







--Is your father a teacher?

--No. he works in _____ police station

【A】a 【B】an 【C】the 【D】/


Wang Hui is my friend. _____ English name is Henry.

【A】My 【B】Her 【C】Your 【D】His


--Kitty, don't eat candy any more. Too much sugar is ____ for you.

--OK, mum.

【A】fine 【B】healthy 【C】bad 【D】sweet


-- _______ it on the blackboard, please.

--OK. P-E-N-C-I-L.

【A】Spell 【B】Read 【C】Write 【D】Draw


--Tony, don’t stand _____me. I can’t see the picture on the blackboard.

--Sorry, Betty.

【A】behind 【B】next to 【C】in front of 【D】on the left of 【答案】C

Ice cream isn’t healthy food ______ I don’t like it very much.

【A】and 【B】but 【C】for 【D】or


--Sarah. is that your mother?

--Oh, yes. She is a ____ here. She teaches English.

【A】doctor 【B】manager 【C】teacher 【D】driver


--________ is your bedroom like? Is it big?

---No. it's a bit small but it's very clean.

【A】What 【B】Where 【C】Who 【D】How


--Sam, is there a ding hall in your school?

--________. It’s on the right of the science building.

【A】Yes. there is 【B】No, there isn’t 【C】Yes, there are 【D】No, there aren’t 【答案】A

--Daming, this is my brother Jack.


【A】You're welcome 【B】Have a nice day 【C】Good idea 【D】Nice to meet you 【答案】D



David is a manager. He is working in his company when he gets a phone call from a(n) 1.______woman It’s Mrs. Green. She is eighty. She falls down 2.______the floor. She wants to call her daughter for help. But she doesn’t dial the right 3.______.

Mrs. Green is alone at home, 4._____ David wants to help her. He asks a woman to talk with Mrs. Green on the phone. Then he 5.______ to Mrs. Green's house.

After a few minutes, David gets to e house. The door is 6.____.He goes into it. There he sees Mrs. Green. The old woman is 7._____ afraid*.

Mrs. Green, I'm the man on the phone. I’m here to 8._____ you. David says

He puts Mrs. Green on the sofa and talks with her. After two hours, Mrs. Green's 9._____ comes back home and takes Mrs. Green to the hospital with David. When everything is OK David says goodbye to them and/drives back to work

What a(n)_10.____ man! "Mrs. Greens daughter says

1. A young B. old C. great D. happy

2. A. for B. at C. in D. on

3. A. house B name C. number D. office

4. A. but B. and C. so D. or

5. A. drives B. walks C. goes D. runs

6. A. closed B. big C. open D. small

7.A always B. often C. very D. also

8. A. welcome B. than C. help D. know

9. A husband B. son C. brother D. daughter

10. A. interesting B. strong C. busy D. nice

【答案】1-5BDCCA 6-10CCCDD




Johnson drives a school bus in a city, but his bus isn't the same as other school buses because there aren't any children on it. There are only dogs. Johnson ‘bus takes dogs to school at 8: 00 In the morning and brings them back home at 5: 00 in the afternoon.

Every day he takes the dogs to “The Dog School". He teaches the dogs to do many things in the school: sit down, stand up, bring the shoes to the owner*. He also teaches the dogs how to protect “their owners. The owners of the doglike Johnsons school very much. So many dogs in the city go to Johnsons school--big dogs, small dogs, old dogs, young dogs. Johnson says that young dogs can learn more quickly, but the old ones can’t.

Do you have a dog? Maybe it would like to go to “The Dog School”

Welcome your dog to “The Dog School"!

1. Johnson _______.

A. works in a bus station

B. teaches in a school for dogs

C. keeps a dog in the house

D. teaches children at school

2. At nigh the dogs stay __________.

A. on the bus

B. in a hospital

C. in the school

D. at home

3. What kind of dogs can learn quickly?

A. Strong dogs

B. Old dogs

C. Young dogs

D. Big dogs.

4.We can know from Paragraph 2 that_____________.

A. the dogs learn to do many things for their owners

B. everyone likes to take their dog to the dog school

C. the dogs do many things for Johnson in the school

D. all the dogs in the city go to learn in Johnsons school

5. What’s the best title(标题) of the passage?

A. A School for Dogs

B. A Bus for Dogs

C. How to Find Dogs

D. How to Drive a Bus



There stands a tall and big tree next to a river. There is a small reed* a little far from it. The tree is happy every day, its head high in the sky. It often says to itself, "How strong I am! Nothing can make me bow*. "But the reed always looks down.

One day the tree says to the reed. You always sing sad songs when the wind comes Are you afraid of winds? I think you are so little and weak*. Don’t worry. Come to me and live "under me.

I am taller and stronger than all the other trees. I can take care of you.

I’m not afraid of any winds at all. Do not worry about me. When the wind comes, I bow myself before it, so I do not break*, the reed answers

That night there comes a strong wind. The little reed also bows herself. But the tree still stands straight in the wind. The wind is stronger and stronger. At last the tree breaks

When the morning comes, the reed still stands there. She is bowing her head but facing the sun.

1.The tall tree lives _______.

A next to a house B. near a river

C. behind the reed

D. in front of the reed

2.The tree thinks the reed is _________.

A. happy

B. strong

C. unhappy

D. unhealth

3. The tree asks the reed to live under him because_______.

A. he can play with her

B. he likes her very much.

C. he can look after her

D. the reed can sing for him

4. What does the reed do when the strong wind comes?

A. She bows her head

B. She walks to the tree

C. She looks up to the sky

D. She goes to the river.

5. What can we learn from the story?

A. We do not need to stand straight when the weak wind comes.

B. We should make friends with the one who is taller and stronger.

C. When we have something difficult, sometimes we have to bow.

D. When we meet something difficult, we should ask friends for help.



阅读下面这段对话,选择方框内五个序号所代表的句子将对话补充完整。A: Hey, Gina. Do you want some ice cream?

B: No thanks. ______1._____.

A: Where are you going?

B: I’m going to play basketball. Do you want to come?

A: Sorry, I can’t. ___2._____.

B: Well, come later then. We're playing all afternoon.

A: __3._____But I’m not very good at basketball.

B: Don' t worry about that. ___4.______you can just watch Come on-it will be fun A: Well, OK. ___5._______

B: OK. See you

A.It sounds nice.

B.See you later.

C.I need to do my homework.

D.I’m going out.

E.You don’t have to play.





remember, capital, delicious, between, this

1.Hangzhou, a beautiful city, is the ______of Zhejiang.

2.My grandmother is very old and can’t _____my name.

3.Have some _______ chicken soup. It's good for your health.

4. Hello! My name is Amy. ______are my friends, Betty and Carla.

5. The science lab is ______the office building and the classroom building.

【答案】1. capital 2. remember 3. delicious 4. these 5. between


Alex Smith is an English football player and he plays 1._____.He is 2.______ years old now. He has a big family with many 3. _____(堂兄弟) They help each other and watching football games.

Alex plays football every day. He has a lot of 4. ______(水), eggs, meat and vegetables 5._____(真正地) healthy. He goes 6.______(购物) with Mrs. Smith every weekend. They often 7.______(买)some flowers because Mrs. Smith likes to keep their house beautiful. They love each other. This 8. _____(秋天), they had their first child. When he is 9. _______(劳累的) his son can make him happy. He loves his family very much. He thinks family is very 10. _____(重要的).

【答案】1. well 2. thirty 3.cousins 4. water 5.really 6.shopping 7.buy 8.autumn 9. tired 10.important



1. Chinese, a, Mike, boy, is (.)


2. spell, you, do, how, apple (?)


3. Wednesday, swimming, on, lets, go (.)


4. got, have, some, and, juice, we, coffee(.)


5. wall, there, any, pictures, are, on, the(?)



1.Mike is a Chinese boy.

2.How do you spell apple?

3.Let’s go swimming on Wednesday.

4.We have got some juice and coffee.

5.Are there any pictures on the wall?


假如你是Sandy,你的学校将组织一次以“ I Like My School”为题的英语征文比赛,请你写篇60词左右的英语短文参加比赛。短文要对以下内容进行相应的描述:




参考词汇: building,lunch. classmate, teacher, favorite

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________【答案】略

【解答】考查介绍学校主题作文。文章主题是以M3课文主题改写,介绍学校的基本信息,会用到there be句型,包括方位介词的使用方式。




Sir Tim Berners-Lee, an English computer scientist, got the 2016 Turing A ward(图灵奖,计算机界诺贝尔奖) for inventing(发明) the World Wide Web. He is not the most famous scientist in the world, 1.____ his invention has changed our lives.

He was born in London in 1955. He studied computer science at Oxford University from 1973 to1976, and made his first computer from an old television at the age of 21. After leaving the university, he began to 2. _____in England.

Tim was 3. _____two things, computers and how the brain(脑)works so quickly. Could a computer work like a brain? Is it OK for the computer to" talk" to other computers? At that time, he worked with people all over the world and they shared(分析)4. _____ about computers. There was already an Internet, but it was 5. _____ to use. It was hard for everyone to get all the information, so he must answer the same question again and again. It took a lot of 6.______.

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, and then gave his invention to the world for7._____ .WWW had a special(特别的) language that helped computers 8. _____each other on the Internet. When people wanted to share information with others, they used the WWW.The Internet grew 9._____ after that. More and more people could use the Internet to search for information.

Most inventors want to be rich, but Tim makes it free for everyone to use his invention. He doesn't think he does anything special. He says all of the ideas about the Internet are already there. All he does s to put 10.____ together. Maybe he is the greatest but least famous inventor in the world today!

1. A. and B. but C. or D. so

2. A. teach B. work C. study D. play

3. A. interested in B. good at C. careful with D. worried about

4. A. science B. information C. world D. school

5. A. difficult B. right C. easy D. nice

6. A. money B. room C. time D. health

7. A. somebody B. nobody C. something D. thing

8. A. listen to B. look at C. think of D. talk to

9. A. slowly B. badly C. quickly D. ally

10. A. them B. it C. us D you

【答案】1-5BAABA 6-10CADCA



Do you like travelling? Now I want to share one of my interesting 1. ______(trip)with you last summer. I 2. ____ (visit )Dongtou, a beautiful place not far from downtown Wenzhou. I went there by car 3. _____ my mother and some friends. It was a sunny day. The sea was 4. ____beautiful that I fell in love with it the moment I saw it.

Everyone thought it must be great 5. _____(swim)in the sea, so we jumped into the sea after we arrived. Then we played volleyball 6. _____(happy )on the beach. It was one of the most relaxing moments that I had ever enjoyed. In the evening, we had dinner in 7. ______small restaurant near the beach. There were different kinds of seafood in the restaurant. The fish was fresh. I think that’s 8. _____it tasted so great. We came back home after dinner. We all enjoyed 9. _____ (we)on that day.

10. ______ it is only a short trip, I will never forget it.

【答案】1.trips 2.visited 3.with 4.so 5.to swim 6.happily 7.a 8.why 9.ourselves 10.Though/Although
