



绿色制造(改造) ,是一种现代制造业的战略, 把所有的问题考虑制造的因素,如环境的影响和资源消耗等, 其最终目标是降低和减少对环境的影响和资源消耗的生命周期的产品, 其中包括设计,生产,包装,运输,使用和处置,而且, 它将最佳的经济效益和社会性的企业。国内外专家普遍认为,绿色制造是一种体现人类社会可持续发展战略现代制造业,也有至关重要的作用,在制造业, 国家经济和国防安全. 绿色制造工艺规划( gmpp )是其中的关键技术,改造, 处理废弃物流向,在产品加工及其影响问题, 它一直高度重视的研究组织,各国大学以及政府部门. 基于研究现状,在我国境内和境外的绿色生产与绿色制造工艺规划, 策略及实现技术,绿色工艺规划将研究深入,而且技术工艺单元规划及其评审会。并应用在设计制造过程中的发动机连杆加以研究。有具体的研究内容: 1 . 基于分析和结论的内涵与特征,绿色工艺规划, 最优的多目标决策模型成立. 决策问题的绿色制造工艺规划可以分解成一系列的子模型和一个新的绿色制造工艺规划策略模式为基础,提出了。 2 . 一份详尽的研究绿色制造过程单元规划已经取得进展. 鉴于的选拔问题,如机床,流体与绿色制造工艺要素客观套的规划问题,提出了包括五个决策的客观因素:时间( T ) , 质量( q )的成本(三) ,环境影响(五) ,资源消耗( r )和相应的多目标决策模型的建立。 3 . 在此基础上分析的指标体系中的资源消耗和环境影响的绿色制造过程,环境影响框架的绿色制造工艺要素是提出,此外, 量化方法,即通过研究建立的详细名单表描述和评价资源消费与环境的影响,绿色制造过程。 4 . 基于模糊评价模型, 绿色制造工艺方法发动机连杆进行了综合评价和优化的途径分析一系列结构调整和优势产业的发展前景,分析。二. 研究切削机理,它是基本理论的高速加工( HSM技术) , 关键是应用和发展高速加工技术。表面质量的一个重要研究内容,切削机理,是判断残余应力。残余应力在加工层的影响,切削的工作性能和疲劳强度等部分组成. 同时,他们是主要的影响因素等缺陷,变形和开裂。由于正确预测残余应力,在加工过程中有很大的理论意义和实用价值。理论残余应力的加工层涉及许多交叉学科,如机械制造,塑性力学, 有限元法等,鉴于问题的复杂性问题的方法,包括实验, 理论建模和计算机模拟,提出了这个选题. 然后,开始与金属切

削原理, 深厚的理论研究和数值模拟残余应力HSM技术进行的, 和预测模型的建立. 这是一个重要的基础学科,以推动高速切削技术的发展和应用, 其中有一个很重要的理论意义和实际利用HSM技术势能。在这个文件中,首先生成机理的残余应力,加工,分析分析模型的形成机制加工层成立后, 和热力耦合方程为第三变形带构造. 其次, 残余应力分布对加工层和影响加工参数和刀具几何形状对残余应力研究,并用有限元程序. 第三, 实验高速铣床和残余应力测量技术进行研究,以研究分配剩余讲并核实供货有限模型. 在此基础上,关系的数学模型,残余应力及影响因素的推动. 三. 切削温度在高速加工操作已被确认为主要的影响因素,刀具寿命加工表面完整性及其质量。它一直是一个重要的研究项目. 在该文件中,传热模型的切削温度场已经建成。理论研究剪切机热源和刀-屑摩擦界面热源进行的方法热源。温度场的分布芯片和工件由于剪切平面热源,是由这种方法. 温度场的分布芯片和工具,由于刀-屑摩擦界面热源也是获得。然后温度场分布的筹码和工具,由于双方合并消息的来源。本文旨在建立热粘模型,并进行有限元模拟切削温度场的有限元软件。温度场的分布表明,最高温度集中在局部区域附近的百科在刀具接口芯片。从动态模拟裁剪, 该曲线的最高温度变化与步骤表明,在早期剪温度上升很快,其变化是缓慢切削过程中的期限,直至达到稳定状态。当到达稳态切割, 温度变化曲线的加工表面沿切削深度方向显示的温度只有一薄层工件上升,而当地的工件温度变化不大。在稳态切削过程中, 最高气温出现远离百科,而不是百科可从刀面温度曲线工具接口芯片。影响切削参数如切削速度,切削深度, 刀具前角对切削温度进行了研究。计算结果表明:好的协议与复习,链入页面。高速切削( HSM技术)技术,以高切削速度,高进给速度和完美的表面质量, 是一个最先进的技术发展迅速,在过去20年. HSM技术是一个方向的先进制造技术, 是一个领域,已研究大多数是在科技和工业领域。切削力为基础来计算切削扭矩和功率, 因此有必要分析切削热和温度的提升, 并研究加工精度和表面质量的产品。随着计算机技术的飞速发展,数值模拟方法已成为一个重要工具。由于问题复杂,在切削过程中,仅使用一种方法去研究切削力是不够的。因此,根据金属切削理论与弹塑性力学相结合, 有限元法分析应力应变关系,在切削区, 并讨论了不同的切削参数对切削力的。首先,要根据自身特点,切削,切削模型,并形成机制,禁伐区, 力量遭受芯片,摩擦特性刀

具/工件面积,并剪角分析。建立有限元模型, 利用弹塑性力学讨论应力-应变状态的弹性和塑性变形,在切削区。要注意工作的材料模型,网格划分,边界条件和芯片分离的标准模式, 这可能会影响到计算精度和直接。在模拟过程中,影响刀具前角,切削速度,进给速度,切削厚度对切削力的影响。最后,高速铣削试验。单因子实验,以验证有限元模型和多因子正交实验来验证的影响切削条件对切削力. 吻合. 研究切削机理,它是基本理论的高速加工( HSM技术) , 关键是应用和发展高速加工技术。表面质量的一个重要研究内容,切削机理,是判断残余应力。残余应力在加工层的影响,切削的工作性能和疲劳强度等部分组成。同时,他们是主要的影响因素等缺陷,变形和开裂. 由于正确预测残余应力,在加工过程中有很大的理论意义和实用价值. 理论残余应力的加工层涉及许多交叉学科,如机械制造,塑性力学, 有限元法等,鉴于问题的复杂性问题的方法,包括实验, 理论建模和计算机模拟,提出了这个选题。然后,开始与金属切削原理, 深厚的理论研究和数值模拟残余应力HSM技术进行的, 和预测模型的建立. 这是一个重要的基础学科,以推动高速切削技术的发展和应用, 其中有一个很重要的理论意义和实际利用HSM技术势能. 在这个文件中,首先生成机理的残余应力,加工,分析分析模型的形成机制加工层成立后, 和热力耦合方程为第三变形带构造。其次, 残余应力分布对加工层和影响加工参数和刀具几何形状对残余应力研究,并用有限元程序. 第三, 实验高速铣床和残余应力测量技术进行研究,以研究分配剩余讲并核实供货有限模型。在此基础上,关系的数学模型,残余应力及影响因素的推动。




(一)表面质量对耐磨性的影响 1. 表面粗糙度对耐磨性的影响一个刚加工好的摩擦副的两个接触表面之间,最初阶段只在表面粗糙的的峰部接触,实际接触面积远小于理论接触面积,在相互接触的峰部有非常大的单位应力,使实际接触面积处产生塑性变形、弹性变形和峰部之间的剪切破坏,引起严重磨损。零件磨损一般可分为三个阶段,初期磨损阶段、正常磨损阶段和剧烈磨损阶段。表面粗糙度对零件表面磨损的影响很大。一般说表面粗糙度值愈小,其磨损性愈好。但表面粗糙度值太小,润滑油不易储存,接触面之间容易发生分子粘接,磨损反而增加。因此,接触面的粗糙度有一个最佳值,其值与零件的工作情况有关,工作载荷加大时,初期磨损量增大,表面粗糙度最佳值也加大。 2. 表面冷作硬化对耐磨性的影响加工表面的冷作硬化使摩擦副表面层金属的显微硬度提高,故一般可使耐磨性提高。但也不是冷作硬化程度愈高,耐磨性就愈高,这是因为过分的冷作硬化将引起金属组织过度疏松,甚至出现裂纹和表层金属的剥落,使耐磨性下降。

(二)表面质量对疲劳强度的影响金属受交变载荷作用后产生的疲劳破坏往往发生在零件表面和表面冷硬层下面,因此零件的表面质量对疲劳强度影响很大。 1. 表面粗糙度对疲劳强度的影响在交变载荷作用下,表面粗糙度的凹谷部位容易引起应力集中,产生疲劳裂纹。表面粗糙度值愈大,表面的纹痕愈深,纹底半径愈小,抗疲劳破坏底能力就愈差。 2. 残余应力、冷作硬化对疲劳强度的影响余应力对零件疲劳强度的影响很大。表面层残余拉应力将使疲劳裂纹扩大,加速疲劳破坏;而表面层残余应力能够阻止疲劳裂纹的扩展,延缓疲劳破坏的产生表面冷硬一般伴有残余应力的产生,可以防止裂纹产生并阻止已有裂纹的扩展,对提高疲劳强度有利。





(一)切削加工影响表面粗糙度的因素 1. 刀具几何形状的复映刀具相对于工件作进给运动时,在加工表面留下了切削层残留面积,其形状时刀具几何形状的复映。减小进给量、主偏角、副偏角以及增大刀尖圆弧半径,均可减小残留面积的高度。此外,适当增大刀具的前角以减小切削时的塑性变形程度,合理选择润滑液和提高刀具刃磨质量以减小切削时的塑性变形和抑制刀瘤、鳞刺的生成,也是减小表面粗糙度值的有效措施。 2. 工件材料的性质加工塑性材料时,由刀具对金属的挤压产生了塑性变形,加之刀具迫使切屑与工件分离的撕裂作用,使表面粗糙度值加大。工件材料韧性愈好,金属的塑性变形愈大,加工表面就愈粗糙。加工脆性材料时,其切屑呈碎粒状,由于切屑的崩碎而在加工表面留下许多麻点,使表面粗糙。 3. 切削用量。



(一)表面层冷作硬化 1. 冷作硬化及其评定参数机械加工过程中因切削力作用产生的塑性变形,使晶格扭曲、畸变,晶粒间产生剪切滑移,晶粒被拉长和纤维化,甚至破碎,这些都会使表面层金属的硬度和强度提高,这种现象称为冷作硬化(或称为强化)。表面层金属强化的结果,会增大金属变形的阻力,减小金属的塑性,金属的物理性质也会发生变化。被冷作硬化的金属处于高能位的不稳定状态,只有一有可能,金属的不稳定状态就要向比较稳定的状态转化,这

种现象称为弱化。弱化作用的大小取决于温度的高低、温度持续时间的长短和强化程度的大小。由于金属在机械加工过程中同时受到力和热的作用,因此,加工后表层金属的最后性质取决于强化和弱化综合作用的结果。评定冷作硬化的指标有三项,即表层金属的显微硬度HV、硬化层深度h和硬化程度N。 2. 影响冷作硬化的主要因素切削刃钝圆半径增大,对表层金属的挤压作用增强,塑性变形加剧,导致冷硬增强。刀具后刀面磨损增大,后刀面与被加工表面的摩擦加剧,塑性变形增大,导致冷硬增强。切削速度增大,刀具与工件的作用时间缩短,使塑性变形扩展深度减小,冷硬层深度减小。切削速度增大后,切削热在工件表面层上的作用时间也缩短乐,将使冷硬程度增加。进给量增大,切削力也增大,表层金属的塑性变形加剧,冷硬作用加强。工件材料的塑性愈大,冷硬现象就愈严重。

(二)表面层材料金相组织变化当切削热使被加工表面的温度超过相变温度后,表层金属的金相组织将会发生变化。 1. 磨削烧伤当被磨工件表面层温度达到相变温度以上时,表层金属发生金相组织的变化,使表层金属强度和硬度降低,并伴有残余应力产生,甚至出现微观裂纹,这种现象称为磨削烧伤。在磨削淬火钢时,可能产生以下三种烧伤:回火烧伤如果磨削区的温度未超过淬火钢的相变温度,但已超过马氏体的转变温度,工件表层金属的回火马氏体组织将转变成硬度较低的回火组织(索氏体或托氏体),这种烧伤称为回火烧伤。淬火烧伤如果磨削区温度超过了相变温度,再加上冷却液的急冷作用,表层金属发生二次淬火,使表层金属出现二次淬火马氏体组织,其硬度比原来的回火马氏体的高,在它的下层,因冷却较慢,出现了硬度比原先的回火马氏体低的回火组织(索氏体或托氏体),这种烧伤称为淬火烧伤。退火烧伤如果磨削区温度超过了相变温度,而磨削区域又无冷却液进入,表层金属将产生退火组织,表面硬度将急剧下降,这种烧伤称为退火烧伤。 2. 改善磨削烧伤的途径磨削热是造成磨削烧伤的根源,故改善磨削烧伤由两个途径:一是尽可能地减少磨削热地产生;二是改善冷却条件,尽量使产生地热量少传入工件。正确选择砂轮合理选择切削用量改善冷却条件。

(三)表面层残余应力 1. 产生残余应力的原因 a. 切削时在加工表面金属层内有塑性变形发生,使表面金属的比容加大由于塑性变形只在表层金属中

产生,而表层金属的比容增大,体积膨胀,不可避免地要受到与它相连的里层金属的阻止,因此就在表面金属层产生了残余应力,而在里层金属中产生残余拉应力。 b. 切削加工中,切削区会有大量的切削热产生 c. 不同金相组织具有不同的密度,亦具有不同的比容如果表面层金属产生了金相组织的变化,表层金属比容的变化必然要受到与之相连的基体金属的阻碍,因而就有残余应力产生。 2. 零件主要工作表面最终工序加工方法的选择零件主要工作表面最终工序加工方法的选择至关重要,因为最终工序在该工作表面留下的残余应力将直接影响机器零件的使用性能。选择零件主要工作表面最终工序加工方法,须考虑该零件主要工作表面的具体工作条件和可能的破坏形式。在交变载荷作用下,机器零件表面上的局部微观裂纹,会因拉应力的作用使原生裂纹扩大,最后导致零件断裂。从提高零件抵抗疲劳破坏的角度考虑,该表面最终工序应选择能在该表面产生残余压应力的加工方法。


1 Green Manufacturing

Green Manufacturing (GM) is a modern manufacturing strategy, integrating all the issues of manufacturing considering the factors such as environmental impact and resources consumption and so on, its ultimate goal is to reduce and minimize environmental impact and resources consumption during the life cycle of the product, which includes design, production, package, transportation, use and disposal, furthermore, it will optimize the economic benefits and social ones of enterprises. The domestic and foreign experts generally believe that green manufacturing is an embodiment of human society sustainable developmental strategy in modern manufacturing industry, and it will have the vital role in the manufacturing industry, the national economy and the national defense safety. Green Manufacturing Process Planning (GMPP) is one of the key technologies of GM, which deals with waste flows in the product processing and its influence problem, it has been paid great attention to by the research organizations of various countries, the universities as well as the government departments. Based on the research actuality inside and outside our country of green manufacturing and green manufacturing process planning, the strategy and implementation technique of Green manufacturing process planning will be researched in depth, moreover, the technologies of process element planning and its assessment will be. And also its application on the design of manufacturing process of engine connecting rod will be researched. There are concrete research contents as followings: 1. Based on the analysis and conclusion of the connotation and characteristic of green manufacturing process planning, the optimal multi-objective decision-making models are set up. The decision-making problem of green manufacturing process planning can be decomposed into a serial of sub models and a new green manufacturing process planning strategy based on the model set is put forward. 2. An exhaustive study on the green manufacturing process element planning has been made. In view of the selection problem such as machine, tool and fluid of Green manufacturing process element, the objective sets of the planning problem are

put forward, which include five decision-making objective factors: Time (T), Quality (Q), Cost (C),environmental impact(E), resource consumption(R), and the corresponding multi-objective decision-making models are developed. 3. On the basis of the analysis of the indexes system of the resource consumption and environmental impact of Green manufacturing process, the environmental impact framework of Green manufacturing process element is proposed, moreover, the quantization method of that is studied through establishing the detailed list table for the description and evaluation of resource consumption and environmental impact of Green manufacturing process. 4. Based on the fuzzy evaluation model, the green manufacturing process methods of engine connecting rod have been evaluated and optimized by means of the analysis of series structure and the superiority and industrialization foreground of that is analyzed.

二.The research of HSM mechanism, which is the theoretical fundamental of high-speed Machining (HSM), is critical for application and development of HSM technology. Surface quality, an important research content of HSM mechanism, is judged by residual stresses. Residual stresses in machined layer for HSM impact the working performance and fatigue strength of parts. Also, they are major affecting factors of defects such as deformation and crack. As a result, correct prediction of residual stresses in machining process has great theoretical significance and practical values. The theory of residual stresses in machined layer involves many cross subjects,such as mechanical manufacture, elastic-plastic mechanics, finite element method and etc. In view of the complex nature of problem,a method including experiments, theoretical modeling and computer simulating is proposed in this dissertation. Then, beginning with the metal cutting principle, deep theoretical researches and numerical simulations of residual stresses in HSM are carried out, and a predicting model is established. This is an important fundamental subject to promoting HSM technology development and application, which has a very important theoretical and practical significance to exploit HSM potential energy further. In this paper, firstly, the generation mechanism of residual stresses for machining is analyzed, the analytical model for the formation mechanisms of machined layer is established, and a

thermo-mechanical coupling equation for the third deformation zone is constructed. Secondly, the distribution of residual stresses on machined layer and effects of machining parameters and tool geometry on residual stresses are studied, by the use of FEM procedure. Thirdly, experiments of high speed milling and residual stresses measurement are carried out in order to study the distribution of residual stresses and to verify the availability of FEM models. At last, a mathematical model of relationship between residual stress and affecting factors is promoted.

三.Cutting temperature during high speed machining operation has been recognized as a major factor that influences the tool life, the machined surface integrity and its quality. It has been an important research project. In the paper, the heat transfer model of cutting temperature field has been built. Theoretic study about shear plane heat source and tool-chip interface friction heat source is carried out with the method of heat source. The temperature field distribution of chip and workpiece due to shear plane heat source is determined by this method. The temperature field distribution of chip and tool due to tool-chip interface friction heat source is also obtained. Then temperature field distribution of chip and tool due to combined both sources is derived. This paper builds thermo-viscoplastic model and carries out the finite element simulations of cutting temperature field by finite element software. The temperature field distribution indicates that the highest temperature focuses on the local region near to the tooltip at the tool-chip interface. From the dynamic cutting simulation, the curve of the highest temperature variation with step indicates that at the early stage of cutting, temperature increases very rapidly and its change is slower and slower during cutting period until reaching steady state. When reaching steady state cutting, the temperature variation curve of machined surface along cutting depth direction indicates that the temperature only a thin layer of work piece rise while the local workpiece temperature doesn’t change much. During steady state cutting process, the maximum temperature occurs away from the tooltip rather not the tooltip can be obtained from the rake face temperature curve of the tool-chip interface. The effect of the cutting parameters such as cutting velocity, the cutting depth, rake angle on the cutting temperature has been studied. The computed conclusions show good

agreement with those of literatures.

四.High-speed machining (HSM) technology, with high cutting velocity, high feed rate and perfect surface quality, is one of the most advanced technologies developed promptly in the last 20 years. HSM is the direction of advanced manufacturing technologies, and is one of the domains that have been studied most in the science and technology and industry fields. Cutting force is the basis to calculate cutting twist moment and power, and it is essential to analyze cutting heat and temperature hoist, and to study machining precision and surface quality of products. With the rapid development of computer technology, the numerical simulation method has become an important instrument. Because of the complexity in HSM process, using only one method to study cutting force is not enough. Accordingly, on the basis of metal cutting theory and elastic-plastic mechanics, FEM is used to analyze the stress-strain relation in cutting zone, and to discuss the influences of various cutting parameters on cutting force. At first, according to the characteristic of HSM, orthogonal cutting model is established, and formation mechanism of cutting zone, forces that chip suffered, friction characteristic of cutter/workpiece area, and shear angle are analyzed. Establish finite element model, and use elastic- plastic mechanics to discuss stress-stain state of elastic and plastic deformation in cutting zone. Pay attention to the material model, meshing, boundary condition, and chip separation criterion of the model, which can affect calculation precision directly. In simulation, the influence of rake angle, cutting speed, feed rate, and cutting thickness on cutting force are discussed. At last, high speed milling experiments are conducted. One-factor experiments are adopted to validate the finite element model and multi-factor orthogonal experiments are designed to validate the influence of cutting conditions on cutting force.

五.The research of HSM mechanism, which is the theoretical fundamental of high-speed Machining (HSM), is critical for application and development of HSM technology. Surface quality, an important research content of HSM mechanism, is judged by residual stresses. Residual stresses in machined layer for HSM impact the working performance and fatigue strength of parts. Also, they are major affecting

factors of defects such as deformation and crack. As a result, correct prediction of residual stresses in machining process has great theoretical significance and practical values. The theory of residual stresses in machined layer involves many cross subjects,such as mechanical manufacture, elastic-plastic mechanics, finite element method and etc. In view of the complex nature of problem,a method including experiments, theoretical modeling and computer simulating is proposed in this dissertation. Then, beginning with the metal cutting principle, deep theoretical researches and numerical simulations of residual stresses in HSM are carried out, and a predicting model is established. This is an important fundamental subject to promoting HSM technology development and application, which has a very important theoretical and practical significance to exploit HSM potential energy further. In this paper, firstly, the generation mechanism of residual stresses for machining is analyzed, the analytical model for the formation mechanisms of machined layer is established, and a thermo-mechanical coupling equation for the third deformation zone is constructed. Secondly, the distribution of residual stresses on machined layer and effects of machining parameters and tool geometry on residual stresses are studied, by the use of FEM procedure. Thirdly, experiments of high speed milling and residual stresses measurement are carried out in order to study the distribution of residual stresses and to verify the availability of FEM models. At last, a mathematical model of relationship between residual stress and affecting factors is promoted.

2 Machining surface quality

Mechanical Parts destruction, the general always start from the surface layer. Product performance, in particular its reliability and durability, to a large extent, depends on the surface layer of quality. Research machining surface quality objective is to master the mechanical processes of various technological factors on the surface quality of rules for the use of these laws to control the machining process, and ultimately improve the quality of the surface, improve product performance goals. Mechanical Parts destruction, the general always start from the surface layer. Product performance, in particular its reliability and durability, to a large extent, depends on

the surface layer of quality. Research machining surface quality objective is to master the mechanical processes of various technological factors on the surface quality of rules for the use of these laws to control the machining process, and ultimately improve the quality of the surface, improve product performance goals. 1. machining surface quality of the machine using the performance impact (1) the quality of the surface wear resistance of one. Surface roughness right wear resistance of a just processed two pairs of contact between the surface, In the initial stage, only the rough surface of the peak contact, the actual contact area is much smaller than theoretical contact area, mutual access to the peaks of a huge stress units, the actual contact area of plastic deformation occurs. Elastic deformation and peak between the Department of shear failure, causing serious wear. General wear components can be divided into three stages, the initial wear stage, normal wear stage and dramatic stage wear. Surface roughness of the surface wear of parts of the significant influence. Generally speaking the smaller the value of surface roughness, wear better. However, the surface roughness was too small, not easily stored lubricants, surface contact between the high molecular bonding, but increased wear. Therefore, the contact surface roughness is one of the best, the value of work and parts of the work load increase, Wear initial increase and the best surface roughness values have also increased. 2. Coldwork hardening of the surface wear resistance of the surface of the cold-hardened so that friction surface layer metal microhardness increase , it will generally improve the wear resistance. It is not the higher the level of cold-hardening, the higher the wear resistance, This is because excessive cold-hardening metal will cause excessive tissue osteoporosis, and even the cracks and spalling of the metal surface. so wear resistance decreased. (2) the quality of the surface of metal fatigue by alternating load fatigue resulting from the damage occurred in parts often Table Chilled surface and the surface layer below, the surface quality of parts of fatigue significant influence. 1. Surface roughness on the impact of fatigue in alternating loads, The concave surface roughness Valley location easily lead to stress concentration, fatigue crack. Surface roughness values greater surface profile scar is, the smaller the radius of the end profile, anti-fatigue damage the end of the more capacity worse. 2. Residual stress,

cold-hardening effect on the fatigue strength of the parts I stress fatigue strength of great influence. Surface layer of residual tensile stress fatigue cracks would expand and accelerate fatigue damage; and the surface layer of residual stress can prevent fatigue crack growth, delay fatigue damage have chilled surface residual stress generally associated with the rise, can prevent cracks and prevent the expansion of cracks has been to improve the fatigue strength favorable. (3) the quality of surface corrosion resistance of the corrosion resistance of components depends to a large extent on the surface roughness. Surface roughness values larger, Au Valley accumulation of corrosive substances will be. The more poor corrosion resistance. Surface layer of residual tensile stress will produce stress corrosion cracking, reducing the wear resistance of components, and the residual compressive stress is to prevent stress corrosion cracking. (4) the quality of the surface with the quality of surface roughness values will affect the size of the support surface with the quality. For clearance fit, roughness value of the General Assembly so that the wear increased, the gap increased, the requirements of the damage with nature. For the interference fit, the assembly process convex surface part of a check-Ping, the actual surplus was reduced too, reduced with the connecting pieces of strength. 2. effects of surface roughness factor (1) Cutting influence of surface roughness of a factor. Tool geometry of the cutter Reproducibility relative to the workpiece for Feed Movement, in the surface layer leaving a residue cutting area, its shape when the cutter geometry Reproducibility. Reduced feed rate, the main angle, and vice angle increases Corner Radius, may reduce residual height. In addition, the increase appropriate tool in the past to reduce the cutting of plastic deformation, reasonable choice lubricant and improve the quality of grinding tool to reduce the cutting of plastic deformation and inhibit tumor knife and stabbed the production scales, Surface roughness is reduced value of the effective measures. 2. Workpiece the nature of the material processed plastic materials, tools from the extrusion of metals produced plastic deformation, Moreover, chip tool and workpiece forced separation of tear, the surface roughness values increase. Workpiece material toughness better, the plastic deformation of metals bigger, the more rough surface. Processing of brittle materials, his chip was

broken granular, as chip and the collapse of the broken surface left many Ma, roughen the surface. 3. Cutting consumption (2) grinding surface roughness effects of factors like cutting surface roughness at the formation process , the grinding surface roughness also formed by the surface geometry factors and plastic deformation of metals to decide. Grinding surface roughness effects of the main factors : Wheel size Wheel hardness grinding wheel dressing grinding radial velocity feed rate and the number of workpiece Mitsuma circumference feed speed and Feed volume axial cooling lubricant three affected surface layer physical and mechanical properties of the factors in machining, Due to the workpiece cutting force and cutting heat, the surface layer of metal physical properties have changed, The main change is the surface layer of metal microhardness changes, the changes in microstructure and residual stress from arising. As grinding as the plastic deformation and thermal cutting edge than the more serious cutting, thus grinding the surface layer above the physical mechanical properties of three changes to be very high. (1) surface layer coldwork sclerosis. Coldwork sclerosis and Assessment machining parameters for the process of cutting force role in the plasticity Deformation and lattice distortion, distortion, the grain between the shear slip, elongated grains and fibrosis, or even broken, All these will add to the metal surface layer hardness and strength increase, a phenomenon known as the cold-hardening (or enhanced). Surface layer metal reinforcing findings will increase resistance to deformation of the metal, reducing the metal plastic. metal of the physical nature will also change. Coldwork sclerosis by the metal-at the high-energy state of instability, only one possible, Metal instability it is necessary to the relatively stable state of transformation, a phenomenon known as dilution. Weakening the role of the size depends on the level of temperature, duration of temperature and the length of the degree of strengthening. Because the metal machining process and the same time be hot, and in After processing the metal surface depends on the final nature of strengthening and weakening of the combined results. Evaluation coldwork sclerosis three indicators that the metal surface microhardness HV, hardening layer depth h and N sclerosis. 2. Cold-working hardening of the main factors blunt the cutting edge radius increased, the surface of the metal compression

increased, plastic deformation increased, resulting in enhanced Chilled. Tool flank wear increased flank with the processing of surface friction intensified, plastic deformation increased, resulting in enhanced Chilled. Cutting speed increases, tool and workpiece role shorten the time so that the plastic deformation expand the depth decreases, Chilled depth decreases. Cutting speed increases, cutting heat in the surface layer of shortening the time for music, Chilled level will increase. Feed rate increases, cutting force also increased, the surface of the plastic deformation of metal intensified, Chilled greater role. Workpiece material greater plasticity, the more serious Chilled phenomenon. (2) surface layer material microstructure changes so that when the heat was cutting surface temperature over the phase transition temperature. The metal surface microstructure there will be changes. 1. Grinding mill was burned when the workpiece surface temperature phase transition temperature above, metal surface microstructure occurred changes so that the surface of metal strength and hardness reduction, and associated with the residual stress generated. even microscopic cracks, a phenomenon known as grinding burn. In the grinding hardened steel, the following three possible burn : Tempering grinding burn if the temperature does not exceed hardened steel phase transition temperature, but over the martensitic transformation temperature, workpiece surface of the metal will be tempered martensite into lower hardness tempering Organization (sorbite's body or giving), Tempering such as burns burns. If grinding burn quenching temperature exceeds the phase transition temperature, coupled with the cooling liquid chill, Second occurred metal surface hardening and surface metals secondary hardening martensitic, its hardness than the original tempered martensite, in its class, cooling slowly a hardness than the original tempered martensite low temper (or giving sorbite's CARICOM), Quenching such as burns burns. If grinding burn annealing temperature exceeds the phase transition temperature, and the grinding coolant region without access, will have a metal surface annealing, surface hardness of sharp decline, such as annealing burns burns. 2. Improved means of grinding burn grinding heat caused grinding burn is the root of it to improve by grinding burn two ways : First, as far as possible to reduce the grinding heat generated; Second is to improve the cooling conditions as possible, to produce

less heat into the workpiece. Correct choice for a reasonable choice Cutting Wheel dosage to improve cooling conditions (3) surface layer of residual stress one. Have the original residual stress a. by cutting the surface layer of metal with plastic deformation, The metal surface hematocrit increased only because of the plastic deformation on the surface of metal, while the metal surface of the hematocrit increases, volume expansion, we will inevitably be linked with it by the metal layer prevents, So on the surface of the metal layer of residual stress and the metal layer have residual tensile stress. B. machining, cutting area there will be a lot of cutting heat generated c. different microstructures with different density, also have different hematocrit If the surface layer of metal produced changes in the microstructure, Hematocrit metal surface changes will inevitably be linked with the base metal obstacles, which will have a residual stress. 2. Parts major work surface machining processes ultimate choice of the main components work surface processes processing methods final choice critical, because ultimately the work processes left by the surface residual stress will have a direct impact on the use of machine parts performance. Choose parts final major work surface machining processes, shall consider the main parts of the surface of specific working conditions and possible failure modes. AC load, machine parts on the surface of the local micro-cracks because of the role of stress so that the original crack expanded, finally led to parts fracture. Improve resistance from parts of fatigue damage point of view, The final surface processes should choose the surface residual compressive stress of processing methods


forced concrete structure reinforced with an overviewRein Since the reform and opening up, with the national economy's rapid and sustained development of a reinforced concrete structure built, reinforced with the development of technology has been great. Therefore, to promote the use of advanced technology reinforced connecting to improve project quality and speed up the pace of construction, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and is of great significance. Reinforced steel bars connecting technologies can be divided into two broad categories linking welding machinery and steel. There are six types of welding steel welding methods, and some apply to the prefabricated plant, and some apply to the construction site, some of both apply. There are three types of machinery commonly used reinforcement linking method primarily applicable to the construction site. Ways has its own characteristics and different application, and in the continuous development and improvement. In actual production, should be based on specific conditions of work, working environment and technical requirements, the choice of suitable methods to achieve the best overall efficiency. 1、steel mechanical link 1.1 radial squeeze link Will be a steel sleeve in two sets to the highly-reinforced Department with superhigh pressure hydraulic equipment (squeeze tongs) along steel sleeve radial squeeze steel casing, in squeezing out tongs squeeze pressure role of a steel sleeve plasticity deformation closely integrated with reinforced through reinforced steel sleeve and Wang Liang's Position will be two solid steel bars linked Characteristic: Connect intensity to be high, performance reliable, can bear high stress draw and pigeonhole the load and tired load repeatedly.


我国企业实施绿色营销的难点与对策(作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________) 摘要:随着时代的发展和社会的进步,人类社会的可持续发展已经成为我们日益关注的问题。人们开始倡导绿色消费,提倡绿色文化,由此引发了营销史上的又一次革命——绿色营销。通过阐述我国企业实施绿色营销的问题与难点, 提出了企业实施绿色营销的思路与对策措施。 关键词:企业;绿色营销;难点与对策 21世纪,是一个以绿色为主色调的世纪。随着物质经济水平的大幅提高,绿色意识深入人心,绿色消费已成为一种国际潮流。顺应这一潮流,绿色营销必将成为企业竞争的新思维。实施绿色营销有助于企业构建绿色企业形象, 赢得独特的竞争优势;市场的国际化, 必然要求企业跨越“绿色壁垒”;它也是社会和企业实现可持续发展的有效手段。所谓绿色营销,是指企业谋求自身利益、消费者利益和社会利益的统一协调,保障人类社会可持续发展的营销方式。

1 我国企业绿色营销的状况及存在的问题 1.1 绿色营销在我国的实施状况 随着经济全球化的趋势愈演愈烈,为了在国际贸易中冲破“绿色壁垒”的限制,我国更是加紧步伐跟上世界的潮流。以食品为例,2004年,全国共有2836家企业的6496个产品获得了绿色食品标志使用权,实物总量达4600万吨,年销售额超过860亿元,出口额12.5亿美元;产地监测面积596万公顷。从产品的类别结构上看,种植业产品占61.4 %,畜牧业产品占17.2%,渔业产品占4.1%,其它类产品占17.3%。绿色食品和有机食品发展有三个显著特点:①发展速度全面加快,绿色食品产品认证增长61%,企业增长38.5%; ②品牌形象进一步树立;③产业化发展趋势进一步增强。从以上数据可以看到,发展形势还是不错的。绿色营销更是出现在各行各业,绿色BUS和绿色TAXI概念的出现,绿色房屋、绿色服装等等绿色产品在我国已逐渐形成一种消费时尚。可见,绿色营销的实施在我国已经有了很大的进步。 1.2 绿色营销实施中存在的问题及难点 虽然绿色营销在我国已取得很大成绩并且也越来越受关注,但从全球范围内来看还是起步较晚的。况且在我国实施绿色营销策略也局限在部分实力雄厚具有远见的企业,而绝大多数企业仍停留在非绿色营销阶段,这当中存在着诸多的问题和难点:


商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目(教师选题) 一、 1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 2、商务英语函电翻译技巧 3、商务英语信函的语体分析 3、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 4、商务英语学习方法探究 5、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养 6、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 7、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 8、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异 9、商务谈判中的语言艺术 10、商标名称的翻译与策略 11、广告英语的分类与分析 12、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用 13、商务英语听力策略研究 14、商务英语写作问题研究 15、商务英语考试技巧研究 16、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策 17、The Ways to Increase the Competitiveness of China’s Export Goods 18、The Advantages and the Disadvantages of China’s Cheap Labor in Its Foreign Trade 19、Multinational Corporations Help China Develop Its Economy 20、Export and Import Are Equally Necessary to China 二、 1、初析英文广告句式结构及修辞的功能 2、从文化视角比较中英文广告语言

4、商务英语发展现状浅祈 5、商务英语翻译技巧 6、商务英语函电中的文化因素初探 7、商务英语专业人才培养模式改革与实践 8、试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用 9、中英文广告标题的共同点 10、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题 11、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示 12、商务英语翻译标准初探 13、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧 14、我国在国际贸易中实施反倾销的应对策略 15、现代商务英语书信的写作风格和语法特点 16、英文广告的特点及翻译 17、从修辞方面浅探商务英语的语言特色 18、浅议国际贸易的几点理论创新 19、高职高专商务英语专业教学模式探讨 20、商务英语翻译技巧 21、商务英语书面语篇词汇特点分析 22、礼貌原则在商务英语信函写作当中的应用 三、 1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 2、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 3、商标名称的翻译与策略 4、商务谈判中的语言艺术 5、商务谈判的文化障碍 6、商务英语课程设置的探讨 7、商务谈判中英语的重要性 8、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养 9、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突


绿色营销策略分析论文 绿色营销策略分析 目录 1、绿色营销概念................................................4 2、绿色营销的特点 (4) 2(1倡导绿色消费意识 (4) 2(2实行绿色促销策略 (4) 2(3采用绿色标志 (4) 2(4培育绿色文化..........................................5 3、绿色营销的意义 (5) 3.1绿色营销可促进社会可持续发展战略的施 (5) 3.2绿色营销有利于企业的国际化营销 (5) 3.3绿色营销有利于企业占领市场和扩大市场占有率 (5) 3.4绿色营销可营造绿色文明,促进企业塑造绿色文化 (6) 3.5绿色营销可构建绿色形象,赢得独特的竞争优势 (6) 3.6绿色营销可以提高资源的使用效率和企业效益...6 4、企业实施绿色营销的策略 (6) 4.1.绿色产品策略 (6) 4.2.绿色价格策略 (7) 1 4.3.绿色营销的渠道策略 (7)

4.4.绿色促销策略 (8) 4.5绿色服务......................................................8 5、结论...............................................................8 6、参考文献.........................................................9 7、致谢 (9) 2 [论文摘要] 论文阐述了绿色营销概念,分析了绿色营销特点,详述了绿色营销意义,提出发展绿色营销的策略即绿色产品、绿色价格、绿色渠道和绿色促销,实现企业可持续发展。 论文关键词] 企业营销绿色营销绿色营销策略 [ 近年来,随着经济水平的提高,消费者绿色消费意识的觉醒,越来越多的企业认识到,要想在竞争激烈的市场中生存和发展,必须寻找一种新的营销理念指导企业营销活动,绿色营销应运而生。 1、绿色营销概念 消费者意识到环境恶化已经影响其生活质量、生活方式,甚至影响到人类子孙后代生存和发展,要求企业负起社会责任,生产、销售对环境危害小的绿色产品,就出现了绿色消费观念。 绿色营销是在绿色消费观念驱动下产生的,企业以环境保护理念作为其经营哲学思想,以绿色文化为其价值观念,以消费者的绿色消费为出发点,力求满足消费者绿色消费需求的营销策略。它要求企业在营销活动中,谋求消费者、企业、社会和生态利益的统一, 也要充分关注自然生态平衡,核心是按照环保与生既要满足消费者需求、实现企业目标, 态原则来选择和确定营销组合策略。


云计算——新兴的计算技术 摘要:云计算是涉及通过互联网提供托管服务的总称。这些服务大致分为三类:基础设施即服务(IaaS)、平台即服务(PaaS)和软件即服务(SaaS)。云计算这个名字的灵感来自于云符号经常用来代表在互联网上流程图和图表。这是在继主机计算、个人电脑计算、客户端服务器计算和Web计算之后的第五代计算技术。本文将围绕云计算进行讨论。 关键词:云计算,IaaS(基础设施即服务),PaaS的(平台即服务),SaaS(软件即服务) 1引言 云服务有三个鲜明的特点区别于传统的主机服务模式,它们分别是:云服务的出售通常按分钟或小时收取费用;云服务是有弹性的,一个用户可以在不同的时间拥有可多可少的服务;云服务完全由供应商托管(消费者只需要通过个人电脑和互联网就可以使用)。虚拟化的重大创新、分布式计算的发展,以及高速互联网的建设和经济的衰落,都加速了对云计算的兴趣。 云可以是私有的或公有的。公有云向互联网上的任何人销售(目前,亚马逊的网络服务是最大的公有云服务提供商)。私有云是一个专有网络或数据中心,向一部分人提供托管服务。当服务提供商使用公有云资源来创建自己的私有云,这样的结果被称为虚拟化的私有云。私有云或公共云的云计算目标是提供方便的、可扩展的计算资源和IT服务[1]。 2云计算的优势 云计算具有的优势是什么? (a)最小化的资本开支 (b)位置和设备独立性 答案:供应商的视角:申请厂商更容易吸引新客户。 (a)提供最低成本的方法和配套应用; (b)能够使用商品服务器和存储硬件; 3云计算的障碍 从客户的视角来看,云计算的障碍有: (a)数据安全; (b)很多客户不希望他们的数据迁移到可以信任的“云”上; (c)数据必须进行本地保留; (d)延迟; (e)云可以走多少毫秒; (f)不是实时应用的理想选择; (g)应用程序可用性; (h)无法通过现有的传统应用进行切换; (i)等效的云应用不存在; 总结,并非所有的应用程序都要工作在公共云之上。


本科毕业设计(外文翻译) 题目居住区交往空间规划与设计 院(系部)xxx学院 专业名称xx 年级班级xx 学生姓名xx 指导教师xx xx 年xx 月x 日 Planning and Design of Association Space of residential District

Xia dong liang 【Abstract】:The association space refers to the indoor and outdoor space for communication between residents.The article presents an overall discussion of the necessity,hierarchy and functionality of association space,with a wish to create positive and healthy association atmosphere and stimulate good communication among residents so that the residential area can become a homeland full of love and harmony. 【Keyword】:residential area;association space;necessity;hierarchy;Functionality 【Foreword】:As the housing system reform and the rapid development of real estate, urban residential areas large urban settlements have emerged on the layout of residential buildings, public buildings, public green space, life and living facilities such as roads, to provide urban residents live in the community and The establishment, is an integral part of the city. Exchanges between the living room area residents is to communicate and exchange of indoor and outdoor space. At this stage, people's living standards greatly improved the living environment of continuous improvement district. Developers should not only focus on residential construction and the reasonable comfort, paying greater attention to the construction of residential environment. However, the current environment in the construction of residential areas, they are often the natural ecology of greening the environment is much more to consider, and the promotion of exchanges between the residents of the space environment to consider less, environmental construction can not meet the occupants of the psychological characteristics and needs. From the basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields of promoting a higher level, the residential area is not only the function of living, but also people's thinking and feelings of the local exchange. Therefore, the strengthening of exchanges between the residential areas of space construction, increase residential neighbourhood affinity, should be developed in the planning and construction of residential areas should also consider the issue. How to conduct exchanges between the residential areas of space planning and design, improve people's quality of life, the author of his own real estate development


企业实现绿色营销的道路透析 [摘要]绿色营销的重要性和迫切性是本文研究的动因。文章通过对影响企业实现绿色营销的内外因素的分析,提出加强企业自身建设和发挥政府功能职责的两大路径,从企业文化建设,营销策略组合和政府机制保障等方面提出具体的对策和建议。 [关键词]绿色营销;可持续发展;路径 随着经济的发展和人口的增多,人类对土地、淡水、能源的需求加大了环境污染和生态破坏,如何在发展经济的同时,注重生态环境的可持续发展,保证资源的永续可用成为广泛研究的课题。 绿色营销作为一种新型的营销理论,主张实现有限资源的最佳配置,追求企业利润和社会、自然生态环境协调发展。因此自20世纪90年代传入我国以来,逐渐成为主流的营销理念。在发展循环经济的大前提条件下,对企业绿色营销的要求就越来越迫切。但由于我国企业的绿色营销起步晚,当前面临很多现实性的问题。 1影响我国企业实行绿色营销的内在因素分析 1.1绿色营销观念还没有真正建立 对于企业来说,绿色营销与传统营销的主要区别就是对待消费者的态度。前者追求的是可持续的消费模式,以生态环境的改善和资源的可持续利用为目标,以提高消费质量来减少消费数量;而后者重在刺激消费、鼓励数量的消费。目前,我国大多数企业的营销重点仍是传统营销的模式。 1.2绿色营销企业面临成本和技术难题 环境成本内部化因其能有利地合理配置资源,推行清洁生产和全过程控制而在国际上十分通行。而我国的一些企业沿用旧的生产管理方式,使企业陷入高投入、高消耗、高污染、低收益的增长路径,对环境造成了大量的污染。推行绿色营销,意味着企业对绿色产品的研发力度、技术、设备和绿色产品认证都有更高的要求,即便有的企业具备绿色营销的意识,也会因为实施的难度和成本等问题而有名无实。 1.3企业营销策略与绿色营销不相适应


绿色壁垒对我国农产品贸易的影响及对策 当前,在国际贸易中绿色贸易壁垒已成为最重要的贸易的贸易壁垒之一,农业作为一种弱势产业更容易受到影响。绿色贸易壁垒是我国农产品出口所面临的严峻挑战,也是我国农产品出口最大的障碍。由于农产品贸易在我国对外贸易中占有重要地位,因此如何突破绿色贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口限制,对推动我国农产品发展具有重要的现实意义。 本文首先从绿色贸易壁垒的相关理论出发,对绿色贸易壁垒的定义、产生的根本原因和表现的形式特点进行了综述,研究了国外绿色贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响状况;同时本文还指出我国农产品出口遭遇绿色贸易壁垒的原因,在此基础上运用国际贸易知识对发达国家绿色贸易壁垒对我国的影响分析结合,政府、企业、行业对我国农产品跨越绿色贸易壁垒提出相关的对策和建议。 随着生活水平的提高, 人们越来越重视自身的生活质量问题, 近年来兴起的绿色消费概念正是其中一种现象。而绿色壁垒则是国际社会对环境与贸易关注的结果, 各个国家越来越多地在对外贸易中实施这种保护手段。随着国际市场绿色需求的不断增强, 以及环境保护的共识, 绿色贸易保护迅速兴起, 以环境保护为名的绿色壁垒成为国际经济贸易中重要的非关税保护措施之一。然而, 由于发展中国家与发达国家经济发展程度的不同, 导致各国在对待经济发展与环境保护问题上侧重点的不同, 发达国家在环境保护意识、政策、法规及技术等方面的领先, 而且, 目前各国的绿色贸易壁垒是根据各国自身的情况来设置的,还没有形成世界统一标准的制度, 各国绿色壁垒的限制程度难以预测。这就使目前的绿色壁垒有可能被发达国家利用为限制发展中国家产品进口的重要手段。绿色壁垒不仅对产品的品质提出很高的要求, 而且涉及到产品的产前、产中、产后各个阶段, 给发展中国家的对外贸易与经济发展带来了很严重的影响。 绿色贸易壁垒,是指在国际贸易领域,进口国以保护生态环境、自然资源、维护人类和动植物生命健康和安全为由而制定的一系列限制或禁止进口的贸易措施。由于发达国家所采取的这些措施复杂而严格,对发展中国家产品的出口构成绿色贸易壁垒。


企业绿色营销策略研究 摘要 随着全球气候变暖趋势加剧,人们的生态环境保护意识逐渐增强,国际上逐渐兴起绿色生产、绿色消费的浪潮,国际贸易中绿色壁垒相继产生,一场关于发展绿色产品、实施绿色营销的革命逐渐从全球范围内推广开来。绿色营销师市场营销和生态环境保护相结合的产物,它是指在市场销售的基础上加入了环保概念,而产品生产企业必须要承担生态环境保护的社会责任,将维护地球的可持续发展作为企业的经营目标之一。企业实施绿色营销是一项全球新的潮流,是为了保护地球生态环境而产生的,也是满足绿色消费需求的必然选择。我国的绿色营销起步晚,并存在在绿色产品开发范围窄、深度低、产品流通渠道不畅、营销策略僵化等问题。为此,本文基于绿色营销的概念及特征,深入分析国内外绿色营销的发展现状,探讨当前我国企业绿色营销存在的问题,最后从产品、价格、渠道以及促销四个层面阐述我国企业绿色营销的策略。 关键词:企业;绿色营销;绿色产品

目录 1.引言 (3) 2.绿色营销含义 (3) 2.1绿色营销的概念 (3) 2.2绿色营销的特征 (4) 3.绿色营销发展现状 (5) 3.1绿色营销国外发展现状 (5) 3.2绿色营销国内发展现状 (5) 4.企业绿色营销面临的问题 (6) 4.1企业实施绿色营销动力不足 (6) 4.2大多数企业没有实施真正的绿色营销 (7) 4.3没有形成社会性的绿色消费 (7) 4.4企业营销组合策略与绿色营销不适应 (7) 5.企业绿色营销策略研究 (8) 5.1产品策略 (8) 5.2价格策略 (8) 5.3渠道策略 (9) 5.4促销策略 (9) 6.结束语 (10) 参考文献 (10)


附录一英文文献 Security against Side Channel Attack in Cloud Computing Bhrugu Sevak Abstract--Cloud computing is a word that delivering hosted service over the internet. Cloud computing has been ideate as the next generation architecture of IT enterprise ecause of it’s provides ubiquitous network, cost reducing, flexibility and scalability to users. Now days with the fast growing of cloud computing technology introduces new more vulnerabilities so security is considered to be one of the most critical aspect in clod computing environment due to the confidential and important information stored in the cloud. As per AMAZONE EC2 service case study it is possible to identify the particular target VM(virtual machine) in internal cloud infrastructure and then placed new VM with targeted VM and extract confidential information from targeted VM on same physical machine called as simple side channel attack. This paper introduces how to avert the side channel attack in cloud computing. This is accomplished by using combination of Virtual firewall appliance and randomly encryption decryption (using concept of confusion diffusion) and provide RAS (Reliability, Availability, and Security) of client’s data or information. Keywords--Cloud computing, side channel attack, Amazon EC2 service case study, virtual firewall appliance, randomly encryption decryption. I. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing is a word that delivering hosted service over the internet.


毕业设计英文资料翻译 Tran slati on ofthe En glish Docume nts for Graduati on Desig n 课题名称_____________________________________ 院< 系)_____________________________________ 专业 _____________________________________ 姓名 _____________________________________ 学号 _____________________________________ 起讫日期 _____________________________________ 指导教师 _____________________________________ 2018 年2月25日 原文: Abstract:Gree n buildi ng refers to do its best to maximize con servati on of resources (en ergy, land, water, and wood> , protecti ng the environment and reduce polluti on in its life cycle. Provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature in harmony symbiosis buildings. Idescribed more details of green building design ' notion, green building ' design, as well as the sig ni fica nee of the con


我国企业绿色营销的现状与问题分析 21世纪的到来,绿色消费、绿色营销逐渐成为世界的主流。绿色营销在中国的起步较晚,虽得到了一定的发展,但我国面临全社会性的绿色消费需求尚未形成,绝大部分的企业绿色营销理念仍未确立,生产管理方式滞后,营销组合策略不相适应,社会相关制度不够完善以及政府措施不力的障碍,所以必须采取相应对策,积极创造条件,积极宣传,努力使绿色营销成为本世纪中国营销的主流。 一、我国企业推行绿色营销的意义 (以下全文的第二、第三级标题的格式,如字体字号,对照例文再修改) (一)、企业实施绿色营销符合社会可持续发展战略的需要。近几年来,我国城市大气环境,水资源污染问题日益严重,企业作为环境污染的主要制造者,必须认识到企业生产的产品只有顺应社会可持续发展战略的要求,才能得到社会的承认,并获得良好的效益。 (二)、绿色企业形象是高素质企业的象征。以发展循环经济、促使人类社会可持续发展为目标的绿色企业形象的树立,是企业及其经营者注重经济效益,社会效益与生态效益的统一,注重企业的社会责任和长远发展的高尚思想境界的体现。追求绿色形象的企业,其理念和行为符合现代社会发展的根本利益,是现代企业的楷模。 (三)、实施绿色营销有利于打破绿色壁垒。随着国际贸易的不断发展,国际贸易中最隐蔽、最棘手和最难对付的贸易障碍——绿色壁垒产生了。加入WTO以后,我国企业逐步向外向型发展,一些发达国家也以环保为名,构筑起的“绿色壁垒”,对我国和其他发展中国家的出口贸易产生了极大冲击。通过强化绿色观念,重视绿色设计,推行清洁生产,强化绿色包装,积极争取ISO14000认证等措施来实施绿色营销,要树立绿色企业形象,是突破“绿色壁垒”的重要举措。 二、我国企业绿色营销在可持续发展观下的现状及特征 在可持续发展为主题的社会经济发展环境中,绿色营销已成为一种重要的企业营销理念。绿色营销在可持续发展的观的要求下,企业从承担社会责任,保护环境,充分利用资源,长远的角度出发,在产品的研制,开发,生产,销售,售后服务全过程,


中文3100字,2000单词,1.1万英文字符 出处:Kuppusamy M, Gharleghi B. Green Barriers and China's Agricultural Product Export: Is There Any Relationship?[J]. Asian Social Science, 2014, 10(16):34-41. 原文 Green Barriers and China's Agricultural Product Export: Is There Any Relationship? Kuppusamy, Mudiarasan; Gharleghi, Behrooz Abstract As an agricultural country, the export of China's agricultural products are often suffered the restrictions from the green barriers. The positive green barriers can regulate the agricultural production in China, and promote the agricultural development and international trade; on the other hand, the negative green barriers would increase the cost of trade, trade friction, and prevent the development of international trade. So the research of influence of green barriers on China's agricultural products is very realistic. According to the influence of green barriers on China's agricultural exports, the corresponding countermeasures can be made to deal with the green barriers and improvement of China's competitiveness in the international competition. This study examines the causes, influences and methods of green barriers on China's agricultural products export based on the questionnaires of 200 staffs of agricultural trade companies in Xi'an of Shaanxi province in China. To address this issue, Partial Least Square method is applied and the empirical result shows that there is a positive and significant effect from causes, influences, and methods towards the China's agricultural products export. Keywords: green barriers, agricultural product, export, China 1. Introduction The green barrier is one of the most frequent measures in developed countries from the 1990's (Feng, 2007). As an agricultural country, the export of China's agricultural products are often suffered the restrictions from the green barriers. The positive green barriers can regulate the agricultural production in China, and promote the agricultural development and international trade; on the other hand, the negative green barriers would increase the cost of trading, even cause trade friction, and prevent the development of international trade. Green barriers are also called environmental barriers and green protectionism, which is a new trade barrier since 1990s. Buyers will impose green barriers on sellers' export when the buyers want to protect their own limited resources, human, animal, plant health and ecological environment in the modern international trade. Green barriers take place when importers have strict environmental protection laws and regulations to manage their own environment and technology standards. The green barriers are becoming not only the serious challenges faced by China's agricultural export products but also the biggest obstacle for China's agricultural exports (Yu, 2010). To deal with the green barriers, it is important to identify the causes of green barriers on China's agricultural products export, which are from both import and export countries. The limited agricultural technology of China is one significant cause. Due to the limited agricultural technology of China, the agricultural export products can't meet the high


学年论文题目企业绿色营销策略研究 学生姓名 专业班级 学号 指导教师 完成日期2012年9月21日

摘要 近年来,随着人们对可持续发展战略的广泛认同,人们对生态环境和自身健康的重视,传统营销正逐渐被绿色营销所取代,绿色营销已成为21世纪企业营销发展的新趋势,实施绿色营销关系企业谋求长远生存和发展的重要问题,对企业有着深远的意义。本文以企业视角阐述了什么是绿色营销,当今绿色营销的现状,并对绿色营销存在的问题进行具体的分析,同时对绿色营销的优势和发展趋势进行了思考,提出绿色营销实施的对策。以最终实现生态、社会、经济持续发展、企业持续经营的双重目标。 关键词:绿色营销企业绿色营销对策可持续发展

Abstract In recent years, with the widespread recognition of the sustainable development strategy, the awareness of the importance of the ecological environment and their own health, traditional marketing is gradually green marketing replaced by green marketing has become the new trend of the development of 21st century corporate marketing and implementa tion of green marketing Relationship enterprises important issues, to seek long-term survival and development of enterprises have a far-reaching significance. In this paper, the enterprise perspective on what is green marketing, specific analysis of the problems of today's status of green marketing and green marketing, green marketing advantage and trends at the same time thinking of green marketing implementation of countermeasures. To ultimately achieve ecological, social, economic sustainable development, the twin goals of the business to continue as a going concern. Keywords:Green Marketing Green Marketing Countermeasures Enterprises
