

ChaPter 12 : LangUage And Brain

1. neurolinguistics: ItiS the StUdy Of relatiOnShiP between brain and Ianguage. It inClUdeS research into how the StrUCtUre of the brain in flue nces Ian guage lear ning, how and in WhiCh PartS of the brain Ian guage is stored, and how damage to the brain affects the ability to USe Ian guage.

2. psycholinguistics:the StUdy of Ian guage PrOCeSS in g. It is ConCerned With the PrOCeSSeS of Ian guage acqisiti on, COmPrehe nsion and PrOdUCt ion.

3. brain IateraIiZation: The IocalizatiOn Of cognitive and PerCePtiVe functions in a PartiCUIar hemisphere of the brain.

4. dichotic listening: A technique in WhiCh StimUIi either Iinguistic or non-Iinguistic are PreSented through headphOneS to the left and right ear to determine the IateraIiZatiOn of cognitive function.

5. right ear advantage: The Phenomenon that the right ear shows an advantage for the PerCePtion of Iinguistic Signals id known as the right ear advantage.

6. split brain studies: The experime nts that in VeStigate the effects of SUrgiCally SeVeri ng the COrPUS callosum On cog niti On are called as split brain studies.

7. aphasia: It refers to a nu mber of acquired Ian guage disorders due to the CerebraI Iesi OnS CaUSed by a tumor, an accide nt and so on.

8. non-fluent aphasia: Damage to PartS of the brain in front of the Cen tral SUICUS is called non-flue nt aphasia.

9. fluent aphasia: Damage to PartS of the left COrteX beh ind the Cen tral SUICUS

results in a type of aphasia called flue nt aphasia.

10. ACqUired dyslexia: Damage in and around the angular gyrus of the ParietaI lobe often CaUSeS the impairment of reading and Writing ability, WhiCh is referred to as acquired dyslexia.

11. phonological dyslexia: it is a type Of acquired dyslexia in WhiCh the Patie nt SeemS to have IoSt the ability to USe spelli ng-to-so Und rules.

12. SUrfaCe dyslexia: it is a type of acquired dyslexia in WhiCh the Patie nt SeemS Un able to recog nize words as whole but must PrOCeSS all words through a Set of spell in g-to-so Und rules.

13. spoonerism: a slip of ton gue in WhiCh the POSiti On Of SoUn ds, syllables, or words is reversed, for example, Let ' S have ChiSh and fipnstend of Let ' S have fish and chips.

14. priming: the PrOCeSS that before the PartiCiPants make a decision Whether the String of IetterS is

a word or not, they are PreSented With an activated word.

15. frequency effect: SUbjeCtS take less time to make judgement on frequently USed words than to judge less com monly USed words . ThiS Phe nomenon is called freque ncy effect.

16. IeXiCaI decision: an experiment that let PartiCiPants judge Whether a String of Ietter is a word or not at a Certa in time.

17. the Priming experiment: An experiment that let SUbjeCtS judge Whether a String of IetterS is a word or not after ShOWed With a StimUIUS word, called prime.

18. Priming effect: SinCe the men tal represe ntati On is activated through the prime, Whe n the target is PreSented, respOnSe time is ShOrter that it OtherWiSe would have been. ThiS is called the Priming effect. (06F)

19. bottom-up PrOCeSsing: an approach that makes USe Principally of information WhiCh is already PreSe nt in the data.

20. top-down PrOCeSsing: an approach that makes USe of PreViOUS kno WIedge and experie nce of the readers in an alyz ing and PrOCeSS ing in formatio n WhiCh is received.

21. garden Path sentences: a SentenCe in WhiCh the COmPrehe nder assumes a PartiCUIar meaning of a word or PhraSe but discovers later that the assumpti On WaS in correct, forcing the

COmPrehe nder to backtrack and rein terpret the sentence.

22. SliP Of the tongue: mistakes in SPeeCh WhiCh ProVide PSyCholinguistic evidence for the Way We formulate words and phrases.

ChaPter 11 : SeCOnd LangUage ACqUiSitiOn

1. SeCOnd IangUage acquisition:It refers to the SyStematiC StUdy of how One PerSon acquires a

SeC Ond Ian guage SUbSeqUe nt to his n ative Ian guage.

2. target language: The Ian guage to be acquired by the SeC Ond Ian guage lear ner.

3. SeCOnd language: A SeC Ond Ian guage is a Ian guage WhiCh is not a n ative Ian guage in a CoUntry but WhiCh is WideIy USed as a medium of com muni Cati Onand WhiCh is usually USed alon gside

ano ther Ian guage or Ian guages.

4. foreign language: A foreign Ianguage is a Ianguage WhiCh is taught as a school SUbjeCt but

WhiCh is not USed as a medium of in StrUCt ion in schools nor as a Ian guage of com muni Cati On Within

a CoUn try.

5. interlanguage: A type of Ianguage PrOdUCed by SeCOnd and foreign Ianguage Iearners, who are in the PrOCeSS of Iear ning a Ian guage, and this type of Ian guage usually ContainSWrong expressi ons.

6. fossilization: In SeCOnd or foreign Ianguage Iearning, there is a PrOCeSS WhiCh SOmetimeS OCCUrS in WhiCh inCOrreCt Iinguistic features become a Permanent Part of the Way a PerSon SPeakS or WriteS a Ian guage.

7. COntraStiVe analysis: a method of an alyz ing Ian guages for in StrUCt ional PUrPOSeS Whereby a

n ative Ian guage and target Ia nguage are COmPared With a VieW to establish ing poi nts of differe nce likely to CaUSe difficulties for Iear ners.

8. COntraStiVe analysis hypothesis:A hypothesis in SeC Ond Ian guage acquisiti On .It PrediCtS that Where there are SimiIaritieS between the first and SeCOnd Ianguages, the Iearner will acquire SeCOnd Ianguage StrUCtUre With ease, Where there are differences, the Iearner will have difficulty.

9. POSitiVe transfer: It refers to the tranSfer that occur When both the native Ianguage and the

target Ianguage have the Same form, thus making Iearning easier. (06F)

10. negative transfer: the mistaken tranSfer of features of One ' S native Ianguage into a SeCOnd Ian guage.

11. error analysis: the StUdy and an alysis of errors made by SeC Ond and foreig n Ian guage Iear ners in Order to ide ntify CaUSeS of errors or com mon difficulties in Ian guage Iear ning.

12. interlingual error: errors, WhiCh mainly result from CrOSS-Iinguistic interference at different levels SUCh as Phono IogiCaI, IeXiCaI, grammatical etc.

13. intralingual error: Errors, WhiCh mainly result from faulty or PartiaI Iearning of the target

Ian guage, in depe ndent of the n ative Ian guage. The typical examples are OVerge neralizati On and CrOSS-associati on.

14. OVergeneraIiZation: The USe of previously available StrategieS in new SitUatiOns, in WhiCh

they are Un acceptable.

15. CrOSS-association:some words are SimiIar in meaning as well as spelling and PronUnCiation.

ThiS internal interference is called CrOSS-association.

16. error: the PrOdUCtion of inCOrreCt forms in SPeeCh or Writing by a non-native SPeaker of a

SeC Ond Ian guage, due to his in complete kno WIedge of the rules of that target Ian guage.

17. mistake: mistakes, defi ned as either inten ti on ally or Uninten ti on ally devia nt forms and

self-corrigible, SUggeSt failure in PerfOrma nce.

18. input: Ian guage WhiCh a Iear ner hears or receives and from WhiCh he or She Can Iear n.

19. intake: the in PUt WhiCh is actually helpful for the Iearner.

20. InPUt HyPOthesis: A hypothesis proposed by KraShen , WhiCh StateS that in SeCOnd Ianguage

S n ecessary for the Iear ner to Un dersta nd in PUt Ian guage WhiCh ContainS Iin


S PreSe nt Iin guistic COmPete nce. EVen tually the ability to PrOdUCe Ian guage is Said to emerge n aturally WithOUt being taught directly.

21. acquisition: ACqUiSition is a PrOCeSS SimiIar to the Way ChiIdren acquire their first Ianguage. It is a SUbC On SCiOUS PrOCeSS WithOUt minute Iear ning of grammatical rules. Lear ners are hardly aware of their Iear ning but they are USing Ian guage to com muni cate. It is also called implicit Iear ning, in formal Iear ning or n atural Iear ning.

22. learning: Iearning is a conSCiOUS Iearning of SeCOnd Ianguage knoWIedge by Iearning the rules

and talk ing about the rules.

23. COmPrehenSibIe input: InPUt Ianguage WhiCh ContainS Iinguistic items that are SIightIy

beyOnd the Iearner ' S PreSent Iinguistic COmPetence. (06F)

24. IangUage aptitude: the n atural ability to Iear n a Ian guage, not in cludi ng in tellige nce, motivati on, in terest, etc.

25. motivation: motivatiOn is defined as the Iearner

' S attitudes and affective State or


drive. 26. instrumental motivation: the motivatiOn that people Iearn a foreign Ianguage for inStrUmental goals SUCh as PaSS ing exams, or furtheri ng a Career etc. (06C)

27. integrative motivation: the drive that people Iearn a foreign Ianguage because of the WiSh to ide ntify With the target culture. (06C/ 05)

28. resultative motivation: the drive that Iearners Iearn a SeCOnd Ianguage for external purposes. Iearnin g, it items that are Slightly beyOnd the Iearner


29. intrinsic motivation: the drive that Iearners Iearn the SeCOnd Ianguage for enjoyment or PIeaSUre from Iear ning.

30. Iearning strategies: Iearning StrategieS are Iearners

' C o riecAedsandaI

problem-solv ing based efforts to achieve Iear ning efficie


31. COgnitiVe strategies: StrategieS inVoIVed in analyzing, Synthesis, and internalizing What has

been learned. (07C∕ 06F)

32. metacognitive strategies:the techniqUeS in planning, monitoring and evaluating One ' S


33. affect/ social strategies: the StrategieS deali ng With the WayS lear ners in teract or com mun icate

With other speakers, n ative or non-n ative.

ChaPter 10: LangUage ACqUiSitiOn

1. IangUage acquisition: It refers to the child ' S acquisitiOn Of his motheetorogUehe. child

comes to Un dersta nd and SPeak the Ian guage of his com muni ty.

2. IangUage acquisition device (LAD): A hypothetical inn ate mecha nism every no rmal huma n

child is believed to be born with, WhiCh allow them to acquire Ian guage. (03)

3. UniVerSaI Grammar: A theory WhiCh CIaimS to accoUnt for the grammatical COmPetence of

every adult no matter What Ian guage he or She speaks.

4. motherese: A SPeCiaI SPeeCh to ChiIdren USed by adults, WhiCh is CharaCteriZed With slow rate

of speed, high pitch, rich intonation, ShOrter and SimPIer SentenCe StrUCtUreS etc.---- 又叫child

directed speech, Caretaker talk.(05)

5. CritiCaI PeriOd HyPOthesis: The hypothesis that the time SPan between early childhood and
