














英译汉真题(节选):Calls for Recognizing Least Developed Countries as …Vast Reservoirs? of Untapped Potential


There are few better places to hold the first major development conference of the decade. Here in Istanbul, cultures converge

and continents connect. You provide a bridge between North and South, East and West. We are here to continue building a bridge, a bridge we started to build four decades ago.

In 1971, the international community identified 25 Least Developed Countries: the poorest and weakest members of our global family, those in need of special attention and assistance. Today there are 48 LDCs, home to nearly 900 million people, 12 per cent of the global population, half of whom live on less than $2 a day.

They suffer disproportionately from largely preventable diseases. They are most vulnerable to natural disasters, environmental change and economic shocks. They are the least secure. Eight of the United Nations 15 peacekeeping operations are in least developed countries. In the past decade those nations have produced some 60 per cent of the world?s refugees.

The facts are plain. We live in an unbalanced world, an unfair world. With 12 per cent of the global population, LDCs account for just 1 per cent of world exports, and less than 2 per cent of global direct investment. Recent years have seen a transformation of the global economic landscape.

Since the 2001 Brussels Programme of Action was adopted, many LDCs have benefited from this changing environment. But others have seen little progress or have even slid back. We risk a splintered world economy, a widening gap between haves and have-nots, between those who have hope and those who do not.

This cannot continue.

I have painted rather a bleak picture. But there is another one, a landscape of opportunity. It is this outlook that I want to present to you today. It is time to change our mindset. Instead of seeing LDCs as poor and weak, let us recognize these 48 countries as vast reservoirs of untapped potential. Investing in LDCs is an opportunity for all.

First it is an opportunity to relieve the world?s most v ulnerable people of the burdens of poverty, hunger and needless disease. This is a moral obligation. Second, investing in LDCs can provide the stimulus that will help to propel and sustain global economic recovery and stability. This is not charity, it is smart investment. Third, it provides a massive opportunity for South-South cooperation and investment. The world?s rapidly emerging economies need both resources and markets. LDCs can provide both — and are increasingly doing so. Fourth, the LDCs represent a vast and barely touched area for enterprise, for business.

We have here, this week, all the ingredients for success, for a genuine partnership for development. You have worked hard in your preparations. You have reviewed the impact of the Brussels Programme of Action. You know what worked, and what did not, what should have been done and what still needs to be done.

Your negotiations for a new programme of action are on track. The issues are complex. Some are contentious. All are interlinked. I urge you to be ambitious and forward-looking. Deliver an Istanbul Programme of Action that will help the maximum number of LDCs to graduate from this category in the shortest time.

I would like to close, ladies and gentlemen, by highlighting some broad areas where we can reap the maximum benefits for LDCs and the global economy.

First, productive capacity. Most LDCs are rich in resources. All have young and vibrant populations. These men and women need decent jobs, education, training, so they can make the most of their country?s assets — minerals and other commodities, farmland, rich stores of biodiversity and tourism potential.

However, enhanced productive capacity will only be achieved with a dynamic and thriving private sector. One of the most significant aspects of this Conference is the enthusiastic engagement of the business community. Let us ensure that business has the right environment to thrive. It is no coincidence that the three countries that have graduated from the LDCs also score high on governance and democratic principles.

Let me now turn to the issue of aid. Official development assistance (ODA) to LDCs has nearly tripled in the past decade. But it remains below agreed targets. Yes, it is true that we live in times of austerity. But as I have said, assistance to LDCs is not charity, it is sound investment. Many also argue that current aid places too little emphasis on economic infrastructure and productive sectors. Furthermore, many LDCs are still saddled with unsustainable debt burdens. I urge lenders to revisit this issue.

Let me now turn to agriculture, which employs as much as 70 per cent of workers in LDCs. This is perhaps the most important sector for development. We need to invest more in smallholder farmers and the infrastructure they need. This means transferring appropriate technologies, supporting climate change adaptation and protecting ecosystems. We need to invest, too, in basic social protection and safety nets.

Global food prices are at new record levels. LDCs face a real prospect of a new crisis in food and nutrition security. In many LDCs, the poor spend more than half their incomes on food. More than 40 per cent of children in LDCs have had their growth and development stunted by malnutrition. A country that cannot feed its children cannot thrive.

My final point concerns trade. The international community has failed to follow through on global commitments in the Monterrey Consensus and the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development. I call again for a successful conclusion to the Doha Development Round of multilateral trade negotiations. There is little point in helping LDCs to grow food and other commodities, manufacture products and develop services if they cannot trade fairly in the global marketplace.

The United Nations system will continue to prioritize LDC issues throughout its programmes. We will work diligently with all partners to help implement the new Istanbul Programme of Action.

A measure of any society is how well it looks after its least fortunate. The same is true of the international community. Now is not the time to turn our backs, but to increase our support.

The past two decades saw spectacular progress among emerging economies. The LDCs are poised to be the next wave of development achievement. Let me emphasize again, ladies and gentlemen: I am not arguing for charity, but investment. The returns can be profound — not just for the people living in LDCs, but for all people — for the global economy. Success for the LDCs is ultimately success for all.

Let us try our best to make this world harmonious, balanced and better for all.


人事部CATTI三级口译实务考试出题规律 规律1:对话部分考社会热点内容,多与中西方文化交流有关 真题倒排: 2006年11月外国人看中国文化 2006年5月伦敦文化和中国春节 2005年11月姚明在美国NBA 2005年5月中国人和外国人对麦当劳不同的看法 2004年11月新一代居民身份证 2004年5月上海和上海世博会 2003年11月讨论世界地球日 复习建议: 这部分考试难度最低,不是考翻译,而是考察的学生的基本听力和口语的能力。这20分是学生必须要抢的20分。复习时要紧紧扣住热门词汇和近期热门话题,对于中国和英美一些特有的背景词汇要特别突击一下,比如这次考试出现的中国"古钱",上次考试出现的"春联",和更早考试出现的"麦当劳"。 考试根源: 中西方文化交流和冲突,以及社会关注的热点话题是一名外事工作者,在中低层次的口译工作中必然面临的工作内容,这就是以实用为原则的人事部考试出这种题材的原因。 规律2:英译汉部分考大会发言,多为大会的基调发言。 真题倒排:

2006年11月中国在世界舞台上的崛起 2006年5月环境保护和自然资源 2005年11月全球气候变暖 2005年5月亚洲的价值与繁荣 2004年11月科学、信息和社会 2004年5月介绍艾滋病 2003年11月英国王妃戴安娜的新闻 复习建议: 最早的考试可以忽略不计,戴安娜为新闻体,艾滋病过于专业,因此最近5次考试再也没有重复过这样的题型。因此,复习时应该紧紧扣住大会英语,背记有关大会英语的词汇和高频句子。人事部指定教材的英译汉内容基本都是大会的演讲,尤其是外国人来到中国参加各种大会的演讲,以及世界重大会议的基调发言外国人来到中国参加各种大会的演讲,以及世界重大会议的基调发言,广大同学应用听译-视译-听译的办法复习,相信指定教材对考试的指向性。不要过分偏离教材,按照自己的想象复习。考试时的策略是,这40分拿到一半就是胜利,把标准调低一点,努力坚持,不要被不会的东西吓住,从而产生放弃的心理,或彻底地胡说八道。 考试根源: 人事部三级口译考试是为社会提供职业的口译员,尤其是在各种会议上从事交替传译工作的口译员,因此其英译汉的题型必然以大会的背景为依托。但毕竟只是三级,所以内容不可能过于专业和深奥,只能选择相对泛泛的内容,也就是用相对严肃的词汇讲大而空的内容,这正是会议基调发言的特点。对话部分考题针对一般性外事活动中的听说能力,英译汉部分则是针对具体会议中的口译能力。口译员基本不会坐在电视边翻译新闻,所以戴安娜那样的题目不会再出了。换句话说,复习时不可把太多注意力放在新闻听力方面,因为这不是口译的话题和题材。 规律3:汉译英部分考外交式的严肃讲话或介绍中国政策和特色


模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题! 2005年05月CATTI 三级口译实务真题 一、Listen and Interpret (本大题1小题.每题20.0分,共20.0分。Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the signal to tell you when you start interpreting ) 第1题 【正确答案】: 麦克:赶紧找点东西吃,我饿坏了。 Li :I am also quite hungry .Hey .There is a McDonald's up ahead . 麦克:只要你向前走,总能碰上麦当劳;不管你朝哪看,总能看见一家该死的麦当劳。它们简直也太方便了。无处不在的“金色双拱形”真叫人恶心。你知不知道光美国就有8,000多家麦当劳餐馆,全世界的连锁店超过了11,000家。到2020年,每个人每天都要光顾麦当劳。 Li :I like the burgers anyway .Few places in the world are McDonald's-free .They have sold more than 100 billion burgers worldwide .In China alone ;several hundred McDonald's restaurants have been set up in recent years, and many children prefer to have their birthday-parties there. Of course, not all their food is good, but at least they are consistent. One burger is completely like the other no matter when you go. 麦克:随你怎么说,我反正认为那里的饭菜不怎么样。还有,你知不知道美国9%的孩子都认识麦当劳的标志——麦克唐纳大叔?麦当劳是美国最大的最低工资雇主,却拥有比地球上任何公司都多的房地产。更有甚者,据说美国每七个百万富翁中就有一个是从麦当劳起家的。 Li :Give me a break ,will you? I am starving . 麦克:可我已经没有胃口了。 二、Interpret (本大题1小题.每题40.0分,共40.0分。 Interpret the following passage from English to Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting ) 第1题 【正确答案】: 女士们,先生们: 为了本世纪亚洲的繁荣,我们应该追求一些什么样的价值观呢?我认为,自由、多样化和开放是促进亚洲和平和发展的三大价值观。 首先,勿庸置疑的是, 自由在政治上是指民主和人权,在经济上是指发展市场经济。

口译证书考试 试题库答案

商务英语口语参考答案 I.From Chinese into English 1、我坚信您的来访将促进我们双方的了解和友谊。 I’m sure your visit will help promote the friendship and understanding between us. 2、这样大的订单,我们通常是在收到有关信用证后两个月内交货。 For such a large order, we usually make delivery within two months after receipt of the relative L/C. 3、你们的报盘比你们在其它国家的竞争对手所报的一些价格要高 Y our offers are higher than some of the quotations from your competitors in other countries. 4、不过,按照惯例,除非你方要求,否则我们是不投保这些险种的。 But as a rule, we don’t cover them unless you want to. 5、由于你方的价格偏高,目前我们很难推销你方的数码摄相机。 As your price is on the high side, it’s difficult for us to push the sale of your digital cameras nowadays. 6、如有劣质货物交达,本公司就永远不会再下定单了。 If the goods of inferior/bad/poor quality are delivered, we will not place our order with you again. 7、如一方未能履约,另一方有权终止合同。 If one side fails to honour the contract, the other side are entitled to cancel it. 8、由于你方不同意降低价格,我们只好到他处订货。 As you don’t agree to reduce your price, we will have to purchase the goods elsewhere. 9、要是那样的话,您能否接受远期信用证,允许我们延迟付款,比如,见票后60天付款?If that’s the case, could you accept a time L/C and allow us to delay payment, say, 60 days after sight? 10、如果是我们的错,我们会乐意地赔偿贵方的损失的。 If we were at fault, we should be very glad to compensate for your losses. 11、我是不是有足够的时间办理入境和通关手续呢? Will I have enough time to go through the immigration and the customs? 12、假如你方给3% 的佣金,我们将向你试订一批货。 We shall book a trial order with you, provided you will give us a 3% commission. 13、请告诉我您需要的数量,这样我们才好安排生产和装运。 Please let us know the quantity you required so that we can arrange the production and shipment date. 14、顺便问一下,如果我想要货物在圣诞节前交的话,我什么时候必须开立信用证? By the way, when must I open the L/C if I want the goods to be delivered before Christmas season? 15、鉴于我们过去几年的友好合作关系,我们各让一步吧,我把价格降低3%。 In view of our good cooperation over the past years, let’s meet each other half way; I’ll make a reduction by 3%. 16、交货的延误是由于你们信用证的延误。你们的信用证昨天才到达。 The delay in shipment is due to your delay in opening the letter of credit. Y our L/C arrived only yesterday. 17、若你方愿意降低价格,比方说3%,我们愿向你方试订此货。 Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say, 3%, we would place a trial order with you. 18、我确定所有的货物在装运前都包装得很好。它们一定是在运输过程中遭到损坏。

2014年9月中级口译真题:听力(Listening and Translation)

2014年9月中级口译真题:听力(Listening and Translation) 第一部分听力(原文和解析) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (45 minutes) Part C: Listening and Translation I. Sentence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 1.People used to believe that to be healthy, they had to eat a lot of meat. Today, we eat more whole grain food, like bread and rice. Fruit and vegetable are also important. 2.The most important purpose of getting an education is to prepare us either for our future work and careers or for living a full life. 3.When you talk to people, don’t just focus on their words. Take note of their body language, voice tones and expressions. These will tell you more about the people you are talking with. 4.In British businesses, it is considered poor practice for employees to exhibit emotion on the job. Indeed, most British people find public displays of emotion, especially anger, offensive. 5.In America, you must be at least 16 years old to have your driver’s license. If you are 15, you may have a learner’s permit, which means you can only drive with an adult driver. II. Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE.After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. 21.North America is an interesting continent. There are many types of landforms, such as mountains and deserts. There are also great rivers and lakes. There are still many wide-open spaces. But there are crowded cities, too, for example, New York and Toronto. The United States and Mexico are part of North America. Canada is also in North America, and it is the biggest of



1997.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Diction 1. feel healthy 2. content 3. on average 4. six minutes 5. laugh more 6. 400 times 7. adulthood 8. growing up 9. effects of laughter 10. blood and stomach 11. physical exercises 12. facial and stomach 13. jogging 14. pain relief 15. forty university students

16. funny cassette 17. intended to relax 18. tolerate the discomfort 19. humour 20. immune system Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 B D C A D 6-10 D D C B B 11-15 B D A A C 16-20 D A B A D 21-25 B D C A C 26-30 D A C B C Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.这类独特的酒被认为是世界上最好的一种酒。 2.由于她打算扩店,她开价要买下隔壁的房产。 3.我再也不准备容忍你的无能。你被开除了。 4.会上有人提议在委员会里应该有一位教工代


1998.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案:SECTION1: LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Dictation 1. go on stage 2. unkind thing 3. restless and nervous 4. superstitious people 5. stage fright 6. friends and colleagues 7. wishing 8. it is hopes 9. also consider 10. good luck 11. from all directions 12. in the theatre 13. at rehearsal 14. yellow 15. traditional fears 16. 1artistic personality 17. performing live 18. unstable profession 19. lose his confidence 20. always expect Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 C B D C D 6-10 C B C A C 11-15 C C A D B 16-20 C D A B A 21-25 C D B B A 26-30 C C A D A Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.公司正在考虑招聘额外工作人员以应付日益增长的需要。 2.那家超市经理,其背景我很熟悉,绝对/百分之百的诚实。 3.我承认/同意,它们很相似,但是假如你确实仔细观察的话,你会发现它们并不是一样的。 4.我认为应该迫使所有的教师到外部世界生活,而不是从教室走向大学,然后再回到教室。 5.社会学家发现很多妇女希望自己生来就是男人,据说这数字在发达国家高达百分之六十。 Ⅱ.Passage Translation 1. “全包/一揽子/包办度假”越来越流行。旅行社为度假者安排交通和旅馆,甚至饮食。那就是为什么 称为包办度假。这类度假通常非常便宜。那可能是为什么包办度假在工薪阶层和养老金领取者中那么流行的缘故。 2. 关于家长/父母方面,我最恼火的是他们不会说/不知道怎么说“不”。他们很少花时间去向他们的孩 子解释为什么某种行为是错的,结果是,孩子们被允许自己决定做什么以及什么时候去做。他们被允许熬夜,看不适合他们的电视,并且拥有过多的新玩具。他们并不需要糖果或玩具。他们需要的是父母的时间,而这似乎是越来越少/老是不够。 SECTION2: STUDY SKILLS 1-5 D D B C A6-10 D C D A B 11-15 C B C D B16-20 C B B D D 21-25 C C B A B26-30 D B D C A SECTION3: TRANSLATION(1) 英国广播公司国际广播电台是世界上最大的广播网,在全球拥有1.4亿听众,可以通过短波、中波、调频和卫星收听以44种语言广播的节目。我们有一项雄心勃勃的计划,即明年起使用全新的卫星数码技术进行广播。国际互联网的出现使我们(广播人)措手不及。国际互联网可以使位于世界任何一个地方的广播电台以很小的投资便可成为一家国际广播站。虽然互联网广播的音质远非完善,但却胜于短波。互联网电台的出现不仅意味着竞争,同时也提供了机会。英国广播公司非成认真地对待互联网广播一事。

2011年5月及历年人事部CATTI三级口译真题回忆 及感想

两点,考完实务,刚回到宿舍,有点小兴奋,没睡着觉。 想着,趁着思维还活跃,来回顾一下真题,跟大家分享。 上午,十点到十一点,《口译综合》部分: 1.判断题:是关于战争对伊拉克对人民生活,心理等的影响。题目不难,但有些选项很有迷惑性,而且不是每题的选项内容跟着录音走的,有时候可能会跳跃,所以大家听之前要纵观题目内容,心里有个底。 2.单句理解。各种话题都有,比一般听力理解要难,比平时练习也难一些,会涉及到一些谚语俗语的理解,很短,比如“man in the street" 就不能理解为"the man standing in the street",类似的有好几个,都有点迷惑人,另外还有出现出生时间与年岁间换算,不过这种大家应该见得比较多。总之,出题总会有些拐弯抹角,来设置陷阱。 3.篇章理解。说实话,比我想象中的难。老师总说过综合没什么问题,因而轻视了,也没怎么练习。同样跳跃性大,选项内容4要纵观全文来判断,这样也就增加了难度。 4.填空。内容是经济类。我没具体看,只管填词了。速度快,笔记也要快。 5.听力复述。关于北极熊是濒临物种,涉及到全球变暖的原因,以及保护工作什么的。这部分我没做好。后来有点敢,怕时间不够去涂卡,结果半途回来接着写复述,笔记都不太看的懂了,囧,希望老天保佑,阅卷人大慈大悲,给我多点分。。。 下午,一点半到两点,《口译实务》部分: 这是我们大家最怕,最担心的部分了,也是平时练习的重点,过不过关键在此了。 补充,这次考试,有英音有美英,这对我平时只听美英的人来说,有点加大难度了。 1.对话部分:是关于四川菜的,还行,挺口语化的,虽然涉及到菜系说法,但都很浅显,没有考很深。词也比较基础。 2.英译汉:关于地球熄灯一小时计划的。涉及到一些城市名与著名景点地,比如纽约的帝国大厦,巴黎的埃菲尔铁搭。这个平时看关于这个的中文新闻也会提到的,什么世界各地啊哪儿哪儿的都参与熄灯计划中,为保护我们共同的地球而努力之类的话。所以可以算比较简单了。 3。汉译英:中文与汉字。这个有点出乎意料,我以为会是某个演讲讲话,什么中国外交关系呢,因为以前大都这样。出现的词有些也不好翻,什么“象形文字”“表意文字”之类的,当时一瞬间很难想出合适的表达。平时练习,还是广泛涉猎各种话题吧,有些人说梅德明编的三口那个教材不太实用,我觉得不是,你要是把那书中的话题词汇都啃熟了,考试就容易多了,我估计这次汉字的可能书上就有类似的,菜系书上是有的。学的多,总会是有好处的。


9月中级口译真题+参考答案(4) Questions 16-20 We are moving inexorably into the age of automation. Our aim is not to devise a mechanism which can perform a thousand different actions of any individual man but, on the contrary, one which could by a single action replace a thousand men. Industrial automation has moved along three lines. First there is the conveyor belt system of continuous production whereby separate operations are linked into a single sequence. The goods produced by this well-established method are untouched by the worker, and the machine replaces both unskilled and semiskilled. Secondly, there is automation with feedback control of the quality of the product: here mechanisms are built into the system which can compare the output with a norm, that is, the actual product with what it is supposed to be, and then correct any shortcomings. The entire cycle of operations dispenses with human control except in so far as monitors are concerned. One or two examples of this type of automation will illustrate its immense possibilities. There is a factory in the U.S.A. which makes 1,000 million electric light bulbs a year, and the factory employs three hundred people. If the preautomation techniques were to be employed, the labour force required would leap to 25,000. A motor manufacturing company with 45,000 spare parts regulates their entire supply entirely by computer. Computers can be entrusted with most of the supervision of industrial installations, such as chemical plants or oil refineries. Thirdly, there is computer automation, for banks, accounting departments, insurance companies and the like. Here the essential features are the recording, storing, sorting and retrieval of information. The principal merit of modern computing machines is the achievement of their


2014年3月中级口译听力原文及听力解析 听力原文 Spot Dictation: My topic for today’s lecture is communication, culture and work. When most people use the word ―culture‖, they think of people from different national backgrounds. National cultures certainly do exist, and they play an important role in shaping the way people communicate. But there are other dimensions of culture too. Within a nation, regional differences can exert a powerful influence on communication. New Yorkers and Alaskans may find one another’ s styles of be having so different that they might as well be from different countries. Race and ethnicity can also shape behavior, so can age. The customs, values and the attitudes of a 20-year-old girl may vary radically from those of her parents who were raised in the 1960s or her grandparents who lived through the Great Depression and World War II. Still, other differences can create distinctive cultures, gender, sexual orientation, physical disabilities, religion and social economic background or just a few. All of these factors lead to a definition of culture as a set of values, beliefs, norms, customs, rules, and codes that lead people to define themselves as a distinct group, giving them a sense of commonality. It’s important to realize that culture is learned, not innate. A Korea-born infant adapted soon after birth by American parents and raised in the United States will think and act differently than his or her cousins who grew up in Seoul An African-American who grew up in the city will view the world differently than he or she would if raised in the suburbs or in the countries like France when African heritage has different significance than it does in the United States. The norms and values we learned as a part of our culture conditioning shaped the way we view the world and the way we interact with one another. In short, culture has such an overwhelming influence on communication. The famous anthropologist Edward W. once remarked ―culture is communication and communication is culture‖. Statements: 1: This report is urgent I have to finish typing it by Monday morning, so there goes my sleep this weekend. 2: What this office needs is better sound-proofing. I can’t concentrate here with all that traffic passing by on the street below. 3: Learning a language is a laborious (15:17) process, and adjusting to this subtle cultural differences require much more time and patience than anyone can imagine. 4: If you can talk your boss into investing in that project, it will be a turning point for your company and we both shall benefit in the long run. 5: I am afraid we’ve undercharged them; the invoice doesn’t include the legal fee and our agency’s commission. I think we need to inform. them about this immediately.


三级口译真题 2019上半年CATTI口译三级真题(英译汉) Last night, when I was coming into town from Pudong Airport, I crossed the beautiful Huangpu River on the Lupu Bridge. This reminded me of China’s talent in making bridges and made me think of three other important bridges. Bridge number one: 40 years ago, China started to build a “bridge to the world” by opening its economy and by kickstarting reforms that have changed the lives and prospects of hundreds of millions of people—here and beyond China. By transforming itself—through trade, hard work, and learning from others—China has also helped to transform the global economy. Progress in this country has played a significant role in boosting productivity, innovation and living standards in countries around the world. Yes, there is always more work to be done. On these bridges, you don’t want traffic jams. There is room for even greater openness in China’s domestic market, which can help


1997.3 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Diction 1. like a rocket 2. crew 3. cargo-hold 4. laboratory 5. plan 6. in advance 7. every week 8. next 9. convenience 10.immense opportunities 11. reusable 12.space station 13. piece by piece 14. for the rest 15. commonplace 16. platforms 17. solar system 18. developed and available 19. technology 20. extensive programmes Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 A A C A A 6-10 B B D B D 11-15 A B D D D 16-20 B D A D C 21-25 B C C D B 26-30 A D C A C Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.纽约有一场大雾,我们在那里被耽搁了。 2.在中国逗留期间,我们希望了解能否在此开一家新德分支机构。 3.我希望下星期某个时候能与安妮会面。星期一上午合适吗? 4.如果你有合格德资历与经验,工资会略微高一点。 5.他刚开始工作后,发现(工作)比他期望的要困难得多。 Ⅱ.Passage Translation 1.我是10年前到美国的,但我非常清楚地记得那一天。飞机下午三点钟降落在肯尼迪机场时,我德朋 友在迎候着我。天气很冷,下着雪,我却兴奋,一点也不在乎。 2.从监狱里获释的人当中大约有七成迟早会再进监狱。有些人认为这正说明了一个人一旦成为罪犯, 九可能永远是罪犯。但这也同样意味着进了监狱就会使人更有可能犯罪。 SECTION 2:STUDY SKILLS 1-5 D D C A D 6-10 D D B A A 11-15 C A D C C 16-20 C A D B D 21-25 A C B B A 26-30 D D C A B SECTION 3: TRANSLATION 1 世界的面貌正在发生引人注目的变化,其变化之快几乎就象这座城市德空中轮廓。今天,冷战已经结束。全球核冲突的危险性已大大减小,商品和思想的自由交流正在激发地球村的概念。但是,正如世界各国会受益于这个新世界的美好前景,没有一个国家能够免遭其祸害。缔造和平与繁荣,抵御不分国界的诸多威胁---恐怖主义、贩毒、疾病和环境破坏,这些与我们大家都有着利害关系。 为了最有效地迎接这些挑战,中国和美国必须协力行动。有些人说,随着冷战的结束,美中关系的战略意义已经减弱了。我认为这些人刚好说反了。随着新世纪的开始,加强美国和中国的联系,其重要性将变得更大。


2003年12月英语三级口译实务试题 试题部分: Part I Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the dialogue only once. 赵:“地球日”是怎么回事?什么时候开始的?都取得了哪些成就? Smith: Earth Day was started in 1970. It was set to help raise the general public’s environmental awareness. For one thing, it provides a special day to remind people to take care of the Earth. It also gives special interest and environmental groups an opportunity to motivate their members to take action in their communities. 赵:听起来不错。可就在环保取得成绩的同时,人口膨胀,臭氧层空洞,全球气候变暖这些问题一点也没有改善。地球人口越多,资源消耗的越多,产生的垃圾 也越多,到时连种粮食的地都没有了怎么办?对此我们决不可掉以轻心。Smith: That is certainly true. By the year 2005, there will be 7 billion people on the planet. I personally think that recycling is the answer. Paper, metal, rubber, oil, and many other materials are going to have to be recycled on a much greater scale. Everyone will have to be involved. Perhaps even special legislation will be required. It is true that we are losing millions of hectares every year to housing and roads. But there is still a lot of undeveloped land that could be used for both farming and housing. And science and technology is helping us to get more out of the land that is used for farming. 赵:那么今年“地球日”你打算都干点什么呢? Smith: I will probably attend our city’s annual “Earth Day” celebrations and then help pick up the mountain of garbage left over. Part II Interpret the following passage from English to Chinese. On August 31, 1997, Lady Diana Spencer, former wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, was killed with her companion Dodi Fayed in a car accident in Paris. Tests conducted by French police indicated that the driver, who also died in the crash, was intoxicated and likely caused the accident while trying to escape the paparazzi photographers who consistently tailed Diana during any public outing. Sixteen years earlier, nearly four billion people in 74 countries had tuned in to witness the marriage of Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, to Lady Diana, a young English schoolteacher. Married in a grand ceremony at St Paul’s Cathedral in the presence of 2,650 guests, the couple’s romance was for the moment the envy of the world. However, before long the fairy-tale couple grew apart, an experience that was particularly painful under the ubiquitous eyes of the world’s tabloid media. In August 1996, two months after Queen Elizabeth II urged the couple to divorce, the prince and princess reached a final agreement. In exchange for a generous settlement, and the right to retain her apartments at Kensington Palace and her title of princess, Diana agreed to relinquish the title of “Her Royal Highness” and any future claims to the British throne. In the year between the divorce and her fatal car accident, the popular princess seemed well on her way of achieving her dream of becoming “a queen in people’s hearts.”
