
Of /e/ and /?


Say well and do well, end with one letter; Say well is good, do well is better.

Where are you going, my little cat?

I‘ m going to town to buy a new hat.


/?:/, /?/ and /Λ/

The first early bird heard an early worm stir in the earth.

The worker in a dirty shirt works in the first workshop.

The girl is learning German in earnest.

Butter and sugar and eggs and flour,

But you never must open to the oven door.
Tongue twisters


Of /i:/ and /i/

Quick kiss, quicker kiss, quickest kiss.

I feel I need a cup of weak green tea.

The geese were feeding green leaves beneath the trees.

We eat meat, peas, beans and cheese for our three meals.

Of /


:/ ,/ Λ/and /





large cart passed Martin‘s garden off his guard.

The hard hearted guard stood in the dark.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

As your bright and tiny spark,

Lights the traveler in the dark



/ u /

The cook understood that the sugar was no good.

He looked at a good cook to cook the good food.

At noon in June when the blooms they droop,

And the roofing sky is blue,

And the doves they croon through the gloom of the trees



big black bear bit the back of a big black pig. Then a big black bug bit the back of the big black bear.

And when the big black bug bit the big black bear, the big black pig bit back the big black bear.


Sanmenxia Polytechnic

College English

She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely seashells.

So if she sells shells on the seashells.

I am sure she sells seashore shells.

Spring brings many charming thing:

Birds are flying, Lambs are dancing,

Flowers blossoming, Trees are budding

Larks are saying: ―Good morning‖.

Mother met a monkey in the middle of the market and make a mailbox of money.

If many men knew what many men know

If many men went where many men go,

If many men did what many men do,

The world would be better; I think so, don‘t you?

Nicky saw blue light at night?

The lice are not nice.

The lad had a nap on his lap.

He knocked at the locked door.

Let the net go.

The cook baked a cake. The cake is like a rock.

Cook cooked a cup of cold creamy custard.

The careful country cook could keep his coat clean in making cookies for the King and Queen.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper pick a pe

ck of pickled peppers? If Peter

Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where is the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

At noon I took a book

And sat by the pool near the school.

I soon took off my shoe

And put my foot in the pool.

Butter and sugar and eggs and flour,

Beat them, and you beat them, for half an hour;

Bake the cake for an hour or more,

But you never must open to the oven door.
