种起源于 ⑦Range of –多种的; ranging-变化 ⑧ Rate of –速度或频率; rates for –价格… ⑨Rise –上升,形容无方向,单纯上升; raise-(打赌或工资)上涨,有方向⑩Such as –比如; like-好像(举例只能用such as, 不能用like) ⑾Try to do –努力去完成; try doing –尝试去做 ⑿ impale-刺穿;impel-逼迫 2.情态动词 (1)当原句意思上没有问题时,忠实原句,不做任何修改,即使修改过来也成立。 Actual: If Chris and Jed met, they DISCUSSED mathematics. Hypothetical: If Chris and Jed met, they WOULD DISCUSS mathematics. (2)当原句意思上有问题时,要替换为相对好点的那个。 EG:should 在GMAT中表示“道德上的义务”,而不是“好像”的意思,所以1,原句没有should不要乱加 2,原句是likely,不能替换成should 3,法律法规只能用must,不能用should 替换 3.词在句中的位置 (1)要关注一些重点词,all, only;位置不同句子意思也不一样。 EG: ONLY the council votes on Thursdays. The council votes ONLY on Thursdays. (2)关注句子的整体顺序,是否会产生歧义;EG:主被动语序强调的对象不同。(3)在英语中,一般主语会放在谓语前面,因此一般不会用倒装结构,除非开头是否定词。 定语从句中,一般不用倒装。例如:OG129。 4.搭配 句子各成分是搭配在一起才有意义。句子中,主语,谓语,代词要一致 (二)简洁 1.简洁是GMAT 最后考到的点,只有在语法和意思都无误的情况,才选择最简洁的;换言 之,如果语法无问题,即使很长也会比一个语法有问题,很短的句子好。2.GMAT语法题中,如果一个词可以搞定的意思,不要用一个短语,(否定词除外) EG: differ好于have difference in
