

I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s,8e(K r u g m a n) Chapter 4 Resources, Comparative Advantage, and Income Distribution 1) In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, an influx of workers from across the border would A) m ove the point of production along the production possibility curve. B) s hift the production possibility curve outward, and increase the production of both goods. C) s hift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the labor-intensive product. D) s hift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the capital-intensive product. E) N one of the above. Answer: D 2) In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the two countries differ in A) t astes. B) m ilitary capabilities. C) s ize. D) r elative availabilities of factors of production. E) l abor productivities. Answer: D 3) The Heckscher-Ohlin model differs from the Ricardian model of Comparative Advantage in that the former A) h as only two countries. B) h as only two products. C) h as two factors of production. D) h as two production possibility frontiers (one for each country). E) N one of the above. Answer: C 4) "A good cannot be both land- and labor-intensive." Discuss. Answer: In a two good, two factor model, such as the original Heckscher-Ohlin framework, the factor intensities are relative intensities. Hence, the relevant statistic is either workers per acre (or acres per worker); or wage per rental unit (or rental per wage). In order to illustrate the logic of the statement above, let us assume that the production of a broom requires 4 workers and 1 acre. Also, let us assume that the production of one bushel of wheat requires 40 workers and 80 acres. In this case the acres per person required to produce a broom is one quarter, whereas to produce a bushel of wheat requires 2 acres per person. The wheat is therefore (relatively) land intensive, and the broom is (relatively) labor intensive. 5) "No country is abundant in everything." Discuss. Answer: The concept of relative (country) factor abundance is (like factor intensities) a relative concept. When we identify a country as being capital intensive, we mean that it has more capital per worker than does the other country. If one country has more capital worker than


第一章绪论 1、列举出体现当前国际经济学问题的一些重要事件,他们为什么重要?他们都是怎么影响中国与欧、美、日的经济和政治关系的?当前的国际金融危机最能体现国际经济学问题,其深刻地影响了世界各国的金融、实体经济、政治等领域,也影响了各国之间的关系因此显得尤为重要;其对中国与欧、美、日的政治和经济关系的影响为:减少中国对上述国家的出口,影响中国外汇储备,贸易摩擦加剧,经济联系加强,因而也会导致中国与上述国家在政治上的对话与合作。 2、我们如何评价一国与他国之间的相互依赖程度?我们可以通过一国的对外贸易依存度来评价该国与他国之间的相互依赖程度,也可以通过其他方式来评价比如一国政府政策的溢出效应和回震效应以及对外贸易对国民生活水平的影响。 3、国际贸易理论及国际贸易政策研究的内容是什么?为什么说他们是国际经济学的微观方面?国际贸易理论分析贸易的基础和所得,国际贸易政策考察贸易限制和新保护主义的原因和效果。国际贸易理论和政策是国际经济学的微观方面,因为他们把国家看作基本单位,并研究单个商品的(相对)价格。 4、什么是外汇交易市场及国际收支平衡表?调节国际收支平衡意味着什么?为什么说他们是国际经济学的宏观方面?什么是宏观开放经济学及国际金融?外汇交易市场描述一国货币与他国货币交换的框架,国际收支平衡表测度了一国与外部世界交易的总收入与总支出的情况。调节国际收支平衡意味着调节一国与外部世界交易出现的不均衡(赤字或盈余);由于国际收支平衡表涉及总收入和总支出,调节政策影响国家收入水平和价格总指数,因而他们是国际经济学的宏观方面;外汇交易及国际收支平衡调节涉及总收入和总支出,调整政策影响国家收入水平和价格总指数,这些内容被称为宏观开放经济学或国际金融。 5、浏览报刊并做下列题目:(1)找出5条有关国际经济学的新闻(2)每条新闻对中国经济的重要性或影响(3)每条新闻对你个人有何影响 A (1) 国际金融危机: 影响中国整体经济,降低出口、增加失业、经济减速等 (2) 美国大选:影响中美未来经济政治关系 (3) 石油价格持续下跌:影响中国的能源价格及相关产业 (4) 可口可乐收购汇源被商务部否决:《反垄断法》的第一次实施,加强经济法治 (5) 各国政府经济刺激方案:对中国经济产生外部性效应B 以上5条新闻对个人影响为:影响个人消费水平和就业前景 第二章比较优势理论 1、重商主义者的贸易观点如何?他们的国家财富概念与现在有何不同?重商主义者主张政府应当竭尽所能孤立出口,不主张甚至限制商品(尤其是奢侈类消费品)。重商主义者认为国家富强的方法是尽量使出口大于进口,而出超的结果是金银等贵重金属流入,而一个国家拥有越多的金银,就越富有越强大。现在认为一个国家生产力即生产商品的能力越高则一国越富强 2、亚当.斯密主张的贸易基础和贸易模式分别是什么?贸易所得是如何产生的?斯密倡导什么样的国际贸易基础?他认为政府在经济生活中的适当功能是什么?亚当.斯密主张的贸易基础是绝对优势;贸易模式为两国通过专门生产自己有绝对优势的产品并用其中一部分来交换器有绝对劣势的商品。通过生产绝对优势商品并交换,资源可以被最有效的使用,而且两种商品的产出会有很大的增长,通过交换就会消费比以前更多的商品从而产生了贸易所得;斯密倡导自由贸易,主张自由放任也就是政府尽可能少干涉经济


第4章:资源和贸易:赫克歇尔-俄林模型 1.在2要素2产品的赫克歇尔-俄林模型中,境外工人流入将 A.使生产点沿着生产可能性曲线移动。 B.使生产可能性曲线外移并增加两种产品的生产。 C.使生产可能性曲线外移并减少消耗劳动的产品的生产。 D.使生产可能性曲线外移并减少消耗资本的产品的生产。 E.以上都不对。 答案: D 2.在2要素2产品的赫克歇尔-俄林模型中,两国在什么地方不相同? A.偏好 B.军事实力 C.大小 D.生产要素的有效性 E.劳动生产率 答案: D 3.在2要素2产品的赫克歇尔-俄林模型中,从封闭经济(无国际贸易)到开放经济的转 变将使什么的所有者获益? A.资金 B.充裕的生产要素 C.稀缺的生产要素 D.无弹性的生产要素 E.巨大替代弹性的生产要素 答案: B 4.在2要素2产品的赫克歇尔-俄林模型中,从封闭经济(无国际贸易)到开放经济的转 变 A.将趋向于使每个国家的工资水平变得相似。 B.将使每个国家的工资水平相等。 C.将趋向于使每个国家的工资水平变得不相似。 D.将趋向于使工资水平等于资本回报率。 E.将趋向于使租金等于利率。 答案: A 5.里昂惕夫悖论 A.支持李嘉图比较成本理论的有效性。 B.支持赫克歇尔-俄林模型的有效性。 C.不支持李嘉图比较成本理论的有效性。 D.不支持赫克歇尔-俄林模型的有效性。 E.证明了美国经济的与众不同。

答案: D 6.里昂惕夫悖论 A.指的是发现美国的出口品的劳动力密集度高于进口品的研究成果。 B.指的是发现美国的出口品的资本密集度高于进口品的研究成果。 C.指的是发现美国在埃基伍斯盒子外生产的研究成果。 D.仍然准确地解释美国现今的国际贸易模式。 E.指的是发现里昂惕夫—一个美国经济学家—有个俄国名字的事实。 答案: A 7.伯文,利莫和斯维考斯克斯在1987年的研究 A.支持里昂惕夫悖论的有效性。 B.支持赫克歇尔-俄林模型的有效性。 C.使用了一个两国和两产品的构架。 D.证明了事实上国家都趋向于使用不同的科技。 E.证明了美国的比较优势依赖与技术工人。 答案: A 8.现实中南北贸易模式的考察趋向于 A. 支持里昂惕夫悖论的有效性。 B. 支持赫克歇尔-俄林模型的有效性。 C.支持Rybczynski理论的有效性。 D.支持工资相等理论的有效性。 E.支持新帝国主义开采理论的有效性。 答案: B 9.丢失贸易的情况引用了 A.哈迪男孩的神秘故事丛书的第九卷。 B.世界的出口不等于进口的事实。 C.要素交易少于克歇尔-俄林模型的预测的事实。 D.c预测的交易量小于实际存在的事实。 E.以上都不对。 答案: C 10.假如美国人均资本拥有量高于墨西哥,且两国贸易存在昂惕夫悖论现象,则美国与墨 西哥签订北美自由贸易后,贸易量大幅度增加将使美国的哪些人收益? A.环境保护者 B.资本家 C.工人 D.地主 E.具有高人力资源水平的技术工人 答案: C



第四章 ( 1.Given the following table, which country is relatively more labor abundant? Show how you know. Which is relatively capital abundant?根据下表,那个国家是劳动相对丰富?为什么?那个是资本相对丰富? United States Canada Capital 40 machines 10 machines Labor 200 workers 60 workers Answer: The capital–labor ratios are 1/5 and 1/6 for the United States and Canada. Since 1/5 is greater than 1/6, the United States is capital abundant. By the same reasoning, the labor–capital ratio is higher in Canada, so it is labor abundant.资本- 劳动比率的五分之一和六分之一的美国和加拿大。由于五分之一大于6,1美国是 资金充裕。同样的道理,劳动,资本充足率在加拿大较高,所以它是劳动力丰富。

Answer: The United States is definitely better off because it can consume a greater quantity of both goods. If it traded five steel for 10 bread it would have 20 bread and 25 steel. This is the same amount of bread as before trade, and five more units of steel. It can keep the extra five steel, or trade some or all of them for additional bread. In either case, the consumption bundle is greater than it was before trade.美国无 疑是更好,因为它可以消耗两种商品 的数量更大。如果成交5钢10面包那 就得20面包和25钢。这是面包如贸 易前相同的量,及钢的五个单位。它可 以让多余的5钢或交易部分或全部的额 外面包。在两种情况下,消费束大于它 交易之前。 4. Given the information in Questions 1 and 2, explain what happens to the returns to capital and labor in each country after trade begins. 根据问题1和问题2的信息,解释当贸易开始后资本和劳动力的投入回报率是怎样变化的。 Answer: The changes in the returns to capital are different by country. In the United States, the demand for capital increases because more steel will be produced; conversely, the demand for labor falls because of the drop in bread production. Owners of capital benefit from the increase in demand for their inputs, while owners of labor suffer a decline in their returns (wages). In Canada, the effects are reversed.在资本收益的变化由国家有所不同。在美国,对资金需求的增加,因为更多的钢 会产生;相反,对劳动力的需求下降,因为在面 包生产的下降。从增加其投入资本的需求业主的 利益,而劳动力的业主遭受的回报(工资)的下 降。在加拿大,效果是相反的。


第四章 ( 1.Given the following table, which country is relatively more labor abundant? Show how you know. Which is relatively capital abundant?根据下表,那个国家是劳动相对丰富?为什么?那个是资本相对丰富? United States Canada Capital 40 machines 10 machines Labor 200 workers 60 workers

2. Suppose that the United States and Canada have the factor endowments given in the table in Question 1. Suppose further that the production requirements for a unit of steel is two machines and eight workers, and the requirement for a unit of bread is one machine and eight workers.假设美国和加拿大在表中问题1给出的要素禀赋进一步假设生产要求对钢铁的单位是两台机器和八名工人,和面包一个单位的要求是一台机器,八工人。 a. Which good, bread or steel, is relatively intensive in the use of capital? In labor? Show how you know. b. Which country would export bread? Why? Answers: a. The capital–labor ratio to make steel is 1/4; to make bread it is 1/8. Hence steel is more capital intensive and bread is more labor intensive.资本- 劳动比率,使钢的 四分之一;做面包是八分之一。因此,钢铁是资本密集和面包是劳动密集型的。 b. Since the United States is capital abundant and steel is capital intensive, according to the Heckscher-Ohlin trade model, the United States will export steel and Canada will export bread.由于美国是资本雄厚,钢铁是资本密集型的,根据赫克歇尔- 俄林贸易模式,美国将出口钢材和加拿大将出口面包。 3. Suppose that before trade takes place, the United States is at a point on its PPC where it produces 20 bread and 20 steel. Once trade becomes possible, the price of a unit of steel is two units of bread. In response, the United States moves along its PPC to a new point where it is producing 30 steel and 10 bread. Is the country better off? How do you know? 假定在开放对外贸易前,美国在生产可能性曲线上表示20个单位面包和20个单位钢铁的点上进行生产。一旦贸易进行,每单位的钢铁可以换2单位的面包。所以,美国将其生产点移至生产30单位钢铁和10单位面包的地方。请问,美国的总生产情况有没有变得更好?为什么? Answer:The United States is definitely better off because it can consume a greater quantity of both goods. If it traded five steel for 10 bread it would have 20 bread and 25 steel. This is the same amount of bread as before trade, and five more units of steel. It can keep the extra five steel, or trade some or all of them for additional bread. In either case, the consumption bundle is greater than it was before trade.美国无疑是更好,因为它可以消耗两种商品的数 量更大。如果成交5钢10面包那就得20面包和25钢。这是面包如贸易前 相同的量,及钢的五个单位。它可以让多余的5钢或交易部分或全部的额 外面包。在两种情况下,消费束大于它交易之前。 4. Given the information in Questions 1 and 2, explain what happens to the returns to capital and labor in each country after trade begins. 根据问题1和问题2的信息,解释当贸易开始后资本和劳动力的投入回报率是怎样变化的。


第四章 ( I. Give n the follow ing table, which country is relatively more labor abundant? Show how you know. Which is relatively capital abundant?根据下表,那个国家是劳动相对丰富?为什么? 那个是资本相对丰富? Uni ted States Canada Capital 40 machi nes 10 machi nes Labor 200 workers 60 workers Answer: The capital -labor ratios are 1/5 and 1/6 for the United States and Canada. Since 1/5 is greater than 1/6, the United States is capital abundant. By the same reasoning, the labor-c apital ratio is higher in Canada, so it is labor abundant资本- 劳动比率的五分之一和六分之一的美国和加拿大。由于五分之一大于6,1美国是资金充裕。 同样的道理,劳动,资本充足率在加拿大较高,所以它是劳动力丰富。

2. Suppose that the United States and Canada have the factor endowments given in the table in Question 1. Suppose further that the production requirements for a unit of steel is two machines and eight workers, and the requirement for a unit of bread is one machine and eight workers. 假设美国和加拿大在表中问题1 给出的要素禀赋进一步假设生产要求对钢铁的单位是两台机器和八名工人,和面包一个单位的要求是一台机器,八工人。 a. Which good, bread or steel, is relatively intensive in the use of capital? In labor? Show how you know. b. Which country would export bread? Why? Answers: a. The capital -abor ratio to make steel is 1/4; to make bread it is 1/8. Hence steel is more capital intensive and bread is more labor intensive. 资本- 劳动比率,使钢的四分 之一; 做面包是八分之一。因此,钢铁是资本密集和面包是劳动密集型的。 b. Since the United States is capital abundant and steel is capital intensive, according to the Heckscher-Ohlin trade model, the United States will export steel and Canada will export bread. 由于美国是资本雄厚,钢铁是资本密集型的,根据赫克歇尔- 俄林贸易模式,美国将出口钢材和加拿大将出口面包。 3. Suppose that before trade takes place, the United States is at a point on its PPC where it produces 20 bread and 20 steel. Once trade becomes possible, the price of a unit of steel is two units of bread. In response, the United States moves along its PPC to a new point where it is producing 30 steel and 10 bread. Is the country better off? How do you know? 假定在开放对外贸易前,美国在生产可能性曲线上表示20个单位面包和20 个单位钢铁的点上进行生产。一旦贸易进行,每单位的钢铁可以换 2 单位的面包。所以,美国将其生产点移至生产30单位钢铁和 1 0单位面包的地方。请问,美国的总生产情况有没有变得更好?为什么? Answer: The United States is definitely better off because it can consume a greater quantity of both goods. If it traded five steel for 10 bread it would have 20 bread and 25 steel. This is the same amount of bread as before trade, and five more units of steel. It can keep the extra five steel, or trade some or all of them for additional bread. In either case, the consumption bundle is greater than it was before trade. 美国无疑是更好,因为它可以消耗两种商品的数量更大。如果成 交 5 钢10 面包那就得20 面包和25 钢。这是面包如贸易前相同的量,及钢的五 个单位。它可以让多余的 5 钢或交易部分或全部的额外面包。在两种情况下,消费 束大于它交易之前。 4. Given the information in Questions 1 and 2, explain what happens to the returns to capital and labor in each country after trade begins. 根据问题1 和问题2的信息,解释当贸易开始后资本和劳动力的投入回报率是怎样变化的。


Chapter 4 Resources and Trade: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model Multiple Choice Questions 1. In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, an influx of workers from across the border would (a) move the point of production along the production possibility curve. (b) shift the production possibility curve outward, and increase the production of both goods. (c) shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the labor-intensive product. (d) shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the capital- intensive product. (e) None of the above. Answer: D 2. In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the two countries differ in (a) tastes. (b) military capabilities. (c) size. (d) relative availabilities of factors of production. (e) labor productivities. Answer: D 3. In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, a change from autarky (no trade) to trade will benefit the owners of (a) capital. (b) the relatively abundant factor of production. (c) the relatively scarce factor of production. (d) the relatively inelastic factor of production. (e) the factor of production with the largest elasticity of substitution. Answer: B 4. In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, a change from autarky (no trade) to trade (a) will tend to make the wages in both countries more similar. (b) will equalize the wages in both countries. (c) will tend to make the wages in both countries less similar. (d) will tend to make wages equal to returns to capital. (e) will tend to make rents equal to interest rates. Answer: A
