




In Don Juan Lord Byron wrote, n Sweet is revenge — especially to women. n But a study released on Wednesday, supported by magne tic resonance imaging, suggests that men may be the more natural avengers.

In the study, when male subjects witnessed people they perceived as bad guys being stroke by a mild electrical shock, their M.R. I. scans lit up in primitive brain areas associated with reward. Their brains 1empathy centers remained dull ? Women watching the punishment, in contrast, showed no response in centers associated with pleasure. Even though they also said they did not like the bad guys, their empathy centers still quietly glowed.

The study seems to show for the first time in physical terms what many people probably assume they already know:that women are generally more empathetic than men, and that men take great pleasure in seeing revenge exacted. H Men expressed more desire for revenge and seemed to feel satisfaction when unfair people were given what they perceived as deserved physical punishment, n saidDr.Tania Singer, the lead researcher, of the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience at University College London. But far from condemning the male impulse for retribution, Dr.Singer said it had an important social function: "This type of behavior has probably been crucial in the evolution of society as the majority of people in a group are motivated to punish those who cheat on the rest.n

The study is part of a growing body of research that is attempting to better understand behavior and emotions by observing simultaneous physiological changes in the brain, a technique now attainable through imaging? H Imaging is still in its early days but we are transitioning from a descriptive to a more mechanistic type of study,n said Dr.Klaas Enno Stephan, a co-author of the paper.

Dr?Singer1s team was simply trying to see if the study subjects' degree of empathy correlated with how much they liked or disliked the person being punished. They had not set out to look into sex differences ?To cultivate personal likes and dislikes in their 32 volunteers, they asked them to play a complex money strategy game, where both members of a pair would profit if both behaved cooperatively. The ranks of volunteers were infiltrated by actors told to play selfishly. Volunteers came quickly to n very much like11the partners who were cooperative, while disliking those who hided rewards, Dr?Stephan said. Effectively conditioned to like and dislike their game-playing partners, the 32 subjects were placed in scanners and asked to watch the various partners receive electrical shocks. On scans, both men and women seemed to feel the pain of partners they liked. But the real surprise came during scans when the subjects viewed the partners they disliked being shocked. n When women saw the shock, they still had an empathetic response, even though it was reduced, n Dr?Stephan said?

n The men had none at all. n Furthermore, researchers found that the brain1s pleasure centers lit up in males when just punishment was meted out.

The researchers cautioned that it was not clear if men and women are born with divergent responses to revenge or if their social experiences generate the responses. Dr.Singer said larger studies were needed to see if differing responses would be seen in cases involving revenge that did not involve pain. Still, she added, "This investigation would seem to indicate there is a predominant role for men in maintaining justice and issuing punishment.n lx Lord Byron1s words are mentioned to

A.demonstrate the cruelty of women.

B.show women feet sweeter with revenge than men.

C.introduce the different idea about revenge.

D.suggest women love to take revenge on the bad guys.

2、According to the passage, Dr.Singer1s attitude to male revenge impulse is

Four years passed, and on a dismal spring afternoon I was running errands

feeling depressed. You 1 ve got the winter blahs again, I told them every year.

birtzhday, and 1 found myself thinking about him. This was family often talked about him, remembering how he lived his and found myself myself. You get It was Dad 1s

not unusual — my

faith. Once I saw him give his coat to a homeless man? Often he 1 d chat with

A. sympathetic.

B. positive.

C. negative.

D. detached.

3、 According to the passage, the study is originally aimed to

A. show sex differences on revenge.

B. better understand human 1s behavior and emotions.

C. cultivate personal likes and dislikes.

D. see if the de gree of empathy is connected with personal likes and dislikes ?

4、 The word 11 inf iltrated 11 (Line Six, Para. Five) probably means

A. acted.

B. mixed ?

C. taught?

D. filtrated ?

5、 Dr. Singer thinks men are more suitable to maintain justice and issue punishment than women because

A. b rains 1 empathy centers of men remained dull when punishment was executed.

B. women 1s pleasure centers were lit up with punishment implemented.

C. men have no response when seeing punishment executed.

D. men had different experiences from women.


It was an autumn morning shortly after my husband and I moved into our first house. Our children were upstairs unpacking, and I was looking out the window at my father moving around mysteriously on the front lawn. My parents lived nearby, and Dad had visited us several times already. n What are you doing out there?11 I called to him.

He looked up, smiling. 1111 m making you a surprise. n Knowing my father, I

thought it could be just about anything? A self -employed jobber, he was always building things out of odds and ends. When we were kids, he once rigged up a jungle gym out of wheels and pulleys. For one of my Halloween parties, he created an electrical pumpkin and mounted it on a broomstick. As guests came to our door, he would light the pumpkin and have it pop out in front of them from a hiding place in the bushes.

Today, however, Dad would say no more, and, caught ups in the busyness of our

new life, I eventually forgot about his surprise.

Until one raw day the following March when I glanced out the window. Dismal ?

Overcast. Little piles of dirty snow still stubbornly littering the lawn, would winter ever end?

And yet. ? . was it a mirage? 1 strained to see what I thought was something

pink, miraculously peeking out of a drift. And was that a dot of blue across the yard, a small note of optimism in this gloomy expanse? I grabbed my coat and headed outside for a closer look.

They were crocuses, scattered whimsically throughout the front lawn. Lavender,

blue, yellow and my favorite pink — little faces bobbing in the bitXer wind.

Dad. I smiled, remembering the bulbs he had secretly planted last autumn. He

knew how the darkness and dreariness of winter always got me down. What could have been more perfectly timed, more attuned to my needs? How blessed I was, not only for the flowers but for him.

My father 1 s crocuses bioomed each spring for the next four or five seasons,

bringing that same assurance every time they arrived: Hard times almost over. Hold on, keep going, light is coming soon.

Then a spring came with only half the usual blooms. The next spring there were

none. I missed the crocuses z but my life was busier than ever, and I had never been much of a gardener. I would ask Dad to come over and plant new bulbs. But I never did.

He died suddenly one October day. My family grieved deeply, leaning on our

faith. I missed him terribly , though I knew he would always be a part of us ?

the author was unpacking when her father was making the surprise. the author knew what the surprise was because she knew her father.

it was not the first time that the author 1

s father had made a surprise ? it kept bothering the author not knowing what the surprise was.

7、 Which of the following can best describe the author 1 s purpose of mentioning the jungle gym and electrical pumpkin? A. B. C ? D. To To To To show show show show his father loved building things. his father was good at handwork. it is not uncommon for his father to give her surprises. his father loved her deeply.


、 of the following is INCORRECT, according to the passage? 9

、 Which A. The author 1 s father planted the crocus to lift the author 1 s low spirit.

B. The crocuses bloomed each spring before the author 1s father died.

C. The author often thought about her father since her father died.

D. The author 1 s father prob^bly died 14 years after he planted the crocus .

The author 1s father should be best described as 10> Which A. She B. She She D ? She

strangers, and if he learned they were poor and hungry, he would invite them home for a meal. But now, in the car, I could not help wondering: How is he now? Where is he? Is there really a heaven?

I felt guilty for having doubts, but sometimes, I thought as 1 turned into our

driveway, faith is so hard?

Suddenly I slowed, stopped and stared at the lawn. Muddy grass and small gray

mounds of melting snow. And there, bravely waving in the wind, was one pink crocus. How could a flower bloom from a bulb more than 18 years old, one that had not blossomed in over a decade? But there was the crocus. Tears filled my eyes as I realized its significance.

Hold on, keep going, light is coming soon. The pink crocus bloomed for only a

day. But it built my faith for a lifetime.

6、 According to the first three paragraphs,

A. B. C.


A. a full-time gardener with skillful hands.

B. a part-time jobber who loved flowers.

C. a kind-hearted man who lived with faith.

D. an ordinary man with doubts in his life.

of the following sentence is true about the author? is somewhat


is as determined to her faith as his father? is always negative toward life.

has a distant relationship with her mother.


The advantage of associating the birth of democracy with the Mayflower Compact is that it is easy to do so. The public believes a simple explanation that on November 11, 1620, when the compact was approved, a cornerstone of American democracy was laid. Certainly it makes it easier on schoolchildren. Making the start of democracy in 1620 relieves students of the responsibility of knowing what happened in the hundred some years before, from the arrival of the Santa Maria to the landing of the Mayflower.

Surely, the compact demonstrated the Englishman 1s striking capacity for self -

government. And in affirming the principle of majority rule, the Pilgrims showed how far they had come from the days when the king 1 s whim was law and nobody dared say otherwise.

But the emphasis on the compact is misplaced. Scholarly research in the last

half century indicates that the compact had nothing to do with the development of the self - government in America. In truth, the Mayflower Compact was no more a

cornerstone of American democracy than the Pilgrim hut was the foundation of

American architecture. As Samuel Morison so emphatically put it, American democracy 11 was not born in the cabin of the Mayflower. 11

The Pilgrims indeed are miscast as the heroes of American democracy. They

spurned democracy and would have been shocked to see themselves help up as its

defenders. George Willison, regarded as one of the most careful students of the

Pilgrims, states that 11 the merest glance at the history of Plymouth 11 shows that they were not democrats.

to settle in an area outside the jurisdiction of aboard the Mayflower had hinted that upon

landing liberty, for none had power to command them.

n Under they couldn 11 ; the compact required all who lived was and responsibility, democracy, freedom ? 13> 14、 15>

A. B. C.

D. the Pilgrims 1 respect servants 1 respect for the Pilgrims 1 respect the Pilgrims 1


The mythmakers would have us believe that even if the Pilgrims themselves

weren 11 democratic, the Mayflower Compact itself was. But in fact tile compact was expressly designed to check freedom, not promote it. The Pilgrim governor and historian, William Bradford, from whom we have gotten nearly all of the information there is about the Pilgrims, frankly conceded as much. Bradford wrote that the purpose of the compact was to control traitors aboard the Mayflower who were threatening to go their own way when the ship reached land. Because the Pilgrims had decided their royal patent, some they would n use their own the terms of

the compact, in the colony

to H promise all due sub

mission and obedience 11 to it.

Moreover, despite the compact 1s mention of majority rule, the Pilgrim fathers

had no intention of turning over the colony 1 s government to the people ? Plymouth was to be ruled by the elite. And the elite wasn 11 shameful in the least about advancing its claims to superiority? When the Mayflower Compact signed, the elite signed first. The second rank consisted of the n goodmen n the bottom four servants. No women or children signed.

The public considers the Mayflower Compact as

English democracy. American American American 12、 In signing the compact, the Pilgrims broke away from

A. the self-government?

B. the authoritarian rule in Britain.

C. the principle of majority rule.

D. democratic rule.

The word n miscast 11 (Line One, Para. Four) means

A. displaced.

B. misunderstood.

C? unbelieved.

D. mismanaged.

According to Para. Five, which one is correct?

A. The compact 1 s real purpose was to keep the Pilgrims 1 free dom unde r

control ?

B. William Bradford agreed with what mythmakers said.

C. The compact allowed Pilgrims to use their own liberty upon landing.

D. The Mayflower Compact itself was democratic. The details about the signers of the compact are mentioned to emphasize

for majority rule? elit e?

for n goodmen H . for the social hierarchy. TEXTD

Canadians like to think that although they are the junior partner in their trade relations with the United States, the 174 billion barrels of proven reserves in the oil sands of Alberta provide a powerful ace up their sleeve in any dealings with their energy-hungry neighbor. That belief has now been shaken by an American law that appears to prohibit American government agencies from buying crude produced in the oil sands of the western province.

The Energy Independence and Security Act 2007 did not set out to discriminate

against Canada, America 1s biggest supplier of oil. But that is the effect of b anning federal agencies from buying alternative or synthetic fuel, including that from non-conventional sources, if their production and use result in more greenhouse gases than conventional oil. Transforming Alberta 1s tarry muck into a barrel of oil is an energy-intensive process that produces about three times the emissions of a barrel of conventional light sweet crude.

Having woken belatedly to the danger, the Canadian government is now scrambling A . the b


B ? the birth

C ? the birth

D . the b irth

to secure an exception. Michael Wilson, Canada1s ambassador in Washington, has written to America 1s secretary of defense, Robert Gates (whose department is a big purchaser of Canadian oil) , stressing American dependence on Canadian oil, electricity, natural gas and uranium imports, and noting that some of the biggest players in the Alberta oil patch are American companies . Mr. Wilson added plaintively that both George Bush and his energy secretary, Samuel Bodman, have publicly welcomed expanded oil-sands production, given the increased contribution to American energy security.

John Baird, the Canadian environment minister, referred this week to the American move when he unveiled new proposals to reduce industrial emissions in Canada, including the oil sands, by 20% by 2020 . Big states like California were making similar pronouncements, he told reporters. The oil sands were an important national resource, but had to be expanded in an environmentally friendly way.

The fear in Canada is that the American purchasing restrictions, which at present apply only to federal agencies, is the start of a wholesale shift to greener as well as more protectionist policies under a Congress and potentially a White House controlled by the Democrats? With energy exports, mainly from Alberta,driving the Canadian economy, this is not a happy thought for Canadians.

Yet environmentalists point out that Canada is now paying for its own foot-dragging at the federal level on green initiatives. Having signed the Kyoto agreement under a previous Liberal government, Canada did little to stop its emissions rising. They are now almost 35% above the Kyoto target. And although Mr? Baird likes to describe his plan as tough, it will not bring Canada into line with Kyoto. The rules for the oil sands, now the fastest growing source of greenhouse gases, have yet to be finalised and will not come into force until 2 010 . Furthermore, they rely on carbon capture, a promising but unproven technology.

The vagueness of the proposed federal rules did not stop the premier of Alberta, Ed Stelmach, from giving a defiant warning that he will stand up for the interests of Albertans and will be examining the constitution to ensure that the federal government1s proposed plan does not intrude on provincial jurisdiction. His province has one of the weakest environmental regimes in Canada.

Although the Canadian embassy says that there has been no official response to Mr. Wilson1s letter, there are reports of talks going on in Washington aimed at addressing Canada1 s concerns. But even if a deal is reached with the outgoing Bush administration, any exception for Canada may be short-lived if green-tinged Democrats take the White House in November.

16、All of the following can be inferred from Paragraph One EXCEPT that

A.Canada ranks not very high in its trade relations with USA.

B.Canada still plays a very powerful role in the American energy industry.

C.An American law was passed to prohibit the import of crude from Western Canada.

D.Alberta must be located in Western Canada.

17> The Energy Independence and Security Act 2007 was aimed to

A.single out Canada for discrimination.

B.produce more alternative or synthetic fuel.

C.reduce energy-intensive industries to minimum.

D.prohibit the purchase of fuel that causes more emissions?

18> Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of Canada 1 s responses to the American fuel purchasing restrictions?

A.The Canadian government looked for an exception hurriedly.

B.Canada 1s ambassador in America stated the significance of Canadian oil to America.

C.The premier of Alberta, Ed Stelmach, stands up for the interests of


D.New proposals on the reduction of industrial emissions in Canada were made publie.

19> What can be inferred from Paragraph Six?

A.Mr.Baird made tough plans to bring emissions in Canada in line with the

Kyoto target?

B.The Canadian federal government is now slow in carrying out its green plans


C.The Canadian economy suffers for lack of federal rules for the oil sands.

D.Carbon capture technology is now in use in Canada?

2 0、According to the author, the prospects of addressing Canada1s concerns are



C? definitely hopeless?

D? unknown?






2、 B

[解析]观点态度题。根据题干屮的关键词revenge impulse^以将答案定位在文章的第三段。辛格博士对于男性报复心理所持的态度可以根据其话语判断得出。她认为男人这种心理和行为对人类发展有很重要的意义,因此对其持肯定态度,B正确。A''同情的〃,C、'否定的〃、D''超然的〃都不能概括博士的态度。


[解析]事实细节题。根据这个研究可以看出男女对报复有不同的反应,但是这个研究的初衷却非如此。第四、五段对该研究有一一个明确的描述,第四段是对该研究从属的研究项H的描述,第五段是对该研究的捕述,最初并不是要研究性别差杲,而是要发现同情程度与对被惩罚人的喜好程度的联系, 因此D是答案。


[解析]语义理解题。根据提示,将答案信息定位在文章第五段。该词所在的原句为''The ranks of volunteers were infiltrated by actors told to play self ishly".从卜文可以看出,人们并不喜欢那些自私的同伴,据此可以推断这些志愿者们和演员们是徵混在一起的。选项屮,A''扮演〃,B''混杂〃,C''教授〃,D''过滤〃。因此B最合适。


[解析]事实细节题。根据题干屮的maintain justice and issue punishment nJ"以将答案定位在最后一段。辛格博士Z所以认为男人更适合维持公正、执行惩罚是和其天牛的本性有关的,从文章前面也可以看出,男人看到惩罚坏人吋会有愉悦感,而女人则有一点怜悯感,这就是男人比女人更适合做这些工作的原因。选项A''执行惩罚吋男人的同情屮心呈迟钝状〃,说明这吋没有同情的感情在。B和文章事实相反。C''男人看到执行惩罚时没有反应〃,而文中提到其愉悦中心发亮,有愉悦感。D 只是最后一段描述的一个猜测。因此,只有A最符合题意。




由第三段可知作者忙于新牛活,很快就把这个惊喜忘了,所以作者并没有为惊喜是什么而困扰,故 D 错。






[解析]推理判断题。由第十二段第二句可知作者的父亲是个实践自己的信仰的人,血由该段第三、四句父亲把外套送给陌牛人并且邀请困顿饥饿的人去家里吃饭可知他心肠好,所以C正确。由第二段第四句可知作者父亲做的是个体批发牛意而不是园艺师,是self-employed jobber,而不是part-time jobber,且文章并没有提到父亲爱花,故A与B错。由十二段可知作者的父亲是个坚持井实践自己信仰的人,并没有对牛活有所怀疑,故D错。


[解析]推理判断题。文章多次提到作者在冬天总是情绪低落心情郁闷,甚至戏称口己有winter blahs,在看到春天开放的番红花吋乂觉得很受鼓舞,可见作者是个多愁善感的人,故选A。第十三段作者写到自己对天堂的存在产牛怀疑,并且她有吋认为要坚持信念很难,可见作者并非像父亲一样笃定信念,故B错。每逢看到盛开的番红花作者都更加坚定了对光明和努力的信念,可见整体上她的牛活态度是乐观的,故C错。文屮虽然没有着墨于作者的母亲,但并不能因此判断作者和母亲关系疏离,故D属于过度推断,可排除。


n> c

[解析]事实细节题。由题干屮的关键词the public可以将信息定位于第一段第二句。从该处可知, 公众相信这样一种简单的解释:1620年月口,也就是协议牛效的那天,是美国民主的奠基口。由此可见,公众认为''五月花号协议〃是''美国民主的诞牛〃,故C正确。''五月花号协议〃是由从英国逃离的清教徒签订的,他们虽是英国人,但这份协议的签订是为了摆脱英国主权的统治,因此A不正确;第一段虽然提到了responsibility,但是指对学牛而言的,故B排除;本段并未提到freedom, 虽然文章小也出现过,但与本题无关,属于偷换概念的迷惑项,所以D也不正确。

12> B




对它的解释,所以需要结合整段或者前后句的句意来理解。很明显,本段第一句是屮心句,其后的两句话都是対本句的论证。根据第二句话屮的''shocked to see themselves help up as its

defenders"AT知,清教徒并不是民主的守护者,而这正与首句的''the heroes of American democracy,/相矛?盾,所以可以初步推断miscast有''误解〃意思。另外,再依据该段最后一句屮的

''they were not democrats,z可以证明这个推断是正确的,故B为答案。A''取代;转移〃,C''不





话的意思札I矛盾,该句屮的conceded as much是指承认了''协议是控制自由而不是促进自由的〃,所以不正确;C''协议允许清教徒在登陆后使用自由权〃,这正与协议的FI的相反,可从该段的倒数第一句屮的they couldn11 (use their own liberty)得知,所以不正确;D'''五刀花号协议,是民主的〃,这与该段的观点相矛盾,从该段的第一、二句话可知,这是神话编造者的冃的,也正是作者所批驳的观点,所以不正确。


[解析]推理判断题。由题干关键词将信息定位于尾段。该段主要是论证: ''五月花号协议〃所体现的仍然是精英统治的原则,而不是大多数人统治的原则;其屮所举的签字实例正是为了说明这个观点。

A''清教徒对多数人统治原则的尊重〃,这与该段首句的''清教徒并不打算将统治权交给大众〃相矛盾,所以不正确;B''仆人们对精英的尊重〃和C''清教徒对主人的尊重〃文小都未体现,属于过度推断;协议签署细节体现了森严的等级观念,故D、、清教徒对社会等级的尊重〃才是本段所强调的核心,所以D 正确。



[解析]事实细节题。首先定位到第一段。选项A''加拿大在和美国的贸易关系上排名不是很高〃与本段屮的junior partnerffl符。选项B''加拿大在美国能源业小仍然占有重要地位〃可从第一句话后半部分推断出。选项C'、美国通过了一?项禁止从加拿大西部进口原油的法律〃与本段的最后一?句不符,该句只是说该法律''似乎要禁止美国政府机构购买〃。选项D''阿尔伯达省位于加拿大西部〃是正确的,这是因为本段屮的the western province就扌旨Alberta。








19> B


《京都议定书》的要求还是相去甚远〃,由此排除A''伯德先牛制定出不折不扌II的计划,旨在使加拿大的工业废气排放符合《京都议定书》的要求〃。B''加拿大联邦政府在实施绿色行动计划时显得拖拉〃与本段首句丨卩的''foot-dragging at the federal level on green initiatives"对应, 是正确项。C''由于缺乏针对油砂的联邦规定,加拿大的经济受损〃屮的''缺乏〃说法有误,文屮只是说''未垠后定案〃。D''碳捕集技术现在在加拿大已得以应用〃也与本段111的unproven technology不一致,故排除。故本题选B。


[解析]观点态度题。首先定位到最后一段。该段说''即使加政府和布什政府达成了任何协议,如果到了十一月份注重环保的民主党上台,那么任何给予加拿大的特殊照顾都可能是短命的〃。据此可知, B''微乎其微〃是正确的,即''其前景很惨淡〃,但不一定是C项所说的''完全没有希望〃和D项所言的''不确定〃。


第一节什么是物流管理 1.物流管理的定义 完成商业交易后物流将以最有效的成本方式以最有效的成本方式实行从供应商(卖方)到客户(买方)货物转运。这就是物流的定义。在转运过程中,像物流设施和设备(物流运输工具)之类的硬件是必要的,也需要信息控制和标准化管理。另外,来自政府和物流协会的支持应该到位。 物流的三个主要功能 (1)创造时间价值:同样的货物在不同的时间有不同的价值。货物常常在转运过程中处于滞留状态,用专业术语来说这被叫做物流储存。它创造货物的时间价值。 (2)创造场所价值:同样的货物在不同的场所可以被不同地定值。转运过程中增加的价值就是物流的场所价值。 (3)流通加工价值:有时物流创造流通加工价值,流通加工改变货物的长度、厚度和包装。正像流行说法,“分割成更小块”是最常见的流通加工形式。物流的大部分过程创造货物的附加值。 物流是一项新的商业领域,从传统阶段到现代阶段发展而来。这两个阶段间的主要不同点包括: (1) 现代物流采用集装箱运输技术。货物运输过程从包装开始,接着是运输、储存及配送。整个过程在物流标准下进行.基于物流600×400的基础模数,形成1,200×1,000的物流模数,并放大到2,591×2,438的尺寸—即集装箱高乘宽的尺寸。它也能被调整到适于铁运、汽运和船运的集装箱标准尺.寸。 电子数据交换全球定位 (2)信息技术对现代物流来说极其重要。条码,销售点,电子数据交换和全球 定位系统极大地提高了五六活动的效率和精确性。互联网更进一步促进了物流行业的市场开发、市场操作和管理。 2.物流管理的活动 (1)客户服务。客户服务被定义为:以客户至上为宗旨,以最可能低的成本整合、管理所有客户管理的交界面以取得最佳效果.客户服务将所有的物流活动连接在一起.客户是否能在适当的情景收到合适的产品将影响到其他操作活动。 (2)订单处理。订单处理可以比作人的躯体的中枢神经系统,激发配送过程并指导各种活动得以进行,以满意订货要求。订单处理活动可以被分解成三个种类。第一,操作部分,诸如订单录入与校定,生产计划运输方式的准备工作以及货物托运清单。第二,沟通部分,诸如订单修订,订货状况查询,跟踪,催促,错误修正以及产品信息寻求等。最后,信贷与托收部分,包括信贷核查和有效账户的处理和托收。 客户服务在订单处理的速度与精确性方面扮演一个重要角色。先进的系统能够减少订单下达与发货之间的时间。订单常常通过计算即系统来完成。先进的计算机系统虽然起初对公司来说很昂贵,但它能大大地提高业务的准确性和效率。通常,别的物流开支(库存,运输和仓储)的节约,或来自客户服务提升了的销售的增长,将证明这一系统提升了的成本是非常值得的。 (3)物流沟通要取得当今商务环境的成功,就需要复杂沟通体系的管理。有效的沟通应该存在于下面各项之间: (a)公司及其客户和供应商; (b)公司的主要运作,比如:市场,生产,物流,财务/会计; (c)与物流相关的活动,比如:客户服务,交通运输,仓储与保管,订单处理和库存控制。


专业英语八级改错练习题及答案解析(30) Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? Surely because progress of particular kind is actually taking place around us and is more and more manifesting. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge. Knowledge begins to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by mean of speech. With the invention of writing, knowledge could be communicated and stored. Libraries made education possible, and education in turn added libraries: the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound-interest law, which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing. All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly risen. Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan.However, as soon as new knowledge is acquired, it is now turned to practical account. What is called “modern civilization” is not the result of a balanced development of all man’s nature, but not of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life. The problem now facing humanity is: What is going to be done with all this knowledge? Like is often pointed out, knowledge is a two edged weapon which could be used equally for good or evil. It is now being frequently used indifferently for both. Could any spectacle, for instance, be more grimly whimsical than that gunners using science to shatter men’s bodies while, clo se at hand, surgeons use it to restore them. 1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5 ________ 6 ________ 7 ________ 8 ________ 9 ________ 10 _______


QUESTION BOOKLET 试卷 用后随即销毁。 严禁保留、出版或复印。 TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2018) -GRADE EIGHT TIME LIMIIT: 150 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN] SECTION A MINI-LECTURE You have THIRTY sec onds to preview the gap-filli ng task. Now liste n to the min i-lecture. When it is over, you will be give n THREE mi nu tes to check your work. SECTION B INTERVIEW In this secti on you will hear ONE in terview. The in terview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questi ons will be asked about what was said. Both the in terview and the questi ons will be spoke n ONCE ONL Y. After each questio n there will be a ten-sec ond pause. Duri ng the pause, you should read the four choices of A), B), C) and D), and mark the best an swer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY sec onds to preview the choices. Now, liste n to the first in terview. Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on Part One of the in terview. Now liste n to the in terview. A. Announ ceme nt of results.


英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析 About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk ____1____ pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking ____2____ University. The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children ____3____ within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4____ families to moderate size. This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ____5____ the United Nation’s Children’s Fund and the US Centers for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high ____6____


1996年高等院校英语专业八级考试 https://www.360docs.net/doc/856954478.html,/tem8/tem-8-96translation.htm C-E原文: 近读报纸,对国内名片和请柬的议论颇多,于是想起客居巴黎时经常见到的法国人手中的名片和请柬,随笔记下来,似乎不无借鉴之处。 在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会,冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方,这好像是不可缺少的礼节。然而,法国人一般却都不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒暄几句,甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开,只有当双方谈话投机,希望继续交往时,才会主动掏出名片。二话不说先递名片反倒显得有些勉强。 法国人的名片讲究朴素大方,印制精美,但很少有镶金边儿的,闪光多彩的或带香味的,名片上的字体纤细秀丽,本人的名字也不过分突出,整张纸片上空白很大,毫无拥挤不堪的感觉。 参考译文: Version 1: In reading recent newspapers, I have come to find that people in China have become more and more interested in discussing name cards and invitation letters. This reminds me of the name cards and invitation

letters of the French people that I saw when I was sojourning in Paris. In writing down those random reminiscences, I believe that they might provide some useful information for us to learn. In Paris, cocktail parties and buffet receptions of different kinds offer great opportunities for making friends. On such occasions, strangers may get to know each other. If they are Asians, they will, very respectfully and with both hands, present their calling cards to their interlocutors before any conversation starts. This seems to be the required courtesy on their part. The French, however, usually are not so ready with such a formality. Both sides will greet each other, and even chat casually about any topic and then excuse themselves. Only when they find they like each other and hope to further the relationship will they exchange cards. It will seem very unnatural to do so before any real conversation gets under way. The French tend to take extraordinary precaution in making their name cards, simple yet elegant. Exquisitely designed and printed, their name cards are seldom golden-framed, or colorfully shiny, or tinted with fragrant smells. The letters which appearing on their name cards tend to be diminutive but beautiful, not allowing the name of the card-bearer t be overly prominent / salient. The entire card leaves much empty space, imparting no sense of over-crowdedness.


物流专业英语试卷 一、Translation(30分) 1.Container transport 2.International freight forwarding agent 3.Order cycle time 4.Inventory turnover 5.Environmental logistics 6.Carrying cost 7.Material handling 8.Demand forecasting 9.Reverse logistics 10.Agile logistics 11.Third-party logistics 12.Initial investment 13.Warehouse facility 14.Material procurement 15.Point of consumption 16.多式联运 17.分销渠道 18.条码 19.订单处理 20.保税仓库 21.前置期 22.叉车 23.门到门 24.准时制物流 25.拣选 26.提货单 27.发货区 28.进口税 29.规模经济 30.供应链整合 二、Translate the sentences into Chinese(40分) 1、Customer service involves getting the right product to the right customer at the right place, in the right condition and at the right time, at the lowest total cost possible.


英语专业八级改错模拟练习及解析1 英语专业八级改错模拟练习及解析1英语专业八级改错模拟练习及解析1it can be tempt to hide from the people, places and tasks (1) which make life stressful. by removing you from the situa- (2) tion, it' s possible to find immediate relief-- and these sources (3) of stress will never go away unless we confront against them (4) being haunted by these stressors means that we can' t be re- laxed in the case the sources of stress return. (5) if avoiding stress triggers isn't such a good technique of dealing with stress, then what is? life experience teaches us (6) that whenever we need to master a new skill-- learning to swim, giving a public presentation, taking risks in front of others--it pays to take a deep breath, perhaps grit our teeth,


2003年英语专业八级考试真题 PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (40 MIN) In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet SECTION A TALK Questions I to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk you will be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the talk. 1. Which of the following statements about offices is NOT true according to the talk? A. Offices throughout the world are basically alike. B. There are primarily two kinds of office layout. C. Office surroundings used to depend on company size. D. Office atmosphere influences workers’ performance. 2. We can infer from the talk that harmonious work relations may have a direct impact on your A. promotion. B. colleagues. C. management. D. union. 3. Supposing you were working in a small firm, which of the


2017年英语专业八级考试改错模拟测试 题及答案5 I think it is true to saying that, in general, language teachers (26) have paid little attention to the way sentences are used in combination to form stretches of disconnected discourse. They have tended to take (27) their cue from the grammarian and have concentrated to the teaching (28) of sentences as self-contained units. It is true that these are often represented in "contexts" and strung together in dialogues and (29) reading passages, but these are essentially setting to make the formal properties of the sentences stand out more clearly, properties which are then established in the learners brain(30) by means of practice drill and exercises. Basically, the language teaching unit is the (31)


2004—2014历年专业英语八作文题归纳 PARTVI WRITING (45 MIN) 2014 Nowadays, some companies have work-from-home or remote working policies, which means that their employees do not have to commute to work every day. Some people think that this can save a lot of time travelling to and from work, thus raising employees’productivity. However, others argue that in the workplace, people can communicate face to face, which vastly increases the efficiency of coordination and cooperation. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: 2013 Is our society hostile to good people? According to a recent survey by China Y outh Daily,76.1 percent of the respondents say that our current society provides a “bad environment" for good people doing good things.On the other hand,the more optimistic would argue that each individual should try his or her best to do good things and be nice to others, instead of waiting for the "social environment”to improve.So,what do you think? Is a sound social environment necessary for people to have high moral standards and be good to others? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Is a sound social environment necessary for people to be good to others? 2012 A recent survey of 2,000 college students asked about their attitudes


关于物流专业英语教学的几点思考 摘要:伴随中国物流服务产业突飞猛进的发展,市场对物流人才的需求与日俱增。物流人才除需要具备必要的专业知识、基本术语,还需要一定的外语沟通水平。高职教育教学中,物流专业英语课程是物流专业的很重要的一门课程,如何提高教学效果是目前亟待解决的问题。 关键词:物流英语;英语教学;教学模式;教学方法 伴随中国物流服务产业突飞猛进的发展,市场对物流人才的需求与日俱增。这就要求物流专业教育教学观念随着行业的进步而不断更新、教学效果不断提高。据相关资料显示,中国物流业对相关人才的需求量将达到年均2万至3万人,甚至更多,目前我国物流从业人员缺口很大。物流人才除需要具备必要的专业知识,基本术语,还需要一定的外语沟通水平,有些企业招聘时用英语回答问题,可见物流英语学习至关重要。 物流英语与其他专业英语的最大区别就在于它的专业术语较多,且与字典里的解释有所不同。比如, inventory 在物流术语中是库存,但词典里写的却是详细目录。在物流行业有许多类似的专业表达,在翻译有关物流行业的单词时,往往不能凭字典里面的解释进行理解。再比如: just in time 指的是准时制,不是常用的刚刚好及时。所以,要学习物流专业,从事物流职业,必须能看懂物流英语。 高职教育教学中,物流专业英语课程是物流专业的很重要的一门

课程,其教学目标主要是使学生在以后工作中能听懂同事或客户所讲的与专业技术相关的英语,同时培养学生商务英语口语、技术英语口语技能以及高效率阅读技术类文档和写技术报告的能力,为今后从事物流专业工作奠定坚实的语言基础。 然而,高职院校物流专业英语教学中无法逃避的问题就是学生的英语基础薄弱。从学情来看,高职院校学生由两部分组成,一部分是高考分数较低的高中生,另一部分是三校生(即:中专、职高、技工学校毕业生)。以我们学院为例,经过调查,我们发现,选择计算机专业的学生,除部分缘于对专业的喜欢外,更多学生是因为高考成绩不理想或不愿意从事体力工作,才选择物流专业。不管是来源哪一部分的学生,英语都是他们瘸腿和软肋。多数学生反馈,他们在中学的时候就不喜欢英语课程,甚至听到英语课程就头疼,物流专业英语更是让他们濒临崩溃。为此,研究改进物流英语的教学方法,构建灵活的教学模式,使学生乐学、会学、学会,提高教学效果尤为重要。首先,要注重物流专业基础知识的学习。物流工作,会涉及到运输、仓储、配送,装卸搬运等专业名词。有一些基本的术语,在字典里的解释与专业术语大相径庭。如:inventory,在物流术语中为库存,词典的解释为详细目录,存货清单。不懂物流术语很难胜任工作,而这些物流术语多是英语表达,只有掌握好基本的术语――单词,才能用准确地把对物流行业的认知准确地表述出来,因此,物流专业的学生要学会用英语说物流,听物流。可以说,学会物流英语的第一步就是背诵物流专业术语。


Exercises 1 Part I I Vocabulary exercises 1. B 2. C 3. D 4.B 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B II Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below: 1.“Logistics” is a term, which originates from both the army and French. According to the French, the Baron of Jomini, who of Swiss origin who had served in Napoleon?s army before joining the Russians and who later founded the Military Academy of St. Petersburg, first used the term in the early 19th century. So in a military sense, the term …logistics? encompasses transport organization, army replenishments and material maintenance. 2.Logistics deals with satisfying the customer. This implies that management must first understand what those requirements are before a logistics strategy can be developed and implemented to meet them. As will be discussed in more detail later, customer service is the most important output of an organization?s logistics system. This focus on customer satisfaction will be emphasized through the text just as it should be in the firm. Part II I Vocabulary exercises 1. B 2. D 3. A 4.C 5. D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C 10. A II Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below: 1.Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from a point of origin to a point of consumption and can involve raw materials being brought into the production process and/or finished goods being shipped out to the customer. 2.Since these inputs can have a direct impact on both the cost and quality of the final product/service offered to the consumer, this activity is vital to the overall success of the logistics effort. In addition, the move away from local sourcing in favor of global buying has complicated this entire process dramatically in recent years. Part III


2008年英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(1) About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk _ ___1____ pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking _ ___2____ University. The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children _ ___3____ within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4____ families to moderate size. This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ___ _5____ the United Nation’s Children’s Fund and the US Cen ters for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high __ __6____ risk categories. The report says that evidences from around the world shows the risk of ____ 7____ maternal or infant ill and death is the highest in four specific types of ____8_ ____ pregnancy; pregnancies before the mother is 18 year old; those after the ___ _9____


2003年英语专业八级真题试卷 [真题] 120 PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. while listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but yon will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. when the lecture is over, yon will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 第1题: Which of the following statements about offices is NOT true according to the talk? A.Offices throughout the world are basically alike. B.There are primarily two kinds of office layout. C.Office surroundings used to depend on company size. D.Office atmosphere influences workers' performance. 第2题: We can infer from the talk that harmonious work relations may have a direct impact on your A.promotion. B.colleagues. C.management. D.union. 第3题: Supposing you were working in a small firm, which of the following would you do when you had some grievances? A.Request a formal special meeting with the boss. B.Draft a formal agenda for a special meeting. C.Contact a consultative committee first. D.Ask to see the boss for a talk immediately. 第4题: According to the talk, the union plays the following roles EXCEPT A.mediation.


Proof –reading (10%) (A) The following passage contains TEN error, each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case only ONE word is involved. You should proof-read the passage and correct it according to the following example: When ^ art museum wants a new exhibit, [1] an it never buys things in finished form and hang them on the wall [2] never when a natural history museum wants an exhibition, it must often build it. [3] exhibit 英语专业八级改错模拟题(1) Poverty exists because our society is an unequal one, and there are powerful political pressures to in the United States will inevitably be opposed by powerful middle and upper class interests. People can be relatively rich only if you are relatively poor, and as __2__ power is mainly in the hands of the rich, public policies reflect their interests than __3__ those of the poor. As Mr. Herbert Gans has pointed out, poverty is actually functional from the point of view of the non-poor. Poverty ensures that dirty work gets doing__4__. If there were no poor people to scrub floors and empty bedpans, their jobs will have to be __5__ rewarded with high incomes before anyone would touch them. Poverty creates jobs for many of the non-poor, such as police officers, welfare workers, and government bureaucrats. Poverty makes life easier for the rich by providing them with cookers __6__, gardeners, and other workers to perform basic chores when their employers enjoy __7__ more pleasurable activities. Poverty provides a market for more inferior goods __8__ and service, such as day-old bread, run down automobiles, or the advice of competent __9__ physicians and lawyers. Poverty also provides a group that can be made to absorb the costs of change. It is just that poverty is an inevitable outcome of the American economic system, in which the poor are politically powerless to influence or change. __10__
